ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1941 FIVE tan mo lUntab FOR RENT 3room house partly furnished, $8.00 a month, at Wilbur. Address Lloyd Harvey, Rt. 2, Box 234, Roseburg, Ore gon.. .-. ... . . . FOR RENT Our home on Re sorvlor "' Ave., after' January fifth. See Mrs. Kenneth Ban nister at 114' W. Lane St. or call S98Y for details. ' - FOR RENT Modern 3-room fur r nlshod " apartment, gas heat, electric washer. Adults only. Inquire Harth's Toggery. NEW 5-room liousj lor rent In quire at 342 W. 2nd ave. K. ) room lurnished apartment. In quire 1143 Harvard ave. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. CLEAN rooms. 707 West Mosher. goal Estate A FEW farms available In Doug las county. These are priced to sell. Inquire at the National Farm Loan Association, Per kins Bldg. The Federal Land Bank. FOR SALE Five room house A-l condition, 740 South Jackson: Terms like rent.- Coen Lumber Company. Help Wonltfl WANTED Housekeeper. Family ' of three. $20.00 a' month. Box 1174, co News-Review.' Fuel WASH TUBBS I- 1 GREEN and dry- slab wood ft S ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. ' r .- nr. ss"MMMMiiswswsswis-MiiiweitMMi i - - - -- J ALLEY OOP r" ' ' ' r 'jghtfpntheJob- ' ' ''-' - " feiF-'''.SO THOTlS..WMG JOHKlfe ) ( WCNv, CXMKJV, VOU'IZE TO ,NV T 7 tV Ji 'il C 1 'MA-yr-l MEM?QUARTEtg3...WHiCH J f STA.V RlcSMT HERE ' A THSATES TT$ lit SJ M irlf WMW ' flVE GOT T'SETr: ' , .,-pLJ ( OUTA eiGHT...UWKlERSTAtJD? J ! Toijr...THERB AJNfT mo 4t lil Pp " 0 -n l IS A I 1 iQ, Qs i' (RECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS r; - ' - Pop's a Bjg Help " ' ' " By Merrill Blosser M ( Bur WE OWLY HAD FOUR IN 1 WILL YOU PAV DON'T DO y , S0RR.y I CANT HELP VOU-" lift; irj I W 7 jTJi ' OUR PARTV 1 "THOSE OTHER IT OR MUST I THAT MB WHATS My SON WEMT TO A DANCe IN u.ti a tt fTA i KIDS PULLED A ' FAST ONE 1 CALL YOUR DIDNT YOUR KIMOSTON ! THE BOY YOU SiYb damt a ) ' ' V IWVl I BY DEDICATING THE BILL TO ME ' FATHER? WANT ME" PHONE HAVE ' MUST BE THE ONE JI3,"?!.- J . i 1, 'W.YM l, : . A ' V TO COME NUMBER? WHO IMPERSONATED MY (Y COMPLIMENTS f , 1 ' - 'S ' Jk'hil i i tllfllllf II ' V TjieV V HITX HERE IM AND SON IN LEESBURG I ' ' ' V ' , life r f )) Mmfms$r uiAlo, fe j BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ' " '' Huh! ' By Edgar Marin t w'DWEc.Nc-e.'5 ' OTP v-r t .Jii 'JP &''hii&hfi$m V0W RECORD AS A SPECIAL A - WE'VE BEEM ' " r f fjduisf asentis ouf&TANDiLKi.vouR J impressed ey mj0..ym ' V ! y7 ' 1 LIFE HAS BEEN CJME MARROW 7 VOUR APPARENT Sl ''.' WE'VE ESCAPE AFTER ANOTHER fS KWACK OF SOR' " 1VE "."'I' BEEM-X. - " - - 'J2- DISASTER M BEEM LUCKX St P rvrrT'T. .'V. "6UH ' ,vl QUITE A BIT ,, .t ,'?! Z. "TTT7 iS X Livestock FOR SALE 2 Australian shep-'- herd females, 1 18 months ola. She's extra good on-stocK. 1 6 months old,' working good. $5.00 and $3.00. Froil Reir.hatt, Yoneallu. . -' ." . . ' FARMERS ATTENTION. We do custom killing, cutting and curing.- Minimum charge for kill ing hogs, 75 cents each. Also beef or veal butchering. Call 04. . .. 10 Hereford and Durham heifers, yearling, two, three year olds, on Paul Simpson ranch, Glide. Inquire J. B. Davis, owner, Sutherlln, Oregon. . WANTED To buy young breed ing ! ewes, also' fat or feeder lambs. - Give particulars and price. Box 1173, c-o News-Re' view. " NOTICE Worthless stock re moved free' of charge. Phone 52F12 or 740-R. Roseburg By products. ' : FOR SALE Two hundred An- gora-goats. For further par ticulars write Box 102, Rose burg. ' - - FOR SALE 5 months old Jer sey heifer $25.00. W. B. Jones, Kelly's Korner. -- FOR SALE Good work mule, In quire Geo. Rudolph, Glcndale, Oregon. f FOR SALE Weaner and feeder pigs: H. W. Burr, Rt. 2, phone 55-F-13. ' Hoy, Grain, Feed s FOR SALE 16 ton O and V $9.00 ton, 1200 Hybrid club wheat, treated: Adams, 51 miles south on 99. WANTED Bids on 100 tier wood 80 tier of oak and laurel block, 10 tier stove wood and 10 tier fir for K!ndK.:g:H Bids to be 'r. hands of clwt by" January.-It W. J. Mcrcu.tli, rLu-'kh.?,;!dEi, Cln-k of Di't.-ict 13. ' i WANTED Used bicycle. Must 'be -lit good condition and rea sonable; Will pay cash. ' IV O. Box 298, Myrtle Creek. WANTED Four foot green sec ond growth cordwood on solid road. Highest cash price. Tay lor's Battery Shop. . " WANTED To rent, 4 room fuiv nished house.."Phone 183 be tween 8:30 a: m. and 4:30 p. m. WANTED All kinds of tires for capping. Bond's O. K. Tire Shop, Stephens and Mosher. WANTED Used furniture at Stove Repair shop, 502 N. Jack son. ' ' WANTED FURS. B. F. Shields, . 401 W. Cass St. for Sole MbceBaneous FORDSON Donkey with '40 Chev. motor, sled, Mainline. See it work. C- J. Vlpond, cabin 10 So. Roseburg Auto Court, after Monday. ': ' 1 NOTICE: For auto parts, muffl ers and glass go to Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 523 N. Main street. . Work Wanted CALL DUNHAM TRANSFER CO., phone 47,-for your mov ing, crating, packing er turkey hauling. Think It Dentistry DR. NER3AS : Fluorescent teeth In plastic. Old plates made like new. !0 years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment Gas when desired - ; Masonic Bldg. - - Phone 488 Miscellaneous ALL outstanding warrants against School District 13, up to 2400 are hereby called. In-, terest stops December 30, 1041. W. J. Mere-nth, Clerk. .' BOY who shot girl in eye B. B. gun in front of Umpiua Ho tel is known. To avoid trouble report to Mrs. Marshall at Penney's store. Business Opportunities b UK, ALEr-aBETH'S GRILL. -A real business opportunity. Res taurant and confectionary, thoroughly " modern,' newly equipped, complete fixtures. Forced to sacrifice because of illness. Immediate sale neces sary; Will give good terms to right party , Autos WANTED USED CARS. We will pay you cash for your used car. -Lockwood Motors Inc. - 1930 Chevrolet coupe, $70.00 cash. James Rainvlllc, Tiller, Oregon. Lost and Found LOST Cocker Spaniel wearing harness and license.- Please re turn to Homer Strickland, 515 W. Oak. Reward.- Over, Easy IT'S MORE THAW LUCK,V0UNa MAW. YOU'RE COOL, CAUTIOUS, OUICK-WITTED.AMD EXPERIENCES VOU HAVE THE TXJ-OR-DIE DETERMJWATION TO REACH YOUR OOAL RESPITE ALL OBSTcucs LOST Small Toy terrier, black and tan with scar on left hip. If found notify Chet Hamm, Parrott Street. Elkton i The Sundays schools of the Church of Christ and the Metho dist churches each had a Christ mas program Sunday. The high school students had a party at the Norman Weatherly home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bernle Slagel, of Portland, are visiting friends and relatives here. . The young people of the Church of Christ had a party at the church Saturday evening and af ter the party went over town singing Christmas songs from house to house, ' Miss Irene Mapes, who teaches in the high school, has gone to her home in Bay City for the holi days. The Marshfield-Roseburg bus was routed through Elkton Sat urday because of slides on the Coos bay road. Miss Ruthallce Foote and Budd Gronquist are spending the holi days in Portland. I Miss Virginia Gates, who is at tending school in Corvallis, is home for Christmas vacation. '. Normabelle Weatherly, who works in Salem, is home for a few days. ' Felix Hudson Is visiting his brother, Joseph Hudson. Mr. Hud son has been in California for some time. Mrs. Forrest Solomon has re turned from Portland where she has been under the doctor's care. ' The Oak Knoll school is closed for Christmas vacation. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Haines re turned to their home in Seattle Wednesday after spending a day WE, FEEL THAT VOU'RE EMINENTLY OJAUFIED TO HAUDLE AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND TAU(5EROUS JOB THAT MUST NOT THAT rY ITS CANNOT FAIL? WE'D LIKE FOR YOU TO VOUJMTARy. 'UNDERTAKE ITJJ 7 ' EASY-YOU a i mthiv - mi YNCASgpvicr. inc.' tTm. pro, y. y. Pr ofc 'Shqmeful Attack' (NEA Ttlephoto) Captain Clark Farrow, of the tanker Emldlo, reported that after their vessel was torpedoed north of Ban Francisco, Japanese sub crew shelled the men in lifeboats for several min utes after they left the ship. or so In Elkton. Miss Mae Madison, who teaches In Gold Hill, is home for the holl days. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arna Johnson, of Scottsburg, were Elkton visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Weatherly have recently returned from a trip 1o California. - By V. T. Hamlin By Roy Crane ITS JUJMT 6Y- uENBRAL SAW FILINQ Howard Casebecr, 443 S Steph LOCKSMITH Paclflo Key Serv. Phone 848. FLUE CLEANfNQ Furnaces vacuum cleaned flw - cleaning. ' Call 84L J. C Bew -ley, -i .',..",. TOMBSTONES Harry G. Rapp. Phone 819-Y. LODGE DIRECTORY ."''" ' ' ' F. O. E. Aerie 1497, meets Maccft bee hall on Pine street even Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Visiting brothers always wel come. ' PAUL R. DUSSEAU, Pres. RAY O. TANNLUND, Sec. I. O. O. F., Phlfetarian Lodge, No 8 Meets In Odd Fellows tempi! every Thursday evening. Villi ing brothers are always we) come. -.-., -. FRANK LONG, N. G. O. L. JOHNSON, Sec: Neighbors ot Woodcraft. Lll Circle, No. 49 Meets on tirsl and third Monday evenings,' in I. O. O. P. hall. Visiting nelgb bors inltod to attend. - ETHEL BEAVER, G. N. . CYNTHIA OEUMOND, Cl.rk. FUNNY ,1A"' ....'m'.li'lf.'Sft',' co,ii.' i mi' tY 'nia tttvici. inc.'t. m! iio. U, I. r immzzp Vr'r If: "ja&dSMMfa. "That's so tlicy enn slip past the enemy sentry he'll think he's huvinff a niahtmarcl" Hold Everything! com, mi by nia itavicc. inc. t. m "Well, Chrislintis is over now vc can start suving for income taxes!" - ' YICK SO HERB CO. OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M. Herb remedies alleviate disorders of goitre, stom ach, lungs, liver, heart, kidney, bladder, prostate gland, piles, catarrh, sinus, asthma, high blood pressure, dropsy, tumor, rheumatism, eczema, stomach ulcer, constipation and female com plaints, without operation. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 132 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ; Jackson Co., Barth Bldg., Medford, Oregon J. H. Leong Herbalist RADIO 8ERVICINQ Hargis Radio Service. Phone 825. Radio. Doctors. 306 N.. Stephexji Lund Radio Service. Phone M WASHING MACHINE . IRONERS J Bergh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 80S PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L. ANTIQUES ThP Snantre Shop. 10A S. Main. Roseburg Robekih Lodge, No. 41 ' --Meets in Odd Fellows; Tem ple everj--second arid fourth Tuesday evening. " y HAZEL ALTHAUS, N. G. , T1LLIE JOHNSON. Sec.- 'V. B. A., KoaeDurg Review, No. 11 Holds regular meetings on soo ' ond and 'fourth Tburadays ' at 7:30 p. m. Visiting sisters Invlb ed to attend reviews. Maccabeo ball. Pine Rnd Oss streets, i MAUDE POWERS, Pres. MKS. JKSSIE VINSON. V. See. A DeMolay Chapter Regit spf - lar-meeting every seo tScA ond and fuufUi Tburs jSW days at the MnsonU Vtj- temple. . SCItlBE.- COCKER SPANIELS For living gifts ol true love and devotion see Jacobs' Kennels, N. Roseburg. Ph. 736-J.(Adv.) BUSINESS 5;,Vi:i.;;;,'','''-.'".''''','',.,,.,;. -'"" eo. u. s. pat, orr. 11