n ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941. SEVEN v Rtntob Ion RENT Modern 3-room fur nished apartment, gas heat. electric washer. Adults only. Inquire Harth's toggery. fei. j'OR RENT 5-room uniurnished P:'-'? rllintnv 4HO U rVittrrlac, Ohnn.. 516 9 to 5. BLEEPING ROOM, steam heat, Bell ounuing, s. Jackson street. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. .CLEAN rooms. 707 West Mosher. Work Wanted CALL DUNHAM TRANSFER CO., phone 47, lor your mov ing, crating, packing r turkey hauling. WATER WELL DRILLING. Cred it terms may be arranged. J. H. Thomas, Oakland. Phone 26-F-23. YOUNG woman wants waitress work or housework. Call 130 S. Parrott St. Business Opportunities FOR SALE BETH'S GRILL. A real business opportunity. Res taurant and confectionary, thoroughly modern, newly equipped, complete fixtures. Forced to sacrifice because of Illness. Immediate sale neces sary. Will give good terms to right party. Lost and Found , LOST Black Wahl Evcrsharp with owner's name on clip. Re ward. Bruce Mellls, c-o High School. ALLEY OOP "nBUT, SERGEANT, f WHAT? ARE VOL) SURS I ( YOU SAY VOU WENT TO J WOPPO THE RIGHT GOT k PLACE? A fv .Ta,J9J y N WITH ' (HECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ' MAGlHe A GUV POSING AS ME V ' .'.jj f 1 V fpoP, I'LL DO "Wj I WISH I COULD GET HIM To MOLD STILL, X oom I PEOPLE HE l7 Mfvru Tpcpm ' EVERYTHING NJf P0Se AS Me IN MV LATIM CLASS j FRECKLES , IMAGINE WTOTe HOW HAVING Notvf "kg0 MyW 1 r17V' ' vTl 7 TSST THE. Boy -iPHe HAS Brief moment freckles. SrJSi upwr- ) ft XP fT r( -r AS , this been in the , i dont from hbarIN& ; I'- ' Jr? J-J VICIOUS i GOING ON' SPOTLIGHT' want to rv OF w! rJfic-. X" Vl -TS T . ySO THE BAND J HEAP np YTZt ' A ' ' , f v .JkJ m 'm k MfH plaveditand you going JzM$h- JO? ."T r '77 V f HE Took Bows .Jl f To the blue flMiV' ' , V-'? Villi 3ft ) t lJg J V.-ir.Ap ,J.ByNEAacICE.'lWC.''7.l(l.Hfj.aiMMjC 11-111 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ; The Hard Parr Waiting " By Edgar Martin g vovrx t gooo rlD f x voowoaR. voiwe.ws. OOOTS v ? ) CI oUV.vs? vous.-v-rwcN,ve C3lC awvovan b.ous, vu&y spo Nv-ONiG -V'L.OOV IVVR X U1HL - OyUO9 jj b?m f AO OTCRWiW RECtW N V0W.S.0 VNO r-w-i OONtL. wwet . 8R L&3SQF" Roon - - JiOV vtva swet .wwi1 1 tTLW VVtCK. WE. hl y fcV 'I T- - I K ?ONsT5 ! -eSSifite0 2 fA ' ' ' wCeSEBV WASH TUBBS . r Awn ULiiTUiM X EUERVTHIW6 HAPPENED AT ONCE FIRES! FI6HTS! EXPLOSIONS ! A riup'c?P n POOR ktio! rr iajA. A SHAME THAT HEY J W HEAVENS HE WAS TWO MINUTES. EVERY MOMENT WE EXPECTED TO BE BLOWM TO KIM6DCM COME,' J SORRV U)FBYTHK16 HAPPENED ON THE ) VlrlEBE 1$ HERE ONLV A Mil I'd startbdahre,. L VTHRUIM6har7j': it all PSSi MmMimWMm Livestock JERSEY COW, heavy milker, good saddle horse, 2 piggy sows. J. W. Holmgren, Rt. 1, Box 119. Phone 5-F-42. FOR SALE Large, thrifty, white weaned pigs, $5.00 each. Ray E. Doerner, Melrose Rt., phone ll-F-12. CHOICE Chester White weancr pigs, $5.00 each. George Barter, Melrose Rt. FOR SALE Weaner and feeder pigs. H. W. Burr, Rt. 2, phone 55-F-13. PIGS for sale. Mobllgas station. Dillard. impounded The following described dog has been impounded and If not claimed within 48 hours from date of notice will be disposed of as provided by law: Brown and white old male shep herd, studded color. Trapped in sheep pasture near Umpqua. Tom Fletcher, Enforcement Of ficer, Dec. 17, 5:00 p. m. Dentistry . DR. NER3AE Fluorescent teeth in plastic. Old plates made like new. 20 years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment Gas when desired Masonic Bide. Phone 488 Poultry HATCHING EGGS of heavy breeds for early fryers, now available at a discount. Mrs. J. J. O'Dale, 125 Pine st. Phone 187. Call Fridays or Saturdays. yes, SIR . HE MUSTA BUSTED LOOSE! HERE'S THE PIECES OF THE LINE VOU TRUSSED HIM TO THE TREE WITH.' For Sal Miscellaneous GOOD USED davenports, used Montag range, good used wal nut bedroom set, used heaters, used radios, used dressers, us ed roll top desk, cheap. Judd Furniture Co. NOTICE: For auto parts, muffl ers and glass go to Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 523 X. Main street. WHY NOT Send a Christmas box of extra fancy, crisp, juicy Spltzenbcrg or Newton apples. Phone 31-F-3. Salmon Reels for $1.69 up to $8.00. Tackle Boxes $1.25. Steel Casting Rods $2.00. Powells Hardware. FOR SALE Kohler. 110 volt, 1500 watt D. C. generator, $75.00 A. R. Bcnfield, Myrtle Creek. Air-Guns at $1.10. Fish Reels $1.49. Lines 25c & 50c & $1.00. Powells Hardware. . GET a beautiful St. Bernard pup py for Christmas at 12a4 Win chester Street. Baseballs, Bats, Gloves, Basket Balls, Footballs. Powells Hard ware. WALNUTS while they last, 12c lb. Phono 21-F-31, J. R. Wilson. FOR SALE One large hand knit beadspread. The Gift Shop. FOR SALE Al walnuts, 15c lb. Dale Zeller, Brockway. Nails on Sale, Some as low as 5c lb. Powells Hardware. 5-Piece white dinette set, $7.50. Inqtlie 520 Court St. " Giddap Now LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO WOPPO, Thl6 LEADER OF THE DREADED BLACK GUARD, ELITE OF KING JOHN'S SHOCK TROOPS Blue Room, So Long, Visit the Orange Truck for your holiday supply of freshest fruits and vegetables. Seedless navel oranges ure very good now and we have them In ull sizes and an attractive price on each. Also sweet valenclas for a real juice orange. iiuy a full pack ed box ot either for $2.75 or half box for $1.40. Large desert grown Imperial grapciruit 35c and 40c doz. Juice filled medium lemons lc each, tangerines 6c lb., persimmons, 2 for 5c, local Bosc pears 4c lb. Arabian dates, 15c lb., Jum bo ripe olives, 33c qt., 19c pt. Medium avocados, 5c each, large ones 2 for 13c. Inspect our large stock of all vegetables in season including: large crisp celery, 10c bunch, spinach 5c lb. Italian broccoli, 10c bunch, cabbage 2c lb. parsnips 3 lbs. 13e, cranberries 2 lbs. 35c. Banana and hubbard squash lc lb. Sweet potatoes 5 lbs. 19c, yams 4 lbs. 19c. Drive under our roof and step into our stand or enjoy courteous, efficient, curb service from your car if you wish. Wanted FOUR FOOT second growth green fir wood on solid road. Any amount. lliichcst cash price. Taylor's Battery Shop. WANTED All kinds of tires for capping. Bond's O. K. Tire Shop, Stephens and Mosher. WANTED 500 posts. Address J. W. Wright, MIlo. WANTED 50 tier of wood cut, Phone 42 F-2. CQf'fi 1S41 BY NEA 9ERVICCJNC. T. M. Here We Come Folks ?i.yK i MAW.' HOW CONSIDERATE V:-V?-- OF MV LATE ADVERSARY K Wy&i?mr T LEAVE ME HIS, Ml Real Estate A FEW larms available in Doug las county. These are priced to sell. Inquire at the National Farm Loan Association, Per kins Bldg. The Federal Land Bank. FOR SALE 2 J acres, house and out buildings, electricity, good water. Price $200.00 terms. 1 mile north Wilbur. F. F. Parker. Auros 1936 2-door sedan, economical, 40 series Buick. Will give terms or. take trade. 211 Watson, phone 324. FOR SALE 1933 Chcv. pick up. Now rings, two new tires. Os borne's Garage, Myrtle Creek. Fuel PHONE 282 GREEN and dry slab wood. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. STOVE WOOD old growth fir. $3.00 tier delivered. E. F. Witt, Glide. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Baled oat and vetch hay. Phone 11F2. T. E. Dun can. COCKER SPANIELS For living gifts of true love and devotion see Jacobs' Kennels, N. Rosebuig. Ph. 73B-J. ( Adv.) I -Tirv- , n-iq HEP. U. S. PT. OFF. LODGE DIRECTORY F. O. E. Aerie 1497, meets Macca Bee ball on Pine street even Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Visiting brother always wel come. PAUL R. DUSSEAU, Pres. RAY O. TANNLUND. Sec. DeMolay Chapter Regu In r meeting every aeo ond and fourth Thurs days at the Masonlt temple. SCRIBE:. I. O. O. F., Proletarian Ledge, N 8 Meets in uau r enown tempi! every Thursday evening. Visit ing brothers arc always wel come. FRANK LONG, N. G. O. L. JOHNSON, Sec. Roseburg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41 Meets in Odd Fellows Tem ple every second and fourth Tuesday evening. HAZEL ALTHAUS, N. G. TILLIE JOHNSON, Sec. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lllai Circle, No. 9 Moots on iirsi and third Monday evenings. In I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting neigh born Invited to attend. ETHEL BEAVER, G. N. CYNTHIA OEUMOND, Clerk. W. B. A., RoieDurg Review, No. 11 Holds regular meetings on seo ond anil fourth TlMirstlaya a! 7:30 p. m. Visiting eIhIoib Invit ed to intend reviews. Maecaber bull. Pine null Cans streets. MAUDE POWERS, Pres. MRS. JESSIE VINSON, V. Seo O. E. S., Roseourg Chapter No. 8 Holds stated communications oi the first and third Thursdays la each month. All sojnurnlnl brothers and slstors are cordlM ly Invited to attend. CLARIBEL NEWLAND, . W. M. ETHEL WEBH, Sec. By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser By Roy Crane I'VE GOT - a"' TO SET BACXV .J! T MY TROOPS K AV,, and auicK jffi& di ml GENERAL SAW FILlNO Howard Casebecr, 443 S Steph LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Serv. Prions 348. FLUE CLEANING Furnaces vacuum cleaned flu cleaning. Call 841. J. C. Bew ley. tombstones Harry G. Rapp. Phone 819-Y. Job's Daughters. No. 8 Meet) first and fourth Tuesdays al 7:30 p. m., Masonic . Temple Master Masons and O. E. S members always welcome. ATHALIE TAYLOR, Hon. Queen. RUTH ANNE RUHL, Rec. Hold Everything! I ' 'n ; eon nil iy utA mvici. imc t. m iito 0 i pat, orr. ' l"9 "Suiiposc yuu nvi up and lliuml) a while you need Ihc exercise inoro limn I do!" Ten Die as Giant Bridge Topples a Jiff" ik ' YVKt T clcnhoio) When three hil"c spans of the world's Inracut Birder bridge, bcinq con Ktruntcd over the Connecticut River at Hnrltord, Conn., collrpscd and plunged 150 feet Into the water. 10 workmen were killed, four mlssm and t least 17 others Injured. Here's the shore end of the $4,400,000 hrldee niter II fell. AUCTION At the Roseburg Auction Market Monday, 22nd of December l"you need extra Christmas money bring whatever you have to sell and get the cash. Always a big crowd and a buyer for any thing. Sale will start on furnituro and miscellaneous at 12 o'clock. One almost new Simmons bed and springs, Inner-spring mattress, dresser, davenport, and a lot more by sale time. Live stock at 1:30. Weaner and feeder pigs sold tfltter last week 20 to 30 head of cattle. One man has 3 extra heavy springers, 12 head breed ewes, .3; work horses, 1 good trailer. If you have anything to sell call telephone 486-Y. VICK SCHRICKER K. A. DANSTRON Auctioneers " RADIO SERVICING Hargis Radio Service. Phone 825. Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone 34 WASHING MACHINES - IRONERS Bergh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 805 PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L, ANTIQUES The StianRe Shop, 106 S. Main. Ladles Auxiliary to Eagles, Ros burg Aerie, No. 1497 Meets In Maccabee hall on Cnss street, on second and fourth Tuesday eve nings of each months, at I o'clock. Visiting sisters In good BtiimlliiK alwnys wnlcome. CLARA STEIWIG, M. Pres. ESTHER DAKER. M. Sec. AL LaPAN, Manager