f 4 FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG". OREGON," THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1 8, 1 94 1 . Widows of Hawaii Raid Victims to Receive Pensions WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. (AP) Widows of the fighting men who died at Pearl harbor will receive six months' pay and a pension for life. Awaiting signature on the president's dp.sk is a measure to increase the pensions from the peacetime range of S22-S56 lTiOniWj' to wartime levels of $30 to 83. Uncle Sam's guarantees that wife and children will be cared for If death should strike are I matched by o)her government protection which shields soldier and sailors, while they live and serve the country, from financial worry. This Is embodied in the sol dlers' and sailors' civil relief act of last year which suspends "en forcement of civil liabilities1 and that Includes taxes, install ment payments and insurance premiums in certain cases permit service men "to devote their entire energy to the de fense needs of the nation." The widow's pension is not de termined by the fighter's gold braid or years of service, hut by the age of his widow and the number and ages of the children, So the private's widow may ccive a larger pension than the major-general's, though the six months' pay, of course, would be otherwise. Pensions are paid for death In action or from natura causes. The pay is granted by the war and navy departments, the pen sions by the veterans adminis tration. The latter also adminls tcrs the national life Insurance program, under which service men may get life Insurance pro lection up to $10,000 at very low rates. I OUR BOARDING HOUSE Seven Youths Die In NYA Bus Fire ROBINSON, III., Dec. 18. (AP) At least seven youlhs per ished last night In the burning wreckage of a national youth ad ministration bus that run off II llnols highway 1 and overturned near West Union. Two boys, Henry Walters and one named Johnson of Marshall, were unaccounted for early to day, and the bus driver, Ferris Williams, 35, of Casey, was hos pitalized for critical burns. Sev en others escaped with hums. The dead were Tom Ollinger, 17; Henry Ollinger, 16; James Holbeck, 15; Barney Shonk, 15 Richard McClure, 20; Earl Melton and Vie Turner. Turner was from Marshall. - The bus was returning to Mar shall from Oblong, where the 'boys had gone on NYA project ; work. Witnesses said the bus started to leave the road, skidded and overturned as Williams at tempted to pull It back on the -pavement. ; Dan McClure, father of Rich .aid, reported eleven youths got ;out of the bus when it tipped .and caught flic but two of them -perished in attempts to rescue 'the others. 60 Millions For Power Jobs Okayed WASHINGTON. Dee. 18. t AP) Preside nt Roosevelt sign- ed today legislation appropriat ing nearly $Ui),00(),(KM for hydro .electric power and flood control 'work designated as urgent for de , fense. Thirty million dollars was ap propriated for use of the Bonne .vine power administration in the 'construction of transmission sys . terns and substations for power from the Bonneville and Grand ; Coulee dams. This brought to $00,000,000 the total appropriated J for the work. . Tlie bill Included $:i,000.000 for ; further work on a transmission .system from the Keswick and Shasta dams In the central vallev .for California. The total cost of this system was estimated at ,' $23,000,000 of which $1,000,000 hail been expended previously, : Oscar Mattoon of Drain Dies at County Hospital With Motor Haaab KJALVIM ANJD X yEGAD, WE'LL REUErVSt THE GOBBLERS WtH&T Bl3 W WL . HELP A FROM. THE CRATE, BOYS, AND LET Jf WOLF CPSrJT H It f ' 1 1 -nt-ivi v nciun incurs uci3 iin i i-vc y-f bUINb to &i DSIPt6 FOR.TS& V 3RAGE-uwALViisl.VOU TROT TO - S(EW ALUTHO&El ORPHAN'S. .A THE COR.MER AND SET GOME CORM ) TURKEYS ! AfTERVOU U FOR. THEM. TO IBBLfc HME -J RAfFLB OFF X TOLD WOO X SOLO 200 BUT IT WOULD 1 P He IDRrSEVS.-A WORTH OF-RAFFLE TICKETS T X"r BE. 3bST f KjTrym -WKAT A CHRISTMAS PARTY A. LIKE MlrVt ) tmm , Wwfflk0 ToTS WlLL have at ti -TSjrj3s mm i wfcL. hospital mC--i vpsfVP j 1" L ULlow about tost mW- nJ BROKENi GARAGE WlMOOVJ f --V,'sS!,0 J , , cot'w iwi a neascrvice. inc. r M'Mfi. u pat. err J 1 . r i tir I -oasr uun raranry in jap war r i I . . MARKET LtVESTOCK i V Lt'i V"? ; PORTLAND, Dec. 17. (AP)- V 'f i - .... . y 1st ... , . i Strike Threat of Welders Revived LOS ANGELES. Deo. 18 API Paul Gregory, southern Califor nia agent for the United Welders, Cutters and Helpers union, said today that 1,700 welders at the California shipbuilding yards on Terminal Island planned to quit their Jobs because some of their members had been discharged for failure to pay AFL boilcrmakers' union dues. Shipyards officials said the number of welders laid off was ncgllfflbJo,- but recalled that under a truce signed by Karl V. Morris, welders' president, and OPM Chief Sidney Hlllman, the welders were to reinstate themselves in the good graces of the AFL. John A. McCone, general man ager of the California Shipbuild ing company, which employs 14, !fl00 men, said he would confer later today with Gregory and with E. V. Blackwell, local Dresident of the bollermakers' union. Company spokesmen said thev expected little if any progress to be made at these conferences and referred to Gregory's announce ment as another development In the long fight and it's the samp old fight." Ing of the club last night. Home owners who install outdoor light ing effects, however, are request ed to arrange switches so the lights may be quickly extinguish ed, and It also is urged that dis plays be turned off if occupants are to be away from home. A collection of toys was made last night by the Lions to be given through the Salvation Army to children in needy families. The club's next meeting will be held Wednesday, January 7. Outdoor Light Contest To Be Held as Usual The outdoor llehtlnir contest. sponsored annually by the Rose burg Lions club during the Christ mas season, will be held as usual. despite blackout possibilities, it; mate Sheffield and was decided at the regular meet- Carson with 8 each. Jopanese in U. S. Army Do Teaching Service CAMP ROBERTS, Calif., Dec. 18 tAP) Seven Japanese pri vates in the U. S. Army here arc teaching a class of more than 100 officers and enlisted men how to say "Hello" and "how do I get there?" In Japanese. The private-professors, American-born all, are giving a course in sinmple conversation, greet ings, and basic grammar forms. It pays to be prepared, the army believes! O. V. Carlile, 7? Years in Douglas County, Passes George Valentine Carlile, 87, well known resident of the Oak-land-Sutherlin vicinity, died at Mercy hospital, Roseburg, Fri day afternoon after a long Illness. He was born June 8, 1954, in Ce gerney, Iowa, and came across the plains at the age of eight years. He had been a resident of the county for the past 79 years. His wife died several years ago. He is survived by two daughters and a son, Mrs. J. E. Cooper, Oakland; Mrs. A. V. Abeene Sutherlln, and King Carlile, Ump! qua, and three grandchildren. Services will be held In the Com munity church, Oakland, Thurs. day at 2 p. m., Rev. James R, Denham, officiating. Interment will bo in the I. O. O. F. ceme tery. Arrangements are In care of the Stearns mortuary, Oak. land. Here From Day Creek Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duncan and Dan Taylor, of Days Creek, were busi. ness visitors in this city Wednesday. Willamette Basketeers Defeated by Utah, 41-23 SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 18 (AP) Displaying a smooth, fast attack, a University of Utah bas ketkall team last night defeated Willamette university, 41-23. The Utes took an early lead and led 18-11 at half time, a lead nev er threatened by the Oregon team. Smith, of Utah, led scoring with 9 points, followed by his team- Willamette's Morgan's Grocery Special Prices for Friday and Saturday ORANGES Largt 150 siie, 2 dozen TANGERINE S Fresh from Calif or- 4 fS nla, box 9X 7 AV AC ADOS Mm large siie. 2 for .-X3 DATES Fresh M California. 2 lbs 43V READY TO EAT PICNICS Swift's, eat them as they are or warm them, XCff small sixes, lb 39v PEAS AND CARROTS lO'j-ounce cans, 3 cans A9i PITTED DATES For those 2.t,iM: 39C COCONUT Bakers half. pound packages, 2 Pfcgs POWDERED SUGAR 3 lbs. 25C RITZ CRACKERS Large package 21c Let us pack a beautiful gift box of Salted Nuts Fresh from our Nut Shop for you. First gun-wound "latullty on the Paclllc Coast in the war with Japan' wns Mrs. Donald Snyre, above. A bullet from a sentry's gun on the San Fraiiclsco-Oaltluua Bay Bridge lodged in her spine when Suyre. IqH, lolled to need a "stop oidut. Canada Says to Adolf: Tanks livestock PORTLAND, Dec. 17. (AP)- (U. S. Dept. A (jr.) HOGS: Mar ket active, 1015 hichcr than Tuesday's average: pootl ehnlee I 17D.215 lh linlnhtc 1 1 tn mni. 'I v.uu ...0.- ly $12.00; one long-haul lot $12.10; 230-270 lb. butchers $11.00-50. LiRht lights mostly ii.uu-J3; packing sows $8.50- y.js; choice 106 lb. feeder pigs, 911.UU. CATTLE: Steers active, strong, other classes slow, generally sieatiy; lew medium-good 940- 1145 lb. steers $10.5011.50; few common-medium light steers $9.0010.50 with dairy steers down to $7.00; common heifers $7.00-1 75; medium beef heifers $!).00 10.00; canner cutter cows $4.50- j a so; fat dairy type cows $6.25- 75; Rood heavy beef cows $8.00: young cows to $8.75; medium good bulls $8.00-9.25; good-choice ' veaiers si.oo-13.00; medium grades down to $9.00. SHEEP: Market steady: few goodcholce truckedin lambs $10.50; medium -good grades $9.50 10.25; medium shorn lambs $9.00; very common lambs un sold, held around $8.50; few fat ewes 53.00-25. This year Cil ENJOY V-Tljj vith your holiday nnm I t 1 1 i , Siuteme i Golden brought to tble " . . jctc '.rirntofROoa 'food! Wine AJv.so-T onJ Se. Sin I FrinaKO. This long line of C,in:i(ii:in-biiilt infantry tanks will help the Rus Mans pin back llic fit-biltvn ems ot Aiii.ll Hitler. They're leav 'nu MotittT.il for the Moscow nn.f :otl!horn sector Kid Mathews Hands Reid Knockout in 2nd Round Oscar (Babe) Mattoon, 58, died " at the county hospital after a short Illness Monday afternoon. ' He was born in Drain August 2. '. 1883, and lias been a resident of ; that place during his entire life .' time, and was well known In the northern part of the county. He ' Is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Kate Moore and Mrs. Annie Rem ' ington, Drain, and three broth . ers, William Mattoon, Drain. Orange Mattoon, Portland, and Benjamin Mattoon, Drain. Ser vices were hold in the Methodist 'erctt church, Drain, Wednesday at 2!fifili KVKKETT. Dec. IS (AI'i Harry tiih Mathews, Seattle fishier, last mglit pin ;iM ,.,! l0 Bob Hold's claims ol never having born knocked his loot in 13 prolossional linhts. dropping the Aliei doen boy luiee in the second round f-r a trclinic;.! kavu ic tiny. Mathews ueigheil in at 1."S, Keiil at Id.'. Karl ".Swede" liercstmni I-'v. bantamweight, scoreil h round technical k.ivo mrr p. m.. ucv. i. r.. riiiain, oinciai-1 iseu .loiuiMin i Kelso and ;u I ing. Interment was in the Druin Smith, Hellmgliain welter, do cemetery. Arrangements werejeisiunod Al Kcdo ot Kverott in (la in care of the Stearns mortuary, other two (ijjhts ol the "triple Oakland. main cventcr." CO FFEE IOVERS' FAVORITE! Happy days Mift with Schilling Cofli'C. . . u tug of the mornt'trg..t so full-lldofcd and satisfying. w in r- TOUR CHOICE DRir II1 OR PEKCOUTOH Schiljing WINGS. O t-' Tf" THC MOBNNG mm We wish you great Happiness at Christmas Time and hop that you and your loved ones wilt be together to partake of a Christmas dinner around the festive board. Red A, White has made every provision necessary to supply you with all your Christmas food needs at sav ings. Come, shop and save at Red & White this week for all your requirements, candy, fruits, vegetables, fowel, meats and beverages. SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER 19 TO DECEMBER 24 INCLUSIVE COfFEE Red & White Drip or Regular 2-Lb. Tins 3-Lb. Tins PUMPKIN""--- 3Nfor2r: raft: Mincemeat 2r. . ,35c GELATINE DESSERT a.... 5c Cake Flour Red & White Large Pkg. . Shortening CRANBERRY SAUCE yns 15c Red A White FRUIT COCKTAIL " 12 35c Red A White FANCY PEARS No 2 V53c Red A White 1 GRAPEFRUIT No 2:r 33c Red AWhite SIFTED PEAS No 47c Red A White Fancy cream style or whole kernel CORN ; . No-V;-43c Red A White SWEET POTATOES No 3 squat2tj0nrs 35c TOMATO JUICE TilT 45; Sunshine HI-HO CRACKERS J9c Fancy Plain Mix Candy COMMERCIAL CHOCOLATES or CUM DROPS 2 lb,. for 25C Red & While PEANUT BRITTLE s19c Red A White CHOCOLATE THIN MINTS 25c DOT DRIPPING CHOCOLATE Pkgb 27c Red & White Pure VANILLA "" EXTRACT b-37c Pheasant Imitation VANILLA EXTRACT b0-29c SALAD DRESSING Qu39c Red A White w 5 MAYONNAISE 0p:,n's,. 22f JAV 20c 17c 39c White Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Sparkling WAIfcK Red A White CATSUP Blue & White OYSTERS )M COLLINS bottles 14oz. bottles 5-oz. tins 2 for