FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG',- OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I f, 1941. Around the County Days Crek DAYS CHEEK, Nov. 11 Mr. , and Mrs. Burrcli Babb arid their sons, Bobble and Stanley, who ! have been spending several days here at the home of Mrs. Babb's parents, Mr. and Mrs- Earl Sum ner, left Sunday for Eugene where they will make their home. For the past few months they have been living at the coast, Mr. Babb being employed with a high way patching crew. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Worthing ton had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Worthlngton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Conn of Melrose and Mr. Worthlngton's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Condray and their son, Rich ard, of Azalea. Mr. and Mis. O. W. Fate and their daughters. Kuth and Mary Anne, accompanied by Berdean Perdue, spent Sunday In Myrtle Creek. The Gaulkc threshing outfit which has been Irvuse (luring the praln harvest In the eastern part nf the state was returned here early in the week. Miss Evalyn Raymond who Is employed in Eugene visited here Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Raymond. Little l'at Barnes who had been spending several days at the home of his great aunt, Mrs. Roy Duncan, returned to his home In Canyonvllle Saturday morn ing. Ills mother, Mrs. Buster Barnes, had been assisting Mrs. Mcl.aln with the work at the Bridge Tavern during the week. Chauncey Florey of Centra Point was n business visitor at Tiller Monday. Miss Anna May Manley accom panied by Mrs. Edgar Madison of Kellogg were guests last week at the home of the latter's son, Gcr Pld Madison, and his family at my- . , A recent visitor ai mo i. Weaver home was Mr. Weaver's nephew, Harold Stone, of Port land, who stopped over a short time while en route home from a business trip to California points. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Jackson were Roseburg visitors Saturday evening. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mm. M. J. Willard who have been visiting for sever al weeks at the home of Mr. Wll lard's daughter In Tacoma plan to soon return to their home here. Mr. Willard who early last spring suffered severe leg Inturles while helping fall some poles for the power line up Days Creek Is re ported to be steadily Improving and to now he able to girt around quite satisfactorily on crutches. Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, Mrs. George Long and Mrs. Hud Lowell were shopping and visiting In Roseburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Worthing ton were Grants I'ass visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Northrup Hamil ton, their daughter, Barbara, and their son, David left Monday for their home in Portland after hav ing been guests for several days at Die home of Mrs. Hamilton's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright. Mr. Hamilton who enjoyed a hunting trip while here was so fortunate as to kill a five point buck to take hack with him. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Hamilton and children and Mrs. Wright and daughter, Margie and Maxine, went to Glrndalo June lion to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weseman. The latter hud been quite severely bruised late in the week when a car nut of control following a collision struck hltn while he was employed in painting a highway railing. Earl Mauley recently purchas ed a new Chevrolet truck to use in haullne lumber from the Tiller nTTSL7n? THE RECRUITING "HE'S TH TVPG TH NAVW f W 30T?SH,ves-THE VtHWB QBEAT.' tuELl., IT'S LUNCH-TIME FOR US) (of O II KJ-W-'C LEj OFFICER, SEZ: VJANTS-I KIN SEE HE'S . Nl AW KIN ESPECIALLY J I WANT TO MAKE NAVY MEN, AN' I KIN HAROLSV YJr GOT MUSKLES AN' BRAINS '- USE MEN WHO Jf SOMETHING OF WAIT. 'CAUSE THE --- y Xirrr VrwA AN1 HAS TH' QUALIFIKATONS WANT TO AMOUNT ) I MVSEUi SO MH KAW6 DEUCOU4 VfuTwALx . NT I -iC-Q IP y7PrJ .. TO LOOK SNAPPV IN TjO SUWPtN' FOLKS WILL BE COOKW BUILDS VAwiTH SOU J I &5) MrTl 5 yehUP A UNIFORM, -r-' VVroUDOFMEJ UP TO BE AS TlbcT w j jj "Q'9 O . MATfcN? ? I'M CjOIN" TO SIGNAL ( IS THAT SOU U-M-M FIRST. LET ME- 6ET fVW L LINKS FULL OF THIS .7 ) THE ADMIRALS ORDERS-; j-, - HOLD ON FRESH SEA-AIR. AN' I'LL SHOW WA UUHATT TH'l " 0OME VCHEST EHU'r? - nimfiyfd Tccss I wars vIwat ) 's)j WlZtt (Ulut-3 "CO ,U, ( TH NAVN DOES J )r all r'iciv JrfP syi )h (flfa y soon j jOl? OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoople It's a great life in the U.S. Navy! Want to troval down to Rio or stroll on Waikiki Beach? Mok friends with a grand bunch of fellows? Hce fun, adventure, thrills? You'll get them all in the U.S. Navy. The Navy wiH make you on expert in radio, oviotion, electricity and many other skilled trades, with good pay while leorning. If you ore 17 or over, get a free copy of the illustrated booklet, "Life in the U.S. Navy", from the Navy Editor of this newspaper. SERVE VOUR COUNTRVi BUILD VOUR PUTUREI GET IN THE NAVY NOUJ! 4k THE LAD IS C "' ' 'W miA THlS BLL A Tsloocn ik tup i -v bm; uncle amos TRAPPED IM THE - A THAT'LL. A y tornado rum, ( 6 Got 7 rsf ''A ALVlSuAfvoMTHE ) ( p. jT K HC-M (LLt GOES, ALL RIGHT ,i-,i V copp iw gy je sehvicc lc r w bcqu spt o, I wliere by the he has been Ii ansfcrred companicd to Pad lie I'ruit and I'roduce I day by Mis. (irants Pass A. .1. Raess, Mon Mrs. co., from Medium where he has been for the past two months. They returned late Sunday even ing. Glendala GI.KNOAI.K. Nov. II Mrs. Knmi.i Hclle Robinson left Mon- plant of the Southern iregon j ,liy ,. oiynipla. Washington. Sugar Pine co.. to Central Point. , where she will slay with her sis Luke Heals who until recently It,.,., has been employed on the lunp- m,-. ,( ,m,s, (. f.; Young. Au- una river jetty has arrived her to beein work on the new store and livinu quarters to he con structed for Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Weaver near the she of the store limldlne destroyed hy die late last winter. Mi's. Heals and their .r sistp,-, son, .lacKie, win come m-n- nn-i neau over thnr Youiie. and Mrs. C. (). ( rett sent Monday in Cranls Pass Mrs. Kdwin Johnson and Bill Ilarton spent Wednesday in Itose burp. Miss Florence Johnson visitil Mrs. I'lmma An-hain- the week eiul. Miss Azalea and they will make ineir nome in jhnson Is leachini; at Anchor for the small cabin near the resl -j, frw wr,.,s unl; tt,P vacancy dence of Mr. and Mrs. Kd Pence n,ls txH, nM,,( Mrs. Ceorne Hall who has lii-en I Ml s !clM., t McKay, of ( ikla scn(linc some time at the Tiller ,m;i js visiiini; her brother, home of her parents. Mr. and ; n1;m vdelolt and lamilv. Mrs. Bud Kslow. hase none tu ,t,s. ,uia Carrett of Ciants Kodlak Island where she will Join ,.1S!, vi.silcrl Mis. c. n. Austin her husband, I.leul. Hall who Is .Thursday, and her daughter, Mrs. slatlnned there. She was ac l(;n-K(. Williams, also of Cranls companicd to Seattle by her mn-.pilss visited Mis. Herman Ayde thcr, Mrs. Kslow. and as far as in. Portland by Mrs. Loitan Hartley.. yr n, m,s t,.,nli, who spent several days there vis ad children nod Mrs. iline and shopping. f.erritse spent the week end with Miss Josephine Wright ami, , Mrs. Avdelntt's brother, ftlce Wll liltle Miss Ann Hurry of Can-san, n Roseburg. yonvllle spent the ( firsl of the Richard Hayes of Cranls Pass week here at the home of the j was a luncheon guest o Mr. and former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. W I.. I'nhyns Monday. Hay Wright. ! P. A. i.-. .,1.ihi :i Kosi-- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saulu'i I .i:t!,litaij liii.s .,-, k heie In- n riaughter. Joan Darlcne. were vis , -dying medical treatment. King last week at the Pwlghl Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cunningham lilngham home In Hly. land Dorothy vlsiled in Hcrkley. Harry Wright who been jCalifornla. uiih relatives from spending a week's leave here with Saturday to Tuesday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .f. W. Miss lllanche Hofiner returned Wrlirht. has returned lo Camp to her school room Wednesday !olla Dark, and Mrs. Matlie Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. I. 11. Smith went lo Portland Saturday anil relurn ed Tuesday. Miss Hill Vestul lias entered the Josephine general hospital in (rants Pass tor medical care. Mrs. Sieve Herman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C J Kafer, returned to her home In Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Jack Lewis and Mrs. J. II. Stewart were business visitors in Grants Pass Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snyder visited with Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Harvey Tuesday night. They were recently married in Stock Ion, California, and will make Ihelr home in Vallcjo, California. Mr. and Mrs. Kov Heed and daughter. Dorothy, of Kugi-ne. sjicnt Saturday and ..unday with Mr. and Mrs. Hud Lewis. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Humphrey Sat urday at the Josephine general hospital in Cranls Pass. The baby has been named Muriel Ann. Mrs. Ted Post, of liosehurg, Carter the executive secretary of the fyde!ut! lied Cross was a business visilor IVIoi se i here Thursday. She was accom- Murray Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Moore and their daughter, Miss Nettie, of Hosehurr. accom panied Dale Bellamy lo Saleni morning alter spending a few weeks In Minnesota where she was called by the death ol her father. Mrs. L'duln Jolmnii w,i, ao- panird by Mrs. Klsworth Clapp. Mrs. Clapp was a teacher in I he high school here from, I'.'l.'i to I!' IV, and at that time was known lo her friends as Killlh Slanshury. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Moe and twin daughters, .'e.m and .'o;m. vtstted Mr. anil Mrs. .tads l.ris Friday evening. Cranls Pass visitors Monday in cluded. Mr. and Mis. Harvey Smith and daughter. Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Wunsch. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Cardner. Kev. and Mrs, J. K. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kobinson. and Mr. and .Mrs. ICd Caraway. Mr. ami Mrs. Hoy Trcniol re turned from a visit te C'klah'.'m the last of the week. A.AI.KA, Nov. 10 Miss Alice and Marjorie Booth, who are em ployed at Marshlield, visited here over the week end with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Booth. Mr. and Mrs. John Janter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Janler and son, Johnny, and Hen trans acted business in Cold Hill and Crants Pass Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clare left Saturday evening for Sacramen to, Calif., where they will visit relatives and attend to business for several days. They expect to return here the first of the week. Mrs. Clarence Miller and Mr. and Mrs, Carroll Dill shopped ill Crants Pass Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooke at tended the golilen wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. McKay at Wilbur Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Salvage spent Sunday at F-agle IViint where they visited Mrs. Salvage's brother in law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Arncl Carter. In the after noon Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cole from Portland also called at the home. Mr. and Mrs. Sal vage and Mr. and Mrs. Cole en joyed a pleasure trip to Crater Lake in the afternoon. Mrs. Sal vage and Mrs. Carter are sisters of Mr. Cole. William Jantser made a busi ness trip to Lugene Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chapiu and daughter. Dorla Dean, and 1 .Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ceislcr ' fvrtm J'.t!ep Off Joe creek unrr f dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Chapins sonlnlaw' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I!. C I Johns. ; Those visiting over the week 'end with Floyd Eakin who is a ' patient in the Josephine general hospital were his mother. Mrs. S. IE. Eakin, Mrs. Vernon Caldecke, ! Miss Doris Tripp and Gerald Ug-Men. I L. Johns was i lnisint (all-1 or in Roseburg Tuesday. W. D. Chadwlck from Dixon ville and his daughter, Mrs. Le land Powell, and children, Teddy and Patsy, from Tyee visited here over the week end with Mrs. W. D. Chadwlck, L. S. Johns and oth er relatives and friends. Mrs. William Jantzer and sons, Hlllle and Jackie, visited In Crants Pass Monday with Mrs. Jautzer's mother, Mrs. Frank Johns, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ducan. Mr. and Mrs. Robrt Cole from Portland were overnight guests here Sunday at the home of Mr. Cole's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Salvage. Don Smith who Is employed at Marshficld visited here over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Smith. Mrs. Frank Tripp returned to her home here Saturday evening after visiting at Redmond for the past week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Adams. Mrs. Adams and child ren, Billie and Ila, brought Mrs. Tripp home. They visited Dia mond lake Saturday. Mrs. Walter Kemp, and Mrs. Henry Smith shopped in Myrtle Creek Monday. Vernon Gaedeckc and Russell Hill spent Sunday fishing on Rogue river. Mrs. Henry Smith and children, Jackie and Lenore, left Tuesday, morning by bus for Marshficld where they will -visit with Mrs. Smith's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lapp. Mrs. Smith Will also have dental work done while there. Bill Gallop and Elza Golden, from Myrtle Creek, and Art Han son from Sutherlin, have just completed a new furnace at the Starveout Lumber company. Yoncalla YONCALLA, Nov. 11 -Mr. and Mrs. Luther Daugherty are visit ing relatives in Portland for a week. F-yron Strong who is a commis sioned officer in the navy air corps visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strong here last week. Mrs. Wittmcyer spent Sunday in Woodburn where her son, Jim, was married. Mrs. Moody of Harrisburg visit ed at the Liilis Brawn home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Walkinshaw spent Sunday visiting relatives in Cottage Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wallace lefl Tuesday for Corvallis and Wil lamina where they will visit their daughters. Alto Vest, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reeves, Mrs. John Kruse and Mrs. Fred Kruse transacted busi ness in Roseburg Tuetlay. The day on wich a young candi date for the U. S. navy is offici ally accepted and sworn Into serv ice is known as "Shipping Day." It is the day he is sent off to one of four navy training stations for his course in instruction and dis cipline. His parting gift Is a boklet filled with useful informa tion called "Helpful Hints to the Navy Recruit." Camas Valley CAMAS VALLEY, Nov. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Armstrong and small daughter have gone to Corvallis to visit Mrs. Arm strong's parents. When they re turn they will take charge of the Richter service station, now in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pal; mer. The Palmers plan on mov ing back to their home near the McCann place. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buzzard and children are enjoying a vacation trip. They went to Idaho to visit relatives of Mr. Buzzard and will visit at other places also. Ernie Hoar has a new live passenger Plymouth coupe. He visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Packard. Er nie is working at Blue river and Mr. Packard went up with him to work in a logging camp there. He came home Sunday and will work for Harmson-Wakeficld again since they have purchased another tract of timber. Ernie Hoar is still working at Blue river. Mrs. Packard and Mrs. Bcamer spent Monday at Sutherlin at the home of Mrs. Beamer's father, Mr. Norris. Mrs. Herbert Crawley of Ten mile spent last' week visiting at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farley. Mrs. Bernard Dcnn of Port land came down Sunday with friends from Portland and spent several days visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Geilcr. She returned to Port land by bus as her friends went home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wildes from California have been visit ing at the home of Mrs. Wildes' mother, Mrs. Lena Dcnn. Mrs. Wildes, formerly Annabel Dcnn, and a bride of last June, is musi cal dhTctor In a California town Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O'Neal and sons, Jimmio and Dannie, and Mrs. May Brown of Marshficld spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Ethel Brown. They went on a pheasant hunt while they were here. agreement time. as to adjournment Fishermen Attention! We carry a oomplete line of Fishing Tackle . . . Open eve ning and Sunday. THE CLUB 127 W. Ca St C. H. ARUNDEL PIANO SLR f ICE Phone V T89-L Powera Not Exercised No president of the United States has ever had occasion to exercise his constitutional power to adjourn Congress "to such time as he shal think proper," since both Houses have always reached GETTING STALE? tl OWLING VOUFIT.. Keep fit, Mr. Business Man, and Ladies, too, by dropping in one or two night a week for healthy exercise that is great fun. You'll find the town' leaders pepping up herd Roseburg Bowling Alley lllllv WHY MOM SAYS NEW ALBERS GATS ARE BEST FOX OS The finest OOtS money can buy. You'll find the new, improved flavor of Albert Rolled Oats just the thing to perk-up dull breakfast appetites. Naturally rich in Vitamin B, the pep-up vitamin. Child specialists recommend Rolled Oats as an excel lent body-building, energy-giving food for growing children. FREE! TO THE LADIES Constance Bennett Cosmetics j every Monday and Tuesday eve- i nlnw at thf Rose theatre. 'Adv.) Keeps 'em qoWy (fnoof?! Conyonville C'ANYONVlt.LE. Nov. 11 -Otto Hughes, Mrs. (1. Carter, her daughter, and grandchild, of Ku gene, visited at the Tudes Hughes I home Sunday. The Reverend J. C Grout and his wife, of Tanoset, Washington,: are conducting the revival meet-, ings at the Methodist church. They plan to be here two or three j weeks. Miss Georgctta McClane visit-; cd Miss Wiletha Hutchinson in ; Ashland last weekend. i The school children enjoyed as, two-day vacation Monday and Tuesday as the teachers were at-; tending institute. SKATING WEDNESDAY 8AT0RDAV 7:30 till 10 P. M. 8unday 7:30-10 P. M. t the RAINBOW RINK WINCHESTER Avoid Regret Protect youf futur with deptndabl automobti insurance. Cousult FRED A. COFF District Manager 122 S. Stephens Phon 218 Roseburg, Oregon Three Shopping s RELAX comfortably in your favorit? armchair. Tuck your feet up, and settle down leisurely to READ the advertising columns in this newspaper. Check the advertisements carefully, and ex amine their worth, before you rush off to REAP the rewards in true values, in Specials, in "sure-fire" buys . . , thus saving your temper, your feet, and the family bank account! You will find that the columns of this newspaper are filled with savings and sound shopping in vestments. They are well worth reading every single day.