It : ROSEBUR NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUr6, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMEBER 7, 1941. FIVE 0 Mi Wmtitf CASH FOR LOGS Yellow Fir PEELER LOUS AND BLOCKS For information on as to length .'.rid diameter; ' PHONE 7ii or call at: 143 S. Kane Street I M. Collier WANTED Poultry, eggs, wool I and mohair. Highest cash : prices paid. Douglas County Poultry. Phone 374. j VANTED All kinds o tires for ; capping. Bond's O. K. Tiro Shop, Stephens and Moshcr. j WANTED Hides. Leave cars on. j Wo pay highest cash prices, i Douglas Market. j i . i WANTED To buy dry, clean garlic. Pacific Fruit and Pro duce. Work Want i . 1 BUTTON and buckle covering; I also hemsf ItehinE. Alfer.iHnnc and dressmaking. Singer Sew ing Center, 125 W. Cass street, Roscburg, Oregon. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper de sires full or part time employ ment. Box 1116, co News-Review. WATER WELL DRILLING. Credit terms may be arranged. J. H. Thomas, Oakland. Phone 26F23. CALL US for moving of house hold goods and livestock. DUN HAM TRANSFER. Fuel Phone 2si GREEN and dry slab wood. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. I ALLEY OOP Greetings, Baron . By V. T. Hamlin I 1 QUITE A DISTANCE, J.- u,pn ,SURE ... Of DINMV' W ALL THREE OF US? L -l CMON.DINNY, VOL) fLsfl f VEH , BARONN AND AS MV HO BSE ( Zla , irVT tws'lu TAXE CARE"! Bv JOVE, HE MUST BE Vftl I Ol' RASCAL... IT'S ;. ( WE'REREAOYIg KILLSP UNXXO. Scap wvJaJ OF GITTIN' 1 iQUITEA HORSE.' WHERE &V4 Cl.TIME SOU DONE A MTWMwWW WHERE WE fMETODW, GETTING, 1?AV . US THERE- h6 CAN 1 VflVIS HE? A !IVfV LITTLE NOW JjfflZ ,; OO.Nft Ah66 14 OUR. u7V(M&lMP BACKfCARRV ALL lR'?0H,f -X rPhmC (rfvWll I 1 yk, r ItRgCKLES AND HIS FRIENDS , Flank Attack By Merrill Blosser Wfbur 1 vVas HUNQRY, 1 1 1 B JJ fr' '"a- ( fl l bet hes gomma I ) , J MlUAt AND CAN I YOU OlDNT HAVE TO ( ttZ' 05?' t rZW WELL, IF YOUR I 0. I ( WAVE TO LIMP THE j " Hill IWWiiiiiP I if VVALkTHOME 1yolE S HOWff VWh'hER, - -JL , ' ' ' ll f BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Hord to Get By Edaar Martin (WASH TUBBS Using the Old Bean - By Roy Crone r&oM f.mas U1ST fWONP TWAT 5He AND WASH ?0OB THIN61. THN VtWf ( ' W OF COWSE.1. A H AVENS; NO1. V WU' W6 UK6S W(WB6 VOU' 0ETTeR n &?f'-fc I " -r nr-a f&uCyl $ V siaplvWilo about AW r m J pgw- l'Vril S 2 weR you pony "' ' 1 ' mi3'- ' Rentals FOR RENT 540-acre ranch, 80 acres in cultivation, balance pas're. 4 miles north of Myr- tie creek. Address E. M. Wei - gel, Myrtle Creek. ;. - FOR HTRP n.7 eiiiiin - : , -"- um- tor with logging winch. Bull.. dozer available. Rnx 27 rhiin. quln, Oregon. 5 ROOM, modern hm,. cr,' on Commercial avenue. Phone .' 824J. Inquire 220 Court. . FOR RENT Unfurnishedhousc. Close in. Inquire at 211 Wash ington, i FOR RENT Five-room furnish-f ed house. Inquire 800 S. Pine I St. ' ATTRACTIVE 2-room modern apartment for rent. Valley Ho-1 tel. KOHLHAOEN APARTMENTS ( Strietlv mnriorn Phnna WA FOR RENT Sleeping room. 221 ' I n. Jackson or phone lue. . CLEAN rooms. 707 West Mosher. Dentistry DR. NEREAS Fluorescent teeth in plastic. Old plates made like new. 112 Lf"" denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment Gas when desired Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Miscellaneous NOTICE Worthless stock re- moved free of charge. Phono 52F12 or 740-R. Roscburg By- Products. Real Estate 5 ACRES, modern home, close I $2500.00. Good terms. i River dairy farm. Stock and ! equipment. Extra good. Poultry farms, fully equipped. Timber and unimproved lands. .. . . iu acres, moncrn nouse, waicri ,,i, tonnn uur, iimn.rnK ai pi nvtm .rnnH ho.iw I ' property. Dwellings, business properties. ' Everything In Real Estate and Insurance. Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens, phone 218. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE , I $900.00 cash takes 120-acre hill-) side ranch. Some saw timber : and piling. Two houses, largo barn, 7 acre field, fenced. Mrs., Alex DeBolt, P. O. Box 103, j Roscburg. j A FEW farms available in Doug las county. These are priced to sell. Inquire at the National'; Farm Loan Association, Per - kins Bldg. The Federal Land I Bank. FOR SALE 3, 4 and 5 room, I stucco, plastered houses, at Riverside. Small down payment, balance like rent. II. DeCamp, I owner. ' Phone 649-Y. FOR SALE Five nouses, income $80.00 month. Consider some trade. F. G. Rouse, 119 Krusc avenue, Marshfield, Oregon. ! FOR SALli-Mooern flve-room house, priced for quick sale. 0G , 3. Pine street. j KOR SALE-House and 5 lots, Route 2, Box 105. Livestock ; FOR SALE One purebred Jer-1 J scy calf, six weeks old, S12.00. ' George Barter, Melrose route. -L L. lil FOR SALE or trade for stock or hay 2 young horses, work or ride. J. W. Holmgren, Route 1, Box 119. FOR SALE- -300 White Face, j s()lja CIU,S. Sl0vt) Iwte, Routo , Oakland. Telephone iPM 1 , . ..,. i... farm team with harness. Rea sonable. R. B. Oliver, phono 1F32. . j FOR SALE Hampshire weancr j pigs. O. O. Matthews, Melrose. ! Poultry FOR SALE-100 New Hampshire Red pullets, just beginning to lay, $1.25 each. Also fat hens, geese and ducks. H. DeCamp, Riverside. Phone 649-Y. FOR SALE White Wyandotte and White Leghorn cockerels, , Hanson strain. 7 months old. Pullorum tested. II. A. Garber, Oakland. BARRED ROCK cockerels for C. Lovelace, : sale. Mrs. R. ' Deer Creek road. FOR SALE 200 N. H. Red pul lets, 11 weeks old. E. R. Holm, Suthcrlin. Business Opportunities CAREER services in social wcl- fare open to college students and college graduates with ad ministrative, teaching or nurs ing exirricnce. Write Merit System Supervisor, Mead Building, Portland. Deadline for applications, November IS. Chiropractor DR. H. B. SCOK1EI.D. Fnone 273. For Sate Miscellaneous BE SURE to visit the Orange Truck this weekend. Walk through our large, open-air stand and select your needs from a complete stock of fresh est fruits and vegetables. Wo have a full load of oranges In all sizes and they are especial ly sweet and Juicy. Large 80 size Arizona grapefruit, 49c dozen. Lemons, medium, Juice size, 15c dozen. Everything available In the vegetable lino Including large, solid lettuce, 2 for 13c; Jumbo celery, 10c bunch; cauliflower, 2 for 25c; Italian broccoli, 10c bunch; Chinese lettuce, 5c lb.; red rhu barb, 3 lbs., 14c. Another sup ply of ripe olives at 30c quart. ISc pint, and we furnish con tainers. Large ' persimmons, 2 for 5c; pomegranates, 5c each. Perfect No. 2 potatoes, 50 lbs., 69c. THE ECONOMICAL ROAD TO WINTER HEALTH: The scien tifically proven way to obtain all the vitamins so necessary to keep in good health during winter months: Use more milk, buttermilk, cottage cheese, but ter and ice cream the dairy products your doctor would recommend. Umpqua Dairy Products Co. FOR SALE Used Fordson trac tors and used plows: 1938 Irish Fordson, $-145.00; 1911 General, $515.00; 1 disc plow, extra good, $35.00; 1 Fordson Iractor with buzz saw, $125.00. Lock wood Motors, Inc. PIANO Small new piano stored near Roscburg. Also used pi ano. Both must be sold at once. Terms if desired. Write Tall man Piano Slnre, Salem, Ore. FOR SALE New Oregon and Marshall strawberry plants, 25c per hundred or $2.00 per thousand. Dig them yourself. E. A. Crow, Looklngglass, Oregon. WHY NOT gel tne isy-Power, guaranteed muffler and forget I your muffler troubles. Also get your glass at Sarlf'n Auto Wrecking House. EXCELSIOR strawberry plants , for sale. Phone 21F22. D. O. Tower, Coos Junction. FOR SALE Stock squash. Bromps, Curry Estate. Help Wanted ALL grades typists, stenograph ers, clerks, accountants, audi tors, social workers needed for positions in Oregon Welfare Departments. For examina tion application material write Merit System Supervisor, Mead Building, Portland. Deadline for applications, November 15. WANTED Old time fiddlers . and square dance callers for the barn dance Saturday night. Register at Marsters' Drug store. WANTED Experienced maid. ! Steady work for right party. Hotel Grand. ! GIRL for light housework. No ' cooking. Box 1149, c-o News I Review. I HOUSEKEEPER wanted for '. small family. Phone 32F11. F. ' G. Ewens. GIRL WANTED. Cy's Sandwich Shop, 318 N. Jackson, GENERAL SAW FILINQ Howard Casebcer, 443 S Steph. LOCKSMITH Pacific Kijr Scrv. Phone 348. FLUE CLEANING Furnaces vacuum cleaned flue cleaning. ' Call 841. J. C Bew ley. TOMBSTONES Harry G. Rapp. Phone 819-Y. Hay, Grain, Feed 17 TONS loose hay, In barn, for sale, $8.00 per ton. J. A. Mc Calvy, Myrtle Creek. RECLEANED vetch seed, alfalfa, vetch and oat hay. Td Hodges, Looklngglass. STOCK squash, $1.00 per ton. W. F. Wright, Curry Estate. BALED straw for sale. Phone 691-J. Lost and Found LOST Salmon fishing rod and reel, between Coos Junction , and Bandon, Coos Bay high way. Reward. Fred Burks, Coos Junction. LOST Key case and keys. L. H. Crouch, 124 S. Jackson. Re ward. LOST Key ring with six keys. Phone 157-Y. Reward. . Auros 192!) MODEL A for sale. Good rubber, 600.16 wire wheels, A-l condition. $85.00. J. A. Mc Calvy, Myrtle Creek. . ... Wilbur . . -.. Raymond Brown, Jr., who is with the Western Union at Sa lem, was home over the week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Brown. Dick Brawn left Sunday for Glide where he will be employed on llio Ray Stradcr ra'rich. Mr. and Mis. Fred Bro.lo and daughter, Jerry, and son, Ry land, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Von Farrell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jenkins of Roscburg were dinner guests of the latler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Short, Monday. Frank Parker, who has been quite sick at his home here, Is improving. Miss Rulh Jacobs of Eugene is visiting at the home of Mrs. Ro sella Bridge and with other friends here this week. Mrs. Esudlllo has organized a basketry club and under the di rection of Mrs. Stradcr a Glee dull was organized In (he grade schools here. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Nolice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of William H. Richardson, deceased, has filed his final ac count In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, and that the Hon. D. N. Busenbark, Judge of said court, has by an order made and enter ed the 4th day of November, 1941, appointed Monday, the 8th day ol December, 1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, of said day, at the County Court Room in the Court House in Roscburg, Doug las County, Oregon, as the place and the time for hearing objec tions, if any, to said account and the final closing of said estate. W. H. HAM1L.IUIN, Administrator of estate of Wil liam II. Richardson, deceased. CITATION In the County Court of the .State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of Lawson Scott Manic, sometimes known as L. S. Maple, deceased. To C. K. Maple, W. Maple, Mrs. C. .). llenrleks. Mrs. Cassie N. AUCTION MONDAY, NOV. 10th At the Roscburg Auction Market Starting at 10:30 Slurp. Because of an Incrcaso in sales wo must Oct started early. Furniture of all klnrts and lots of It 2 cars sonic machinery chickens and miscellaneous. Livestock at f:30. Consigned at this timo 20 head of Guernsey oows and heifers, all springers, 1 good Guernsey bull, 10 months old: 1 milking Short horn bull, 18 months old; 1 very good bred bull, will be In Sunday tor your Inspection. Some good calves and yearlings 70 t 80 head. Weaner and feeder pigs work horses and extra good har ness. Bring whatever you have to sell and don't miss this big sale. VICK SCHRICKER KENITH DANSTROM , Auctioneers ; ' ' . . . I AL LA PAN, Manager RADIO SERVICING Hargls Radio Service. Phone 194 Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone 34 WASHING MACHINES IRONERS Bergh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 80& PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop, 10S 3. Main. Bishop, Mrs. Flora E. Lee, Mrs. Margaret E. Romie, Mrs. Luella N. Metcalf, Charles E. Bertram and Mrs. Eva Ma Baker, heirs at Ihw of the above-named deced ent, and also to all unknown heira at law, if any there be, of said Lawson Scott Maple, sometimes known as L. S. Maple, deceased, and to all parties unknown, it any there be, claiming any right, title, estate, claim, lien or interest in or to the real property herein after described belonging to the estate of said decedent, Lawson Scott Maple, sometimes known as L. S. Maple, deceased, in or to the real property or in or to his es tate, GREETING: In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are jnercoy cited and required to ap pear In the County Court of the state 01 uregon lor Douglas County in the Courtroom thereof in tne city ot Koseburg, Oregon within ten (10) days from the service of this citation upon you, if personally served within Doug las County, Oregon, or if served upon you personally within any other county of the State of Ore gon, then within twenty f2C) days from the date of the service of this citation upon you, or if served by publication In a news paper, men wunin twenty eignt (28) days from the date of the first publication of this citation In said newspaper, then am there to show cause, if any exists; why an order of this Court should' not ' be 'made authorizing, empow ering and licensing JT V Long as administrator of said estate ol Lawson Scott Manic, soine' known as L. S. Maple, do.vased, to sell the real property belong- leg 10 sain esratc as prayen lor in the petition therefor On file in the above Court und oause, said real property being particularly described as follows, to-wlt: The Southeast quarler (SE1) of Section Thirty (30) Town ship twenty-four (24) South of Range three (3) West of the Wllliamette Meridian in Doug las County, Oregon, Witness, the Honorable D.- N.' Busenbark, Judge of the County Court for Douglas County, Ore gon, with the seal of said Court affixed thereto this 23rd day of October, 1941. (County Court) Signed, D. N. BUSENBARK, Seal County Judge for Douglas Cotintv, Oregon. ATTEST: ROY AGEE, ' County Clerk of Douglas Coun ty, Oregon and cx-ofiicio Clerk of the above Court. By Leota Wilson, Deputy. Long and Long, Attorneys for the estate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administratrix of the Estate -of Orcft J. Payne, de ceased, has presented and filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, her final account as such adminis tratrix and said court has fixed Saturday. November 29, 1941 at 10:00 o'clock a. m. as the time and the court room of said court as the place, for hearing objec tions to said final account and for the settlement thereof. Datdd at Roscburg, Oregon, October 31, 1941. ELLA HIGGINS, Administratrix of the Estate ol Orcn J. Payne, deceased. For newspaper deliveries after 5:30 Please Call 617-R