ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, RQSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1941, FIVE HI Livestock WANTED Ten head Angara nannies and one biUy. Bert Golgei't, Camas Valley. COIVR1EDA1.E rams, callings and lambs. C. H, EJmore, Ap pleRnte, Oregon. WEANER pigs for sale. Lewin O. Parker, Dixonville ltoaL Phone 7F-11. FEEDER and weaner pigs for sale, 13 head, Al Stephens, Myrtle Creek, KM BREEDING ewes. Box 1110, c o News-Review, x Miscellaneous REMEMBER MILK gives chil dren vitality. Bo sure that they drink one quart daily. It is the most economical food today. Telephone 38 for daily service. Umpqua Dairy Products Com pany. ALL PERSONS warned hereby not to trespass on Smith prop erty, five miles south of Rose burg. Grant Smith. NOTICE Worthless stock re moved free of charge. Phone 52FJ2 or 710R. Roscburg By Products. SECOND annual Sadie Hawkins Dance, Oriential Gardens, No vember 1. Prizes for best cos tumes. I TAKE subscriptions for all magazines. Alden Harness, Fie tton Library. NO HUNTING on Ella Wegner Ranch, 2 miles west of Slither l!n. ALLEY OOP eux foozx "tou caj't assist wy eos-i, whv IN THE OPERATION OF THIS I JDM DIDN'T DO COMPLICATED THE WHPUE XY V THE WHfXE IDEA IS 5AD(3ET5 AIDWMV ,e5,TMyLV I HALP OUT Ul- TH' "r,'","" PISA&ftKf y Tl i r r OCl ' 1 fiFEZ?l 5TUFF...TO DO LIKE j I f W TWS C'- L I J fi FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ( Looks like ever icin P iJ""lsllll ' ( That was I And TNEytee all hioins , I umb vbu stem P-- j IN TOWW GOT A BA5GA HERE COMES MI j5WEl NUTr COOK BEHIND A DIFFERENT BUSH J Joy MAE KferttH Ndf - BUT I ! nATf- AT TUP c;A)utP AKinrucB iyer")? I HE MAKES THE I WHAT GOES ON HERE 2 tl I V6T ? DO OU SME MUST I ! BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES It's Awful ty Edgar Martin p r - i - " p i Bs8sasMSgujis.ujj BggneeMrrqgr , i . WASH TUBBS . -- . I I ! i ! . . By Bey Crane ' (ZfiOlNki I) f SO SHE IpgM1'"" " ZT f Jt? lrte mL0W V,LEE ABWTfiBMOffiES'Slf STOP PtAV ACTiMfir. SOmmi mB) 'uPyOSW F?$ TiPPED CFF r"'--'- I I SRAUO. HE5 LOCATED ITIM WEWWf, ( T "SRALD fECKXAsCE IS AtOtID ' BOOM A sjSSkJ -m TMH6-M5M, j V"" 1 I J!lf?S' KJ1 a0TTA R m UP gT lrp- ' I VUR OrJ WECK WHERB life MwuTE,VIXI-j TMm t(DSHT:f I VftM I V 6VEJ6 SifJCF YOU TOOK IT FS3M For Sal Mitotlkipieouj SPECIALS TO make room for -new Wash, ing. Machines .and a compHe repair parts stock Uergh are offering special, low prices I uu me louuwing. au are guar- i umeeu in gooa condition: 1 Wcstlnghouse electric ' range $3.95 1 Hotnolnt electric range .... 52.95 1 1 Westinghouse electric 1 range 64.95 I Cadillac vacuum cleaner.. 19,95 1 nearly new Maytag Special 99.50 1 used Westinghouse washer 39.95 1 Maytag churn 14.95 Several new and used motors, i j h. p., for washing machines. ; WHY NUT get tne Hy-Power, ; guaranteed muffler and forget your muffler troubles. Also get : your glass at Sarffs Auto j Wrecking House. FOR SALE Apples. Pick them ! yourself. Sunday, Monday, j Furnish own boxes. 35c bushel, i George Allen place, Wilbur and Umpqua road. PUMPKINS, $4.00 per ton; ban- ana squash, lie per pound; : sweet corn, 15c dozen. Fred Bonebrake, Melrose. i FOR SALE At Umpqua Clean- ers 2 women's coats, sizes 16 1 IS; boy's suit, 12; man's suit, j 40; 2 coats and vests. ! FOR SALE Apples. Mrs. S. J. ! Fett, Mclroso Star route, Box .57. ; GOOD tomatoes yet to be had. Ripe and green. Limibloom. FOR SALE Adding I Call 439-R. machine. ' APPARATUS,' 1 BUT PUSH A IDEA IS JIFFY-WAY LUNCH (Drivtin), clean and fresh, is now open for business at 840 South Steph ens street, fn building known as Sully's Drive-In. We former ly operated Jlffy-Way Lunch at Jennings Lodge and Grants Pass and will serve the same fine quality food, specializing in French Fried Foot Long Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, ChlH and Good Coffee. Drive out and give us a trial ear service If you wish. KOLSTER battery radio In good condition, Frank West, Myrtle Creek. Rental FOR RENT Strictly modern five 1 room home, beautifully located ' In Laureiwood, Unfurnished, 5 Unusually large yard, fenced In ; rear. $35.00. Phone 632, KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550, FURNISHED ROOM. Bell Bulld ing, 122 S. Jackson street. UNFURNISHED house, close in. i Inquire 211 Washington. FOR RENT Modern 5 room house. Inquire 1103 Mill, FOR RENT Sleeping room, 221 N. Jackson or phone 196. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, downstairs. 348 S. Pine. ' FOR-RENT Small house, un- furnished. Call 282, HOUSE for rent. Inquire 526 t Pitzer street. CLEAN rooms. 707 West Mosher, Chiropractor DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. Pnone 27a So Do wot ? WOTHiN' FEW Uff-r If. "A' iTy.9E,DaC,VCj. SOTTA fTl"rr7Jr A,Ui Ki3HT, WEli HAe TO "1 I I A ri TV !tC30XV.,.VcAKl,T LEAVE kST TX -SX X HAME J Plot Progressing as Planned isl Estate 32 ACRES NEAR GREEN STA- , .TION, borders on psved high way. Two houses, plenty of. wa ter for several families. This property Is Ideal lor subdlvi sion ami should be considered for an Investment as It Is near Coos Bay Lumber Company mill site. Price: $3,000; $1,000 down. If you have a little money to invest, come In and let us tell you mora about It. We have a number of good buys in homes from $800 to $2500. W. A. BOGARD, Real Estate, 214 Cass street, " ' LOOKING FOR A HOME? ; See that fine little home, five rooms, strictly modern, 730 East Lane, $2750.00. Terms like rent. This is $1000.00 less than cost. It you want a real home, and a big bargain, see this home today. Open for Inspec tion. Coen Lumber Company. WHY NOT A SUBURBAN HOME? 59 acres, 3 miles out. j Productive soil In cultivation, j Modern 6-room hpuso fire j place, basement. Shade trees, I Barn old but useable. This I property is priced far below Its ! value, $4500; terms; $1500 I down, j INVESTIGATE u.d opportunities ; we ire offering you to get es- tablished on a farm of your . own. Call at the: National 1 Farm Loan office, 415 Perkins Building, ftoaeburg, or write C A. Barnes, 167 E. 8th St., Eu. gene. Federal Land Bank of j Spokane. . . STOCK RANCH, about 800 acres, some buildings, five miles from I town, good roads. $8,590,00. E, ' G. Whipple, Drain, Oregon. We 18 ACRES SOUTHERN ORE GON. $2350 total price. Easy terms, 60 seres under cultiva tion, spring and well water, 7 room house, electricity, good fencing, family orchard, some timber, close to schools and transportation. 10 miles north of Grants Pass on Highway 99 at the foot of Sexton Moun tain. Inquire at the Sexton Mountain Service Station, I will be on the premises all day Saturday and Sunday, October 18 and 19 to negotiate sale, Fred F. Sexton, owner. 409 S, W. Second avenue, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Good six-room i house in Rttkile, Oregon, Fur I nlshod. Address Box C, Riddle, Oregon. ' .FOR SALE Modern rive-room ' house, priced for quick sale, 06 I S. Pine street 500 OR 40 acres. Good buildings. ' . Douglas Hotel. I Hoy, Grain, H4 i RECLEANED cheat seed for I sale, $1.50 hundred. Ralph I Weaver, CanyonvUIe. FOR SALE Rye grass seed, j hay, logging harness. - A. G. ' t Webber, Sutherltn, .' , RECLEANED vetch seed, alfalfa, j vetch and oat hay. T.d Hodges, j Lookingglass, ' STOCK squash, $1.00 per ton. W. I F. Wright, Curry Estate, FOR SALE Stock squash, j Bromps, Curry Estate. FOR SALE Baled hay, Stearns, Oakland. Arb Wei' Wanted HOUSE MOVING, Will be- here I ten days yet. Call George Lam I men, Umpqua Hotel, evenings. CALL US tor moving of house hold goods and livestock. DUN HAM TRANSFER. WANTED 2 children to care for during day. 562 W. Oak. Dentistry I DR. NERBAS j Fluorescent teeth In plastic. Old plates made like new. ' 10 years success In partial or tut) denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment . Gas wn desired Masonic Bldg, Phone 488 Lost and Found LOST 2 dogs 1 female Collie, light golden sable color, with white ruff; 1 small Shepherd, reddish brown, with white markings. Liberal reward. Jack Gorman, Elkton, Oregon. LOST, October 18, lady's remov able bridge, near fruit stand : on Highway 99, Immediately north of Diiiard, REWARD. Notify a F. Peek, 5 S. W. ' 6th avenue, Portland, Oregon. LOST Between Grimm's Gro ' eery and Cass street key 1 chain with pen knife bearing I words "Miracle Whip." Re ward. P, O. Box 470. Poultry FOR SALE 100 Hampshire pul lets, 41 months old. Will soon j be laying. Cobb's Hatchery, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, By V.T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser Is tuis we SHAOYStDE POLICE; STATION i WELL. I0 LIKE TO eEPOftTI SOME PROWi-HRS !N Th5 NEGHSOR- ur-rfc c 071- HAMPTOM SOAO i mm GENERAL MW FILING i ioward Casebeer, 443 S. Steph. LOCKSMITH Partlic Key Serv, Phone 348. FLUE CLEANING fttmacet vsettum daned Bat cleanlitf. Call 841. 1. C Bern TOMMSTONCS Harry G. Rapp. Phono n9-. . . CASH FOR LOGS Yellow Fir PEELER LOGS AND BLOCKS For Information on sizes as to length and diameter; PHONE TI J or call ; 143 S. Kane Street M. CoUler WANTED Walnuts, filberts, walnut meats, French prunes. We dry your walnuts, 3c per lb. Watag Orchard, Gszley road. Myrtle Creek, phone 740-i, Roasburg, - x WANTED Poulii-y, eggs, wool and mohair. Highest cash prices paid, Douglas Garaty Poultry. Phone 3T4. WANTED Bcwrt and room to private family. Name prise. Box 1139, e-o News Review, WANTED AM kinds of tires for rapping. Bond's O. K. Tire Shop, Stephens and Mosher. WE PA? -ash tor old or crippled horses. Phone 48F13. Help Wonted ACTIVE mart, wanted for slash ing, and care or sheep. Small wage with an Interest Itt the sheep. Write E. R. HaStas, Myrtle Cree, Oregon. WANTED Sawyer for mill of 10 or 12 M capacity. Near Myrtle Creek, Oregon. The 1-C Lumber Co., Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Autos SACRIFICE '35 St ude baker se dan. Reconditioned motor, i paint job, 3 new tires, radio and heater, See Mr. Ingalls, at Montgomery Ward. KOR SALE '26 Chevrolet, driv en less than 40,000 miles. Good tires and battery. Mrs. Dan Egiy, 3 mites Melrose waC I FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet track, cheap. Delmar Bice, Gftkland, Oregon, Impounded (Unless claimed within 48 hours from date of notice, the follow ing described dog will be sold or killed as provided in City Ordinance No, I0M. Long tall, red and white, fe male, mixed hound. White tip on tail. Tom Fletcher, City Enforcement Officer, phone a-F-4. October 16, 5:00 p. m. BwiiM Opportunities FOH SALE Established business In heart of Marshfield, with steadily Increasing stock and income. Dependable trade. Can easily be operated by one per son. Low rental and tnrciead. Accounts receivable, stock, fix tures and good will all go tor $2,300. Owner leaving for East. C. Frank Taylor, 236 Central Avenue, Msrshffrid, Oregon. OREKN and dry slab wood. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the HSafe of Oregon for IJougias County. In the Matter of the Kstate of Jacob Cordon, also kttown a Jake Cordon, Receised. Notice is hereby given that fhe undersigned has been duly ap pointed Admin Wrator of the cs ftte of the above named Jacob Cordon, also known as Jake Cor don, by Order of the aoow en titled rottrt fhilv mad- xwl AUCTION Monday, Oct. 20 The Bosebttrj Auction Marhrt wili hold anothsr big iiwsteek sale. Owmg to the Increase of furnttore and livestock, this sale will start at 10:30, We are getlNng top prices for all livestock. Bring whatever yoj have, we always have a buyer. Usual run sf cattle, sheeo anil hogs and Z reglsteretf milking Shsrthoro bulls, These are eiitsiaidang byiis, 45 nannies and wethers, 2 extra good 4-jrear pld milk cows. Don't m: this sale. Remember we are gsing to start at 10:30, Tune yout radio to KRNB Monday marnfng, 7.Z9, tor mors sals news. t AUCTIONEERS; VIC SCHBICKEB, K, A. BANSTROM At, fcA PAH, Mgwcr raoio KRVteinta Hargis BiMBo Service, phone 1M Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stepam Lund Eadso Serviw. Fftoae 34. WASHINS MACHIHU IHONCKS Bergh's, 30 Winchester, P6. 9Q& PIANO TUHtNS ArundeL Repairs, Benwth, 1SS-L. ANTIQUES Th Straw Shoo, 106 & Mtn, tered. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the law of fices of Cordon 4 Keotatse. In Rosetorgf, Douglas County, Ore. gen, vrttttn six months tenia the eate of the first puMtatfon sf this notice. Date of first pohBestton Sep. lenrfser 19, 1941- GUY CORDON, Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Cordon, also known as Jake Cordon, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREBITSHS In the county court of the stats of Oregon for Douglas county. In the matter of the estate ot Adolph , Paviovie, deceased. Notice is hereby gh-er, that the undersigned has beea by an order nf fhi ioantv eourt of the stste fof Oregon for Dough county, duly ntaae ana emereo ot reeora, appototrf as administrator of ths estate of Adolph V., Paviovie, de ceased, AO persons having claims aealnst said estate are hereby no tified to present the came prop erty verified with vouchers an nexed thereto at the tow office of Long and Lonst In the Douglas county court house In the city sf ItosebuiR, Oregon, within six 161 months from tne cafe ot tne lira publication ol this notice. Dated and first publtahed thlj 3rd day of October, 191. M. 1. UA VOUIN, AUntlntatratsr of the estate of Adolph V, Pavlovic, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE M EST In the county court of the stats of Oregon for Douglas county. In the matter of the estate of Theodore Anderson, deceased. I Notfc 1s hereby given that the undersigned atlmtatotratrfx of the estate of Theottere Anderson, de ceaswl, has filed to the above entitled court and cause her final account In settlement of said estate and by order of the above' entitled court duly made and en tered of record, fixing and ap pointing Saturday, the 1st day of November, 1941, at the office of the county judge In tho Douglas county court room at Boseburg, Oregon, at the hour ot 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said ac count and the settlement of said ( stale. Dated and first published this the 3rd: fiay of October, 1941. ALMA ANDERSON, Adratntsstratrise of the estate oi Theodore Anderson, deceased. LONG AND LONG, Attorneys for the Estate. NOTICE OF FSNAS. SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby riven that tho onderstened Administrator of the estate of W. P. Wilson, deceased, has Ifiea hts linat account in the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Douglas County, and She Hon. D. N. Busonbark, Judge of said court, has appointed Tues day, the 21st day of October, tai, at ten ociock tn me lore mon Of said day. In the county courtroom in the emtrthouse In Roscburg, Douglas County, Ore eon, as the time and place for hearing objections, If any, to said , final account and the settlement thereof. Ail persons Interrstec tn said estate are hereby notified to file their objections. If any, to said final account at or before the time 50 appointed for final hear ing as aforesaid. Dated September 19, lt. JOSEPH WtLSODf, Administrator of the Estate ot W. P. Wilson, Deceased. For newspaper deliveriti after Si3B Please CalJ