TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1941. ;' Around the County OUR EOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoople : ' Azalea J , AZALEA, Oct. 10 '-Mr. and Mrs. Huh CJImw )rom Central J Point spent last week hcre vlsii 4 ing at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. villlam Spm-ks, t L. H John, Dill Curtjn ind Lester Cuius made a business ' trip to Grants Pass Monday. , Mr. and Mis. J). H. Clare fro: Sacramento, Calif., arrived lu-r J Saturday cveniiiR and will finer, several clays at tneir mill on una : ness. Mr. anil Mrs. Eastman, Amtry ' and Opal Kaufman and Jfc'rniuiino hpiirks wore In (Jrants Pass iti day. Miss Sparks had dental . work done. Art GaMlecke, Don Smith and , Kollie Jinreli made a trip to vari ous coast points over the week- ' end seeking emploment. . Bill Sparks and Hugh Glenn ; made a business trip to Handon , Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harrison , and duughter, from Ventura, Calif., have been visit int? his nar J ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester liar- rison, for lh past two weeks, : iney wpi"o necompunled hack 4o Ventura Tuesday by Mrs. Lcnter J Harrison, who will spend several wopks iiu-rc viMiing. J Frank Tripp spent a couple of days the first of the week at Tal J ent, where hi? visited his son and uauBhterlnluw, Mr. und Mrs, Neil Tripp, a Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gnrdecke and Johnny Hemingway and Mr. , Uibney H orn Muivhficld left early . feunday morning for eastern Ore J gon where they will spend sever- ai nays nunting. Mrs. Vada Ferguson and sons, , Earl and iiillie, from Eugene visited lieic Saturday and Sun tlay with her brother and sister- , In-law, Mr. imd Mrs. Kruttk Tripp, Lookingglass LOOKING-GLASS, Oct. 15. Ill's. Kay Petrequin, aeeomianied 1y her son, John, and nephew , Dean Ecces, returned recently from the International Livestock ; imposition In Portland where the Ixiys received some fine! awards , rn the corn they had entered in Ihe 4-M department. Terranoe ' Hodges also attended the exposi- lion In Portland. Alvln Heard Is being congralu . i(!d upon the success he attain- ed w ith his corn project this year, having been awarded the sweep i stakes on his entry as well as several blue ribbons at the expo . gltiou J 11 Portland the past woclc. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nash of ! VVHstwuud, Calif., arrived 'J'hurs ; day to visit at the home of the . former's nephew, A. A. Jacoby ' und family. Mr. Nash has pur- chased a ranch In the Melrose (lis ' Iriet and plans evenluajly to ; make Ills home In this locality. The Nashes returned lo their home in Vt'eslwood Sunday. Everett Hodges erniie from his home near Tacoma last week on 0 business trip and on his return Saturday was accompanied by his , Blster ln law, Mrs. Ted Hodges. . who will visit for several weeks ; at the home of tin; Everett , Hodges and with other friends ' and relatives in the northern pan of the slate. i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davidson and sons are enjoying a two , weeks Irip to Los Angeles. W. J. Meredith unci Mr. and ', Mrs. Arthur Marsh anil Miss Hcl- en H'oodin drove to Corvallis Sat J urday to attend the Oregon State . Stanford fool hall game and to visil with Clare Meredith and George Marsh who are students there. ' Miss Elizabeth Petrie spent the weekend with friends In Eugene. ; A social evening was sponsored 1' rlday Dy the P. T. A. honoring ; the teachers and held In the high I school assembly room and in the gymnasium where games were played under (he direction ot ..Fred Goff. The evening of lively games was very much enjoyed by Ihe large croud in allendanco. Mr. and Mis. Joe Matthews and children, lionnie Jean and Hilly, are now living on the Lowell place and on Sunday Mrs. Mat thews' father, .Mr. Perrin, of Roseburg, who recently sulfured a stroke, was brought to the home MY UNCLE WAS A 6 41 LOR, AND HE WAS A WALKlMft DlrTHDe rs.0.1 1 fbv - WE HAD TATTOOING ALU OVVi HIM THE 05ST ONE WAS TH BATTLESHIP AAAINE WHKrvJ 'HE FILLED OUT HIS CHEST IT LCOKED LIKE THE SWP WAS BLOVMlKS UP- HAVE VOL) GOT ANV TATTOOS f AH , I'VE GOT A COUPLE. OP SWELL ETCHINGS OH WY, CHEST UAMDE .'TU SKCfW 'EM Ji TO SOU, BUT DON'T TELL JULIE v MB MIGHT NOT APPRECIATE THE ART , , I V L jl IS ClUB UK 3 i "H if Hi J CanyonviHe k ( 6 jr iil lO-l7 C0MI. 1M1 sy t,r, SiftviCf.lWC. T M. .sfC.'u'V WT. t.-r. L3 UNJVEIHNiG VJlLL TAKE U PLACE IM . IhE GARAGE it his daughter lo convalesce. Vernon Green, who Is a student at Llnfield college spent the woek it recenilv with the liome folk Mr. and Mrs. Cliai. Green, and family. Hv was accompanied by some old I linn friends of the Greens who are living near Mc- Mlnnvilie. Days Crtcfc DAYS CHEEK, (Jet. 35. -Guests during the week end at the Wul tr Hutchinson home included Mr. and Mrs. Hill Bromley and Miss Gem Hutchinson, all of Marshfield. Mr and Mrs. Fred Wriiht went to Koseburg Wednesday after noon to obtain medical attention for Ihe Jutler, who was suffering from a severe attack of influenii. Ihelr twin daughlrs, Delia and Doris, slaved with t licit' grand- parenls, Mr. und Mrs. J. D. Wright, until Thursday when Iheir parents returned home. Pelo Ulam, who for some time has been employed in the Colum bia national forest of southwest ern Washington, recently return- no to nis home here and has ac- nuptiid a position as gradermun WJlh the Kigdon Construction company. Mrs. J I. R. Eerguson, Mrs. Archie irerguson and the hitter's son, Lester, were visiting and at tending lo business matters in Roseburg Monday. While there Lester hud some denial work done. Kay Wright and Sid Tison. who left Friday for eastern Oregon on a hum Ing trip returned to their homes here Monday. Charles Farmer of Medlord, who accom panied them returned with them iuid is a guest at the Wright homy. Mrs. Fanner is expected to join lii in later in the week for several days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wright and oilier friends here. During Mr. Wright's ab sence Archie Ferguson drove the school bus. Mr. and .Mrs. M. K. Dean were hi tending lo business matters in Koseburg Thursday. Thursday erf last week Miss Josephine Wright and her moth er, Mis. Kay Wright, were guests ai a charming birthday dinner complimenting Miss Winnifrcd llainville at the Joe liainville home al Tiller. Others enjoying Ihe dinner 'were Mr. unci Mrs. Kainvillc, Miss Winnie and Gar land Itainville. In tho alieriioon they were joined by Miss May belle Kainville who is at pie.ietil employed t Mllo and who re mained at the home of her pa rents over night Thursday. He fore returning home Mrs. Wright and Miss Josephine also calicd on Mrs. Ilruce Ferguson. James E. Hranion. who for some time has Imhii stationed at Ihe South l'nipiua Falls CCC camp recently left lor his home in Mississippi where he will enter military service. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'J1. Wright were recently attending to busi ness matters in Roseburg. John Ferguson was a business vlilor in CanyonviHe Monday. Mr. and Mr. Harry Lewis of Medford were Sunday visitors at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tison. I jew 1 when j on proiiuce . OLT f SunntBrook lit! I f I nriiiiii'K) irHiglil IK.urlmu Wlii-krv Tenmile TENMILE, (Jet. J5. Mr. and Mrs. Harry St umbo, of Halley, Idaho, were over night guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Albro, Sunday. Miss SI umbo is a sister of Mrs. Albro. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Muotzel have moved from the home of Mis. Muelzel'6 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albro, to upjicr Olalla. where Mr. Mueij-l is employed at his father's saw mill. Mr. Clark and J. J. Miller are building a stage In the school room. it has been reported thai a large black bear in Ihe Tenmile valley is causing disturbance amung animals and fruU cellars. irvln Swlfi is employed al present by John Kuthkoy to pul new root on Mrs. Minnie Hath- key s house. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crowley are doing some Imnrovlne on heir home place by remodeling he wood shed. Mrs. Nellie Urown of Sulherlln and her dauehler. Mrs. Helen Vaiigh, of Eugene, who formerly 'esided in Tenmile. were visiting al the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cabot last week. Mrs. Kilia Hahn is gpcndimt icveral weeks in California visit- ng her children. .Mrs. Nellie Cabot is redecorat- ng the interior of her house. Jim Henry is farming the Mil on ollivant farm In Tenmile. Since the last rain several of he larmeis are busy planting heir lall grain. Those Ironi Tenmile to attend grange at Evergreen Monday liahi were Mrs. Florence Allis Miss Alice MiCaffrev. Mr. and .Mrs. J. M. cahol ami son. .lai'lc ind daughter, Mary Ann. Mrs. Edna Alliro and Miss Flor nee Allis were attending to busi ness in lioseluire Monday. Miss Florence Allis has our- chased lumber from the saw mill in upper Olalla lo build a sand table and flower boxes at ihe school house. Mr. Clark did the carpenter work. Mrs. Mary Walgamuth and daughter, Joan, were attending to business mailers ill Tenmile last week. Mrs. Walgamuth is resid ing In Koseburg with her mother, Mrs. Edna Knaggs. at present. Mrs. Nellie Henry and Mrs. Mice Met 'u if ivy were visiting and shopping In Roseburg Tues day. Mrs. Kreiger was taken to Mercy hospital Jast week due to a long illness. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coats re turned home last Monday from Crescent, Ore, where they visited ihelr son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Gladwell and Mr. Coats did some hunting. He returned with a large deer. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Small wood have moved to their ranch at Clear Lake, near Medford. E.A. Britton of Koseburg was a visitor at the Tenmile school Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Campbell were attending to business mat ters in Koseburg last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell of Yoncalla visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Campbell last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry and daughter, Doreen, shopped and transacted business in Koseburg i.isi r I jcidy. Mr. Heneriicl h:is hint i-n,.nntH- i installed il lin-trn olonti-in mfpln erator in the Tenmile store. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson were transacting business in Roseburg Saturday. CANYONVILLE, Oct. 15.-A small croup of women met at the home ef Mrs, Max Klmmel Mon day evening and formed a Red Cross knitting club. The ladies look yarn home with them to be knit into mufflers. The next meet ing will be at the same place next j Monday nignt. The ladies present I were Mrs. Barbara Hopkins, Mra. I Robert Fai quar, Mrs. Ira Poole, Mra. W, C. Pelham and the hos. i tess. I John Cnrttt ttil rw.i f grade school in Oakland, visited at the Hiram Hash home, Satur day. Mr. Seott was the principal of the grade school here several years ago. , Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards have returned to their home in North Bend after visiting here for ton days. Mrs. Edwards stay ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bartjey while Mr. Edwards went hunting with Glenn Dodge. Mrs. Max Kimmell spent thei week end in Vancouver with her son, Karl, who is stationed at the Vancouver barracks. One of the days tney visited the internation livestock exposition. Mrs. Klm mel came home with Carl Quick, wnu vmiieu nis parents In Port land. At Albany, Mrs. Edna Nor ton Joined them. Mrs. Norton had visited tier husband in Albany over the week end. They are all teachers in CanyonviHe. Sergeant Glenn Glimore of company D spent the week-end in CanyonviHe. Mrs. H. D. Manning was in Asmand the last of the week. Cecile Williams and her moth er, Mrs. J. O. Gloss went to Red mond, Saturday, to get Mrs. Wil liams' son, Bobby, who has been visiting his father and paternal Kcioumoiner, lor several months. They came home Sunday. Grandpappy Wat Right! ' PORTLAND, Ore. Them new fangled foldln' beds may be all right for city folks, but Warner Rlchmand thinks they're plumb dangerous. He settled down for the nleht. away from his rural home and one did just what grandpappy al "'s said they would folded him ujsiu income waiL . fie was treated nose lacerations. for face and DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS There exists an immutable relationship between God and man. A relationship which en dures throughout eternity. God and man is forever insep arable. The Individuality of man is established in the heart of God, the divine conscious ness underlying and sustain ing all true life instead of be ing a circumscribed human personality, which humanity has been trained to believe. St. John In his epistle, says: "Beloved now arc we the sons of God." The perfection of man, created by God, and re deemed through Jesus Christ makes this relationship a great reality. And because of this great fact, man is forever under the protection of his Heavenly Father. Isaiah In re minding the people of God's promise of redemption, says: "Fear not for I have redeem ed thee. J have called thee by my name: thou art mine." I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your king." This inspired declara tion of God's redeeming pow er and love refutes the false arguments that sin can for ever held us in bondage, and that separation from our Heavenly Father is forever. For there is no separation be tween man and his maker. For the real man is as one with God, forever protected, cher ished, sustained and blessed by God Himself. Sincerity and quiet confidence comes to us In proportion to our understand ing of the relationship be tween God and man. All we need is a true faith that we may see the glory of God in our lives. Amen. Retired Doctor Gives Talk on Indian Life i Dr. C. H. Kuntz, retired pliysi-j clan, now residing in this city, was guest speaker at the Lions i club six-thirty o'clock dinner at j the Hotel Dmpqua last evening. Dr. Kuntz was physician for a Navajo reservation , for many years and he gave an interesting account of the Indian ways of living. An excellent membership was in attendance and Al Flcgcl, presidend conducted the business meeting. The club will meet next Wednesday night for a six-thirty o'clock dinner at the Umpqua hotel. ROLL ROOFING at PAGES'. $1.10; $1.60; , $1.90; $2.00 and $2.45. tadv) Mistaken Identity BETTENDORF, la. Thinking she heard a prowler, Mrs! Calvin Straunch telephoned her husband to come home Immediately and I culled some neighbors, one of I whom brought a shotgun. i Straunch slipped into the back j yard to surprise the prowler and was greeted with a load of buck shot. POWELL'S FOR FISHING TACKLE 245 N. Jackson St., Roseburg DANCE At Olalla SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Dick Firman and His Rhythmakers SPECIAL! Model M. Allis Chalmers COMPLETELY REBUILT $1200 "And You Own the Profits" OOUOLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. RoMburg, Oreqea FREEI TO THE LAOIE8 Constance Bennett Cosmetiri uy ivjonaay and Tuesday eve Twenty-two pellets were remov nmg at the Rose theatre (Adv.) led from his left shoulder. COOKBOOKLET COUPON This Coupon and 10 entities bearer to a cookbooklet at the News Review office, Roseburg, Oregon. Yoncalla YONCALLA. Oct. 15.-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sehiro, of Oakland, Cal., spent several days hen? recently visiting at the Homer Kruse home. iMiss Betty Kruse returned lo Oakland with them for a month's visit. lici t Wilson, teacher in the Red mond school, is home for a short vacation. The Redmond schools closed for two weeks to enable ihe students to help har vest tlie polato crop. Mr. and Mrs. Llmer Kruscth ot Seattle, Wash., spent the week end visiting al the Eric Stenseth home. pt f lKtPtllI a5peoro.mi lalsiZI tCOKOMICH "ftWiiiMiJarst- FOOTBALL FRIDAY October 17 6 P. M. ROSEBURG HIGH SCHOOL vs. UNIVERSITY HI 1 Yos it's hardly believable but Red & White does have a nationally ad vertised, ouaranteel1 1"ality break fast food for every day in the week. If you buy an assortment of seven different kinds you'll bring variety into your breakfast menu and praise from your whole family. Break the monotony buy Red 4. White doily breakfast foods today. Specials for Friday and Saturday, October 17-18 Pancake Flour CORN FLAKES Quick Rolled Oats Wheat Cereal CAKE FLOUR Cane & Maple Syrup Quarts 57c Red & White Red & White Red & White Red & White Red & White Red & White SunSpun SALAD DRESSING With 2 piece Plastic Salad set Sunshine HI-HO CRACKERS ;kbg 19c A new "high" In Flavor , Sunshine CHOCOLATE CHIPS pfbr 23c Red A White Pure Vegetable SHORTENING 3t?n69c Best for baking, frying and all cooking Red A White BAKING CHOCOLATE ; ,b V 29c Fancy Blue Rose RICE 23c Standard Bulk MACARONI It- 19c Red & White GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No 2J?0r 21c Red A White Homcstyle er diced PINEAPPLE ..N';2V45c Large Pkg. . I l-oz. Pkg., 2 for 48-oz, Pkg. . 28-oz. Pkg. . Large Pkg. . Quart Jugs . 19c 19c 23c 21c 25c 37c ft CSSitii PUSS'N uO01t "-"- i a FOOgi tor 19 CAT FOOD Red & White All Green ASPARAGUS 1I': 23c Our Value -No. 303 tins Golden Corn or Sweet Peas 3 for 29C TOMATOES no.2.4,,. Blue & White Extra standard Red A White SLICED BEETS Red A White PUMPKIN Red A White CATSUP No. 2 cans ...2 for No. T i tins 2 for 2f(C 19c 15c 14 oz. bottles 't HkEKH I. AS tiM-ii ... H I l. llitlMO I ... I'll W . MIIIIMI HI Mi 1'roul rt in-: i . Nrftiuiul Jiislill' m lJr(Mlticlji irj., N. . rori l