EIGHT EOSEBURS flEWS-REVfEW, ROSEBURS, ORESOK. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1941 Soviet Lines Holding, . Report From Moscow (Continued from pane 1) . right Jii'lrt pieces, a motor train, many machine guns and much ammunition. Older Tactics futile German use of gliders was dis closed by the soviet Information bureau In a statement snylnp throe ot the craft and ten planes 1:al bier, rfiot ;I(-Wiv l)j Kfd Inci". of the Mack sea fleet. The scene apparently was Crimea, where Russian defenders have told of repulsing Herman drives from the region east of Dnieper. The trlpower Moscow war needs conference closed last nicht, two days ahead of the scheduled conclusion, with an agreement that practically every soviet supply request would be filled by the United States and Britain in return for Russian raw materials. "in concluding Its session," said n statement by W. Averell liar riman, chairman of the American delegation, "the conference states that It adheres to the resolution of the three governments to es tablish, after final annihilation of the nazl tyranny, a peace that . will enable all countries to live in security free from fear or need." Successes Claimed In Reports of Germans BERLIN, Oct. 2-IAP) Ger man farces ure pressing on to ward the Industrial Donets river basin behind air bombardments of Russian bunkers, field posi tions and tank concentrations east of the Dieiper river, German frontline dispatches reported to day. Authorized sources said two Russian armored trains had been put out of action. Apparently In the same action, the high command said "Italian trooos have taken more than 8,000 prisoners and Inflicted heavy bloody losses on the ene my" in an enclrclment east of the Dnieper. Carman nfflel.-il Rniirces hailed the claim of Germany's northern ally, Finland, to capture 01 ine Karelian city of Ptrozavoclsk ns "culling off the flow of raw ma terials from Murmansk to the Russian hinterland.'' Mnumiv nnd l-nnlnprad aealn were bombed last night, the high command said in a terse bulletin lenortiriL' from (lie eastern front only thai oixrutions ere rawed- ing according to plan, uiner uer rniin sources described the raids simply as "effective." Rising Tide of Revolt Besets Rule of Germans (Continued from page 1) 10 German airmen en route to on airport there were fired on Tues day night and that two of them were killed. The Swiss telegraphic agency quoted dispatches from Budapest as saying the Greeks attempted a revolt Monday. Police and mili tary forces, It said, "re-established calm." Slavery Plan Foreseen Authorized Czech quarters In London, said the wave of execu tions l'n Bohemia Moravia was aimed nt preparing the German controlled country for the trans fer of Germany's heavy Indus tries from bomb-scarred Ham burg, Bremen and Ruhr valley Industrial cities. "It is our belief that the Ger mans plan to reduce the popula tion to a slave laboring class by killing all leaders capable of carrying on opposition, then move heavy Industries to central Europe where they would be out of reach of the RAF." Forty-two persons were re ported executed in the Banat the Hungarian-occupied part of HI My SIMIRN FRIEND HHS R LANGUOROUS LRNGUR R LRNGUc. r c Answer: Probably. Languorous meaning UstUss-Lanfuet a small (ongiic-and Lannur a long-tailed monkey! . :,( i No monkey business about the manufacture of Umpqiis and Sunrise Feeds. Thev are oerfectlv balanced, and fortified With the necessary vitamins and minerals for the best performance Also economical. 2 prn'rai former Yugoslavia where Ger nn Mlllt.imr authorities Still CX- ercise considerable control on charges of attempted train wreck ings and killing. Thirty were shot for an alleg ed plot to assassinate officials. The other 12, described as com munist prisoners, were hanged In public by order of German mili tary authorities in reprisal for a train-wrecking conspiracy. Public Hangings Slated German officials were reported to have announced that 3 im .,,.,,! ..i.imnnni.si.s in Hun gary would be hanged publicly in the event of further violence, and the civiNpopulatlon was held re. sponsible for guarding railways from dusk to dawn from now un til Oct. 11. In the German protectorate of Bohemia Moravia (former r-.,hi.inu.-iiint. the execution of two retired brigadier generals and several other uniuenuneu Czechs raised to more than 100 the number of persons who have died before firing-squads there in the past few days. The Prague radio, heard In London, estimated 126 Czechs U,l Wwir, ..vnr.iitnrl nnd fi.'lld 228 others had been turned over to the nazl gestapo (secret ponce; for further Investigation. So far, only five brought to trial have been acquitted. Premier Asks Clemency Authorized quarters In Berlin said the death sentence had not uni hm.n carried out on Premier General Alois Ellas of Bohemia- Moravia, convicted by a oer. man people's court of "preparing for high treason and abetting the enemy." fninnlInnt with these manifes tations of bitter underground re volt spreautng irom iNoiway iu thn Rulkans Premier Mussolini heard officials reports that the situation now was s.uisiuciuiy tn it niisin.riwiinteri narts of for mer Yugoslavia, where fascist troops recently arrived to crush outbreaks by Serb guerrilla bands. II Duce Tries Solace At the same time, II Duce sought to counter reports of seething animosity between Ital ians and their nazi allies by giv ing the signal for pro-German demonstrations throughout Italy. , With Mussolini In attendance, Italian Minister of Culture Pavo-! lini told a meeting of the Italo- i German association in Rome that reports of friction between Ital- ians and Germans were "Anglo-1 American lies." i Italian esteem, he said, was growing for "the German fellow fighter . . . and for the Germany i of Hitler." ! A German military band began a tour of ltullun cities and a bal-1 let corps of the Rome opera opened a tour of German cities j at Vienna. Frenchmen Executed j The Bruesseler (Brussels) Zei tung said two Frenchmen had i been executed following their ! conviction by a German military court on charges of espionage. ! Paul Colette, 21 year - old : Frenchman whose attempt to as-! sasslnate Collaborationist Pierre Laval Aug. 28 was followed by widespread sabotage and other acts of violence in German-occupied France, was condemned to death. Colette was convicted at a se cret trial yesterday before a spe cial French anti-treason court In Paris. Laval, former vice pre mier in the Petain government, and an associate, Marcel Deal, were wounded by Collete's gun fire, but now are convalescing. Democrats to Rally At Roseburg Banquet (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Paul Caswell. Committee on decorations fol lows: Mrs. Carrie L. Bell, chair man; Mrs. Washington Hughes, Mrs. R. L. Carpenter, Mrs. J. Mc Callister. Mrs. G. V. Wlmherly. Ship in Distress Off California's Coast SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. (AP) The coast guard cutter Ariadne steamed up the Califor nia coast today to investigate a re port that, the Nordic Pride, a 71 ton sardine fishing boat which sailed from Tacoma Monday with 11 men aboard, had met with dis aster and was In a partially sub merged condition. The S. S. Kingsbury radioed that she had sighted the Nordic I'TKle auout 22 mites uf live- north ern California coast midway be tween San Francisco and Eureka, and that only her stern, boom and mast were above water. Until the Ariadne reaches the derelict sometime today, the fate of the Nordic Pride's crew will i not be known. The coast guard I said It was possible that the 11 men hnd heen rescued bv some vessel which did not have a radio, or had reached shore In the Nor dic Pride's own boats. WHEAT PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 2. (AP) Open High Low Close May 1.00 1.00 .99 .99 Dec 955 .955 .95 .95 fTonTlAND'S distinctive hotel $ t :i fill 4 i I THE DEIVSOIV 5 Broadway at Oak Bt. t r M.$ SERVICE, MADAM! THJ It's fun to wkt up on wingt tjthi Brsii-IIicioui, full flsvored Schilling Coffee! V Schilling WINGS OF 'THE MOKNINO "Now that's what I call good coffee!" - ' .V f Here's why Hills Bros. Coffee If to popular, l'irst, it has a delicious flavor no other coffee has. What's more, this flavor never varies. This uniform good ness is due to OmlrvlU t Kiiiislinga proc ess originated and used exclusively by Hills Urns. -which roasts every coffee bean evenly. None overdone! None underdone! Another reason for the popularity of Hills Bros. Coffee is because it is one coffee that you can make by any method. Tht CoVitei GjdnA is guaranteed to pro duce the maximum of aroma, flavor and strengtli in DRIP, GLASS MAKt'R, POT, or I'l-RCOI.A 1 OK, if the directions on the side of the Hills Uros. Coffee can are followed. H I L li S II 11 O M C O JF V E E Heinz Tomato Ketchup Largt bottl . 17c Special Values for Friday and Saturday, October 3 and 4 MUSHROOMS 2-OZ. CAN 2 f-r 19 3-lb. can Snowdrift Shortening 64C s MrooAansrj :ui turn iw in FLOUR SAVINGS $1.39 $1.39 $1.89 UMPQUA CHIEF 49-lb. sack ORBIS 49-lb. sack SWANSDOWN 49-lb. sack DEL MONTE Cream Style CORN 25C Oregon PEAS 25C COCOMALT , LB CAN 29c i OMIO FLORIDA ' ' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 19c CHURCH'S GRAPE JUICE 29c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE -f-29c gx i m n 7 The Perfect Dressing Pint 23 Quart 366 UAIICV TBCACIfBe JdMi PICKLES fiKSX;g New pack, 4 Ct TillOi ll. JijP 12-01. jar X?IC BACON BACKS Kr,b 25c Swift's Sugar Cured OYSTERS s?ri. 23c BEEF ROAST Swift's branded beef, lb. .. 19C LAMB ROAST STuh. ib... 23C VEAL STEAK No. 1 prime veal, lb. ..... 29C BEEF STEAK Guaranteed tender, lb. ... 29 PORK STEAK Grain fed porkers, lb. .. 29C iSfi Nice cr-4 fresh, - 'Sfii LAIlsJ Government inspected, 2 lbs CHICKENS, CHEESE, HAMS AND BACON Crown Wheat Germ I -Lb. Can . . . . . 25c BOBENE ThriftsSSctS. BIF FLY SPRAY ,Saonc $1.19 CUDAHY'S DEVILED MEAT gs 5c SCOCO SHORTENING, Pure Vegetable Oil, 4-Lb. Pkg. . 63c PREPARED Mustard Pint ar 15C MRS. STEWART'S Bluing Pint bottle . 15C Boraxo Large can ... 15C GARDEN String Beans 3 cans ..25C At the Beauty Shop FOR APPOINTMENT Telephone 522 Try our lightweight Ther mlque Permanent Machine, no pull. Permanent; SI. 95 and up SHREDDED Coconut Mb. Pkg. 25C CALUMET Baking Powder 1 -lb. can ... 15C CRYSTAL WHITE Soap Chips 5-lb. Pkg 39C CRYSTAL WHITE - Soap Sbars 19C MANKIND Qj pd l-lb. can Vs?4t for i,y KLAMATH U. S. NO. 2'i, 50-LB. SACK POTATOES LETTUCE CARROTS CABBAGE GREEN PEPPERS 10c 5WEET POTATOES - - 10c TOKAY GRAPES u 5c LARGE HEADS, EACH LOCALS, 2 BUNCHES LOCAL SOLID HEADS, LB. 55c 5c 9c 2c Sperry's Pancake Flour 9 8 10 lb. sack 49c SWIFT'S Corn Beef 12-oz. can 25C CUDAHY'S Tang 12-ox. can 25C Alaska Salmon No. 1 tall can . DEPARTMENT ROYAL CLUB COFFEE ra raa m ra-a LS Li a Mb. can . .. . 17c 3-lb. can . . 79c Airmail Coffee, l-lb. Pkg igc Deluxe Coffee, l-lb. Pkg. .... 23c M a n n in g '$ C of f e e , ! -! b. Yellow Bag JOC It's Smart to be Thriftv NO. 1, TELEPHONE 522 JUlSllNJUXJ MM mm NO. 2, TELEPHON1 It's Smart to be Thriftv ONE 39