ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1941', FIVE Livestock FOR SALE Roan mare, weight 1750; 3-ycar-old gelding, weight 1500; sorrel horse, weight 1500. These horses are well broke. If you need any kind of a horse . , wins, nprt, mv. ma.vfi ,t,Jje,- P.ns burg Auction Market. Al La- " vkk-' - - NOTICE Worthless stock re moved free of charge. Phone collect 52F12 or 740-R. Rose burg By-Products. SHEEP for sale 250 head white face ewes, 4 and 5 years old, healthy and heavy shearers. John Jlohr. KOR SALE Good 1450 lb. work horse or will trade for good aged ewes. W. T. Wright, Days Creek. FOR SALE 45 sheep, 35 goats, 8 weaner pigs. Ted Hodges, Lookingglass. COCKER SPANIELS A. K. C. registered. Jacobs' Kennels. Phone 386-J. FOR SALE Good iqO0-lb. horse, : $25.00. Hugh Ritchie, Garden Valley. j FOR SALE, cheap Gentle gaited pinto saddle horse. Phone 54F3. j WANTED Day-old heifer calves! within 2 weeks. Phone 23F14. i FOR SALE Day-old bull calf, Hugh Ritchie. Phone 32F5. Hay, Grain, Feed , j I. ! FOR SALE Some rye grass, rib grass, cover crop vetch; also one heavy Hart Par tractor. Andy Hempnnius, 11 miles E. of Suthorlin. ALLEY OOP HECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS CAVE MAM.. .THE HANDSOME DOES) HE WA3 NCT CONTENT 1 A CHAJslCFti UPOK1 THE AMA.ZIK1CS SPECTACLE I r A J Vi SlMfiJti I STORV OP Hftjj TO LIVE THE IMDOLEMT LIFE OF HIS f riJSaJK. STOW. A hGII IS BS&jWkl ! ALLEV OOR..) FELLOW MOOVIA.WS. BUT ENERGETICALLY Iftf PEARSOME DIMOSWJR HOPELESSLY I ft J5V K&s4faWAM- ' 1 PROWLEO ABOUT TVIE INTERESTING BUT (ffi SNARLED UP IN A TANGLE OF TOUGH, I ViSlKJPft --TWMm . ' j" 1 I COULDN'T HELP OVEfcMEARING WHAT THAT FELLOW FROM HOLLYWOOD SAID "lb SOU, GLORIA BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES i mi. 8....n,WHOitV. WASH TUBBS AT THE COLOM Wemtpamce TO THE PANAMA CANAL, A NAVAL DETACHMENT BOABDS THE : MARIA MARU vrtnQ IP!; CAPTAIN-NOW 1 ' 7 NayK.. ii j I I ii.iij.. MKMIMiy- Rentals MODERN partly furnished j house, 3 bedrooms. B. F. chii- I son, 875 Hoover. ATTRACTIVE apartment with .. .. , .... I ,,........... at 454 N. Stephens street. i i KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. ! UNFURNISHED 5-room house I j with furnace. Phone 3-F-22. i CLEAN, cool apartment. 926 S. I Main. Wanted , WANTED Poultry eggs and , WANTED Night service station veal. Highest cash prices paid. operator. Experience not nec Douglas County Poultry. Phone essary-Phone 537-L. Gil. i Farm I WANTED TO RENT near Roseburg. Have tractor. Vrw Hnfmann. Lnnklnpplass. ! WANTED 2 wheel trailer. Cash, i P. O. Box 1105, Roseburg. I WE PAY cash for old or crippled , horses. Phone 48F13. Poultry FOR SALE New Hampshire cockerels, bloodtested from pullorum free stock, Mrs. I. J. Goff, Suthcrlin. Fuel PHONE 282 GREEN and dry slab wood, i ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. HE'LL f4E BACK LATFR ANO SAY A LOT MORE, X SUPPOSE PAPERS APPEAR OKAY. 1 1 LL .ivmnc, YOUR CARGO V gT OH, VI 4 VOU0T Help Wanted WANTED Dependable girl to assist with small child and with housework for board and room and salary. Write Box 1120, c-o News-Review. ,.Emt?KS XWHI hopii to spend home. Very little work. Some salary. Hotel Valley. WANTED Boys to caddy at Roseburg Country Club Sun- day, September 7, for tourna- mcnt' PIN BOVS wanted. Steady work, inside. Leagues starting soon. Roseburg Bowling Alleys. DISHWASHER, school boy pre ferred, must be over 16. Apply Umpqua Dairy Lunch. WANTED Girl for general housework. Room, board and salary. Phone 713. WANTED Dishwasher. Must be quick and not afraid to work. Hotel Valley. WANTED Girl, over school age, to care for child. 231 S. Steph- WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 575-Y or 804 Harvard avenue. RELIEF cook. Roseburg Hotel. Business Opportunities FOR SALE 2-car taxi business, i Anywhere for hire, P. U. C. permits. Good business. Un- ion Cab Company, Marshficld, Oregon. How It All What Goes On My STUDKJ JS AFBAID I'LL GET MARRIED AND LOSE MY APPEAL AT THE BOX- OFFICE There's a Reason Easy Saves UU PI PAt klOT TO APPEAR WERVOUS.' THEY ALWAYS MAKE OOOTINE INSPECTIOM . l N0THIW6 TO WORRY ABOUT y ( WELL.YOU SURE TOLD HIM OFF S rr , N 1 1 f ' W n I "n,l -auvr . WWS5R1 I'll fcrWTI ft J For Sale Miscellaneous THE ORANGE TRUCK always has the bast quality for your money. Our Valencia Juice oranges arc at their sweetest and are comparatively low , priced. Large lemons, 21c aj "oWi-ll. Sound gfapefiuil, 25c, and 3'.ic a aozen. We have the best watermelons you can buy for lie a lb. Ice cold ones, 10c, f.xtra. Sound cantaloupes, any c-l.', priced to suit everyone, j Th .! Orange Truck gets In all local vegetables fresh each morning. Perfect stringless ; green beans, 2 lbs. 13c. Spanish , sweet and Bermuda onions, 3 lbs. 19c. This year's new crop yams and sweet potatoes, 3 lbs. 21c and 3 lbs. 19c. All varieties squash, 3 lbs. 10c. Table Queen or Acorn squash, 5c each. Nice lettuce, 2 for 15c. Visit the FOR SALE Miscellaneous furnl Orange Truck and be satisfied ture, 120 W. Lane. with your purchases. Tell us - ' ' just what you like because It is QUAKER oil heater almost new, our business to see that you are , cheap. 875 Hoover. ; pleased. . j WHY NOT get tne Hy-Power. J . guaranteed muffler and forget your mutiier troubles. Also get i your glass at Sarff'g Auto; Wrecking House. j ORDER Umpqua ice cream forj your summer menus. A 100 TMnn..n fr.,lln.. ....nrJ.., r-A,n ui ..(!" v.iuujr ijiuuuii. 1L-IL- ; pnonc on. j j FIRST QUALITY canning toma-1 toes. Trussell Brothers, Curry Estate. Telephone 55F11 eve nings or noon, ; I FOR SALE 50" Insert tooth j "Disston" saw, 411 2nd Avenue I S Roseburg, USED Fordsnn tractors and farm Implements. Lockwood Mo-' tors, Inc. Began Oh-oh --- 1 all right HERE- GOMES, VOU GO UP DODO'S CAR THE RIVeR.' LET'S HIDE I'LL DIVE IM AND HIDE BEHIND THE FLOAT r the Day f DIA UklTJEO "M "If THEM DK3 V) 1 Is I ROCKS A FEW ri &. ffH K r"" " FEET, MEN. tgiJMjijA fc VY a 1 IT'S SOLID Sol FOR, SALE 1 single axle log ging trailer, new rubber, ready to work. 1 single axle semi trailer 22' body. Call or write TAIRY farm, located on the riv- Everett Oregon. T. . Partln, Roseburg, HALE and Elberta poaches to ; clean up, $1.00, $1.25 per bush-1 - t'i,' ' svhlle they iast; - Photic ilF31. FOR SALE Used casings and tubes, all sizes. Bond's O. K. Tire Shop, Stephens and Mosh er. CANNING tomatoes, you pick. I 14.mjlu north : oI wlnsUm bridge. Fred Hoffmclster. I ; SECOND HAND 3-burncr clec-' trie range for sale. Call 555-J. USED Wcsix electric water heat er, $7.50. 840 Houck street. Miscellaneous SERVE garden fresh vegetables next winter. Preserve tno nat ural taste and vitamin content. Use your frozen food locker at the Ice plant. Berries, apricots and peaches arc now ready, Douglas tjo. Ice Storage. . I -,,., ; ,.,l,,,.. ,, filberts. Allen Tuthill, 27F41, 1 Oakland. Dentistry DR. NERBAS Fluorescent teeth in plastic. I Uld plates made like new. 1 20 years success in partial or full ' denture replacement same day. , Extraction Pyorrhea treatment I Gas wcn desired Masonic Blrlg. Phone 488 I'M HIDIMG JuJ,' ) 1, DON'T LOOK BE- tIN J S HIWD THE FLOAT f VrT OR YOU'LL FIMDV .JJ' ' HjjjY .fJ " -S" SSS S Copr. mii7i?tA Sfpyicc. inc. t. mjiec. u. s. rT. orr.' I J 7-j y Real Estate er, 200 acres tillable, about 1 mile of river frontage, alfalfa ground, good modern home, large dairy barn, fully equip ped. All feed, 300 head of flr.e Jersey cows 3 and oth er Items. Priced to sell This is one of the best properties to be had. 160 ACRES, 1 mile river front age, 17 acres tillable, modern home, electricity, gravity wa ter system, barn and chicken house, 46 head good ewes, 400 yearling hens, all equipment and feed, These are special bargains MODERN home, just outside city limits, $2000. Everything in Real Estate and Insurance. Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens, phone 218. FOR SALE New 3-room house, bath, built ins, Riverside Addition. Lot 100x100. Price $800. Terms. 5-room plastered house. Modern plumbing, garage, large lot, 1047 Corey Avenue. Price $1750. Terms. G. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass, phone 417. INVESTIGATE Mas opportunities we are offering you to get es tablished on a farm of your own. Call at the National Farm I.oan office, 415 Perkins Building, Roseburg, or write C. A. Barnes, 167 E. 8th St., Eu gene. Federal Land Bank of Spokane. FOR SALE 119 acres or more stock range land. If Interested write to P. O, Box 172, Rose burg. NEW, modern house. 957 Riv- erside Drive. By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser By Edqar Hartir By Roy Crane SMOKE ! GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebcer, 443 S. Steph. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop, 106 S. Main. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Serv. Phone 348. FLUE CLEANING Furnaces vacuum cleaned flui I cleaning. Call 841. J. C. Bew lev. FOR SALE Several modern homes at two-thirds the price of replacement cost. Buy now and avoid Inflated prices and taxes. Easy terms. Coen Lum ber Company. FOR SALE Nice 6 room house near junior high school. Extra value $2100.00. Charles Kyes, corner Hl-way 99 and Douglas street. SALE Fifty acres one mile from Oakland. Ulled road, good buildings. Some piling. Well watered, terms. Sossie Goff. 40-ACRE farm for sale or trade. Located at Azalea, Oregon. Write or sec J. R. Blanchard, Glcndalc, Oregon. FOR SALE Modern live-room house, priced for quick sale. 0ti S. Pine street. Work Wanted FRUIT MEN ATTENTION Call Dunham Transfer company for pear, prune or any kind of fruit hauling locally or long distance. Phone 47. RELIABLE high school girl wants pnrt-timo office work un der school's Local Trades plan. Phone 668-R. , Chiropractor UIL H. B. SCOF1ELD. Fnone 273. Not Etiquette PHILADELPHIA. Douglas Miller will demand an Introduc tion hereafter for ull new friends. He struck up an acquaintance with a personable young man In a restaurant and as they strolled together along a street, chatting amiably, the personable young man suddenly punched him in the face, took his wallet with $50, yanked off a $100 diamond ring and fled. PUBLIC SALE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. AT 1 P. M. I will sell at auction the following property, at my place 3 miles east of Myrtle Creek on South MyrMe road: 1 span mules, smooth mouth; Jersey cow, freshen toon; 2 Jer sey cows, both milking; bull calf, 1 farm wagon, .1 truck wag on, Hardle spray rig 200-gal. tank, 1 mower, hay rake, 6-foot tractor disc, 6-foot corrugated roller, 12-Inch P. O. walking plow, 5-foot cultivator, 3 horsepower General Elec. motor, 3 horsepower New Way gase engine, 1 Vz horsepower Stover gas engine, 1 wood taw outfit, 2-sectlon spring tooth harrow, 2 cream separators, platform scale, Bean planter, spike tooth harrow, elder press, Jackson fork 100 feet oable, 8 150-foot rolls of poultry netting Green root cutter, 1 Hero fanning mill, 10 tons grain hay, 1 small potato digger. Other Articles Too Numerous To List Set and Buy NOTHING TO BE RESERVED - Terms: Cash Jay Anderson, Auctioneer A. W. Caswell, owner O. E. Weeks, clerk Hold Everything! UtX W IV HU jliviCI, IXC T MtHBI 9kt "Jusl Id show you I'm puli ... till I he steel shorlauc is oenI- . -' RADIO SEftVICINQ Hargli Radio Service. Phone IM Radio Doctott. 306 N. utephonft , Lind Radio Service. Pbone 3i, WASHING MACHINES IRONERS Bcrgh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 80S, PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L. TOMBSTONES Harry G, Rapp. Phone 819-Y. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE MILTON FREEWATER, Sept. 5. (AP) Prune growers here re ported today that Paulus Broth ers, Salem, had contracted for 800 to 900 tons of fresh prunes from this area at $25 per ton to growers. This brings to 3500 tons, the total tonnage contracted for can ning and will bring growers mora than $80,000. INDEPENDENCE, Sept. 5.-. (AP) Fire destroyed a hop dry- . cr, 400 sacks of late hops, 65 bales of early hops and a supply of burlap and twine owned by Slopcr, Patton & Gooch, yester day. ' Origin of the blaze was unde termined. The loss was report ed to be covered by Insurance. McMINNVILLE, Sept. 5. (AP) Yamhill county prune growers, with some 8000 acres of unpick ed trees, feared today that the crop loss woulo oc heavy unless rains halt. Thus far damage has not been as great as at ilrst expected. EUGENE, Sept. 5. (AP) A Baptist missionary and pastor In Oregon for nearly 40 years, the Rev. David E. Baker, 77, died here Tuesday. . He was pastor of churches at Lebanon, Ontario, Athena and Junction City. PORTLAND, Sept. 6. (API Representative Homer D. Angel I will run for congress in Oregon's third congressional district next year, ho announced before leav ing for Washington, D. C, last night. iolic, I'm nut iioinjj to shuve IV- 'I li V