' ' 111 , ..,., nv-..,vW, vw.pyi,, inuiouAT, JUNc 26, 1.94 . ' -wB. AKuirn,nousE With Major Hoopl feW EAP. RUBE DONT BLkST HOPES BV REFUSING TO REPOS.T THIS IOO BILL AS. A SVMQOL- OF MY FAITH IN VOUR PITCHlN; PROWESS-'THERE'S A NICE CWAP NO.-J TROT ALON& HAK-KAT-F- AND PACK VOUR THINGS " AND BON VOYAGE. Yankees Take Lead FcQiuCtevelanclIn Aemn League (By the Afsgclated Pr?ss) For the first time since the sea son was In its infancy the New York Yankees arc in first place in j ine American league loaay ana now the pressure Is on the Cleve land Indians. 'i;he, Y'inks Raptured the lead yesterday by bumping the St. Louis Brown 7-5 while the third place 'Boston Red Sox raided the Tribp T;2. Joe DlMaggio led Uje bombinfi in New York with a two-run hom er that extended his hitting streak to 37 games, four short, of the rec ord, and made 20 consecutive c;qn tosjs in urhleh one or more of the Yankees have hit home runs. - In Boston the Indians were set back on. their heels by old Lefty Grove, who pitched seven-hit ball for the 29itth victory of his long and lllustrous career. Ted Wil liams rapped a two-run homer in the fourth and his mates put to gether, a. flock of doubles for five runs in the seventh. The best one-game pitching show of the season, however, was staged at Washington yesterday when Rigney and Hudson strug gled for 12 scoreless innings be fore the White Sox downed the Senators 2.0 in the 1311). The Philadelphia Athletics nos. ed out the Detroit Tigers 5-4. I Louis Cardinals and Brooklyn In .the. National league, the SU 'Dodgers both won, preserving the nan game margin netwecn tnem. While held the Boston Braves to seven hits and fanned nine as the Cardinals coasted (o a (j-2 de cision after tallying five times in the first two frames. The Dodgers squeezed oast the I Pittsburgh I'irales 5-4 with two runs In the eighth Inning. The New York Giants cleaned up on the Chicago Cubs 41 with three runs In the first inning on Dannlng's triple and steady, elght hlt hurling by Rookie Bob Carpenter. Cinclnnali swept a doublehead er from tin- Phillies 8-3 and 51. City Softball League Schedule Not Changed 1 3 TH r in. I i ,jv &. .1 I ii ,i r. J IP "M V I L r THANKS, MAJOR 1 .JUST- RAN OVER TO TELL YOU, I DECIDED LAST NI&HT TO GO. AFTER ALLw ix WAS LIKE, ' ,: ; IS"-THE REDS VVlOPrS Mii! &20O EXPENSES AND BONUT . BUT THIS 0O WILL COME. IN HANDY,' Sacs Lose Again To HoKies; Turpin VictofQverSals ANiYWAY. 0j - League Standings Dr. Johnson Completes Post, Graduate Course By. the Associated Press) It's beginning to I00I5 like Sac ramento is coming down as fast jrti 11 weni up. The Pacific coast 1 league baseball leaders took their jsccona straight defeat at the I hands of second.division Hniiv. I wood, last, night, 3-2. I Bithorn, the Stars' sneerihaiior I held Sacramento in check for eight Innings, but had to pitch tignt, ball to choke off a Solon upsurge in the ninth. Seattle jumped into second place in the league over San Diego by walloping San Fran cisco, 12 to 3, in a , free-hitting contest. The Rainiers clouted 17 hits off Seats and Seha n? Can 1 Francisco pounded out 10 hits off jiiai iurpin, out could not put ilhem together. . Oakland swent bv San ri, for the second straight time, win ning an evenlv-Diteheri hattin 1.9 (The Oaks grabbed their winning j margin on Padre first baseman McDonald's error in the third. Portland failed to match Los Angeles' two-run effort in the, tenth, and fell, 5-4. The Beavers 1 overcame an early Angel lead with single tallies in the seventh and eighth innings to tie the score at 3-all, but could score only one run in their half of the last frame. DAILY DEVOTIONS P. CHAS. EPV4BDS. No one. dpubts either the ne cessity on the possible results of physical exercise, but the profit is little when compared with the gains made in spirit- , uai exercise, the exercise unto goodness. As the organs of the Doay become reluvenatcd by physical, gymnastics, so thp enr ergies of the soul take new life and, increased power bv sDirit ua) exercise. Too often we wait until we fall down bqfore wq realize tnc necessity or, exer. cise. The daily reading of the Bible reminds us thai spiritual exercise is a daily, constant feature, indispensable to healthy living. Most of us are acquainted with the order of physical exercise; what shall be our spiritual exercise? Paul speaks of three: Pray without qqasing, prayer resolves ltsqlf into a threefold action; Ask seek knock. But to your pray ing addr-Praise, rqjolec ever more, and to praise add thanksgiving. In everything give thanks. Each of these in volves continuous action, Bod. ily exercise profitcth for a lit tle; exercise in goodness is profitable unto all things. It is important then that daily we care for. our spiritual needs. We sow; a thought. We reap an act. We sow an act we reap a habit. We sow a habit, wo reap a character. We sow a charac ter, we reap a destiny. Amen, Robt. Wilcox Goes BacktolQwaTo Resume Teaching Robert Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M, Wilcox of Oak land, left Monday on his return to Ames, Iowa, where he Is member of the faculty of Iowa State college. He has been visit ing with his parents for the past few weeks. Following graduation from Oregon State college in 1938, Mr. Wilcox secured a position as a graduate assistant in the depart ment of economics and sociology at Iowa State while continuing study at the same time for his de gree of master of science, which he secured in 1940- He then was transferred to the extension de partment where he is now in qharge of the extension program in agricultural finances. Although employed full time since 1939, Mr. Wilcox not only completed work for his master de gree, but also attended University of Minnesota summer school where he took additional work to apply toward his doctor of philos ophy degree, which he expects to receive in the near future. He was accompanied to Port land by his brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox, Jr., of Roseburg. Mrs, Wilcox Is remaining in Portland to visit for a few days with Mrs. B. B. Strachan, former Roseburg resl dent, while the brothers are visit ing and conducting business at Hermiston and Pendleton, prior to the departure of Robert Wilcox for Iowa. Captain Alcock and Lieutenant Brown, with two black cats, wore ' the first to span the Alantic by air, in 1919. r . r w rrw w w w m Two moisture - proof bags. Open one for present use. Keep the other sealed fresh until you use them. I By the Associated Press) American W. MyrtJe Poinfc Lions. ur. A. M. Johnson, county WUestS Of Local Club lw advertising campaign. Dr health officer, has returned to his j ' ' j Russell M. Broughcr, evangelist, home in Roseburg after spending A delegation of Myrtle Point was guest speaker of the eve- tile last year attending University ' Lions attended the dinner meet-1 ning, and Frank Long, president, of Minnesota, whore he took a nfi ol. tne Roseburg Lions club conducted the business session. ! ." ' ai uib noiei umpqua. An unusually large attendance Despite the many postpone ments caused by the wet weather of the past two weeks, the city Softball league schedule will re main unchanged, Howard Stucky, league manager, announced to day. 1 hp postponed games w ill Bnstun pe mane up at the end of the sen- Philadelphia 1 ,U1'K , iu me present Man., It Is proposed to divide I he I lqague season into halves, follow ing ine same plan as was used Seattle last year, with the first place. San Diego teams in each half to meet at the I San Francisco end of the season tor the league ! Lux AilL'clcs . championship. Games will be re-! Hollywood 31 42 sunicd as soon as weather per- Oakland 31 41 "'Us- I Portland .'12 41 post graduate course in preventa-j tive medicine and public health. I He was awarded his master de-! grce In public health following cuiiipicuon 01 ine course. He is now resuming direction of the public health unit for Douglas couiuy, wnicn, during his ab sence, has been supervised by it. u. wane. Dr. Johnson, how ever, is uncertain regarding his continued resilience here as he holds a commission in the naval reserve; and Is subject to call for There it t reason why Blib-Weinbard U. the Urges! selling beer in Oregon! It's brewed the wiy you like it!... You can't describe its unique taste satisfaction... but you can enjoy it! Of so, today! At your nearest dealer!. t Invited New York 38 25 .003 Cleveland 40 27 .597 Boston 35 20 .574 Chicago 33 30 .524 Detroit 34 32 .515 Philadelphia 23 34 .400 Washington 23 40 .305 St. Louis 21 39 .350 National W. I.. Pert. Brooklyn 44 21 .077 New York 34 29 .5-10 . g jm Cincinnati 34 31 .523 - MMMiVf Chicago 30 35 .402 if J T?mmZ! Pittsburgh 24 32 .430 I t I M JFt M . . S 5 S: ltkXgi97Afj A.iU 1 The coast visitors vvoro on a ro-' enjoyed the session. COOKBOOKLET COUPON This Couoon and entitles, bearer to. a cookbooklet at the News Review office, Roseburg, Oregon. Variety is the "spice of life" variety in your menus will make each meal an interesting adventure. Glance at these "Suggestions for a cool, appetizing dinner." , Specials, for Friday, June. 27th to, Thursday, July 3rd ttu art Invittd ' -fft i Wcmhaid Bienfry " " allil VT 1 ll" Van Camp's or Campbell's Pork and Beans Red &. White RIPE OLIVES Rod & White DILL PICKLES Marshmallows Potato Chips I6-Uz. I ins, 3 for . . . Pint Tins, 2 for . . . . No. 2Vz Tins,. . . 16-Oz. Pkg 2 for . . . . Reg. 15c Pk. 2 for 25 c 29c 15c 25c 25c 1. Quality lires InM li)ngvr im. portant to you. 2. Qualiiy tires use h s cnule nihlur per mile important in rubber tunsci v.iunu. 3. Quality tires hac n thicker, toucher tread that permits .vafe rcgnioving tvlicn worn smooth. 1' Quality tires have the ixtrt carcass strength for an extra mar gin of safety. QUALITY IN TIKES THE KEY TO SAFETY ' f;Mi.i,lf( M ' twi DE luXE )l I TjR' irJB OftQinol Equip M loi 1 nintnMany liK jf Mart irHl t COFFEE m f'Y l-Lb. Bag J fANCAKE FIOUR RED & WHITE, LARGE PKG. ... 19c PAPER NAPKINS PLATES, FORKS, SPOONS, AND ALL 10c PAPER ITEMS c Franco American SPAGHETTI ::!"29e SWEET PICKLES :"...:...2?c Phoasant Sunshine Graham Crackers 2-lb. y box 3c Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Lime Rickey or Sparkling Water bottles 20c Red & White Grapefruit Juice 16 oz. tins, A If 2 for 45C Red & White Tomato Juice 46-01. tins "... Red & WJiite Mayonnaise 20c Pints . 25c SunSpun Salad Dressing Quarts 33 Red 4 White Corned Beef 12 oz. tins 25c No. ! 3 tor Red & White Deviled Meat ! tins, 25c Lnrqc Pkg. Red & White Biscuit Flour 29c Red & White Cinnamon, Cloves Nutmeg, Allsnice m 2oz. tins fK Kool-Aid Assorted flavors. 4 Pkns. for 19c 9oi, jar Red A White Prepared Mustard 14of. bottles Rrd & White Catsup 9c 15c Phone 446 r Dduglat Dutrlbutmo Co.. t)ltilbutor. P))on M, Rotebuip HANSEN MOTORS Tir Doparrmcnt Roseburg, Ore, ALL GENERAL PETROLEUM SERVICE STATIONS ulS M5