If 1 .'i -'' SIX fe6iifeliRg ffewivlfeW, r6sebur4 presSr, Tuesday, may 27, 1941. . 11 lW . VII m e Play suits and slacks in Fisher's new sports Dept. make you play hookey from many a task and make your summer days easy and comfortable as you've never even imagined possible. Perfect for holidays, $ 1 .95, $3.95 to $8.85. 5 DEPT. STORE S. ft H. GREEN STAMPS Six Naval Craft Sunk by Germans in Crete Battje (Continued from page 1) ance hantrs In the balance. BRITISH TAKE BIG TOLL' OF PLANES AND TROOPS CAIRO. ERypt. May 27. (AP) Tiiltlsh fiehter plnnos shot down five troonladen Gorman pianos at Maleml airdrome near Canen yeslerdav and destroyed several 'dip past command announced to day. British flehtors also attacked about a hundred other planps closely concentrated on the wound at MalemI, inflicting heavy damaee, a communique said, and a laler attack at dusk spt fire to spypral German air craft on thp ground. , In Iraq an exchanre ot aerial blows was renorted with the Brit ish raiding Mosul and the Ger mans attacking the Lake Han banlyah airdrome. Greek sources said today that the Germans thus Jar have lost at least 18,000 lives In the at tempt to take Crete. This fig ure includes 5,000 belipved to have been lost at sea while try ing to invade the- island by boats. British Sink Bismarck in Reply to Loss of Hood (Continued from page 1) ship of the King Gpovrp V. and the other pursuing ships closed In for the kill. High officials said It appeared the final blow was delivered by gunfire nnd not By the torpedo carriers. The Bismarck was 7!)21 feet long, had a beam of 118 feet, n draught of 26 feet and carried eight 15-Inch guns, twelve 5.9-inch guns and sixteen -1.1 inch guns. She also carried four aircraft and was equipped with two catapults. Berlin Admits Torpedo Destruction of Bismarck BHIil.IN, May 27. ( AP) Fighting to the hist, Germany's new battleship Bismarck was Mint to the bottom by British warships this morning, three clays after her sensational de struction of the royal navy's l2,10()ton battle cruiser Mood in the waters between Greenland nnd Iceland. The high command said the Bismarck was actually sunk by planes from an airplane canicr and by three British battleships. - Numerous cruisers and de stroyers also were in the Brit ish squadron. Damaged Satur day In her duel Willi the Hood, the .'15,0000-tnn ship was further disabled In the desperate chase -which followed. ""The high rnmmand added, however, that the British suua ilron Itself has been under at tack by the German luftwatte since early morning today. Admiral Gucnther l.uetjens and Captain Umlcmann of the Bismarck, with an tmstatetl num ber of the crew, lost their lives. Iter last message, the high command said, Indicated she was surrounded by o v e r w h e lming enemy forces and so badly crip pled she could not maneuver. It read: ".Ship unable lo maneuver. We are fighting' to the last shell. Long live the fuehrer." Repeated Hits Slow Craft The Bismarck's speed had been reduced by a hit in the prow during the engagement with the Hood, but she was ap parently trying to reach the German- occupied port of Brest. La ter a torpedo launched by a Brit ish plane reduced her speed still further, and last night, when she was about -UK) miles west of Brest, she was hit again by two plane-launched torpedoes, one of which smashed her rudder ami propellers. The Bismarck, which was armed .with eight 15lneh nnd twelve 6-inch guns and an un stated number of anti-aircraft guns, received her baptism of fire last week In her sensation al victory over the Hood. She was launched In February, lD.'W. It was not disclosed wheth-1 er the Tirpitz, her 35.IKM1 ton sis tership, also has been commis sioned. The only other battle ships Germany has are the Gnelscnau and the Scharnhnrst, both of 2ti,00() tons. New Strike Threats Hit Industrial Plants (Continued rrom page 1) NEW SLACK SUITS! Women's suits, kiddies' suits, misses' suits. Complete range l sizes now at Can's. And old low prices still In effect. Kiddies' sie range now complete and prices only 63c and SI -00. Women's far merettes and suits only SI 00 to $1 1)8. Buy now at Cnrr's- I Adv.) NOW AVAILABLUN OREGON Si urn A'r T5 J JhdlWYiWm M.Jj to iron out difficulties at the Vul tee plant. Hillman Is n former national vice-president of the CIO but has been In the office of production management since it was estab lished. Union Expulsion Urged. Earlier Senator Truman (P., Mo.) chairman of the committee, had proposed to William Green, president of the American Feder ation of Labor, that the federa tion expel the International Ma chinists association from its ranks for approving the machinists' strike which tied up $300,000,000 worth of shipbuilding In the San Francisco area. Green said expulsion would be "extreme steps" and expressed the opinion persuasion might ac complish more. Truman retorted "we've been peruading with them for two weeks." Green expressed opposition to government seizure of property and federal regula tion of lalnir in defense industries. He said the federation had no authority to halt the San Fran cisco strike. Bep. Vinson (P., Go.) revealed that, In hope of getting a favor able house vote sometime In June, he would revise his proposed leg islation to compel mediation of labor disputes before strikes could be called, to provide only for a 30-day cooling off period. Originally his measure proposed freezing existing closed shop agreements. POWELL'S FOR FISHING TACKLE 245 N. Jackson St., Roseburg Fishermen Attention! We carry a complete line of Fishing Tackle . . . Open eve nings and Sundays. THE CLUB 127 W. Cass St. 21 DOYLE'S BASKET GROCERY The Wine Store ROSEBURG, OREGON 3 N. Jackson St. Phone 117 Groceries Beers and Luncheon Goods Avoid Regret Protect your future with dependable automobile insurance. Consult ft FRED A. GOFF District Manager 122 S. Stephens Phone 218 Roseburg, Oregon FARMEROtaOBILE INTER J&CR'CEJHHANCE I L -- "'- I ,w planes had raided Italian bases In the Aegean sea from which axis nlr and naval forces have been pressing the attack on Crete. Bombs were dropped, a com munique said, at several places on the islands of Rhodes and Scar panto. There was no indication of the results of the bombings. The Italians said their planes had raided the British Mediter ranean Island base of Malta again last night. Lumber Strikers Reject Back-to-Work Proposal (Continued from page 1) NAZIS INCREASE TOLL OF BRITISH TRADE VESSELS ' BEIU.W. May 27,. (AP) Fourteen "heavily laden enemv merchantmen totaling 77,(100 tons' 'have been sunk "in waters west of Africa" by German sub marines, the high command an nounced today. ' Informed sources .indicated the sinkings have occurred dur ing the last few davs. ! In attacks last nij'ht on Eng land, German warplanes were renorted to have bombed two air plane accessory plants in the southern Dart of the country. I The British said there was little German air activity over England during the night, though a few bombs were reported drop ped In the south and in East Anglla. (Casualties were said to be few and damage light.) POME, Mav -27. i Ai i 1 ne ! Italian high command acknowl edged today that, uritisn war- will have an effect upon other de fense industries within a few weeks," the board said. Another northwest lumber dis pute, Involving the Columbia riv er area, is posted to go before the board later this week. Boommen Spurn Offers Tacoma hoommen flatly re jected an offer made to them by mill operators last night and con tinued to remain on a strike which has lasted more than a week and affected 3,500 men. The money offer of the employ ers was less than what the boom men were getting before they went on strike, claimed R. F. Kroeger, manager of the Boom- men and Rafters union (CIO). The shortage of logs has closed three mills in Tacoma, Wheeler Osgood, St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber and Peterman Manufac turing companies, employing 2, 000 men. Many logging camps near Tacoma have closed be cause logs cannot be moved. Visiting Here Mrs. E. J. Nick uls, of Amarillo, Texas, is spend ing a week in this city visiting at the home of Mrs. C. E. John son, 520 Cobb street. Stock and Bond Averages Compiled May 27. Tuesday .... Prev. day .. Month ago Yea rago .. 1941 high .. 1941 low .... STOCKS by Associated Press .55.7 .55.3 .53.9 .63.9 .54.8 Tuesday ... Prev. day . Month ago Year ago . 1941 high . 1941 low ... 30 15 15 Ind'ls RR's Ut's .55.8 16.7 30.5 16.5 17.0 13.5 17.9 15.4 BONDS 20 10 RR's Ind'ls Ut's .64.7 104.4 100.7 ..64.5 104.4 100.8 ..64.4 104.4 101.1 ..48.3 99.1 90.5 .66.5 103.3 101.5 .60.2 104.2 99.0 30.4 31.5 31.1 35.5 30.3 10 60 St'ks 39.6 39.5 39.6 38.0 45.0 39.1 10 Fgn. 44.3 44.5 43.9 36.1 45.9 38.0 , vonr. I Penney company store, is taking vacationing-,. ; hpr vac,on th WPok. LAWN SUPPLY VALUES Mill Ends in 3A Inch 4 m tk. HOSE, High Quality $1.50 Average of ' feet with couplings HOSE, 50-ft. Length.. . . .$2.65 Rubber Tired 5 Cutting Blade LAWN MOWERS.. $9.00 30-Foot Canvas . SOIL SOAKERS $i.80 The New Rain King SPRINKLERS $3.00 and up SPRINLKERS. . . 40eandup Churchill Hardware Co. IRONMONGERS HATMAKS motors LOS wtt PPp H, E. Poguu fine Kentucky Bourbon is one of o rara group of famoui Kentucky Whiskies. Every golden drop lives up to all tho high itondardt of quality ettab liihed ai far back ot 1 876. Distilled by lh H. E. Pogue Distilling Co. in Mayiville, Kentucky, "The Original Bourbon Coun try," this whiskey has justly earned the title of Americo'i most authentic Bourbon. MlPIHT Hard onion, for one thing. You irr.cictutve hard carbon throw finely tuned modern motort"out ot balance". How can you help avoid excessive carbon? By using Triton Motor Oil. You ee, molt carbon Is formed from motor oil. But Triton la so pure it forma p little carbon. That's because It's refined by Union Oil'a patented Propane ...K.n nnvpu. &-hif h nmjuf r a 1X)& bure fHuufin.lxue oil. Triton gives you fine !. ; lubricant as moneycanbuy-rLUS freedom (CI (iOja fromecesilvepower-steallngcarbon.Trylt I ana see. ai any nionvn siaiiun ur ur.icr. i ' V f L Oil UNION OIL COMPANY oaiH CHANGES PIN(r TO PURR j n a 1 .&v.V.'.:-:Vi?; A FIVE-DOLLAR BILL WON'T BUY YOU MORE COMFORT AND STYLE! W llfffl mm CROWN-TESTED RAYON AND COTTON BLENDS I Help yourself to more fun in "Cool Stream"! Lustrous vat-dyed fabrics Sanfor ized. Full-cut, Talon-fas- Q tened slacks. In-and-outer shirt I GLENN BROOK Slack Suits ..Rayon, Cotton. 2. 98 zmmmmommmmmmmeim We Copied 1.65 Sellers I Uleii's Fine Sport Shirts Amazing at Only We bought better fabrics. Tailored them like high priced shirts. The result? YOU get the best-looking sport shirt a man can buy for 98c I That's Ward value I Pa,t,ht "Slock Suit" ulonl Sport Sock SoclenghSf J.5' A winner I Tuck-stitch pattern I Elastic lib tops I Reinforced heels and toest Cotton. ' Cooler Bright I low Pried I Sport Shirrs For 8oy o to JS J A raft of good looking fabrics, slub weaves, novelty cottons. Neatly and strongly tailored. I i YOU'LL HAVE MORE FUN IN PLAY CLOTHES L 1 Jpjlj ; U May Suits 1 fs Savings I ; 111 I J Sr A Going on a picnic or out- 1 i lU I n f ing? Wear a crisp cotton 1 N H IV made for fun! Carefree I i K I 'I slacks with in-or-outer 1 I II y shirts! Gay play suits! i jil ,hers at 29s- i , x , , , 2 e If ' 'jaVF ; J For weekends! Housework! , Women's WO i :. :.S?:Ss. VY.pM Stoop kneel climb about a ; (ft Nrl: wT in comfort! Wear uruibl. I '$i?&2iSS& ! modern "lackal You can't i . H'vvV.iir; beat Wards d.nims and other t ' 5,''-r?'- sturdy cottons I Full cut, ! ', Crr- .S-.V' roomy! Tubfast, of coursel . .. -vsms . j 1.00 Outftono'tng Voutt ' lloxs Overalls 997i Skrinkprool 10' So Much lor to little I Sport Shirts Amazing at Easy to slip on or off. Sturdy enough for outingsl Neat enough for company. 1 to g. 39' The stripes the gang's really going fori Look-well. wear, well knit cotton, 2 to 10. 3 31 SN. JACKSON ST. TELEPHONE 95