ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 17, 1941 FIVE Livestock FOR SALE Four-year-old saddle mine, gentle and well broke. Howard R. Ward, Days Creek. FOR SALE .Heavy milking cows j and calves. J. D. Vedder, 4th house on Lookingglass road. WANTED fresh cows, springers j and heifers. Call 1200 Winches- tor street or .phone 663. ! FOR SALE Purebred Poland j China gilts. Ucckley place, 3i miles east of town. ! ,, cat v vk r-i, i $50.00 up. H. C. Kelley, Camas j vaney. WANTED Male baby calf. J. O. Newland. Phqne 435-L. Weanling pigs. I FOR SALE -Phone 691-J. Poultry PLACE order for pullets before Tuesday. 4 breeds of chicks, Tuesday and Wednesday. Wat zig Hatcher'. I CHOICE FRYERS, also rabbits alive or dressed, delivered. H. I DeCamp, Riverside. P h o n c I G10Y. Wanted WANTED Wool, mohair, cattle, hogs and poultry. Highest prices paid. Douglas County Poultry. Phone 374. WANTED Used casings for re capping. Bond's OK Tire Shop. WANTED -Kitten. Washington. 302 West I ALLEY OOP ALLEY OOP'S ATTEMPT ! TO BOARD THE SHIP ! BEIWC3 ATTACKED BV 1 HIS MUTINOUS CREW EMDS IM DISASTER WHEW ! THE IvlAlM rVVAST IS SHOT I OUT FROM UMDER HIM rtw' -nililin ig!gg I I1 1 ggsgBTe gr ges I ., I I I I . i ,i m i IXECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS HAVE YOU FINISHED PRINTING TME DUCATS YffTi MR' UUNLiSY V i BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES TWe Wi.V. ? TW5 VOOVti LW.t A HUGE OVSOtte VS WSM'. WASH TUBBS n n I IUHILEAK'EAtI -c- "V i r-J V- J THS CASTRO SUfTE. WANT ME j TO EAT. I'LL I I I LITTLE TRApI?? JStv. II i A TO tTOP HEB , CHIEF f t-r-bET A MAMICURE II isbeimgset 4$iU, K I MICRO- -rr wihbmornim6II 9? B0UTIUE SEARCH V7 UIHAT'; W 1 I I VN StiSX. I iWlW C - 1 . mmrmzimmku mil Rentals FOR RENT Modern, 3-room apartment. Steam heat, electric range and refrigerator, shower, etc. Reasonable rates. Call 586 or Hotel Valley. MODERN, 3-room apartment Large dressing room, private bath, laundry room with elec tric washer. Adults .only quire Harlh's Toggery. ln' I RPI.TflTyTA mnHnt-n ..-niV.,l apartment. Frigidairrtile:M2BEt?N,V l"1'"1 apartment. sinks. Opposite Umpqua Hotel. ! ueasonable. i-'done 12-L. 41OOM house, newly papered. side. Inquire Dan Boone, Rifle Range road. 5-nOOM furnished flat, private entrance, hath, gas range, wa- '?r htcr- Fhone 222-R. S. Stephens. I 1 Room, board, wages. Reliable j MODERN, unfurnished or partly I ni,n 8cnool Bll.K Available aft I furnished house. Inquire 1101 1 er May 24. 218 Court street. mm street. I FOR RENT 2 lots, 7-room j house. 303 Brown avenue or A. E. Stanley, Melrose. ! FURNISHED room. Bell Build Juckson. Call or ing, 122 S. phone 457. 5-ROOM furnished duplex. 411 E. Douglas street. Phone 179-R evenings. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS ! Strictly modern. Phone 550. CLEAN. quict, 3-room apartment. Garage, yard. 814 Mill. WELL furnished, steam heated apartments. Call 309-J. FIVE - ROOM modern house. Vista avenue. 420 I A MIGHTY N1C15 JOBTCOI I ( A lH vSrv V fr . x ii y y, U V THAT FIMISHEP " ' XVi'XlvN. V T .M.K- L'XUOv 'EM, CAP'S)-- XALL RIOHT, ?--- TJ V vc rS-vV J) X THE SHIP MISTER, ROUMD t y t TiiV kM'- I'"- A yC-h is ours: up the mem ) 5 pcrT vv .vwpy1. O Kdf ft n' i 4 w o I I 2 MODERN houses, 2 and 3 bed- rooms each. Unfurnished or partly furnished. Inquire 875 Hoover. SMALL modern; 1 partly fur nished house. Inquire 720 Win chester. , UNFURNISHED house lor rent. Close in. Inquire 211. Washing ton. FOR .RENT-5-room house, 809 Thompson street. Phone 3F22. 926 S. Main. Work Wanted PRACTICAL NURSE, with good references, care for patients in ' your home or mine. Clean, j quiet nomc. rrices rcasonaDie. Evelyn Wells, 520 North Jack son. I WANTED Housekeeping job. Phnnn 797.H - LADY, experienced, would like care of auto park or cook any where. Box 15, Camas Valley, Oregon. . . LAUNDRY 704-J-4. to do in my home.' Auros THE BEST BUY IN TOWN" 1939 Nash Lafayette coupe, ra dio, heater, cruising gear, com pletely overhauled. Can be seen at 318 N. Jackson. L. R. Cham- J bers' Used Car Lot. across the street from Montgomery Ward. Chiropractor DR H. B. Seotle!.-.. Phone 273 Now for the Wouldn't You IUIi " LtP. n w-' -11? V" Well, Smelling qpwe pcovEBv is shomjm the chief for sale Miscellaneous -ikulux sales ana service. Real Estate l Phone 561. UU W. Mosher. matmw FOR SALE Second hand .Hot- point refrigerator, Hotpoint electric range, Easy washer, 40- gallon electric water heater, .enamel wood range, folding roll around wall bed, nice davenport and chair, sectional bookcase. Judd's Furniture, Co. WHY NOT gel tne .iiy-Power, guaranteed .muffler and for get your muffler troubles. Al so get your glass at Earffs Auto Wrecking House. AT Steams & ChcnowctiYs, Oak-1 land Electric wiring, stoves, water heaters, washing ma - chines, hot plates, refrigera-, tore, radios. ' .1 FENCE POSTS, . 8e; 30-inchl shakes, $8.00 on ground; 24-' inch, $6.90. T. P. Leatherwood, J Suthcrlln, Oregon. ;i FOR SALE Nice, ripe strawber- ries. S1.00 crate vou nick. ! Bring crates. D. C. McGhehcy. I Phone 5F13. j FOR SALE OR TRADE Horse-j power hay baler, also hay bal ing jobs. Schulze Bros., Brock way. A NEW modern storage locker system at Douglas .Ice and Storage Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. FOR .SALE-,Used 'casings and tubes, all sizes. Bond's O. K. Tire Shop, Stephens and Mosh er. FOR SALE Kelvinator refrig erator, $50.00. Good condition. 107 N. Parrott. FOR SALE Gas water heater, practically new, $50.00. 493 S. Main. Swag Know It Yes at Rat . ,BeVOU?. ,l .c Or n- ii i t I j GOOD hot water tank and fix- turcs. 211 E. Cass street. Biisiness Opportunities LOOKING tor a pauy who would ibe interested in running park j i and nice grove used for camp-1 ling, adjacent to "Naturcland j ; Cottages." Privaie property and i ' ' beaeh. Good location for lunch ! : stand, soft drinks, etc. Anyone N.'Sen . T ,J,hn Drna;n- Naturcland Cottages, Bandon , ,beach loon marl ! i If OR RENT Restaurant and' Standard Service Station. Res taurant partially equipped. Rea sonable rental. Very good loca- j ition at Coos Junction. Call . 4E17-R lor information. i Financial ZZ ' "E can use limited amount in lump sum investments. All funds placed with us are in vested In first mortgage loans ' on Income bearing real estate. I ror larger earnings for your; savings consult the Umpqua Savings and Loan Association. Dentistry extraction, fyorrhea Treatment Gas when desired New style plates and teeth ; von SALE-2 good lots In desir Old plates refitted like new I Hi,le locution, reasonable. 493 S. ?r' Nerbas Main. Phone 650-Y. Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 j Dr. G. W. Marshall. Med. A. Bldg. Lost and Found LOST Key on black keyholder. Finder leave at C02 Fullcrton or call 126-R. I WOULDN'T . iE INTERESTED! UPOF'a A 1 A CIRCUS (CIRCUS? Coming here, x om,my , on tuat n&w r cosh lr.r90. tui rv nea atfl T. M. REQ. U. 8, PfT. f mm't voo s c c COPR. TXT By HZ A 3 Eft VICE. Wfr M. BTOUj Tl. MTOfr. By Roy Crane &P A WW , V4V OE6A,.sl FOR SALE 3-room house, lot 50x130 feet, fine garden land, . West Roschurg. Price $450.00. terms . . . For Sale . . . 4-room house, 1-acrc, Butter's Lane, near Veterans Facility, $250.00 total price. Terms . . . For Sale -80-acre ranch, fair buildings, stock and equipment, county road, 5 miles Rosnburg. Easy terms. G. W. young & Son, 205 W. Cass. Phone 417. INVESTIGATE one opportunities ,. ,; ,., , we are offering you to get es tablished on a farm or your own. Cal' at the National Farm Loan office, 415 Perkins Building, Roseburg, or write C. A. Barnes. 167 E. 8th St., Eugene. Federal Land Bank of Spokane LOTS In Westmoroiand, Over look and East Lane. $25.00 down, $10.00 a month. Streets, sewers, all utilities in and paid. Inquire Coen Lumber Co. WANTED Modern 5 or 6-room house in good condition, good district. Large cash down pay- mcnt. Box 1039, view. c-o Nows-Rc- I TRADE your homo In on a new j one. We will give you a liberal allowance for the one you live in now. Coen Lumber Co. j mm acres, a mues jruin Roseburg. House modern. Rifle Range road. A. F. Mor ris. FOR SALE Two new houses, modern ln every respect. In quire Coen Lumber Co. By V. T. Hamiln By Merrill Blosser r w OUT, MADAM. DANCING Don't be silly ata CIPCUS VOLl TAKE YOUR- IvlUUH nous FUN FUN SITTING DOWN ATA DANCE YOU HAVE TO STAND UP THAM A , QRCUS AND KEEP MOVING By Edgar Martin GENERAL SAW FILING RADIO SERVICING Howard Casebeer, 443 S. Steph- BUI Calhoun's Radio Music Stor ens. Also furniture repairing. Ph. 93. antiques Hargls Radio Service. Phone 196 The Strange Shop, 106 S. Main. Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stephens. LOCKSMITH Lund -Radio Service. Fhone 84 Pacific Key Serv. Phone 348. FLUE CLEAN INO ; auto fttFAlRlNQ Furnaces vacuum cleaned-flus cleaning. Call 84L J. C. Bew Knight-Porter, Douglas & Main. ley- Body, fender work, painting. WASHING MACHINES- . REFRIGERATION SERVICE tWQNERS '. Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. A RARE OPPORTUNITY 159 acres, 30 minutes drive irom city, 'l-mlle of river frontage. 30 acres bottom land In culti vation; more could be cultivat ed. Beautiful groves of timber along river. Springs. Excellent fishing and hunting. Could be divided. Suitable for summer cottages. Price $3500. Will ex change for Roseburg residence property, w. A. , BUUAKD, REAL ESTATE, 214 W. CASS ST. HOME SITES FOR SALE Acre age, i mile from Roseburg city limits. Lots of 2 to 6 acres, county road, electricity, creek through place. $170 per acre. Terms. G. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass, phone 417. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in large apartment and. busi ness house. Phone 774. FOR SALE Modern live-room house, priced for quick sale, 606 S. Pine strcot. Help Wanted MAN WITH CAR living ln or near Roseburg to take over es tablished Watkins business, lias been producing an average of $150.00 monthly. No capital or .experience necessary. Write the J. R. Watkins Co., 3103 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, for details. : WANTED - Man and wife for farm work. Box 1036, c-o News- Rovicw. I FARM hand Phone 44F4. wanted, single. Miscellaneous ANNUAL meeting and clean-up (lay or the Looklngglass Ceme tery Association will be ;held on Wednesday, May 21. Ladies bring basket lunch. Henry Jones, secretary. DRIVING- to North Dakota, Min nesota, May 24. Room ior 8. Phone 704-J-3 or write Box 1038, c-o News-Review. fuel PHONE 2SZ Green and Dry Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER - CO. Sutherlin SUTHERL1N, May 15.-Word has been received here of ithe death of W. D. Valentine, Sr., at Ills home In Altadena, Calif., April 25. Mr. Valentine at one ,ime was owner of what was old Everything! tin 1MT IT MM HIVICI. IMC T. M HQ y . "I siivc lime flying, so wlml? So il uivcsjity wife o. chance lo t'ct in h couple mure .hours of lintfaiiio hefore dinner!" J 'Bergh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 80& known as the Douglas Park stock ranch here. Principal Cliff Horner and flve of the senior boys took a week end trip to Lake Tahkenltoh, whore they enjoyed fishing. Mrs. Howard Wahl transacted business in -Roseburg Tuesday. Mrs. Leo Holgate and daughtor, Arlene, arrived Saturday night for a wcok or ton days -visit with (relatives here. Frankie Holgate, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holgate, broke his right arm at the wrist when he lumped from the top of a lad der at 'his home Monday, The same arm was broken the first of the year while Frankie was playing basketball. Mrs. Burt Avery and Mrs. Holgate rushed him to Roseburg where it was sot by Dr. Walnscott. At the regular meeting of the fire department at the city hall Monday night,. officers for the en- suing year were elected as fol lows: Urlttuln Slack, fire ,ohlef; Frank Holgate, assistant fire chief, .and John Musgrovc, sec. rotary. Jack Powrcy, of Myrtle Point, attended to business and visited friends here Sunday, DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS 1 ,Thc original mystery.. Is to hnow what God is like. He das been often too remote to know Him, and wc -have good authority for the statement that "No one has soon God at any time." Yet there is an Immediate .flash of light up on that ,problem as Jesus adds, "The Son has .revealed Him." Therefore, we make headway at this point. A Christ-like God reveals a God-like Christ. This, then, Is the kind of a God wc may be like and, won der of wonders, .it is precise ly the kind of a God wc want lo be like. That bad people arc made good, that what we loved wc now dislike and what we dislike now wc love, is -indeed a mystery but it is a real ity. It is the conversion of a frail and faulty human into God-likeness. Like .tides on a crescent sea-beach when the moon s now and thin, Into our hearts high yearnings come welling and surging in. Come from the mystic ocean, whose rim no foot has trod. Some of us call it longing and others' call it God. Thou wilt keep him in jierfect peace whose mind is staid upon Thee because he truBtoth in Thee. Amen. MT. Qff if; X I Ml