R0SEBUR6 NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, ORE60N FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1941. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER STUDY CLUB HAS MEETING TUESDAY LOOKINGGLASS, March 21. The P.-T. A. Study club met on Tuesday afternoon in the base ment room of the high school. In the absence of Mrs. James Bur ton, who is temporarily assisting in the care of her aged grand father In Portland, the meeting was under the direction of Mrs. Joe Matthews. Roll call and score count revealed the side led by Mrs. Don Ollivant with a total score of 58 while Mrs. Mathew's group had a total of 55 point;. Plans were discussed with rep resentatives of the junior class, Iona Hodges and Lee Redding to gether with their class advisor, Mips Helen Wooden, concerning the junior-senior banquet which "will bo held on May 9 in which members of the Study club plan to assist. Topics for discussion were led by Mrs. A. A. Jaeobv, Mrs. Clar ence Miller, Mrs. Ernest Voor hies and Mrs. Arthur Marsh The discussions centered around types of movies and radio programs for children, discipline of the small child, and the question of inter mingling of the races in school life and social activit. The next regular meeting of the P.-T. A. is scheduled for Fri day evening, March 28. It was also announced that April 30 has been set as the date on whlch.E. A. Britton will bring his grofp of entertainers to give a program cooperating with the P.-T. A. in raising funds for 4-H summer school scholarships. REV. AND MRS. ADAMS HONORED AT SHOWER LOOKINGGLASS, March 21. Mrs. Ted Hodges very graciously entertained a group of friends on Tuesday afternoon honoring Rev. and Mrs. Luther Adams with a miscellaneous shower. Games, contests and music were enjoyed and the guests were given the privilege of writing questions on a slip of paper concerning life and activities in India which Mrs. Adams answered. Mrs. Hodges was assisted in serving by the Misses Violet Andrus, Betty Buckle and Iona Hodges. Enjoying the occasion were: Rev. and Mrs. Adams, Rev. and Mrs. Garboden, Mrs. Nelson Andrus, Mrs. Roy Blank, Mrs. Boss Sut ton, Mrs. Zoeter, Mrs. Arthur Marsh, Mrs. Ernest Peterson, Mrs. Wesley Meredith, Miss Alice Bostick, Mrs.. Howard, Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. A. . A. Jacohy, Mrs" Everett Hodges, Miss Betty Buckle, Miss Violet Andrus, the hostess, Mrs. Ted Hodges and daughter, Miss Iona. Rev. and Mrs. Adams and children expected to leave for California on Friday where Mr. Adams planned to conduct a two weeks' revival service. The date of their departure for India has been indefinitely postponed due to the withdrawal of transports temporarily. JIM BOOTH HONORED AT BIRTHDAY DINNER AZALEA, March 21. Mrs. Ivy Sackctt entertained Wednesday with a lolevly birthday dinner honoring her brother, Jim Booth. Places were arranged for Jim Booth, guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bogue, Bill Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Swan and family, Bill Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Booth. Percy Rushmore, Oliver Howell and the hostess, Mrs. Sackctt. The afternoon was spent In Visiting. ELKTON CHAPTER HAS FINE MEETING ELKTON, March 21. The Elk ton chapter No. 143 O. E. S. met Tuesday evening for a regular meeting. A invitation was received from the chapted at Oakland to visit them March 13. Mrs. Myrtle Arnold and Mrs. Gladys Griffith served refresh ments for the evening. The la dies had the tables decorated for St. Patrick day. MRS. CORNUTT IS HOSTESS TO CLUB RIDDLE, March 21. Mrs. P. E. Cornutt was hostess for the Thimble club Thursday, March 13, at her charming -home near town. The ladies spent the aft ernoon hours sewing and visit ing. At the tea hour dainty re frochmpnts were served bv the hostess on trays decorated In the St. Patrick motir. SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN MRS. MRS. C. HENDERER TTVTOM. March 21. Mrs Charles Henderer was given a surprise party Tuesday evening which was tier Dinnaay. The evening was spent In visit ing, playing cards and Chinese checkers. At a late hour refreshments were served and a lovely cake made by Mrs. Agnes Hudson was cut. Mrs. Henderer received many nice glfu. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedden, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McMlchacl and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clemo ana family, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hen derer and family, J. J. Henderer, Mrs. Una Smith, Lloyd Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Colley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Har rison. John Bcckley, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, Mrs. Edith uates, Mrs, Ella Fcnlev, Mr. ana Mrs. Stacv Fenley, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Pontius and daughter, Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Weatherly and family, Norman Weatherly, Mrs. Mary Weatherly and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Henderer. MRS. 20A WADE IS HONORED AT SHOWER ELKTON, March 21. A lovely shower was given Mrs. Zoa Wade Friday afternoon at the I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs. Luclle McMlchacl sang two solos and little Jimmle Me- Michael also sang. The ladies pieced quilt blocks which were placed with other gifts In a baby buggy and wheel cd to Mrs. Wade by Billie Binder and Jimmle McMichael. The gifts were opened and placed on tables so they could be seen by all. Late In the afternoon all went to the banquet room where re freshments were served. The ta. bles were very pretty with a big stork as a centerpiece, and other pink and blue trim. Punch, cof fee, fruit salad and cake with pink and blue frosting was served. The hostesses were Mrs. Mabel Binder, Mrs. Edith Adams and Mrs. Frances Hedden. There were present Mrs. Zoa Wade. Mrs. Ann Hudson. Mrs. Ida Thomas, Mrs. Mary Weather lv, Mrs. Mabel Rader, Mrs. Nell Phillips, Mrs. Ella Fenley, Mrs. Lena Bossen. Mrs. Edna Jensen, Miss Belle Truman, Mrs. Vida McCollum, Mrs. Una Smith, Mrs. Virginia Myers. Mrs. Marie Gates, Mrs. Lucy Haines and children, Bobby and Betty Rae, Mrs. Au drey Rilev, Mrs. Elva Hardesty, Mrs. Elizabelle Cutlip, Miss Eileen Clemo, Mrs. Edith Gates, Mrs. Luella Harean, Mrs. Lorena Binder and children. Billy and Ann, Mrs. Mary Haines, Mrs. "Eula Sheffel and son, Ralph, Mrs. Lois Lcvenhaeen and daughter, Jenna, Mrs. Ina Henderer. Mrs. Rose Henderer, Mrs. Lucile Mc Michael and son, Jimmle, Mrs. Velma Binder. Mrs. Katherine Fenley, Mrs. Barbara Tarnowski and daughter. Irene, Mrs. Lucile Moore,-Mrs. Elva Wlndust, Mrs. Dorothy Binder and daughter, Claudia, Miss Iris Haines, Mrs. Blanche Wade. Mrs. Edith Adams, Mrs. Frances Hedden and Mrs. Mabel Binder. W. S. OF C. S. HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ELKTON, March 21. The W. S. of C. S. met at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon for a regular meeting. Mrs. Rosalie Clemo added her name to the membership list. The society voted to pay ten dollars on the minister's salary. A St. Patrick day program was given at which time Miss Belle Truman read of his life. Mrs. Elizabeth Braman and a num ber of Irish songs were sung by all. Mrs. Lena Bossen and Miss Iris Haines served refreshments. There were present Mrs. Lena Bossen, Mrs. Evelyn Binder. Miss Iris Haines, Mrs. Mabel Binder, Mrs. Ella Fenley, Mrs. Edith Ad ams, Mrs. Frances Hedden, Mrs. Joan Holmes, Miss Belle Truman, Mrs. Nell Phillips, Mrs. Lorena Binder, Mrs. Mary Haines, Mrs. Mary Grubbe, Mrs. Katie Emer ick, Mrs. Zoa Wade, Mrs. Eliza beth Braman, Mrs. Catherine Fenley, Mrs. Barbara Tarnowski, Mrs. Effie Moore, Mrs. Blanche Wade, Mrs. Rosalie Clemo and a number of small children. WIENER ROAST IS ENJOYED THURSDAY RIDDLE, March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Meagher entertained the pupils of the Riddle high school at a wiener roast party last Thursday evening. The crowd motored to Wilson creek at 6:30 where a bonfire was prepared and games were played until the supper hour. Quantities of sandwiches, salad and pop were furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Meagher for their guests. About thirty were pres ent to enjoy the affair. 0. S. C. BOOSTERS CLUB TO SPONSOR OANCE ON 8ATURDAY The Oregon State College Boos ters club has invited the public to enjoy a very delightful sport dance at the Oriental Gardens Saturday evening. Miss Marlorlc Ott Is acting as general chair man of the affair. DANCE AND BOX SOCIAL IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR RIDDLE. March 21. The jun ior and senior classes of the Rid dle high school gave a dance and box social Friday evening at the grange hall. The proceeds are to be used to finance the Junior and senior banquet. SIDE GLANCES com, mi iv tit sewvict. me. T. m. mo. o. pat, "How do you do, Mr. Hopkins? Please don't get up!" Just the Woman's i! That's Buck Buchwoch, University ol Oregon student who signed up for a course tn "household management" and found himself a lonely male midst 51 coeds. He stuck it out, gets grades far above the average and believes home arts should be Included in every man's curriculum. Here Buck waits on two of his fellow students. Stamps-Bond Drive For Funds Shaping WASHINGTON, March 21. (AP) The treasury today began enrolling an army of 500,000 per sons to assist in a campaign to sell billions of dollars worth of the new defense savings sccuri ties to the American public. Gale F. Johnston, St. Louis in surance man who will supervise the drive, said the campaign workers would be sent out to ask employers to use the securities for employee savings plans; to canvass the schools; to urge la bor cooperation; to arrange witn bi.nks so depositors can have the bunds bought for them regulat ly and charged to their accounts, and to organize other promotion al activities. Governors, mayors and other prominent local officials will be asked to name committees in even the smallest communities. Johnston explained that the theme of the drive would be for continuous purchases rather than large lump sum transactions. For example, the Idea would be to encourage a school child in the habit of buying one 10 cent savings stamp a week o." month, rather than to have the child buy $5 worth at one time, and then forget about the mat ter. The new securities, announced last night by Secretary Morgen lhau, were graded In denomina tions all the way from 10 cents lo $10,000, In order to make such regular purchase programs fit Into almost any size purse. Crater Lake Snow Level Drops; Roads Said Clear The snow level at Crater lake has dropped considerably and now stands at 99 inches, accord ing to the report received today at the local office of the L'mpqua national forest. The snow is well crusted, but during the heat of the day has about a three-Inch medium wet surface. Maximum ByGatbraith off. Home Companion temperature yesterday was 40 de grees and minimum temperature was 19 degrees. Tho air has been clear and visi bility excellent and conditions are reported to bo exceptionally good for photography. The roads are clear of snow and have only a few icy spots. Chains are not required, but should be available in case of an emergency, such as a sudden storm. Guy Winchester Given Parole in Morals Case Guy Winchester, 30, local truck driver, was sentenced in circuit court late Thursday to two years In the penitentiary, but was granted a parole. He entered a plea of guilty to a morals charge. Days Creek On Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ulam and Ivan Welch were business visitors In Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fisher and their family were guests Sunday of Mrs. Fisher's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Poole. When they re turned home they were accom panied by Mrs. E. P. Ballou, who had been spending a week at the Poole home. Ophir Perdue and John Wilson transacted business In Myrtle Creek Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Nor man and son, Alex, and Shorty Payne were business visitors in Roseburg Wednesday. Attend to Business A. II. Church and daughter, Elizabeth, of Camas Valley, were visitors In this city Thursday. WEATHER STATISTICS By U. S. Weather Bureau Humidity 4:30 p.m. yesterday 420 Highest temperature yesterday GO Lowest temperature last night 36 Precipitation for 24 hours 0 Precip. since first of month .76 Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1940 22.94 Deficiency since Sept. 1, 1940 3.01 Local News Reported III Mrs. Guy Cordon has been reported ill the last few days at her home on East Iine street. Attends to Business Oscar Weeks, of Myrtle Creek, was a business visitor In this city yes terday. , s , i Spend Thursday HereMrs. Elzie Clayton and son, Gordon, of Dillard, spent Thursday In this city on business. )!,'!'' ! , Returns to Work Mrs. William Wren, of this city, has returned to her work at the veterans facility, following a two weeks vacation. niri in School Don Morcrnn returned to his studies at the junior high school this week, fol lowing several days' illness at his home. Called to Fortuna Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rodley, of this city, have left for Fortuna, cam., where they were called by the Ill ness of the latter's motner. Leaves For California N. E. Richardson, of this city, has left for Los Angeles and Maywood, Calif., to spend five weeks visiting relatives and friends. Vleltlnn Here MISS Delia Ma- win nnhineon nnrl MUc Rpsslp RnV- bould, student at university or Drpiron at Kurene. are nere vis iting Miss Lela Wilson. Here Thursday Mr. and Mrs Alex Worthington and Mrs. Ray j Holual anu son, myron miy, ui Canvonville, were business visi tors in this city Thursday. Returns to Lake Bill Moar has returned to his work at Lake Tahkenltch, following several days in this city attending to business and visiting trientis. Move to Spokane Mr. and Mrs. George Felt and son, Robert, of this city, have moved to Spo kane, Wash., where Mr. Felt will study to get his airplane and en gine licenses. Back From Coast Mrs. V. R. Duncan and son, Carl, and Miss Eunice Herbison, have returned to their homes here, following a trip to Empire and to Coqullle to visit Mrs. Duncan's mother, Mrs. Effie Goodman. Doing Nicely Bill Wren, Jr., is reported to he convalescing satisfactorily following a recent operation and plans to return in the next few days to Eugene to resume his studies at University of Oregon and to continue his les sons In flying. Stop Here Mrs. C. D. Lamar and grandson, Arthur Seibert, of Corvallls, left yesterday for Co qullle to visit tho former's sister, Mrs. Effie Goodman, following a stop-over here to visit her niece, Mrs. V. R. Duncan. Vlsltlnq Parents Mrs. L. B. Holt, of Harrisburg, Is spending several days In Myrtle Creek visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G.- A. Tag- gart. Mr. Taggart celebrated ins seventy-eighth birthday anniver sary Thursday, Spend Two Days In Portland Captain and Mrs. John A. Irving, of this city, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Portland visiting friends and attending to busi ness. Their small son, John, was rnroH for hv his maternal erand- mother, Mrs. Augsta Wilson, who came to Roseburg from Kiuuie to stay at the Irving home In Laurelwood during their absence. Vitltlna Here Mrs. A. H. Jeag ler. of Prlneville. arrived here Wednesday to visit her daughter, : Mrs. Harold Horn, and son, Harry iTruesdale, following a visit In I8 Angeles and San Francisco, i She will be Joined here today by 'her husband, who after spending ia few days here, will accompany j her to Portland for a visit, before returning to their home. Enjoylnq Trips Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Potter, of Modale, Iowa, who are here visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Alma Orr, at the Gus R. Backstrom residence, have been spending the last few days visiting points of Interest in ore-1 gon. They visited the University ! of Oregon campus this week and; enjoyed the loop trip to Bandon ', and back. They plan to make; a trip to Ashland within the next , few days. They report that they are greatly enjoying their stay in Oregon. I SCOLDS viTl Relieve misery direct Vi VroM -without "doling7'. Cli Uae iwlf t-ctlng VICKS VAPORUB Howard W. Pealer Of Oakland Passes Howard Walter Pealer, GO, of Oakland, Oregon, died at Mercy hospital today following a : two weeks' Illness. Born at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1880, he had resided in Oregon throughout his entire life time, except for 10 years spent In Kansas. He had resided in Oak land for the last four years. Ho was married, Deo. 23, 1916, at Hood River, Ore., to Miss Alice L. Walker. . : Surviving are the widow;' two sons, Jack Pealer,; Oakland, and Charles Pealer. Grants Pass: a daughter, Grace Bryant, Seattle, and a brother, Guy , C, , Pealer, Oakland. . ' i ! ; . : t . Services will be held" In the Community church Jn Oakland at 2 p. m. Sunday. Fev. J. K. Den ham officiating. Interment will be In the I. O. O. F. cemetery in Roseburg. Arrangements are in charge of Stearns mortuary, Oak land. : Record Big Tree . According to British Columbia lumbermen, the record for the largest tree cut down rests with the Lynn Valley Douglas fir, which was 417 feet high, 25 feet In diameter, and 77 feet In cir cumference. srMiio In the Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oregon Tor Douglas county. Oliver Haines. Plaintiff, vs. Mng gle N. Seiplo. n widow: Cora J. t'onnoiiv. a widow: w. it. utarK. n. widower: The Unknown Heirs of Mary A. Slnrlc, deceased; Also All Other Persons or Parties t'n known claiming nny right, title, estnto, lion or interest in tho reni estate di-sr-rlbed in the. Complaint herein: Defendants. To: Tile I'nknowii Heirs of Mnry A. Stark, deceased: AIko All Culler Persons or Parties ITuknnwn claim lag any right, title, entnte, lien nr interest in the real estate de scribed In the Complaint herein: Defendants: In tiie name of tho Stato of Ore gon: You and each of ynu aro here- dv re'iulreu lo appear anu answer tiie complaint . or plnlntlff filed against yon In tlio above entitled court anil cnuso on or beforo four weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer said com plaint, pialntirr for want thereof will nnplv to the court for the re lief demanded in snld complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows, to-wlt: That you nnd oncn or you oe re quired to assort and disclose tho nature and character of any clnlm. 'stale or Interest vou navo or claim In and to the following described real property situated In Douglas Cunntv. Oregon, to-wlt: Heglnnlng at Mio soiunensi cor ner or the l. 11. Hart Donntlnn Land Claim N'o. 42 In Section 19. Township 22 South. Unnge 7 West, Willamette Meridian: thence roi lowlng the meanders of tho right hank of the I'mpona Itlver down stream to a point which bears North ( 42' West 17r,S 9 feot from the place of beginning; thence North no' Knst 27n:i.6 feet to the north boundary of tho snld P. I C. No. 12: thence South 78 00' Knot 17(12.7 font along tho said north boundary of D. U C. No. 42 to the northeast corner thereof: thence South Se 00' West SS0.5 feet along the oast hniindarv of said D. I- C No. 42; thence South SI" II' West 71!). 6 foot to Hie conterllno of nn old (or nlinndonedl county road: thence South 3D" 42' Knot 664.7 feet along the snld conterllno of Hie old countv rond lo Its Inter section with the east boundary of said I). U C. No. 42: thence South H 00' West 7:i.n feet along the said enst hoimdnrv of D. I,. C. No. 12 to the place of beginning, con taining ino.oo ncres more or less; Kxi'i-ptlng therefrom tho right or way ror road purposes deeded by Plaintifr to Douglas Connlv. Ore gon, on the i:ilh dnv of April. 19H2 which deed is recorded in Volume 94 of Deed neeords of Douglns County, Oregon, at pngo 170 Ihoro of ; And ntso excepting nil rights granted hy that certnln right of Wav deed Inndo by plaintiff to The Ciillfornln Oregon Power Company on December 26, HlHtl, which deed Is recorded In Volume 101 of Deed Itecorda of Douglas County, Ore gon, at page 201 tlioreor; and lo subject the same to a Judi cial investigation Hint tho right of possession nnd title between plnin tlfr and defendants may bo forever oulclcd. and tiiat It lie decreed that tiie claim of the dcfcndanta and H. C. STEARNS Funeral Director Phone 472 OAKLAND, ORE. Licensed Lady AnltUnt Any Dlttknc, Any Tim Our tarvle le for ALL, and meet EVERY NEED Free Garage HOTEL DANMOORE 12 to 13 en W. Morrison Portland, Oregon Special Family Rates . . . dur ing March and April . 2 adult, 2 children under 15 years In room with 2 double beds and bath 871 CENT8 PER PERSON OR . 2 connecting rooms with bath $1.00 PER PERSON Single rote from $1.50 per room Double rotes from $1.00 per person See your Chamber of Com merce or local newspaper for further details. RAY W. CLARK, Manager. r-nrh of thorn n without founda tion In law. nr In eiwlly or in riK't. nnd that plaintiff I tho nwwr In re of anUI priMnlKffH and the whol thereof, fro from niw nnd nl i-lnltnn or lnlirNt of unlit rtfnfl nnts or Pltlier of thorn of nnv kind or nnturo wlinlmievi-r. ftnd that plfllnllrr Hnve snrii otnor una rur tlmr rpllef n to tho oonrt may Hftpin eouitnhlo. Thin summon l- flrrvrrt upon ymi hy puhtlentlnn thoroof for h porlod of oncn onch wook for four stlot'ONslvo woolen In tho rioMohurR News-Uovlow. a nwsnanor of Ron oral circulation puhllahod nnd' In suod in ItoHohurK. DmiKlnq -t'niln. tv. Oreffnn. hv ordor of tho lion. Curl K. U'lmlir-rly. JlltlirA of tho nhnvn ontith-d onurt. mad" oil tho 21th day or l-vitruary. l!Ml. and yon nro horohy nntlflod to appoar nnd arifwt-r tho nnmo on or hororo Tour wooka from tho dato of tho find publication horoof, wtth'h la tho SHU day of PVhrnnry. 1!H1. TllelO A ani'HTT. Attorney for Plnintlff Post nrften Addreftfl! noaahllrff. Oroffon. XOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Kottre Ik hereby given that tho undersigned mlminlstrntrlx of the efitnto of fleorre Winoton. deooas oil, has filed in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, her fi nnl nocount an aui-h ndmlnlatratrlg. of aald estate, and that Haturdny. tho 22nd day or Mnreh, 1M1, at the hour nr in o'rlopk A. M. of said day. has boon fixed hv said oourt Ha the time for hearing ohioetioni to snld report, and the. settlement thereof. Dated this "1st day of Pnhrunry, 1011. SUSAN A. WINSTON, Administratrix of Hie Kstalo of ileorgn Winston. Doeonsed. mm Ends Tonight Pal Night DOROTHY LAMOUR JON HALL "HURRICANE" PLUS af it's fastest... with THE Coming Saturday A DISPATCH FROM REUTERS with IONA SUT Hl 1DDII AUNT H ALSO TODAY AND SATURDAY Charley Orapewin f,. 1 ndiSrMlCiif -VI Preview Saturday STARTS SUNDAY f Two Ghat Sum TOGETHER FOI THf lut llm ..la Ibi moil dirltg lot loir of oil tin RANGE BUSTIRSlVir, I Ray Coftlgr", John King J3 Will, Jo'hn roRoj 1 J iWhenin Roseburg for SPRING OPENING and Auction Day Be Sure to SEE the Large Display of the Beautiful New 1941 E I Refrigerator at Wm. Calhoun's CI 22S N. Jackson St. Resebiirej mm mm