ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1941 FIVE uvviiwh i hshmuc run nL i House, earaee. ear-1 uiM.nMteAAM i u.i. u i n t .. REGISTERED Karakul fur. sheep, male lambs killed at hirth for Persian lamb fni- Buy your breeding stock now. rricea ngni. tr. j. cox in, .a lem, Oregon. WE NEED at once Cattle, calves and lambs. See us before you sell. It does not obligate you in the least. Call 350. FOR SALE Good Jersey milk cow, $60.00. Will freshen in April. Viola Jennings, Myrtle Creek. Phone 32065. FOR SALE Jersey bull calf, 5 months old, from one of Doug las county's best herds. H. C. uoyie, camas valley. WANTED Puppy Collie pre ferred. Not registered. Large enougn to snip, fnone 115. WANTED Fresh cows, spring ers and heifers. Phone 663 or call 1200 Winchester. FOR SALE Young milk cows, fresh and to freshen soon. H. C. Kelley, Camas Valley. COCKER SPANIELS Registered thoroughbreds. Jacobs Kennels. Phone 386-J. FOR SALE 1 young draft type horse. Inquire Melrose store. Dentistry Extraction. Pyorrhea Treatment Gas when desired New style plates and teeth Old plates refitted like new Dr. Nerbas Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Dr. G. W. Marshall, Med. A. Blrlg. ALLEY OOP I.OCTAVIAM OF - f ALL RI&HT VOL! PAT ( ...EITHER VOU KICK IN f .... SO HELP ME HANNAH, " ' vtohvIX oV&ul mv C w olWELEy ( x'ylr ouy WITH I VOU" ( WELSH ON j HIM THE WORKs) .PIECE.... HISTORY SAYS YOU WLEOy OF HISTOR-'-' . HAH' AS IP ' THE PEAL, BEFORE Cl RETURNED IN TRIUMPH ST ' y A CAESAR EH? J7)hE CAU5ESOKAVAROM EGYPT TO . 7 HECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS The Christening , By Merrill Blosser jflTrnigr CAN'T CHRISTEN! A My- Vioec'rTT'T r ' i f YOU DIDNT 1 STitt HAVEN'T V"";-! whatd l&S Thing without a wiomam T,SEFF, Well, Mir. I, Hilda grubble, have to hit , broken tub y maybe we you brims I . 1 they always do the QSSt .,TA? christen thee. it THAT hard bottle j-s better opem HILDA HERE J ' I BOTTLE -BREAKING AND HILDA itlS-SSTTiF 2I-SeOTTA. CEILINQ ZERO'' i Vs - - W THE BOTTLE AND FOR? J V WON'T TALK JjfS BE BROKEN ' wmiZ3fc-. DO THE CHRISTEN 1 . T i J ' v ' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES the Usual Triangle By Edgar Martin AdLll V.ObVV6 A V0At. eVA-& AQoomO TW &. AW .J I W 1 - M IW VAVVNVi' VOW J 'JIX ' . ..L WASH tUBBS Come Into My Parlor By Roy Crane ' IF IT 16 TRUE THAT ( " EB...ONE f VBS.VES, I US' IWVESTK5ATE. X MU5' 60 BLAZES ! HE'SCOMlWei! HE'S VALkr-' ??,; -J BAS5ILA HAS RECOVEEED, I POIEM ROSES, TO HIS HOME, AMD FIND WAT 14 WROUS y ( 1 Wi IUTO OUR TRAP VQO'PB TO LET . K " '' ' , 'Z THEM SOMETHING IS WROMfi. V J M "JZMt-4 1 a IWW'M ZjJX ' si WW IN, MVRTLE, JUST AS ". " ,;' 4 PERHAPS THE OERMS WERE JS-,. S W& lWJWm:MAirm C iitX tmWlT V0U LVWAYS HAVE P5 y. . ' 4.;f FROM THE mem BOTTLE. ' rQT33! tlJf&J(w4 JS$l i WMfewai'l '1 - VE5' ; LARGE TWO -ROOM APART MENT, vacant March 23rd Downstairs. Close in. Prefer married Woman who would like job of conducting small apart ment house If present landlady should move. 302 West Wash ington. FOR RENT S-room nouse, on highway at 709 S. Stephens. Good condition, modern, with garage. Page Lumber & Fuel Co. Phone 242. FOR RENT 4-room. nartlv fur. niehnrl annftmnn, ...11. Unu ' I T.n I r 1 . inn uiuuna iiuill XIUSU nOlCl. ! Inquire Western Union. SIX-ROOM unfurnished duplex. Hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace. Address 918 Harvard. Phone 514-Y. FURNISHED room, steam heat, bath. Bell building, 122 S. : Jackson, opposite Indian thea tre. FURNISHED five-room apart ment. Newly furnished. Heated. Strictly modern. 630 E. Douglas. FOR RENT Furnished 3- room apartment, newly reno vated. 520 Stephens. FURNISHED 4-room apartment. Electric stove. Close In. Bubar Bros. Phone 214. FURNISHED apartment. Call at in. stepnens or bis Kast avenue. ' CLEAN, furnished apartments. I Call 369-J. Northslde Apart-' ments. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. FOR RENT House, garage, gar I " - ' " i wi jw miabcnuncvyi nno nanrra i - Keen riran den ground, pasture for cow. , water system. Also furnished houses and apartments. Inquire 320 W. Cass street, Roseburg. Autos FOR SALE 1939 Plymouth Dlx. sedan $695 Radio. Very clean. 1938 Ford Dlx. sedan $525 Radio. Heater. Slick as a but ton. 1939 Ford Dlx. sedan .......$695 Tires, finish, motor excellent. 1937 Olds "6" sedan $525 New paint, motor runs fine. 1936 Plymouth Dlx. sedan ,...$395 Thoroughly reconditioned, new paint. 1936 Terraplane tudor $295 A real buy. Good rubber, Clean. Many Others to pick from. All cars carry our written guaran tee. Terms can be arranged to fit you. "SI" DILLARD MOTOR CO. Dodge Plymouth SEE THIS 1931, model Ford, 4 doOr sedan. New paint, good running condition $95. L. Rob inson, 1 miles east of court house. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Baled oats and vetch hay, $9.00 and $10.00 ton. Not Sundays. Arthur Weeks, 5 miles south of Dillard. FOR SALE Good clean wheat straw, $5.00 in ' barn, $6.00 de livered. Don Brumbach, Rose burg. FOR SALE Hay, baled oats and vetch. Howard Hatfield, phone 14-F-41. .. Take It or . . . r . FOR SALE Late style flat top electric range, $29.95; fine cabi- net electric radio, $12.95; table moaei Daiiery racuo, $; gasoline motor washing ma chine, $39.95; apartment house electric washing machine, $9.95; Bullt-Well davenport and chair, $29.95; good Toledo wood range, $11.95; day bed with cre tonne pad, $7.95; white enamel gas range; Invalid's wheel chair; 8-piece oak dining room set; beds, springs, mattresses, etc. Judd's Furniture. FOR SALE Everbearing Rock Hill strawberry plants, healthy and vigorous. Best on the mar ket. $2.00 per 100. Clarence Chartlcr, Broccoli Lane, Mel rose Route. WHY NOT get the Hy-P6wer, guaranteed muffler and for get your muffler troubles. Al so get your glass at Sarffs Auto Wrecking House. A NEW modern storage locker system at . Douglas Ice and Storage Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. FOR SALE Sheep shearing plant, $25.00. Roy Long, Ump qua, Oregon. ! ELECTROLUX sales and service. Phone 561. 119 W. Mosher. FOR SALE Used electric brood er. Watzlg Hatchery. Wanted WE WANT wool and mohair for cash or on contract. Cash ad vances available if you are in need of ready money. Roseburg Poultry Co., 920 S. Stephens street. Leave It STEADY WORK GOOD PAY. RELIABLE MAN WANTED to . call on farmers In Douglas county. No experience or capi tal required. Write MR. IN MAN, 2423 Magnolia St., Oak land, Calif. I WANTED Capable housekeeper J , for man and 2 small boys, 5 and 8 years. $20.00 per month i , If satisfactory. References re I quired. F. G. Ewens. Phone j . 32F11. ! WANTED Middle-aged man to i : work on ranch, single, able to ! milk, handle horses, drive I ', truck. Also have piling timber I '; for sale, d R. Springer, Azalea, I , Oregon. WANTED Elderly man or some one needing home, to help with light chores. Some wages near Roseburg. Box 1004, c o News-Review. WANTED Capable girl or wom an for help in lunch and serv ice station. Eddy's, Coos Junc tion, 21F2. WANTED Farm nand. General farm work, milk cows. J. C. Watson, 44F12. WANTED Man to operate beer parlor. See L. R. Chambers. WANTED Service station opera tor. Sec L. R. Chambers. Lost and Found LOST At P. O. leather key case with keys. Return to Ho tel Umpqua and receive liberal reward. Chiropractor DR. H. B. Seofleic. Pnone 273 INVESTIGATE the opportunities we are offering you to get es tablished on a farm of your own. Cal' at the National Farm Loan office, 415 Perkins Building, Roseburg, or write C. A. Barnes, 167 E. 8th St., Eugene. Federal Land Bank of Spokane. NEWLY built 5-room house, In cluding bath. Large garage. Needs some finishing. Real bargain for cash. Inquire Camp View Service Station. ; FOR SALE Six acres, modern house. Joining veterans facility on west. Terms. See G. W. Young & Son. LOTM8X119, good location, FREE SOIL, $150.00. 200 Brown ave nue, W. Roseburg. Miscellaneous WOMAN'S BENEFIT ASSOCIA-, . TION members attention: Free health examinations by Su preme Medical Examiner, Dr. Anna Reynolds. March 18, at Rose hotel. Examination has no effect on present Insurance. Free examination for new members. For further informa tion phone Mrs. Jessie Vinson, financial secretary, 676-J. Work Wanted WANTED Work on good ranch by married man. Trial given. E. D. Russell, Wilbur, Oregon. Fuel PHONE 232 Green and Dry Slab Wood ROSrcrtURG LUMBER CO. By V. T. Hamlin GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 443 S. Steph ens. Also lurnlture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop, 106 S. Main. AUTO REPAIRING Knight-Porter, Douglas & Main. Body, fender work, painting LOCKSMITH Pacific Key iacrv. Phone 348. GARBAGE SERVICE Bill's Garbage Service. Efficient serv. Reasonable rates. Ph. 338. Poultry FOR RENT Modern chicken ranch, fully equipped for about 1200 chicks. Has , house, barn, chicken house and brooder , house. Pasture and plowable land. Inquire 235 N. Jackson. DAY-OLD ar.d started chicks, Hampshire pullets, cockerels and straight run. Straight run Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Watzlg Hatchery. POULTS from our own broad breasted Bronze flock. Blood tested. April or June delivery. Ray White, Canyonvilie. WANTED Hons and fryers. P. O. Box 135, Camas Valley. Society GREEN P.-T. A. HAS MEETING The Green P.-T. A. met at the schoolhouse Friday night with the president, John Hess, In charge. Mr. Claypool resigned from the Boy Scout committee and Ernest Bilger was elected to take the vacancy. A number of business matters were discussed and future activities of the asso ciation were outlined. .,, v i Mr. Davis gave an interesting talk on the hot lunch project be InR sponsored In the school and of the fine work now being ac complished from the project. Mrs. Bilger, Miss Davis and Mrs. Parkhurst were appointed on the nominating committee. Mrs. Hess asked for the mem bers to choose a time and place to hold a cooked food sale in April to raise money for the hot lunches and for a 411 scholarship. There will be a fish pond and popcorn hall sale at the next meeting to be held April 4, .it which time a public health pic ture will be shown and the men will act as hosts ut a New Eng land lunch. The students of the school pre sented the evening's program on "How to Display the American Flag." Refreshments were served by the young people following the meeting. THIMBLE CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING The Woodcraft Thimble club met last Monday at the home of Mrs. Liston Darby for a 1:30 o'clock pot luck luncheon. Beauti ful spring flowers were arrang ed about the rooms. Covers were placed for Mrs. B. W. Haylor, Mis. Clifton Hooper, Mrs. A. I. llawn, Mrs. U. L. Hounshell, Mrs. William Moran, Mis. Adrian Hulbert, Mrs. A. II. 1'errln, Mrs. W. E.. Sullivan, Mrs. W. V. Fredrlckson, Mrs. Harry Lohr, Mrs. Hallle Lucas, Mrs. M. I. McCnnn, Mrs. P. E. Beaver, Mrs. C. W. Owen, Mrs. Mary Colley, of Elkton, Mrs. Mary Johnson, of Rosehurg, (the latter two guests), and the hostess, Mis. Darby. A short business meeting was followed by n social hour. The next meeting will be n 1:30 politick luncheon, March 24, at the home of Mrs. Moran at 320 Mill street. . REGULAR MEETING Umpqua post, No. 10, American Legion, Tuesday, March IS. (Ailvl ADJUTANT. YICK SO HERB CO. Ut-HCE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Herb remedlee alleviate disorders of goltr. itomaeh. A?.'J B 7ifpf liver, heart, kidney, caiarrn, Gouyni, tumor, rheumatiitn, ' and female complaints, without operation. Monday, j. h. Leong Jac"ion County Bank Bldg., Modford, Ortgoa 34 Year' Thursday, Friday, Saturday Experience 132 N. Jackson St., Rostburg, Oregon - Herballat ' ' - RADIO SERVICING Bin Calhoun's Radio Music Store. Ph. 93. Hargis Radio Service. Phone 196. Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. FLUE CLEANING Furnaces vacuum cleaned flue cleaning. Call 841. J. C. Bew ley. WASHING MACHINES IRONERS Bcrgh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 80S. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. . DEPARTMENT OFFICERS TO ATTENO MEETING . HERE TUESDAY NIGHT Tuesday night at the armory, Mrs. William Horsfall of Marsh- field, and a national officer 1n the American Legion auxiliary will hold district national de fense conference to which the public Is cordially Invited. Re freshments will be served. Mrs. Horsfall will be entertained to day by the Junior Woman's club and the D. A. R. Tuesday after noon she will be a guest at the spring play of the Woman's club. The national defense conference for which she is in Roseburg will be held that night.. At six she will be guest at the Red Cross annual banquet at the Ump qua hotel. The six-thirty pot luck which was to have been held at the armory has been cancel ed. Unit members and Legion-, naires will come from as far as Klamath Falls and north to Drain for this gathering. Everyone who has ever heard Mrs. Horsfall will want to heat her again. Hers is a timely sub Ject for she will tell of the na tional defense conXepehce al Washington, D. .'C,,'i fn' 'January. This was a national patriotic conference at which Mrs. Hors- , fall represented Oregon. Mrs, Horsfall is an able speaker. She has held many national offices In Various organizations. She has been national music chairman and a national officer In wo men's clubs. At present she Is national defense chairman for the department of American Le lon auxiliary. 1 Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock Mrs. Horsfall will speak over KRNR. All veterans groups and the general public have been in vited to enjoy the affair. Mrs. Ned Dixon and Mrs. Irvln Riegel are Joint chairmen for the lovely refreshments to be serv ed Tuesday night. Both are de partment officers In the Ameri can Legion auxiliary. Leaves for Tacoma Mrs. Ruby Fickenscher, of this city, ' left Sunday for Tacoma, where she plans to spend a month visit ing her son, Harold Fickenscher, who is employed in the weather bureau there. Ho was formerly stationed In Roseburg. LISTEN Yr"Wfr STIFF I l-J JUST BOUGHT THS BUSIHESS NOW YOO'U. TAKE OMJESS FROM ME.' J T7 GIVING ORDERS At You Like It: We like taking orders from you. The more you give, the happier we are! And we do everything possible to make certain you are pleased! Recapping Repairing Guarantee New Tire Servioa See Ui For Good USED TIRES AND TUBES bladder, prostate gland, piles, tnma, niyti mvuu preaur, u ro pay, eczema, ttomacn ulcer, yellow TuMday, Wednesday mi Ik...