SIX ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUR, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, I94T. Local News Roseburg Visitor Mrs. Rllla Hahn, of Brockway, spent Thurs day in this city on business. Vlalt Here Mr. and Mrs. Dor reli Daubonspcek, of Sutherlln, wore visitors in the city Friday. Here on Business J. H. Hayes, of Melrose, was a busi ness visitor in this city yesterday. Roseburg Visitor I.yle Mar slers, resident of Happy valley, was a Roseburg business vlsllor Friday. From Weaver, business I day. Sutherlln Mrs. W. E. of Sutherlln, made a trip to Roseburg Fri- Roseburg Indians Lose to Medford Quintet, 22 to 20 Locals' Only Chance to Stay In Race Now Depends on Result of Medfcrd-Ashland Battle. T. Anderson, g 0 0 0 Able to Be Out Mrs. L. E. Mc Cllntoek is able to be out again, following a week's Illness at her home on Hamilton avenue. Back From Portland Dr. and Mrs. O. It. Hess have returned to their home in Laurelwood, following a business trip to Portland. Leaves Rex Putnam, state superintendent of public schools, has returned to Salem following s short stay in this city on busi " ness. Here From Camas Valley Mrs. Tom Williamson, of Camas Vulley, was a Roseburg visitor Friday. C. Attends to Business O. .-aarwoon, oi Oakland, was i business visitor In this city Frl day. Go to Game Mr. and Mrs. Harris Ellsworth took a car of senior high students to the Med-ford-Rosoburg basketball game ut Medford last evening. Will Move to Salem Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Frederickson plan to move next week to Salem, where the former will work for Folger's department store. improving k. . Huuon is re ported to be Improving in health at his home in Garden valley, where he has been ill of Influ- irtl.U JW1 imr IUSL iwu wct-H.-i. Plan Trip Mr. and Mrs. Al- ftprt Micelll, of this city, plan to leave Sunduy for San Francisco to spend a week vacationing and attending to business. Will Serve Hot Lunches The Edenbower school has adopted the hot lunch system with Mrs. T. M. Winnlford, of Garden val ley, in charge of the project. Here for Week-End Miss Muxine Rand, who Is attending school In Ashland, is spending In Hospital Mrs. Frank Nor ton, of this city, is receiving medical treatment at Mercy hos pital. Leaves For Portland John Rodley, of Melrose, has left for Portland to spend a few days on business. From Sutherlln Mrs. Donald Rone, and Mrs. G. E. Carpenter. of Sutherlln, were recent Rose. burg visitors. Here Friday G. L. Kirken- dahl, of Camas Valley, among Roseburg business ors Friday. From Myrtle Creek Mr. and ! Mrs. Ermll Hriggs. of Mvrtle Creek, were Roseburg business visitors 1 hursduy. Ill at Home .limme Whipple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whip ple, is reported to be 111 at his home In Laureiwood, Go to Coqullle Fred Lock wood and Al Lounsberry of Lock- wood Motor company, spent Fri day In Coqullle on business. Local Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Carl Madison and small daugh ter, of Kellogg, were Roseburg business visitors Friday. In Town Today Mr. and Mrs. Will Visit In Portland Miss Framres Metzger, stenographer In the district attorney's office here, will spend the week-end in Portland visiting relatives and friends. ' Here on Business Major and Mrs. R. Gifford, divisional young peoples secretaries of the Salva tion Army of Oregon anil south ern Idaho, spent Friday evening here on business. ' Daughter Is Born A daughter, 'Judith Gale, weighing seven pounds and two ounces, was horn lo Altorney and Mrs. Paul God ill's, of Roseburg, al Sacred Heart hnspllal in Eugene Thursday, February 20. Reported Improving Mrs. Catherine A. Clarke, of Umpqua, who has been 111 at her home, Is now reported to be slightly Im proved. Mrs. Clarke Is the moth er of R. R. Clarke, of Oakland, and Martha Clarke, of Umpqua. Here for Weck-Entl Mrs. Lu cille liibbs. telephone operator at Coi-vailis, formerly employed at the local office, Is here to spend the weekend visiting her broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walton, on Cliadwlik street. Will Go to Portland Miss La vola Mi-Millen. stenniranhcr at Loikwood Motors, plans to go to j J lonianu nils week-end to accom pany her mother. Mrs. N. W. Mc Milieu, of Idleyld, back to this city. The Roseburg Indians had only a very slim chance today of re maining in the southern Oregon district basketball race after dropping a spectacular defensive game last night at Medford 22 to 20. Rosehurg's chances hang on the outcome of the game to be played next Friday between Ash land and Medford at Ashland. If Medford wins the conference would lie thrown into a three way tie. On the other hand, a victory by Ashland would win the title for that team. Another very remote possibility is that Ashland might be beaten at Grants Pass Tuesday, although Grants Pass, so far has not won a game this season. In last night's game at Med ford both teams played strictly denfensive games. The defen sive play was so close that neith er team was able to toss a field goal during the entire first per iod and Roseburg was ahead 1 to 0 at the end of the quarter by virtue of a free throw conversion I I... Cl-l.... was I " ""J visit- ,np Rame remained a nip-ann- iuck anair an oi tne way, witn Medford leading H to 8 at half- time and 17 to If) at the three- quarter mark. Reserves Used Lacking the services of Earl Wlard, whose loss because of mumps during the critical clos ing period of the tight confer ence play has been a most severe blow, Coach Watts tossed two of his next year's squad Into the fray for their first experience under fire. Wlmberly and Tony Anderson, who have been stars on the Roseburg B squad and who will undoubtedly be regulars next year, turned in a very cred itable performance. Sclirimpf and Hughes, the latter the high point man in last night's game, win jMwiitiuiy mi ill nil- iiiii-ii-u I of next vear's team as Wiaril. Goodlow, Denton and Finlay will he lost by graduation. Basketball interest was raised this season to Its greatest height In Roseburg for several years, and the Indians have pleased lo cal fans. Stricken by the oft-recurring last minute jinx of illness and Injury, the Indians now are In a tough spot on championship honors, which undobuledly would have been theirs otherwise. The lack of reserve material lo meet such emergencies was the team's sole weakness. Future Prospects Eyed Fans looking ahead to next year foresee another unusually strong team. In addition to the players al ready named, who have had a great ileal of experience tills year on the regular siring and with I lie Roseburg Kits, oilier pros pects Include Denny, Baker, Har old Cacy, Ness, and others, while graduation from junior high will bring Vincent, Cuniniings, Steph ens, Wiley and Looinis, all prom ising prospects, into I he picture and will assure ample and rug jged material for not only next : season, but the following vear as Go to Klamath Falls Dr. and j "'"i 'spite last night's defeat al city, left Friday for ' Klamath Fulls to visit friends until Sunday. Totals 8 4 9 20 K'LAMATH FALLS, Feb. 22. fAPi Led by Marion Reglnato with 20 points garnered in the two quarters the first string played, the Klamath high Pell- cans swamped I lie Grants Pass Cavemen last night, H 20. City's Bowling Title Captured By Umpqua Cleaners Titular Battle Matches Yoncalla, Reedsport Teams Tournament Survivors Reach Decisive Game After Easy Triumphs Over Rivals. B League Basketball Results Friday Consolation Drain 54, Myrtle Creek 19. Days Creek 39, Camas Val ley 38. Championship Yoncalla 30, Elkton 31. Reedsport 41, Lookingglass 22. Games Today 10 a. m.- Drain vs. Elkton. 11 a. m. Days Creek vs. Look Creek Vikings who had much trouble getting a start in tourna ment play. Drain scored 18 points before Stlmson broke through for Myrtle Creek with the first field goal midways In the second quar ter; Score at half-time favored Drain 28 to 8. The second half was a replica of the first, with Coach Conors of Drain using all of his reserves. Summaries: British Aid Proposal Receives Fresh Swats f Continued from page 1) The annual Roseburg Bowling association tournament clncnrl last night with the Umooua ! Cleaners retaining their first place spot and thus winning the : Texaco trophy and the R. B. A. championship for 1940-41 season. I Ingglass, It was a close finish with thel 8:30 p. m. Consolation finals, standings of prize winners as fol- 9:30 p. m. Championship fi lows: Umpqua Cleaners 2879, 1 nals, Yoncalla vs. Reedsport. Hansen Motors 2808. Shell Oil j By "HAP" APPLEGATE 2855 and U. S. V. A. 2803. j Two strong teams, Reedsport, Other team scores were: i winner of the coastal title, and Eagles 2773, Kiwanis 2738, Texaco ; Yoncalla, champions of the north 2732, Montgomery Ward 2729. j ern division, will battle tonight Dunham Transfer 2709, Stephens i for the County B league basket Auto Co. 2708, Copco 2095, Hotel ball championship as a result of Valley 2095, Elks Club 2092, 1 exciting victories over Looking Roseburg Alleys 2090, Douglas , glass and Elkton In the semi final Flour Mills 2048, Union Oil 2U09, j rounds yesterday in the three-day Sandy's Place 2505. j county tournament. ,.-,n?vl.Tan!llr'i Tn thC h.andi" Tno ,Pams have earned h"ir cap sweepstakes, following team Wily lo tnp ti(u,.lr 1n,ls, hv M1: rolling a score of ; vlvin mpin nnPninr ami final rounds of play. Yoncalla play last night, 047. D. E. Carr was second Drain 54 Kirk 26 Sneed 2 , Steinbacher 6 . Euc. Paris 8 ... Parker 3 Subs: Drain 19 Myrtle Creek .F 4 Rust .F.. 5 Chaney .C 5 Stimson .G 3 Dyer .G 2 Applebee -Honnold 2, Ro. Letsom 2, Ri. Letsom, Ed. Paris 5; Myrtle Creek Holllnger, M. Black, C. Black, Carte. Days Creek 39 38 Camas Valley Ward 25 F 2 Coon Welch 7 F 2 Olllvant Rachor 5 C 13 Brown Godwin G 12 Ulam Boyd 2 G 5 McFall Subs: Days Creek Matthews; Camas Valley Farley 4. Yoncalla 36 Dodd 7 F Cox 3 F..... Howard 10 C Main 11 G Rice 3 .. G Subs: Yoncalla 31 Elkton 15 Anderson Gaurley 2 Adams . 12 Griffith . 2 Marsters Gross 2, Bige- low; Elkton H. Anderson. with tne week-end here visiting heriA. W. Fotheringham, of Glen parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Rand, dale, spent Friday in Roseburg on pusiness Undergoes Operation Mrs. Waller Crosier, of Garden valley, Is reported to be doing nicely at Mercy hospital, where she under went an appendectomy tills week. Local Visitor J. C. Carter, of Myrtle Point, spent Friday in this city visiting friends and at tending to business matters. Back From California Mrs. .1. L. Yarnall, owner of the Style shop, has returned here from a buying trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Home From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. James E. Judd have re turned to their home in Laurel wood, following a three weeks' vacation In California and Arizona. Here Yesterday Miss Mar garet Chase, leucher at Glentlalc, was here yesterday attending thi ll league games at the high school. At Johnson Home Miss Omega Van Horn, of Los An geles, has arrived hero lo spend several weeks visiting at tin home of Mrs. C. E. Johnson. anii Walter Fi.icr fourth with ! 2fd ZJ& Doubies and singles in the city j rfh't Jffi m-t IT,.., I winnin8 niht fm Looking- glass Seding, L u n d , Thompson - Baimhman. i ' ?,'..., . . , .. ..... .. .. ... ... ... . iL-mns iiuic,ui'u lasi nicnt niav today against the victors of the consolation 22 Lookingglass ,..F Keifer ...F 7 V. Green ,..C... 6 J. Green ..G 9 Matthews ..G Heard Subs: Reedsport Henry 2, Pin ion 2, Dow 1, Wright; Looking- Reedsport 41 Vian 9 Willard 8 Brandon 9 Rosier 6 Dunn 4 President Roosevelt would "exer cise" that power so long as a ma jority of the people opposed war, but. he declared at another point in his address, Secretary of War Stimson and Secretary of the Navy Knox had been appointed to the cabinet "because they were for war." "The truth is," he said, "that these gentlemen have always been for war. Secretary Knox has been in favor of convoying shins through the war zone ever since the war started In Septem ber, 1939. If his policies had been followed, we would be in the war now. "Secretary Stimson advocated convoys and the use of American bases by the British fleet In June, 1940. The truth is that both ot these gentlemen were appointed because they were lor war." Declaring that ho was no "Roosevelt hater," Capper said that he believed the bill was not only a "war bill" but a "dictator, ship bill." Each Side Claims Gains. Meanwhile, both sides profess ed to have noted gains in their respective strength as a result of the week-long debate. Carr -Rogers, Fullcrlon-W. Fisher. 1:20 p. m. Singles- Flegel. Lund, Thompson, liaughman, Ful lerton, W. Fisher, Carr. 2:10 p. m.- Doubles-liend-ricks-Vrooman, Ralston J. Baker, Slucky-Bui khait, C. Stevenson Mcrritt. 3:00 p. m. Doubles Teets Mills, Wellman-E. Thiele. 3:00 p. m.-Singles-J. Baker, Sch.ierer, Hendricks, Stevenson. 3:50 p. m. Doubles Campbell- Elliott. 3:50 p. m. Singles Wcllman. 4:40 p. m. Singles - Campbell. 5:30 p. m. Doubles Parkinson Boucock, Kelly-McDonald, Calvin Spencer, B. niaek-Snodgrass. 0:20 p. m. Singles Parkinson, Boucock, Kelly, McDonald, Cal vin, Spencer, Snodgrass. 7:10 p. m. Doubles Patchctt C. Black, IIohnstoin-Goodman, So-ser-Sweem, Wnrlodge-Tannlund. 8:00 p. m. Singles- C. Black, Holinstein, Roser, Swoem, Wor li'dge, Tannlund. Drain, Reedsport Volleyball Teams Parslows Home Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parslow are back nt Ihelr home on East Lane street, following a tenday vacation trip to Moscow, Idaho, to attend a family reunion and enjoy the celebration of the fiftieth wed ding anniversary of Mrs. Pars low's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Egland. I Medford, local fans were well 'pleased by the battle staged by the Indians. In the event a three Iwav tie should develop, which re- , i mains as Rosehurg's onlv chance Goes to Eugene M ss Roberta . ,,, ,. In0 In(hiiris shouM Edwards and Miss Mary Anne',,,, , a , I)OS,i(,n , .,, as atzlg of this city, left today for j wl..(, l)v ,, ,m. ,,,,, Eugene o attend the military , rn , ..,, ., , ,.,v. ball at University of Oregon. w, ,,,,,,, ., ,. .,, ,, . ,,""' " strenuous schedule and should bo m ,', .,f V, iC7. !in Kood shape McCloskey and Mrs R.c.le have j summary of last night's game: 1 ii-iui iii-u in uii-ir iinnies in r.u-j Medford" gene, following a tew days In tills ; ,,, V iTIioinilvke, f I Wall, c 1 Fawcett, g . Reynolds, g . Reed, f Herman, c .... Dixon, g Williams, g . B League Volleyball Results Friday Consolation Yoncalla 4 1, Lookingglass I I. Gardiner 37, Glendale 17. Championship Reedsport 21, Days I'reek 23. Drain .'17. Camas' Valley 12. Games Today Consolation finals Yoncalla vs. Gardiner, 5:30 p. m., junior high. Championship finals - Reeds port vs. Drain, 7:30 p. m., senior nign. round Friday after noon, Elkton being pitted against main and Days Creek against Lookingglass. The winners meet tonight at 8:30 o'clock for third place in county standings. Two teams were eliminated Fri day afternoon from further com petition in the tournament when Camas Valley lost a heart-break er to Days Creek 29 to 38 and i Myrtle Creek was swamped 53 to 19 by a strong Drain team. The victories of Yoncalla and i Reedsport last night, while run j ning true to form, were surpris j ingly easy. Reedsport's fast ; breaks enabled them lo run up a large early margin and then I coast for the remainder of the j contest while reserves carried on the battle. Lookingglass was j hopelessly outclassed from the ! start. I Yoncalla, while clearly superior i to Elkton as a team, had plcntv o trouble with diminutive Paul Anderson, who tallied 15 points. The Yoncalla victory was made possible by the fine play of Nor man Main and Earl Howard, al though Main was suffering from a cold and Howard saw nearly half the game from the bench as the result of three personal fouls in the first quarter. Main suf fered an ankle injury and was taken out for about half of the game. Tonight's struggle between Reedsport and Yoncalla will re new a rivalry in which honors so far are even, Reedsport holding a 37 to 2l win over Yoncalla in their first meeting this year, while Yoncalla took the second meeting 17 to 12. Other highlights yesterday in cluded the individual scoring by Jim Kirk of Drain and Jim Ward of Days Creek. Kirk and 12 field Officials for all games: Hod Turner, Roseburg, and Guy Shel lenberger, Marshfield. JUST SUPPOSE! Everybody Liked Spinach! Not likely, but everyone likes profits. Most peo ple like them in their own pocket or their own business, rather than in the other fellow's pocket or the other fellow's business. TO Buy at The Farm Bureau Exchange YOU OWN THE PROFITS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. Roseburg, Oregon Use P.y "HAP" APPLEGATE wo favored volleyball teams, Koais an,i tw0 free throws for 26 .lovaniecl to noints. running his total noints city visiting Houser. their aunt, Mrs. L. Return From North Rev. W. A. Sylwester, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, has returned here from a three-day conference nt Cornelius, Ore. He was accom panied north by three of his sons. Jimmy, visited Leave For North Mrs. L. A. Counts, of Seattle, and her aunt, Mrs. H.J. Burnett, of Portland,, have left for their homes, follow ing a visit here with the former's brother-ln law and sister, Mr. and . Mrs. 1.. E. MeCliiituck. I Eg. Ft. ... 2 0 n o l o Tp. I 0 (I 1 1 Drain and Reedsport the finals of the Douglas county annual tournament yesterday witli wins over Camas Valley anil Days Creek respectively. Drain marked tip its second straight im pressive triumph by outclassing In all departments the Camas Val ley girls. Reeilsport. winner by two points over Yoncalla Thurs day, had another close call yes terday when a strong Days Creek team fought valiantly and nearly sini'cd tin- ma lor upset of the 7 three-day joust, Reedsport wln 0 ! nine bv onlv one ooint. 'M to 'At. 8 Totals Transferred to Bend Lt. Alice nnh,,r. Goss. who has been In Roseburg 1 o ' i i for the last year ns assistant ofipS'' fleer for the Salvation Armv, , VZ, r will leave Tuesday for Rend to , , ?" ' take charge of .the headquarters '.'"o " there. Lt. I.. Vlckers. of liend. li' .'.'V K " . 10 Kg. ... 0 ... 1 ... 0 ... 5 ... 2 0 has been transferred to Roseburg wlmhpriv ' f n to lake Lt. Goss' place. lmberl, f 0 Ft. 0 1 0 0 0 1 12 2: Pf. Tp l'lie game between Drain and Reedsport tonight is expected to be a thrilling contest. Roth teams j are very strong, anil Drain par-i ticul.irly has walked through the! conference In outstanding fash-1 Ion, dethroning the Yoncalla girls who were trying for their fifth stralellt counlv chamoionshln ' 3 ! The Drain girls w 111 be endeavor 0 Ing to keep the title in the north- I ern division. d In other eames vesterdav. Lookingglass and Glendale were 0; 0! Attend Concert Mrs. E. F. Tandy and Miss Helen Casev drove to Salem Wednesd av to at. navitl anil Iternert, who, lend the o)era "Carmen." in In Portland with their 'which Mrs. Jovce Zlckhardt. of maternal grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Georg. Leave Friday Night Fred A. Knight and his daughter, Mrs. "Hud" Watson, of this city, left Friday evening for Salem to re main over night visiting the for mer's daughter, Mrs. R. H. Hous er and family, and this morning drove to Portland to join Mrs. Knight and spend the weekend visiting the Knights' son and daughter-in-law. Attorney and Mrs. William W. Knight. Mrs. Fred A. Knight has been In Port Jand I ho last week. San rranclsco, sings the leading roie. Airs, ziiklianlt Is well known here, having visited a numbers of times at the Tandy home. t eliminated Horn further tourna- ! ment play as Yoncalla and Garril- Special Practice Sunday A i ner scored e.lsy victories. The special practice of the oicrn cast,; consolation semi finals were play "Trial by Jury." will be held at ed this morning and the finals the Indian theatre Sunday morn-, for consolation honors will he Ing from nine to ten thirty , ilaved this evening at 5:30 o'clock. i o'clock. The volleyball champlon- ; ship game w ill be plaved nt the Leave Today Judge and Mrs. M. C. Howker, of this cltv, left today for Corvallis, w here tile I former w ill bo a guest speaker at a meeting there. This evening they will proceed to Salem to Join Mr. and Mrs. George Spaur, ! Hansen ot I'oriianil, formerly or this city, and attend the annual military ball. Judge and Mrs. Howker plan lo return here Sunday, Taking Vacation l otus Knight Porter, society editor of the Rose burg News-Review, is taking a week's vacation, during which Miss Betty Shoemaker will subsl lute. In her stead. senior high school gymnasium nt 7:30 p. m. as a preliminary to the finals in the basketball games. German Army Pouring Through Bulgaria lContltiuef ,rom page 1) Here From Portland C. E. of the Associated Presi. Port land, spent Thursday and Friday in tills city alteniimg to business at the News Review of- j lice. surged into the air and British and Greek air forces renortcd downing 12 Italian planes. Heavy raids were said made on Meratl Italian held towns. for the tournament to 41. Ward had 10 field goals and five free throws to make 25 points and a total of 42 for tournament play. Yoncalla 36, Elkton 31 The battle, yesterday between Yoncalla and Elkton, was the most exciting of the tournament to date, Yoncalla winning 36 to 31. Reinforced by the return of Glenn Cox, stellar forward, who has been absent because of in jury, the Eagles took an early lead hut were closely pressed all of the way. Anderson and Griffith for Elkton rallied time and again to threaten Yoncalla but the Eagles had an edge in reserve strength and managed to stay out in front. Reedsport 41, Lookingglass 22 Reedsport's fast breaking, ball hawking style of play was too much for the Lookingglass team which went down to defeat 41 to 22. Lookingglass, although having the tallest team of the tourna ment, was unable to keep pace with the speedy Reedsport Braves who ran up a 25 to 10 lead at half time and then substituted freely to coast the rest of the way. Days Creek 39, Camas Valley 38 Led by the snapshooting Jim Ward, w ho tallied 25 of his team's 39 points, Days Creek won the consolation thriller Friday after- I noon from Camas Valley. The game was nip and tuck all of the way with Days Creek leading 9 to I 8 in the first quarter hut trailing 1 17 to 20 nt half-time. The second half, particularly the last few I minutes, was plaved In a frenzy I of excitement with Days Creek i scoring the w inning basket w hen ; Camas Valley attempted to stall to protect Its one-point lead. Drain 54. Myrtle Creek 19 to h.-ivo hnn' Jim Kirk, lankv Drain forward. nn,1 'IViuitAnl ! cnrfl 9ri tmlnte to Iti.lH hi tpnm ' REV mi To BUY SELL RENT or ' EXCHANGE LOW COSTS BIG RESULTS ! to an easy win ovor the Myrtle ,E