ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1941. - FIVE 1 Livestock FOR SALE Hampshire weaner pigs, Jersey heifer 16 months old. Don .Ferguson, Oakland Star Route. FOR SALE Purebred registered Berkshire gilt for breeding. , Reasonable. Ira White, Dil lard. FOR SALE 2 5-year-old mares, weight 1400. Well broke. W. H. Northcraft, Olalla. . - , WANTED Good milk cow. C. R. Dyer, Myrtle Creek, Ore Ron. WANTED All kinds of cattle and sheep. Room 532, Hotel Grand. . . " Poultry LEGHORN CHICKS from our 2 and 3-year hens, 100 pullorum tested, straight run $9.00; sexed pullets $20.00. Custom hatching chicken eggs, 2ci tur. key eggs, 4c. Compton's Hatch cry, Drain, Oregon. ' LEGHORN roosters, lc each. Leghorn, Hampshire, Rhode Is land Red chicks. Sexed pullets. ' Watzii Hatchery, on North ' Highway. Autos FOR SALE 1929 Model A Ford roadster, in good running or der, with license $35. Willard Crow, Lookingglass, Oregon. FOR SALE 1941 Pontiac busi-1 ncss coupe, driven 470 miles, "j Cash. Perry Thiele. Phone' S51-J. I - I WANTED Best $10.00 model T, Ford. James Jones, Oakland. ALLEY OOP YES... AND THOSE BOMBS OP HIS SURE By golly; I PACK A WALLOP? I WISH VOU'D SKIP OL' BOOM LAID THAT ONB RIGHT SMACK IM TH MIDDLE OF TH' CITY.' .1, IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Man, oh i man Gloria cblamour is on her, wav up .' i'll match you to see who takes her to (Etloria GLAMOUR, THE FAMOUS MOVIE ACTRESS, IS TO Appear in person! AT A SPECIAL. PREVIEW AT TUB GEM. Theatre A SEAT BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES VO.V-,A V ibT 'AKOOKSD TO Cc'rKWt."r A OWE 0 o WASH TUBBS THIS 15 ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, VICKI. MM) I T SAy! G7JO C77. " . " II THEW BIA-ZES! TT.. WE'VE PICKED UP BARON HAU5C0LRA S tff WHAT WA-S I WEST 0RUMM ' r, I'l SOMEBODV A VACANT ) TRAIL ALMOST IfAMEDIATELV, AMD li0 weVe' THAT ADDRESS I STREET &m'ji I I MU5TA GIUEM ' 1 AT I ' LEARWED HIS ADDRESS rl LEARNED THAT AOAlM.CAPf Vs. ' " l"- I VJ I 1 II & V0U -TH' WR0U6 K 1 K - v !v - ' HE'S SHAVED -W, -I fgSSffilr I 11 R V WEW J T ! ' (jLxlr' I .'-"""" I miA 5 EVPECTED SQMETWM6 LI'SlS I Rentals FURNISHED, heated and un ' heated ' apartments. Modern. Inquire 121 N, Jackson morn ings, 124 W. Douglas evenings. Phone 722-R. ' ' FOR RENT 5-room house, on ', highway at 709 S. Stephens. Good condition, modern, with garage. Pago Lumber & Fuel Co. Phone 242. 6-ROOM .. modern unfurnished house, near soldiers' home. In quire . evenings, 1029 Corey avenue. FOR RENT Unfurnished, mod ern, 5-room house. Furnace. 500 E. Washington. Phone 34- F-13. V'.;, .1 ' i FURNISHED room, steam heat, bath. Bell building, 122 S. Jackson, opposite Indian thea tre. MODERN, 3-room apartment. El ectric range, refrigerator and garage. Inquire 940 Winches ter. . . ... 720 E. LANE STREET 5-room, modern house, $30 month. Phone 121. FOR RENT Apartment on Rast avenue. Inquire 454 N. Steph ens. , ' FURNISHED 2-room apartment, private bath. 112 Brockway. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. FOR RENT 5-room furnished duplex. . Phone 179-R. MODERN, furnished apartment. 926 S. Main. ROOMS Board if desired. Phone 803. OKAV) brick IHtr OUY . WHO WINS GOES DOWrJ TO GET HER W SOCW A GVvN6 VtSA vows &ocw: to "mi in IK FOR RENT Sleeping room in modern home. Furnace heat. Basement garage. 1023 Win chester, v Phone 591-J. . . ' 5 ACRES free soil, good for 'to matoes, melons. Mrs. Rasmus sen, East Douglas by bridge. Miscellaneous NOTICE TO DOG .OWNERS: Arrest will be made anywhere unlicensed dogs arc found after March 1. All licenses expire De cember 31st of each year. Got your license before March 1st. Chapter 20-2318, Oregon Code 1930. provides: Penalty for fail ure to take out license. Any owner or keeper of ' any dog who shall fail to provide a li cense as provided in Chap. 188, Laws of 1939, - shall be found ' guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall bo subject to a fine of $10.00 for each offense, together with costs of the proceedings. TOM FLETCHER, Enforcement Offi cer. PAN CAKE supper, St. George's Parish House. February 25th, 5:30-7:00. . Dentistry Extraction. Pyorrhea Treatment Gas when desired New style plates and teeth Old plates1 refitted like new '' Dr. Nerbas it Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Dr. G. W. Marshall, Med. A. Bldg. Business Opportunities OWING to sickness and poor health I will sell my grocery stock and store fixtures. 720 S. Main. P. B. McGowen. The Survivor I IXwnvV'OSCARN I ZlS?m0lSZma. ' ' GREAT CAESAR,' IT'S I 'TX I Thinking Out Loud OSES ARE UPSTAIRS,'" j!l!,'''!!l''''l''l'l'l!l''''lili73 , f GBE, SWE'S , TwHAT Did) ( lA Miss glamour ... Jf- THANK Va (t a ' BEAUTIFUL,' 7 You SAY fit 11 i 111 1 ' V-y J yQkr-M- "E' - T-Q", UW V No Privacy V.VtAefc tio fc. HrA Dead For. Sole Miscellaneous FRUIT AND NUT TREES. shrubs, roses, complete assort ment at special low prices to clean up. Send want list today. Benedict Nursery CO., 735 N. E. 87th Ave.,' Portland, Oregon. 5-FOOT John Deere mower with two knives, $15,00, 2-horsc disk $10.00, 500-lb. separator $30.00. 250-egg Incubator $10.00. O. C. Stanwood, Oakland. WHY NOT get the Hy-Power, guaranteed muffler and . for get your muffler troubles. Al so get your glass at Sarffs Auto Wrecking House; . FOR . SALE 2-bottom tractor plow, 3-section drag ' harrow, spring tooth. 112 Brockway StrcOti-: ' ' IK 1 .. ' A NEW modern storage locker . system at . Douglas . Ice and Storage Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. . . . STRAWBERRY plants. Rockhill everbearing, 2c each. Walter Leake,' Dixonville. b-m. ELECTROLUX sales and service. . Phone 561. ,119 W. Mosher.. - Financial WANTED A client wants loan of $1500.00 on suburban home. Well located, : first mortgage, good security. Also have calls for sums of $500.00 and up for first mortgage loans. See Roy Young, G. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass street, Roseburg. Phone 417. . Fuel PHONE 132 Green and Dry Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO.' End I f 1 Real Estate 1,560-ACRE iarm, . highway 99, good buildings, water system. Make offer at once. - All bid must be in not later than Monday.- ,.. , ; ., ,.. .. 6 ACRES modern house pave I ', road, electricity, water system. iMust close deal Saturday. ;. LARGE modern home in . Rose- burg. . Aged owner must have j something smaller, will sacri fice. ...... MODERN home, beautiful loca I '' tion, fine rent.-il property, own I , cr requests mo to sell on ac count oi uincss. CHOICE lots for dwelling and business purposes. . Property values are Increasing, Investi gate at once. Everything In . Rea'i Estate and Insurance. ; Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens, phone 218 INVESTIGATE the opportunities : we are offering you to get es tablished on a farm of - your '-"own. Call, at the National " "Farm Loan office, 415 Perkins Building, Roseburg, or write C.A; Barnes,. 167 E. 8th St., ... Eugene: Federal Land Bank of Spokane. '. ... FOR SALE 4-room home, bath, garage. Lot 50x75 feet. Price $650. $200 cash down, balance . lik rent:- G. W. Young & Son. " 205 W. Cass street, Roseburg, ' Phone 417. SERVICE STATION, 30 acres land, on Coos Bay highway, 12 miles from the junction. Camas Mountain Service Station. SELL BUY EXCHANGE Real Estate C. Walter Groves, 112 Brockway street. Work Wanted CARE Of elderly person or in valid in my home Reasonatik rates. Ethel McKay, 809 Ml celll street. HEMSTITCHING. Buttons, buckles covered. Alfred Moore, Roseburg, Route 2, Box 285. Hay, Grain, Feed EXCELLENT oats ana vetch, al so grass, pea -vine and vetch hay, $10.00 per ton. Need room for new crop. Rowe, mile north of Wilbur. ' , FOR SALE Hay, baled oats and vetch. Howard Hatfield, phone 14-K-41. . Wanted WANTED To hear from party ' wanting to sell broccoli plant er. ' State price. ' Frank West, Myrtle Creek. WANTED Sheep pasture or summer range. Would consider renting good stock ranch. Box 991, c-o News-Review. Help Wanted GIRL over 18 Light housework, country. $15.00 per month. Box 990, c-o News-Review. Chiropractor DR. H. B. Scoflel-i Phone 273 Stop Here J. T. and Earl Bailey, of' Eugene, stopped over here today to visit the former's i son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. Roger Bailey, en route home from a business trip through this territory. By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser Oh, excuse ME . MISS Glamour I DIDN'T ""I'M"" I WAS MEAN IT YOU DID By Edgar Martin By Roy Crane GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 443 S. Steph ens. Also furniture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop, 106 S. Main. AUTO REPAIRING Knight-Porter, Douglas & Main. Body, fender work, painting. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Serv. Phone 348. PAINTING PAINTING, pnperi'iB. kalsomin Jng. Phone 2F41. . GARBAGE SERVICE Bill's Garbage Service. Efficient serv. Reasonable rates. Ph. 338. POTLUCK DINNER IS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR OF TUESDAY EVENING The Ladies Auxiliary of I. B. E. W. local 659, gave a potluck din ner Tuesday evening February 18, at the Knights of Pythias hall, for the members of the local and their families. Following the dinner hour the two groups sep arated for their regular business sessions merging later for a very pleasant evening of music and dancing. The next regular meet ing of the order will be held on March 4. LIONS ENTERTAIN - v ' LADIES AT DELIGHTFUL DINNER ON WEDNESDAY The r Lions entertained their ladles at a very delightful dinner party at the Hotel umpqua Wed nesday evening. Judge R. W. Marsters was guest speaker on the subject of Ladles." His talk was greatly enjoyed by the large attendance of Lions and their guests. ALTAR SOCIETY HAS INTERESTING MEETING THURSDAY AFTERNOON ; St. George's Altar society met met Thursday at the parish hall, at which time plans were , com pleted for the benefit pre-Lenten card party to be held at the hall next Tuesday night, to which the public Is cordial iy invited to at tend. Mrs. Mary Bryan was hostess for the afternoon and , served lovely refreshments at the tea hour. The March 6th meeting will be held at the parish hall. A short business session will be followed by a social hour. Crater Lake Area in Good Condition for Skiing Good skiing conditions are in prospect at Crater lake over the week-end, according to a report received this morning at the lo cal office of the Umpqua Na tional forest, says Supervisor V. V. Harpham. The snow depth at the lake is 117 Inches. There is no loose snow. The maximum tem perature yesterday was 44 de- MTH'K OI-" AI'I'OIN'IMIIIM N'f.tli" 1 hcri'liy Kl'H ''' nnlcr of Ihu ( 'ouny Court nf th Hi mi of (Ht'KiHi fur tlw County of U'MJKhtK, l:ll' ItllfttvN IlitH lji't;ll tl(l- nilni-( 11 h mid fm- I'Vi'i-ulrix (r tin cHt'ihr of ft. J.. Citiiiioii, (h-ccasid. All iMM'W'MI llllVllIU l-lllllUM ItKllttlut mild fHtnlf 11 ri- hfi'-hy 11 oi If led to lUii'iil tin- muni- to Id fxi'i nl u Mrs. V. II. Itrown, KoiKc I, IliifU'ldirif. on-K"it, wlttiln f I x iii'iiithrt from (In; dull' nf th In no lle', luilii (hi I 7 1 It tin v of l'';liiuiiry. I'.DI. KI.HII-: IMIOTKN. KM-.'iilrU r Un l'',rilut of It. 1 1. ( 'll UIIMll, I M'l Cllltl ll, ILIKiTKN A ItllOTl'A", ll"tii"T TiiihI liulldhiK. in, ( II I Hun, AU'Ji !! fr KUtid". .OTIt -K TO MIKlHTUtl Nnlli'i- IM It'i'tty Klvcli Hud tin Utllll't HIM lll'lj I Wirt 111! ''tl. Iiy I' I'll ''I- l( t In- Co u lily I'ulirl of t he HI nt "f Uicudii. fur liMi(tltiH Cuiirily, np roinli'd 11 fl tn i 11 i-Ht t k I ir "f Un- i-jttut" uf Alli-rt K. I'ltyiif. .i'fntii'l, mill h;i iluly nilin'l li HUcli inlnilni Hlrutoi', .Ml JM-rfllllX hllVttltf I'lUllllK IlKiltllfl tilil culiiti lire hcri'tiv iiulll'lt'l I') jirfHi-nt I In; Mi im-. duly vi-i-1 f l-l nt i.v law injuln-d, t' lli; undi'iHiKU irl tMlriil ni.-T 111 1 at tlm Iww nffhi of Im It. Khl.tli'. it'Mun IiiiiikI'M nl llUi;il I III II k liUllllllIf-', lIOhflMITK, ilM-C'Hl, uillilii inipiittid Iroiii Mm- tl;i1' mT lliiM fiolli - liuf'.l Mini Unit liubllnluil l'i;li- ' l-KltCV I!- I'AVM;. AihuMilHiii.lMr ..r 1li' liHliilc i.r Al lull K. I'ji.viu'. I'''' runMl. ('IHI IH 11 w, .si:ti',i;iii; i Noli.i' lc h'-ri'liv Kivin tluit. tin iiikIi'IkIkiu'I )t'lrtiti)l-lr-iilrl "f tlm c.-Iuli- of !'''ii- Whi-lnii. ih.'-iix-nl, hiiK rih-il .In tin- 1'i.unly Cnin-t uf iMiimliit Cituuly. (hcyiiii. tirr fl imt it-r. Mint 11 k ruii li iKlinlnlPimtrlx, of mild i stiil'-. hhiI Unit Hut utility, Hu- .'.') il'iv if, I '.'I I, lit tlic hmir of 1'' (' t K A. M. ( Mil Ml (,. Ililr iM'tll riMil liV fllllll I'MIII't 1, ' I ir 1 1 mm fur In n I ilJ"'U('it Im mimI ivp'Jil. himI tlx' .si:tlcni'-lit Hlitrnf. lintel thin UM liny uT l-i-lruury, 1,,M' HCHA.V A. WINHTD.V. A'lintMli.tliitrlM it( ihi" i-f I ill t M V W'lMflliU. I l('i(iH-ll. RADIO ELECTRICAL' REPAIRING . Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING Bill Calhoun's Radio Music Store, Ph. 93. - Hargls Radio Service. Phone 196, Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. FLUE CLEANING Furnaces vacuum cleaned flue ' cleaning. ' Call 841. J. C. Bew ley. ' washing machines shoners Bergh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 805. REFRIGERATION 8ERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. " DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS Can one doubt the ever-present help of a kind Heavenly Father who has promised His nearness? When a distressing call for help goes up, It is a great comfort to know that the Father will hear and answer, because of this promised as surance of His tender love, when Jesus had his trying hours, He prayed for strength, yet He said: "Not my will but thine be done." He continued to pray with conditions appar ently unchanged, but as He poured out His longings to the Father's will, knowing the suf fering it meant. He became aware of the nearness bf this Heavenly Father. Because of a great love, His life was so united with God's life that He knew the cross was an answer to His ' intense, prayer. Be cause it was the only way of salvation for a lost and ruined world. In that way He'l,'re malncd true to the purpose of doing the Father's will. "Unanswered yet? Faith can not be unanswered; Her feet are lirmly planted on the rock; Amid the wildest storms she stands undaunted. Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock. She - knows omnipotence;' has heard her prayer ' And cries, it shall be done some time, some where. - " Amen. - C. D. Tillman. grecs and the minimum last night 22 degrees. The weather is clear with good visibility. Tha snow is described as icing pack throughout with some breakable crust. The road is open lor twq way traffic. Chains are not ro quired but should be available. ; Cougar Hoopsters Clinch Title By Downing Huskies " . - .- r- 1 ., (By the Associated Press) Washington State college won Its third straight basketball vic tory over the University of Wash-Ington-and its tenth straight in the northern division of the Pa cific coast conference by a 50 to-38 score . at Pullman last night. .. . . , i. , The game silenced virtually all arguments over the division championship, although Washing ton State graduate managers Im mediately plunged into a new dis pute with Stanford university, southern division champion, about playoff dales. The last word was that WSC would Insist on the scheduled dates - March 14-17 on the home court of the northern division winner. Director of Atll Ictics Alfred R. Masters of Stan ford said yesterday examinations would prevent the Stanford team from traveling north at that time. The game last night was almost a cutand-dricd affair, with WSC leading all the way except dur ing the opening minutes. ' Paul Llmlcman ran up 13 points to lead the attack, and Coach Frlel test ed various playing combinations. The two teams meet in their final game of the season tonight. Called Hero Mrs. Harold In gram and children, I'cnnelopo and Frank Leslie, of Spokane, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Clair God des, of Seattle; Gerald Gcddes, ot San Diego, and Miss Jean Gcddes, of Willamette university at Sa lem have been called to Roseburg by the serious Illness of City Re corder A. J. Gcddes. Mr. Ingram accompanied his family to Rose burg and then returned to his work In Siokanc. The condition of Mr. Geddes, who is a patient at Mercy hospital, Is reported tn ho soini'wlial Improved.