ROSEBUR NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, ORESON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1941". THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER ART EXHIBIT TO BE SPONSORED AT ELKS TEMPLE, MARCH 1ST One of the most Interesting nrt exhibits to be sponsored here in many years has been planned by Mrs. T. G. Watson and Miss Margaret Carr to be held from two to five and from seven to ten o'clock the afternoon and eve ning of Saturday, March 1st, at the Elks temple. Mrs. Watson and Miss Carr will be assisted, by members of the Koseburg Camera club, who will present exhibits of photography. Mrs. Watson and Miss Carr have extended an invitation to all ar tists here desiring to exhibit their work, to get in touch with them just as soon as possible. . Hostesses for the affair include: Mrs. A. J. Young, Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. Frank Coen. Mrs. Claude Baker, Miss Amanda An derson, Mrs. W. R. Brown and Mrs. Paul Smith, with Mrs. Ho mer Grow acting as music chair man. About thirty local artists are planning to exhibit their work at this affair and about the same number of Camera club members plan to participate.. The art ex hibit is open to the public and no admission charge will be made. SWIMMING POOL FUND TO BE AIDED BY PRESENTATION OF OPERA The Roseburg swimming pool fund will be aided by one of the finest entertainments to bo pre sented here in many years when Helene Robinson presents a large cast in the comic opera, "Trial by Jury." During the last year practically every service club in Roseburg has been sponsoring benefit af fairs to swell the swimming pool fund. In addition, persons inter ested and the organizations throughout the county have as sisted in raising money for this proieet. The opera, "Trial by Jury." Is being sponsored by the Roseburg Kiwanis club and the Roseburg school faculty with Miss Robin son as director. The cast has been nractieing weekly for this benefit entertainment, which promises to be the most outstand ing musical affair to be presented here for some time. A special nractice of the cast has been called by Miss Robinson for Sunday morning, February 23rd, to be held from nine to ten thirty o'clock at Hunt's Indian theatre. O. S. C. MOTHERS CLUB ANNUAL BENEFIT TEA IS CHARMING AFFAIR The Oregon State College Moth ers club sponsored its annual benefit silver tea Saturday after noon from three to five o'clockht the Hotel Rose and the occasion was enjoyed by a large group of friends interested in the club's placing the O. S. C. annual "The Beaver," and the college news paper, "The Barometer," in the Roseburg public library. The lobby of the hotel was beautifully decorated for the af fair with large bouquets of color ful spring blossoms. Mrs. G. W. Marshall, president of the club, and the club's membership re ceived the guests calling during the tea hour. Mrs. Clyde Carstcns and Miss Bette Owen played piano numbers during the afternoon. Mrs. I,. A. Wells and Mrs. C. E. Wimberlv had charge of the tea table with Mrs. H. C. Berg acting as program chairman. Mrs. Wells, who was the first president of the club, and Mrs. R. W. Marsters poured. MRS. IVAN PICKENS IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB AT LOVELY LUNCHEON Mrs. Ivan Pickens graciously entertained her bridge club at a charming one o'clock Valentine luncheon Friday at her attractive home on Fowler street. Japanese ouince formed lovely bouquets about the room. Covers were placed for Mrs. Robert Savage. Mrs. L. L. Wim lierly, Mrs. Paul Hehveg, and Mrs. O. M. Berrie. guests, and Mrs. C. B. Wade. Mrs. T. B. Bu bar. Mrs. Clair K. Allen and Mrs. P. M. members. Contract bridge was enloved during the nleasnnt afternoon hours with Mrs. Wimberlv win ning the high score and Mrs. Lee the traveling prize. MRS. R. M. CHURCH IS HOSTESS TO SEWING CLUB TUESDAY EVENING Mrs. R. M. Church very gra ciously entertained her sewing club at her home in North Rose burg Tuesday evening. Those enloylng the evening with Mrs. Church included: Mr. ,T. II. Bniieork, a puest, and Mrs. Grant Osborn, Mrs. Guy Min-' tnnve. Mrs. L. A. Miles, Mrs. Floyd Wilson and Mrs. J. L. Saunders. Later In the evening Mr. Church served delirious refresh ments nt a large table centered with n clever arranpement carry ing out the Lincoln log cabin mo tif. The next meeting will he March 3rd at the home of Mrs. Floyd Wilson. MRS. ROY BELLOWS IS HOSTES.S TO GROUP SEWING FOR RED CROSS Mrs. Roy Bellows entertained a group of friends Friday after noon at a charming informal tea her home, at which time the guests spent the pleasant social hours in sewing for the Ameri can Red Cross. This group of friends meets regularly to sew tor the Red Cross. The group sews under the direction of Mrs. Broadway, who is chairman of the Gray Ladies organization here. At the lea hour lovely refresh ments were served by Mrs. Bel lows to Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mrs. George Wharton, Mrs. L. W. Josse, Mrs. Arthur Baum, Mrs. Broadway, Mrs. J. F. Barker, Mrs. Gil Os borne, Mrs. J. E. Sawyers, Mrs. C. E. Jones, Mrs. C. W. Wharton, Mis. Dexter Rice, Mrs. A. A. Wilder, Mrs. W. F. Chapman, Miss Helen Casev, Mrs. B. Casey, Mrs. C. E. Wimberlv, Miss Ger trude Rast, Mrs. Edgar Lewis and Mrs. John Young. NEW IDEA CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE LUNCHEON MEETING WEDNESDAY Mrs. R. H. Williams was guest of honor at the one o'clock lunch eon of the New Idea club held Wednesday nt the home of Mrs. F. II. Applehoff in Edenbower, the occasion honoring the eighty second birthday of Mrs. Wil liams. A lovely gift and birthday cake were presented to Mrs. Williams and other present included: Mrs. W. D. Hess, a guest, Mrs. C. E. Marks, Mrs. F. M., Curtis, Mrs. W. D. Harris, Mrs. V. R. Buck ingham. Mrs. Allen Moore and Judv. Mrs. C. B. Calkins, Mrs. E. T. Nelson and the hostess, Mrs. Applehoff. The patriotic motif was beau tifully carried out in the decora tions, while Japanese quince and spirea bouquets were used about the rooms. A short business meeting was followed by an interesting pa triotic program and social hour. Mrs. V. R. Buckingham will en tertain the club at a one o'clock luncheon March 5. MRS. T. R. BURR IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON THURSDAY The patriotic motif and bou quets of daffodils formed a pret ty setting for the 1:30 o'clock dessert-luncheon given Thursday by Mrs. T. R. Burr at the attrac tive home of Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Bubar, when she entertained her bridge club. Covers were placed for Mrs. Frank Long and Mrs. L. L. Wim berly, guests, and Mrs. P. M. Lee, Mrs. G. M. Krell, Mrs. Leioy Hiatt, Mrs. H. H. Turner, Mrs. A. B. Taylor and the hostess, Mrs. Burr. Mrs. Wimberly won the guest prize for the afternoon's con tract play and Mrs. Lee won the club prize. P-T. A. ACTIVITIES IN DOUGLAS COUNTY Benson. , At the business meeting of the Benson P.-T. A. held Monday, February 17th, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. the following business was transacted: A motion was made and carried that the P.-T. A. have a booth at the Swiss fair at the Benson school in April and sell pie and coffee. A motion was made that the matter of serving hot lunches be investigated and Mrs. Robt. Har vey, Mrs. Chester Hercher and Mrs. Pendergrass were appointed on the committee for such pur pose. It was reported that Mrs. wans, the state president, would give a talk at the county council meet ing to be held March 13th at the junior hiph school. After the business meeting a plav was presented bv Miss Elea nor Shirk. Mrs. Hazel Dixon, Miss Helen B'odgett, Mrs. Tom Hen dricks, Mrs. Paul Shanklln. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Sebcrn, Mrs. Adrian Fisher, and Mrs. C. A. Chamber- lin which denicted the origin of a P.-T. A. The members of the cast wore costumes of the early MOO's. Mrs. Robert Matthews read an article "A Portrait of My Mother" bv Alice Birnev's daughter, of how her mother founded the P.- T. A. At 4:30 tea was served and a beautiful birthdav cake and oth er cakes were cut.' Special guests Included Mrs. Att. Mrs. R. L. Whipple. Mrs. F. A RcrnK one of the first presi dents. Mrs. J. K. Falbe, Mrs. B. W. Maddox and Mrs. Elmer McKean. DOYLE'S BAET GROCERY The Win Store ROSEBURG. OREGON 218 N. Jackson St. Phone 117 Groceries Been and Luncheon Goods SIDE GLANCES COPH 1WI BY HtA SEWVICE. MC. T. M. WEC. 0. 8 WT. "I've worked all my life so I could sit down and take things easy, like this and after three weeks I wish I had something to do!" ' "Hold Still Handsome" Clarke Gable and Hedy Lamarr X," which opens a three-day run at WOMAN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION MEETS The Woman's Athletic associa tion held its regular weekly meet ing Tuesday at 7:30 at the junior high gym. During the evening relays were run, basketball was played and corrective exercises were given. At the close of the meeting, a business session was held and an enjoyable social hour took place at the home of Anna Mae Hoyt, at which time the following offic ers were elected: Vivian Dom cnico, president; Alice McKibben, vice-president; Lois Pounds, sec retary; Francis Pounds, treasur er, and Elaine Brown, reporter. Anna Mae Hoyt and Eleanor Flcs were re-elected advisors. Any woman interested In sports or ex ercises Is invited to attend the Tuesday evening meetings. MRS. D. B. BUBAR ENTERTAINS BRIDGE SUPPER CLUB WEDNESDAY Mrs. D. B. Bubar entertained her bridge club at a charming seven o'clock supper party at her lovely home on Cass street Wed nesday evening. Red, white and blue tapers car ried out a pretty patriotic motif for the miniature garden center piece. Covers were placed for Mrs. Harvey Stark, a guest, and Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs. Kenneth Quine, Mrs. Ralph Qulne, Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mrs. Chester Mor gan, Mrs. Clair K. Allen and Mrs. Guy Cordon. Contract bridge was enjoyed during the pleasant evening hours with Mrs. Allen winning the high score prize and Mrs. Wharton the traveling prize. PITCH FORD-GOODWIN PARTY GIVEN MONDAY FOR GROUP OF FRIENDS Miss Agnes Pitchford and Mrs. W. W. Goodwin entertained a group of friends at bridge Mon day evening at the former's home on Mosher street. The Val entine motif was beautifully car- National Defense Week BENEFIT BALL Roseburg Armory Feb. 22nd Benefit of Co. D Admission 50c per couple ByGalbraith tfT. In the riotous comedy "Comrade the Indian starting tomorrow. ried out for the 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper served by Mrs. Good win and Miss Pitchford, to Mrs. L. W. Metzger and Mrs. H. H. Turner, guests, and the following club members: Mrs. R. D. Wil liams, Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon, Mrs. Irvin Brunn, Mrs. J. M. Juild, Miss Jane Wharton, Miss Mar garet Johnson, Miss Ila Lauhach and Miss Ina Farnsworth. High score prizes were given to Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Dixon and Miss Farnsworth with consola tion prizes going to Mrs. Turner, Miss Johnson and Mrs. Judd. TOMMY KEEL IS HOST AT DELIGHTFUL VALENTINE PARTY Tommy Keel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Keel, entertained a group of his friends at a delight ful Valentine party Friday after noon. Attractive Valentine fav ors were given to the guests, games were played and lovely re freshments were served by Mrs. Keel to Tommy, host, and Carol, Caroline and Billy Boucock, Nancy and Carol Ann Neuriter and Bobby Mote. GRAND GUARDIAN TO VISIT HERE TUESDAY Roseburg bethel of Job's Daughters will meet at a formal six-fifteen o'clock dinner at the Masonic temple next Tuesday evening to honor the grand guar dian, Mrs. Phyllis Poole, of Klamath Falls, who will pay her official visit of Inspection here at the 7:30 o'clock bethel meeting. Initiation will be held. All mem bers are urged to be present. ORDER Winters Fuel NOW! Slab Wood Prices 16 In. Dry Slab Wood, 1 load $4.50 4 ft. Dry Slab Wood, per cord $3.00 Green wood is available In 4 ft. and 16 In. lengths. Mill Wood Sawdust PRINCIPAL CLYDE BEARD IS GUEST SPEAKER AT JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB Principal Clvde IT. Beard, of Roseburg senior high school, "nest speaker nt the meeting of he Roseburg Junior Woman's club Monday evening. February 17. urged a return to the "simple wav of living," In thought and action. In an Interestlnrr talk on world conditions at this time Mr. Beard, throueh excernts from various map.Tinc articles, bronnht out ie thoueht that the world is In ts nresent condition due to love of luvurv and woman's desire to rv,tpct her familv. This was ex nlnlne.l bv the voulh of the coun rv beinp unfit for hard work and lack of discipline due to the wo mnn'? desire to ce the resnon- ihitliv of her children In every- dnvlife. Since time has begun. Mr. Beard nolnted out. the world has been straining between the bnl nnce of manlv rule or feminine nower. In time of masculine strength the world turns to war nnd In woman's ruling period the heighth of luxury is observed. This was shown in European countries where strcneth and Dower are being stressed now as compared to the United States where luxury and the power of monev is considered more impor tant than the "jov of honest, hard work." Following Mr. Beard's, talk a short business meeting was con ducted with Mrs. Gordon Stewart presiding. Mrs. C. E. Smith act ed as secretaiy nro tern In the ab sence of Mrs. Raloh Herman. I A social hour closed the meet ing, the serving table being at tractively arranged with a center niece of Japanese quince. Mrs. Fletcher Gardner and Mrs. James Henbest were In charge of ar rangements for the evening. Enjoying the meeting were Mrs. Gordon Stewart. Mrs. C. E. Smllh, Mrs. Perry Thiele. Mrs. Edwin Gardner, Mrs. Harold Hovt. Mrs. James Henbest. Mrs. Ralph Rodlcy, Miss Eileen Brown and Miss Betty Shoemaker. DELPHIAN CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The Delphian club met at the home of the president, Mrs. Washington Hughes, on Spruce street Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Hughes conductine a short business meeting and Mrs. Wil liam Bell presenting the Interest ing program on "Matthew Ar nold." Those present besides Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Bell Includ ed Mis. L. E. Garwood, Mrs. C. R. Fream, Mrs. Raymond Par slow. Mrs. A. J. Young, Mrs. C. A. Chamberlln and Mrs. W. R. Brown . Mrs. Raymond Parslow will be program leader at the March 5lh meeting on the subect "Thomas Hardy." The meeting place will be announced later. MUSIC TEACHERS ENJOY INTERESTING MEETING FRIDAY AFTERNOON The Douglas County Music Teachers association held n very Interesting meeting at the studio of the president. Miss Gladys H. Strong, Friday afternoon. Plans were outlined for National Music week. The program was continued on the Russian nationalistic move ment In music. Rinsky Korsakov was presented by Mrs. H. R. Nor bas and Mrs. John Hakanson pre sented the topic on the life of Aiensky and of Rebikov. Mrs. Morris H. Roach presented t he life of Sehutt. Mrs. Nerhas play , Today and Sunday 10c 30c 40c ...... ftei F1 tsss mm 1- 2 BIG FEATURES! ADVENTURE AND EXCITEMENT! KL- TOfe? . El ed "Bv the Sea" And a pram from Arenskv's selections of pictures for children. Mi. Nerbas played a proup of Reblkov's comnosl Hons also, after which Miss Stron" served Valentin" treats to Mrs. John Hakanson. Mrs. Clvde Beard, Mrs. IT. R. Nerhas. Mrs. Morris II. Roach anil Mrs. Hniner Grow. The March Mlh meeting will he held at one o'clock at the stu dio of Miss Strong. FPISCOPAL GUILD HAS ENIOYARLE MEETING AT GERRETSEN HOME MONDAY Mrs. William Bell, chairman, Mrs. Will H. Gerretsen. Mrs. W. T. Bond. Mrs. L. A. Dillard and Mrs. E. T. Nelson entertained St. GiHirpe's Episeonil Guild nt the nt tractive Gerretsen home on Blakelev street Monday evening. Mi s. J. C. Hume presided over the business session and Rev. Perry Smllh gave a fine talk to the grouD. A social hour follow ed and lovely refreshments were served. The buffet table was cov ered by a beautiful lace cloth and centered with- tall yellow candles and a bowl of jonquils. . The March meeting of the Guild will be announced later. BRIDGE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED AT BOWKER HOME TUESDAY Mrs. M. C. Bowker entertained her bridge cluh at a love!" 1:30 o'clock dessert-luncheon Tuts day at her attractive home on Claire street. Daffodils, prim roses and violets carried out a pretty motif for the occasion. Covers were nlaccd for Mrs. Ivan Pickens and Mrs. P. M. Lee, guests, and Mis. E. B. Van Ness, Mrs. W. T. Peters, Mrs. Maurice L. Hallmark. Mrs. L. K. Fies, Mrs. Frank Long and Mrs. E. A. Pearson. Contract bridge was enjoved during the afternoon with Mrs. Pickens winning high score and Mrs. Van Ness, second high score. SEWING CLUB HOLDS SPECIAL MEETING AT F. M. COMPTON HOME George Starmer auxiliary sew ing club held a special meeting to do emergency relief sewing Tuesday afternoon at the attrac tive home of Mrs. F. M. Comp- ton on Spruce street. Those assisting with the work besides Mrs. Compton Included: Mis. Victor Smith, Mrs. Mvrtle Norwood, Mrs. T. S. Millikin, Mrs. Percy Webb, Mrs. Lucinda Long. Mrs. II. A. Taylor, Mrs. G. W. Shugart, Mi s. T. O. Kent and Mrs. Charles Craig. EAGLES DRUM CORPS TO PRESENT CONCERT NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT The Junior Eagles drug corps, state champions, will present Its annual concert before the Eagles lodge next Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 25th, at 7:45 o'clock. The corps is under the direction of Bill Black. A fine program has been ar ranged for the occasion anil all lodge members are urged to be present. Lymon L Spencer Representing New York Life Insurance Co. - Protection, Retirement, Sav ings, Educational Plans. Roseburg Telephone 277 or 601-R 2 3:30-79 P. M. , -J .oPYS CtAMNCI I. MUirOSO't WILLIAM .s2ib Russell HAYDEN Andy CLYDE A Columbli PlHurt wtlti PAT CONSTANCE O'BRIEN -BENNETT PRESBYTERIAN LADIE9 AID HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING ON THURSDAY Red. white and blue, candles, bououets and nnnklns curried out a nrettv patriotic motif for the onethlrtv o'clock dessert-luncheon enjnved hv the Presbyterian l adies Aid members and guests Thursday nt the church parlors, with Mrs. Harold Bellows i hos ess chairman, assisted bv Mrs. C. V. Roberts. Mrs. Ivan Pickens and Mrs. J. L. Marsters. Asslstine I he hostess Ineludnd Mr. Willis My ers and Mrs. E. S. Hall. Covers were placed for Mrs. W. M. Chalmers, president: Mrs. J. P. Motshenhacher, secretary; Mrs. Mark T.. Underwood treasur er: Dr and Mrs. Morris H. Roach, Mrs. Clair K. Allen. Mrs. W. A. White, Mrs. T,. W. Jacques. Mrs. Tda Ballev. Mrs. Arthur Midland, Mrs. Earl Ullrich, Mrs. George Kohlhagen. Miss Jeannle Bulck. Mrs. J. Roland Parker. Mrs. H. M. Burket. Mrs. Ed Patterson, Mrs. Sally MoClunc Mrs. George Campbell, Miss Clara Dillard, Mrs. G. Wlcklem. Mrs. R. R. Quin". Mrs. Edward G. Kohlhac en, Mrs. J. A. Perrv, Mrs. A. E. Kent. Mrs. J. A. Wood, Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, Mrs. D. G. Clark, Miss Margaret ClnPD, Mrs. G. Sol berp. Mrs. B. S. Nichols, Mrs. Em ma Lenox, Mrs. W. L. Scott, Mrs. Huldah Thomson and Miss Emma Bristol. Mrs. Chalmers conducted the business meting with Mrs. W. L. Scott presenting the Insoiratlonal devotional service and Dr. Roach giving fine a talk on the national religion of Japan. The next meeting will be held March 20th nt the church par lors at a one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon. MELROSE GRANGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING Melrose grange met at the hall Tuesday evening with Worthy Master Alice Goff at her station. The officers seating drill was pre sented and the state deputy Ar thur Brown was Introduced at the Sunday, Monday, Tuesday WITH tfaMl AND aUlM. IN EACH OTHER'S ARMS THE mix v 1 ilfJ GABLE Shows 2 3:30-7 and 9 P. M. Matinees 27c, tax 3c total 30cj Evenings 36c, tax 4c total 40c Kiddles 10o Preview Tonight lr"N ' 0 1 I..7 A IIajmc "w l((arHrMljH(JH(aia OJ i0 master's station. Waldon Brad ford was elected and Installed as sistant steward and Willamlna Bonebrake was elected chaplain. The date of March 2- was ac cepted by the grange for the Ki wanis program and the Homo Economics club was authorized to have the Interior of the hall paint ed and redecorated. , The lecturer, Crystal Conn, pre sented the following program: impromtu quartett number by Anita Stark, Fred Goff, Crystal Conn and Flovd Fett, accom panied by Edythe Florence Kel lev; skit, "The Home on the Bluff" by Marlorle and Roberta Taylor, Crystal Conn, Charlene. Stark nnd Alice Goff, and talk by Arthur Brown. The meeting was closed by the ' Home Economics club committee serving refresh ments. The March 4th meeting will be held at the hull with a group of the members In charge of the lec turer's program. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No. Jackson POWELL' FOR . FISHING TACKLE 245 N. Jackson St., Roseburg THE PACKAGE GROCERY Headquarters For Picnic and Lunch Foods . 124 8. Jackson St. Opp. Indian Theatre Phone 620 TO PROTECT THEMSELVES IN CLINCHES! LflmflRR r uuiU OSCAR BOMOLEA FELIX BRESSART ah MQMtKnm mm Today . Last Times and "FOREIGN March of Time NEWS FRONTS"