Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 22, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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1 5(D(EDE W
Social Calendar
shop open all day upstairs In club-
house, opposito Hunt's Indian
' Art Exhibit at Elks tornple open
I to .ne puoi c wnnoui cnarge. G 0 M Brown were Jojnl nos.
riuuia Hum tnu ij live ui mitri- . .
. ..,... . .... I I. tosses t
I . m.i.ii i3 m - . i I- A. R. at a voiy
Mrs. L. L. Wimberly entertain
ed at a very charming seve.? '
o clock bridge supper party at hei'
beautiful home, "Pine Ridge,"
Tuesday evening. The buffet ta
ble was covered by an attractive
lace cloth and centered with an
oblong bouquet of daffodils and
lauristinius and lighted by four
I mil yeuuw tapers. I ne serving ta-1
bles were centered with small
I bouquets of daffodils and violets.
i ne nosicss was assisted in serv
ing by Mrs. C. E. Wlmberly and
Mrs. Frederick J. Porter.
Guests invited to enjoy the oc-
tesses to L'mpqua chapter of the con with Mrs. Wimberly in-.
Wharton, Mrs. G. V. Wimberlv, i
The Hat Can't Come Off
'Til Hair-Do Comes Down
! Miss Adeline Stewart and Mrs.
Monday, February 24
B. P. W. C. meeting at 8 o'clock
In evening at Roseburg Woman's i :. " . . h . I). A. R. at a very lovely seven
d nidtiie r. i. Li. ciun to spon- ,. ,JI, ,l,.r. r Mn,
Rev. Perry Smith speaker. ch f" at lodge hall at the 'attractive ! Mrs C E. Wlmberly Mrs. W. W.
Dr. R. L. Dunn's non-denomina-1 'm s ' v ht , cl,'ck.- f",m home of the former on Chadwick Goodwin, Mrs Leslie C. Cum-
llonai Bible study class to 10 be playcd durln s- street. i Ward Cummings.
7 nVln,.!, in n,nin at rfln.n Clal hQUr- :,. u l.. .n. Wls- H- T Umer, Ml'S. J. P.
mi nf .MhZ iiikn. f I March 12. I nt"" ".' Motschenbacher. Mrs.. E.
' I - ' r llllKuiua wr u uniu un ii'""- r r n i t i
unci about the rooms, while the L-wmrtir t prt,.tr
was enjoyed
Rlvoi.dale . E. Cub, Edenhow 0"
. Cruisers club of First Prcsby-' or M. O. A. club; New Idea club; .. .,,,. ,-00ms. while the ; ' ' v ,5""' " ' s; J' woou ar
lerian church to meet at six-thirty Patch and Chat club, and Friendly patriotic motif was attractively 1 ' l,s' r,enerl-K '
o'clock notlurlr sooner at church 1 Circle club to hold 12:30 ootluck ' ......i,i r..,i n ihn t!,hi Contract bridge
1 1 .. m;.... uui iii uie uiedsaiu evening ooul s
Pl 1 m, v 'i with Mrs. C. E. Wlmberly win-
parlors. Mrs. Earl Ullrich, enter- luncheon and meeting at grange
talnment chairman.
Ni of W. . Thimble club one
thirty o'clock luncheon at home of
Mrs. Lucas in Kohlhagen apart-
mfintS. lr:y .. ' ,
Training class for Child Evan
gelism to be held at 2:30 in after
noon at - First i Presbyterian
March 15.
American Legion auxiliary reg
istration day and annual birthday
March 28.
Rose P.-T. A. benefit program
open to public at 8 o clock in ov-
Covers were
wa ne jjiowii I ning the high score prize and
mi,, h, ... -Mll Leslie C. Cummlngs the
j traveling prize.
Evergreen grange meeting at ' eninB !,t . schoolhouse. ' Program
8:30 at hall. Senior high debate an" carnivai. mis. l. h. wane,
tou in nh ,i,.haln r,.r..i, Dora Braughton and Florence
menl. In charge of home econom-, ,UPL h hV 1 u'r Ma,'dl 17,h ! tractive home
ICS C1UO. ' . . :
Tuesday, February 25. D. Coen.
St. Joseph's Altar society invites
public to pre lenten card party at
8 o'clock in evening at Catholic
' schoolhouse. Prizes for bri(! o,
five-hundred and pinochle. IXior
prize and refreshments.
''"Roseburg Rebekah lodee No. -II
' meeting at 7:30 In evening at f. (). I u L. Wimberly home, "Pine
(J110 of the most charming par
ties of the season was given Fri
day afternoon at the attractive
O. F. hall. Initiation
Inter Se Study club one o'clock
' dessert-luncheon at home of Mrs.
, V. V. Harpham. Roll-call: Mrs.
. Robert Hawley, Mrs. Bruce Mel
. lis. Mrs. C. M. Stark and Mrs. J.
Voung. Program on Nobel prize
winner, "Life and Works of W. H.
Yeats," In charge of Mrs. R. R.
Brand. .
, r, ts. club afternoon meeting at and primroses.
rami) i mis. waiier singleton
on East Douglas street. 1
lxyu Temperance . 1-egion to
. meet at 4.15 In afternoon at homi-l
. of Mrs. Lillian B. Davis at 812 S.
Main street with Donna Cracrofl
In charge of surprise fuaturo. 1 1
Junior Eagles drum corps an
nual conceit at 7:15 In evening at
Eagles lodge meeting. Members
urged to be present..
Young People's League of St.
Paul's Lutheran church to hold
study topic meetings at 7:30 in ev
ening at home of Rev. W. A. Syl
wester, 1170 Military street.
Lady Lions to meet at 8 o'clock
in evening at home of Mrs. II.
Stuckey on S. Kane street with
Mm. H. D. Palmer joint iinstess.
Members asked to attend prepar
ed for sewing.
Roseburg Rebekah lodge No. .11
to meet at 7:30 In evening at I. O. I Mrs. Frederick J. Porter
u. I-. hall. Degree work. Pro
gram and refreshments. Slither
lin lodge to be guests. All mem
bers urged to be present.
Job's .Daughters formal dinner
at C:15 at Masonic temple, follow
ed by official visit of inspection
by grand guardian. Phylllis Poole.
Eagles auxiliary to meet at 8 o'
clock in evening at Eagles hall
Ridge," when Mrs. Wlmberly and
Mrs. Harry 8. black were joint
hostesses at a one o'clock bridge
luncheon. Gorgeous bouquets of daffodils,
lauristinius, violets and anemones
were arranged about the rooms,
while the seven luncheon tables
were prettily appointed and cen
tered by bouquets of daffodils
Assisting Mrs. Wimberly and
Mrs. Mack in serving were Mrs.
It. L. Whipple, Mrs. A. K. Kent
and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter.
Covers were placed for Mrs. A. H.
Taylor, Mrs. II. II. Turner, Mrs.
Grant Osborn, Mrs. Fred Hamil
ton, Mrs. W. E. Ott, Mrs. I). U.
Hubar. Mrs. A. J. Hochradel,
Mrs. W. F. Harris. Mrs. A. E.
Kent. Mrs. It. L. Whipple, Mrs.
Walter Hamilton, Mrs. C. II.
Wade, Mrs. John M. Raish, Mrs.
V. H. Morgan. Mrs. Chester Mor
gan, Mrs. L. W. Jossc, Mrs. S. J
Petrenuin. regent. Mm. C. L.
Branton, Mrs. D. N. Busenbark,
Mrs. C. P. Snoddy, Mrs. F. H.
Churchill, Mrs. L. E. GoodbodVn,
Mrs. R. H. Grinsted, Miss Mar
garet Page and the hostesses, 1
Miss Stewart and Mrs. Brown. 1 Mrs. Fred Lockwood and Mrs.
Mrs. Petrequin had charge of ; Scott Williams were joint hos
tile program on "The Signers i tesses at a charming party Tues
Who Did Not Sign." Plans were j ()ay evening at the former's at-
in the Howell
meeting, which will be the out-1 apartments, to which they in-
standing program meeting of the ; vited the members of the Tues
chapter's year and will be held at j day bridge club. Daffodils, ar-
a seven-thirty o'clock dessert-sup
per at the home of Mrs. F. II.
Churchill on East Cass street
ranged in attractive blue bowls,
were used about the rooms, while
the patriotic motif was carried;
u-,i. aooui tne new idea of harmonizing hat ...d liuii-do' This
i co'Turc does 11 all right and then some. Designed by Lavaua
ndlTbc !nl,oduSed at c All-Texas Beauty ExpusUion 1..
?1f'- TKex-; ,nc.l"t a Perky l.ttk- felt Hut that's built into the"
"mcrdon"''-' hulrd 'fhc "at I v .r ...l u,c ,..
The Methodist Keystone club
members entertained their hus
bands at a delightful 6:30 o'clock
potluck supper Friday night at
the church parlors with Mrs. G.
M. Krell and Mrs. Vernon Keel
as supper chairmen. Mrs. C. M.
Butner and Mrs. J. H. Boucock
had charge of the evening's
Covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. C M. Butner, Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Ralsh and Betty,
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fisher, Mr.
and Mrs. C. K. Rand, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Rand, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Keel and Tommy, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray B. Hnmpton, Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Krell, Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs.
I. H. Boucock, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles Edwards, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Buell, Mr. and Mrs. W. V.
Kight and Dorothy Jean, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Hampton, Mr. and Mrs
Hugh Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Carstens, Rev. and Mrs. Melville
T. Wire, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lily,
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Marstcrs.
Mrs. E. A. Britton, Mrs. Loren
Harvey, Marilyn Glaze. Mrs. Ed
Borgen, Mrs. E. C. Jones and Joe
joyed during the pleasant after
noon hours.
The March 5th meeting place
will be announced later.
Mrs. F. A. Hurd entertained at
a charming informal afternoon
tea Wednesday in compliment to
her houseguest, Mrs. Cora Duna
ven, of Salem. Daffodils formed
a lovely motif for lite occasion.
Sewing and visiting were en
joyed and at the tea hour Mrs.
Hurd served lovely refreshments.
Guests invited by Mrs. Hurd to
meet Mrs. Dunaven included:
Mrs. E. L. Knapp, Mrs. C. H.
Bailey, Mrs. Ernest Unrath, Mrs.
Harold Hoyt, Mrs. R. W. Mars
tcrs, Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs.
Grant Osborn, Mrs. W. M. Camp
bell, Mrs. K. D. Lytic, Mrs. Earl
Ullrich and Mrs. R. L. Irving.
with Mrs. C. L. Branton and Mrs., out on the serving tables.
CP. Caylor as assisting hos- j , jflrs. Edward G. Kohlhagen was
tesses. The members will be privi-, RUOSt and m,.m)01s oI the Tues.
. ged to invite guc.;ts to i"-i -i ,, ,,,,. i-i,i,i,.- un w i
meeting. The program, which will chrlslcr lMls. j. K. Watts. Mrs. O. SoUTrl AmPNra'at WnmonVPIllk
he on "American Music in George ',,,, ,,-,.,, n ,,. JUUIfl America QT VY Omen 5 VIUD
Mrs. C. E. Banning Gives Talk On
Washington's Time," will be In
charge of two of Rosehurg's out
standing musicians, Mrs. Clyde
Beard and Mrs. Floyd Lewis.
Mrs. V..V. Harpham entertain
ed at a very charming informal
tea Tuesday afternoon at her
home on Winchester street in
compliment to Mrs. Henry J.
Weil, of Portland, and Mrs. J.
Robert Smith, Jr., of Washington,
D. C, wives of forestry officials
here this week on business.
Beautiful bouquets of spring
flowers lent a colorful note to the
I rooms. Sewing and visiting were
j enjoyed by Mrs. Weil and Mrs.
Smith, guests of honor, Mrs. Ray
I B. Hampton. Mrs. M. M. Nelson,
, Mrs. T. G. Watson, Mrs. C. K.
R. Hess. Mrs. Frank Coen, Mrs.
A. u. parr, Mrs. Iloger liailey, vir! - v. Running r ihk niiv i,t,..,.,h ,..,. u.. i. kii. .;nnH lin 1 m t nit, 1 v
. . - . . .,, iiu,g,ajjiia icincn tjy iiui wniica ....... u. .... umj, u.
Mrs. Leon oarwoou and Mrs. presented one of the most charm- resident of that, country. Mrs. i Garwood and the hostess, Mrs.
M:n-cll II r,.n,i.a .... ... " I . . . .
j ' ' . "ig program topics 01 tne year on .banning s talk was very greatly j narpnam.
I High score for the evening's the subject, "aouth America," 1 enjoyed and appreciated by Mrs.! At the tea hour Mrs. Harpham
j bridge play was won by Mrs. Tuesday afternoon at the meeting I W. R. Brown, Mrs. Edward G. i served lovely refreshments.
. Bailey with Mrs. Kohlhagen win-. of the Roseburg Woman's club j Kohlhagen, Mrs. C. E. Olson, Mrs.!
i ning second high score and Mrs. at the clubhouse with Mrs. L. A. Mark L. Underwood, Mrs. L. A.i EASTERN STAR MEMBERS
j Chiisler the traveling prize. Rhoden, chairman, Mrs. Banning, Wells, Mrs. I. B. Riddle, Mrs. A.i ENTERTAIN HUSBANDS
Miss T.uella Phillips was hon- Following the bridge play, Mrs. , Mrs. Jack Suksdorf and Mrs. A.
ored at a charming bridal shower j Lockwood and Mrs. Williams II. Perrin hostesses at a one-
given by Mrs. Krwin Blessing at served lovely refreshments,
the Roy Bellows home at 102 1 j
West Fifth street Monday eve- MISS THELMA CARTER
Lovely gifts were presented to1 DINNER SATURDAY NIGHT ,
Miss Phillips from Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs w Cal.,tM. entertained
Allan ureen, ivir. aim mis. r-.ui
Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Bush. Mr. ami Mrs. Erwin Bless
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips.
Mrs. Fern Finl.iy, Mrs. Edith
Roberts, Mrs. W. G. - Workman
and two daughters. Mrs. Elizabeth
Gardiner, Mrs. Robert LeBleu,
at a very charming six-thirty
thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon.
Mrs. W. R. Brown, president,
conducted the meeting and Mrs.
L. E. Garwood and Mrs. B. W.
Taylor were welcomed Into the
organization as new members.
The meeting opened with the col
lect and pledge to the flag, fol
o'clock dinner party at her home ,owod b. sj , ac'com
Saturday evening to compliment ..,,, lw sllk.,i,-f n.
her .laughter. Miss Thelma. on s wer. wn , Mrs Eowal.(1
her twenty-fiisi birthday anni- . Kohlhagen, secretary; Mrs.
versary. j m,,, Underwood, treasurer;
A low arrangement of violets Mrs. Foster Butner. club house
S. Coen, Mrs. J. J. Eastling, Mrs.! AT POTLUCK SUPPER
Miss Maie and Mi Irene wall1 'RoseburB chapter of Eastern
ker. Miss Marie Martens, Mrs.
Star members entertained their
. ,ni,r ma, 1113, iwia.,, , .... L .
John M. Raish, Mrs. C. E. Jump, ! - ve.y uengmiui poi-
. . iucn suouci inuisuav even nfr ar
the Masonic temple with Mrs. R.
L. Whipple and Mrs. C. W. Owen
acting as joint chairmen of the
The two long tables were beau
tifully appointed for the occa
sion. Mrs. Maurice J. Newland,
Mrs. Arthur H. Mountford, Mrs.
R. W. Marstcrs, Mrs. VV. E. Buell,
Mrs. B. W. Taylor, Mrs. L. Kohl
hagen, Sr., Mrs. K. D. Lytic, Mrs.
Cora Dunaven, of Salem, Mrs. i
Foster Butner, Mrs. William Bcll.j
Mrs-Frank Brown, Mrs. Walter1
Leake, Mrs. George K. Quine,
Mrs. H I Whiimln Un Wilmt 1" iMueu over ine
Mrs. T. G. Watson, Mrs.'john V. !TL ,!T0n .T' rh,Ch 3
Robertson. Mr,. .T R siat.nrv I social hour of cards, and games
Shoemaker, Mrs. E. O, Rickli, ! M,.s . ,j,.ss'(. Hoi ney, Mrs. Jennie . Kraivil the beautifully appointed . t,Pasu,er; Mrs. C. E. Roberts,
Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mis. 1.. E.
MeClintoek, Mrs. Ivan Pickens.
Mrs. Clair K. Allen. Mrs. C. E.
Wlmberly, Mrs. George Wharton,
Mrs. G. W. Marshall, Mrs. Mark'
L. Underwood, Mrs. VV. J. tllm-l
scheid, Mrs. C VV. Wharton and!
Cont met bridge was enjoyed
during the pleasant afternoon
hours with Mis. Allen winning
the high score prize, Mrs. ott the
second high score prize, nnd Mrs.
Wade, the slam prize.
Phillips. Robert Phillips, Harvey
Worlman, Mrs. Jesse DeHolt, Mrs.
frvln Meyer, Mrs. Mabel Carson
and Mrs. Carrie Lampman.
Mrs. Finlay entertained with
piano numbers and visiting was Cnam,,
einoyeu. anei winiii in.-.. oit-r..-.-ing.
assisted by Mis. Roy Phil
lips, served delicious refresh
ments. The serving table was "K "" mr.. i......
beautifully decorated for the oc
casion in a color-motif of lilac
and green with matching stream
ers attached to the chandelier and
running to the edges ol the table.
serving table, which was ngntea constitution of the club; Mrs. L.
by low yellow candles. Covers A. Wells, the home economics
were placed for Miss Carter, : program to be held February Zi
guest of honor. Genevieve Ness, 262-2S at Corvallis. and Mrs. T.
Mildred Gardner. Eloda Ludwig, ' G. Watson on the art exhibit to
Dorothy Chapman and Eileen )0 held at the Elks temple the
is. ' afternoon and evening of
Following the dinner, the group! March 1.
attended the Ashland Roseuurg Miss Marie Martens presented
m intensely interesting talk on
George M. Brown, Mrs. J.
was enjoyed with Mrs. Grant Os
l.nn .. M,. r li, L..,,
American Legion
Auxiliary Activities
Rhoden, Mrs. Jack Suksdorf, Mrs.
,. II. Perrin and Mrs. Frederick ,iew T . ..
j poltor -wo, o , cno i,lub
ciuwuir hod 7? -cheTthursday
The Roseburg Art and Em
broidery club held a very enjoy
able meeling Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. II. F.
Snyder on Cobb street. Pussywil
lows, Japanese quince and spirea
were used to cans- out a pretty
Episcopal Guild pan cake sup- Mrs. I.. E. MeClintoek and Mrs.
per. Mrs. L. A. Post, chairman, j E. B. Van Ness won the first and
Mrs. Ward Cummlngs, Mis. A. I.. second high score in the bridge
Reich and Mrs. Leonard Riley, in ! tournament play of the ladies of
charge. ;tlie country club Thursday morn-
Wednesday, February 26. ling at the clubhouse.
Winston Merry Go .Round club . Pothi.k luncheon was served al
one-thirty o'clock dessert -lunch-1 noon to Mrs. Frank Coen, cap
eon at home of Mis. George John- tain. Mrs. K. A. Pearson, secie-
son. iiarv h I. 1. i,.i iit,i..,.L- i.-j , decorative motif.
M.O. A. club adcrnoon meeting j. (.-. Dillard. Mis. E. .1. Rodgers. ! (James Here en loved raining
at home of Mrs. ('. H. Calkins. I i, s. v. j. ( Hmscheid, Mi s. L. j out the George Washington birth-
Farewell lea to hi- given at ; ste.u ns. Mrs Arthur II. Mount-j dav idea and prizes were awarded
Ursl Presbyti-nan chunh parlors ! trd. Mis. .1. I. Mount told. Mrs. j to Mis. A l I lawn. Mrs. Etlie
from 2:30 to -1:30 o'clock honoring 'R, . Hrhlges. .Mrs. C. K. Who 1 Stul.blcliel.l. Mis. l.iston Darin
Mrs. W. L. Scott, who is leaving i ,rv. Mis. II. C. Stearns. Mrs. W. S and Mrs. Earl Decker,
soon for the east to reside. Mem- , h ott. Mis. Harris Ellsworth.! At the tea hour Mis. Snvder,
hers of the chuivh organizations Mi s. I.. K. Pies. Mrs E H. Van , assisted bv her daughter. Mrs. I.
and friends arc Invited. j ,.ss ;lnd Mrs. J. M. Jmtd. 1 A Miles, a guest, served delicious
,.,";:lrns.'' home eeonn.l .ulj ,;,fi (.njv,,( ,., .refreshments to Mrs. Gladys
mu' Lh n k n?'H,nf,,1l,',,T,o," ' "''''' -ith Mrs. Bridge ; and I l!'kl'- 'ls William Bailey. Mrs.
Mlldn-d Bonebiakc with Wllla- M olmscheid winninc i. Glenn I'o.v. Mrs F. J. Cornell,
mina Bonebiake joint hostess. Iii ) ,'-,, """" "" ! Mrs l.iston Darbv, Mrs. Earl
teresting program and imiiortant I ,! Decker, Mis. Hoftmeisier. Mis.
business meeting. ti, m, i-... . . TV, . ."I?' ' - "".tnshell. Mrs A. D.
Tnursoay, February 27 , , .. , . llawn. Mrs L. W. Ingels. Mrs
I UI.JII.'ll.M- , 111 IJ..MI M , , ....
r ' K""inK M UM !;:: ''""-'worthmgt,!;,
1 and Mrs Kflie Sliihblelield.
kins. H. f. ninv l 1 ..-,.,.... iutiiiik "ill or
C. Darby entertained ; ,ul'e enjoed.
Miss Carter is a student at ' cut lent events and Mrs. Banning I o clock dessert-luncheon at the The busv Slem.eix HiOw.nir,, .i
: Hehnke-Walker business college presented the program on South club house with Miss Marie Mar- a delightful noon potluck lunch
in Portland and Miss Chambers , America and showed numerous 1 tens acting as chairman. eon Thursday at the beautiful
Is a student at Oregon State col-: lmm ot Mrs.'ciaricc Benedick on
HOSTESS TO BRIDGE ; Blvon. Vireini.i llvmn A
f tin ,11.1 ii c rim c c r a v 1 .Ml", and Airs V:irrt rnmmin.T.. t-i... r 1 i.,i ,. ..... .. . ..." - ' "S'.
Wl'ni " ....... . i.ii.iiii..,.
Mrs. Hank Long very gra-' delightful six-thirty o'clock pot
ciously entertained her bridge ; uc supper at their home Satur
club at a charming one-thirty . duy evening.
South Pine street Wednesday aft-1 -vers were placed at an at-' painted and re decorated club- Jenkins. Bernice Ollivant. May
Anlea, Japanese ' T"' "vll... MIHIe
quince formed a pretty motif fori;;.' " , " i' ! .,K.i.t,. . steen ana the hostess, Clarice
i.ii. tiiui i.iia. i.esne v. lilll
mings. E. C. Patterson and Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Cummlngs.
Fisher. Mrs Louis Fullei ton. Mrs. group attended the Ashland-pthe hall
S. C. Richmond, Mrs. Glenn Roseburg high school basketball During the delightful social
Owen. Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher game, alter which they returned ' hour the hostess, Mrs. Sprav,
served lovely refreshments and
Mi- ami Mrs. Ward lummingsj The Garden Valley Women's livanl, Lilly Reed," Marv Hodges
a a ... J I . 7,', !' 1 "! ,cl", ' m duh was very pleasantly enter- ;ina Carson and daughier V74tsv
taineci at the clubhouse Thursday : Fisher, Ada Nichols, Jean Nich
afternoon by Mis. C. L. Spray, ols. Mrs. George Singleton. Anna
me iiain.nia ciijojcu me new ly Ireland, Garnet Follenshec. Rena
the occasion.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Clyde Fullerton. a guest, and Mrs. ;
I.. I.. Wimberly. Mrs. Adrian
The club accepted the invitation Benedick
I of the Riversdale grange home: Sewing and visiting were enjoy
economics club to attend a 12:30 ed during the pleasant afternoon
the supper the potluck luncheon March 112th at hours.
and the hostess. Mrs. Long. : 10 "' L ummings nome tor a so-
Contract bridge was enjoyed . cial hour,
during the pleasant afternoon'
hours w ith Mrs. W imberlv win-' BIRTHDAY PARTY IS
ning the high score and Mrs. GIVEN MRS. ANNA CARSON
Louis Fullerton, the traveling ; THURSDAY EVENING
Mrs. George Ware was hostess
it her home T hursdav evening at
la lovely birthday parlv honoring
carried out the patriotic motif In
the decorations. Those
the afternoon with Mrs. Spray
included Mis. Barbara Pa iott,
Mrs. G. C. Bailey, Mrs. R. A. Cal
houn, Mrs. Harvey Kwens. Mis.
R. S. Mutton, Mrs. Adam Schnei
der, Mrs. Clem Schneider, Mis.
Ladles of Roseburg Country
club contract bridge tournament
play at 0:80 a. in. at clubhouse bil
lowed by 12:30 potluck luncheon
and golfing at 1:30 o'clock.
Roseburg Men's Glee club to
practice at city hall at 7:30 in ev
ening under direction of U. M.
were presented to Mrs. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Flank Long en ',,nm: I.uella Johnson, Cora
terlained their bridge club at a Dourte. May Sebring. Edna Wat
very charming Valentine party ki,ls. Clarice Benedick, Ruth
Friday evening at their attrac-' Plumer. Virginia Cyrus, Evelyn
held at the home of Mis. Lucas live home on South Pine street. Cyrus. Virginia Belle Cyrus, Mar
; in the Kohlhagen apartments, at The Valentine motif was carried " Patrick. -George Ware. Mil
which time an auction sale tea
Mrs. Anna Carson. Lovely gills ''""" Sinclair, Mrs. Peter Sinclair.
'harming informal one- 1
4 11 club leaders to meet at T , u,iit o'clock dessert luncheon at ' K AND " CLUB HS
ociocr in evening m oooieoi ,.ii s. her attractive home on Kane
Donn Hadabaugh In Lauielwood. j s,,wt Monday, to which she in
Northslde Sunshine club after-v(,ed a group of former Benson
noon meeting at home of Mrs. I.. J p t A. workers and following the
W. Ingels at 7'.'0 Winchester (luncheon the group went to the
""I"1"'- Benson school to enjoy the annual
Sylmon Valley club afternoon Founder's day program and PT
tnn'tlng at home of Mrs. Clareniv j meeling.
Friday, February 28.
Florence Nightingale Tent No.
IX Daughter (if Union Veterans
of the Civil War to meet at 7:30
In evening at armory. Initiation.
Saturday, Maroh 1.
American Legion auxiliary wel
fare shop open all-day In back of
Roy Bellows store, opposite News
.Review office
Covers were placed lor Mrs. J.
K. Fallie. who taught at Benson
school for many years: Mis. I'. A.
Bcmis. president of the Benson
P.-T. A. over 20 years ago. and
Mis. It. L. Whipple. Mrs. Helen
Caistens, Mrs. Clyde Carstens,
Mrs. II. C. Berg, Mrs. n. w. Mad
dux and the hostess, Mrs. Darby.
The table was beautifully up
pointed and centered with a bowl
Mis. 11 W. Taylor entertained
the K and H club at her home on
South Jackson Mnvt Wednesday
afternoon. The tea table, coveml
by a very hcaulitul handmade
Ian' cloth, was centered with an
attractive arrangement of daffo
dils and foisythia.
Sewing and visiting were en
joyed and at the tea hour Mrs.
layior served delicious reliesb
out in the decorations and the ,ori1 Lyras, Oliver Plumer
refreshments, which were served 'he hostess. Mrs. Ware,
later In the evening. ' Games and visiting were en
Contract bridge was enjoyed hv .io'01 anl I'lted a beautiful birth
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. IVarso'n, ,lr.!lk,.v was cut and refresh
and Mis. I. M. Dunn, Mr. and menls were served.
Mi s L. K. Fles and Mr. and Mrs. I
Long with Mrs. Fles winning the JUDGE AN 0 MRS. BOWKER
ladies' high score and Mr. Dunn ENTERTAIN AT INFORMAL
winning the men's high score. .PARTY SATURDAY EVENING
Mrs. Jake Thionberg and Mi's.
Fred Woods.
The next meeting will be at the
clubhouse March (ith with Mrs.
G. C. Bailey as hostess.
Mrs. Earl Wiley very gracious
ly entertained her sewing club
Wednesday afternoon at a lovely
one-thirty o'clock desserthinch-
; eon at her attractive home on
I South Kane street. Plum bios
I soms, daffodils and pussywillows
' were used about the rooms.
! Covers were placed for Mis.
C. M. Butner. Mrs. E. A. Britton.
' Mrs. E. S. Hall, Mrs. Clyde Cars
lens. Mrs. Grant Osborn. Mrs. A.
; B. Taylor, Mi's. G. M. Krell, Mrs.
! Willis Myers and the hostess,
i Mrs. Wiley.
i Sewing and visitiiur wcit on-
Our motto We honor the dead
by serving the living.
Marking its twenty-second anni.
iprsarv thn AmnriMii T .etrlnn .
together with its auxiliary will
celebrate the event with a large
birthday party on the evening of
March 15 at the Knights of Py
thias hall. Mrs. Roy Young and
Vincent Malone will serve as
joint chairmen of the affair
which promises to be outstanding
among the social activities of the
two organizations. Members of
the junior auxiliary will present
a clever skit there will be
games, dancing and naturally,
the carving of a huge birthday
cake by Commander James Young
and President Mrs. Claude Baker.
Members serving on the refresh
ment committee include Mrs. Hu
bert Graham, chairman, assisted
by Mrs. L. A. Dillard, Mrs. George
Caskey, Mrs. Harry Boyle and
Mrs. F. L. Crittenden.
Tuesday evening a large group
of Legionnaires and auxiliary
members trekked to Days Creek
for the regular post and unit
meeting'. Ev.-yo:..- repo-ts a
marvelous time with community
singing, dancing tsome of the lo
cal boys are really professionals
in these newfangled square
dances I topped off by a supper
extraordinary served by the Days
Creek hosts and hostesses.
At the Days Creek meeting,
elaborate, plans were made for
the registration activity being
sponsored over the entire United
Slates by the American Legion.
Mrs. Roy Young, assisted by the
other members of the community
service committee, will conduct
the registration program for
L'mpqua unit.
The committee will direct the
registration of auxiliary members
on special questionnaires listing
their availability for various
types of service similar to that
being performed by English wom
en in the present war. Nationwide
registration will be conducted on
March 1."). On the questionnaires,
auxiliary members will list then
availability for service in many
fields, including automobile driv
ing, nursing and first aid, canteen
work, entertainment, social serv
ice, household and administrative
work, sewing, knitting and mend
ing. Junior members will be list
ed for messenger and guide serv
ice. Mi s. Young and her corps of as
sistants will work in close co-
"i" 1 ",ii un me vuiuiitui y serv
ice organization of the Leeion and
with the Hod Cross.
Deep concern has been felt by
Umpqua unit members over the
recent illness of Mis. Hans Han
sen, who although somewhat im
proved in health, is still confined
to her bed at St. Vincent's hos
pital in Portland. Up to the time
of her illness, Mrs. Hansen as
sisted at the child welfare serv
ice shop every Saturday, where
she is greatly missed by patrons
as well as co-workers in the shop.
Other members of Umpqua unit
w ho have been ill but are now on
the convalescent list include Mrs.
Harry Hatfield, who has also been
at St. Vincent's hospital, Mrs.
Jack Hart. Mis. E. B. Stewart
and Mis. A. C. Marstcrs.
Mis. Carl Wimberly, chairman
of the Americanism essay contest
of Umpqua unit, reiHirls that the
contests will end on February 22 '
and urges that all contestants get
their papers in to the principals
of their schools in order that de
cisions and awards may be made
without delay.
Follow ing the Roseburg Ash
land basketball game, Judge and
Mrs. . M. C. Bow ker entertained
WILBUR. Feb 21. Mr. and a group of friends at a very en
Mrs. VV. E. Thompson entertain- Joyable Informal party in till
ed with a dinner in honor of rumpus room of their home on
their daughter, Mis. Irene Mc Claire street
Kosebui'K Woman's club scrvlivlof eai nalloiis anil tetns.
' . ni'ii i.ui.-iiifi , .mis. ll-ene iic- vi.uic sireci.
tmnts to Mrs "- L. Johnson. Mi's. Mikle s, birthday. Guests enjoy Game, were enjoyed and love
m. ",s,','! ,' , ' 11 A' '''''.viol', ing the occasion were Mr. and ly refreshments were served to
Mrs. J
Mrs. J. A. Caraway entertain
ed at a very lovely seven-thirty
o'clock dessert supper at the Ho
tel Umpqua Thursday evening.
having as her guests. Mi's. Wil
j liam Hell, Mrs. Edyth Gilmour.
Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, Mrs. Ir-
ivin Biunn, Miss Vera Fredrick-
son. Miss Ina Farnsworth. Miss
Ila Laubuch and Miss Margaret
Following the refreshment
hour, the group went to the at
tractive apartment home of Mrs.
William Bell on South Jackson
street lor contract bridge. Ja
IKinica an jonquils formed a
pretty decorative motif for the oc-
i. iMliey, iMi's. r . t". re ,.,.,,ii- i:, i a I. Mi- M,. i.'i I :.
...... ...... ...,,.., m i V.UMU1. ter, omip Joyce, and Bonnie Me-. and Mrs. Millard Kiyle. Mr. and caslon. Miss Johnson won the
it h i '""."'"''"'S11'11 M'k1"'- ''! the honored guest Mis. IHmald Guiley. Miss Peggy high score prize for the bridge
and Savage Clifford Hess anil Judge i play w ith Mrs. Bell w inning the
You Turned the
Tables On Me . .
said the weary lady to the
wah basket . . , And the
washbaskct replied "It's
your own fault for not send
ing the family wash to the
Inundry. Better start to
day I"
324 W. Lane Street
. Mis. Thompson
.and Mrs. How ker
' high semv prize,