TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG; OREGON,' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY fl, 14b. SCDCEDEW By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER Social Calendar Monday, February 10 Dr. R. L, Dunn's non-denom- meet at 7:45 In evening iit dining P hall of Douglas hotel. Public in Iwith roll call being answered by ; members giving favorite Blhle i verse. 1 Annual election of offic ers. I W. S. of C. S. of Methodist I church to meet at church parlors ' for one o'clock luncheon to he by 11:30 executive meeting. Mrs. D man of hostess committee. Mrs MRS. GEORGE K. QUINE HONORED AT SURPRISE LUNCHEON ON BIRTHDAY MRS. A. B. TAYLOR IS HOSTESS TO SEWING CLUB ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. A. B. Taylor very gracious ly entertained her sewing club at a delightful one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at her home In Laurelwooit Wednesday after noon. The Valentine motif was beautifully carried out In the des sert and In the table appoint-1 ,,., c,ub at tne clul house mpn'9- i day afternoon, at which time Mrs. Covers were placed for Mrs. j r. l. Whipple and Mrs. I. B. Rld Harold Bellows, Mrs. C. M. But- j die, were joint chairmen, assisted ner, Mrs. E. A. Britton, Mrs. by Mrs. John William Robertson, Grant Osborn, Mrs. E. S. Hall, Mrs. Arthur H. Moutford and Mrs. State President Is Guest Speaker At Roseburg Woman's Club Tuesday Mrs. Harld D. Peterson, of Dal las, state president ol the Ore gon Federation of Women's clubs, was the guest speaker at the one thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon meeting of the Roseburg Worn- : Mrs. Civile Carstens, Mrs. G. M I Krell, Mrs. Earl Wiley, Mrs. Wll- A. S. Coen. Japanese quince, tulips, sprays of cottoneaster,- carnations and pussywillows formed the attrac tive decorations for the tables and F. II. Churchill, devotions, and vited. It , . r 11, T-hl.t.ln ,.l.,k. In i"C7-,U" .u'n.lMrs. C. K. Rand, program leader. ...i-v. . 1 , r-rri Northside Sunshine club 01 nUmt' Ul iVIl!. V. . I iniiun- son, 408 East Lane street. Kine arts department of Jun-1 ior Woman's club to meet at to meet In afternoon at home of Mrs. E. P. Ballou at Kelley's Horner. Friday, February 14 Klversdale Home Economies club one o'clock potluck lunch eon and Valentine party at hall. Mrs. Eldon Ogle in charge of Members asked to each 7:45 o'clock at home of Mrs. Wil liam Unrath. Tuesday, Pebruary 11 Young People's league of St. Paul's Lutherun church Valen tine nartv at 7:30 in evening at I program. home of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. ! bring a valentine. Sylwester, 1170 Military street, .with Stewart Baker ns assisting host. Members and friends each asked to bring a Valentine to the party. F. S. club to meet in after noon at home of Mrs. Earl Decker. Inter-So Study club one o'clock dessert-luncheon at home of Mrs. James Davis. Roll call to- Mrs I? FY rwn nn1 M Rnv Catching were Joint hostesses at 1 lls ,MvCTS and daughter, Marilyn a very charming luncheon party "le "-. " at the former', beautiful hnme nn Sewing and visiting were - . Rimini, lha nlh....n, nflnl'. ' 13 Hubar chair- 'Overlook Thursday to compliment : w" y.. room. ami surprise meir moiner, mis. i Mrs. W.R.Brown, president, George K. Qulne, on her seventy- The next meeting will be a . contUctcd the meeting, which op fifth birthday anniversary, one-thirty dessert-luncheon Feb-' enc(1 witn the club cp, De(igc Tile tabic was centered with a ,jr Ul "--fiorseous pink azalea with match j Wiley, int? nink tanors. whiln huvc hou 1 CELEBRATES EIGHTH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY iorenee Nightingale Tent No. 15, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War to meet at 7:30 in evening at armory. Saturday, February 15 O. S. C. Mothers, club invites public to attend silver tea at llotel Hose from three to five o'clock to raise funds for placing the O. S. C. Beaver annual and Barometer newspaper in the quels of spring flowers were us-i ed about the rooms. Corsages of gardenias, violets, lovely bou-: quets, gifts and cards were pre-1 sented to Mrs. Quine in honor! to the flag led by Mrs. William Bell, and community sing led by Mrs. W. M. Campbell, accom panied by Mrs. Homer Grow. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Edward G. Kohlhagen. Plans were made for a membership drive and Mrs. L. E. Garwood and George Ginder, Jr., son of Mr. ;m,l Mrc n W ninHnT" .elrihrat. of the occasion. A very beautiful- j c(j nis eRhth birthday annlver- ;Mrs. Walter Leake were welcom ly decorated birthday cake was .' sary at a ver cnjoyable party ' cd lnto ,he cluo as new menV cut and served with the dessert-' Tnuriday afternoon at his homely course. I )n Laurci woo(i. Miss Marie Martens gave a Covers were placed for Mrs. j Spring flowers arranged in splendid talk on current events Quine, guest of honor; her three ' mos Valentine favors and al300' Mrs. Jonn M. Ralsh Introduc sisters, Mrs. Joseph Wharton, of uh,' i hii-thdav e.-ike oraeeH the'e(1 tnc following program num- Grants Pass, and Miss Adeline tnhi Mr Hinder wa alted in! bcrs: piano solo by Mrs. Lynn pics bv Mrs. Charles Ioerner, j Ro,t,bm.( puhn,. Horary. Mrs. Paul Geddes, Mrs. L. S. Hall and Mrs. R. B. Hampton. Program on Nobel prize winner, Madame Curie by Mrs. C. M. Stark. Lady Lions no-hostess seven o'clock dinner at Hotel Umpqua with Mrs. A. Klagel and Mrs. Frank Long hostesses for social hour. University of Oregon Mothers club to meet at tea from three to five o'clock at home of Mrs. C. E, Wimberly on East Lane street with Mrs. Roy Bellows as hostess. Eligible members in- vifed as special guests. Badoura jflub. Daughters or the Nile to -melt at 7:30 dessert- supper In evening-'Ht home of nhpr rt charge. Mrs. A. J. loung .on. rinii. Eagles Valentine dance at hall in charge of Fern Hobday, Helen Bender, Helen Rapp, Anna Tro zelle and Clara Frew. Roseburg Woman's club serv ice shop open all day upstairs In clubhouse opposite Hunt's Indian theatre. Legion auxiliary Welfare shop open all-day in back of Roy Bel lows store, opposite News-Review office. , March 28 ! Rose P.-T. A. Invites public to benefit program and fair at. 8 o'clock in evening at school- house. Mrs. C. B. Wade, Dora Uroughton and Florence Snek Stewart and Mrs. C. W. Hunt, of t Roseburg; her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. N. Riddle, of Riddle, and four cousins: Mrs. Otto Logsdon, Mrs. Lou Grant and Miss Helena Rid dle, of Riddle, and Mrs. Clay Smith, of Winston. Following the luncheon, thc group enjoyed visiting and were joined for the tea hour by the following relatives: Mrs. I. B. Riddle, Mrs. D. O. Weaver, Mrs. Charles Stauffer, of Riddle, Mrs. A. S. Coen, Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mrs. George Wharton, Mrs. C. W. Wharton, Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Miss Bess and Miss Jane Whar j serving by Mrs. Paul Helweg. I Games were enjoyed and prizes were awarded and gifts were pre sented to George, Jr., from Mike Coen, Barbara Coen, John and i David Morgan, Peter Williams, : Brian Booth, Polly Helweg, Bet ty and Bobby Jump and Merle , son, , Hampton. Others calling Includ-i ed: Mrs. Scott Williams and Mrs. A. S. Coen. Beckley and whistling solo by Mrs. Homer Grow. Mrs. Brown introduced Mrs. Pe terson, who very charmingly pre sented a talk on the international convention of women's clubs held in Milwaukee in 1940. Mrs. Peter- who is an unusually fine speaker, held the Interest of her audience throughout her entire talk and she brought out numer ous points of the American club woman's work m thc world of to day. Covers were placed for Mrs. Pe terson, state president, Mrs. W. R. Brown, Roseburg club president, Mrs. Edward G. Kohlhagen, Mrs. George Frew, Mrs. Claude Baker, Mrs. Mark L. Underwood, Miss Marie Martens, Mrs. Lynn Beck ley, Mrs. Edwin G. Young and her mother, Mrs. Phelps Gose, of Walla Walla, Wash., Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Mrs. E. L. Knapp, Mrs. Earl L. Ullrich, Mrs. R. L. Car penter, Mrs. A. J. Young, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. L. E. Gar wood, Miss Jennie Jorey, Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. George M. Brown, Mrs. Adah L. Jones, Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen, Sr., Mrs. H. P.. Conn, Mrs. Laura Robertson, Mrs. A. J. Geddes, Mrs. Walter Leake, Mrs. R. W. Marsters, Mrs. Foster Butner, Mrs. C. E. Jump, Mrs. Homer Grow, Mrs. F. A. Fields, Mrs. L. A. Rhoden, Mrs. L. A. Wells, Mrs. C. D. Fles, Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. Harry F. Hat field, Mrs. I. B. Riddle, Mrs. R. L. Whipple, Mrs. Lewin Parker, Mrs. George K. Quine. Mrs. T. G. Watson, Mrs. John M. Raish, Mrs. A. S. Coen, Mrs. John William Robertson, Mrs. Arthur H. Mount- ford and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. The next meeting will be Feb ruary 18th at the club house with Mrs. C. E. Banning as guest speaker on the subject of "South America," and Mrs. L. A. Rhoden as chairman of thc hostess committee. MRS. E. B. VAN NESS IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING ON MONDAY Mrs. Harold Peterson, Oregon state president of the Federation of Woman's clubs, was guest speaker at the Junior Woman s PAST MATRONS CLUB . HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING MONDAY NIGHT Mrs. E. B. Van Ness very gra ton, Mrs. Ralph Quine, Mrs. Ken- cl'iiisly entertained her bridge cun mpctjne pid Mon(tav eve- It I". i..l .1 ,..V. .. , 1 1.. AnA,Ulp A'nlnlr ! . - '. J3 . J. . . nein iuine, ram. ri. i. mjuuh: mm nun .n a iivi-ij. ini...... . , u ; ning, ,-eD. g at (nc woman s club and dessert-luncheon at her beautiful house. The meeting also celebrat home at the Post Tuesday after- i pd tnp seventh anniversary of the street. Eagles auxiliary 0:30 potluck supper bers asked to bring, covered dish., snlads, cake or' 'pie. Regular meeting to follow. Rose Loyal Temperance -legion to meet al -1:15 ut ZV1 South Main street with Renee Gross In chnrgo of surprise feature, , Full, membership attendance asked.; Jean Wiley Will preside,:.. ' . Junior Woman's club invilos. public to' benefit card party at ft o'clock at Roseburg Woman's rlubhouse. Prizes and refresh ments. Rlversdalo Community club in vites public to Interest ing pro gram at 8 o'clock at clubhouse. E. A. Britton lo show motion pic tures. Pic and coffee will Iw sold following program. U. S. W. V. Sewing club to meet at home of Mrs. T. S. MIDI kin to sew for American Red Cross. Wednesday, February 13 Winston Merry-Go-Round club to meet at 1:30 dessert-luncheon at home of Mrs. Howard Carnes. Past Presidents eluh of! George Htaimer auxiliary to meet at 1:30 dessert-luncheon at home of Mrs. Orlena Slattery on South Main street, I,. A. to B. of R. T. to meet at 7:30 In evening at Roseburg Wo man's clubhouse with Mrs. Olive Clarke as hostess. Initiation. W. C. T. V. meeting at two In afternoon at home of Mrs. V. J. Mieelll with Mrs. Annie Russell, president, In charge. Intc restimt program. Oakland W. C. T. I'. members to he present. M. O. A. club to hold all day meeting with noon potlurk luncheon at South Methodist church to spend day sewing for Red Cross. Friendly Circle club will meet at home of Mrs. Clara Siiewlg instead of at home of Ada Rog ers as previously planned. Mem bers asked to attend In costume. Pries will he awarded. Melrose Home Economics club 12:30 iotluek luncheon at home of Edylhe Florence Kelley, 117 McCleiland street. Program in charge of Mrs. Ray S. Petrequln. Mrs. D. N. Busenlmrk will pre side. Past Master's night and pro gram of Laurel Lodge No. 13, A F. and A. M. to be held at 7:30 in evening at Masonic temple. Thursday, February 13 Indies of Country cluh lo meet nt clubhouse for bridge at !:30 a. m. potluck luncheon at l'J ;.')( and golfing at 1:30 o'clock W. B. A. to meet at two o'clock in afternoon at Maccnbee hall. Lady Elks social meeting at 8 o'clock in evening at temple with Mrs. W. J. Olmscheld and Mrs. Val Strong, Joint hostesses. Prizes for card plays and refresh ments. Missionary society of First Presbyterian church to meet at o:30 at home of Mrs. W. M. Camplx'll with Mi's. Ella Lenox and Mrs. 11. S. Nichols assign ing hostesses. Year I took of prayer, Mrs, W. M. Chalmers; fiftiit irtnu Mi-,, r rt vim .,,-,1 program topic, "Spiritual Life"1 c5untry tLliB Ladies to meet at enjoy neauLAft day lit hall. Mem- -r CLUB HOUSE THURSDAY i iThu 1 hi'dies' of I ilU 'IKuUburg Country club met Thursday morn ing. at the' club house for contract bridge with ' Ms. 'Paul Geddes winning high score and Mrs. Har EUswortlpvnnlng, the ,se.cp,nd high scori.:' vj. s i i j- ( (, . .- j j 'Mrs. R.-D. Bridges had charge of the moetipg-in the absence of tnc presiucni, mrs. rranK Loen, and Mrs. E. B. Van Ness acted as secretary In the absence of Mrs. E. A.. Pearson.. Others present wore: Mrs. J.'F.'nillard, Mrs. W M. McEachejTi. Mrs. E. J. Rod gers, Mrs. W. E. pit, Mrs. Arthur H. Mount ford, Mrs. J. R. Mount ford, Mrs. Paul Geddes, Mrs. W. J. Olmscheld, Mrs. O. R. Hess, Mrs. J. M. Judd, Mrs. Harris Ellsworth, Mrs. L. E. McClintock, . Mrs. L. Stearns, Mrs. Kenneth W. Kin ney and Mrs. Robert Blssell. In the afternoon a number of Hie tallies enjoyed golfing. Next Thursday the group will begin the contract brtdge play nt !l:30 a. m. with politick luncheon nt K!:30 and golfing at 1:30 o'clock. MRS. LOUIS FULLERTON ENTERTAINS CLUB AT CHARMING LUNCHEON Pale blue crystalware, white figurines and u center bouquet of quince, splrea, Jasmine and pussywillows, flanked by four tall white tapers, formed a beautiful motif used by Mrs. Louis Fuller Ion Wednesday afternoon, when she entertained her bridge club at a charming one-thirty o'clock luncheon al her attractive home on Fast Third street. Members enjoying the occasion with Mrs. Kullerton Included: Mrs. I.. L. Wimberly, Mrs. Frank Long. Mrs. Adrian Fisher and Mrs. Civile Fullerton anil the following guests: Mrs. R. M. Church. Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Frederick .1. Porter. Contract bridge was in plav during the pleasant afternoon hours with Mrs. Wimberly win ning the high score and traveling prizes and Mrs. Long the second high score. BETTY MARSTERS IS HONORED AT SURPRISE PARTY ON BIRTHOAY Miss Betty Marsters was hon ored on her seventivth birthday anniversary Sunday evening, when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lioscoe Marsters, entertained at a drlighttul surprise fivethirtv n cluck dessert supper at their home. The Valentine motif was beautifully carried out in the dec orations. l-ovely gilts were presented to Miss Hetty from; Miss Lucia Brit ten, iMins Elaine Fell. Miss Mari lyn llariihaiu. Miss (. arnien Mrs. Charles Ostrander daughter. Sharon Tho Vninntim. mntif was heau. ' noon. The Valentine motif and inrai inninr rlnh tifully carried out on the tea ta-1 all red tapers graced the pret- Mrg Peterson revlcwed for th(, hie. Mrs. George Wharton poured , "ly appointed serving tabk-s bpncft Qf ,he c,ub members the and Mrs. Kenneth Quine assisted Covers were placed for Mrs. , nafonal convention which was ; nonen B.sse,, an . mi,, r, . o. . u.-, Milkaukie, Wis., last sum- Claln guests, and Mr.. Paul Ced-1 hp announ'pd tnat dlstrlct Mrs Fred Lockwood ' Mrs VV T ' Na 2' wl,h Ros a mbw' I J,'',s- 1 " V ,. : , m ' ' 1 was the only club district in Ore ! Peters. Mrs. L. k. f ies and Mrs. , gQn ((j adopf ,np ,rave, p,an , as. ; M. , c. Uowker. , , jn spn(nnK (hp two deegates : Contract bridge was enjoyed ( convention. : ouring the pleasant afternoon , hours with Mrs. Bissell winning' Among the convention high , the high score prize and M,-s. ; lights mentioned by Mrs. Peterson i Geddes the second high SrorcWM garden show and tea at ',:., tended by 5,000 delegates and the hostesses in serving and about the rooms. Mrs. Quine, who Is a member of thc pioneer Rtddle family of Douglas county, Is an active mem ber of the Roseburg Woman's club and the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Metho dist church. She is the mother of Mrs. Roy Catching, Mrs. R. D. Coen, Kenneth and II. D, Quine, all of Roseburg. CHRISTMAS CLUB IS ENTERTAINED BY MRS. H. C CHURCH . (MRS. W. M. McEACHERN 1 ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB i AT CHARMING LUNCHEON townspeople, a fashion show of test tube fabrics, with a delegate from district No. 2 modeling in : the show; a trip to Kohler City, tho mnrlnl Wlcrnnin rMtv and a Mrs H C Church very grac- Mls' W' M- McEachern enter- dramatization by Helen Hayes of louslv'entertalncd the Christmas '"in1 h h'1'1 club at a charm- Jane Addams of Hull House, the club at a lovely seven o'clock sup-, ""f 0 '"nchcon at her j greatest humanitarian of the BAPTIST WOMEN'S SOCIEY HAS LUNCHEON AND MEETING At CHURCH The Roseburg Baptist Women's society met Thursday at the church parlors for a delightful one o'clock luncheon with Mrs. H. W. Anderson as chairman and circle No. 1 members as hos tesses. Covers were placed for twenty-nine ladies and two chil dren. The Valentine motif was beau tifully carried out in the decora- Hons. Red heart candies on white stems were placed in tiny red and white flower pots as favors. The menus carried out the same color scheme as the table decora tions. The group sang "America" at the table and Mrs. L. Kohlhagen, Sr., led In prayer. Mrs. Ella Har ris spoke on behalf of the 70th anniversary of the Baptist For eign Missionary society, which .will be observed April 3rd. Her subject was "What Is Our Task.1 Group singing, accompanied by Mrs. Claude Baker, closed the luncheon program, after which thc group went to the Sunday school room for the afternoon's meeting. Mrs. L. Kohlhagen, Sr., chair man, presided with the meeting opening with the group singing of "Blessed Be the Tie That Binds." followed by devotions by Mrs. R. L. Glle on "The Lighthouse." She took her text from Ph, 2-16 and Matt. 5-16 and was assisted by Mrs. Harris, who spoke on "Christ the Lighthouse." It was announced that thc Umpqua asso ciation meeting would be held In Roseburg April 3rd. Mrs. Claude Baker presented the intensely interesting program on "The Church Universal," and was assisted by Mrs. John Wil liam Robertson, who spoke on "What My Church Means to Me"; Mrs. C. H. Wickham spoke on "What My Church Means to thc Community," and Mrs. George Caskey spoke on "What My Church Means to the World. Mrs. Baker concluded the pro gram by holding a quiz on "Know per at her beautiful home In Lau- relwood Tuesday evening. The r-nn...... ll'n.hlnntnn r t fi,l t mn. . ...'...i....i.. i.i ..t i I pretty motif for the occasion, 111 MMS ,1111,11 tlVl.lV llll I li il urn ,,, - - - , . , . , . ii. ,i,ti,M Covers were placed for Mis. J As Mrs. Church is leaving thc rirsl of the week for the army i post. Fort Wordcn. Wash., to join IM'?- w,' m"- ra' "on and one of the outstanding her husband, a beautiful cameo Metzger, Mrs H. C. Steains and-meptnBS fol. tne (clcf;a,PS at lhc l1(M. in,- i,,i, una. l..v , ,. . . .. conclave, uvcr iuu junior ciuo iMi-s. ficai-ns wuo nn: Bii.-i-, women were in attendance at the noons nign suuie ui mt- p session. Friday afternoon. Beautiful daf l fodlls were used to carry out a I i F. Dillard, Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. '. H. H. Turner. Mrs. Grant Osborn, I Mrs. L. W. Metzger, Mrs. E.'R. I Mrs. Peterson also touched on a symposium, of Interest to young club women, when a group of col lege students were guest speak ers. The topic was timely in keep ing with the International situa brooch was presented to from the club members as a fare well gift Members of the club besides with Mrs. E. R. Metzger w inning ! ' Thc Past Matrons club of Rose burg chapter of Eastern Star was delightfully entertained at the home of the president, Mrs. R. D. Williams, Monday evening with Mrs. C. E. Wimberly as co-hostess at a charming seven-thirty o'clock dessert- supper. Heather and tall white tapers were used on thc beautifully ap pointed table, while three large bouquets of pussywillows, heather and daffodils graced thc fireplace mantle. Covers were placed for Mrs. Rultfson, Mrs. L. E. Garwood, Mrs. V. J. Mlcelll, Mrs. C. G. Fer- rier, Mrs. Guy Cordon, Mrs. W. F. Harris, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. J. C. Royso, Mrs. J. E. Runyan, Mrs. George Kohlhagen, Miss Margaret Page and thc hostesses, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Wimberly. I st. George's Episcopal church Thc next meeting will" be heldiheld a very large and delightful ,..(. -3.. ...i,u r r. -c- I . .... . r .. . . " six tnirty o ciock "church night ' Wednesday at the Hotel Rose at a one o'clock luncheon, at which time plans were completed for the benefit tea. Covers were placed for Mrs. Marshall, presi dent, Mrs. C. E. Wimberly, Mrs. Charles Craig, Mrs. Harry F. Hat field, Mrs. H. C. Berg, Mrs. Rob ert Savage and Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Jr. A special invitation has been ex tended to all former O. S. C. stu dents and to mothers and friends of O. S. C. students to enjoy the benefit tea next Saturday. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB IS ENTERTAINED BY MRS. T. M. WINNIFORD The Garden Valley Women's club met Ut tho clubhouse Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. T. M. Winniford as a very gracious hostess. Thc club sale committee report ed very satisfactory returns on the food sale held in Roseburg last Saturday. The club discuss ed plans for taking care of a 4-H club scholarship and for cooperat ing In some way to help the aid-to-Brltain campaign. : Following a delightful social hour the hostess served delicious refreshments. Those enjoying thc very pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Winniford Included Mrs,' W.I D. Hess, Mrs. Emma Williams, Mrs. Gilbert Wood, Mrs. Bruce Parrott, Miss Rosalie Jennings, Mrs. G. C. Bailey, Mrs. R. A. Cal houn, Mrs. Walter Crozier, Mrs. Harvey Ewens, Mrs. H. E. Gra- haf, Mrs. R. S. Hutton, Mrs. O. M. Michel, Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Jr., Mrs. Adam Schneider, Mrs. Clem Schneider, Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. Peter Sinclair, Mrs. C. L. Spray, Mrs. Jake Thromberg, Mrs. William Vaughn and Mrs. Fred Woods. The next meeting will be held February 20th at the clubhouse. with Mrs. William Vaughn as hos tess. i MARJORIE ANN BOWKER CELEBRATES FIRST BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Your Church and read a poem , written by her mother entitled. Marjorie Ann Bowker, celebrat "Hlther to, Hence Forth and ed her first anniversary at a de Hereafter." The benediction clos-' Iightful party Thursday afternoon ed the meeting. at the home of her parents. Judge The next meeting will be a one ' and Mrs. M. C. Bowker, on Claire o'clock luncheon March 6th at the cjlurcJi.nailors.wlth.I8-S Irving as chairman and Circle 2 members as hostesses. The topic will be "Stewardship of Life," with Mrs. Clyde Beard as leader and thc devotions will be on "Can dlepower." EPISCOPAL CHURCH DINNER IS LARGE AND ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OF THURSDAY March 3rd with Mrs. C. G. For- rier and Mrs. A. E. Elliott acting as joint hostesses at a seven-thirty o'clock dessert-supper. . ALICE MEYERS HONORED AT SURPRISE PARTY ON BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Miss Alice Meyers was delight dinner at thc parish hall Thurs day evening with the rector, Rev. Perry Smith, presiding, and Bish op Benjamin Dagwell, of Port land, as the principal speaker. Other speakers included the rec tors of various Episcopal churches In Oregon, - including Rev. Mr. fully' surprised on her twentieth j Gilbprt' (?3uI"le!RcX-. Mr- ,Tur" "Jl, ivvv. 1.11. 111.-1SUII, birthday anniversary. Mrs. Church are: Mrs. O. M. Ber-; ",c lie. Mi-s. Ivan Pickens. Mrs. C. H. Wade, Mrs. Guv Cordon, Mrs. Clair K, Allen, Mrs. J. R. Whar ton, Mrs. Kenneth Quine, Mrs. L. E. MrClintnck, Mrs. p. B. Hubar, Mrs. II. P. Bridges and Mrs. II. O. MELROSE GRANGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING ON TUESDAY EVENING I'argeter. MID WEEK BIBLE CLASS HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON following a dessert supper at 7:30 ociock. Two instrumental num bers were played by Miss Lois Brown, flute and ' Miss Marian Church, violin, accompanied at Melrose grange met Tuesday! the piano by Miss Bette Owen. : evening at the hall with AJIce Tho selections enjoyed were Goff, master, in charge. The meet- "Dream of the Shepardess," and : Ing was opened with thc officers' I "Serenade." I seating drill and a program ofj Miss Dorothy Crummctt and ! music, drama and games w as en-; Miss Patricia Turner were taken j joyed. ' ',1,( "1c C'UD as now members Plans were made tor tne stir- emu u-i nirnun-n gwnt uuu, prise visit to the Riversdale past presidents and of fleers were grange for Friday evening. A so-1 introduced. A letter was read cial hour followed anil Mr. and from Mrs. C. S. Helnline, who was Mrs. P. N. Busenbark and Mr. (the first club advisor, and a re and Mrs. Fred A. Goff served de isume of the year's work was glv Melons refreshments to forty-two. i cn by club officers and heads of committees. Thc table was centered with a I The next meeting will be Feb ruary ISth at 8 o'clock In the eve ning at thc hall. The Mid-Week Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church held an enjoyable meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. VV. Vogt with Mrs. I.. Voigt as Joint hostess. Pilling the business meeting. It was decided to postpone the next meeting until March 6, due to the absence of the pastor. It will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Bre crofl. The Bible study was based on Arts, chapter twenty-one. Later lovelv refreshments were served by the hostesses, assisted March 28th has been announced by Mrs. A. ling. lo Rev. Sylwes-; ns the date of a very Interesting ler. Miss Vera Coetz, Mrs. H. j benefit program and' fair to be K.ilne, Miss A. Mcusch. MVs. A. held at thc Rose school under the Schllck. Mrs. W. Aokley, Mrs. j auspices of the P.-T. A. Richardson. Mrs. P. Aekley. Mrs. ( m,-Si c. B. Wade. Miss Dora (',. Heeeroft, Mrs. G. McQueen, j Rrouchton and Miss Florence Mrs. E. Smith. Mrs. R. llehard. ; Snedaker are In charge of the group of friends called at the " nnZ' lvlr' ualalnpl home of her narents. Mr. and Mcdford; Dr. - Sayrc, Ashland Mrs. Max Meyers, Saturday cvc-jScv- ,Mr- B'',lam', EjiRcnc, and nlntr tn eelehratn the oeeaslon. Rpv- Mr- White, Who is a retired i ,-liwi , ijui;t-iit-. The dinner was in charge of Airs. William Bell, chairman, Mrs. Mrs. Bond, Hfo, r A r-v:l in KValf" "nd hR- Jii,ard' Bess ' Wharton, Miss Hatfield, Bob Meyers and Mr. ., p,.phfnr,, nmI ', Gl f ts were presented to Miss j Alice from Freda Barker, Doro- , h rmmmnll I llllarv l7lltfl nnH ' A club shower also was enjoyed I '., .,,,,, ' n ' u0, will H. Gerretscn .......... ..... o---. ivira v. -i- mn ,in and Mrs. Max Meyers. Games were enjoyed and later delicious refreshments were serv- Judd. Miss Morgan sang vocal solos nfrnmnonliwl h M., tJ n ct.. cd, at which time a prettily dcco- L af(pr wJch Mi9s'Mo' H rated birthday cake was honor of the occasion. cut in MRS. PAUL JENKINS IS HOSTESS AT INFORMAL TEA MONDAY AFTERNOON led In thc group singing. I i PUBLIC INVITED TO iCHARMING SILVER TEA NEXT SATURDAY The Oregon State College Moth- ROSE P.-T. A. TO j SPONSOR BENEFIT ! PROGRAM MARCH 28 few friends in for afternoon tea 'f ".f1"1' ha ,s.s,K-d a.most cordlal and to enjoy a few hours of visit-1 """""V, c p.u""c V cnJy ing Monday at her beautiful new ! an"ua Valentine sliver tea home in Laurelwood. ' nol(l ,'m ce to five o'- r-... ii.a . ...., ,, i 1 clock m'xt Saturday afternoon, i "ij '" "' i Kebruarv l.-jth. nt the Hntnl Thc proceeds of the tea will be Ini-cro hii-lh,lav rakn riKiYirntlvl inlunrth Ml,, HI nrnnrnt rZIIHna : ""W ",L """"''I 1 nC " . :"nr ;v .h "w..u -r.j: and "c o. s. c. formal occasion with Mrs. Jen kins Included Mrs. Harris Ells-1 Miss Margaret Glldea, i golden jubilee of the Federation Bailey, Mrs. Grant Osborn. Mrs. L ' ' r Duh , " " . J. C. Hume, I Mr, f, w Mr.t,if news- ln the MRS. C. B. WADE IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE LUNCHEON CLUB FRIDAY benefit affair. t I MRS. J. L. SAUNDERS 'ENTERTAINS SEWING CLUB MONDAY EVENING Quince and jasmine formed a pretty motif for the charming one o'clock luncheon given Frl day afternoon, when Mrs. C. B. Wade graciously entertained her bridge club at her beautiful home on South Kane street. Covers were placed for Mit. H. P. Coen, a guest, and Mrs. Ivan )'iikiM Mr f "lii.uli.r l,il-i:ill Aliecl, Miss Evelyn Wiley. Mis I Mm. I'luir K. Mi- n n llililrgardc Roselunil, Earl Wiley, I Kubar. Mrs. L. E, MA'llntock. . IIIHI IVHS. IVlil- Mi-m. I' ,M. I j.n mid 111, lliwte4 ( In li-.- 1 A ftl..o 11 t lion Feller and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wade. : ri,.,i-,.i, 'it- 'i'ii.'.",- ..L Contract bridge was In play ; Mi-s. Grant Osborn and Mi's. Guy supiM'r the group during the pleasant afternoon ; Mintonye. Epworth Icagui l)0ui with Mi.,. Coi n winning i The club will meet F-hnmi-v the Ijlgh score prie. ,1 fib at the home of Mrs. Cluui-li. of Woman's clubs. Tall lighted ta pcrs and bouquets of yellow spring flowers completed the table arrangement. Covers were laid for Mrs. Har old Peterson, Mrs. Glenn Wimber ly, club advisor, Mrs. Gordon Stewart, club president: Miss Eleanor Eastllng, Miss Verla Mc Laughlin, Miss Dorothy Crum mctt. Mrs. C. E. Smith. Mrs. Adrian Bowen. Mrs. Perry Thielc. Mrs. Edwin Gardner. Mrs. Nor- Miss Patricia Turner. rold Hovt. Miss Elaine Brown. Mrs. Ralph Rodley, Miss tl..,.. Uhumnl. XI,... Unlnh L':"lU;:l ,n..T ,,,M"! 10 mi ,hlS Herman, Mrs. James ' Henbrst. I 'Mrs. Wm. Unrath, Mrs. Fletcher i Gardner, Mrs. Jack Chapman, i Miss Dorothy Germond, Mrs. I. M. Punn, Mrs. Kenneth Miller. Preceding the dessert supper a Mrs. J. L. Saunders entertained .6:30 o'clock dinner was held at the E. B. Stewart, Mrs. Mrs. B. Casey and Mrs. F. L. Crittenden. Mrs. .1. Feldkamp, Mrs. V. An- evening's program, which prom-1 draieff and Mrs. must. ses to be of unusual interest and, enjoyment. A fair, with all types 11 II 111 VV 1 lilt- ll 1,1 dill. V IIIVl cordial Invitation has been cx-j I Mrs. G. W. Marshall, president of the club, has announced that 1 the members of the dub will be I on the reception committee at the 'tea with Mrs. L. A. Wells and Mrs. C. E. Wlmbrty as chairmen of the tea (able and decornflnn Flower arrangements were 'and Mis. H. C. Berg as program studied Thursday evening when .cnairman street. -fcovely-if,ls were presented to Marjorie Ann frqnf:-.-Mrs. Ivan Pickens !and son, Jon; MK.--E. B. Van Ness and daughter, Barbara; Mrs. L. K. Fies and son, Bobby; Mrs. W. T. Peters and daughter, Lois Terry; Mrs. Paul Mo Gowan and daughter, Joyce; Mrs. Paul Geddes, Mrs. Mildred Doyle and son, Donnie; Mrs. Donn Rada. baugh, Miss Jane Wharton, Miss Frances Metzger and Miss Peggy Savage. . , ... Tho party was held In the base- J mcnt of thc home and thc table was decorated in a red and white Valentine motif. A lace cloth, over red, was centered with an arrangement of colored balloons and tall red tapers and a very beautiful birthday cake lighted by one tiny candle. At the tea hour Mrs. Bowker served lovely refreshments. MRS. A. J. ELLISON ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB AT LOVELY LUNCHEON Mrs. A. J. Ellison entertained her bridge club at a very lovely one-thirty o'clock Valentine salad luncheon party at her home on East Cass street. Heather, violet and daphne corsages were placed at each cover. Those enjoying the occasion l with Mrs. Ellison included: Mrs. J. P. Motschcnbacher and Mrs. Grant Osborn, guests, and Mrs. T. R. Burr. Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. G. M. Krell, Mrs. H. H. Tur ner. Mrs. Leroy Hiatt and Mrs. P. M. Lee. Contract bridge was enjoyed during the pleasant afternoon hours with Mrs. Osborn winning lhc guest prize and Mrs. Krell the club prize. I AMfmr.lN HfIMP DEPT, HAS MEETING THURSDAY EVENING Marsters. Follow ing the thc nit ilug al l tic Miihodist church. her sewing club Monday evening Hotel I'mpoua honoring Mrs. Pe at her attractive home on Win- terson. Attending the dinner were Chester street. Mil Perry Thlclc. Mrs. Ralph Later In the evening Mrs. Snuil- j Herman. Mrs. Norman Hess, Mrs. dors served lovely refreshments ' Fletcher Gardner. Mrs. Gordon 'Stewart. Mrs. I. M. Punn. Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Glenn Wimberly. Mil Wm. Unrath, Miss Verla McLaughlin, Miss Betty Shoe maker. Miss Elaine Brown and Mrs. .I.ii K Chapman. members of thc American home group of thc Junior Woman's club met at thc home of Miss Dorothy Germond. Sewing and visiting also were enjoyed during the evening. Refreshments were served at a later hour to Mrs. Jack Chapman. Mrs. Harold Hoyt, Miss Elaine Brown, Mrs. Wm. Unrath and thc hostess, Miss Germond. FINE ARTS DEPT. TO MEET MONDAY Mrs. Wm. Unrath will be hos tess to the fine arts group of thc Junior Woman's club at her ! home on Oak street Monday eve ning, Feb. 10, at 7:43 o'clock. Thc topic for thc evening's discussion will be "Art" with Mrs. Harold Hoyt and Mrs. Jack Chapman in charge of arrangements for the program. All club members are Inviled to attend. I A mi-etlng of the club was held Camp View Beauty Shop I Mill- .,.h r ItM.rliurC " iiiKhnnr mi Yiiur npfMilnl- lll l- II t rllllll'- y ii I .. ii I-UK P. .KI II N STRATION' .. f v II i' n ii I y I'm pn ru t Ion, rnni 1. 1 n l vv I I Ii k 1 rt a tm I .-Is up hiHtne-itun. TYiVphn.p. '.1'J '. nitrite1 Kv .'iuiututt'iil RULE OUT THE CLOTHESLINE Banish clothesline drudgery from your backyard) We're here to do the laundry for you most economically. TELEPHONE 88 HEW SERVICE LAUNDRY 324 W. Lont Strt