FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUR6, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1941. IS t , 6 MUr4 Dally Kxeept Sunday fcy th Jtews-llevlctv Co Inch f. Mrnbcr f The AncJated Vrmu I Th Associated Pra Is exmislva .ly entitled to the una Mr ropuhl.ra- tlon of all newn dispatches credited to ft or not olherwitte credited in 'thtM paper and to nil .oral newi published herein. All rltthta of r 'L'ubllcation of specui diapatchea be re In are alto rwerved. .HAURIS EILSWOrtT!I Editor Entered as second clain matter Uyv . I9:ii Ht Ihn Domt Office RuaeburK. Oregon, undur act of March 2. 1878. Nw York 271 Ma 41mm Av Chl PMWft 160 N. MIchlRan Ave. Nan PranciNfo -220 Buh Ptn-et -(rolt 30X4 W. Orand Poulevard AtiKrlea 43:i 8. Spring Hlroet Prattle fi03 Stewart Street I'orl- laatl ym 3. w. Sixth Ave. . uuJa 411 N. Tenth Street. Represented by 4iso)ciTi 01 Babacritlaa Hataa Dally, par yrnr tiy mull. IJ.6J , Dally. J montlia by mall....... l.JJ ku ni.r ninntll .fill !Mlly! by carrier per yaar J." Every llntB. couhty anil city i official or boaril thai hantlji-a i public mouoy aliould putillali nt rugulur liiLervuIs an aoi'ountlnif of It. allowing wbora and bow , sch dullar la apvnt. Thla la ,- fundamental prlm-ip'a uf demo- , cratlo government. HpilINGS seem to be moving '" along with moderate tran quility in the legislative halls at Salem. The News-Review , edi tor had a couple or three hours there yesterday afternoon. There s something very fascinating about watching the actual, operation- of the representatives chos en by the people in our. republi can type of government. Also there Is the sobering thought khat even as you; sit In the vis itors' 'gallery and Avateh and 'list en, soW law may be In the -pro-boss of manufacture which like ly will have d direct bearing up on your own life. . For example, while we were there, the jiouso Wns debating faiul finally' pnssodhouse (blll number 111 whlcH the dally ,cal pndar of the. house says Is :"To afford a method; of cohverpng icderal savings and loan associa tions Into domestic savings and Joan or building and loan associa tions, prescribing the procedure therefore and the effect thereof." i DO YOU know what that Queans and how, If at ' all It inlght concern any Interest you flight have in a building and j Joan association? Well, neither' jdld we and doubtless many of those who voted on the proposed I Jaw knew no more. , - ' , But hold your conclusion a 'moment. It is not as bad as the PIUSnt3 statement above might make It I for London by clipper plane yes ecm. ,tenlay to "look, listen and learn" '. The above mentioned bill was : about civilian defense methods in )iot the product of some brlcht. j KtiKliiml. though devious, mind seeking to "We will study civilian defense jnill some sort of sheenanigan. :ntlltions nntl programs in order It was the product of a commit- iee of men who tareful study to the problem or lather to the matter to lie correcieo or airerea ny me new ,.,V(, nuch (o ith law. That committee obtained 'mining what we do here." -Xiert advice from bankers,! Warner said the mission had Imllding and loan company ex- i the approval of President pcrts and business heads. The , veil anil the state department hut bill was then carefully drawn j emphxsled lhat It was "purelv and duly submitled. examined jiion pollllral" and tli.-n all e and approved by a committee of .lenses were being pai.l by the the house -and passed. There I Lei'.ou. was nothing haphazard about ill. tie said the group ho)ed to re even though it may be true that i " ' i( l"'"' considerable number of the members of I lie house did not KNOW what the bill actually 'meant. . The point Is, the members had confidence In the Integrity and 'thoroughness of the men who presented the bill for passage, land were willing to lake their word (or It that It was a good bill land therefore would be a good law. ! A pretty high percentage of )tlie legislation Is bundled and .passed on a similar basis. , " Obviously It would be physic- 'ally Impossible tor every mem beror for that matter, any 'member -to read and completely understand each and every bill on which he must vote. That Is OREGON COLLEGE OF EPU-' the why of the rather compllcat-1 CATION, Monmouib. Keh. r. ', !ed and seemingly cumbersome i Myron leek, son of Mr. anil Mm. ' organization of the legislature. :" E. Vleek of Glide, Ore., has ' llCvery proposal that has even the lbr,-n "" n the publicity com i 'slightest Importance has be:m"l,v three I'limson 0; ,'cinx-ful study of not merely one ' '"''J " lK,,l, I'n-M-nleil l Vbruar.v 'committee but always of two committees - one In the house ;nnd one In the senate - and some itimes a measure of unusuol com plication or iniiortanee Is rere- ferred to other committee 'groups. Then llicre Is a final or trliile cheek. After both houses of the ' legislature have passed a bill it goes to the governor for his sig nature or veto. Here again the bill is very carefully studied. If there appears to be something wrong with it the bill is vetoed and then if it is eventually to be come a law It must go through the legislative mill again, but with a handicap for It must have a two-thirds majority if it becomes a law over the veto of the governor. a This is not to say that the leg islature cannot make mistakes. It makes plenty of them in spite of everything. But taken as a general proposition, It seems that this method of making the laws by which we live and conduct ourselves is Just about as good as could be devised. Editorials on News (Continued from page 1.) and'or lend to her to enable her to cany on the war. You may be confused by this casual vot ing of the equivalent of eleven billion dollars. What the commons voted are POUNDS. The pound is merely sort of measure of Britain's ability to produce and of her credit. Pounds are spent at home. Dollars, to he spent HERE, can be obtained only by pur chase with gold or by exchange of goods or services. The two are wholly different. IJERE Is something else to re. member somewhat along the same llne: i , ' ' Dollars, appropriated by con gress, and guns, ships, tanks and planes, made by applying human labor to raw materials, arc also different things. The affective measure of our preparedness for whatever may come out of the present critical situation Isn't the dollars appro printed by congress but the ac - tual guns, ships, tanks, planes, etc., created, by. the application of labor to materials. .. ' 1 (1 , If we permit ourselves to for- get that fundamental fact we'll be SUNK, IF- you arc still contused and 'want a practical demonstra tion, try slopping a bomber with a milUon dollar bill. ' You wftn't get faV. ' ; ' ! i I'ho way to stop' a bomber is wllirnntl-aircrafl guns or fighter planes made by the labor of hu man hands and, brains. Legion Mission Goes to London to Eye Defense Setup NEW YORK. Feb. H.- IAPl A four-man Amerlrati legion mis sion, headed by National Com mander Milo Ji Warner,.,l '" " '' ii $Z TLZ of the United States." said War ner "H'hilt tt-n cnr. n.... pled Fi ance a Her li land aving Kng- Willi Wanin Wire Major Gen et al Fi'ink I'.'.i k' r, :'. S. army re tired: Franklin H'olnv, fn-si "full-tli-ie Legion eoinmandi'r and now presliknl of the Prudential Insur ance Company of America, and J S Deutschle, aide to Warner and loimcr newspaperman. Among the oilier passengers was Charles Grey, rcpre senlallve of the Ameriean Red Cross, who Is going to Finland to appraise lhat rounlry's "most 'Oressllur oeeiU nml flu. r-u-ilil i.w uvaiiuoie tor sentiing supplies. , Glide Student Gets Post In Plays Dated at College . .-j hi,- f, lll.uil.l J.-I011J A fantasy, a eomedv. and drama an la-ing prwlueed. 9c SALE SATURDAY Cut's !c sale begins Saturday. Ue on hand to take advantage of the many baigalns. i Adv.) I I OUT OUR WAY Greek War Relief Broadcast Set For Next Saturday j A nation wide radio broadcast on behalf of the Greek war re-! I lief is to be released over the I National Broadcasting system Saturdiv .at H:iri n. m.. P.-icifie. I standard time, according to word' i received today by George Trap.i-' ! lis, local chairman for the Greek jwar reliet j The rat;:o :iow ws:! be pre-! sented .by. noted film stars, with . Jack H'Tmy and Bob Hope as 'masters of ceremonies. Herbert, i,hll,,, ,,. ,0n ,, ,,,.. dith Wilson will conduct a ; I piece' orchestra and a chorus of I 35 voices. The "Hardy Family."1 featuring Mickey Rooney, Lewis j Sfone,' Cecilia Parker, Ann Ruth-1 erford. Fay Ilolden and Sara Haden, will appear througnout the show, ' portraying an average Ameriean family listening to the broadcast. . 1 Other stars who will partlci-j pale include Hello Davis, Fanny i Price, Hanley Stafford, George Burns,. Grade Allen, Madeline Carroll, Ronald Coleman, Hob Crosby, Alice Faye, Clark Gable, Charles Laugliton, Carole Lom bard. Myrna Ley, Mary Martin, Grnucho . Marx, Frank Morgan, Paul Muni, Merle Oboron, "Ro chester," James Stewart, Shirley Temple, Sienccr Tracy and Ro bert Young. Mr. Trapalis reports lhat more than $."() already has been do nated by residents of Rosehurg vicinity and has been forwarded lo the national association. He states that he greatly appre ciates the contributions already made. Future donations may be made lo Mr. Trapalis or lo Ken neth (.juine. Maurice Hallmark, or Jay Fulihrr. other members of the local cominillee. or may be left at the News-Review of fice. Marion Talley's Hubby Accuses Her I .OS ANGELES. I-Vb. li. I API - 'The marital I roubles of Marian Tal Icy. former Metropolitan opera star, brought mast to wast court action. In an amenili'd divorce com plaint here, Miss Talley charged that her mil. Adolph G. Kck slrom. voice teacher, attempted to extort SlTiO.IKM) I mm her on a threat lo accuse her falsely of misconduct with seven men. In New York. Supreme Court Justice Charles H. McLaughlin denied her motion for dismissal of Eckstrom's separation suit, and lor dismissal of that part o( his suit relating lo his effort lo gain custody of their o yeai old daugh ter. Hetty Ruth. A previous judgment awarded Miss 'Talley custody of the child, but Judge McLaughlin said her actions subsequent to that Judg ment would In' considered 111 a supreme court ruling on the case. The separation complaint charg ed that Miss Talley had been too friendly with certain men. Joe DiMaqgio Turns Down Salary Offer of Yankees SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. ti. i AIM Joe iM.M.iggio. l!M0 Ameri can league Killing champion. Is dissatisfied with the New York Yankivs' offer for his services and will send back his contract unsigned, he Indicated today. He didn't say what be wanted I tins season - heeding advice tioiu . .. .. . . .... . rm - i i i j i . ir-v UNML iMfcy DKOP O.K.. V HE CAKJT BE I CAJvl'T 1MAOIME 1 UJ A BpsS pro NAE, DAVE, IKJTELLIGEeJT A GUY IKJ HIS f . ' .t- '- I I I I S I )K IH6rr-fcW RACE IM EUROPE 1 I MIWD MY OWN) y YOUR. WORDS WOULD BE.IM' TOLD IT'S .- BUSIWESS.' AMD OWtJ MAKE HIM VOUR OWM UUTILTVIEW BU.IMESS AMD Rl i;imcc I c REFUSE TO WORk. ' I BUILD RULLETSl THEM Wc On; YA work.,' V if they me uo most 5 H&W.ifM DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS Every great religious move ment carries on from a driv ing initial impulse, that gains with the current or fails with human weakness. So began the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. A small company of men, on a mountain-top. A strange man in their midst telling them to go everywhere and found a new world order, based upon transformed hu man nature. It is a divine commission and it has the promise of Ills presence down through the ages. There is a primary urge to go and tell what Christ did and will do with human nature. "Go ye," was no ordinary arbitrary command. It was a statement of first principles. The good news of goodwill must go. It must be spread or perish. Everywhere, all mankind, all nations, all the world, this Is as much a part of Christ's program as "Repent and be lieve." It has taken nearly two' thousand years to learn that the only real peace must he a world peace. How long must wc wait for a civiliza tion built on the Golden Rule. Only the Golden Rule of Christ can bring the golden age of man. Amen. General Manager Ed Harrow that the newspapers were not very good business intermediaries but indicated that the Yankee of I for was too near the reported S32,- 300 he received last jcar. MODERN HORIZONTAL Answer to Frevious Puzzle 1,8 Wife of the lyY'S S Crown Prince F RG FBTRUCEl or Norway. 13 Drive. 14 Engine. 16 Verbal. 17 Ancient theater. 19 Was victorious 20 Animals of a region. 21 Elderly matrons. lEttiG HHiARBplF 'RBS Vj 3vXn D El twt IRI 23 Stuck in mud. "24 La Miter sound. 25 Overloads. 27 Idant. 29 Social insect. 31 Payment 43 No good (letters.) 45 To barter. 48 To exist. 47 Railroad (abbr.). demand 32 Frozen dessert. Th'cf- 33 Acidity. 53 Therefore. 35 Mountain, (abbr.). 36 Land riRht. 37 Fastened, ilrmly. 39 Canter. 40 Paroxysm. 42 Indian mulberry. 54 To gush. 5 j Flying phalangcr. 57 Imaginary being. 59 She is native of . 60 She Is In America, a , fBRllicBTBRF I I r r ! "r" p 6"T" rr""7''ir'rrir F lE R h ! ,Ht,-4, rr- aiM Jji'-Hl IF Mr LFI F MMMf?MMim; By Williams Crop, Feed Loans Now Available to Douglas Farmers Emergency crop and feed loans for 1941 are now available to farmers in Douglas county, and applications for such loans are now being received at Eu gene, Ore., by V. N. Fraeman, field supervisor of the emerg ency crop and feed loan section of the farm credit administra tion. These loans will be made, as in the past, only to farmers whose cash requirements are small and who cannot obtain a loan from any other source, in cluding production credit asso ciations, banks, or other private concerns or individuals. I As in former years, the money loaned will be limited to the ap plicant's necessary cash need in preparing and cultivating his i94t crops or in purchasing or producing feed for his live stock. Borrowers who obtain loans for the production of cash crops are required to give as security a first lien on the crop financ ed or, in the case of loans for the purchase or production of feed for livestock, a first lien on the livestock to be fed. Application forms and full in formation are available at the office of the county agent. Returns Here Clyde Fullerton has returned to his home on East Oak street from a business trip to Grants Pass. ROYALTY 12 Wing. S.UH O AVE 4R 5 Onward. 18 To repair. 20 Evergreen tree. 22 To skim. 23 Form of "1." 24 Her father-in-law is King . 26 To make soft. 2fl To expunge. 31) Playthings. 32 Heathen god. 34 Corded fabric 36 Her husband. Prince . 38 Simpletons. 41 Devil.' 44 To cultivate. 46 Tiresome person. 48 To suffer remorse. 50 Ozone. 51 Protection. 52 Fairy. 53 To observe. 54 Postscript (abbr.). 53 Road (abbr.). 57 Portugal from war (pi ). VERTICAL 1 For. 2 Escape. 3 Notion. 4 Musical symbol. 5 Type standard. 6 To plant. 7 Tempest. 8 Mister (abbr.). 8 Boisterous cries. 10 Not false.' (abbr.). 11 Disadvantage. 58 Subsists. MAITIA'HI E5!9lLvrrr. 1 r 1 ORANGE and BLUE Food Stamps ACCEPTED Our tow cash prices give you more for your stamps. EGGS GRADE A LARGE Dozen .. 2 for 310 GEMOLEO 2 Lbs 2SC SUGAR jg 10 Sic jell-0 sl. striae MILKS" 4cTct27C GOLDEN C BROWN SUGAR 3i. Uc KARO Label PAIL CATSUP B0' BOTTLE 9C BRAN National Biscut Double Milled ""Free; J Delivery Phone 118 ; Blue Stamp Specials Extra Special Offerings of Items on Surplus Commodities List MONEY SAVING PRICES BLU E FOOD STAMPS ACCEPTED Pork Shoulder 4 jv ROASTcuts.elb JL9C PORK CUTLETS Lb 25c SMOKED BACON SQUARES L 8c Missioner From Congo Dated For Oakland Lectures OAKLAND, Feb. G. Students i of the Oakland grade and hiKh i schools will be treated on Wed nesday morning, February 12, to a lecture on the perilous and fas- cinating adventures of a mission lary to the blacks In the Belgian , Congo of central Africa. The I speaker will be David Doorksen. I pastor of the Glide ISaplist ' church who lived fnr six years : in mud and grass huts, as he , walked the Jungle trails to tell i the savages of the good news of j the gosM'l. ! Mr. Doerksen, looked upon by : the natives as another Nimrod. "a mighty hunter before the Lord," brought from Africa num erous mnmentos which he will show, including one which he al ways carries with !rm: The marks on his face gouged there by a leopard's claws. Tellinj of being awakened in the night to find an on-rushing horde of pincher ants threaten ing the lives of his family, of the necessity of routing out at mid night to slay a rogue elephant bent on raiding the compound. of naked black giants and pot bellied timid pigmies, of the thou sand and one dangers thai face a white man in a raw, devil worshiping land. Mr. Pocrksen has a story that rivals the vivid thrillers of current radio hours. Mr. Doerksen will also speak in the evening at Parish hall, fol lowing a potluck supper there. Rev. Mr. Denham, of the Com munity church, has announced that the entire community Is in vited. There will ho nn charge, hut an opportunity will be given to any one who wishes to make a missionary offering. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Syite 1500 Kilocycle! REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00--Tlil and That in Rhythm 4:15 Ma Perkins, Oxydol. MBS 1:30 Confessions of a Corsair, MPS. 5:00 To Bo Announced. 5:15 Border Patrol. MBS. 5:30 Varieties. 5:45 Cap't Midnight, Ov.iltmc, MBS. G:0n -Dinner Music. 6:05 News, Calif. Tacilic Utili ties. 6:10 Interlude. 6:15 Fulton U-wis. Jr.. MBS. 6:30 -John B. Hughes. MBS. 6:45 Melodies Modem. YOU SAVE MONEY When you buy at Piggly Wiggly LOW CASH PRICES Prices Effective Friday and Saturday FREE DELIVERY PHONE 118 FLOUR Windmill Hard Wheat 49 us $1.29 24' 2 lb. 694 9C PKG, GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BOILING BEEF l. ., Government. Inspected BEEFROAST FANCY BONELESS COD FISH l ib. b.x FRESH PACIFIC UICMCDC Fresh if ibiii-n 7.-30 Wythe Williams, Star Blades, MBS. 7:4.V-Art Linkletter, MBS. 8:00 Standard Symphony Hour, Standard Oil, MBS. 9:00 Aika Seltzer News, Clcn Hardy, MBS. 0:15 9:30 Dance Orchestra. Fredrlv Martin's Orches tra, MBS. Haven of Rest, MBS. Sign off. 10:00 10:30 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 6:45 Eye Opener. 7:00 News, Los Angeles Soap Co., MBS. 7: 15 -Stuff and Nonsense. 7: 10 State and Local News. 7:45 J. M. Judd Says "Good Morning." 7:50 Rhapsody in Wax. 8:00 Haven of Rest, MBS. 8:30 News, MBS. 8:45- BBC News, MBS. !):00 Interlude. O:05 Musical Portraits, MBS. 9:15 Man About Town. 9:30 -Sunshine Sue and Her I Rangers, MBS. 9:15- Keep Fi! To Music. MBS. 10:00 Lady of Millions, Copco. .''' 'V" , r,"'a'".', " " LD.iKi .juiiiiM'ii railing, moo. 10:45 Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. 11:00 Friendly Neighbors, Alka Seltzer, MBS. 11:15 Wheel of Fortune. 12:00 -Luncheon Music. 12:15 Sports News, Truck Sales and Service Co., Owned by L. R. Chambers, and the Dunham Transfer Co. 12:25- Rhythm at Random. 12:35 Parkinson's Information Exchange. 12:!0-Interlude. 12:45 News, Hansen Motor Co. 12:50 News Review of the Air. 1 :00 Hcnnlngcr's Man on the Street. 1:15 -Melody Matinee. 2:00 -At Your Command. 2:30 -Music by Willard, MBS. 2:45- Let's Play Bridge, MBS. 3:00 -Interlude. 3: 15-Prof. UmUley. MBS. 3:30 -Affairs of Slate. MBS. 1:00 -American Family Robin son. 4:15 Ma Perkins. Oxydol, MB9. 4:30 -Concert Matinee. 3:00 Lew Loyal, MBS. 5:30 Varieties. 5:45 Can't Midnight, Ovaltine. MBS. (1:011 - Dinner Music. FALSE TEETH PI VI TR tF. the nc ruhtnn nliinr mikio.f plirti hi f..rrf.irnh1 tr ntk niMlR lE n fAir I (-iinii(M(.a tr u Oct tuh toiU ! At out t!cu counter 9 Chapman's Drug Stoio Coffee GOLDEN WEST 1-Lb. 25c 19C Jar PEABERRY, Pound ORANGES 1Q Big 1 50 Size, Dozen JL Winesap Apples, 4 lbs 19c" Newtown Apples, 4 lbs 150 GRAPEFRUIT 6 tor 17c POTATOES so ib, 2: 39c Blue Stamps accepted on Fruits and Vegetables above. CABBAGE TURNIPS Pound jrC 2 Bunches .... 9c ; Clayton : 14c 27c ' OYSTERS . 22C 19C f tavorfut, Lb. Three Sentenced For Killing Father SHOSHONE, Idaho, Feb. 6.- (API Two brothers and a sister who pleaded guilty to man slaughter charges in connection with the "exposure" slaying of their father near here last sum mer yesterday were sentenced to prison by District Judge Sutphen. Joe Sanders. 20. was Given a ! five to 10-year sentence. His brother, George, 16, and his sis ter, Mrs. Flossie Phillips, 18, each were sentenced to serve from one to ten years. The three were permitted to plead guilty to the manslaughter charges last Saturday in the midst of their trial for murder. They were arrested last July, after the body of their father, Charles Sanders, 48-year-old Yale, Idaho, farmer, was found on a Lincoln county desert. The state charged he had been bound by clothesline rope and taken to the desert, where he was loft to die of starvation and ex posure. Mrs. Phillips' husband, Chester, 22, who was arrested with the others in connection with the slaying, was later committed to a slate mental hospital. The young people testified that their father had "mistreated" them. 6:05 News, Calif, Pacific Utlli- tics. 6:10- Interlude. 6:15--Fulton Lewis, Jr., MBS. 6:30 -John 13. Hughes. MBS. 6:15 Melodies Modern. 7:00 Raymond Gram Swing, White Owl Cigars, MBS. 7:15- Dance Time. 7:30 -Lone Ranger, MBS. 8:00 -Cinfonietta, MBS. 8:30 I Want a Divorce, Joan Blondell, MBS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, Glen Hardy, MBS. 9:15 Dance Orchestra. 9:30 Freddy Martin's Orches tra. MBS. 10:00 - Sign Off. NOSE PICKING May be a Sign of ,'w... i Mum yni.r (tiiHt tt look like Jut pioiy hnl..f, hit it my m.nn thl urfl?. rrhwliti pi'iiHlwom. wm rtArtiritf tn-uM'1 hi.hIc the rht)i rmht row. tithrr wirtim ttfru nrr: "inrky" HpiTtiLc, tMl(TtlDtf. unit.- jr Rtoitmrh. tlihuirf M-.a. AnyU-ly. unywrwrt, run "mtrV fmin! "rnwl ir y.i rvin rn,rt y,n,r rhiW h Ihm. rt Jnr' Vtrmiruffr nittu aw! It Amr ten' 'tijit,g n'iriMrjr worm inMlrtfi. striftti An.Hy tcrtwj, and umi by million for uvr century, i Jarnt'i et-U tutiiWn worm. yH net Kiritly. If h worm, are th-rr. It I J'l-t a i :W h.jtht. ixmuid Jwnf't Vfraifngt. VI