Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 06, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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Society and Clubs
GLIDE, Feb. 6. The ladles'
missionary aid 'Society of the
Glide Baptist church met at the
beautiful now colonial home of
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Strader on
Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs.
Strader, Mrs. Charles Glenn and
Mrs. Joe PeBernardi acting ns
Mrs. W. F. Price and Mrs. Da
vid Doerlson conducted the de
votional services In which some
of the missionaries were remem
bered. Mrs. Vcrn Shrum reported
on a chapter in the missionary
hook and was followed by Mrs.
Ben Doss. During the business
meeting the ladies voted to com
plete the improvements in the
church kitchen and to extend the
project by improving the parlors
also. Future plans were dis
cussed. Many of the ladies are
sewing and knitting for the Red
Cross. This work is being done
under the supervision and direc
tion of the local P.-T. A.
During the social hour very de
licious refreshments were served
to David Doerksen, Mrs. Bradley
West, Mrs. Roy Bond, Mrs. Anna
Franklin, Mrs. S. D. Chapman,
Mrs. M. R. Ingram, Mrs. Larkin
Rice, Mrs. W. F. Price, Mrs. Fred
Asam, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs.
Vern Shrum, Mrs. George Case
beer, Mrs. Paul Caswell, Mrs.
Floyd Hickman, Mrs. F. S. Blake
ley, Mrs. Albert DeBernardi, Mrs.
R D. Connine, Mrs. Charles
Vlcek, Mrs. Ben Doss, Miss Susie
Kerns, Mrs. Carl Messing, Mrs.
Asher Agee, Mrs. Robert Case
beer, Mrs. Ada Gardner, Mrs.
Charles Glenn,- Mrs. Joe DeBer
nardi and Mrs. Phil Strader.
The public has been cordially
invited by the American Legion
auxiliary to attend its benefit
card party Friday night, Febru
ary 7lh, at 8 o'clock at the K. of
P. hall to raise funds for the
child welfare department of the
Prizes will be awarded winners
In contract bridge, five hundred
and pinochle and a door prize will
also be given. Refreshments will
be served. Reservation of tables
may be-made by telephoning eith-'.
or Mf h. W; Josso at 357-R or
MrWItt&tlway at 12-Y.
:-y yie of the great demand.oh
TlX3fon auxiliary for help for
Q large number of children, this
party-was planned to raise funds
to carry' on the work. A number
' of Roseburg crd clubs as well as
numerous organizations arc mak
ing plans to attend this partv to
llelp the child welfare fund. Mrs.
'jGeorge Wharton and Mrs. L. W.
Josse are joint chairmen of the
' affair.
GLENDALE, Feb. G. Mrs. W.
B. Garrett was hostess for the
"MerryGoRound" bridge club
at her beautiful ranch home
Thursday afternoon.
A flncnrf Itinrhnnn wrc cprvorl nt
2:00, the rooms were tastefully
ttnrtrntni with mmcv VI" Minus ami
Guests of the afternoon were
Mrs. B. N. Chancy of Springfield,
Mrs. II. B. Y'Blood, Mrs. Herman
Aydellotte, Mrs. G. M. Jones. Mrs.
C. B. Austin, Mrs. Edwin Johnson
and Mrs. W. L. Dobyns, who won
the guest prize.
Members present were Mrs. W.
R. Purvine, who won high score
and traveling prizes, Mrs. A. G.
Henninger won second high score,
Mrs. E. R. Harvey, Mrs. L. C.
Normoyle, Mrs. E. J. McMullcn
and the hostess Mrs. Garrett.
The Green Study club was
most graciously entertained by
Mrs. Joe Porter with a potiuck
dinner at 1 oclock. After a most
enjoyable dinner the afternoon Schneider in charge of refresh
was spent In the discussion of mcnts. All members are urged
work for the Red Cross, whirn I to be present.
Only 3 More Days!
I i
SVT Tf5 , !?-Ov
they plan to take up at the next
Those enjoying the afternoon
with Mrs. Porter were: Mrs. Joe
Howard, Mrs. George Holm, Mrs.
N. R. Fisher, Mrs. A. E. Millard,
Mrs. Percy Mynes, Mrs. George
Davis, Mrs. Cecil Fessler, Mrs.
Vollie Lewis, Mrs. Claude Clay
pool, Mrs. John Hess and I.ois.
Mrs. Al Lounsbery, Ilernice and
The next meeting will be an
nounced later.
GLENDALE, Feb. 6. A dance
honoring the president's birthday
and for thd relief of infantile
naralvsis was held Saturday ev
ening at the Community hall in
The music was by the Bull
River Wranglers and Glen Kafer
at the saxaphone. .
A march of dimes was a fea
hire, and a large birthday cake
made by Mrs. W. T. Harbour and
Mrs. E. J. McMullcn was won by
'Mrs. L. E. Lusk. Home made
'onnrli, wnc cftlrl rtiirintr the dance.
Boxes were placed in the stores
for collection. Dime collections
were made at school, mill yards,
and at the postoffice.
A total of S102 was collected
during the drive.
Miss Alice Nobel was the local
chairman and was assisted by A.
G. Henninger, Mrs. E. J. McMul-
len, Mrs. R. E. Robinson, Mrs. W.
T. Harbour, Mrs. M
Mrs. G. M. Jones.
A. Bates and i
GLENDALE, Feb. 6. A very
successful silver tea was given
Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Marie Illidge by the ladies j
01 tne uionuaie oierie uiuu.
Mrs. Illidee was assisted by her
sister, Mrs. Robison, Mrs. Ander-
son and Mrs. Belcher. Each mem-!
ber was requested to bring a :
guest and either a potholder or a i
tea towel.
The donations sold readily as!
, well as a numner oi uouy uuzus.jonn uraiion, ivi,s. . m.
.. . .
Mrs. Mlloreu joiner piayeu
several violin selections and was
accompanied at the piano: by
Mrs. B, C. Huntington
nMrs. ,Andcrson poured tea at a
table with a centerpiece of vio
lets and surrounded by large
plates of dainty cookies,
fhe money raised will Be usedCamas valley Garden club
for the city . library . which is
sponsored by the club.
Arbor Vitae Rebekah lodge No
n mt Tnesdav evonine January
28, with twentv-eight members Mrs. Boyle gave out flower
present, and one guest, Mrs. Lot- books presented by a well known
tie Weaver, from Red Lodge, ' seedsman. She also reported the
Mont., Rebekahs. promise of pamphlets on identl-
Sister Naomi Burke was report- ficatlon of trees from the forestry
ed ill. The social hour was spent service of f ice in Roseburg.
in practice work by the degree: Refreshments were served by
team under the leadership of their ' the hostess, Mrs. Wheeler to Mrs.
new eaotain. Mav Shirtcliff. in I Margaret Crouch, Mrs. Vera
I preparation for initiation Febru-
arv 25.
At the close of the meeting re -
freshments were served bv the
committee In char
Jones, chairman.
The Methodist Keystone
will meet Friday at a
o'clock dessert-luncheon at
home of Mrs. Ray B. Hampton
Nelson and Mrs. Homer Rand,
assisting hostesses. All members
are cordially invited to be pres
Riversdale grange will meet
Friday night at 8:15 o'clock at
thp hall with Mr nnrt Mrs Ppt.
cr Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. John!"5 " consoiai on prices, ana
'Marks and Mr. and Mrs. Adam;
Great Adventure!
Action & Excitement
, William Holder)
Warren William Vj
warren rriuiam !
mi Mfflm$w,?
'Doctor, couldn't you toll my pnticnt lie 1ms something
ordinary? lie's become unbearable since you said his ail
ment was extremely rare!"
SUTHERLIN, Feb. 6. The
Dorcas society of the Adventist
church held their regular meet
ing at the academy last Thurs
day, January 30. Election of of
ficers for the ensuing year was
the main order of business, with
the following officers being chos
en, president, Mrs. jonn urai-
ton. vice-president, Mrs. W. M.
Manfuli: secretary, Mrs. Dale
Turner; treasurer,
Mrs. Ralph
Faulkner. " After the business
was completed the ladies cut
quilt blocks and tied a quilt. The
next meeting will be held this
Thursday, February 6, with a
potiuck dinner at noon.
Those attending were: Mrs.
.. . ....... tl, M f..v
! iuii, ivirs. n. w. iiuurv, m,. iwj
i Covert, Mrs. E. R. Holm, Mrs
I Dale Turner, Miss Beulah Brat
ton and Mrs. Ralph Faulkner,
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Bessie Wheeler. Due to the first
Wednesday of January falling on
New Years day the club met on
the third and fifth Wednesdays.
Several types of cedar foliage
were brought to the meeting for
' study and discussion.
.Standley, Mrs. Ruth Lawson, Mrs.
Wl'siC Krogel. Mrs. Norah UOV'IC,
j Mrs. Helen Mayer, Mrs. - Ethel
, Brown, Margaret Brown, Mrs.
Winnie Brown,
and Mrs. Rose
AZALEA, Feb. 6. The bridge
club met
night at the
home of Mr.
Mrs. Henry
! play during the evening.
Guests Included Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Gacdecke, Dick Derrlg,
Mrs. Esther Thorpe, Freddie
Gacdecke, Mrs. Walter Kemp, and
the host and hostess, Mr. and
Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. Gaedecke and Dick Derrlg
received the high score prizes.
Mrs. Thorpe and Freddie Gaed
'" "acuirmc ..--,v.-u mi- now.
ing prize.
Dainty refreshments were serv
ed at the close of the card play.
and Mrs. Harold Maxson gave a
surprise birthday dinner, Sunday,
honoring the former's mother,
Mrs. J. C. Maxson. Those enjoy
ing the occasion were Dr. and
Mrs. J. C. Maxson, and the doc-
tor's sisters, Mrs. Mary Lanphear,
and Miss Sadie Maxson, who are
returning to their home at Camp
bell, Calif., the last of the week.
Without Ca.omel-And You'll Jump Out of
Bed in the Mominf Rtrin' to Go
Th Hvr ihotild jwir2 ptnti of bile Jnlc
Into ruur bowel every day. If tr.ia bile ia
not nowinp; freiy, your fwd mny nol li
gvU It may Junt itcy in tr,e b-vf). Then
va bloat up yur t'ur.nrh. Y"U ret enn-
tiratei. Yuu feel tour, lur.k and the world
kik punk.
It take. tho wnnd, old Crteri Lfttl
Liver Pilla V, net theae 2 -lnti of bile IW
ing freely to nuike yoit feel "up anJ up."
(iet pack are UwJay, Take directed.
Amaiing fn makir.n bilt ll-.w freely. Ak
f-r Carter's Little Liver fMU lu aid 2&.
Native of Finland Speaks
To Students at Umpqua
UMPQUA, Feb. 6. An Interest- "
ing talk on Finland was present-1 shons and VisitsMrs. N. E.
ed before the Umpqua school , Hatfield, of Oakland, spent yes
students Friday by Mrs. S. L. ; terday in this city shopping and
Nicholl, grandmother of Betty L.
Ring, teacher at Umpqua. Mrs.
Nicholl now is residing at Den
ver. A native of Finland, her home
was situated on the Gulf of Bot
nia, where during summer
months there were few hours of
dusk and none of darkness and
people ate five meals each day.
Her talk proved of great interest
to the students.
Motschenbacher Conducts
Lions Club Induction
J. P. Motschenbacher of this
city, deputy district governor of
Lions clubs, went to Myrtle Point
last night to conduct induction
services for twelve new members
taken into the Lions club there.
He was accompanied by Lynn
Swain, J. E. Menbest and S. C.
Richmond, members of the Rose
burg club.
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. C
(AP) Annual conference of the
Methodist church In Oregon will
be held June 1322 at Eugene.
Dr. J. Edgar Purely, district sup
erintendent, announced yester
day. PORTLAND, Feb. 6. (API
Convictions on two charges of
forgery brought a 10-year state
penitentiary sentence to William
Newman, 59. Deputy District
Attorney Hayes told Circuit
Judge Stapleton that Newman
had passed more than 100 worth
less checks in several Willamette
valley cities.
CRANE-To Mr. and Mrs. II.
A. Crane, of Umpqua, at Mercy
hospital, Wednesday,
5, a son, David Russell
six pounds, ten ounces.
By U. 8. Weather
Hlimidltv 4:30 n m. vesterrlav 74r
Hlchest temperature vesterdav 67
Lowest temperature last night 5i :P Benjamin Dagwell, of Port
Prcrlnlintlnn for 24 hnnrs o 'and, has arrived here to attend
Precip. since first of monlh'..'".'.'"T7
Precip. from Sept. 1, !M0 ..
Excess since Sept. 1, 1940..
r-nrr' nnnnal Hp Cnin hi!
Saturday with scores of 9c bar-
. ...
gains, including aluminum ware,
glass, china, tinware, kitchen
tools, gloves, hats, hosiery, sta
tionery and many more specials
at He. 2 for lie, and 3 for 9c. Shop
Carr's 9c sale and save money .-
RELIEVE stuffiness and misery
this proved way: Melt a spoonful
of Vicks VapoKuh in boiling water,
then breathe in the stemming med
icated vapors.
THEM T BEDTIME, rub V.ipoRub
on throat and chest to set full ben
efit of its long-continued acuon
mle you sleep.
And yoj will be
1 NvSoR
oengntco with
Elkton Visitor Here L. L. Sla
gle, of Elkton, was here attend
ing to' business yesterday.
Umpqua Visitor Here Wallace '
Matthews, of L'mKua. spent yes
terday in this city on business.
Mr. Gilbreath Here Robert
Gilhreath, of Riddle, spent yes
terday in Roseburg on business, j
Here From Drain M. L. Bow
ser, of Drain, spent a few hours
In Roseburg yesterday on busi
ness. Shops arid Visits Mrs. IT. A.
Woolman, of Drain, shopped and
visited friends In this city yester
day. '
Spend Day Here Mr. and Mrs.
M. T. Cannon, of Canyonvillc,
were business visitors in this city
Attend to Business Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Denham, of Oakland,
were business visitors in this city
Here From Dothan Frank In
gram, of Dothan, spent a few
(limns lli-li: Ji.-Mi.-I nay tim-iitiiiii;
in linelnncc
visiting relatives.
Reported III Glenn Owen,
manager of the local J. C. Penney
store, is confined to his home In
Lamelwood by illness.
Admitted to Hosoltal William
R. Wren, of 1042 Prospect street,
"was taken to the veterans hos
pital Monday, seriously 111.
Spend Day at Coast Mr. and ,
Mrs. .1. P. Motschenbacher. of j
this citv, made a business trip to!
the coast and back yesterday.
Return Here Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Long and son, Jerry, have
returned to their home on South
Pine street, following several
days in Portland and Timberllne
Here From Florence Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Ritter, Jr., of Florence,
Ore., arrived here yesterday to
visit overnight at the home of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
jM. K. Ritter, Sr., on East Oak
si reet.
P.-T.' A. Meeting Postponed
The Green P.-T. A. has postponed
its Friday, February 71 h, meet
ing until a later dale. The meet
ing will not be held on account
of so much Illness in the commu
nity. Department to Meet The
j American home department of
: the Junior Woman's club will
meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the
home of Miss Dorothy Germond,
on East Douglas street. All club
members are invited to attend.
Class to Meet-The Funda-, OIXALA, Feb. G.-The county
mental Teachings topic of the ;hoaUh mlrsp nd assstnnts wrre
Bible study class of St. Paul's t th n.lMa genoo, Frl(Iav ,
Lutheran church is set for I rlday , ivp T, tosts t0 h(1 t.hlI,ron.
night al 7:30 o clock at the home A cr(.w of mi,n nas hf(n
of Dr. George McQueen, 41( S nR a now rainR on tnc hRh.
Pine street, with Rev. W. A. byl- wiiy bridge across Mumms creek
wester in charge. nrar tn0 G,.r Sprvice station.
' Mrs. R. C. Heater and Mrs.
Leave on Vacation Mr. andiii.-irrv Gnold were shotinlne and
Mrs. Philip D. Ilarlh, of this city,
(rn j(,xc0 q.n(, form(,r's pa.
i rents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harth,
of Los Angeles, ure here at their
I. son's residence on East Cass
istreet for the month.
! BI"op Daawcll Arrives Blsh
the dinner tonight for members
- and the congregation of St.
George's Episcopal church, to he
held at C:30 at the parish hall.
'rnp llnnf'r ls 1,1 charge of Mrs.
William Bell, chairman; Mrs. Will
l; Gerretsen, Mrs. L. A. Dillard,
A.ft.a linn, Ifnn I.- T- V..InH
Mrs. llond, Mrs. K. T. Nelson,
MissAKpe.s Pitehford and Miss
HesR Wharton, i ; , , ; ,
Many of thn rnawlnr, rwr!nr; p'alnful
harkacnr pemlc Ufirnenn roHa rrtrairiaar9
oltrn rauiwl by tirnl kul !! ami may bo
relievwj when tP-alM in tl. rinlit way.
The kMneya are Nature ' rliief way of tak
ing (re ar-iila an'l poiHonuiia watto out of
the Mourj. Tliey help meat people paas about
i piiita a day.
If the IA mile of ki'lney tube ami filtern
don't wrrk wt-ll, polaonoua waste rnaUer iUya
in the M'tocI, The piUiia may start rmimtnir
backache, rlieumatin puna, ) o( pep nnJ
eneriry, ratting up mrM. awfllifijr, puffin
under tlie eyt, l.eadnrhm and diiiin-. fre
quent or aranty piunngre with rnurtinr and
burning aodietim) there ia aiiietLiliiat
wrong with your kidneyi or bladder,
Don't wait! Ak your drtirirUt it Doan'f
Tilla, tiaed auceWully by million for over 4l
ytra. They give happy relief and will help ,
the Rr?iil-i nl kidney t'i ni poinotn
Spring Flower Found Archie
and Darrel Myers, of Happy Val
ley, brought in a Bouquet of wild
bluebells,- spring beauties and
buttercups to the News-Review
office yesterday.
Around the County
YONCALLA, Feb. 6. Mr. and
Mrs. Casslus Rychard and family
left Friday afternoon to spend the
weekend with relatives In Port
land. Mrs. Lou Braley of Salem spent
last week here visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rogers.
Ed Newhy Is remodeling his
little house, adding more rooms
and getting it ready to rent.
Marian Bigelow, who-has ope
rated the Bigelow mill here for
the last twelve years, sold out
last week to H. W. Kissling of
Gardiner. Mr. Kissling bought the
mill, also the ground und two
houses adjoining the mill. He will
Install another engine and boiler.
It is expected to start running
the first of March. '
Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Rogers of
Marshfield spent the weekend
visiting at the parental Dave
Rogers home.
Misses Dorcen Cockeram and
Betty Welsh of Eugene spent the
week end visiting at the Albert
Cockeram home on Red Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Cellars and
Mrs. Cynthia Turpln left Sunday
for Row river where they will at
tend a birthday celebration of
Mr. Cellars' and Mrs. Turpln's
brother, Wm. Cellars', 82nd birth
day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sefton and
daughter, Charmalne, spent last
week end with relatives in Salem.
The members of the Calvary
tabernacle are building a parson
age on the lot near the church.
Mrs. Grace Tilbury of Spokane,
Wash., arrived here Friday due
to the death of her father, An
thony Mechler, who died sudden
ly at his home early Friday
i morning.
Word has been received from
' Swisshome of the birth of a son
to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Penselln
I Jan. 20th. Mrs. Penselin will be
remembered as Miss Esther Ton-
er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Toner, of Yoncalla.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thorpe and
family have moved to their house
north of town from Eugene,
wnere tney nave rosiueu ior iiik
last year. Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Godfrey and family have moved
to the Minor Applegate house
near the mill in Scotts valley. Mr.
Godfrey and his father and broth
er are running the sawmill.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Walklnshaw
will leave Wednesday for south
ern California where they will
visit Mr. Walkinshaw's twin j were -unyonvinc visitors cuntiay
brother and his family for two afternoon. ,
months. Ralph Walkinshaw, their Mr. and Mrs. Sid Tison were at
son, who has been employed in tending to business matters In
Roseburg all winter, arrived Roseburg Tuesday,
home Saturday and will take care Lt. Colonel Paul Wciland, dls
of his father's barber shop dur-rtrlct commander of the Medford
ing their nbscnec. district of the CCC, was recently
Word has been received here attending to official business at
from Elkhcad that the Kruse mill 'he South Umpqua Falls camp,
has purchased a large amount of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gray and
timber from Prlngle brothers and son, G!ry, of Corvallis, were over
Oscar Langdon on Mount Dickln-I "'Rbt guests Wednesday at the
son. The new Kruse mill has home of Mrs. Gray's brother and
worked steadily since starting a sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Law
month ago. rence Michaels. They left Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahan lay morning for their home, plan
have moved to the Baldwin camp , nln! t0 stP " route In Eugene to
'ransaeting business in Rose
burg Friday.
A good many members of the
Olalla district went to Roseburg
Monday to attend the second an
nual meeting of the West Doug
las REA cooperative. Ed Hoov
er is director from Olalla. .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Carnall
returned Tuesday from Glide,
where thev visited their daugh
ter, Mrs. Richard Hook and fam-
; My.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Homnlka
In Person! In Concert!
ILfiaini tt, .. ....
The Metropolitan's
Brilliant Soprano
ftesv. Se.its S1..W, S1.25, $1.00
(tax. Kx.). Write Ticket Office,
McArtliur (,'nurt, Eugene, Ore.
and daughter, Lillian, came
down from Springfield Saturday
afternoon to spend the week-end
with friends here, unwittingly
forestalling a visit to their home
at Springfield by this same
group of friends who had plan
ned to go there for a visit Sun
day. Mrs. Junla Byron was shop
ping and visiting friends In
Roseburg Friday.
Days Creek
DAYS CREEK, Feb. fi. Jack
Gaulke left early Wednesday
mnrn I nfr frti HninrYttl UihllM hit I
will again consult a specialist !
concerning an Infection In his
arm which has been giving him
a great deal of trouble for the
past several months.
Mrs. Frank House, a former
Days Creek resident, underwent
a malor operation recently at the
Grants Pass hospital. Her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright,
visited her there Wednesday, and
report that she is getting along
very nicely.. They were accom
panied to Grants Pass by their
grandson, Gene House, who Is
staving with them during his
mother's Illness, and by Mr, and
Mrs. William Ellsworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sumner and
daughter, Donna, attended a ,
birthday dinner Sunday at , the
home of Mrs. Sumner s brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Willie MacLain, at Dole,
John Dean received a very se-
vere scalp wound Tuesday while
assisting with the construction of
a chicken house at his home near
Mllo. A two-bv-four becoming dls
lodned. fell, striking him on the
head, and cutting a long gash. He
was taken bv his brotber, Clay
bourne, to Myrtle Creek, where
Dr. Adams dressed the wound.
George Higeins has gone to
Castle Rock. Washington, where
he has obtained employment.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Powers and
their small son. and Mrs. Dleck
man and daughter, Arlcne, all of
Mvrtle Creek, were calling on
friends and attending to business
matters here Friday..
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gray and
son, Garv, of Corvallis, who have
been vlsitlne relatives here, ac
companied by Mrs. Ray Wright
and Mrs. Ivan Welch, went to
Fortune branch and Glendale
junction Tuesdav to visit at the
Cecil Connor and Earl Weseman
homes. Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Wright;
Mrs. Welch, Mrs. Connor and
Mrs. Weseman are sisters. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Ab Matthews and
family of Riddle were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. and
"Mrs. Jack Ulam. The day marked
the birthday anniversaries of
"Mr. Ulam and Mr. and Mrs. Mat
thews' daughter, Mable Jane,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weaver
visit Mrs. Gray's mother, Mrs. R.
K. Paris, a former local resident.
Mrs. Frank Van Norman has
been confined to a Roseburg hos
pital for several days because of
an Infection In her hand,
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moore and
John Hutchinson were business
visitors in Roseburg Wednesday.
Roy Duncan and his son, Ralph,
and Art Wilson were also attend
ing to business matters there
Wednesday. The latter had some
dental work done while there.
Joe Campbell, formerly senior
leader at the South Umpqua
Falls CCC camp, who recently re
turned from Medford, where he
had been attending a school for
subalterns, left Wednesday for
Camp Wlmer where he will at
tend a school for cooks and
A number of local sportsmen
went to Salem Wednesday to at
tend the senate committee hear
ing on the fish bill proposed by
the state wildlife federation.
Calvin Ulam, former local high
Tomatoes, 2V2 cans, 3 for .......25c
Mild Ex Bleaching Disinfecting Deodorize,
Removes Stain, quart , 12c
Holf gallon , 19c
Milk, Oregon, 4 eons ..................27c
. Garden Catsup, 12 01. .................10s -
Karo, red can, 3 lb. 27c
Eaker's Coco, 1 lb. can .....16c
Bliss Coffee Vacuum Pack, 1 lb 19c
Soda Cracker, 2 lb. pkg 15e
Shredded Wheat, pkg 10c
Potatoes, No. 2 50 lb. Klamath Falls 37c
Across from Shorty's Wrecking Yard
school basketball star, who tl now
with the national guard at Camp -Murray,
Is taking a prominent ',
part In athletics there. He was ,
high point man In a recent Inter-.
company game. Cecil Smith, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith, is al
so playing with the Co. D team.
He was formerly a player on the
Myrtle Creek high school team.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allln were,
Roseburg visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Allln, who suffered severely
Irom shock following a recent ac
cident, was receiving medical at
tention. Lieut. James A. Campbell, who
has been subaltern at the South
Umpqua Falls CCC camp for sev- .
crl months, has gone to McKln-
ley where he will hold a similar
position at Camp McKlnley. Lieut.
Campbell recently returned from
the gulf states where he had ac
companied a troop train.
AZALEA, Feb. 5. Miss Berolce
Gacdecke, Frank Stringer, Mrs.
Frank Tripp and Mrs. Walter
Kemp were among those shopy
ping in Roseburg Thursday.
After visiting with relatives
and friends here for several days
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kelley left
Thursday afternoon for Roseburg
where they will visit Mr. Kcllcy's
mother, Mrs. Frances Kelley.
E.1 L. Johns made a trip to
Grants Pass Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Harry Cooke left Tuesday
morning for Drain where she
was called by the Illness of her
Mr. and 'Mrs. O. H. Johns
visited relatives here several
days the last of the week. They
were en route to their home in
Bonneville after visiting relatives
at various places in California.
They were also accompanied
home by Mrs. Johns' sister, Mrs.
Cora Chadwick, who will : visit .
there Indefinitely. : ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Uhley ana
daughter, Robin, visited here
Wednesday with Mrs. Ivy Sack-
ett. They were en route to tnetr
home in Mt. Hebron, Calif., after
visiting at Tacoma, Wash., with
Mr. Uhley 's mother, Mrs. L ;L.
Gerber. ' 1
Miss Grace Booth and Loren
Fowler from. Medford -visited
here Sunday with the former's
parents,. Mr. and Mrs. .Halbert
Booth. 1 r ;
T. C. Johns made a business
trip to Roseburg Friday. . j
Jim Wolford from Marshfield
visited here Thursday at . tha
home of his uncle and aunt, Mr,
and Mrs. Halbert Booth.
Ora Condray transacted busi
ness In Roseburg Wednesday. , j
. ; j u . : if
Carr's Oc sale starts Saturday.
Come In and look around. You'll
find bargains galore. (Adv.) T
Today and Friday
Pal Night
"Sing You
Shows 79:30 P. M.
Admission 20c, two 3!c
mt rangTbusters . . . oMi mint