Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 27, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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Age Limit Boost
Retains Wiard On
R.H.S. Hoop Team
- RoRpburpr bnakptbiill fnna wirfi
m.ide Jubilant today by the receipt
nf news from Portland tbit tbe
high school artivitfps association
lias yielded to dnmand for apa limit
extension for bich school athletPB.
Vnder tbe plan adopted nt tbe
Tneetlne In Portlund today, tbe year
ifl divided Into quarters and per
mits students berntninp V.i yearfl
of Ofce In one quarter to be eligible
for nnotber quarter. Tbe plan wn
proposed bv Harry Parker, prlnrl
pal nt Corvalllfl.
Had tbe previous ml his remain
ed effective. Mm noseburtf Indians
. vould have lost tbo services of
Pari Wiard, veteran and one of
the lending performers on the
ttnsebui'K lenm. Wiard will liecoine
Ift yeora of aire next montb, Just
ffye dayn before the .Tanunry 20
limit previously effective. The
ehnngo aopleil by the association
tdVIay will make him eligible for
flip remainder of the basketball
The liberalization of the ape 11m
It' rules bnd the almost unanimous
sunnort of hfuli school coaches.
' -Tho association at lis meeting
today also voted out. of existence
the play-off plan for the state biKb
sohool football cbampionshln after
ort'v nun vear of trial. TJeleRateq
bJd the ptnvoff to he neither "prac
, tfpal nor educationally pound." The
playoff, held this year for the first
time, did not include (bo hIiiIo'h
offlv undeftated eleven.
Jpuuse or a breach between the
association and Portland schools :
was removed by announcement
fr6ni Jack Edwards, assistant Port
lajid KUperliitendent, that ninth
form students no longer win bo
ellglblo In Portland.
Where R A. F. Rains Bombs on German War Machine
TT-7TH "
k Vri.Tll'n. Per. 27. Mr. and Mrs.
fieorge Hamilton and Ron are now
living at Hnckhftl's. -
"Mrs. Charles Sands, fi. W, Ayers,
Mi-8. C. Farrell and Miss Marv
Ristlg conducted t.h Wilbur high
sports group to Sulherlln Deo. 19.
Dorothy Ay era Is absent from
sehool beca.uso of a mild case of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tlarne
b6rg will spend a part of thn
riirislnios holidays visiting rela
tives In Med ford before ho takes
over bis duties In the county school
superintendent's office in Hose
bur?. "). W. Ayers. Mrs. Kenneth
Parneherg and Miss Mary Itlsllg
were In charge of the volleyball
team which wnt to Voncalla Fri
day. Dee. 20.
The rnmhineil high ami grade
Christmas proKiam. which was
Monday, Dec. "11, was n huge su tr
ees. Miss Juno Irving arrived home
from Canny Saturday to spend
the Christmas hnllduvs with her
mother, Mrs. Lois Irving, and oth
er, relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Tinhert. (lardlner
nnd daughter, Margaret, of Ver
Uonln, will be nt the home- of Mrs.
(lardiuer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. K TluunpHon, for t ho Christ
mas holidays.
Mrs. Itolu'it Irving and sons. 11.
O. nnd Hob, lert for Canin Murray
, Sunday to bring It. I,. Irving home
with them to spend Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I). McKay and
.less Kussctl were dinner quests of
Mr. and Mis. It. K. iiiiinn Sundoy.
Miss Kav (iodlcy of Kugine ar
rived In Wilbur Monday to spend
Christmas with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Parker.
-Mr. and Mrs. Vlrjdl Smith spent
tbe week-end In Marshfleld visit
ing their daughters, Miss Virginia
and Mr. and Mrs. I.oltoy Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Wlckham
of Portland, arrived here Sunday to
spend thn Christmas holidays with
relatives In Wilbur and Koseburg.
Mrs. Alice l.erwlll of Tiller, was
visiting at the home of her mother.
Mrs. It. C. Hill, the first of this
Mrs. Ivan llrldge and family of
West Fork were nuesls r Mis. lio
sella Uvtdm Sunday and Monday
of this week.
Mrs. 1. K. Mnon was a Christ
mas dinner j-iiest nf Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney lletliwell of Itoschm .
Mr. ami Mrs. I. P. McKay and
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Mi-Kay spent
'U i.T
y AOstcrmoor
vur uBfi Drufisuuiioi . . .
W,1hclm,hon'l-3- H " 'AWi'mar
l Altona HAMBURGI60I
i r i w Dmmernaven
BremcnM Notdenham
Huntlotcn Bomlitz
'eclita, ,Ho)i
" Barniori
FRheineo Oinibruck
i: North Sea
If V
I I Oldenburg
jT Dummer H
I oy uermany g
' , N Bielefeld
Cetienkirchen O
GocVA Pad.rborn
Duiiburg g f Eien Soctr '
r Nenemk
( Ay
f 4Knapsack
li..k.. - .Bonn
V Euskirc
A tf v
(Cologne Eschwege
Rathenow W,
Neu Hatdenaleben
A Magdeburg
Wornigarodc. -Halberatadt
Cottingen .Torrau
Bohlen. tRotha
L Homburg .Rebtock
Menlg tudwip
11 to 20
21 to 30
y 31 to 50
C Li...&
"elsterbach ,
Baden 3,U"f:a, MonheimA
Prtcburg "
X .. .North Sea (2
.Wurzburrj f Berlin.
Nuremberg . 7
i n rw w v.
. v ......
I-" German Bases
I Bombed by RAF
With the gradual destruction of the great German industrial machine its aim, Britain's Royal ir
Force is systematically bombing factories, munitions works, shipyards, docks, oil stores and railways of
cities In the western half of the Reich. Map shows number of times industrial cities have been bombed
since war begun. R. A. F. has scored hits on more than 300 German towns and bases, including sub
marine and plane bases established in occupied countries.
This Is What
'Coventrized" Means
to mv new
s?::r fi
Assurances Asked
By U.S. in Plans
To Supply Food
The state department initiated to
duy whut authoritative spokesmen
describe an final efforts to achieve
an ajfrRHnient under which Ameri
can food supplies may he sent to
Til A nilStt'OP It U-'l a fllaolnoAfl In
offh:ial circleH, 1h lip to the Hrltlsh
1111(1 Sunn 14 h vnvornniAnlu Tn rlv
yes-or iio action I expected In view
of the urgency of the food situation
nrif) tllrt ffiuliiitr nf ttr'iltfiritkU Cr.ntn
In a Htrategiu nnd pmhapn decisive
role in Kuropeun developments. ,
If an agreement Ik reached, well
InforrueU Bources said, the United
Statc.H is ready to carry oa Its
"traditional policy of extending re
lief in nftt IlI'lniTlt hi i in (in n ca.lo"
by having the American Red Cross
rush a shipload of food to Spain
Immediately, and by arranging
monthly Hhipments in the future.
In view or the dynamite-laden
problems involved, the United
ances from both the Hritish and
.Spanish governments that specific
conditions he met.
Alf VtiliilPf U'n. I nniLnocorlne
to Madrid, is negotiating with ;
(!ener:tl Prnnpn. -hlpf nt t)it Snn n. i
ish state, and Foreign Minister
siiner. i in m itiuirxt nni in i
olierfng Immediate assistance as
"an Initial step in the peaceful re
construction or Spain" if the Span
ish government adopts a "more
friendly" policy toward the Unit
ed States, rather than increased
collaboration with the axis pow-
The Rtnte department, ' through
the British embassy here and the
American embassy In London, is
seeking a definite decision on Bri
tish policy toward Spain. It also
wants permission Tor the Red
Cross to send a shipload of con
densed milk and concentrated vita
min products to underfed children
in unoccupied France at the same
time that food shipments are made
to Spain. ....
At Seven, He's -
Sergeant Major
oy prncticnlly pulverizing the city of Coventry under the most tcrnftciillv concentrated aerinl bom
bnrilment of the war. German, put the word "Coventrized" into the Enclish InncuaKe. What it means
i'V Siel''-' '!' 11,0 ,,n"ll) "hove, which shows a whole street of completely gutted buildings in the great
"Hands industiial city. Workers have cleared street of mst of debris and traffic has been resumed.
New Truck Fleet to Carry Oil for Lamps of China
(AP) A sheriff's horseman rode
toward ail Isolated woods camp
last niKllt, seeklni; 10-ypar-old
Alice Sims, who walked alone into
the mountains Wednesday.
She exnected to join her parents
at the camp. Concern arose for
her after it was learned here that
her parents were not there.
WAUlPnitT. Hen. 27. (AP)
Smoke rising from a trailer here
yesterday brought neighbors rush
iit - to resrue Md Carlson, an in
valid. Tliey revived him arter
findinc him unconscious on a
smouldering mattress.
'The American Federation of Ta
bor reached lis all-time peak In No
vember, 1IH0, when It reported 4,
217,413 members.
More than 3o.nnn students are en
rolled at Columbia t'nlversily, the
largest student body of any single
institution in the world.
nurine 1939. 2S.000.nno Americans
paid $110. 000,000 to see professional,
semi-professional, amateur and col
lege baseball exhibitions.
London's official regulations pro
vide 400 questions, any or all of
w hich a policeman may have to ask
In case of a fatal road uccideut on
his beat.
The bloodhound Is the only dog
whoso "testimony" is accepted as
evidence in a court of law.
Stock and Bond
Lilfbloud lor Chum's llli line, the Hurma Head. Is this lurve U't of m-w Iwiwy-duty trucks In hauling sup
plies to Chum's capital. They uro favorite vehicle of the Clmnkmg Government for use on the much
bombed supply route.
Chrlslmos day In Kugenc, with Mr.
and Mrs. Kinesi Phillips ami .Mr.
ami Mrs. Floyd McKay.
Miss Aili'i'ii I .ill! nil I and her
mi. I,'. Slepbcn l.aUaul, of Salem
arrived here Tuesday to spend the
holiday vacation at the home of
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon LuKaut.
Kalph Hash of Cbemault is visit
Iny bis sHler and biother-ln law.
Mr. and Mrs. .Mm Hunter, this
On Business Trio .t. M. .ludd.
proprietor ol .In, I, Is Furniture
sloie. spout Thursday III Portland
atteiidiiii; to business matters. He
reported that trufllc on the high
way whs forced to pass through
water Hooding tbe right of wav at
several points,
Sacramento River
Nears Overflow
A secondary rise Is developing
In the upper Sacrnmento river. The
I'nltiM States weather bureau here
said today.
No major flood danger was seen
as the long rain spell continued
but tbe weather ollice predicted
tbe Sacramento would reach the
I overflow stage at two points along
tbe stream.
The liver Is expected to crest at
t2t.!i feet this afternoon at Ned
lllaft, where the flood stage Is '.VS.
'umltorlso to at. 5 tcel Jl teet
Compiled by The Associated Press,
bee. 27.
30 IS 15 (10
lilt's Ind'ls Ffs Fgn.
Friday (11.7 15.7 34.5 43.2
Prev. day 15.0 31.3 43.1
Month ago .... (52.8 16.2 34.4 43.S
Year ago 72.9 19.S 39.5 51.1
1940 high 74.2 20.5 40 8 52.2
1910 low 52.3 13.0 30.9 37.0
20 lfl 1ft 10
Ind'ls RR'S Vt'a St'ks
Frldnv (10.1 105.2 99.7 37.4
Prev. rtny . (!0.t 105.1 99.6 37.3
Month ago .... 59.4 loS.S 89.7 37.6
Year ago Rs.5 102.0 96.ft 50.7
1940 high ,",1.3 108.9 100.7 53.5
1910 low 4S.3 9S.9 90 3 35. t
over the danger level at Knights
The buruau awaited reports to'
determine the nature of tbe pros-'
pective runoff from rains which (
came down on even the higher
elevations of the Sierras last night, i
Occasional showers were forecast !
for the Sacrnmento valley today. I
TILLAMOOK. 1ec. 27. (AP)
Walter (lllackie) Venard. 37. Tilla
mook logger died under a tractor
which toppled onto him during
bmding operations of the A. ami It.
Timber company of Aberdeen,
V.ih., near here yesterday.
The accideui happened as
ground loosened by heavy raias.
gave way while the tractor was
being hoisted onto a truck, deputy
Coroner Fred liuell said.
Portland, Oregon
12th and Morrison
Family Rate
(2 adults, 2 children,
2 double beds and bath)
88 cts. per Person
Singlt rat $1.50
Double room 1.00
per person
Danmoore Hotel
1 1 v
'. . -.. . .. . . .Z': . . i
Meet Irwin Horsey, 7, "Sergeant
Major" of Canada's famous
Princess Louise Dragon Guards,
stationed at Ottawa. For a year
he accompanied his father, a
squadron quartermaster, to
drills, showing such intense in
terest, he was put on the pay
roll as regimental mascot.
Mrs. Josephine Cook
Funeral Set for Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. Jose
phine Cook, S2, well-known resident
of Reselling who died at Iter home
yesterday following a short illness
will he held In the chapel of the
Itouglas Funeral home Sunday aft
ernoon at two o'clock. Rev. H. P.
Sconce of the First Baptist church
officiating. Interment will follow in
Civil Uend cemetery.
Defense Army For
West Hemisphere
Will be Enlarged
The UiHpatch of nn initial army
garrison to Newfoundland shortly
will swell to 60.000 or more men
the forces already in place to safe
guard the Panama canal and the
new hemisphere defense line in the
Thn recent announcement that
the Newfoundland base vanguard
would depart enrly In January was
accepted in military quarters today
as evidence of Intent to man with
a minimum or delny the string1 or
offshore buses acquired from
Orent Itrltaln.
The force will be the first sent
to any of those bases. In Puerto
Rico, and Gunntanamo. Cuba, how
ever, and nt the Panama canal it
self, garrisons have been built up
steadily by the army and marine
corps, and are scheduled soon to be
further reinforced.
Along the 4,000-mllo, Irregular
triangular line between New
Foundlund. British Guiana on the
Koutlr American continent, and
Panama, possibly 100.000 soldiers,
sailors nnd marines, soon will be
stationed, on the basis of available
The exact size of th units des
tined for any of thn advance bases
is confidential military information
now. It itf no secret, however, that
substantial reinforcements are to
follow the first expedition to New
foundland. The Island's strategic
situation on the shortest Greut
Circle route between Europe and
America mnkes it a key to the de
fense of the industrial northeast
United States.
Advance parties of nrmy engi
neers are at work on the prelim
inaries at virtually all the other
bases. Tomorrow is the date as
signed for establishing a survey
and construction headquarters at
Georgetown, Dritisb Gulnna.
Port Bardia Continues
Under Heavy Shelling
(Continued from page 1)
with the least possible loss.
Italian Planes Fought
Pending orders for the final as
sault upon liardia. tbo royal air
torce sought to counter the at-
'empts of Italian fliers to harass
Hritish ground forces by striking
heavily at fascist air bases far to
the west.
Reports from the front indicat
ed that every effort was being
made to sweep the Italians front
tbe air.
A recent increase in Italian
aerial activity, as well as the tac
tics employed by the fascist bomb
ers, led to speculation among the
Hritish that a new air commander
had taken charge on this front.
While the situation around Uar-
dla apparently has not changed
much in the l;st dnv or so. Hritish
mechanized units were said to be
keeping- -the- Italians' - outer . de-.
fenses under steady pressure, thus
contributing to the general "soft
ening up" process nt which the -aerial
and artillery bombardment' J
has been aimed."
Today's Hritish . headquarters
communique was a single sent
ence: "On all fronts the situa
tion remains unchanged."
ROME, Dec. 27 (AP) An Ital
ian seaplane "effectively bombed
an enemy submarine" In waters
off the Libyan coast yesterday, the
high command reported, adding
that artillery actions nnd patrol
activity continued on the north Af-
riinn land trout.
The Italian nir force, the dally
communique said, was "Intensely
active," carrying out bombardments
of front lino base batteries, meeli
nnized equipment and ships in har
bor. '
"Fighter planes engaged in com
bat with a large formation of
Glosters (British warplanes)," the
communique continued, "three en
emy planes were shot down. One
of our planes failed to return."
Proposed Aid to Britain
Faces Senate Opposition
. (Continued from page 1)
It was drawn by 'Waller P. Tteuth
er, director of the General Motors
division of the United' Automobile
Workers, a (TO union. '"
Tbe president said It was a
question of industrial, production
that no one in the administration
would have any opinion about un
til It was thoroughly studied, but
lie declared If such a plan cnual
l.e worked out It would bo very
helpful und constitute a real con
tribution to the defense program.
It was a question of technical
management, the president said,
and at this stage If he were a enm
mentutnr he would not bo able to
write much about It because It was
beyond bis ken.
ileuther's plan envisioned a POO-a-day
output of all-metal pursuit
planes within six months.
Service that pleases It the
goal we set and we make It,
every time you use one of our
taxlcabsl As comfortable as
an . . . easy chair.
To our many customers and friends
Fullerton's Cut -Rate Drug Store
wishes to say a Happy New Year.
and to you with whom we haven't as yet done busi
ness, we also extend the hope that 1941 will serve you
well and gives us a chance to serve you.
. Liver Pills
25c size
Rex Seltzer
60c size 39
Shaving Cream
Giant size 37t
Blue Blades
50c size. IP's 39
Tablets, 34 e 83
Soft Hands
Everybody likes them.
Illoiol helps
Blsmarex SOt
Alka Seltzer
0c size 49
25c size 19 1
75c size S9
11.00 size 79t
6V sire 49 '
ABSORBINE J$?25.ize 79c
doans" p 43c
IODINE X;u"L.. 4c
LYONS' Trh.zpeowde:: 29c
ADHESIVE I,p5,' 10c .i2e 4c
PALMOLIVE 2for' (limit 2) 7c
HINKLE'S bottle of 100 7c
TAKARA deT$ni'c5op". .. 98c
Our Prescription
Department is
complete in every
detail. Registered
Pharmacist on
duty at all times.
25c Lift Buoy Shavt Cram, 2 for ..33c
20c Colgate Dtntol Cram, 2 for ..29c
25c Cashmere Cold Crtam, 2 for ....25c
25c Cm Dtntifric. 2 for 26c
40e Colgate's Tooth Powdw and a
20c six, both for 41c
35c Cashmere Lotion and a
20c sixe, both for 3(e
25c Colgate's Shave Cream, 2 for ..26e
Camels, Chesterfields,
Luckies, Raleighs, Old
Golds, 2 for 25
Carton $1.23
Sensation, Paul Jones,
Domino, Avalon, Twen
ty Grand.
IOC ea. 98 carton
25c Bayer 19
Vaoo Rub
35c size 27
$1 Vitalis
Hair Dress 79
Both -98
30c Vick's
Nose Drops 24
Bromo Seltzer
60c size - i.... 49
Small 23
Creo Mulsion
Large $1.12
65c Pinex
2'4-oz. size 54
Tooth Paste
50c size 39 1
Ponds Cream
55c size 39
$1 Miles'
Nervine g3j
limit Rights Reserved