ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1940. FIVE mm For Your Convenience Theae DoiiKlai. County atorea nlll lake Want Ada (or the Newa.lltvlf.fri (Jl LVKII'S MARKET thithrrlln STEAIIXS A I IlKNOYVETU Unkland STO.NAKEII I) It II G CO. Ynni'fllla Hl'DO.V4l,U STOIIB IIIMl Villi's rinpiiun r.i.niK siiiiiu tilldr I; II. Ml IHII.S Jlrnckwny I,. II. III! HTKIt CO, CnniiiH Yallt'r IIIIU IXI. S STOIIH Tpumlle C. C. I'OSHAl'K lllllnril IIUV. VOI, OS K ADAMS Myrtle C'rcr-a: Kl VIMI.H 3 nilllllr ni:M(ii:it'8 lilrntlnlc lli:M(.KH'S I 'an iinvillr DAVS I IIKKK STOIIB Itayn t'rerk The ulmte Ntorm will aeeept nil and nnyment fur them. .liiHt trll the mrrrhiint IlKti'd aliovei "I want to put mi nd In the ZVewa-ltevlew-" and he ivlll take care of oil the detalla for you. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First Invortton. per wort... 2c Each subsequent insertion per wonl lc Olio week, per word He One month, per word 20o Minimum charge 25 c Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. on Uc day of niibllcalinn. Tin' Ni'WK-Ttrvlrw nvnmi'a no nlmnstlilllly for mill hi no way lClla-Hliloi;s lh(! f iitamliil r'-.sninsi-liillty or Inlrmilv of tho n.lvrrtls crs In tilt; Hiis.iif ioil rollilllliH. Kfiuli-iM mi; uracil lo niiiko full In vest million hfToio spii'lim; money In rusiioiisp to uilvcrliscini'iil.i. Tim Ni''N.Ii'Vl.-w roscrven Hie rlKllt to M'ji-i't obju-'tloniilil,' iiilvi-r-tisintf. It furlliur ri'sorvfM the rlu'hl to rlriHwify nil advertising; Uli'lt-r ll,,. ,.,,.,T il.'iificntion ALLEY OOP Vl GET IT. JON)... A.CCORPIM& jrH1- WHO EL?E1 VELL . YOltkp (TO YOUR THEORY THIS frL ! .l BUT BOOM COULD If WALL WAS BROKEM f "tbSicV l!4S3f P f fT SOUMD t MISSIMG PLA& mV TIME-M- L - V BUT V; COULD BE BROUGHT VCHIrTErV Tl fQSCL ' IMTO THE LAB- X 2j&l S TA Jl J- v FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS AM'M OKI MV WAV TO LARKSPUR, "lb A PAHTV GIVEN BY KAv FRIEND ZULA I ACUI BV ' I WE .'THAT fe?v7.S5 WAKES THIS. BOOTS AND HIS BUDDIES tT'S Ats HO, Wl'bS' VMHWMti "Gcev" TVJc "iCe.. .,A( WASH TUBBS r tuuLiiiirMir r 11 CkAiTU iki xjc i . j-x. . ir n i ms?zz?&swpsjj2 . ii a..' ..v i aaa a ' ' ' AH, HAS FORTUNATEiy LZ! L X i VOU RUM OVER AND "1 fj-OOK ,X &PLEWDID.' SPlEMDlt?.' OUR OPPORO f ; " AW OPPORTUNITY TO DESTIW mT THE BACK OF OUR CLOSET Yi ' LA GET IT, EASV, WHILE 1 CHIEF-- TUMlTyCOMRAPES, 'AVE ARRWE i THAT SLY, SLINKING FEMALE 'W 15 RIGHT AGAINST THE 1 I ' If u fiET THE OTHER THINGS I T,U!r9fiLV VJQT T . " . m T ' . A 6-MAU BEFORE SHE AVE if FOREI6M AGENTS APART- i' 1 paT IN ORTER Jj WSpGW ( cp&PTUWITyO X T J ' J XL TESTROY ' US s M MENT. BUT BEFORE WE , 'iyTT-Jw. rB HAS GOWE 1 vsrv'UN'y ) J -r-rf m CAN INSTALL ANY LISTEWIIOS , ! . JVllrV - 1 0UT' LEAVIU I S)l I f ' M PEVICE, VICKI, WE'LL WFED ' .-2 THE TAMP J 'l V V I ' -L . mm A BRACE ANO BIT FOR ,X' ( J AIOUP fJS j I JTLi I drilling partly niPyj4rSsJ vrv 1 ----b ' tyy't e tl L ) Xofif'JsJ '' J To get In touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box so and so, care News-Review," it is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesut know who they are either. Livestock WANTED Fifty good medium woolod ewos, bred to Inmb next spring. Must be in good condi tion mill from 2 to 4 years old. 11. W. Jones, Route 2, Leonard ruad, Grants Pass, Oregon. FOR SALE 500 head of ewes. Will sell uny number. I'hono 7121, Ashland. Rrahs llros. COCKER SPANIKLS neglstered thoroughbreds. Jacob's Kennels, 312 W. Second North. WANTED Good milch tow. H. S. Cheek, Doerner Road, Melrose Route. COW for sale, come fresh soon. 11111 Hoan, YoncallR, Oregon. Real Estate INVESTIGATE the opportunities wo are offering you to got estab lished on a farm of your own. Call at the National Farm Loan office, 416 Perkins Building, Hosehurg. or write C. A. Barnes, 167 E. 8th St., Eugene. Federal Land Bank of Spokane. FOR SALE Houses nnd vacnut lots. Also R. R. trackage. Cash or easy terms. 1'liona 3G9-J. Nortlisido Apartments. Dentistry SPECIAL fcxtrsnilon and Plates Pyorrhea Treatment Uas when desired.. Dr. Nerbas Maso"ic Bldg. Phone 488 Dr. O W. Marshall. Med. A Bldg. v-nVKirc T I'M ) HoW AliEVOL) U -I- HOPE VOU MAVEMT 1 r WMV,TKA'S FRECKLES f ArJ' VEHUDI GETTING V I DON'T KNOW VET.' I II TOLD HIKA TOO MUCH 'As. 1 mvraviMv McrsnnqFV ft ai ows . kaiqtau I'M A Yankee, You about the vaap, , r" nf tsf 3 J kiAc 10 Tulic; ic IV cmiTlJ 9 4. IUftU Jl RFTWEFM TME "STATES' 05- ...JV- '! 4tFT svj y uS" i -r. rv i i vri - .-nv I WYNNE; r GRUBBLE, I fjV.l I SJ I I iMttT r TN I rai m AND LARD i'hA -fy mS?'PS?'T!4 MV.V . 7,:, . xr m mm. n& X' jes& juts, w- m For Sale Miscellaneous MONTAO circulating heater, Moil ing" kitchen range, walnut bed room set (twin beds, 40" dresser and table), wicker day bed, oak chair, leather seat. Other house hold articles. J. Casntl, Canyon ville, across from Ford's Camp.' WHY NOT get the Hy-Power, guaranteed muffler and forget your muffler troubles. Also get your glass at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House. A NEW nioflern srnrage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. ELI'X"PItOH!X sales and scrvlco. Phone 561. 119 W. Mosher. Fuel PHONE 288 Green and Dry Slab Wood RC8EBURG LUMBER CO. SHED dry wood. Phone 173-R. Help Warned WANTED Unencumbered girl or j imutlie UKt'U IUU.X iui Kuneitti I housework. Box 958, c-o News-Review. WANTED Desk clerk. Call at Ho tel Grand. Autos l!)2il CHEVROLET sedan, rorrlger ntnr, household articles. Cheap, j 12S Orctitt street, across troin Rose school. lOliS CHEVROLET panel, ft-tun, for sale by owner. Box 956, c-o News-Review. USED Nash car for sale. Sec Alba Spaugb at garage. Chiropractor nil. H B. SCOKIEl.n Phone 18711 Oop Knows Too Big to What's It Call to Rentals FOR RENT Modern town house, 3-car deluxe garage, new 200 ca pacity modem chicken houso, brooder house, toot shed and liarn. 180 acres for sheep and goats. Good wood business,' fruit and alfalfa. Would soil some equlpuient to renter. References required. See Fred A. Goff. 122 S. Stephens, Roseburg. Oregon. 5-ROpM furnished flat, private bath, entrance. Gas range, water heater. Phone 222-Ii. 647 S. Stophens. HOUSES fur rent at 709 S. Steph ens nnd 217 Chadwick. Page Lumber & Fuel Co.. phone 242. MODERN, S-room. furnished apnrtment. Private bath. Adults only. Inquire Harth's Toggery. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. 4-ROOM furnished apartment. Call at 213 or 232 S. Jackson. 2-ROOM furnished apartment. Pri vate bath. 112 llrockway. MODERN 3-room Apt. Call at The Strange Shop. MODERN, furnished 926 S. Main. apartment. ROOMS. 225 W. MOHhcr... ROOMS. Phono 8(:s. Leave Thursday Mr., and Mrs, B. A. Young, of Portland, who spent Christmas here with the for mer's parents, Mayor and Mrs. A. J. Young, left Thursday for Eu gene lo visit Mrs. Young's .par ents, lir. and Mrs. W. E. Buchanan Sr., lioforp returning north to their home. Mrs. Young was formerly Miss I.ovii Buchanan, senior high tPiicMPr hern. -CAW YOU PULL A MOTIVE OUT Op YOUR HAT f WHY WOULD HE DO SUCH A THIMo? Argue With All About 4 TWc.Rv MO Action Safely Driving League Launches War On Hazards AMES, Iu.. Doc. 27. (Special) With winter coiuiiuona prevAtl Injc In most sections of thirty three northern states, safety au thorities today 'irtked motorists to hi extra careful and take pnicite.,1 precautions in battling "Old Man Winter." Declaring that Novemhor to .March is the most cruchil iidio In the year for moior'ng s.ifaty. Pro fessor Hulpli A. Meyer t.f 1 jwa Riate college and. chalrmm ot n2 National Safety council's comnH te on winter driving hirardfi, pointed out that -vlenU increase .15 to 45 per ent in ixmhrrn states (luring winter men. is, a? pfainst only 3 to 2t nor cent in K.uihern states according to lni:i ti'M "d severl:v of wtstthp; con ditions. A previous study of accident re cords proved skidding as the chief cause of winter accidents. Skid ding was shown to be involved in only 1 per cent of accidents on diy roads, 27 per cent on wet roads. ami up to 50 per cent on snowy-tey roads. It takes, on the average, 3 to 10 times the no mini distance to stop on snow or ice without tire chains. The second most Im portant cause is reduced visibility, resultibg from longer hours of darkness, snow and sloot storms and fog. The following winter driving hazards and ihe vital safety prac tices in each instance provtdo a handy condensed formula for pro tecting pedestrians, other motor ists, your car and yourself: 1. Skids on snow or ice are fre quently started by uucquallzcd brakes. Have your hiakes ciiecK- ed and equalized. The practice of lettinc ah- out r tires lor snow VOU'VE GOTV Jl THIMK WE KWOW) yEAH.'TH'OL' T ' I ME THERE, OH, i rncr -jrgvvK.j i ,r""' T I MR. 6-MAU OEAK, wjn i "3 rSyy STLo-rl I 1 rwX3v4 'BUT VOL) VttCM "VrAV X'tA. CsOUfe 60UG H,TOO ! A- ) 'Sit io V1 r and Ice conditions ha been prov en a fallacy, since it glvts very 'little added traction and increases instability and tendency to skid on curves. It also damages tires, making them more susceptible to later blowouts. 2. Without chains even good tiro treads slip and slide on snow or ice. Chains bite into hard packed snow or Icy road surface. Check your 'tire chains. Put them on when needed for more, postive stop-anu-go traction, j 3. Windshield wipers and de frosters that don't operate lead to iwlntor accidents. Make sure wlp lerH and defrosters are in good working order. You must see a ha.ard to avoid It. t 1 I. Faulty lieadlights are prime jcauses of winter accidents. 11HU !'4I cars with sealed-beam head lights add to safety. Hut use "traf- other cars in country. Heplace dead light bulbs immediately. Have headlights checked for focus and direction. 5. High speeds on snow or ice are doubly dangerous. Adjust your j speed to conditions; Kven when (protected with chains. speeds I should be reduced from those con siderable reasonable on dry pave ments. Keep an eye out for chtl dren on sleds. Anproach icy curves islowly even ulth sand on ice or I chains on tires. If neither are present "crawl." Avoid the neces sity for sudden stops on snow or ice If you huvo neglected to put on chains. (i. "('rowdhih'' other vehicles ahead of yon or at your side is criminal carelessness on snow cov-. ;ered ' pavement. Maintain plenty of stopping spaco between your (car and the car In iront or you. Allow all the "skid space" possible 'between your fenders and the cars !on each side. Don't try to pass (cars on hills or curves. This is ! risky enough on dry pavements. It is foolhardy on snow ami ice. 7. Sudden slowdowns and stopp ' a re a primary cause, of sliding, By V. T. Hamlin By Edgar Martin - - y i t .ii - V'. By Roy Crane By Merrill Blosser ) n.1 n y 1 mr GENERAL SAW PILING Howard Casebeer, 443 a. Stephen! Also furniture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 S, Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Knight Porter, enrnor Douglas A Main. Boiy, fender work. Painting. LOCKSMITH Paclfio Key Ser. Phone S48. WASHING MACHINES IRONERS Bergh's, 630 Winchester. Ph. 803. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jonfl. fnon is-T. skidding and spinning. Slow down gradually in gear and "pump" Imikca on-off-amlon to keep wheels from locking particularly If you're not safeguarded by clialim. On snovv or ice tire chains cut stopping distance 40 to 50 per cent and add appreciably to control of car. 8. Cold weather encourages clos ed car windows and Increases dan ger from carbon monoxide. Don't slay in closed garage, or In car with tightly closed windows when wanning up engine. Keep cowl ventilator open a . bit while driv ing , to force out carbon monoxide, at least iu old cars which may navo leaky linimcrs and exhaust pipes. ltemembcr: An ounce of pre caution Is worth a pound of cure. A liiriilm'ti A mnrii-u 11 lmmhfif'u construction usually requires from nut io iiuo suD-comracm lor puns and equipment. xoTH'ii or riwr, motti.kiikxt In tbo County Court of tlin Htale of Ori'irnti fur DohitIhh Coimlv. In til' Mutter of lh I'nr I not li i I'.Ktutc or KIiikt .Mt'Ki'un mill Hit Myy Itiiluwin. Niil f rf hiTi'tiv t it-vim (lint llit mirh'rnlrf iicH, mlmi nint t ut rlx of I he IMil'liiOl'Hhip I'stah1 of I'IIndt Mr- M'llll Itllll Kill iiilV lEllKIWIM, ii us fllii I lnr f I mil iiffount In I hr hImiv erititletl rotirt: Dint by orl-r of Htihl rnurl. (Idly triiiilo iiihI cnhT eil of rt )-!, Huiiirriiiy, .Iiinuiiry IK. i!i. at o'elork u. in., in l.oniity i'oiirt i;oih in tin' Court IIoiiko III Kom-liurif. I tonk in A County, (irmon. lnivr Peon fix- en II H 11 IO 1 Itllll II lilt plUCH ri)' NI'HI'- InfC nbJTt)oiiN, If uny there n lo AUCTION SALE At the Roseburo Auction Market, Monday, Deo. 30th, at 12 o'clock, 1 mile north on highway 99: Cattle consisting of springer cows, helferi and calves, usual run of sows and pigs. Chickens, ducks and turkeys. Spuds, turnips and parsnips. Tools and miscellaneous articles. Fur. nlture, consisting of extra fine dining room suite, table, S chairs, oc casional chair and buffet, 2plece overstuffed set, 1 rocker, 1 Mon arch kitchen range. Consign with us your livestock and what you hayo to sail. ANDERSON AND SCHRICKER, AUCTIONEERS AND MANAGERS GU3 DEVOS, CLERK YICK SO HERB CO. OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Herb remedies alleviate disorders of goitre, stomach, liver, heart, kidney, bladder, prostate gland, piles, catarrh, coughs, asthma, high blood pressure, dropsy, tumor, rheumatism, eczema, stomach ulcer, yellow lever and female Monday, j. h. Leong Jacl(50n County Bank Bldg., Medford, Oregon 34 Years' Thursday, Friday, Saturday Experience 132 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon Herbalist Hold Everything! fibud ton IT Mti IIIVICI. IMC. T M lift M I ... QIC ' fMS "lU'CniiniiifAiinci' pnlnil rrpnrtiiift sir we discovered ' one 'runny' ballcry nnd Iwo nudist camps." ' RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIR! NO! ".oseburg Electric. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING Bill Callhoun's Radio Music Store. Ph. 93. HnrglB Radltf Service. Phone' 194 Lund Hadlo Sorvlco. Phone 84. FLUE CLEANING FU KNACKS vacdum cleaned Hue denning. Call 841. J. C. Be w ley. GARBAGE SERVICE DILL'S Garbage Service. Efficient service. Reasonable rates, ph. 338, xnltf final account, und fur scttlo niont hereof. Tinted nntl first pnbltshcd Dc eeinbur 20, VJ4(f. (JUSSIE DARBY, Adminlfltrntrlx of tho P;irtnirslilpf I-lMtHte of Klmt-r MlKouii and idn May HiiWlwlii. noticr or ov nv.Ai I'ltOPMItTV Notleo Is liorc'y Riven that the nndornlRtieil inlininlHtratrlx- of the (HtHtn of It. H. Mathewft. rteeeused, hnvlnif boon duly riiithon.od tiv t tin Conn I y f'ourt of the - state of ( lreRnn for DoiikIu's Con n't v bo In ilo, will from u nd aft ir Monde y, Urn ItOth day of liorembor, 1 U 10, offer for Hale and proeecd to sH, at private Halo fur eauh In hancl, frt-0 from Ih'ii, tho followlnn; () h v. v I b e d riil (iropcrty dewcrlbt d In the Inventitry of ttald oatulu aa TltAirr 11, lo-wlt: Irftw thirteen (13) and fotrr tefii (tt) In Mloik firiv-seveii (Ult. Kullroad Addition to tlx- City of HorO'burg, UoukIiis County, Ore Kon; sale to be mnde snbji-et to. cnir flrnniHon lv I ho County Court of the Sltttu of Orenon for lmulns Ciunty. und nil offors for Buld liroperty mav bo made to tlirj un-dtM-KiKiM'd administratrix at the of-flci-H of rtlee & Oreutt In Roxcbur?, Orn-Toi.. Hated Nevomher 2S. ifMO. KATI1I.KKN COI.KMAX. AdinlulBtrntrlx of tho entato of, it. It. iMiithpww, leeca.ted. For newspaper deliveries after 5:30 Please Call 159-L complaints, without operation. Tuesday, Wednesday