r.ri id ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1940. 5 i i , , m i'JI HI Uautd Dally Rir'pt flundar by tit Member of The Awioclated Preaa Tho AnB0cinti1 Prorni fa exnmlve Jy entitled to tho uwo for ropublini . tion of all nown dlnpntcheii oredttod to It or not otherwise credited In III IB iu)ur anu kv nubliHhed heruln. All rights of re publication of spocinl dlapatchea herein are also reserved. J HARRIS. ELLSWORTH .Editor Entered ns second class matter Way 17, at tho post office at Rnseburv, Oregon, under act of March 2. 1878. K.w York 'ill Miidmon Ave. hl- rnKn XGll N. Mi'diiKuH Ave. Nm Fmnolii 220 Hush Strint 1- trnlt ;iftm W. Oniii'l Boulevard I.., Aacrln l-l BprlliK Strnol BIU COS Sttwurt Mrocl I'nrt Uad l!tl S. W. Slxtli Ave It. LimiIh 111 N. Tenth Street, HubscrlptJuo Hates Dally, per your by mull. If.JJJ Dally, 6 months by mail iulv 3 ninnllm bV nitlil I--" iiuiiv In- c-Hi-rler per mulitll... .' iially, by carrier pur year... 7.80 Kvery state, county and i-jty ofrli'ial or board Hint liiiiidles nulilii: money should ptllillsll at regular Intervals an ulcouiiIIiik or II, allowing whore anil low ouch dollar Is spent. 'lbl Is a fundamental principle of demo cratic tfovornmont. NOT long ago I'rolessor .vierriam nf the University of Chicago (JT long ago I'rolessor Men-lain of the University of Chicago raised considerable speculation by series of lectures in which he . a said we arc just entering it period when life unci peoplo are going to bo . consciously Improved by scientific means not available he fore. To a small extent theso techni ques are already helm: practiced; enough to suggest their future courso and effectiveness. An "an nuul report" on the nation's chil dren by "Parent's Magazine" Indi cates what Is already being done, in reports by Katharlno P. 1 -enroot, chief of tho U. S. children's bureau and by Surgcon-lieucral PaiTun. Miss Lenrnot reports: The huby death rule has il nip ped 20 per cent In the l'io years from 11134 to IMS, but uii.win babies silll die each year between the - Represented by , , , ,,,, ,,r ,",K '" '""sic iroiu puniicutiou o second and twelfth month of thiii vl fvm ,,,(.av. jsil(.. lives; vu.ililil neioro wicj mi ; me u month old. Tho material dentil rate dropped ;il! per cent between 1931 ami 1!i;i!l, yet nearly 10,000 material deuths were registered in 1938, al least halt of them preventable. Such things show how much bus been done, how much remains to do. Improvements in both are attributed by Miss Lenient to ma lermil and cblldheallh services in states and count les. Dr. Parian Joins in Ihu hope ful preview uf tho future. "We have a new generation" of children," ho writes, who are bolli taller and heavier than their par ents; whuso chances uf going through l he first years ol llle wlthuul attack by the roniiiiiinlc able diseases of childhood are greater; whose general houllh care is far superior to that of a genera tion ago, Scleiilirlc discoveries (ami their application) did it. Improved city sanitation and milk supplies; pre vention of certain diseases; new knowledge or nutlltlon, have large ly come into effect within mm gen eralloll. The wind vllamlu came into tlie language In 111 11. The cause and cine of pcllagia was aiiniiiinrcd 21 years n;-,o. The Mime for rickets, l.'i years ago. Nil trltlonill science Is even today 111 lis uii'te lui'aiicy. National defense means that ill Pill ailillliiiliul altcutlon will be llcvolcd to the health ol youth, military and Industiliil. Mass pro duction or yellow fever arrinc. lor Instance, means liki-ly secaniy ugaluyt exposure to yellow Icier areas as defense zones move south. New hoi h'.iuis are ahead of us In In tin: iilliiiiiiiicni of national heullh," Dr. I'anai) liilli vrs. , New horizonc are ahead ol' us in I fiery Meld, and Hie builders el i lictler health are only one group j among builders who imi'l address themselves to the tii.-li ul Imildinit i a heller world. ' wmimmmmmmm 1P hear u lot said and wiltlen about how a lol of the Latin American countries arc worse dic tatorships Ihati Kuropc can show. It Isn't true. The tuosl ilirlal'.u lal und regimeiiled toiiuliy south uf Ihe Itio Ctaude has a back sentiment ! ground of deniociutic und it leiiven of democratic acteni than cannot exist In totalitarian p(i M.n u-.,i lo honor metabolized, countries. And the be.l of the!"u' is United, the alcohol more southern democracies am ahead of Mm I'liUeil Sliilen in Willi'' pliiiHeH of KOCllll IMOKII'SK. ' Culm, lllin ll rrlllelmtl lor I lie re cluia of IIh "Uleuitoi'iiii'slilcnt.' Fulgeuclu Uutlttn, In the latest to give tho lie to this criticism, lis senate lias asked the government to decline persona lion tram any diplomatic, consular or commercial official who, under cover of diplo matic Immunity engages in anti democratic propaganda. Which is more than the United States has done. Editorials on News (Continued from page 1.) Ing lights. Children have been taught to look up to them. Their names have beeu household words. Yet, In the main, they have SKT HACK Instead of advancing the cause of humanity. The real peo ple of the en i-tli would have been better off wlthuul them. T'llH world's great need is fur leaders with n clearer vision of the welfare of the millions or ordinary people who make up the world. Alleged Control Of Music on Radio Faces U. S. Action WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. (AIM Music anil radio interests, locked for months in conflict over a new broadcustlng contract, lace federal prosecution early in January under the anti-trust laws. Holding that tho muslc-lovim: public would bo tho loser if the controversy over song copyrights continued, Attorney ricncral jack son announced last night Hint he nad ordered u criminal proceeding slarleil at .Milwaukee against four parties to tne dispute.' These lire: The American So ciety nf Authors, Composers uud I'lihllshors, (ASCAt'l. The National Mroailcastlug company, the Colum bia IJrondcusling system, and Hrniidcust Music, Inc., an organi zation sol up through tho National Association of Uroiidcnslers, to parallel ASCAI'. Through copyrights, a large pro portion of modern music is con trolled by ASCAI'. A fivcyour ugreement wllh the broadcasters expires December 31. and both MIC and CHS have eliminated ASCAI' controlled music from their pro grams. A Justice department, statement snltl Hint the 'proceedings would be based on these charges: Illegal pooling of iiiiihI or the de sirable copyright sic available lor brnailcnslilig to create a inoiiop. oly; discrimination against users of copyright music and iigiilnst composers who are nut members of either ASCAI' or ll.MI: withhold- restraining composers in their rlglil to bargain for salu id their own music; reiiuliiug music users to iay for tunes when no music Is Used; mutual boycotts by ASCAI' and the radio chains In all ellort by each lo gain control or tho mu sic supply. Tliurimin Arnold, ussislalit utlor ney generul, deilared in a stnle luent tllal ASCAI' bad gone far beyond its original purpose of pro tecting its members In their copy right, privileges and had engaged in pne-lices "designed solely tor Hie purpose of ellminaliiig compe tition." Scientists Mull Varied Effects Of Heavy Drinking Ity HOWAKI W. IlLAKKSLKK (Associated Press Science Kditor) PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27.- Some ! mysterious action of man's tissues Is the reason why one person can "hold his liipior like a gentleman" j white the same munlicr of driiiliH I put another under the table. j This, the latest answer of science lo the iige ohl puzzle of how it per- ' sun acquires tnlcrance In Ihpior. J was reported to a t uipostuiu on ahohol at the American Associa tion for I he Advancement of Sci ence, which began a week's meet ing here loday. Tim three dav, alcohol coufereni-e is spoiisoired by the research cone iniltee on problems id' alcohol, Which lOinniiiirKil th;il It IuiIiIm tin ! brief lor or against pi nhlbil ion, but I Is trying to a sect tain scienl ilic j I I acts. I The puzzle of heay drinking ami icapar ity tor huge amounts of al- j I lohol was disc ussed by Dr. Harry Newman. Slantonl university school of medicine. Me told of experiments verifying jthe surprising finding that in habit- I ual heavy drhdet's Ihe alctdiol is1 ' ahorhed mote rapidly into Hie j 1 blood than in moderate or iaie : dihiKers. On.r it was bchexed that Ihe1 he;n,v drinker slaved Mibcr became his blued ah.Mii bed tiiptor moi e ; flow ly. j II Wil'- also believed that the al- i i ohrd went to t be hi a in ol the 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 U ; 1 1 (ll lllker IllOt (' slo I.V I It jt II iu timlce, and that this explain- j t eo um a person count carry a nca.j- man wnnnill itccmniui; net lexical cd. But Dr. New man out - j lined animal experiments whbli he. said shew that the brains of habit : ual ditulteis Ki ho Mcolud taster i ilball thne who bei ollie illUllKell, ' more inib klv. I - Bind re. cut scientific expluna lion ol slayntg toper, he saul, nasi I ii a In he that the body of a ; jllilliUy. Ilul IM I'd rvin'i Itni'lils jiiImi Is nut I I II I'lilliin.illtin. In Newman iti'iith lio 1 1 1 k Hint UK'' I ly pi'oci'ss ol eiilirlllih'il. tills li'alen tnlt'ialn e of iilcolinl as Hilllie iliini: wliu Ii ihe liKMii'ft tlii'iiiselves aciiulie. Hut wlmtUiJt itieclmul' ill iu,i Im i uot kuou OUT OUR WAY if : " I Hitler Trying To Block Russia As He Hits Britain liy JK WITT MACK ICNIK -liy tlm AHScniiiti'd I'j-csm Thi'rt are Hi'vcral it jikohh which iiiiht huvtt liniM'lli'il IliM-r Hitler lo Hood lliiiiiunia wllh (ifiinaii troojis, hill lo tin- thi tiiosi logical oxpliiii- ation is that he Is trying lo lout- St 111! U IlOHHihll lllistiltf lillHSl ill mnvi: tlurhiK his nrojccU.l invasion ut KiiMlauU. TIil- na.f fuehrer needs every ounce nf jiir-power he ran iniister ror (his n it a It. lie can I allonl to have gnat ihiiiiImms ol' warnlaneH drawn fro in IIiIh opt'iat ion lor use on his tuslerii Iront. Tills Iresh hlltzlirli'K jiKiiinst Ilritain is Hie lil-.tM'Ml. thing left in im.i Htrateny, SiicccshI HI Invasion Is tin? only huh road lo o,tiick vic toryand time (s hi'KiiuiiitK lo (read on Millers heel.-;. The na.l IiicIiht lost his real est fpoilunlly lo win lhi war hen he tailed lo deliver Hi. Unoikonl hlow to a sUti:Kei-iiiK Joiin hull last summer, (and the chances ol' failure in this new Kfiuihle (lor t lint's what It 1st are heavy. Therefore nolhiiiK can he alhnnd lo Inleifeie wilh the coin itif.; drive. There's only one real ixissihilily uf Hillside military iuteilei euce wllh l he immediate nai pntKiaiu. and thai lies In Russia. The imico viles have heen showing iucreasiuK coidiusrt lnuanls (;ernian a change w liit 1) has coincided w ith Ihu great mililai y sin lliitaiii and her allies oer Muhm- I Interests Clash i As Ihe Ceriuiins pour troops into i Kiiinuula the bolshevists an- piling up lorces oppnsiln them. I believe t t hey are mas.dug tentat ively against each other. Perhaps wo can gel a belter view of Ihu present poMiiou il we look back just a bit. Observers general ly long have recogni.etl (he likeli hood that Ccrniauy and Kussia would go lo war will) each oilier sooner or laic - probably sooner. The clrcunistance I hit they haw been cooperation as a matter of ex pediency docsu'l alter the fail that their interests clash heavily and thai lliey are natural enemies. The c-uiKes underlying the hos tility aren'l new . 1 1 it ler long aco cast eoelons exes on the xasliy i i' b Kussiau I kraint . I n lop oi l thai, and partly he ailse of il, buth ' nations desire loutnd of the same leiiitoiv in the Balkans. ! At the moment I bey are seeking j ilmiilnat ion id Bumalila and I lie ; Ihtee mouths ol Ihe great hunnbe, j which rot ms a navigable waictwav I liom the Blark sea clear to tier- j many and thus becomes a lifeline of the rcich. Yx bat they are aliet is I a base lor Inline oiienshe or de fensive opi rations against each1 other, and lor extension of their: control down through the Balkans.; Parley Collapses Kns.it a made the surpne move; of occupying Kiitnanian territory In : June, and seemed control of the i northernmost of the time mouths of the Hanube. Hitler countered h occupying the rest 01 liuniania and making il uhiuU a protectorate. That brines u Hp lo the present, i Ucceiilly Ihe liusMalls. (o'linans ! and Hatians met m i onlei i-m e to 1 tl to tactile eoilliol ol llle iKinil 1 loan uioiith'i. Ibis p.utex has in I J htoken up wtihout smeess. Indeed,) Itlst lights were 1 1 ported Itetweeu' Ihe bolsbei lls and Ihe last ists. To cap all ibis, it poiis liom Bm ha- j rest quote soviet diplomats as say i lug that Kii.-.sia will occupy the mouths ol (be I'auube nllcr the j lu:d of tile yen. Unionists Balk at Fund For Dcfenic of Bridges ' pi i: 1 1 . s i . hi (AH Mi'iMl.i is ol nnlnn air "ii'.l up" to a Hal I 111 Itkr llllloll O.IIOMO')K ii . 1 Vi . a I'm llainl I'll I I VMIh l-ivmi; In s ili li'iisr liiml said 111 i lu illl ' I oil) I heie I'.tel day. Tllry said Hi" IiiiiiI had i i "illh'l tllilon ills.dlei'tlou" anil niseil ! ns a I result olliii'is ol tlie lornl ntn lo loinpty wllh exeyillive lioanl il i do liiilllds. -The hoanl hlouelit sail hi mist oltltt lb lit lo .l .No. I .' Itlteuu uml W'ui'L I tional I.ongshoreiuen'a housemen's union. William l. 1'reuflergast, Jr.. ut torney lor the officers, suld "there appeared to he u conspirucy on the pari of Itridgcs and his group to gel rid of the local's officers." lie also said the local objected ( to cniitrihutions for CIO radio program because it contained "aub versivu teachings." Three More Roseburgers Go to Highway Meeting Ifriy Catching. J. A. Harding and 1'ied Lockwood lefl last night for Portland where lliey will Join a jurty of Itosehmg. Myrtle Creek and Oakland residents today in ap pearing at a meeting called for the purpose of considering plans for militarization of the Pacific high way. The meeting at the Portland chainliLM of commerce office today uas to consider ways and means of preparing a program to procure federal funds for the proposed im provement of the highway. u. of O. Basket bailers Defeat Portland U. POKTI.AM). Pec. 27.- tAP) -A .second-half spurl carried the I'nlversity of Oregon basketball learn to an easy victory over Port land university here last night, 47 lo L'ti. The game ended Porlland's idling ol pie-season wins. Ahead only 1!) to II at half-time, t he Wehfouts bombarded the bas ket during the final period with Hank Anderson. I or ward, scoring "a points. .lack Pricdhnlf stood out for I'oMl'Uul. scoring II points. Fast Farming ,'.; VVKST, S. ( Kitniicr ,7. (1. Hagen finished harvesling his corn ,,, ,Ik.u l)t ,Mlt hU tr)l(.. ploughed ami laid off and plant ed live at night. A es of wheat be! ore mid-, neighbor had asked to borrow the machine next day. MAP PUZZLE HORIZONTAL 1 Miip of , islands in lite Pacific. 10 Slope. 1 1 Plato. 12 To pin on. l.'t Sanction:.. II Harmonics, lti Mcabiirc- ol area. 1(1 Heme III Clandestine. 2u To mourn Kicatly. 1M To purify 2!) Hlni khcad. 3(1 Sloths. ;U Pertaining to nines. 32 Acts of tin nimt 3-1 Its capital is :tfi Sneaky ,'lli HaKiikc pari. 37 Un keeled 41 Kusl. 40 Mongol dynasty Answer to rrcviotis ruizle JWiALiTE HflALE. I ,C.H Mi I ;C E 'PPO A'G'E iDBRA V A S BftiE N ff INBCENI C m.o V.E A DON: 1 15 rBPA5't onBi AD " AB. ATP TAPOlOV'E'5 '0'6'A'C C Oi1TRE 46 To pi event. 18 Wings 49 Staple oriental food 111 Devoured .ri2 I.onR cut t3 Principal fruit grown m this land. 51 Manuel Que.on is this land's political I U IJ 14 I 15 jo 7 8 I I 5 .1 U , !LZZZL "r" CJ .i .v H I " 2b 27 -rn i T" "ii ksi-ib a ' I j is 71 d? bJ J In I W f' I 1 I n i M 1 1 1 f'li ly Williams ODDITIES (My the Associated Press) Happy Ending GliANTS PASS. Ore. Over u storm troubled tultmhone circuit went a message to Klamath Falls friends of Miss Margaret Gentry. They responded with wreaths, some drove the ltd) miles with ad faces. 'Buried ?" they heard amid laugh ter, "why she's going to be mar ried." Of Relative Importance AMKHUKKN, S. D. When Virgil Schense, 2, uses the license he got to marry Dorothy Nelson, 2:!, here's what will happen all he-t-uuse Miss Nelson Is tho sister of Schense's father's second wife. Dorothy will become her sister's daughter-in-law and her father-in-law's sister-in-law; Virgil will be his stcpmolhcr's biolher-iu law. also Ihe brother-in-law of his own father. Taps for Rats ('IHCAdO Public Works Com missioner Oscar hi. Hewitt esti mates casualties of more than Ml per cent in the city's four and a half monlbs old rat blitzkrieg. He said about STn.cnO rats have died since a poison bait project was launched last August lb, against an estimated S;)n,euu sur vivors. His Master's Cue TILLAMOOK, Ore. Klro" Capt. Joe Carnahan. who lives across town from tint stal ion has (in it worrying about missing alarms since Duke learned about bells. Duke, his cocker spaniel, hounds for the door even when a strong wind makes the fire hell inaudible to Carnahan. But Duke lets church bells ring Iwithntit flexing a muscle. 15 Doctor who cares for lectl) 17 To trace back 19 Public uulu 21 Stir. 22 Russian village. 23 Aurora. 24 Circular va 25 Act of mifirating. 2fi Cuckoo. a 27 Sesame. 28 Game of cord! 30 Some. 33 Olive shrub. 34 Market. 36 Tender. 38 Symptom of hysterics 39 Thin tin plate 40 Indian. 41 Festival. 42 Evils. 43 Fetid. 44 To surfeit. 47 Go on (music) 50 Half an cm. 52 Southeast (abbr ). RDTRO' I !Cl VjO.HDFjiNlDlO W!E DUE 'El cm IE R'AL VERTICAL 1 Postscript (abbr ). 2 Animal skin 3 Heathen god. 4 Cotton cloth 5 Lamentation. 6 Fruits. 7 Frozen desserts. 8 Convent worker 9 Themes. 14 Martini. ' i J1K C A RBN UAllfft a'nimi which E.P.lS, Xy Churches DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS Where Is He: Where is He: that is horn king of the Jews? The Christinas story seems un real in this sort of a world. This year and last year in China the year before that and in Spain tho year before that men might well ask, where is He? Peace on earth well loofc around you. Men of good will: where will you find them? lint it in a beautiful old legend where men have time for such things. But there is no beauty right new in wrecked hospitals and thuichs and homes, in that row of cot tages smashed into rubble, 'the children ' and - women caught under the debris -will soon be dead. There are tlueo strang ers in towin Fine handsome men they say, and richly dress ed, tradition says. Their names were (Jasper, Melehotti and Pete-bazar. They have heen ask ing the way lo Herod's palace. They have heen asking for the king, but they do not mean Herod. They say they have been following the stur. the bright one overhead. They say it means a king is born. They aie sure too. Strange, is it not that the king and the priests, the scribes had nothing to say about nil this until these foreign ers arrived. But they really "do not care. Where is He? Herod does not Know. He does not even ask tho question until it is forced on his attention. The priest uud scribes know all about Mini. But they do not ex pect Him for a long time. But these strangers are sure that the Christ King is somewhere a bouts. Amen. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Edenbower district. Ituv. J. U Kernutt, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes for all ages. .Morning devotion. 11:00, "Pastor's Farewell Sermon' Young People's service 7:U0 p. in. Preaching service, 7:."!'t. Prayer and praise service Wednes day, 7:'M p. m. A hearty welcome to all. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ;J12 R Douglas street, ltegular services Sunday at ll:'in a. in. Sub ject of lesson: "Christian Science." Sunday school convenes al It: 15 a. in. Wednesday evening meetings which include testimonies of heal ing and remarks on Christian Sci ence are held at. S o'clock. The reading room at :;I7 Perkins build ing, is open daily except Sundays ami holidays from io:.!o a. m. to i:;;o p. in. Here tne Bible and all authorized Christian Science litera ture may ho rend, borrowed or sub scribed for. The public is cordially invited to attend the church serv ices and to visit the reading room. DRAIN METHODIST CHURCH Sunday sc hool at 10 a. m. Wor ship at 1 1 : 1 T a. m. Junior and Kp worth league at i:ti p. m. prayer meeting at 7:IIh Thursday evening. New Year's watch nii;ht service Tuesday evening beginning at JS p. m. w ith a praise and song serv ice. Tii Iks by tli reo hiynu n ut 8:30. Refreshments and social hour at 10:;!(i. Candlelight service at 11. New Year's reetiims at 1- mid night. A cordial invitation is ex tended to everybody lo attend and have a pood 111110 wilh us. E. Hrittain, jxistor. YONCALLA METHODIST CHURCH t'loso of th(! year worship serv ice at 10 a. in. Theme tor the mes sage. "Kiit her Time." Sunday school at. 11 a. m. lo not. wait un til the New Near has bc'.;uu to make up your mind that the church is the most essential Institution: make ii Known by your nitcndnucc next Sunday and then continue throughout t he New Year. C 10. Itrittaiu. pastor. TENMILE CHURCH (1. A. Carhodcii, pastor. Morning worship. . in. Sermon lopie: "Paths to Llle." Sunday school. 10: I r a. 111. Camas Valley church, (i. A. C.ar bodeu, pastor. Sntuhi y school. In a. in. Sermon topic: "Paths to I.ile." Inllaid Methodist church. C. A. (larhoden. pastor. Sunday Vehool. in a. m. Kveninu service. 7 p. 111. LonkinKKlass chiirch. C. A. Car bodeii. pastor. Sunilay school. In a. 111. Kivorth league, 0:30 p. in. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri synod I. Curry unit Military stni'ls. W'et Uosrliili'K. The srrvicp ol Sunday, lire. :!i. lie-ins at TSln p. 111. Holy titiiiiiiiiiion will he eeli'lHatixl. Meinlii'ls wish-1 iim lo partake of holy i-oiiiniiititoii j ale miucslcil to nniioiinre to the I'lislor it lliey liae noi done no ns j yet. 1 lie Mlinuiy srllool llieeis in !l: la a. in. We niosl rordlaliy In PORTLAND'S Most Distinctive Hotel INVITES YOU . . . Friendly Servlr. Mome-Uko Roomi Wonderful Fond Ctnubit Rate Broadway at Oak Portland HOTEL m BENSON vite all to attend our service and Sunday school. Tho Lutherau Hour will be broadcast Sunday ut 1:30 I), m. over KHNIt. Tune In; write in. The Young Lutheran's leugue meets Tiiesday evening at the pas , tor's home for a Christmas and ! New Year's party. Gifts will be ex j changed. W. A. Sylwester, 1170 Military street, pastor. METHODIST CHURCH Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7: HO p. m. Morning topic: "For getting the Things Which Are lie hind," evening topic: "i-'acing To ward 1911." Sunday school at 9M5 a. m. Kpworth leagues at 6:U0 p. in. You will find a cordial wel- 1 come ut these services. EDEN LUTHERAN CHURCH Klgarose. Sunday, Dec. 29. Serv ices at 11a. m. Kvening service In the form of a Christmas program by members of the church. You nil are cordially invited to come. Itev. Edw. Eklof will he there to con duct services. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible school 9:45. Theme for the morning is "Jesus Requires Faith fulness." Golden text is Luke .12:4S. "To whomsoever much Is given, of him shall much be re quired. " Church service 10:45. Sermon: "Some New Yeur's Reso lutions," John A. Barney, minister. Christian Endeavor 6:30, to bo led by Geraldine Morgan. Church ser vice 7:30. Sermon "Take Up Thy Cross." There will be no prayer meeting this week. BAPTIST CHURCH Several returned college students and public school teachers will as sist in the Bible quiz at the Baptist church Sunday night. All quiz ques tions will come front the transfigu ration story in Mark 9. "Jesus, His transfiguration, and the Father with the epileptic son," is the ser mon topic. A beautiful baptismal service will precede the sermon. "Thou shalt not bear false witness,' is the sermon topic Sunday morn ing. What is the difference be tween gossip and sl imier? T)o lie detectors really work? Is there a difference between a white lie. a society lie, a business lie and a black lie? What are the causes and cures for lying? A fellowship supper, (jiiurterlv business meeting and a watch night service will be held on Wednesday m eiung. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ifosobiirg -ommnnioii : i: 15 a. in. St. George's. Holv l a. in. Church scnool .Moi inn- prayer 11 RIDDLE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Kvenins service 7:30 p. in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .lackson ami Lane st-e ;t-t. The le. .1. Ted nurns. pasl ir of ihe 'fiiiiniinity Presbyterian church c t KetMlsport, will pra'd. Sundiy mornlni;. Sui.day evening the pas tor will preacn on "Tho S:' o.r I;:nhteousness." The Senior ('. K. vvill meet at ti:::0 up. m. wii-i Low el" liussell fls leader. 'I iir iiiter r.iediates will hold their niuoting it H::j'i Sun lay evorln::. The Cruiser club will ni 'e; lor a pot lucl: dinner Monday evcmii'!' ".t ti::i. On New Ye i, V eve there ill he a watch ui-jlit service. hich will include tin f jllowmn f'-ulurcs: An (-ruan concert by .'.is. Homer Crow frain S to il oViocli. a praise si viro at !t o'ciock. and a soein! hour at in. At tt p. in. will he the ;t-w Ye;ir; ev.. communion service. The c:tl ei;.;;ir tor the week. Sunday, Sim day school !t:ir. a. : 1.. morninif '.vtiis'iip 11 a m.. ('. iv. SMcielle-t il'.!" i. in., exeiiinn se-.ir? !cin-:iy. I'ruis'-r club ti.'lu p. n;.: Tie-clay. watch iiIk.iI. : rvice J; V, t-tli "sday. i:aycr ni'.etii; ' 7:30 in. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1500 Kilocycles liKMAIMMl lmrilS TOUAY (:lin Aiuerhili I'lilnily Koliinsoll. 4:15 Ma Perkins, Oxydol, MBS. I ::in Midodie Varielles. ,1:iiii Lew Loyal, Mils, a: 31 1 L. S. Army lliind. 5:45 Cap't, Midnight, Ovaltine, MBS. B:mi Kttlioif Lewis, Jr., MILS. 6:1." Dinner Musie. B::in John 11. Hughes, MUS. -Ii: I". interlude. ef:55-Newi, Calif. Pacific Utili ties. 7:00 Hendrik Willcm Van Loon, White Owl Cigars, MBS. 7' 1" lillual Mneshos. "IF TMOl BIT StFrtR COD TO 01 1 Of. Tttr. , Cftr It lka twl luffcr And in Him IT, II give llicc tlringllt, nUr tfltde llif a J l. .1 .1 I I .11 I nnq 9r incc Buitdi n tt uouglrs FunERRL Home w. itwo. imiui fintrro iimii utv attmisaht 7:30 Lone Ranger. MBS. 8:00 Slnfonietta, MBS. 8:301 Want a Divorco, Teagtr den Products, MBS. 9:00 Alka S el tic News MBS 9:15 Dance Orchestra. 9:30 Freddy Martin's Orchestra, MBS. 10:00 Haven of Rest, MBS. 1,0:30 Sign Off. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1010 6:45 Eye Opener.. 7:00 News. MBS. 7:15 stuff and Nonsense. 7:40 State and Local News. 7:45 Rhapsody in Wax. 8.05 John Agnew. Organist MBS 8:15 BBC News, MBS. 8:30 U. S. Army Band. MBS. 9:00 Music by Willard, MBS. 9:30 Let's Play Bridge, MBS. 9:45 To Be Announced. 10:00 Lady of Millions, Copco. 10:15 Varieties. 10:30 Jimmy Rogers and Com pany. MBS. 10:45 BBC. News, MBS, 11:00 Dance Time. 1 1 : 15 Blue vs." Gray Football Game. MBS. ' 12:30 Rhythm at Random. 12:45 News, Hansen Motor Co. 12:50 News-Review of the Air. 2:05 Sammy Kayo's Orchestra, MBS. 2:45 Mutual Dons, MRS. 3:00 Sagmastei' Comments, MBS. 3:15 -Opening of Santa Anita Race Track, MJiS. 3: 15 Dramas of Youth, MBS. 4:15 Cotton Bowl Football Game Preview, MBS. 4:30 Sum Koki's Hauuliany, MBS. 5:00 The Green Hornet, MBS. 5:30 Freddy Martin's Orchestra, MBS. 6:00 Innocent Bystander. MBS. 6:15 News, Calif. Pacific Utilities. 6:20 Dinner Music. 6:30 John Ji. Hughes, MBS. 6:45 The Answer Man,' Van Dyke Cigars) MBS. 7:00 Evening Dansunt. 7:30 Morton Gould's Orchestra, MBS. S:ti0 Hawaii Calls. MBS. 8::tO-Culif. Melodies, MBS. 9:00 News, MBS. ft: 15 Dance Orchestra. 9:15 Freddy Martin's Orchestra, MBS. 10:00 Haven of ItesL MBS. , 10:30 Sign off. SI NDAY. DUCEMMKK 2'J. 1910 8:00 A. P. News. Mils. 8:05 Smart Set, MBS. 8:1.1 HeviewhiK Stand. MHS. 8:30 Voiee of Prophecy Choir, MHS. S: I.T Canary Chorus, MI1S. 9:00 Ilennle Kruser's Oreliestra, MUS. 9:15 The Chaplain Speaks, Rev, Perry Smith, MBS. 9:30 Slut! ii Song of Surely Chili, MHS. H: .1 Alieo lline. Pianist. MHS. lii:nn slriiiKs in Swinctlnie, MILS. 10:15 Romance of the Hl-Ways, Greyhound Lines, MBS. I:S Sonaln Ileiiliil. MILS. 11:00 Baptist Church Services. I2:ini Nohody's Children, MUS. 12::i Hoy's Town. 1 :0il-'t.ter Quill, MHS. '1:30 Lutheran Hour, MBS. 2:00 Sunday Varieties. 2:30 The Shadow, M Its, 3:00 l)a n co-Orchestra. 3:30 Show of the Week, MHS 4:00 All SoIdior Talent Show, MHS. 4:30 The Angelus Hour, Or. C, A. Edwards. 5:00 Aineilcuii Forum of tho Air. MHS. 6:4.1 Dorothy Thompson. MHS. 6:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour, MBS. 7:00 Favorite Songs of Yours and Mine, Hansen Motor Co, 7:15 The Quiet Hour. 7:ir, Wylho Williams, MI1S. 8:00 Freddy Martin's Orchestra, 8:13 Kabul KdKiir Allien In, MHS, 8:30 ChieiiBo Symphony, MUS. : oo News. MHS. 9:15 Hiince Orchcslni 9:30 Sign off. WEATHER STATISTICS By the, U. S. Weather Bureau. Humidity 4:30 p. m. yesterday 99 H Idlest temperature yesterday 47 Lowest temperature lust nlchl II Precipitation for 21 hours ... .fin (1.3.1 15.1(2. i'reelp. since first of mouth I'reclp. from Sept. 1. 1!H0 K'xeess since Sept. 1, 19 ID. . Miiici'! oi- kiwi, ,si:'"ii,i;iii;,m; In 1 1t. I'oiinly Cmrt of tlm Slate of in-punii for IiioiuIiim L'ltlinlv. In Hi.. Mmtrr nf tli,. Kslnl.. nf. ' liinli'H 11. Mimsuii. tifi'i'iisril Nnlli-f Is li.M'.'l.y kIvlii that I tin iMid.'i'stuiicd iidiuiniiHi'iitMr nf llxi ovinia of rh:,i'oH It. Munson, d.-- ''M. lots fil.-fl in tlm iihnv,. ..... tlllfil ri.urt his rilml nt'couiit In ItlrlllfMlt Of Sllill (.KlHllV find l. ul-. I, r .f f-aitl curt diilv nntili; nnil piiOtciI of riniil, Tnfday, tlio nth iluy of .laniiaiv. llni. (,t l,n o'i'l".'k A. M. in Hi- I'miiitv t'nurt- rooill III I)W (onplh,,ll.4A in Iinrir. tmitioi Countv, Orfirnn. h 1'iV'lt fl..rl tho tlm nnil ptio-rj Tor h'-arlnc ohjpi'llons, If nny tlo-re lie. to wn i,t finnl iifi'ount and for 111' s.IHetnent lh''l'Ciif. I'iiIim nnd first puhllslird this Lltli .In j of lHci'iiiln r. 1 !tn. it. w. .Ml'V.mi.v Ailiii)lO.itratnr of 1 lie Kstnt,. uf. L'lnil'li.-H II. Mmisoti, lle'M'UsuU. "1, Neumtrk v OoJ I juid !trult tl lliy wi! inroujn ip ivH d)l) I Rctt ll-.it ng1a un m. Cwte NumrV. th tuthtt M thit hMlr, In Himburl. f.rtminr. aNmr tltrrma prmt? forrH h.m lpn all tiiitarihU ptMMtom Inrto. a AmhUMdn Sr4n. h, iutM l tMfm hi flln. Thankful !w ihji fror. he wrttf tft r4i and mutr for hl rhntatf .