Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 27, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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Society and Clubs
One of the most delightful affairs
of the holiday season will be the
New Year's eve dancing party at
the RoReburg Country clubhouse at
nine-thirty o'clock next Tuesday ev
euliiK. Decern her 31st, to which all
members anil friends are cordially
Invited to enjoy.
A fine orchestra has been engag
ed to play for the dance and re
freshments will he served. All
members of the club are requested
to bring sundwiches for the occa
sion. Mrs. J. V. Dillard, Mrs. Har
ris Ellsworth, Mrs. Kenneth Qulne
and Mrs. O. li. Hess are In charge
of the affair.
TKNMIM3, Ore., Dec. 27 An en
loyable evening was spent at the
home of Fred Breltenbucher lest
Tuesday as his children and their
families all gathered around a
large Christmas tree to receive and
give beautiful gifts to the follow
ing members of the family: Fred
Breitenbucher, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Brelntenbucher and daughter, Ja
nice, Irvln Ureitenbucher, Mr. and
Msr. Wayne Ureitenbucher, Mr.
and Mrs. Ilyrd Smith and son,
Sidney, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon Simp
Bon and son, Wendell, Miss Betty
Lon Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Smith, Itandolf Smith, Mrs.
Cepila Shields end Miss Opal
Storm Damages
Florida Property
MIAMI, Fin., Deo. 27. (AP)
One deuth, three injured, residen
tial property daniaKo in three com
munities and une-stlmuted crop
damage were caused lust night and
early today by wind and rain
storniH sweeping across the Florida
peninsula from the west.
Rohert L. Knight, 2S. a fireman,
was electrocuted t Kort Iauder
dalo today by a fallen power lino
nnd Homer (i. Kdenfield, 32, suf
fered shocks and burns in trying to
rescue him from a heavily-charged
COPW. 140 1Y Htk StRVlCE. INC.
"J think if you hike oil" lluit Chrislmus tic your slomiicli
will straighten up 0. K"
AZALEA, Dec. 2". Art Gaeilccke
and Don Smith entertained the
bridge club Friday evening at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
(iuests present were Mrs. Wal
ter Kemp. Frank Stringer. Dick
Derrlg, Mr. aud Mrs. Vernon
Oaedecke, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rodney
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Booth,
Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Smith, nnd the
hosts, Art Oaedecke and Don
Smith. .
High score prizes were won by
Mrs. Kemp and Rodney Smith.
Mrs. Ciaetfecke and Dick Derrig
won the consolation prizes. Frank
Stringer received the traveling
Lovely refreshments were served
at a late hour.
WILUL'R. Dee. 27. Mr. and Mrs.
Fritz Droszlo entertained in their
home with a potluck turkey dinner
Christmas dny. The rooms were
decorated with boughs of fir and
flowers. A beautifully decorated
tree was the main decoration.
Gifts were exchanged nnd Suntn
Claus was present to the delight of
the children. Relatives present to
enjoy the occasion were Mrs. Min
nie Droszio. Mrs. R. C. Hill, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Ctil Henry. Mr. and Mrs.
Vcrn Lerwill, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon
ard Llles and Alford Hill and Mr.
and Mrs. Fritz Broszio.
pool of water. They -were both on
call during a heavy rain storm that
disrupted telephone and power
A narrow "twister" injured three
persons and dnmnged several build'
ings at Pomona park, just north of
Fort Myers in southwestern Flor
ida. At approximately the same time
a tornado whirled through the out
skirts of Palutka and passed close
to Hunnell in the northeasern part
of the state. No injuries were re
ported in that sector although a
tourist camp - near Bunnell was
dnmnged. some communication
lines were broken and power serv
ice was disrupted temporarily in
Musical Instruments up to
50 off
Electrical Appliances
10 to 25 off
PIANOS Regular $330 at .. $250
$209.95 Electric Range $189.50
$119.95 Oil Circulator $84.95
Practically all Items in our star reduced for
this clearance.
Used battery and electric sets
Any reasonable offer accepted
225 N. Jackson St.
"Oh, slop worrying where the government is going to gel
4'J billion :i lid fell me where we're going to get .llj..")U lo
meet this tailor bill!"
Beauteous Betty
Betty Orable. now playing nt
Hunt's Indian theatre in "Tin Pan
Dee Green Jailed to
Serve Out "Drunk"
Dee (ireen was committed to the
county jail today for failure to pay
a fine imposed in the Justice court
last July. He was fined $25 nfter
pleading Kuilty to being drunk on a
public highway, but was given time
to pay. As the amount was left un
paid. Judge It. IV. Marsters tills
morning ordered that he bo taken
into custody and that ho servo 12
days ill juil.
Woman Gets Suspended
Fine for Drunkenness
Helen Tlradford. woman hitch
hiker arrested Wednesday evening
on a charge of drunkenness, was
released from custody today. She
pleaded guilty and was given n
suspended fine of $10.
LACKY E. II. rrom t'rsula
I.nkey; married at Eugene July 17,
1937; cruelty.
noOKAMD Lottie from James
Itookard; married at Ilrldge, April
17. 1!HH: desertion.
Telephone 93
By Galbraith
R. H. S. Indians To
Play 2 Games On
California Trip
The Hoselmrg high school bas
ketball team will leave early to
morrow for a brief barnstorming
trip into northern California. The
Indians will play ut Crescent i tty
Saturday night ami at Chico Mon
Coach Jim "Watts had planned n
trip as far south as San Kranclsro
over the holiday season, ami had
arranged for the team to take in
the Kast -West football game at San J
Francisco. January 1. It was neces
sary to cancel several of the games
in the bay area, however, because
of the influenza epidemic there and
the players will get action in only
two games on their excursion.
During the absence of Coaches
Watts and Davis over Christmas,
the team has been holding work
outs under the direction of Dr. O.
C. Pinlay.
Visiting Brother Private Frank
J. Walsh of Vancouver barracks Is
spending a Christinas furlough in
lioseburg visiting at the home of
his brother, Harney Walsh.
nnSTON. lipc. 27. (AP The
Cnmnierrinl Itulletlii will say 'to
morrow :
"The wook In the wool trade lias
been extremely dull. nH was lo be
expected with Christmas breaking
the week in two and mamifartur
ers well covered against heavy or
ders for several months to come,
so that they are rather itidirfercnt
to wool purchases just now.
'Civilian business Is slow but
a good heavyweight season is ex
pected to develop later. KplnncrH
and tnpmakers are chiefly concern
ed about Retting out their orders
at the moment and report little
new Interest.
"Foreign markets are hardly
chugged. Prices are Just about.
where they were n week ago in
South America. Australia and
South Africa are still fixed on the
same level, with rather quiet husl
I "The wpst Is, of course, very
quiet, with little wool left to sell
land some holders a bit restless and
seeking offers.
! "Mohoir is quiet here and in (lie
west with prices steady
POnTI.ANI). Dee. 27. (AP)
Ilulter, butterfat. cheese, eggs,
country meats, live poultry un
j 1 tressed turkeys Puylng prices:
, New prop liens, 18c; toms. lie.
Pressed turkeys Nomina) sell
Ing prices: Hens 2'ic; toms lf;-t;jc
Onions, peas, potatoes, hay. wool.
mohair, hides, cascurn, hops
PORTLAND. Ore., Dee. 27.
(API (T. a. Dept. Agr.) IKKIS
About steadv: gnod-eholec 17.1210
I ll. drive-Ins mostly $7. SO; few
$7.2!i; 22r-205 lb. Jti.7n-7.00; light
lights lij.jjO-75; packing sows $",.00.
SO: choice light feeder pigs salable
around $5 Sft-6 .00.
CATTLK: Supply mostly dniry
cows, these, selling fairly steady at
I week's .advance; canner-cnnirnon
' rows $3.7'-5.r0; few young dairy
i cows ui to $fi.2r-50; other classes
nominal; feeder steers salable
j around n.3r,-lo.2.7; feeder heifers
saianie s.:,M.:i.uit or ortove; gnoo
! biM'f cows quotable $tl.7r,-7.2-pi; good
bulls salable $7,011-50; good-choice ;
vealers eligible around $10.00. !
: S1IKKP: Steady: good-choice,
I trucked (n wooled lambs salable
around $,; carlosds quotihle
lo $1.f,0 or above; 1 sizeable lot III .
lb. earlv shorn lambs late 'i'burs
I day $7. tie; good wooled ewes quot
' abie up to $t.5o. ;
PORTLAN'P, Ore. Pec. 27.
(AP) Open Hltfh Ixw Clne
Muy . ... . .To 7ui .75 ,7."1
Move to Country ctuo Mr. ami
Mrs. J. K. Matlock and daughter
have mo veil from VM South Jack
son street to the Hosehiii'K Coun
try club.
In Hospital Harold Print Z; or
this city, is reported lo he Improv
ed in health a I. Mercy hospital,
where he is receiving medical
Visiting Here (iilhert Vinlay,
who Is leaching in Palo Alio,
CnW'.. is here visiting his parents,
Dr. and Mrs. (I. ( Tinlay, on South
Main street.
Here for Week Molt Chase, of
Klaniiith Palls, is spending a work'
he'o visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. l . on Mooro
Visiting Here .Mr. and Mis.
Marry Lehrhaeh. of Portland, ar
rived hen Wednesday lo visU at
the home of the former's father,
Mr. L. M. l-ehrhach.
Will Hold Initiation imuphlers
of Union Veterans of the Civil
War will meet tonight at 7.:it)
o'clock at the armory for Initia
tion. Visiting In Longview Mr. anil
Mrs. Henry f-chmoll, or Myrtle
Creek .went to hong view. Wash., to
spend Christinas and enjoy a visit
with the hitter's nephew-ln-law nnd
niece, Mr. and Mrs. John 1 tun
dell. Assist With Service flow nnd
Mrs,. W. A. Sylwesler, of St.
Paul's Lutheran rhnrch in this
city, spent Wednesday evening In
Cottage flrove, where they assist
ed with the Christmas program of
the Lutheran church.
Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs.
S. T. Smith left Thursday lor their
home in Kugene, following a visit
here since Monday with Iheir son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Morgan, and sons, John
and David.
Return to Toledo Mr. and Mrs.
Paul llouser have returned to
their home in Toledo. Ore., follow
ing the t'hristuius holiday here vis
iting their parents. Mr. anil Mrs.
A. H. llouser and Mi, and .Mrs. .i.
M. Hartley.
Leave for California Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Young and children.
Klizabeth nnd .Mm, left today for
t heir inline in Makersfleld. Calif..
following the holiday week In this
city visiting Mr. Young's parents.
Mayor und Mrs. A. .1. Young.
Return Home Mr. and Mrs, W.
K. Naylor, who spent Christmas
here visiting t ho lalter's sisters.
Mrs. L. L. Spencer and Mrs. .1.
A. Fredrlcksim, loll yesterday for
Kugene to visit other relallvns, be
fore returning to their home in
lend. Ore.
Vlsitlnct at Robertson Home
Hill Khoun. of Mo.Mlnnvillo, p
spending the holidays In Ihis clly
visiting his brother-in-law iinii
sister. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace li"
iiertsnn, on South Stephens sll t.
Mr. Itoherlson. a lieutenant at
Camp Murray, is here for the holi
days also.
Leave Today Mr. ami Mrs.
l-'red liaymonil lefl tills afternoon
lor their home In Portland, follow
ing a visit here since Clirlsluiai
ill the home of the hitler's brother
and sister-in-law. Attorney ami
Mrs. (lay Cordon, on Kast Lane
street, and Willi her father, .lake
Cordon. Mrs. Itayinond was form
erly Kate Cordon of this clly.
Visiting at Helweg Home Mr.
and Mrs.. Paul Helweg have lis
llieir Christmas week guests, the
hitler's bioiher-lu-liiw and sister.
Dr. and Mrs. .1. A. Koberls, and
children, Marllvn aud Arlene, of
St. James, Minn. The vlsllors
plan lo leave by aiilomnblle Sun
day for San Kranolson, Sail Lake
City and Denver en route back to
Visiting Wiards Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Call are spending Hie holi
day week In Itoseburg as gnosis
of the lalter's parents, Mr. n:ld
Mrs. Clyde Wlaiil. Mr. Call Is em
ployed at the stage depot In Port
land ami Mis. Call, nee .limit
Wlard of this clly. Just recently
opened her own beauty shop at S.
W. Taylor Ferry road in Portland.
They plan to return to their
home Sunday.
Leave for Portland Mr. and
Mr. D. H. VIlllanis left yesterday
for their home In Portland, follow
ing a visit hero over Christmas
with their son and daiighter ln hiw.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams. In
Laurel wood. Mrs. Williams' moth
er. Mrs. Lilian Tllbke, or Astoria,
who slopped here last week-end
for a short visit, expects lo return
here next week for a slopovor at
the Williams home, following Hie
Christinas holiday In Hollywood
visiting her brother and sister,
Cole Stanton ami Mrs. Lucy Dez
enilorf, both former residents of
l.i cltv.
Bill Black's 6-Piece Orchestra
Saturday, Dec. 28th
Sponsored by Federal Employees, Local No. 459
Ladies 20e, Gents 30c, including tax
Ermu .Stnnh, above, well known
Pacific coast sports announcer,
who will handle the play-by-play de
scription of the. Shrine Kast-West
football game over the coasl-to-
ioast Mutual Broadcasting system
on iSew wir h dny. Tho game.
sponsored hy oilette Razors, will
be aired locally through KllNR.
AttenH n Rnclnic Tli.trK rw
chie, Jr., and son. Labrie, of Gard
en valley, were business visitors
in this city yesterday.
Visiting In Eugene M. anil
Mrs. Frank Krno nnd family, of
this city, are spending a few days
in Kugcno visiting relatives and
friends. I.l. Krno is on u rurtough
from Camp Murray. .
Return to Albany Mr. nnd Mrs.
Harry Harvle and daughter have
returned to their home in Albany,
following the Christmas hoiiduy
at dlide visiting Mrs. Harvie's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Lane.
At Wimberly Home Don Wim
berly. of Berkeley, Culif., is
spending the holiday week In this
city visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. V. Wimberly, on Clenn
Leaves for East Mrs. Carl 12.
Wimberly and daughter. Miss
Frances, left yesterday for Cor
vallis and Portland, where the lat
ter will take tho train for Detroit.
Mich. Miss Frances is a senior at
Oregon State college, where she
ii majoring In home economics.
Mrs. Wimberly will spend a few
days in Portland visiting her par
cuts. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. 10. Lent, be
fore returning to her homo here.
Spend Day In Riddle Mr. nnd
Mrs. II. firoves and children,
Carolyn nnd Itounle; Mr. nnd Mrs.
.John Irving aud sou, John, Jr., ami
Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Hchult, and
son, Mill, all of this city, went to
Itlddle Christinas day to visit Mrs.
Augusta Wilson and enjoy n fam
ily reunion. Mrs. droves. Mrs.
Irving and Mrs. Sehull. are daugh
ters of Mi's. Wilson.
Visitors Lea ve M r. a n d M rs.
Jack Cordon, of Kugene, ami their
son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Mc.Cullum, of Walla
Walla, Wash., have left for coast
points en route back to their
homes, following the holiday here
visiting Mr. Cordon's father, Jake
Cordon, and other relatives and
friends. Mrs. McCuUum will be
remembered here ns Miss Dorothy
Cordon. The Jack Cordon family
formerly made their home lu this
Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Merlo
I.owden and small daughter, Har
liara, of Bond. Ore., spent the
Christmas holiday here visiting
Mrs. Lo'.vden's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 11. II. Laird. They will also
visit friends In northern Califor
nia for a few days. Mrs, lowden
was formerly Miss Gertrude Laird
of this city. Mrs. H. II. Ulrd Is
reported lo be Improved in health
at Mercy hospital, where she has
been receiving medical treatment
lor tho last two weeks.
Mother Dies According to word
received here, Mrs. Thomas (Mary
Klizabeth) Sharp, mother of Mrs.
C. (;. Ferrler of Itoseburg, died
Thursday at tho home of her
daughter In Plnrher Creek, , Al
berta. Canada. Funeral services
will be held In that city Rnlurday.
A daughter. Miss Mahle Mcintosh,
of Seattle, Hew to Canada a few
weeks ngo to be with her mother.
Mrs. Sharp Is survived by three
daughters nnd a fon. Attorney
Thomas Hartfiel, of this city, Is
a grandson.
Leave Thursday Mr. nnd Mrs.
Donald Ilendrlckson nnd children,
Harry Cordon nnd Sylvia Anne,
left Thursday for Ihelr home In
KiiKene, following n visit here
with Mrs. llendrlckson's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kester, nnd
other relatives and friends. Mrs.
Hendrickson was formerly Miss
Helen Kester. Other Kttests nt the
J. J. Kesler home over Christmas
included their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Cave, of Mc.Mlnnvllle. Mrs. Cave
m-'iv formerly Mhx I In el leter.
Vltltlno Son Mrs. Harriet Sim-
milkier, of this city, has gone to
Los Ansoics to visit until January
5 with nor Ron, Niles Simmllkler.
noti:k to t iiuDiTonnx
In th County Court rf th Btnte of
OrKon fnr PounlriH County.
In the Mnttr of ttm liHt Will nnd
Ti'stniiipnt nnu i;tfit of Clnrln
nntiiH McCown, womptlmps nlso
known as l SfoCown, IWcnnr!.
Notice If liorehv irlvim flint (ho
untlirHlirneri has )n ilulv nnnotnt-
el executor of the hint will nnd tn-
inment and estnte or tJincinnatim
Mcfnwn, sometlmpii nlno known s
P. MrCown, dtcnjiiil. . by orrir of
ine ounty court or !oiKin coun
ty. OroKon, duty mndn and en
tered. All nnrsnns hnvlnir m
utfMnst suld estnti nro heroliy n-
tpiiroti in (tn'si'iii i no tmm, uui v
VtTiritd an by law rinuired. with
vniiciiors unnexnl t)Mrto. to tli
undrslgnod ut tlin law . offlcps of
I.onir ami l.onir In Hia TtnuirlH
County I'ourllioiise In Ttntiinr,
Orftfon. Within six (fl months from
nit uaio or tun nrsi puiiin-ntion or
tills notice.
On tod nnd first mini shed thin
tho 2'JlU day of Nrovnmhr. 1 flirt.
Kxocutor of thrt estnto of Cincln
nntiiH McCown. (lorennod, some
times nlso known o C. MnCown,
xoTirn of Fixt, hrtti-kmfxt
In the Cnuntv Court of the Stnto
of Orepon ftr Pouilns County.
In thn Mutter of tim Knluti. of
Imnti'in' ('ondtr. licensed.
Xotlre herohy Is Riven thnt ttie
undirsigNd. Administrator of the
Kslnln of Iniotttilin Condor. Pb-ci-asfd,
hiis flli-d his final neoount
in lh ntov entitled court: that hv
order of. oaiil court duly made nnd
entered of rooord. Hjilnrdnv, Janu
ary IS. mil, at tn o'clock. A. M..
in tho County four! ltoom In Hie
Court IloiiKP In lloHehnrir, Pmmlas
County, nrejron. Imv ln-en fixed as
he limn and place for hearing oh
tectlnns. If any there be, tn said
final account, ami tor aettloment
Dated nnd first published this
20tli ttay of December. 194ft.
PACI VS. (lnnKS,
Administrator of the Kstata of
Image no Conder, pecensnd,
xoticr to iicniTon
In thf County Court of thn fltnte
of Orecnn for pnuglns Countv.
Tn the Mutter of thn Kstate. of J.
C. HodKew, Tieeensed.
Notice hereby h given, that the
unilerHitr ned. v order of tho Cnun
tv Court of the Htato of Oregon,
for nnugliiH Cnuntv, hns been nn
polnted udrnlniMtrator of tho estate
of J. O. Hodges, docensed.
All persons having claims against
I tie estate of J. CI. Hodges, de
ceased, hereby are notified to pre
sent t he name, vertf leil as retpilred
law. to the unilerHlgned' nt thn
office of Hall murk & CieddeH, In
i be roiiL'lan National Rank Itulld
ine. In ltoehnr', Iioutrlan County.
OreRon. within ix (ill months from
the dntft of thl notice.
Paled this lltth dny of Pocom
her, PHO.
Artmtniotrntor of tint Kittute. of J.
G. HodgeH, Deceased.
Tn thn County Court of tho State
or OreRon. in nnd for the County
of DouRlan.
Tn the Matter of (ho Kb late of John
Mattln. Pecensed.
To: Cnrrle Hell TInrrlmnnr fler
trude Onrnsev; Felix A. Matt in;
c.imiyq Mattln: Flnvd Mat tin: Al
leen Mnttin: Kenneth Mnttln; Penrl
Irene Christ Inn: file nn P. Mnttln
nnd Mattle Mattln. nnd to nil per
sons or parties unknown claiming
Miy riicbt, title, entaln or Interest
in and to (be estate of tho above
nntned decedent.' John Mnttln, or in
nnd lo the real nmperty herein
described. finKKTlNOH:
In the nnmn of tho 8tnte of Ore
Ron: You nre hereby cited nnd re
fiiilied to nnponr before, the County
Court of tho Hlafe of Oregon, fnr
the County of pouirlns, In tho
courthouse nt TtoHcburir. nrnoron.
wfihtn ten (JO) dnvs from the date
of the service of this citation unon
voil. If served within Pouirln Cnim
iv. Oregon, and within twenty ('JO)
davs of the dnto of tho nervlcn of
this Citation upon you If nerved
within nnv oilier Cntlnlv. or If nerv
ed by publication wilhin twentv-
eiirni i u i uiivR oi i ne miie ni inn
first publlcntlon of this Citation.
then nnil I hern In Ptiow cntine. If
any exist w)iv nn order should not
be ninde niitborUlnif nnd eutpower-
iiic ine auminiHiratrix or inn nnnve
entitled estate lo Bell thn real
properv lietnniriug to. snhV ontntn
an prayeu ror in ner pennon men
In the n'tnve entitled Court nnd
cause, said real property being de-
Hcnueu an ronnwn in-wi r :
,.im i-'-.4-r,.fl.7-8 of n ock 14.
Sooth Drnln:
I,ntN l-'.'-7-R or HlneK 21, Hniltft
Drain, nil In Pouglaa County, Ore
Ron, VMnenn the Honorable Mnrrln (7.
flnwker. Judtfe of Ihe nbove entitl
ed Court nnd the Men) of snld Court
affixed this 10th (lay of December,
MoniUH r. nowKRft.
Countv JudRe, Pouglati County,
itet ItOV AHICR,
Clerk of DoiuMas Countv, OreRon.
Pate of first publication Decem
ber 11. 1910.
Today and Saturday
Coming Sunday
"Queen of
ff.,.t'( Pi" '"(
iviivioDf lovitmn , ','.
If 'Xvl' '"winu
In thn County Court of the Plate of .
OreRon for PaukIha County.
In the Matter of the Kstate of R. ,
c. mil, iieceaseu..
Notice in hereby Riven thnt the
undemlRneir udrulnlMtrntnr of tho
en tat 0 of It. C. Dili, deceased, hail
filed In lite aliove entitled court
bin final neeoiint In Mettle men t of
sold eslHte. and mild Court by an
order duly timdo nnd entered has
fixed" Saturday. Ib 11th day of .
Janunry, IfHl. nt the hour of 10:00
o'clock In the forenoon of nnld day.
mm the office or the cnuntv .nxiRft
tn thn Pniiirlnti Countv Courtlumne
as the time und place for lieartntr
objections to nnld account. If any
inero no, nnu tn itio unui seiiib
rue nt of 8ii Id ostato.
A. n. IIIPT.
Adtnlnlritrntnf the Ktut nt It. C.
Hill, Deceased.
l.ON(l AND AtSa,
A I lorneys f ir t lie VMn tn.
NOTICB TO cHF.nrrons
In the Circuit Court of the Rtnte of
Oregon, lu and for thn County of
In the. Mutter of the Kstate of
Anna Howker. Pecensed.
Noth-o ts hereby Riven that tho
undersigned, by order of thn above
entitled court duly made and en
tered of record hns been confirmed
ns executor of the Inst will nnd tes
tament of the nbove named dece
dent, and has qualified ns such.
All persons having claims against
sntd eHtatn are hereby required to
present the Mume, properly veri
fied ns by law required, to thn un
derslRned, at Itnntn 8, pouglas Na
tional Hank ltulldlng, within six
months from the date of tho first
publication of this notice, which
Is the 1.11 h day of December,
Executor of the Ijist Will nnd Tes
tament of Annu Howker, De
In the County fourt of the Stnto of
Oregon, for DoiivIks CntilifV.
In the Matter of tho Kstnte of Tnr
. rlet Cocke ram Mu tin ing, Dn-
cen sed'.
Notlee Is hereby (riven, thnt tho
undersigned' hns been duty ap
pointed ndmlnlHtrntrlx of thn es
tnto of Harriet Cnekernm Mnnnin?,
decensed. and that all nernonn hnv
Ing elnlms nirulnst said csiu'o, nro
hereby notified to pretient the
sumo duly verified ns hy law re
quired, nt tho office of Tt. V. Mnr
sters, In Pin Court House, nt Itose.
hurK. Orewon, within six mnntbr
from dnto ot this noiice.
tinted "and first published Pea
2 Pftfl.
Outu of last publicntlnn, Jan 17,
1311. '
Admlnlstrntrix of the lOstuto ' of
. Harriet Cockerum Manning, I).
Tn thn County Court of the Stnto
of OroKnn for Douffins County,
In the Matter of the Kstnte of
. fthnd O. Tbomiis. PeceiiH'd.
Notice herehy ts given, ihut thn
unilerHiifnt-d. by order of the Tnim-.
ty Court of the Htate of Oregon,
for I(iuirls County, tins been .m
noinied Kxecutrlx of the Pit Will
end Terttnment of IthuU O. Thoinns,
All persons hnving elnlms
ntzninHt the eRtnte of Ithnd O.
Thomns, deconsed. hereby nro no
tified to prettent the same, verl
fled ns required by law. to Pin
undersigned nt the offlreB of TTnll
mnrk St ilcddos. in tho Pougtns
National Hank lUiildlutr. In Itose
hiirir. PouKlnn County, Oregon,
wilhin six pi) months from the
dnto of this notice.
Pitted this 2Hh dny of Decern
nor. If Hi,
Kxecutrlx of the Last Will and
Tent anient of Rhud O. Tho in um,
Today and Saturday
Allen Jenkins .Esther Ralston
Nicholas Brothers
Addtd Preview Saturday
'. r" Bressatl
Starts Sunday
EkrH AGAIN... -ill tbeir