fivd ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG,- OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER" H 940. Tr n tun mm SERIAL STORY CHRISTMAS RUSH BV TOM HORNER VESTKlil AV: Cl) ixlmus ilny i pockeil with fxeiti'iiniiit nnil Kiir prlfc.i: After dinner. .Mrtrtha no tices Jerry appears worried, fie calls n family conference, an nounces: "I'm not going back m school." JERRV MAKES M DECISION CHAPTHIl IV "Yori're not wlint ?" For the flint time. In his life Ifiich Con nelly roared at his boh Jerry's knitHiles whlleiii-d ok lie Ki iipeil I lie inntitel. "J'm not wring Uiitk to medical school, Dud. I'm tlirOUKh. I'm quIttlllK." ".ferry Jerry," hiH mother pleaded. "Uon'l say Htieh rhlitRs. Vou'ro tired, itpsi't. You've heen worklnu too hard. You can't islvc tip now. "That'll II. sort." The doctor's mm went around his lull son's shoulders, held hint llislit. "You need a. rest. How n'liout n hunt ing trip? I'll leave lliiiiKs. we'll net awny for n few dnys. Kill you tip on Rood food, "ml you'll lie anx ious to i;et Iisek to work iieiilu . . ." jerry ulirtok his Heail. "Thanks. Had. Hut It's no use. I like school. I feel swell. It's not tliat. It's Just well I'm Ruins to he married." "What!" Iltiiih Connelly roared iiKliin. diottiiiiiR out Mary Wiinle's liull'-stllled sci'eain. Instantly she was on her feel. "I think you want to discuss this alone, Mrs. Connelly." she said. "If you'll excuse me " She run up the stiilrs. Thme wns a lonu silence. The doctor left his son. stilndlnir alone before the rirephue. and slumped In his fnvorlle chair. "Now, Jerry, lei's have the whole story. MnylK' tills can hi- strulchtciied out." "Jerry, yon haven't done anything-" Martha hesllnted, half afraid. "No, Mother." Jerry answered tenderly. ."Cnless I slionld he ashamed of tiilllnK in love." "It's that Valerie I'arks - I hate her!" Sheila broke In. "bet's hear what Jerry has to ny rirst, Shelhl," her lalher com limnded. "All il(!ht, Jerry, let's have1 It.". ,. ,. "It. Is Val." Jerry Iickuii. "I in In love with her: she loves me. We want lo (,'et married. There's noth ing wrong In that. Is there?" "Hut ve don't even know the girl her family. Jerry, how ('.tn yoll do tllln to us?" Martha sobbed. "You'll love her. Mother. I can piomise that. She's coming to night. Wall till you see her." "Not tonight, son." lr. Connolly counsel. "This hits come pretty silddcu to your mother and inc. We'll see the girl later. "What nlioiil this sudden ilefi Tltin to give Ul mCillclne? It means Hiding your career. Have yoll thought or that?" "I've thought cd nothing else. I know how you've counted on my bef'lhulng a doclor. how you planned oil nly coming hack here, working with you. Hut you've al ways promised it 1 decided not lo be a doctor, yoll'd let me qull. I want lo quit now." Hugh Connelly was silent, old Vsik his hurl, nfrald io Irusl his voice. ... , "Hut this, girl - I his Valerie who Is she"" Martha iiiiestloued. "The girls have told you she drives a big car. that she lias a bunch of Illr coats - Thai's true. Iler iiiinlly I" rich. He fnlher Is I lie bead of one of the biggest cor porations In the slate. Iler mother Is Independently wealthy, and nl has n large Income from a block or oil wells. "She's a woiidl'i'fiil girl. Mother; She's rent, she's tiue-eveiylhlng you could ask for In a daughter In-law." lie dropped lo his kicvs bei-lde Martha, pleading. "!''.ivi'e ii v to love her. Mothei -foi nio ' '"I I; try. Jerry. Ill illK h 'l' over tomorrow." "llul Jerrv. have you consider e,l nil the angles?" I'r. Connelly InieiTiipted, "Mow are you go big lo live? Vou have no money -mi job." "I know thai. Pad. Hut I'M gel a Jib. I ll drive n truck, run a IIIMilg stallou. We'll get along.' He was smiling now. "How about Valerie? Will she l,e willing lo live like thai- as Ihc wile ol a truck driver?" "Val would lle lu a lent. If w" could be together-she said so." lie rose, klhsed Ills mother, "ml turned to leave. "Then It's all right? I can loll Val you don't object?". , , "If you've mini'' tui your inuiil von mint to quit school get mai- tied yottr mother ini'i i " all cull. U yoil'ie sure Hut you'll IihvI t" eain your own wnv." "Mon t be In too much ol a hur ry tn tell Valeric," Martha can tinned "Vet wiur lalher imd I Dm t;i: over. Hun along now. 1 don't want to meet her tonight." ... Hours later, when tin' shadow" of ChrU'imiis iiIbIU bad close.! In around tbeiit. Hugh and Mai ilia Connelly reached n decision. Jerry bad gt to meet Valerie, the twins had hurried oil lo u dunce. They sut bcliire the tire, as ihey bad sin so many evenings before, planning Hie Inline lor their chil dren. Till hud not beeu Included Hi that plan for Jerry. Ion It win a situation thai must be faced. All or Hugh's hopes bad I I centered In hl son. l-'iom the day l. had bought Jerry his llr.'t book on anatomy, caielully directed bis boyish study. Iltieli had longed lor Hie dav when Jerry would come loin the oflb e. a full rlcilred physician, reioly to lake bis shine or the bnrden That whs lllll'.h' dream. In lis roull.iillnu. he had plumbed him self a rest. Itml- to do tho myriad things be had nuver been able in squeeze In. He and Muitlia could buy that north woods iiibtn. ho could go hunting and Ih'hlng with out constant v. orry that some one al home ii ucediuj; him, i COPYRIGHT. 1940. NEA SERVICE. INC. Hut tbul was selfish of him. There could be no thought or thai dream now. Jerry was, as always, his first consideration. "If he Is delernilned lo do It, there's nothing we can do to stop him." Hugh said at last. "He would hate us always. If we broko up his marriage. The girl may be us he says. We'll have tn see." . "Hut he's giving up everything his Career he's wrecking his whole Hie," Martha argued. "Maybe not, His happiness Is our I li st consideration. He might Ijever be happy without this girl. Now li's getting bile. I huve to drop ill at the hospital. You go on to bed. I won t be late." V It wax arti-f midnight when the doctor returned. Ho left a llglll for Jerry, wearily climbed the stairs. Ho bad counted so much on this son of his. Too much, per Jhaps. I He gl'inced In the twins' room. Ilolh beds were empty. He walked down the hall to his own room, winding his w-iitcli. The sound of someone sobbing disturbed him. Martha? No. she was asleep. The sobbing persisted. It scorned no come rroin the guest room, lie l-;nokCd gently, ttioh opened the door. I .miry Wanle lay across her bed. Isoblilng as If her heart were .broken. 1 (To be conllniied) Officers Elected By Teachers Assn. I'OHTI.AN'il. Iec.' L'7. -IA1')-llenerul sessions of the Oregon State Teachers association began here toikiy, following niinual elec tions. Mrs. Isabelle Hrlxner. Klamath Kails, advanced nutoiunlleally from vice-president to president, and Austin Lnudretb, I'ondlotoii super intendent, tfnn Hcotlon to the vice presidency over .1. ,M. Hitrge.-s, -M II ton siiiferinlendent. and II. II. McAtoO. Prlnnvlllo Bilpl'ilnlendent. Trustees named ror two-year terms were: Frank llcnttotl, Siletn siiierln lendenl. tor district I: t II. How man, Jackson county siiporlutnnil enl, for district -I; .1. 1,. Ilrecken rldge. Hood Itlvor sitperlulenileiil, for district 3. A retirement system for all pub lic iniployes In Oregon received approval of the representative council. Members said the plan bad draw backs, but Hr. J. K. Cramer, lOu gene, said the proposal was "the only kind . . . Htnmling a chance of enactment and its chance Is siltn." Pensions 'would rollow the fed eral social security schedule with I per c6ul coiitribtilloiis from em ployes' salaries being mulched by governing bodies. Mosl employes would rollro at d" and policemen nl Kh. Spain Plans Capture of Latlh America Prestige M AOIt I 1 . I 'C L'7.- (A IM The Spanish kovi rnment kiI aside lo ilny iii'w tutnlrt lo nmh ulnrKtmi,iit of VIl-o hiu hnr nml nhuiilf uncnitsly th KiilnhKlHt ncwspiiiHT Arrilm dt'i-ltiriMl tluit SN(iu iiHplrt'H to he n Ki'i'itt Atliinlli- nt'tiow(-T to pmh'ot lioth liiTHrll ii ml Latin AincrirH. AitIIiii oniil tin iU-u wiih to build mwU ii "iiinvtMTiil" HiHimuo AiiH'ri cfiiiiHiu tlit tlic proMi'iit Pmi AintT Itiiitisiii (inlvonitnl by tln rnllt'il HtiilcHl would no lonmT bii "imiIo Klzert nil tlin olhci' nUi of tlu At laiilic." Whi'ii illis plan 1m rfffctcl. thf n(' spapcr nail! without im-ntton- HR Hilt I'lliU'll Sliltt'S. tluM-o will I if no inoi "lUtrniuK to t lu for i.'ikjiu'i," Junior Hostess Wanted Fbf Colored Soldiers RMtT 1.KWIS. Vov. 'J7.- ( AIM TIip iiution'H iiortbiTrimoft inniot ullllttiry post has (usui-d publit ippnil for h Junior bostoftft to pro viN if'i-roatiouiit. nfM'liit and cul tural lifuh-i Mblp for l!n colotf'd troopn. tocaiifo of (bo ncardty "f u-kyu counuunltirn lu the I'arHli- nortli wi'Ht, finny ofMHals hii lit aiipltcanlM ror job. wliii h pnyn $I.(!'M ti yotw. nio mciuto. Thi' nuinlHr of i-oloroii shldlrs at Fort l.t'w Is bus im-i i-ascil rap- lit 1 1- tin. i.t.ut Ihinii tnntilliu J Tim Junior hnstrss must bp 1m tv(in and . ycat of npf. a hluh srhofd nnnli;;ili' intd must bnc luiit a yrar'w pot leuco iih o Whistle While You Wdrk l.dl lSVJt.l.K -(Jurstion: What bappefiM ulicu a Inrmunlivi' prtM Its wliistlo shirk? Answer: Vou Irt It srrvivh until tht- t'tuiUf'M strain t rxtuiiistd. lli'sull: Swampinir of pollrr and nrrt spapi'r ti'lrpiiuiit' vt banjos by CLEAN BURNING STOVE OIL No odor or soot, more heat. It costi no more. Tidt Water Associated Oil Co. Phone 637 Rice & Meyers Sheet-Mcta! Work Sheet Metal Work Tailored to the Job 67 N. Jacklon St Phonl 320 OUR BOARDING HOUSE (ESADLEANO&K THW WAS Wl-W DON'T WOU SET AN OLD BOOT '"A CAPITAL IDEA OP YOURS TO r AMD VOU'LL HAVE A COPY O" TMAT i REPRODUCE BAXTER'S W06E JJL FREE LUMCH SNlFFEHl OP VOURS M S WITH A CLOTMESPIM" rtvu AND YOU COULD USE THREH Jj- TtA'E. RESBrABLANCE IS yW SAUSAGES TOR CMINS f- TT-IMW ' m. a . urn J ,mss- . uj i mtiMwmem- - He Can Take It-Or When it comes to hitting the bottle, 15-diiy-nld Carl Dane Thus pnnrd. Jr., can take it or leave it alone. His fnllier, Carl ThtisRanrd, of Jamaica, L. 1., riaRctl up this Radpet so that ( 1 ) Papa ThUMjaard wouldn't k'I a IvicUache bending over to feed Junior, (2) Junior could take & nip now and then mid know where to find the buttle wheiT he wants another snnit. Takes Important Italian Command In drastic slmK cup of Italian army hijh coinmniul, Gen. Kt toic Bastico, abfivt. was put in climc of the stiatcinilly im portant DodcL'.'iru'so Inlands. Companion (if Pnnntpr Miismj lini in rally Blai-kshirt days, nnd vctfiaii roinmamlfr ofKtiii op:nn n. d Spjinh wars. Iip is fonsiricrrd an exponent of .smashing blilkiie attacks. annoyed and cm ions folk. It happened yesterday to a I Mr Four loc -hi tint l v w hen a ah e in the loot I it l; appaiatu Innke. The thine riHildn'I he Ii i t oil' tor "n 1 niimile-j. COLD WEATHER SPECIALS Hot Chocolate, Fudge, Fudge Caramel and Holiday Fruit SUNDAES 15C DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY with VCCMANGIMS " COrAPLlMENTS Leave It Alone F. L Knowlton, O. S. C. Poultry Expert, Passes i ColiVAU.IS. Ore. 117.-; (API J Knuik I.. Knnwltnn, H!, Ori'KOti; SI nl t prnn'swor nt tioiiltry hns- hjiiiilry, (ll)'(t nl the I'orllnnil vt't- rnnis' hospital C-)iris(ni;iM d;iy. Kuowlittu. wiili'ly known tn On-, mm ha an authority on poultry lrt 'Cill hk. joiiu-U the rolh-Kf Ktatl in an a ii'searrh assistant. A uriulunli! of Corni'll ami W iscon- , sin nnlvn-sitlrrt who saw sei'vice in l lu1 worhl war, Knowlton for many, vrars was scrrctary of the Oregon i 'on-Hi ynuai's niisociation. Surviving tint his mot tier, Mrs. ttcim Knowlton, t'oivallls, tine' clttlfli t it, autl a sister. Mis wiTc dlt'il thri't' yearn a;o. Chapman's Drug Store will be OPEN This Sunday Hours 8 A. M. lo 9 P. M. Major Hoople Prospects for 1941 Are Discussed by, Dr. Wire A rcvloiv of the reeont past and a brief discussion of the prospects for the coming year wnro the fea tures of a talk Riven yostorduy be fore the regular weekly hutch eon of the UosebitrK Itotnry club by j itev. .Melville r. A ire, pustor or the Itosebitrt; Methodist Kpiscopal church. I'roKram Cht;;rninn Charles Km-i pry nnnmiucetl tlmt the proKrain next week would be a summary of individual plrnis for l!)tl, as given by the members in turn. your of Reduction Looms lit Meat Rations For British Folk LONDON, Dec. 2i. (AP) Brit ain's merit ration Irt likely to lie reduced from that purchaseable for one shilling ten pence (about 37 eenlni per weeK io purchases of one shilling sixpence (about 30 cents) per week per person early in January, It was reported re liably today. ! (Ihltain rations meat by price! rather than weight. The one slilll tup tenpence allowance bought; ahoitt a pound and a half of beer.) : POrk, tripe, kidneys, liver ond sausages, which hitherto have not been rationed, now may be part of the ration. Members of the fight ing servlre-s, who until now have enjoyed larger rations, are expect ed to take a cut in proportion to that given the civilian population In the new order by Minister of Kood Lord Woolton. Lord Woolton turned down a suggestion that restaurant patrons should drive coupons clipped from their ration books, as was the- prd cedure fn the last war. A food ministry official said there might be n temporary reduc tion in the present allowance or two otinces of butter If convoys were delayed, but that "even so tritons will reec-fve a larger fat al lowance than any of the inhabi tants of enemy countries or enemy occupied countries." He said the output of vitamin ized margarine hd doubled In the past few months mid that the fat situation generally was "very rosy." Nacon Is the only other food which he said might have to be curtailed early In lilt!. The pres ent rations are half a pound of ba con and ham per week. Traffic on S. P. Sets New Record iri 1940 Volume of frelKlit truffle handled hy Southern Pacific lines in lllt'l was the greatest ill the company's history, ton miles having exceeded even the heavy traffic volume of IfiSS. A. I). McDonald, president of the company, suld today tn a year end review. "However," lie pointed out!, "the compnny received about one-third uour ENVELOPE mmtesi in ROSEBURG Every year hundreds of dollars have been sent out of this city to envelope factories for envelope purchases as it is a known fact that these factories can sell large orders at lower prices. It is no longer necessary to wait for a factory salesman or to order direct, for we are factory representatives for the Mail-Well Envelope Company, manufac turers of certified quality envelopes. We can now quote prices and fill your order on the same basis as the factory. Through this factory connection wo are able to supply ALL of your envelope needs -- Regular Commercial envelopes, Window envelopes, Catalog envelopes, Business Reply and Statement Envelopes, Air Mail envelopes, Economail, Theatre, Drug, Florist and many other styles ot regular and special made envelopes. tnnitt nit ftnnmnlPQ qunl'lff .1 Rinu'biirftarliicTvriiirti: of a cent less revenue tin the aver age ror each ton mite in 1!'4U than It ! did hi 1929, equivalent to a reduction'' of 23 per cent. If the 1940 reve l line per ton mile had been the same ' as in 1929, freight revenues during; the past year would have exceeded the total actually realized by more than $r0,OuO,OUU." Southern Pacific's passenger traf- fl.. n..Uno oLaiiI 111 nur cent or its total business, was less ! than In 1931 and was otr IK per em as compared with 1929, McDon aid noted. Average revenue recelv-, ed per passenger mite waft 40 per cent less than in 1929. Clothing Workers End Strike Over "Fast" Man LONDON. Dec. 27. (API Fire I thousand clothing workers decided lodHy "in the iiHtlouul Interest" to ', end their six-day strike over nil army uniform fuelory's refusal to dismiss one num. Albert lizonliy, nfler he had been expelled from his union for alleged "breaches of union discinline." l.nzeilhy asserted that the union j expelled him because he was "cut ting too many pairs of khaki trou sers 'in hour." ' NEW YEAR PLANS! You will soon be planning for 1 94 L Make your platis to buy Co-op. Those Co-op refunds keep buildiricj up arid you soon own a share in a business that will save you money for years to come. BUY CO-OP IN 1941 DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG. OREGON . . . Keep All Mail-Well certified quality envelopes are sold on an unconditional guarantee of perfection. SKATING Wed., Sot. and Sunday t the RAINBOW RINk WINCHESTER Floor Sanding and Refinishing Old Floor Made Like Mew CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651-J Phono 128 H. C. STEARNS Funeral Director Licensed Lady Aselitant Phone 472 OAKLAND, ORE. Any Olstknce, Any Time Our aervlce I for ALL, and meet EVERY NEED