ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 7. 1940. FIVE- For Your Convenience TliMf Do ux Inn Connir torr will take Want Ada fur the !tctv-llllrwi CLXYKH'S VI.UIKET ftufherlln STKAItNS A I Hi. SOW Kill On kin nil STONAKKU IHIl'G CO. Vonrnlln Mt'imVW.D STOKK i;iktn HKIMIID'S I iiipqun sTimii iltili 1. II. Ml IIOI.S Ilrofkn iiy I.. It. III! Ililill CO. Illiiitft Vltllry 1UW CI.I.'N STOIllj 'I'cuititlc C. V. Kit ft HACK IHIInrd 1IUVMM.DN & ADAMS Jtjrilt Crrt-k Ivl YIMKK S Hhlillr hknmm.i:..' (li'mlnlr IlK.XMMf.Ktr (an Mill l II If DAYS IIKMK MTOItU llt? I ri'k The nlHitc More will n crept nils nni) inmint for Ihonl. .IiimI Irll the inorvhiiitt llMi-d nlxtvrt I wmit tu put nil nil in Ihe NewN-ltfvlrw," nml ht will tnke vnrr of nil the Uctnlla fur you NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads ohone 100 RATES First Insertion, per wor'. 2c Each subsequent insertion per word - lc One week, per word Gc One month, per word 20c Minimum chaise 2.1c Copy for this piiKO will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. on the day of Ml)IIl'Uti0U. The Ni'ws-lt'-vicw awsviTin-H im .'MpimsiliHity riir iiiid in mi wny pnnniinci's l )u f f iif in I rt'Npoiisi I'illiy or iniPKi'Itv f ilin jiiivi'iliH riH In 1 Mi i-l;iKsirii-'l - fiihnniiH itiiiil.-rs hit urut u to uiitlit- full tn vt'Ml iliii Inn ln-ftti'i jjiiluiir tni'iii'V III its pun si- 1 1 mlVi'il isenn-iitf. Tin- ,Vs. lii'vliw ri-.(rf.s tlm ripht tti rf.H't nhjci'tioiial'l" ;ulcr lisiicr. It luilhiT itsitvcs the riahl. o cl;i(sif v nil inlvftt isin untlr th- pt-'M" r Ini-mri-iitl'.n ALLEY OOP COME NOW.0OVS, WHERE 15 THIS TRUCK IN WHICH VOL) SROUGHT THAT STOLEN! l PLArJE HERE ? FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS LARD ASKED ME To DANCE' WITH A PRETTY GIRL AMD DEDICATE THE DANCE TO HIM ' r ri I I I : , ' - . - BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES let ve wmow r W it VVAEKs WE 6ET J JC to -wt aw- . r?T( WASH TUBBS p-rirA-Ta SI rckm am alley amp! . ' ( 'l- ' n UP THE REAR STAiftS l fSsMi y-Ujf rit' t; giteasva am apartment E ' To get In touch with advertls era givitiK as their address "Uox so and so. care Neivs-Rovlew," it is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who they are either. Livestock ONK Rood 2-year-otd Guernsey bull for sale. J. A. Hooten, Moun tain IIouso Farm, Carnes Sta tion. FOR SALK Horse, 111)0 pounds. I years, $75.00. Wlient straw, delivered. J Urn Urumbach, iyF12. FOR SAI.K One yearling, well bred. Red Durham bull calf. Kl mer Scliud, Klktun, Oregon. I'tilt SAMS Fresh row and calf. .Mrs. Joe Campbell. Garden Val ley road. Phone 704-R-2. COCKBll SPANIR'l.S registered' thoroughbreds. Jacob's Kennels, 312 W. Second North. FOR SALE llreediiiK ewes, young and old, priced to sell. Room 532, Hotel Grand. WANTED .10 head young goals. Phone 2F12, Oakland. G. W. Shook. FOR SAI.K Family cow. fresh. 11. !age. Canyonville. Fuel FOR SAI.K Oak nnd laurel wood, $2.50 tier, delivered to Rose burg. Phone 2F-I1. PHONE 282 Green nnd Dry Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. SHED do wood. Phono 173-R. I- Chiropractor Ht. H. H. Sf'OWIKM) Phonn 273 I'M DANCING THIS NEXT OMF WITH BEN DAVIS, SO NOW'S 7UUP. CHANCE I "SO WOU'PE OOINC3 TO ) WHAT IS ALL THISABOUjJ (tHEE BOY& STOLE AN TTit ,x,CA II PON'T KNOW, BUT X MEAN TO ) 1 (TRUCK?J EH? ALL RIGHT, ) AND A fi.X5SjrR AND HAU.L!,1T L!P BrInS A aNd MISTED CAVEMAN, I J AiSS PLvfiHi-; 1 rkiJ tIm rjy WE VKVEViT TVE TO E'9IK KiOW, WW.VNE. &OT TvMb Eorc H. .i- - A ) For Sale Miscellaneous (IAS washing machine; pas range; electric washer; electric range; wood ranse; studio couch: elec tric radio; battery radio; daven port and chair. ?15: $6y vacuum cleaner. tl.9f: 5125 Mohawk Wilton iuk. ?57.50. Judd's Kur- I nit ure Store. WHY WOT get the IlyPower, guaranteed nun Her and lorgel your muffler troubles. Also Ret your glass at Surf f '8 Auto Wrecking House. A NEW modern s'orage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Carious for salo. FOR SAI.K lleconditioncd Ford j tractor or will trade It for ; sheep. Glenn Gurney. Oakland FOR SALK Almost new Singer sewing machine. Special price. Parslow Hardware Store. GRAND Christmas gilt Headmas ter hov's bicycle, excellent con dition. 702 Mill. KI.KC'I'ROM'X sales and service. I Phone Ml. 119 . Moaner. HOLLY with berries. Cheap. Fic tion Library. FOH SALE 31F2. -Dressed clucks, l'lione Poultry FOR SALE or trade Rhode Island Red cockerels, blood tested, suit able, for breeding purposes. V. J. llurslck, Melrose. FOIt SALK-r-18 Haired Hoik pul lets, just starting to lay. and 7 liens 75c each. Webb, Edenbow- er store. IKOU SAI.K K.u yearlins Lrphorii ! hfns nnd pulti'ts. Tom .Mi'lton. l'fi(iir1s CrtM'k. Fellow Sleuths Batting 100 Good Luck, Checking rr'i-:TE3ivs(S soon, he i-iMwsta sukz raw This looks like a fwiTMour even ( FRECKLES IMLXP swell prospect bees crvrVf- looking at y Mc r-,nnccv DON'T CLUSTER. AROUND ) , ' ' ' kf VOUR FACE. J VOU ijilTrrVl NO x A THISTLE r-J m MAV I DAMCE MAY, X,? BUT W X j " pS" ' ; SS A7ITM TUP Kuc caii- SIDE-KICK' J-W - . "K REST OF FLMTESRED pOVtXI QjCK WIT I 11 i I YOU? I 8V uic KNOW WHO J PlT , S J. ::l sudden3 , WAS P FlQURES Real Estate INVESTIGATE tne opportunities we are offering you to get estab lished on a farm of your own. Call at the National Farm Loan office, 415 Perkins nulldlng. . Roseburg, or write C. A. Raines. ItiT K. 8th St., Eugene. Federal Land Rank of Spokane. FOR SALE Houses nnd vai'ant luts. Also R. II. truckage Cash or easy tonus, l'lione ' 3G9-J. Northsldo Apartments. Autos FOR SALE Mill Plymouth Con. Coupe $925 New car guarantee. 1:I9 Dlx. Plymouth Sedan 725 Low mileage, radio, very clean. 1939 Dlx. Dodge Sedan $795 Radio. - healer. 11,000 . actual miles. 1937 Dodge Dlx. Sedan $345 Healer. Clean as a pin. .1UM Hudson Sedan $595 Good rubber. Verv clean. 193U Dodge Dlx. 4-Uoor $115 Radio, heater. Runs like n top. 1937 Ford Dlx. 4-l)oor ..$395 A l from bumper to bumper. 1935 Ford Conv. Coupe $325 Brand new top. Radio. Real classy. 1933 Plymouth Sedan $195 A real good used car. 1935 Chevrolet Master 2 Dr. ..$295 New paint. Runs fine. 1932 Ford 2-Door $105 Clean. Motor runs swell. Many others not listed. Wo also have several lale model pickups and trucks that are real buys, "81" DILLAllf) MOTOR CO. Help Wanted MI1H,:-.U;KI womnn. fond of t hildrt'ii. to help with lU'nt lionso work ami cure of yt'nr old hiihy. Slut f rffon'tH-es nnd vagM sii tnl. llnv !ift, 4' (i New u Rt-vii'w. Boots In cL7mem: Z. " FEV.' ' THIS IS RED TELL THE CHIEF 1 ScEU CfflMK- WJATER. I'M , BA:'! THE ' CHIEF WILL SEE Vflll AT tl fQ'", : : ;y. , - --II corn. iw evBri afn.x mc t u pro u s er. orr J Rentals i 6-HOOM turnlstieil flat, private j bath, entrance. Gas range, water heater. Phoae 222R. 647 S. Stephens. '.MODKKN. 3-room. furnished apartment. Private bath. Adults only. Inquire Harth's ToBRery. APARTMENTS. 56 per month and up. ('lose In. Adults. 302 West Washington. I FOR RENT 5-rnoni duplex, fur ' I nislied. 411 East Douglas. I , KOHLIIAGEN APARTMENTS ' j Strictly modern. Phone 550. 4-ROOM furnished apartment. Call at 218 or 232 S. Jackson. 4 ROOMS, lower floor. Refrigera tor. 421 Fined. 2-ROOM furnished apartment. 112 llrockwny. MODERN 3 rooin Apt. Cull at The Strange Shop. MODERN, furnished apartment. 926 S. Main. ROOMS. Phone S03. Dentistry SPECIAL Extinction and Plates Pyorrhea Treatment Gas wheu desired. Br. Norbas Masonic Bldg. Phone 48S Dr. G. W. Marshall, Med. A. Bldg. Lost and Found LOST rpper diMitnl plutp. Iiv wiird. l!ox yr2, t'-o NowH-lio-' view. Hay, Grain, Feed FOU SAI.K Itiih'd hay. V. U l.fimnrd. f tnlhs wrsl Snilicrlin. ?vAb b QOVTE T'tXE MObT (MOVf IWVTE T.t;eoITvE oki-cc -vvwidfe feE b OV.OTEVy 0t 6 THAT SHE moT HOWV By Roy Crane tk CfpHEW RED, THE sabotar flij312! Saaesa Mi u MAKES HIS WAY ACROSS ROOF- LJ TOPS TOWARD A MORE MODERN CScd rp-T AW SUMPTUQi )S RUILDINfJ W a. MO BY m I.trfVK,E tNC T M fit o S.Mr.oit. Work Wanted ORCHARD shiublicry or nursery priuiiiiK. Years experience. George Knrls, Route 2, Roseburg. Eden bower. NOI'K i: OK KIXAI. Afl'OI'XT No. 3704 In the County Cmirl of the State of Ol'iKm for the Cuunty of Doug las. in the mutter of the Kstato of M. L. Iti-U'lioc, lc ccast'd. .Ntutro is hi'ri'by nivt'U that thu , umti'l'MtKUt'd, Atlmllitstt'illrix of the Kshilo of .M. 1 llit.-kcr. it -as.-d. has rihd 111 tilt? tiliovo ciilitU'd ouii anil i-iiusi' llor Final Atvouul of llo' Ailinhilstnillon of s:iiil KMiitc. nnd lliilt tllo lion. Mollis I'. lluWKor. U'ouiily .luilito of lioimlas liiiuly, (oivhoii. Iius li- an otili-r illllv niaib' :nhil clit.'i'cil of li'i-oiil. flxi'il Tliui'n- ilny, tllo llltli ilny or lii-i-i-inlior, linn, ill Mm hour of toil oVIoi-k In the forciiooti or situ) ilny. and tllo i.'ottuly Court liooin in Hie I'oiinty Court llmiso lu Itom-liiirif. Iioiuiliis I'ounty. oirKini, as Die tliuo ami plni-ii for hearing snlil Filial Ai'-i-outit, and obji'i-tlous tlu-lvto. If llioru tiy any, anil for the settlo nii'iil ot Ihe sunn- anil fur llm clos Inn: of milrl estate. All persons having objections to siilit l-'lnul Accnunl are requested to file the ftuuie ml or before, ihe date set Tor Final Hearing. fluted ami first publlslied Nuveui her hi. linn. I'ICCII.IA Jl'NIO llHtl'KKU. Administratrix of the Instate of M. L llrlckor. Dei seil. Miiiri: to itr.uiToits In Hir County tuirt of tlio State of OrrKon fur IHmikIhn t.'tiuiity. tu tht MlltUT of tlu l ist it to of iit-niK' -. Hi'st. lttvonat'tl. Nut It is hfi oliy KtviMi ih it tli ii nil' m-.iu'it lui.i htMMi duly tipi'oinl el Ailirinlst nit4r of tiif cHlutt' -if t lo ii hovi minu'cl (ioiiiH' A. 1 icnt, ilccfHHt'il. Itv unlcr of t ho li,.vo n Itttli'd (iMirl duly mmlt' nnd eitttT4,Ml. AM pi'iKDiiM tiiivliiir t'lalniH i gainst natd t'Mtnti' me - lu'i t'tiy i'"n 1 1 r-;? In Ipifwpiit Iho hhiho, duly crii't!,r n 1 1 1 v law riMUli-t-il. to tht uiuli-t .Jitn N'il lit I ho law ttfrtt-fN uf Ooidoli & KfMhiini In )MHiltur(r, 1.iiik1is I'uiiuly, Ot'i'Utui, wiiltin xlx nioiitim fiom the tlult- tif tlio first puhlku Uon tif this ii'li"i lal uf fii'Mt piihlifatloii Nivvom-lui- X lit Hi. hanikIj i. KKotiANi;. AdmliilKtriitur of tin; lOntatu of ti.-tuHi- A IImI. I. t . :n. ! By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser By Edgar Martin 2 '. 'K. -.JL r tF r. J 111 t I ! GENERAL SAW FILING Howrd Casebeex, 443 S. Stephana. Also furniture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 100 S. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Knight Porter, corner Douglas & Main. Bcly, tender work. Painting. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Eor. Pbone 848. WASHING MACHINES IRONERS Bergh's, 630 Winchester. Ph. 805. REFRIGERATION SERVICE El. (3. Jones. FUone 1M0-L Royal Guest for White House ! Jk- " , miW. .... .-vn, 1 - m j IMBiiWiaWIIW II. M. II. Crown Prmcoss Juliana nf the Ncthprlonrls, now living in Cnmidti, will bo n giuwt oU Presidont and Mrs. Roosevelt at the wniin i-luusc rjofore Ciiristmns. pnoto auovo, lURen in Ottawa rc ccnllv. is the lalesl portrait of the royal refuges and her two rfnURhlers, Princess Beatrix, left, and Princess Irene. ODDITIES Yule Thief INIUANAI'OMH A week lioforo Iho hollilii)', ii HlrotiK'tiriili'il thief Iihs riniKliiid IiIk (hristniuH uhop pliiK. Mrs. K. L. Mary lolil iiollco soinu body nut down Mini carried off a lii-yi-ur-olil ccdnr in her yard suit table for a Clirlstmus tree. Nearing the Deadline HIAWATHA. Kim Three bnclio-Imi-h InioiiiiMl thin iidvertinetiient in the llliiwiillia World: "l.imt opiiorliitilty, flftiii'ti iiiori days only of leap year. (Blgnod) Adnlr (liny, Miirrln Werner, 1'ren ton linrl." Hold Everything! cnrl l'1 it iiivici mr. t m ti y "I : cc ii liniti nf i"ti , ii Nlnl licit ii RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRINB ?.oseburg Electric. Pbone 123. RADIO SERVICING Bill Cnllhoun's Radio Muslo Stora, Ph. 93. ' - Hargls Radio Service. Phone lXj Lund Radio Service. Phone 84. FLUE CLEANING FURNACES vacjum cleanod flat t . cleaning. Call 841. J. C. Bewley. GARBAGE SERVICE BILL'S Garbage Service. Efficient service. Reasonable rates. Ph. 331. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Babar 116 No. Jackisn SKATING Wad., Sot. and Sunday . at th RAINIOW RINK WINCHESTER For newspaper diliverltt after 5:30 Pliose Call 1S9-L ht ( mill ni"' miiII - Iml illlnil'.'ly liirytlc.''