ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1940 FOUR .Mr. am! Mrs. O. C. Hrown. Hose fcurp, Onon, K. 9, lu, 11, 12. Narraganaett Adult Tom Strong) Oakland. Oregon. 1. If'id.nm's Turlipy Farm, Tangent, Oregon. 2. 3. Yearling Tom Hudson's Turkey Kami, Tangent, Ol"tKOIl, I. l I. Strongs. Oakland. Oroson. 3. 6. Y. Truitt. Oukluuil, Oregon, D. Young Tom Hudson's Turkey Farm. Tangent, Onwiii. 1, :. ". fi. 7, 8. !. Hi. Strongs, i lukltmd, Oregon, 2, J, 31. 12. Old Hen Strongs. Oakland. Onon. 1, 3. Hudson's Turliry I'aim. Tnngont. Oregon, 2. Yearling Hen Strongs. Oakland. Oregon, 1, 5. Hudson's Turkey Kami, Tangent' Oreiuin. 2. .'!. 1. W. (i. Truili, Oakland. Oregon, G. Young Hen Strongs. Oakland, Oregon, 1, i, 10. 11. 12. Hudson's Turkey Kami, Tan pent. On'gnll. 2. It. f. fi. 7. IJ. ;. Truitt. Oakland, Oregon. 8. White Holland Adult Tom Kugeiif llnmriek. Kt. ti. Wok 150, Salem, On'un. 1. Yearling Tom Kugene llumrlrk. lit. t. Hox IsiO. Salem, On-rron. 1. 2. It. Young Tom Kngene Hatnriek, Kt. It, Itox 150, Salem. Oregon. 1. 2. Kraneis Todd, Oakland. Oregon. 3. i. Regal Bird Brings Honors to Owner XfUH-Ki'Viw I'holn tinil Eugravhlg l'lctured above me A. Tt. Hudson, Tangent, and liis NurraKunsett young torn, which won the highest honors among the live exhibition birds of the Oakland turkey show. Mr. Hudson has been a top winner at the show for many years. BOUND'S Broad Breasted Bronze TURKEYS Breeding Stock and Eggs PAULINE M. BOUNDS MYRTLE CREEK Telephone 2807 Myrtle Creek i Old Hen I Margaret Uaum. KosebuiK, Ore ! Kupene Hamrick, Kt. C. Box J 50, gon. T. Salem. Oregon, 1, 2, 3. John Vox, Francis Todd, Oakland, Oregon,! Oregon, S. 4. 5, (i. Ho. 5! C, Koselmrfr, Yearling Hen Kiiftene Hamrick. Kt. 6, Box ljfi, Kalein. Oregon, 1. 2. 3. Young Hen Eugene Hamrick. !!t. 6. Box 150. Salem. Oregon. 1. 2, 3. 1 Bourbon Red Adult Tom Mih. Nelia Butler, lit. 1, Hills boro. Oregon. 1. 3. Ward tockeram, Oakland. Ore gon, 2. Yearling Tom Mrs. Xrlia Butler, lit, 1, Hills boro. Oregon. 1. 2. Ward Cockeram, Oakland, Ore gou, 3. . : Young Tom Ward Cockeram. Oakland, Ore gon. 1. 4, 5. 9. Mrs. Nelia Butler. Hillsboro, Oregon. 2, 3. i J. A. Leatlierwoocl, Oakland, Orron . fi. Old Hen Ward Cockeram, Oakland, Ore gon, l. 3. Nelia Butler, Hillsboro. Oregon. Yearling Hen "Ward Corkeram. Oakland, Ore gon. 1, 2. 3. (!, 7. n. Mrs. Nelia Butler, Hillsboro. Oregon. 4. f. Margari t Baum. Jtoseburg. Ore gon. S. Young Hen Mis. Nelia Butler. Hillsboro. O recoil. 1. 5. fi. Ward Cockeram. Oakland, Ore gon. 2, 3, 4, 8, Hi, 14. 35, Hi. IS. .loh n Fox, Box 51C Hoseburg. Oregon, 7. Margaret l!:ium, Roseburg. ( ire gon, 8. 13. ,1. A. Leatherwooil, Oakland. Oregon. 11, 12. 17. WE EXTEND TO ALL TURKEY GROWERS our BEST WISHES! Douglas County Poultry Cash Buyers of Turkeys and Other Poultry 1 15 W. Douglas St. Telephone 374 Black Adult Tom Mrs. Fay l.tathenvood, -Oakland. Oregon, I. Shidt ler Turkey Farm. Bt. 3. Se ba.-(anol. Calif.. 2. Yearling Tom Mrs. Fay Leather wood, Oak land. O rerim 1. 2. Young Tom Mrs. Fay l.eathoruood, Oakland, Oregon, 1. 2. 3. tJ. 7. Clark Cole. Oakland, Oregon. 4. Shideler Turkey Farm, Btv -it, Kebamapol, Calif., 5. Howard Maupin, Oakland. Ore gon. S. J. A. Leatberwood, Oakland, Oregon. !). Old Hen Mrs. Fny Lenthenvood, Oakland, Oregon. 1. Yearling Hen Mrs. Fay Leatberwood. Oakland. Oregon. 1. 2. Shideler Turkey Farm. Itt. 3, Ki I bastapol. Cull!'.. 3. I Young Hen I Mrs. Fay Lentberwod, Oakland, Oregon. 1. 2. 3. 5. 12. .1. A. Leatliorwood, Oakland, Ore i gon. 4. ! Clark Cole, Oakland. OVgon, li, 31. Howard Maupin, Oakland, Ore gon. 7. S. Shideler Turkey Farm, Kt. 3, Se busiapol, Calif., 9. Myra Kamp, Unipquii, Oregon, lit. Domes, Grower of White Hollands. To Compete in 1941 ! I Ilmiy V. Domes of Itiiliicull. iv iuiiiT of kIx Brand chiimnionKhips Ht tin1 Northwestern Turkey show, ! is serving notine that he vill tie biiek ill eonipetition with his White Holland turkeys at the 1(141 show. Mr. Domes 1ms exhibited lu the utility division for the past two' ;ears. hut states he will have 40 or ' more hirds in readiness lor next I year's siiow. Mis entries In the 193!) World's I Poultry eonpress at Cleveland, i Ohio, in MSil. won all prizes in the White Holland division and the 'grand championship of the show, I inaK intr a eleau sweep of all avail ;aile honors. In addition to taking ' six grand championships at the 1 Northwestern Turkey show he has I won pi inripal honors in numerous Mother exhibits, including the grand M'hampinnship til Grand Forks. North Dakota, poultry show. His ! numerous winnings have made him 'widely known throughout the na llion as one of the country's fore 'inost breeders and has resulted in the establishing of a very large ! business in brood stoek and eggs. He produces about 5,nuu birds 'each year o nhis 250-acro farm, lie lias been engaged in the turkey business for about 1 1 years. His sou. Kichurd. 22. is joining in I lie business and will he a joint ex hibitor in IfHI. Mr. Domes stales. (Inaids are maintained day ami 'night at Turkey hall during the ' annual show to tare lor the birds. I break up lights and lieop the tern- 1 iicnil'ln' t'ii.-llt ATTENTION, DAIRYMEN Market Your Cream Through The Douglas County Creamery ROSEBURG For over thirty-sixyears cash buyers of cream Makers of Mel-O-Maid Butter and Ice Cream AGENTS FOR DeLaval Cream Separators and Milking Machines III nae water Associated on vo. i