TWO' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940.' Sawmill Strike Extended to Four MSsinTacoma! 1 t TACOM V. tiiiniher ( I'liilMc l:i...... try iiiiH.irtl I he -. i Af) -The ill KlH' i!l tilt' Kl!lllJ-M' illl'.IIS' H.'iii'i; ( .day as four moie down because Tii.nmi iuIIm tlmi id a .is illii'i'te between the liiniY'r workers' union V and h;iv' mill ,1 .ind e;n- iloycrt. Kenneth tiordoii. : i in nea am-iit for In uiiin:;, ed ill least S3 il.ll!.' "'! ramus are dunn In lit-' liunf-yiWiul-lii!:i.illl: I'usi'l sound district. ('Insure of the I'mir Tfii'iiiiiii mills I no lie hi. to It) Ihi' hound nla nl li' i minitior ol Htrlki?- I III' Ml J MM (Hill shut down Imlay Hie Wheeler Ds liood Sales rariinnitlnii. Niirlli west Dour coniimuy. UulTHi'ii I. um ber and Maniilai'tnrlni! eiiiniiaiijf anil the I'tileriniin Manul'aeiurliis coiuimny i employ auiiioxliuutely 2, lull itieu. tiordon said. Heveral of the closed mills have been supplying lumber ttiid ilin Ished products ior nallonal defense- -prim ipiilly miiiei lals lor nriny construction work In Wash ington and Alaska. The union seelis a basic walie Ineleiise hum to " cenls an hour plus a week's vacation with pay. The mrlke siarted in Ta coma two moiilhs iiko. It has since spread to the entire I'iikM si I walerslied. .Meunwhi:e. Ihe SI. I'alll and Ta comn mill here was idle as mine than sou employes ole-yci! a ""amp work" order issued by the liner nallonal Wooduorkos of Anierliii (CIO). The one-dav "linlhlny" was called, union olticials said, so the uirnilicrs colitd hold a mass llieetlllK to discuss promess of lie- Collations on a d anil lor a l a day waBe Increase and two weeks vacation with pay. The St. Paul employes are ev pcctwl to letiirn to work tomor row. Shut down or Ihe lour Tacouri mills loday came as strikers from Kvnrelt thiew picket lines aliiunil Die plants. Strllic-houud now are Hi mills III Tneoma. one at Snoiualinle. nix at lOvereit and three IdskIiik ciiiiips In the .Moitoii-.MIneial re KIoiim. roltTI.ANH. Hie. I'ec. T. -(A!') - Heads of CIO nnd Al'l. lumber unions couleried with ibe iimnaxeiiieiit of ten plants toilny t udlHcusa (he unions'- demand ol a 71 cent mi hour pay Increase. llesulas of Ihe mcclllli; will be referred to union memberships nml are expend to determine whe.llier Ihe sawmill slrlkes ol the noi'lhwesl reach I'orlliind. The CIO already lias voied mi Ihority lo lis leaders, and AI'M. headB have, asked lor slrlke At ' ltillllli'V a Jolnl AK1.-CIO limimlllee reiresellllim -workers III tile Clark & Wilson Lumber cimipauy of I'rescotl r .-Iveil mi- Ihmily. from Hi" union ineuiln'i' lihlp to call n strike. Barbara Hutton's father Passes On i t , r t NKW YOUK. Her. a. (AIM--Franklyn L. Hulton. broker . ami fatlier of ItaibaiM Hutlou. Wnol worth flveanil-Ien I'-ni store heir ess, died today at Charleston. S. C. his allortieys announced here. Ills daughter. Hie countess Hnug v Itz-Uevenllovv, flew to Charleston from the vveM coast recently be cause of Hutton's illness. Their re lationship had been ver dose and Hevernl limes she returned home from great distances to spend Chrlslnins holidays with hint He was in Paris tor her elaboiate wedding to Ihe hue Prince Alexis Mdivanl am) vent lo London to be vviih her at the time her ro mance was breaking up. It was re ported he tiled to elled a recon ciliation, but his ellorts tailed and I he couple vv as divorced in i '.:!.. Itarbara later marrying Ihe laulsh mint The heiress and Count llaugwitz Itevoutlow subsequently parted and their divorce is nearly tiual. Flag Salute Eased For Vehicle Units W ASIIIM! I t. Iec, (AIM. M li.i Hie IUI- II liii'i.iui; se,i The tinny cluitiuetl (tlluial remila sou. I inns tudiiv- Id pro vide lhat occu- J I lie :ismh iunmi in i cmIui tonv JilllHS ol tlllllvS llllil nllier culliliat nilopteil vcsiei ilny nK.t aKcl the V flli(-eM neeil mil eel mil iiimI Hit m eslilclit to fialili-h a "reanu lllle when tilt- lllltloil.-il iillllient Isil.le unnla" lt m, l:ini;:liu;i i i jtln yi'iL luoiiiine i itup.n latjmiN ;nnl o Utiles piev luiislv hail re(nlieil . ilei ihe taiill i uiuiiii:-suii In inve-. Mini nil vehicles In iiiotiiiii should ti.iie mi h iiHj.m is i,n o-taliii--h luilt it it 1 1 nil ncciiiiiiils except ilriv nteiil ui 11 hnun- itnuia ni . . c,i! ID'S should tuiilhle out. iloin (if nil. ;iiUT iiiumi i a i ions ihe l.ti Huce pimp In (illeniiiiM jtiiil iihite tipnii earL- I " IJ. AMI IVKO VAN C4M' tMU Van Camp's Inc. ' vu' " Dept. C, Box No. 1 44, New York, N. Y. flHM niidm tfiecvuff. joW W'lmB 4v'trtH.lfbi.aiifJM'rof.4i Minr ; ; jlii'Hi'inf; tin sitaiiib of "Tlio Star 3l!IIIKl'tl .IIHIIIU'I. Dialer the revised riiierf, veliif 1?h HlilJ IliUKt coilli tu H Ktltllilxtlll but, Keiirrnlly KeukiiiM. only the com-lll'ilNlei-;) of liMitirie4l cullilmt illlilK have to gel, tu the. kioiiimI and rh luiu. Special Defense Fund Boost To Be Sought by F.D.R, WASHINGTON, lie,-. B.-lAI')--I'rcsidcnl Itoosi'vi'lt, U wuh li-aim-il utiilinrltaih-i'ly inilav, plmm lo hMs cnuci-i'HB to rniiliMitftli tind puHxilily oiilarKe the $2011.011(1.01111 KiiiTijil U Irn hc t'uiiil which w tiA iilaci'd at li 1m (HhijosmI Ittsl wpWitii. Approximately two-thlnls of the IUIIU NJIN rM'I'il ll'IH UV (J J I ! L' ,,U I M f 10 (lilt)', jlllll nilllKMOIlH lIKI'lll ll'K were oIunioiiiiK Utr the i mminlnK $7o,ou(i,OiMt. SolirCCH floHO lO tlH WllttM llfUISH wit i 1 1 thai, an the (loleiiKit program picked up spt-od, lllid nifMc (N-cufciuuH wito HKidy lo unm1 whcti thi HpiM-hil luiiil would hi litM'dcd. n ild that iv'!i if Ihe oiiuinui ainoaat wiri' restored it iniltt not b( htittlf ient. 1 Tin1 p"'Hldciit uHiici! ' mid col i from cnuxi'fKtt last Mpriim fluooan,- poo ra.-li and f H'O.nuu. I loiitraitj powt'ia to u.l for any dtd'cnHc pni-j pom' In- dtHtiicd uiKfitt. Tho most ici cui allnratioiis lioin tin- ttind wimi S.'.ii.tHiM.uiin to thr iiiivv and f:'-'..Miiii,u.ii) (U ihe army tor dev-lop jnK the new Allantff hani'n ri-ndvcd lioin Cit-iit Itritaiu in trade for ."it)' old navy dent mycin. Some of th money i believed to havt tftiiH to the Inderal tniM-au ol' fnvf stmutfon. and other kiiiiih wenr to l ( hi in i depart mi'iil . tr and tedei ,U roimnunfeatlnfiM mlHion. asury coin- R. O.Thomas Of Elkton Passes On lihad (lh lit. f) t Thomas, r,!i. well known resident am) business man of Klkiyn, died this morning alter a short illness. He was horn in Unsold. Iowa. September . 1 hS l . and hail been a testdent of Kllitoti the hist years, when' he was en liit ted in ihe mercantile busi ness until Ihree veins am when he retired, lie was married lo Ida It J Itoldusou ot" Klltton. Aumist 2S, '.t2. Me was an active inemher in -oiuinuuiiy anairs anil was a mem-1 her ol A.I', ami A.M ., I t ). M lieheiuih otders Ilesides his widow he Is survived by two nn. Itnlph (. Thunias. nf Seattle, and Lawrence (). Tluuilas. of Klklon: ix sisters. Mis. ,. A. Marker. Sun Hlegu; Mrs. Itadiel Carlson and Mrs. Allan Hall. For est drove. Ore,; Mis. Stella McFar land; Kelso. Wn.; and Mrs. Walter Cfisbdoltar uud Mis. I'M (learin, of Seattle, and a brother. Anie It. Thomas, of Oregon City. The body has been removed to Slcurns mortuary In Oakland and tunerul arrangements will be an nounced Inter. County Credits for Draft Reach 19 llert Wells, chairman of the 1 zonulas Couniy Selective Service board, reported today lhat credits for voluntary enlistments in Hie I arm and navy now has reached ' Jin number. In addition lo the P already credited. II is underslood lhat several additional enlistments! teceutiy have been made thiniuh regular channels and soon will be! oificiallv credited. The credits oh- taiued through regular enlistments, j as w ell us t hose lor om-v ear I poinds handled through the selec tive set v ice hoard are applied to Hie country's consci iption quota. Il is anticipated. Chairman Wells re purls, lhat tht conscript imi calls w ill be increased soon alter the Hist of the year, and unless voluu tarv eriiiunicnls a:e received il wilt b- necessary early in the year to start draw iui: t nun Hie li t of men graded for ( onsci ipt ion. Quota Sought On Canadian Apples y i i ai , vv . i vc. . ( -l l're.-ileiil K.u.vevclt ill lie ask- f m1 by the Wiisluuyleti Inn I U nil ii i a I I nil nnves nil :ipp h uii'oils trnin Solid Sterling SilverCross To Make a Happier Chriitmaj Value not found elsewhere of this outstandingly low price lit among I lie firs I to own t h is alnahle mp Iwaulifiill v dciMcil eyelid .Iri'lmg Nkrr l'rns (not platnl) vilh IJI-mth rlieilimn-liitih tluin. Its h.Jinf fitjir.i veil rflVct in !-. it m.ikcn mhi tin rm y i if ynnr frifiuN ami yiu ran lian llii Miii.niiHn vatu' fer imlv 25 rrnin nnd lnu labels front delicious an tiuji's I'roiltKl. Vn QmpS PORK and BEANS Conservation of Timber Resources Urged by Grange A rCHr)lntloii Htronly iirin cartd nl iiiHirvatiou of 1-oiula.-couniy iIiiiIm;!' icouiceH, and con taiiilnj; various hiivuesiiuh ior 1 1 pi i.servalion ol the finest cover whh adopted at a recent meeting ot iJinmhm County Pomona friaue. Copiew ol the resolution have lei-n fiirni.sheil the Oregon delegatifin in codki (MH uml the vurhniK forest aKencii-i. The position ;rtiuu is expressed In Ihe tlou an follows: j We, i lie members: of I louKlas (Njiiuty Pomona Kianxe, in regular sessiou iisseinlded this Il'dli day of November. l!Hd, feel a pprelujisi ve ulioul lite timber resources of the iiiilion, and particularly so in ref ereticc to (he situation in ueHleru OreKon, W'e have het n aide to observe al short rmie ceiianj pliusfs of tor chI protect ion and lorest manage ment in the stale id' Oregon and U ashinnion. in pai ilcular, liiu itik' the past lew yearn. We have seen lamt areas id timber in western Washington and in the lower Co in mid. i ha--1 u Ibiuidaied and deii uilfly devastated in very rei-ent e;ii !i. hot h by lori:ed and very tvastein) oj;;;iiiK praetices and by liie. Thn.m'.h our ii.-ei val ions ami reliable 111(01 ma 1 lull, we have form 1 I some v el founded oii' luiotis. vVe vvlnli to express such conch) siutis Irankly and houc-tly with the hope thai our own I -ounla.-t cuiiuty timber resources ma le ad ministered mole vsisely than some of I hose men I inn d bt i etufoj since Dotmlus conn 1 y has more timber volume than any county in ihe whole Culled Slates some 70 milium hoard leel - and has hardly slarte I lo prodiiee lumber as yel. Me il therefore tesolved li:it , Po.U'las County i'oiiKUta Kianue be-; lieves Iliat I I. The iissemhled data ( olb-elcd , ! by the join) coum estoiial oinmit-1 j lee. whose in ve it;at ions have now j I been carried on lor two or moiej I years, should lie at oii'-e made' ! available to coiiki'css and the pnb-j I he. on the assumption lhat pioies j slve forestry legislation may be en acied louktim to ami etuiu ai iui; at , ! least Hie lollouiim pumls. 1 11. I'm. ision for publie ov. ner j s,jM conl 1 ol i-ii In r i ouut , ; tleral tu Hie extent that I stati ""illaigc private holdings may not 1 have lo be pi i-mat 111 elv liquidated j to escape total loss of sudi bold- ' iims llnough taxation; also to pre- wtit gltlltillg markets. I'l'his nut j ineaiil lo give l .b'l.-il monopoly on; IH'ivai ely-ow ih'd Hlllber. I b. Ptovlde niiy lurlher fair and imaiiH lo permit susta incd yield tuaiiagcment. c. To provide additional gnvein inelil funds (o be used under the exlttm: Clarke- McNary law or ollierwis", so lhat In ore-4in. fur CXii tuple, I he fedei al con tribtl Hull lor lire protection tuny be brought up 10 approximately ate.',', 10 be us ed in cooperation wilh ptivale and I slate Hinds for a really adequate I lire protection job regardless off I timber ovv nership. i Now. it. i.-- about Is1 ; . we understand. I Suminari.iug. we si rougly I te lle v e tha 1 pi ov is Ions should be made lo provith for: 1. Mori' adequate Imam ing for pin 1 base Ibruiih lederal loans or uthenv ine IV Moie liSi'-ral and 1 cumber ioiue 1 ; 1 1 1 1 excliaime so lhal private I lit. ni'i .i ami piiinic agencies cotini ; tltOi e ca. II. idi k Up piopeilio- ft if j operating and or bulditm pniposes. I :t. Ah ne lib, 'i a I n pin oprial ions loi prnvidlim trained and depend able local ciiiztns lor huesl pro teclion v.otk -o as to elnuinaie liuge expendiliircs for su ppi essini: ! coliMai'iatious b tiie uniiaient ne "cessit, of hinng invompt'leui help! ! in many cases. j I. Pet tn alien t teld t II a I Kl '.'e in t ' 1 95c $U5 7 ! flSSfAl PINT QUART fei of the timher resources of Oregon, and thereby insure. Ihe Ktability of industries, em ploy men t ami coui- munities depondent upon them. lie it resolved that u copy of this resolution he sent to each member! cf the Oregon delegation In con uress. to the state l"orewiern at Sa h-m. Oiegon, and Jlyiu)iia,! iiiKlon, to Mr. W. H. Ihnnin, for ester for the O. & C. adininlstra-f lion, to the regional forester. Port land, (trefoil, to tiay , (Jill, mas- I ter of tiie Oregon Slate nino. uud lo any ottn-is thai, in the judg ment ol our secretary, tuny be tu position i ft' prolltnbly use this ma terial. Dated at ItnsehiUK, Oregon, this, the riOtll dav of Noveuihel. 1 St 1 0. Adotitt.-J. T. li. liCSKNUAKK. Master. U I "I I I CASK1IKKK. Secretary. Western States Acting to Combat SAN rilANClSCO. Dec. T,. 1 A I') -- Stale hoiderinK on CuHfor ( n in bf'in taking precaul ions to dav ayainst possible spread of the t iiillijeriza eoidemic which has been! sweeping through various cominu- nities in the Hidden stale. Tiie campus infirmary or the I'ni- j verity of 1 ireou at Kuyi'iie was Idled with inltiii'iiza cases descril ed a of a mild ty: ibiNif ;it Hie t'nh itv was enn - relied as a precnutfon and variolic :rroiips id siud.-utrt were isolated in'iny nun iieaimem. me A-ray ibeir living ipiarters. I I'ortlaiid hea lib oliicers said, there was 110 enidemie in the city, j In soiitoern Oiegnii. schools were flowed al Coid Hill as a precaution ami simitar action was taken In Ken new uk. Wash., uerosH the northern Oregon border. Camp .Muriiiv. Wash., reported I Ion cases of mild to severe colds atnoim the U'.uuii national guarls ment encamped there. Hoetors are not required to re port influenza in Washington Stale hut it was rejiui ted there were i-iHisidcrahle numbers of influenza and mild cold case-, heaths from intluenu coiuplicaiioiis were slight iv higher llian lor last year but the Seattle health department said mere ww no cause tor alarm. 1 In. .lav 1. Hunshee. zona health oflicer, r cases of inlltienza in hi aciiug Ari.1 ported 3"i! - s stal( last week, lie said it Mil not reached the proportions ol a severe epi demic but asked local health units lor siiualiuii repnils. Nevada. I 'tab and Idaho repot t ed no epidemics but health authori ties of the 1 ii si t u o men 1 ioiicd uiged the people to take precnu 1 ions. Montana re pm led only 1! casc-i and Wyoming hut four. OfHcinhy Ihe number of cases in Caliiornia remained below L'.niiu but local health oltiiers in many cities and towns -aid a mild type of f II nes;; affect ing iuihcs, t hroal s; and upfier lungs was w ide.-n end. Twelve members of (he I" nt ver- ity of Southern Caliiornia fool ball team w ei e taken to a hospital I o day for Ireulineuf of influenza but a spokesman said all of them would be out and ready to play against Noi 1 e I ame Sat unlay, Howard .Tones, the Trojan coach, also was l ight ing ot f a ltd attack hut was tepotted ready to lake the field for a pract ice session. The San Francisco hospital re ported 72 emplttves iil, supposedly itinn ini'Iiieua and surgical opera ijoiis were beim; lonlllied to "iiIkd lute clUi'lencies" because of a .-dmriage ot help caused by the ab sences from work. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE COMPLAINTS LACK V K. Lack; ; nuin i, I'll. - ,";,. ( l ecu li. nonius! I' I July 17. Hi:'. 11: . t u 1 1 . !ll:l , III Yu!e Seals Aims Symbolized By 2 Bars on Insignia The douhle-barred cross is Htrlk inKly Kyinholicnl of the anti-tuber-( iilosirf crusade in this country. As 1 leuii) defined ay the two burs oil the cross 'are the two main princi ples of luherculosis con t Vol. These two principles can be stat ed in a few words. First. Hud the peivon who has tuberculosis. See olid, prevent Ihe spread of the rtiri 1 use to others. Two such short statements are easy to make. Hut putting those statements into effect is not easy. However, we know what to do. W'e know how to do it. Hut actually doin ft H the perpetual problem. The first principle find the per son who Imih the disease Is not a matter of diagnosing who looks' j sii k. Tuberculosis, au lucid ions J scourge, hides behind apparently healthy looks for months and does its destructive work. Finally, of 'course, symptoms appear, and the I victim is forced to seek medical jhetp. fly thut time, though, the disease is entrenched in the body. The time to find tuberculosis is be fore pvmptointf appear. Karly tuberculosis can be cured. The earlier it is found, the easier . the classiatid fiuicKer it is to cure. Advanced . 1 unen ujusis is uiiiicuit to cure anu leouires expensive years of liiac- will find tubereiilosis in time to rule it. The second principle prevent the spread of Ihe disease to oth er is also far easier to say than to aicotuplish. IMirin the months v. ben tuberculosis is entrenching it. -el 1' 1 v irtim, 1 the body unknown to tho l'ie ruin, tine company ot Lot A11 the disease is spreading to ' lt!4' At various limes in recent others. Karly diagnosis Is impera live if we are to ( heck the spread nt 1 he disease. Hence, the two principles become part of the same thing, a do the two bars become par! of the cross. The two principles are far-reaching. Thus, we can see Hie extent o:' the fiuhl lacing the National' T'lbennlosiK association and its more than aftiliated associa tions throughout the country. Our II,S,II1J1M doiuus are the sole 'IP' t of ihe fight (hat is being waned lor is --lo save our live When u, buy Christm; IS Wl' FROM !n)ir&(Sln)Dlri) A pure vegetable shortening, PANCAKE FLOUR WHEAT CEREAL CAKE FLOUR - Rolled Oafs Red & White 20-ot, Pkg. .. 90 Red il White. Cane & Maple SYRUP Fancy citron, orange and lemon PEEL SunSpun SALAD DRESSING Red & White Fancy Patent FLOUR CairpLe; s TOMATO SOUP Will Teach First Aid On Visit to Roseburg Ir. Frank K. Hull, above, staff physician of the American National Ked Cross, will arrive in Roseburg Het. It! to spend five days teaching an instructors first aid course un der sponsorship of the Oougla? county chapter. Mr. Hull, a native of Kansas, was educated in Califor nia, where he began the practice of medkine. He was physician for. t lie compatr Wiildhig tiie West Coast railroad from (luuyma.s to Muzat lan, Mexico. He later became medi cal officer for a British mining syndicate at Durungo, Mexico. He served as an officer In the I. S. army medical corps and began first aid and accident prevention work t while serving as medical officer for vears ne nas oeen msirucior 111 lltst aid nnd accident prevention in CCC camps of the Tactile North west. are not "giving" our money to help anyonu (dse. . W'e might as well face that fact. Our Christmas seal dollars are not given to charity. They are money invested in our own health. Tuberculosis is a high ly infections disease. Thousands and thousands of persons have the disease and do not know It. No one is sale until all are sale from tuberculosis . il choose Your f f V1 THESE FINE FOODS best for cakes, pastries, biscuits Raisins Thompson Seed less. 4-lb. Pkg. .. 25C QZlr: 37c Per Lb. 35c 29c $1.49 491b. Sacks No V;:?23c v Morgans PHONE 68 FOR CHRISTMAS Send tasfy Douglas county Fruits, Nuts ond Turkey Here are a few suggested packages which we are pre pared to pack for you: The "Douglas" $1.75 1 pound Fancy Douglas County Walnuts 1 pound Fancy Douglas County Filberts. 2 pounds Extra Large Date Prunes 1 tin Hurd's Douglas County Breast of Turkey The "Umpqua" $1.25 2 pounds Extra Large Date Prunes 2 pounds Fancy Douglas County Walnuts 1 pound Fancy Douglas County Filberts The "Roseburg" $2.65 1 pound Douglas County Walnut Meats T pound Fancy Douglas County Filberts 2 pounds Extra Large Date Prunes 2 tins Hurd's Douglas County Breast of Turkey These are packed in attractive Christmas boxes and the whole put in shipping carton, ready for shipment. We offer the following specials for Friday and Saturday: DATES 4 i GRAPEFRUIT ;iek3f0r I ORANGES Large new POTATOES ar.":'': : f We have Rentier's "ultra" Apple Cider. See the Red and White Ad for other values. No Irrportant meal is complete without a delectable dessert to top it" off! Glance at the suggestions and choose your favorite dessert for dinner at prices which will reflect substantial savings in your budget. Specials for Friday and Saturday, December 6 and 7 4-lb. 5-oz. Pkg. I Pkg. 18 Snap Clothe: Pins, both for Laundry Soap Jumbo Bars, 5 for Red & White 3-lb. tin. Introductory Price and frying. Large Pkg, 28-oz. Pkg. Large Pkg. All 1 hree for . , . Red & White TOMATO JUICE Red & White. Hotncstylc or Sliced PINEAPPLE Red & White CATSUP Red &. White. Drip or Regular grind COFFEE Lowthcr's (Formerly Barclay's) CHOCOLATES WHEATIES La-Nut Cocoanut Rolled STUFFED DATES A delicious confection Grocery I Sunrise Brand Egg Noodles UlT. 29 Swansdown Brunei FLOUR 49..b.k $1.69 Made by the makers of Swansdown Cake Flour. Mew crop bulk, 25 just arrived. 2 lbs. . DIEl CC C"ury Bran tc llwrVLiIU Sweets, full qt. jar Ar7 23c 3T 176 size, crop navels, 2 dozen . Washo ranyleted Soap 7c P & G No. I till!, . . .... 3 tor 23c 20c Large ..Bottls 14c 1-IIj. tins 25c 73c Fancy hand. made Mil. ox 29c 2 k-,s. tor tit. je- . baskets 23C