RO$EBUR& NEWS-REVIEW, r6sEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2IJ940. t Paris Resistance To Axis Induces U. S. Envoy Return WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. (API DolHtlonfl. between tho I'nlted Slates and Trance entered an p pflrently new phaite today, coinci dent with the Increasing reports that Marshal Petaln wan showing a disposition to go slow In collabor ating with the axis powers. First taiiRlhle sign or a possible chance was tho fact that Robert 1). Murphy, a veteran of ten years diplomatic service In France before and during the war, was ordered back to Vichy to take up the duties of charge d'affaires. Murphy, for mer counsellor at tho Paris em bassy, has been In this country for several months. The Impression appeared to bo growing here In government quar ters (hat Petaln personally Was of fering strong resistance to axis - pressure on some points of vital concern to the United States, par ticularly the use of French naval liases In Africa and some of the French fleet. t Petnin's protest over Gorman expulsion of tho French population from Lorraine was regarded here as a sign that the aeed chief of state was drawing n line on the extent of collaboration with the axis. .More Immediate diplomatic In terest attached to the continued pressure in North Africa of general Maxline Weygand. former French generalissimo and commander of French forces In the near east. He is reported to have resisted efforts of some French officials to induce him to return to France. Fiance has large forces of profes sional soldiers still under arms in parts of Africa and In Syria. If ax is pressure on the French should provoke forcible resistance again, these armies might prove a big stumbling block to nonie-Dcrlln plans for the Mediterranean area..! So She Hit the Ball to a Hit in Movies to?.. ;:l tea Around the County Clkton Katlierme Rohrcr just batted her way into a celluloid career. She played first base for a Los Angeles girls' Softball team, was the club's leading hitler. A talent scout went to see her play and remained to sign tier up for a leading studio. Prize "Sourpuss" F.I-KTON. Nov. 1!). Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hinder went to North llend Friday to sec W. J. Hrown, wno m , critically 111. I Mr. and Mi s. ,T. O. Haines have returned to their home at Seattle after visiting relatives and friends a few days. Mr. Haines was recov ering from a fall suffered while working at the Hoeing aircraft j plant. Mr. and Mrs. T. U Ttolph have , gone to California for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. I.lsterml were attending to business mutters In , H"K"'burK Tuesday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Karl Griffith liavo roturncd from Portland, where they went Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Har old Smith and Frank (Irifflth, of Portland, were at the Griffith homo over tho week-end. i Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Madison and sou, I.awrenco, were homo over the week-end. Mr. Madison is working on a house near Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Fenley mnrlo a trip to IlosebuiK Tuesday. Mrs. Fenlcv staved to servo on tho jury. Mr. and Mrs. Ocorge Itacklel'f. of Milllngton, visited the homo of Mr. Hnckleff's aunt. Mrs. Marietta Haines, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinder made a business trip to Forest drove and Portland the first of the week. Mrs. Lena Ilossen and Miss Fnye liossen were Eugene visitors Wed lipsduy. I M Tln..n fen,'!,.,. tflm l 111 till) I IMIItt I in.,,' I hospital at Eugene, Is reported to be doing very well. Mrs. Stacle DcMint. or Portland, Is visiting tho home of Mrs. Ella f Fenley. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Hinder wero attending to business matters in Jirnin Tuesday. A. 11. Haines was a Iloseburs vl tor Friday. l.i'Roy Morgantl. who Is working at Cai.yonvlllo, was home for the week-end. Mrs. Carry Marslen and Iluth M.vsten. nt Winchester Hay. were end visitors 111 tho W. J. Hai" gim home. A number of F.lkton people went to Kellogg Friday night to attend the program and bazaar. Howard Knight and Dave Kaley. of Hollywood, have been at Flktou getting Christmas trees to ship to California. Mr. and Mrs Clarlencc Daniel, of Portland, visited his mother, Mrs. Verimn lianlel. Armistice day and over the weekend. Her brother and wire, Mr. and Mrs. (leOrge Jen nings, of Portland, also wero visi tors. Mrs. Lena llnsscn Is in charge of the llnd Cross drive at Klktoll. A number of F.lkton people went , to Iiraln Armistice day to attend the celebration. John Hcnson Is visiting the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Mr. Hcnson. who was In Camp ton. Is In the marines and is sta tioned at Honolulu. He came to Long Hciich und from there to Elk ton by bus. 1 : v -. ....... - To compete in tho recent 1U40 Popular Photography contest, photo grapher Roy Pinney, of Brooklyn, N. Y planned the above picture, which he entitled "Hunger Strike." To get the model, little San ford Brown, to display the proper "sour" expression, he gave the youngster a teaspoon of lemon juice. It proved a sweet idea, for the picture topped 17,000 entries, brought Pinney the first prize, a new car. Glide (rlIDK. Nov. IS. Mr. and Mrs. Terrier from Springfield are vis lllng wllh their son. Merle Fer rier. who has been at Mercy hos pital for almost two weeks, lb was seriously Injured In the woods by a limb which struck him on the back of the head. He is im proving slowly. Kvsocellstic meetings will be conducted at the christian church this week by the pastor. Pon Cox. and licit Thurston from Eugene. Carl Messing and ltobert Chsp lwr were home from Stfumboat fur the week-end. Miss Phoebe Moore has gone to P Camas Valley to stay with her lath er, tiny Moon-, for tin- winter. She will aiteud school there. Sutherlin Sl'THEHLLN. Nov. 1s. Those attending the Hebekab district con vention ill Itoseburg November 1Mb from here were Mrs. Matiel Itoss, Mrs. Alma Anderson, .Mrs. Ella Wegner, Mrs. Screpta Saucerman, Mrs. Savilla liambcr and Mrs. I.e ona Slack. The meeting next year will be held in Myrtle Creek. The 1'niteil Slates civil service commission has announced nn ex amination to till the position of rural carrier here. The examination will probably be held some time In December at Kosehurg. The Sutherlin high school sen iors are presenting "High Pressure Homer," a comedy, at the gymna sium November 2Itlh. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ileal, Kdna Itulh, Hollis and Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Heal drove to Eugene Friday where the latter couple will tnke tne train for Uohstowu. ' Texas, their home. They have been visiting here for the past week at the A. L. Ileal home. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Luchterhand enjoyed an outing to Eugene the first'of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Font and son. of Hoseburg. moved here re cently and are occupying an apart ment above (Ikey's cafe. Mr. Font is employed at the llonanza mine. The school hoard has purchased a new heat distributing fun for the Arts building. Since the break down of the old one the building bus been Ion cool for comlort. Dr. and Mrs. II. W. Snook visited Tuesday In Drain with their son. Otis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Jones of Elko, Nevada, arrived Thursday at the Harry Chenoweth home east of town. They will visit here until the first or the mouth when they will leave for Calllornla. They will be accompanied by T. E. .lones. The former Mr. Jones is a brother of Mrs. Chenowelll. Azalea AZALEA, Nov. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sackett and Mrs. Spour and two children, Corgy and Milton, from Klamath Falls wero week end guests at the home of Mr. Sackott's mother, Mrs. Ivy Sackett. Mrs. Allle (larrison and Jim White made a business trip to Grants Pusb Tuesday. lister Nelson from Warrenton spent the holiday week-end at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Kodnoy Smith. j Guests at tho home of Mrs. Allio Garrison and Jim White Sunday In-) eluded Mr. and Mrs. Ilalbert Booth, Mr. and Mrs. John Feld mlller. Mrs. Frankle Schroeder and Will Huggtns. At one o'clock a de licious chicken dinner was served. Mrs. John Jnnlzer, Hen Jantner and Mrs. William Jantsnr wore In Grants Pass Tuesday afternoon on business and shopping. - K. L. Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wilson mnde a business trip to Eugene Wednesday. Homer Martin and L. S. Johns were Myrtle Creek business callers one day last week. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Farnam nnd tw-o sons, Donald and Keith, from Salem visited hore over tho week end at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Forrest Farnam. Mrs. Lowell Curtis shopped in Medford Saturday. Frank Tripp, Itay Cnndray and Ora Cnndray enjoyed a fishing trip on Hogue river Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tripp and daughters. Lynn and Sally, from Talent were overnight Ruests here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tripp. Mrs. John (lldenburg left last week for San Francisco, Calif., where she will visit her aon-iii-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dufley. She will also visit at Cottonwood with Mr. nnd Mrs. Pert Springstead and family, another son-in-law and (laughter. At Red ding she will visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stringer and son, ltlllle. have returned to their home In. Los Gatos, Calif., after visiting hero for several days wllh their son. Frank Stringer. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Clare from Sacramento, Calif., attended to business here over the week-end nt the Clare Lumber Co. The VGA met Friday night an elected olflcers as follows: Presi dent, Jimmy Morgan; vice-president. Gene Brady; treasurer. Doro thy Tanner; secretary, Marie Gil ham; steward, Freddie Gaedecke. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Stevenson have moved to Grants Pass where they will make their home. Mrs. Frelda Gilliam baa entered Mercy hosiptal at Koschurg for observation. weigh from one and a half pounds to a little over a pound and bore six lemons this year. Mr. and Mri. R. E. Robinson, Mrs. Margaret Aydellotte, Mrs. Ruby Hagen, Herman Aydellotte and Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Ashman at tended the Eastern Star chapter at Canyonville Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Heller und Barbara of Handon visited here nnd at Grunts l'uss over the week end. Miss lua Johnson spent the week end at her home In Klamath Falls. Mr and Mrs. Plrley Wlnklemun nnd Clara visited In Myrtle Creek Sunday. Art Dobyns spent the week end here with his parents. Ho Is now employed by the Copco at Pros pect. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G. Hennlnger and Larry returned Tuesday from a visit In Medford with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hounshell and family of Handon visited here over the week-end with the E. H. Hounshell and Al Mohr families help. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Smith were business visitors In Hoseburg Wed nesday. Mrs. Dora Harper left Saturday for Eugene w here ahe will spend a few weeks with her daughter. Belle Brooks. Mrs. Ruby Hagen left here Sun day and aricr a short visit in Med ford nud Ashland she w ill go to Los Angeles to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones and Katherlue of Medford spent Mon day and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones. Mrs. Jones la feeling a little better this week. Mra. Lucy Howard and Miss Margaret Howard visited friends In Eugene from Saturday until day. jack Illanchard attended the game lit Corvallls Saturday and then went on to Portland and visit ed his father, who is a patient In a hospital there. Fred and Glen Knfer apeut the week-end hunting ducks in tho Klamath Falls vicinity. Miss Douglas, Miss Angell, Miss Chase and Mr. Ixing attended the homecoming at Eugeno last week end. James and Donald Daniels, Sam Gregory and Glen Willis went to Eugene to see tho football game last Saturday. The Glomlaln high school boys played Gold Hill Armistice day at Gold Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knrdcll and Joan wero visitors In Grunts Pass last Saturday. Camas Valley CAMAS VALLEY, Nov. Is. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roetn nnd daugh ter, Juunlta, spent Sunday in Marshfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dick nud children, Douglas and Donna, of Fnlrvlew, Mr. and -Mrs. Warren Dick and daughter, Jnrrlc Ellen, and Mr. ami Mrs. Dick Bungs and daughters, Dorothy Ann nnd Doris Jeanne of Scottsburg spent the week-end at the li, W. Dick homo. They all returned home Monday afternoon. Miss Esther Brown of Medford spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs, Ethel Brown. Mrs. Susan Smith, who had been hbt-A vlaltlnv nt tho hnma nf har Mon-1 daughter, Mrs. F. R. Drown, for the past three weeks, left Friday for Drain where she will visit a son, Walter Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Wiloy and two children of Powers visited Sunday at tho homes of Mr. nnd MrB. Dee Coon nnd Charlie Wiley. Robert Krogel and Jim Mil tin dale, who are at Hamilton Field. Calif., were home for a few dnys last week and enst their vote hero on Tuesday. They left for Califor nia that evening. Jack Markham nf tho United A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRODUCT Mfj. by Douglas County Mills , Buy It from your favorite grocer. States navy visited' from Wednes-J day until Saturday evfehmg with hs parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mark- i hani. Miss Cord Ellen Markham " was homo from Hoseburg to spend , Saturday also. MEET THE MP I Kf.ntuckv Straight DuimaoN Whiskey This whi&py is 4 yean old 90 Proof $1.15 Pint William Jameson & Co., Inc., N. T. Glendale (JLKNDAI.K, Nov. 10. Tho barn on the (Jraff plmr on I ho Ki-rnvalo rontl burned Sunday vcii1iik. It. in one of tin; oldest bulldfimH near born bavliiR boon built by Hardy Klllff prior to ISKl accordliiff to Charles Nail. Thorn was consider alilo loss as' a truck, drat; Ha w, hay and Hood praln were Htorod there. Frank Williams haH a lemon I roe of tho pondorosa variety in his ureouhoiiKO. The trn is eiRbt years old and has borne fruit, lor tho last six years. The lonions business trip to Portland. Mrs. Wilson Hartshorn transact ed business in KoselmiK Kriday. Mr. ami .Mrs. Charles Varrellntan have returned from Itoedsport where they have been residing for the past several weeks. .Miss .luanita Allen. I)eo Attor bury. Miss Opal Wicliter and Art I MulliiKer left Saturday morninn for liouo, Nevada, where they will bo married at a double wedding. Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd Cameron, .Mrs. Kvelyn YounK nnd daughter,) June, spent the week-end In Co-1 qniilo at the (ieorgo I. Laird home and at the home of Mrs. Young's mother, Mrs. Joannette Pearce. Word bos been received here that Dr. hunlap Is gradually im proving and hopes to return bore soon. Mr. and Mis. A. 1.. Heat, Kdna Until and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Heal visited the men's brother, "Shorty" ileal, at Springfield last Wednes day. Mrs. .!. W. Culver, Sr. and Mrs. Culver. Jr., shopped nnd attended to business in Itosebm-g Thursday. Krnniilt Hall left Thursday on a ORDER Winters Fuel NOW! Slab Wood Prices 16-ln. Dry Slab Wood, 1 load - $4.50 4-ft. Dry Slab Wood, per cord $3.00 Green wood Is available In 4-ft. and 16-ln. lengths. Mill wood Sawdust Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Crromulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes risht to the seat of the trouble to help looen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and Ileal raw. tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tel! vour drujrelfct to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstandine vou must like the way It qulcklv allavs the couch or you arc to ha"e vour money back. CREOMULSION for Couchs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis TIRES TIRES We are closing out our remaining stock of tiros at , cost and lower, consisting of tho following sizes: Better hurry. 32x6 truck ten ply 4:75x19 four ply 6:00x1 6 six ply 5:00x1 9 four ply 6:50x16 six ply 5:25x20 four ply 5:50x17 six ply 6:50x20 six ply truck 6:00x1 7 six ply 7:50x20 eight ply 5:25x18 four ply 4:50x21 four ply 5:50x18 six ply 6:00x21 six ply THE ROSEBURG GARAGE PHONE 403 24Vj-lb. Sack- 73c OAit TYPE KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR PVCrTFTJl C UMPQUA CHIEF M A yv r I Q49 ,b $i33j U Special Values Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22-23 Inclusive CIIOWN, lltll'Ti:i KNOW nnS rlsiiMt'S Hum ftlit Si RA Hnrk Srk Cosllo Crest Sunny DawK Tomato S Town House Grapefruit PEACHES JUICE RITZ Brown Sugar No. f Vh 4 Cans 4o-ol. Can CRACKERS, ' Large Package 3 LB. 25 17 19 15 Peas or Corn PRUNES CATSUP FelsNaptha 3 Cans Oregon Fancy Dates Ruby Brand 3 5-LB. WOOD BOX 1 2-oi. Bottles Soap 20 37 25 23 EDWARDS HIGH-GRADE COFFEE I -lb. 2-lb. OOrf Can AW Can AIRWAY COFFEE Lb. Baa 12c. 3 lbs. 35c NOB HILL, lb. 17c SUGAR, gran., 10 lbs. 51c, 100 lbs $4.98 CHERUB MILK, tall cans 4 for 27c TABLE SALT, in 8-lb. cloth bags 19c EABY LIMA BEANS, 5-lb. cello pkg 29c BLACK PEPPER Vj-lb. cello pkg. 10c CITRON PEEL Va-lb. telle pkg. 17c FRUIT MIX, Radiant lb. pkg. 35c RAISINS, seedless ..: 4-lb. pkg.23c RICE, River brand (closeout) 2 lbs. 10c KARO SYRUP, Blue label, 5-lb. can 35c MALT SYRUP, Blue Ribbon, 3-lb. can 55c SALAD DRESSING, Duchess, qt. jar 23c Sandwich Spread, Lunch Box, qt. jar 35c P&GSoap 10 bars ...29c Peanut BUTTER FRESH with plenty of oil Sanitary 2-lb. jar 23 PEAS, Sfokeiy Honey Pod, No. 2 can 11c CORN. Country Home No. 2 can 10c PEARS, Harper House No. Z'i can 18c DOG FOOD, Play Fair, Vs..; 6 cans 25e MACKEREL, St. Regis No. 1 can 10c SHORTENING, Royal Satin 3-lb. can 39c KRAFT MACARONI DINNERS pkg. 9c KINGSFORD STARCH. 1-lb 3 pkgs. 25c QUAKER OATS, Quick, Reg. Ig. pkg 21c HERSHEY 5c Choc. Bars..... 5 for 15c HERSHEY Bittersweet Choc 2 for 25c COOKIES, Loose Wiles 25c site 23c JULIA LEE WRIGHT'S BREAD, It's Fresh! MAZDA Light Globes, 15-100 w 10c-15c JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX lb. can 59c SUNBRITE CLEANSER 2 cons 9c LUX SOAP 17 3 Cakes SCOTTISSUE TOILET PAPER 3 roll, 21' Scotrowels 2 Rolls 19c WALDORF Toilet Tlnue, Rail SU-PURB SOAP The soap Wllh th hand-lotion Ingredient ST 29 Buy Safcwaj Meat IT'S GUARANTEED! BACON BY THE PIECE Lb. . . . 202C HAMS Cure 19ic BEEF ROAST 18c PORK ROAST Young pork center cuts, lb 3 PORK STEAK 171c FRANKFURTERS 19c BACON SQUARES Fine for season- Qfi Ing, lb OV LINK SAUSAGES 10D pure m pork, lb J I24-OI. Pkg. Whole op half, lb. . Guaranteed, ten der steer beef, lb, Nice and lean, lb. . Tasty skin less, lb FRYERS Fancy colored, lb. 24c LING COO Sliced, ocean a caught, lb iXrjV J POTATOES -e3Sr 1 00 Lb. No. I ; .-$1.33 ORANGES 49 CARROTS CABBAGE iri- SQUASH n;,lb YAMS,,,......;..., I Grapefruit 19 59 ..... 1 miA0W' Avocados rMg2ro 19C SSS&fe'SS Cocoanuts