Friday, Columbia -fi-s MwmB PLUS ACTION, ROMANCE AND MYSTERY RENFREW RIDES THE SKIES.. . ! Shows 1:45-3-7-9 P. M. Mats. 30c, Eves. 40c, Inc. tax Azalea AZAT.F.A. Nov. 21. Mr. and Mr.. Stanley .Ianer visited at TroKpoi t over th weclc-end lit the Imme of Mrs. J:mt iter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nye. U R. Johns and Mrs. Cora Chad wick attended to business ut Hose Imi'K und Dixonvillo Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John .larnzer were dinner quests Sunday evening at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Davis on Coyote creek. Mrs. Donald Iirndy shopped in Ttoseburj; and visited with rela tives Wednesday. Mrs. Allie Harrison and Jim White transacted business in (i rants Pass Monday. Welt'onie finest from Los Antre Us, Calif., visited hero several days last week with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Albert Guest. Ceorne Ives made a business trip to Grants Pass Monday. Ora and Ray Condray spent Sunday fishinc on Itopue river. J. K. Nichols returned to his home here last week al'ler spend ing a couple of wei-ks at Medlord where be was a patient in the Su'-rod Heart hospital. Mr. and Mrs. lien Phelps and family visited at. Cnnyonvllle Suu- Short Subjects On Today's Program Theatre "Please Answer" Another of Pete Smith's hu morous screen tests of your i. p. Cartoon "Naughty Neighbors" Plus Latest Paramount News Showing actual collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge. Rose Theatre Serial "King of Royal Mounted" Plus Latest Pathe News 315 No. Jackson St. 4? FAIL SUEDESy Ul, . o' .M el- M 'iI l" Wf, V' vRil Today Saturday day afternoon with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Ogden were shopping In Grants Pass Thursday. Grncie Hanson bad the misfor tune of injuring her leg quite se verely Saturday when she fell from a log while playing. A deep gash was torn in her leg above the knee and it was found necessary to take several stitches to close I he , , Hia in wound. She will have to I . , ,'inahi over today to visit their re- Mrs Lneda G.lham returned Uv(1 Mr. uiul MrH. A. hero Thursday af er spending sev- UmJf . , and Km eral days in the Mercy hospital atu i n)eht Itosebuig where she received ' ' nieoicai r e. Jimmy Morgan visited over the week-end at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gaedeckej ano .mis. noy imrcn were in Mynw L-roeK on business .Monday. M is. Vada Kerguson and two 'erguson and two sons, Karl and Ilillie, from Kugene were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tripp. Mrs. Kerguson Is Mr. Tripp's sister O. H. lieynolds ami Mr. Addison ' from Halston visited at the Garri- h;iVe ur.iVed here to spend Thanks son and White homes several days plvInK an(l (he ueek-end visiting last week. Ml. (;un,.y' brother and sister-iu- Ilev. ilandall. American Sunday linv Mr aluI A1rs j:,i0 (miley. Mr. school union missionary. from (;uny is einploved by the ( opo Medlord lield services at the u( .jedford. grange hall Sunday morning. I ' ' Tlie regular meeting of the juve-I nile graiiL'e was held Kridav night :were dinner guests Sunday at the with yn attendance of twenty-three ho,no r Vlr' and Mrs- Albert tnembiM-s. Kach member was wear- erg In Canyonviile. Ing their new collar, as this was' Harry Kice is having a woml the first meeting aftr thev re- house and garage built on his lot er-ived their regalia. The regular ,m Heard street. Pill Gallop is business meeting was held. During the carpenter. the social hour the lecturer. Doris' Mrs Leonard, Dyer en- Tripp. asked each member to an- tertained at dinner on, Uiesday Siwy the coll call with their favo- rite 'radio propr program. At. the close of tiSr meuling popcorn balls wer served. Myrtle Creek MYRTLE CKIvRK. Nov. 21. John Wlmer. who has the run from Ashland to Grants Pass as J brnkeman. moved his family last Monday lo Ashland, ills daughter. Neta, will enter the school thure. Miss Helen Haley, who is tench- j Iiik school in the Melrose district was ii week-end truest of tier moth ' er Mrs. George Trask, I Mr. and Mrs. Vi'ill Jackson from ! Montana, who have been spending some time witli Mrs Jackson's sis ter, Mrs. Lottie Weaver, left Tues day for California to spend the winter and visit with their son. The Job's Hmmhter.1 with their ntlendnnts, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Aker and Mrs. Reynolds attended I he church services Sunday morn iiiK at the First Christian church. ITerhert Jonn and his nmf her Telephone 95 'RbSESuke Wtfs.XWw, fpstitfftiB. Gktecm. Thursday, November 21, i94P." Local News Go to Klamth Falls Mr and Mrs. fin Deholt Mann and two sons, Miko niitl Runny, of UiLs city, 1WL Wednesday lur Khunuth. Kalis lu enjoy ThunksKiviuft with Mrs. Mitnu'M sinter. Mrs. Jnlin Kdwards and futility. Leaves for Grarts Pass Darin w Johnson, executive . secretary f thw Douglas county public welfare commission, leu euiiesuny mr Grunts Pass to spend ThankKRiv- tiiiK with his parents, Hev. and Mrs. S. Da now Johnson. Leave fop Bend Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Muncy and daughter. Darla Nan. of Med ford, have left for Head. Ore., on their vacation, fol lowing n three-day stay in this elty visit inK friends. The Muncys formerly made their home here. Job's Daughters Dance Job's Daughters members and their in vited quests have been asked to enjoy the holiday dancing party Kriday night. November Tl. at 8:30 o'clock at the Oriental gard ens. Miss Hette Owen is acting ha chairman of the affair. Arrive From Salem Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Ilouser and two sons, Jiodney and Douglas, of Salem, ar i rivod here Wednesday night to re- Move Back to dah0 Mr. and Mrs ,,(.unk MptyAev aml WI( who i,.,.,.. hl. ,.u(,iit nt ' iwvno street, lioseburg. have moved back ,() ,,l(tr foniier nome in Huhl. Ida Ml. M.,,zi,M. w;is (.mili(,Ved at ,,, A(,ki(,v ,tln sluin ,vi,n(, i ,, city. Arrive for Week-End Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Guiley and small .i.,,.,,),,' k'.,ihlnn. nf ledtord eyennig, .Mrs I jyer s piu ei is ami muillu' ' " ' , ' , renco and li. Laurence, Jr. from I Hllard. 315 NO. JACKSON ST. "Can You Beat It? II .. F fjsr1! to 1 IS iC Constance Coughlin could whip up a nice little omelette, IP she had the strength to spin Lha ratchet-wheel of this 10-foot, 275-pound egg beater and IV she could collect enough eggs for it to beat. Not intended for kitchenette use, the super-mixer was a feature of recent New York hotel exposition. Returns Here Fred L. Roulh wlek. supervising warden for the Douglas Forest Protective associa tion, has returned from a business trip to Salem. Return to Portland Mr. nnl Mrs. reeil Hayes have returned lo their home In Portland, following a trip lo Itoseburt; Tuesday to at tend the runeral of Mrs. It. O. Golf. Card Party Postponed T ii e American Legion auxiliary has an nounced tb postponement of n benefit card paVty planned for next Tuesday night. Nov. 2(1. No new dale lor the party has b'en set. Go to ,Thurston Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Watts have left for Thurs ton to fcpend the Thanksgiving week-end visiting, the hitter's mother. ' Mi's. A. fl. JIathews. Mr. Units is an athletic much at sen it n-lrifMischiiol. THAT SAVES YOU TIME! Gift ideas for every one from Baby Betty to Grandpa Gu! It's easy to make out your Christmas list when you have Wards new Christmas catalog al your fingertips! You can just thumb through the pages . . . looking at the photographs and reading the helpful suggestions. Then all you have to do is say: "I want this" and we will rush it here for you from our Warehouse. c3 r,37 Christmas catalog now in the catalog order department of our store! Do your Christmas shopping the pleasant way) THAT SAVES YOU MONEYS You can buy quality gifts . . . gifts you'll be proud to give ... at Wards famous low catalog prices! What's more, when you buy them in the catalog ' order department of our store, you save letter-postage and money-order fees we write and mail your order for you. You can even save as much os Hi of the usual shipping costs through group shipments to our store. See Our New Christmas Catalog! Buy All Your Gifts At . .'. Goes to Myrtle Creek MIhh Jen nle DnwnlnK. of (His ctly. loft tor day for Myrtle Creek to upend TlmikaKiviiiK Willi frleruK Arrives From Eugene Mrs. till (IpkmiIk HiIkkh, of KilKi'iie. Iiiir ur lived here In visit until Suturtlay with lier mother', Madame M. J. Shoemaker. Arrive From Seattle M I 8 r Helen I'albe. who is ntteiidluK University of Washington, has ia-rlvc-d heie from Seullle to spend the ThanksKiviiiK weekend visit HiK ti. i- mother, .Mrs. J. K. l''ulbe. Arrive i From Eugene Kdpar Lewis, soil of Mrs. KdKar Lewis, and ('urllon Wilder, son of Mr. mid Mrs. A. A. Wilder, arrived homo last nlKlit from University of (he- Kon, to spend the ThunksKivliiK week-end ut their homes. At Campbell Home Miss Eliza beth Campbell, student ut Oregon Stale college, has arrived here to spend the Thanksgiving holiday visiting her parents, Mr. und Mrs. W. SI. Campbell, on South Main street. Home From College Miss Doris und llertrum Shoemaker, sludents at University or Oregon, are spend ing the Thanksgiving week-end here visiting their parents. Dr. and Mrs. II. li. Shoemaker, on llluke ley street. Visits Here Jess Hodges, spe cial agent for the Southern Paci fic company, in Kugene. has been spending the last few days In this city visiting his father, who is re ported to be III at his home nt the corner of Military and Corey streets. Stationed at Shanghai Word has been received here from Wes ley Little, one of 1180 U. S. mur ines stationed at Shanghai, China, that the situation there at the present time is tense. Kngllsh and French troops ure reported to huve been removed from the terri tory. Wesley, wnu & the son of Mr. unit Mrs. Kugene Little of this city, is usslgned tu the Shang hai marine post lor 18 months. Arrive Wednesday Miss Patri cia Mayo, of this city, is having the following as her guests over Thanksgiving and the week-end at Hitter's Hack Forty on the Nor'h Umpquu at Winchester: Her par ents. .Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Mayo, of Oswego; her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Patrlcn, of Portland, and William O. Jones of Stanford university. The vis itors arrived here last night and will remain until Sunday. VITAL STATISTICS BORN HANDY To Mr. nnrt Mrs. O. E. lIaiuly. Melrose route, HonehurK. ut Mercy hoKpllal, HuiKlny, Novem ber 17, a non, Kiios Duro; weight Hcvpii imumlM. fitli'nn ouiicch. TELEPHONE 95 Mrs. Samuel Rockhill, Riddle Resident, Dies Mrs. Samuel (Florence Tlrown tngl Hnckhill. a well known resi dent of Riddle, died Wednesday at her home following ti long per iod of Illness. Surviving are her luisham! and two daughters, Mrs. Will Vander bosch, Chicago, and lloberta Kirk, Itiddle. Mrs. Itockhlll was a member of the Kplscopal church and Order of the Kastern Star. A brief service was held at the lUisebui'K Undertaking company ifianel ut 2 p. m. today. Hev. Perry Smith officiating, und the body accompanied by Mrs. Kirk, will be shipped tonight lo F.vanslon, HI, for burial. Funeral of C. McCown to Be Held at Corvallis Funeral services for C. McCown. who died Monday at his home on Court street. Itosehurg. will be helil at the llolliugswurth Funeral parlors In Corvallis at 1:311 ,i. m. Friday. The body will lie shipped to Corvallis tonight hy the Kose- hnrir I TiiMrtiil.-Inir i-niiitiiiiiv Mrs. It. W. Marjorowic!!, u daughter, I ,from Timber Luke, South Dukolil, arrived In liosenurg v cuuesiiny. Youngsters are more likely to have warts than older persons, and toads and frogs ure more oft en handled by them, but there Is no connection between the warts and such handling of frogs $0 20lMt - AX ft rarj'",.. -..X W .: i: v Alote ony tor Wards I "Sew Safely Hike 4.29 10-inch wheel siie Hun surety features you'll liml on no other velorlpede! See it! 12" !?. ... 4.98 Hi" size ... 5.98 1 Exciting Defense Target Set 170 Continuous action machine gun ... no reloading! Has BIG stage-like target battle-field 1 r H T"r Simple Adding Machine All "metal I Has 4 columns for figures Mechanism is simple for long periods of fun, service. Ear ." JJ."11 p...,- ,iu--7, 31 S NO. JACKSON ST. Cheddar cheese, ; named' for Cheddar, England,, today Is pro duced In such quantities In Wis-. cousin thut the state produces more tliuii the whole of flrenf Hiitaln. THE STORY OF AMERICA'S GLORIOUS BIRTH! Colombia Ficlutet ptennl CARY GRANT MARTHA SCOTT t the iimiAi.ns OF ;ih Sir Cedric Hardwicke Alan Marshall" Shows 1:45-3-7- P. M. Mats. 30c, Eves, 40c, Inc. tax cel r '""Me i 21. u...' J"clurf. .." earn.;... "cr " " u- n. an "" es. j.- y ''e dni;.. . a"-rub. , ' u'auf. . r-" with . - .iM .:nm I00 fract0 Steel ,::cn at i """or I '"0' has L Pric" Piece ?' ?'' A??'""! ""I, A. il 'lilt?? V0 Di,"" the WMMWi THREE?' '' CARD OF THANKS J! J ft 1 ' i i 1 1 ' I I ' ' " 1 I am thankful and appreciate t,h J support given me !n the recent m primary and general election; ' HtiiTV (!. Stearns, Coroner. 1IUIIMA -n. Richard Carlson Folding type Doll Carriage 1.98 Light, easy -to -handle! Drop front and it's a stroller! Has collapsible hood, rubber tires I 40 Great Games (or young, old I . on4 Includes Bingo, Pick-up Sticks, Checkers, Came of India, Old Maid, Rummy and 34 others. Deluxe Scooter with Puncture proof tires I i 3.39 As soft, and cusy-riding as alr idled tires I Roller-bearing Wheels! Parking stand! Belli NewPedal: Bike Built (or Safety 1M New high-back, form fitting seat and easy-to-reach handle bar gives walker-like support! con.f 0rirll it. i '"""ypi h, !!Ur' unit3" Jus, ,lLba"dage,lorn. t-1 Jdeal t e onlv t TELEPHONE 95