TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1940. Society and Clubs 8y LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER w. a. OF HAS INTERS! nilG I EETINO .KI.KTON, Nov. iti-r-'VUf Wo- 1HHIIH Society for ('l)rlKtlllll NfM'vlctf mo! Ht the .VUlbuilijit cliUicU Wi-cl-iH'(lay utti'iaoun. MIkb Kaye Hosm-ii Htlilcti her name ttlnen Jant iiihimIiik. Tlil full will l- hi'lil Hie ?vtnU)K o( liev. g. There will be no chmue ut the iloor. A pmKimu will be Kivtm with Mi'rt. Kvtlyn lllmliT. .Mrs. IMItll Culea uuil Mr. FiuucfK Ih'ddeu In rhuiKe. Mrn. Mabel Hinder bus i-h;UK" ut the fancy work. Mra. Kutie Kincrb-K mill Mis. Nell Phlllipa will khII rniidy. The fish pniiil will be car-i-d for by .Mm. Joan IIomtK and .Mm. r.'llzabi-tli Uiainan. .Mm. Lor-r-na Jlluditr and Alrt. CailM-rliio Kenlt-y are on the pustiM- couimU toc Mm. Mary (irulilw uml Mis. Killtb Adams are on th- ijnilt itom-inltti'i-. A iltlill will be Kivi-n a way- Mrs. Ella Penlwy ami Mrs. Killlh I,U1, llt or l a m y work tho rvmuiuiler or (bo ul'tornoon. Tim next moetliiR w ill tin tit the homo of Mrs. roiTost Kaniain on Iii'i'i'inhcr &. ENGAGEMENT TOLO AT CHARMING TEA ( Nov. 21.--.Mrs. William Munch was liostess for a tea Saturday afternoon whi-u the announcement of the betrothal or Miss liomie Hobo and Harold V. Shoxreu was made. Miss Holce Is the ilmiyhlxr of Mr. and Mrs. Chmli'S Hoic-n of tills elly and at ineseni Is a member of the hiRll' selinol lailllly of (iriiuta 1'ass. Mr. Iiukiuii Is slate coordinator or military defense IrainiiiK ami lives lu Suleui. lielliMous refreshments were served from a bullet table with a centerpiece ut yelluw ami white hrysantheinums. Mrs. Klla l.eueb Ctites served refreshments. .1. K Howard poured lu small pastries decorated with pink Those present were Mrs. Juiile . ,.,, uu, concealed Halites. Mrs. Marietta Llslenul, Mrs. Kosa lluines. Mrs. ('.luce Hockley. Mrs. i'auiit Anderson. Mrs. I wini by Hinder and iIiiiikIi ler. f'lauilia. Mrs. Wlndusl. Mis. Stiicla lieMent. Mrs. Kltie Moore, Mrs. Klizaiieili Hramau. Mrs. Kvelyn Hinder and diiuKhli-r, Kl eauor. Miss til I luilii-x. Mrs. Kli abetb Owens. Mrs. Ida I'homas. Mrs. Klla Kenlcy. Mrs. Kdilh Ad ams. Mis. Krances Hedden. Mrs. Jimui Holmes ami sun. Havid. .Mrs. Katie Daily, Mrs. Loreua Hinder, anit ehildren Ulllle ami Ann. Mrs. t'aryl (iorman. Mra. .Muraaret Mc Keiiteis. Mm. Kuril McClny. Mrs. Mary llalnes. Mrs. Katie Klilerb-k. Mm. Mubel llimler and Mrs. Kdilh (intes. I W. 8. OF C. S. HAS I INTERESTING MEETING tiny YONTAI.I.A, Nov. 21.- -Tile Wo- riirds lieiiriiiK tlie mimes of the couple. Honoring Miss Hoice were Mrs. A. J. Ifaess. Mrs. Charles Austin. Mrs Klla l.eaih. Mrs Nellie Tlo-l- uux. Mrs. H. I. HunliiiKion. Mrs. Itoy t'unninxbam. Mrs. tieorue Mathews. Mrs r.inu fliimphreys. Airs, 'i'oiu Ijiwson. Miss Luella t'linuinKbaiii. Mrs. Hessie Setmers. Airs. It. Ii. Sorrells, Mrs f J. Seth- ,er. Mrs .1 l llowurd. .Mrs. I . I.. . Noriuoylc, Mrs. Norn Hiilt. Mrs. Ceoriiu .Mill. Mrs. II. it. Caldnev. Mrs Cbnrles Kafer. Mrs. W. H. I. esh. Mrs. Jess llowiuan. Mis. 11. K. .Miillcbett. Mrs. .M. limes. Mrs. A. .1 I'nwcelt. Mrs Hud lleli her, Mrs. Ii it Lewis. .Mrs. Hurry Ohlers. Mrs. Ida Husye. Mrs. v, I.. Hub yus. Mrs W. K. Stevenson. .Mis. A. II. , ChllU. Mrs Matle Heller. Miss Alice Nebel. Mrs l.'anle Set her, Mrs. If. Ii. lived of Cranls Pass, Mrs. Holce. mother of the bride to ! SIDE GLANCES ; By Galbraith COPS tW 8 UK SCBVIC. ISC. T. M. HICU. t PAT. Of. -2l j "Now rriut'iiilicr, I Joi'lur - tltm'l spctitl tlif cvcninji asUing )i (iplc 'How's thiil ley dI' yours coming iiloiiii'.'' or 'Doiny iinvliiiiii! lor lli;tl couh'' " P.-T. A. WILL MEET MEET TUESDAY mens soretiy or wirisiiau nis bl. ,,,, w,, MlM, uncll. of the Methoillsl church enleria tied ., ,, lv,,,Ull(, wln luk,. ,,,.. , at u sliver lea In lite Lpw.nth hall. Vancouver at. the him f Miss Thursday tifternuon. Hotb the ball ,,i,.(.'H bniiltei -in law and ulster, uml mull) auditorium was beaull-1 1. lin, All.H u .,,M, during fully decorated with lull leaves ami!, he ( brlstiuas holidays. Alter it liirue bouquet mysunineinums. w,1(nK tlll, ,ley ,vm mili(, Mis. Sam Walkiushaw had churK liiUe lu Siilem. of the tlevoliiuiuls. 'I ho entire arude . si llool thou sunn two beautiful num bers. Anna Mu'l ie HullllUKlon ami I ENGAGEMENT IS Verlu HlKhly luith leM'ulcil all I Im 'ANNOUNCED AT PARTY boohs ol the lllble. Mrs. Huberts .. Knve one of Iter line reading. A ' -l'M) U.K. Nov. J 1 .-.Miss Ina bovs chorus suiiK a number ol flick suipilscd her trlemls Havblson sliiKiiiK th... solo part. 'iy evemim when she an ,, .....I... i. ..i i ..... f.-.. uouiiH'il hi'L' hulitilluil to Stcwurl imrn itutiniiHiiKM nii'"i " '""iw- ., t . ).,, tl. i,,,,. ( i ..m- vlotii iiiliH, j(M'ttinunitMl hy ( a ml " " ' , . v. ... .. ..,,. 1 Uoinir hy .Mjh. Klni.i An liaiubi'Uii Iti fuh'i ,, n.s. . u ,. .,. uMl MiHA .(m,m.0,,. " . . I Tl... Utl lk. iil-i.-i. Nov. 21, l!4". ut Uciiii. v. Miss Joliiisnn hai (u'tn ti iiifMibfr ut tiii tcfth. rlitiirmuii. Mix. Satu Walk in tliaM-, Aim. Dan KliiKi y. Mi h. Ut it tain find Mm. Kc,ih. Tlumn reKMit wcrt Mm. Lyons, Mm. AUh Mriiwn. Mm. U lt. KadiihiiiiKli. Mm. M. S. W. . (Vl'iur. Mi'H. KiIkhi UlvhavdH, Mm. Sumner llrawtt. im. ,.uy lliuil nuton, Mm. Nulan. Mih. NcMU iritiiau. Mi'H. 1'iimI Taylur, Mm. Hit- limn Thk'l, Mm. Kiank KiihmkII, Mm. Si'lma IJuvln. Mis. i'harlort Hum Mm. UxiIhu K nun'. Mm. Avery I. itHWvll, Mm. Hililcy. Mix. Mi-tvln HiiAanI. Mm. WiUmr llrlncr. Mm. II. I'. SinuaU'T. Mrs. KumI l-w. Mm liultuii Thiol. Mm. (Mlvc Mr-K-i). Mm. Art Uyrhiiril. Mrs. I.f-niy Jlarlley. Mm. M. II. I'ayiif. Mm. Kiluanl KvIho, Mm. Dave Itni-rs, Mim Mihlreil Kiuhc, Mth. (lrlnnlt' Slnutii, Mm. Kllnii (trass, Mm. Ilail foril, ami the Iii)h1iksih. ROSA DAVIS AND CARL THOMPSON MARRY YONfAM.A. iv. Wnnl Iihh Imm'H riM't'lveit fnnu Si-all lc Wanli., uf (he miirriaui' r Minn lio.HH Davis, (aiitclili'i nf Mr. ami Mrs. It. V. DavlH ul Allmny anil Carl (illtnaii Thompson, son ol' Mm. Bui dick Aiiioiimui of 'hi'itiv. Wash. Tht' ri'ivtnony touk Lwv in tin Novwi'ulan l,nth'raii rinin-h del. IS, with Ki'V. It. T. CiiImimI son ronilin; tll' rlnu rt-itMnouy lu Ihi' pm.i'iHp ol liii' ioiini'ihali' family. Mi. K. Vruon Unison of Porilanil ttm the hriilc's only ai ti'ihlunl. antl t'ul.'ii Ailki'ii .0 If.l us best man. Mr. mill Mrs. havi vent north lor ilu soriie. Thi )irtilt sitt-nl Ihc most of lor lite in Ynialla tztailuatini; irom 'N'riiii'aHa Kt ntle srtiool and iti it. 1 lit IukIi school with I he class of 1 !:!;! , She is iiImi a Miniluate of the Kmamial liospitid. Port land, and has hi'cn inirMnu in the Sacj'etl Heart hosptial. Kueiu'. lor Iho last three years, ntinr ht her 1:011; to Sen l He this sinntner. Mr. and Mr. Thoninsuii will make their lumie In Seattle, V:ih.. w liuie tlie UKuHil is einnlo id ronBiattihi!lon aie extended to Mr. and .Mis, Thuinhson I10111 ilieh many friends hi Vom alia ami vi t'lnlty. SUNSHINE CLUB HAS lNJUYAdLc IWttlllNU A'AI.KA. Nov, :'n. The Sun nhine rhio met Wednesday atter nonii at the ho 1 lie ol Mrs. Lowell Curtis. At one thirty the, assist t'd by Mrs. Kitllier Thortie, .seteil ii tlvHiioiiH Inm heon lo the follow ing quests and cliih members: Mis. Cora Chudwi'k. Mrs. Toin Mnn Htikijr. Mrs. William .lantzer. Mis. Men Phelps, Mis. .fake Fisher. Mrs. Henry Caedecke. Mis. Halhert lhHilh. Mrs. John I'YIdmUtcr. Mrs. Vernon ('aylor. Mih. Ora t'ondray. IMiK. John Janter, Mm. Walter Keiiip. Mm. AVinnie Kusl. Mrs. Ver inm (iaederke. Mrs. Henry Smith. Mm. I-Yaiik Tripp. Airs. Forrest Fa main. Mm. Itay Comlray, Mrs. Jtolllu Johns. Mrs. Kstber Thorpe, and the hostess, Mm. Curtis. The roKtilar Imslness nirctluK Vn held. Aluslr, ftiiKinK and vai'ioiis kluds Jaenliy nf the (ilchdal (for imir years and plans to fill 'her present contract. Mr. I'atty s .bookkeeper lor the, Conitl Co. ot KlHinulli Kails. Afler a short (trip each will return lo (heir posi tions. The Johnson home was beauti fully decorated with fall flowers and the Thanksulwuti motif was carried out. The evening u spent piny tut; hearts and prizes K I ven tu the winners. Kach miertl was nlven a corsage lu w hlch was coueealed the au-nouueeim-al. Kefieshmenls ot heart shap-d tien sandwiches, anel pie uml eolfee were served. K lien ils bonorli Miss JohiiAtm weie: Mrs. Iv J, McMullen, Mrs. Ii. M Jones. Miss Lilly Itelle All-, K'el, .Miss Krances I lunulas. Mrs. ! W. I. Metsm Mrs. (iertrud uarel Howard. Mrs. Kov Koiiiui, Mrs. Kdwin Jidiusoii. Mrs. 1. H. Smith anil the hostesses. Mrs. Ar ena m hen u anil Miss Johnson. Si rilKIlLlN. Nov. "1.-- Th I'aient-Teathers eluh will hold their regular ineetiiiK ut thty Arts build I UK Tuesday atternouti. No vemher Tht meeliuK will b in 1 he form o( a silver tea wi'h Miss Horothy Clark's home et-mi-ouiics class serviiiK the lunch. 'I'he intermediate grades under (he supervision of Miss Mabel Wll liuuis will furnish the pruuniui. unit. "There Are .Many Klaus in Many Lands." and "Aiuerli a the (iraml." Play --"Talk in Hooks." Chain' lets. Patsy Lou Wahl. Lloyd Hol Kiitti. Karen .Madsen. ilelly Lou Johnson. ltKinia UuersL-hiiiid'. and Keiinelh Cleasou. HeatliiiK "The Klrst Thatiksnlv hu." Klchanl CoeiieiibeiK, Hook friends An exercise by the third imulo. Play -"The origin of Thanks- Characters: Mistress June Yoiiuu; Klder J Mrewsler. Cene Culver: Priscilla Mullens. Klhl Mae Lelsiimer; j Mary Chilton. Shirley Overbid-;; Love Miewster. Karl Pleiiurd; booN Kraneis Itlllitmton. Albert Thorn- .in. .mmiii :iueii, ii lie AiU!Kliivt', Miles Sliimltsh. James LaiiK: Sttuaiito. Kloyd "oi ly ; MassnsoiL Toiuuiy Chenoweth Indians.' 1 nu ald JioberlHoit, Jack Culver, ChHt latt Ihichm.'iu, Carl Vauatta and Merrill Potter. COTERIE CLUB HAS MEETING CI.KNDALi:. Nov. :!l.-Mm. Hoy CunniUKhnui was buhtess to the Co terie club Tuesday ulternoon at her j ranch home near tileudale. Mrs. Cunningham was assisted by Mrs. Pessie Seiiuinem and Mih. C. U. Carrett. The renular business liieetliiK was held. Mrs. Paschelka rcstKiieii as secretary as she Is niovinu away ( soon. i Mrs. W. M. Carrett Rave an in-1 terestinx paper entitled "llow Karl May Walt Disney (Jo." Movie manic and color photography was nivcti ' by Mrs. tieore Mill. A book review t id "1 Married Adventure" by Osu , Johnson, was j-ive:i by Mrs. Lloyd j intKer. After a pleasant social hour re freshment were served to the Kiiest of the afternoon. Mrs. Kinma Kobison, Mrs. ,M!arle Itlidne, Mm. II. C. I lilii (button, Mrs. (ieoiKO Hopper. Mrs. W. It. Carrel!. Mm. W. L. Dobyns. Mrs. Melvin Havis. Mrs. Max Cutbertson. Mrs. Jess Low man. Mrs. Hud Itelcber. Mrs. M. A. Hates. Mrs. Lloyd llaker. Mrs. Herman Aydcllofte. Mrs. Kiln l.eaeh, Mrs. lieore Mill. Mrs. Kred Morey. Mts. It. K. Mouchelte. Mm. Arthur Paschelka. Mrs. C. J. Seih it, Mrs. Harvey Smith. Mrs. It. I), -Hon-elld, Mrs. C. K. Viiuik and the' 1ioslosscs, Mrs. CunniiiKham, Mrs, Carrett and Mrs. Sehners. FORMER ROSEBURG BOY MARRIES AT MYRTLE POINT The wedding of Mary Margaret lye and Keith H. Mlntonyv was sulHmnizvd Sunday at 2 p. iu. at the uume ot the Drltjes parents. Mr. and Mia. J, W. l)ye, fev. Arthur I(. Jones irarforinJiiK the tereinuny. Standing; hetoie a hank ol au tumn leuves riaukHd with bankets or yellow ami white chrysanthe mum, the couple, exchauited vowh.' The, bride wore a iIiosh of white net over satin with a bodice of white lace and a fniKertlp veil. She carried a ahower bouquet of w hile .hiysaulheuiunis. - MIsh Kllen Carver, as luuld of honor, wore- dresa of Kernel Utt tela and a toque of iimteliliiu tlow- era iu her hair. Hera was a color ful bouquet of mixed chryaanthe miiins. Frank Hrowu f Crissi ent City ai teil ad beat man for Mr. Min tonye, Schuhert'a "Serenaile" wan play ed as Mi sb Lye. came down the stairs then "Sweet and Low." KollowfiiK the ceremony, a recep tion was Blwn for the wedding uests. Mis.s lye makfiiK the fbst ut iu a hue white wedilin t;aku with lnhiiaiure bride and Kroom adorning it. Mlsa Kdith Smith of Myrtle Point and Mrs. Krank lirown of Crescent City asaisted in serving. For xoinff auay. the bride wore a uiunii niiti wiut matctntiK rles, antl a corsaKe of yellow chry santhemums. Mr. and Mm. Miutonye will be at homo in Creat-eiil City Nov. 15. .Miss Hye is a graduate, of .Myrtle Point high aihool, haviiu finished in the claaa of Since that time j she Hail heen employed ill the of tie. or the Myrtle Point Herald. Mr. Mintonye graduated from the j Marshfield liiidi achool. He Is the ; fon of Mm. Kannle Mintonye of j Koaehui'K- j Out-of-town Kuesta present for 1 he occasion wem; Mrs. Oscar J Mintonye. .Mrs. Neil llarditm ami j Neil Jr. an Male, Mr. and Mrs. A may .Mintonye and Marian and ! John of Coquille; Mm. Fannie It I j Mintonye of linsehiim; Mr. and Airs, r rank Mrown of Crescent Ciiy: Mr. and Mrs. Don Ilurko of Klamath Kails and Mrs. Adeline Anderson of (iaylord. A SOCIETY HAS MEETING AT LAWSON HOME CAMAS VALLKY. Nov. :M. Sev eral members of the women's so ciety of Christian service met at the home of .Mrs. T. O. Lawsou Wednesday lor last minute plans Connie Free Again Returnt to Portland Miss Mar- nttiBP at Good Samaritan hospital . , , . ' 'In Portland, following several sarct Poole, formerly a uuiae at WWili3 at her nomo , Myrtle Point the Mercy hospital la tbli city, 'visiting her mother and convaleao ban returned to her work ns a hip from a fractured wrist. via from tlie coiircliouae at Reno, Nev.,' n iree woman arter divorcing tnc Marquis de la Falaias de la Conciray. -no was ner mna nuscana. for the missionary meet Inn on Fri day. Sxwinx and visiting wore en joyed during tlie afternoon. Member present uero Mrs. Ites sle Wheeler. .Mis. Kllen Markham. .Mrs. Iitlliy .Moore, Mrs. Vera Staiul hy. .Mia. Winnie Ilroun. Margaret lirown and the lioatess, .Mrs. son. OREGON MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET ON TUESDAY The i'niversltv of nrf'.mi IMS eillb Will hnlH nil ni'i'I,ti.ulw..i tneetliiK next Tuesday from 1 2: Ho III IWii n't-lurk Ht llm ll.tiul I'm,. (ita. to whieli overy mother hav inu sludeutH at U. of o. hus been asKed to attend. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET DEC. 4TH t'AM.VS V.U.I. KV. No. 21. On Hi-count of the ThnnksKlvlnit hull lay. the Camas Vulley tiarden i-lub will not meet until Wednesclav. Iieiemlier 1th. at the home of Mrs. II. ('. Ilojle. All members are iii-(;ed to h- present. .Diet Roughage ' Taking off a few pounds? Roman Meal is the bread for you! This delicious new dark break is made with genuine Roman Meal, famous as a cereal for more than 30 years, and sweetened with pure honey. Low caloric content. Gives you EXTRA minerals and other valuable elements. Buy Roman Meal BreadTODAY! Insist on the genuine Roman Meal Bread with the Roman soldier on the band. MR. AND MRS. SMITH ENTERTAINS CLUB AX.AI.KA. Nov. 21.- Mr. and Airs. Itoilui-y Smith were luisU l-'rlilay uiullt for tlie briiiKe clitli. llilests iiii-ludt'd. Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 u I In 1 1 II, mill. Mr. ami Mi-lli-niy Smith. .Mr. mid Mrs. Vet-. lion CaeileeUe. Mr. and Mrs. W'ul-li-r kflup. Mr. anil Mrs. Iiiini .Innlzer. IMi-k llerrlu. Mis. KsIIkt I'lnirp.-. Arllmr liiu-ilerke. I'n'l Smith .-mil (In. Iml unit hiisl.MS. Miss Alice Ni-liel. , inl, .,.. Smith. ysnn. .Miss .Mar- ii.,!, ,,.,.., ,.ZM won l,v I Mis. 1 1 111 y Smith ami Kick I '-'l I rip. Mrs. Tliorie and linn Siui-i I won ciiusiiliitidti .lohii .lani.- ,.er won tlie travellui; iri.e. Alter tlie card play refresh- 'tnellts were served. j Mr. Kemp was Kivcll a hiitulUtT- chtt-l slniwer POET'S CORNER POWELL'S for Bulk Salmon Eggs 246 N, Jackson St THE ONLY WAY My .MA UN MA OliKIIKlKK How tthiinKf it pnil'li'iii l.s tin- tifiirt ! iiKin ; (Jnilf i;iail' of t:onil ;unt rntlc l ts Anil vt't sn enirl, n shivc of rnili When .MitMrt-.l hy ilinuli'i! son t-ry. Thin pin n or Hii'liv, m hum in pifpiit jiiinii, run Kill 'inl In tlHrasliil h! wuwtr, Kulst ni.r.lri Ami iins hihI lu si h ami uri' hit not in it ii V net-tin; A nl n I't'iirsoin' vn to em! I it Hpun. Is t li tr wluit pinntfss hnnjis? Illu sions lull ; I'"nr win ii nnmotlliiifss t tit- hi'lpli IMI.V. Anil Irii-mi ,'iiul loc InKt'lltrr wep ntiil tiilt. ManKim) was in. ani iu live In 1 Vt'.ti i1 tor iiyc It will It-ain thr liulli, thai allrr nil To "loo thy m-iKhttoi" tin on! way. THANKSGIVING DANCE TO BE DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR OF THIS EVENING Tonight will mal.r tho I n i T 1 1-1 m 1 1 1 1 amitv i-i sai y ot tho ThaiiksKivinu hall In ))' spnnoit'tl in llns tny hy tin- M I'. W. t Tho claiu i- will Ill-win hi !!::! o"i lot li til Iho arm 01 y w it ti IJMly Ittm U'ti m chosi i a Mi rit I h hi the nm.-'if. 'I'lio iiihlir ims Imvii Inviicil to i'ii,.ty t ho nf tail . which is in linruo ot yi'mn na l-'nriiswoi Hi with Mts Miittiarot .lohnsun in tharm of tho (loiuru- I ions ("oniinittt't's fur tin- uttair havo ro iortoil tliai plaiiH have horn taiiieil tun mi a iiiosi injiahlo ami do- I I tht lul rv.-nini: for i ho moinhovs ami kh'( a) toinlin. ! AMrt Al MA rADl Ci-VM ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Ki-mter ii. Ki-ynohls. ol (his city. uml .Miss Anna Louise CariMin. ot Port land, announced their online ment at a ileliulillnl family Thanks mviik' dinner today at tho home ol tin- toiiiifi's parents in Uosehnrii. Tho marriano date has nut heon xet, Mr. nyiiuhls is omplnxcil at the I 'oukIms I 'unit i y eoiniany hero and Miss Carlson is a social worker at I ho I"oUtflas eounly puhlir wel fare rtiintnslon. MRS. BOOTH IS HOSTESS AT DINNER A.AUv. Nov. SI -.Mrs. Ilalliert Hoot h i-ntertaitiiMl Sat unlay eve ning with a iltnuer honoring tho tiirllulav aiuiiersary of Mrs. .lohu l-'elduiilh.'r and Mrs. lleiirv Cao deiUe. I Mares w ero ai i aiirieil lor tho two cm-sis ut honor. John lYtd miller. Henry CaedeiKo. Matjoiio liooth. Ilalliert Month, and the hos tess. Mis. Ilnolh. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No. J.ickson NOTICE Be Sure to Ride and Drive the New OLDSMOBILE Before You Buy Any New Car , 4-Door Sedan Delivered in Roseburg $1092 Call 131, ask for L R. Chambers at TRUCK SALES AND SERVICE CO. bit N. Jackson Sr. Don't Make Excuses TAKE your WIFE She'll LOVE it! The wifo will get a kick out of bowling with her mani When he gets into the swing or it, she'll understand why you find it difficult to come homo early bowling nightsl Roseburg Bowling Alley FLOYD BAUGHMAN, Owncr.NUnagor FOR UNIQUE DESIGN 4h x r n f I BEAUTIFULDOL Personalized With Your Nome Let Santa distribute a really distinctive, purely individual Christmas card in your name this year . . , something creative that your friends will truly admire. We have such cards on hand. ORDER YOUR CARDS NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! 50 Beautiful Cards $1.00 20 Exquisite Steel Engraved American Snow Scenes $1.95 Your name imprinted on above cards-no extra charge tasfihuro-News Rawiaw 0 wmf PRINTING DEPARTMENT Telephone 100 T