FIVE eta ROSE BURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1940. r Livestock WANTED 100 young ewes, 2' ami 3's. Phono 12KU. N. 0. Hastings, lloute 2. Rose-burg. WANTED Kill Angora goats or tamo older goals. J. 1). Duvis, Siukcrlin. TWO baby calves for sale. Good milk stock. W. 1). Hess, Itoute 2, (ilione SLT2. 60 I1KAD slii'ep. Will pay rash. C'htudo Coll, Oakland, Oregon. KOH SAI.K 00 bead lined ewes. Kruso llios. Phono -I2F2. FOU SALE Day old calf. Phone 11 J I. Poultry ''l)lt SALK 2S Whito LeKborn breeding cockerels. Kxtra good laying strain. Mrs. M, Nunco. Winchester, Ore. Hay, Grain, Feed FOIl SAI.K No. 1 oat ana vetch hay. baled. T. E. Duncan, phone 14-F-2. HAY Walter Leake. Dixonvllle. Worfc Wanted ANY KIND of housework, by day or hour. Maggio Nouli, 337 N. Main, Apt. 4. WOMAN wants nursing or house work by hour or day. Phone 470. CAH1NKT won II made to order. 642 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Dentistry SPECIAL hxiractlon and Plates Pyorrhea Treatment Gas when desired. Dr. Ncrbas Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Dr. 0. W. Marshall. Med. A. Bldg. ALLEY OOP fmn VimS NOR. BEIMC3 BACK THE. - K- N1 MUST HAVE Oni ii KkVtPEOPI-H HIS VIOLENCE AW, SKIP rt..yS AAYBE-.&E.Bbl "TEM" uklTcT toi HAVE FOREVER. I'VE DOME A THAT BUST PDRAR.1L.V IM soti Sl vrr) LST SOME - ( TERRIBLE ( OM THE. JAW J SAME ...OK IF "LWWI WHERE IU AM- THIM& AMD I WAS JUST OMUV I irzS-c fv ciemt times Jxom't blame.N what you could some PAMAOfe to L. Ar A jtom foe. (needed how make s iTiiill S fV- . L iPf, .SWIWGIMG V J. AMENJDS.' Y.. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS LJr1 I I In r Ti r If Ir 1 WISH YOU'D LET ME A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN! 4- W 7 W LC I ivif- A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN! L. 7 H BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES VOL! PsNiWvUAfeVX WASH TUBBS , ix,. I K GEE! f SPECIAL A3SNTS IMUE'i- ACCORDIMS HIM BUT CIRCUMSTANTIAL EUlDEUCEf MR. 6RIMKWATER J THIS LETTER. WE'LL TW&AJTIM& SSPIONA6E f WM'. TO THE DISTRICT W VICKI i'tr'm i if i IS TOO ILL TO JlWAlT FOR AW ANSWER I SHOW THEAA IN!.,. LOOKS PRETTY CtJTX ltLI, N-l-$l-'7j i J J?VV Wanted TO BORROW S600 on first mort gage, 5-room bouse, bath, oak floors, big porches. Box 841), c-o News-Review. WOMAN to room, board, help with chores. Renter for furnished house. Phone 6F34. WANTED To rent sheep range. Box 937, c o Nowsltovlow. UllJKa. Highest cash prices. Leave cars on. DougJas Market. Fuel PHONE 2S3 Oreen and Dry Slab Wood RCSEBUIiQ LUMBER CO. KOU SALE Oak block Phone 17F3 or 23F5. wood. DRY oak wood, $1.50 per tier. Phone 47F21. OAK and laurel wood, 2.50 tier. Phone 2F41. SHED dry wood. Phone 173-R. Real Estate FEDERAL lana banc farms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available at the National Farm Loan Office, Perkins Build ing, Roseburg. FOR SALE 13 acres, modern house, 11 miles Roseburg. A. F. Morris, P. O. Box 502, Roseburg. FOR SALE S-room bouse, large lot. Sacrifice for cash or. terms. Close in. Box 866 c-o News-Review FOR SALE Sheep ranch. Sacrifice for quick sale. Box 939, c-o New s Review. Chiropractor UK. H. B. SCOFIEl.D. Phone 273. I 1 r.r i-i.i- SEE YOU AMD GWE ME THIMGS v'Li k ( THIMGS 6000 ",f I 1 Rentals CLOSE IN Large, front 'bedroom for girl. Meals If desired, at rea sonable rates. Room only $10 per month. Call 624-lt evenings. S-ROOM furnished flat, private bath, entrance. Oas range, water heater. Phone 222-11. 547 S. Stephens, FURNISHED room, Btoam heat, bath. Bell buildlun. 122 8. Jack son, opposito Indian theatre. FIVE-ROOM, modern, furnished house, available December 1. 420 Vista avenue. APARTMENT Come to Douglas Hotel apartments whore you have steam heat. FI'RNISHED sleeping room. Quiet. Outside entrance. Box 912, co News-Review. FI'RNISHED apartments. $12.00 month and up. Corner of Floed and Mill. 2-HOOM and S-room apartments, furnished. 606 S. Pine street. KOHLHAGUN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 660. 8-ROOM house for rent, partly fur nished. S64 Military street. 4-ROOM furnished apartment. Call at 218 or 232 S. Jackson. 3-ROOM apartment. Adults. Water and heat. 214 S. Kalio. 2-ROOM furnished apartment. Brockway. 112 MODERN, furnished apartment. 926 S. Main. FOR RENT Garage. 218 S. Rose. Call 634-R. FOR RENT 1-room house. 915 K. 2nd St. How Matters Making an Impression There's still And in closimo j. want you to know that youil always be the only girl for me- PLEASE DONT BRUSH KAE OFF SO ROOM WANT SOMETHING. else; LIGHTLY . That Seems to YOU -Wi. TO KuLOW They Come as For Sale MhcelTgneOM AUCTION SALE: Coburg Auction Yard, Friday, November 2. starting at J1.S0 a. m. 60 bead of cattle, 25 head of red and roan Durham cows and heifers. 1 ronn Durham bull, IS months old. Bal ance of herd dairy cows, heif ers, calves, etc. Iota of feeder bogs and pigs. Sacks of cartots, potatoes, etc. Karl Goodnight, Auctioneer, phone Eugone 3S9I-W. Lynn Goodnight, clerk. FOR SALE Golden Oak dining room set 6 chairs, table anil buffet : overstuffed davenport and chair; Charter Oak circulat ing heater; Maglc-AIre vacuum cleaner; wood range; electric range; 3 burner electric platu; uutomatlc electric water beater; gas washer; all-enamel up-to-date gas range. Judd's Furniture Store. THE ORANGE TRUCK is here again. This la the last load of the very sweet Juice oranges. We have all sizes and prices. Nice, green celery. 8c a stalk. Imperial Valley grapefruit, 25c a dozen. Perfect No. 1 sweet potatoes, 5 poundH 19c. WHY NOT get the Hy-Power. guaranteed inurfler and forget your muffler troubles. Also get your glass at Sniff's Auto Wrecking House. A NEW modern storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for biiIo. SLIGHTLY used A. 11. O. washing innchlne, excellent condition. In quire 129 Rust avenue. FOR SALE Wood range, good condition. Inquire 1219 L'mpqua avenue. FOR SALE 1 trailer, good condi tion. Shell Stittion, Douglas and Stand YOU CAN.OSCAR, REPAIRS ?UGrSJE5E".NO EVER-D'D THAT'S A DEAL "-'WO MIMP BY tiLA SfBVICE, IWC. T. M. IF YOU TO SAY START IT AGAIN. "THEN I'LL ASK YOU HOW MUCHX OWE YOU AND V-M I C: KJ FIVE DUCKS Be That 111 Yon cav s.' . ii ;lV VIfive bucks 7 1 V . KrU ., ill Friends ELECTROLUX sales and service. Phono 561. 119 W. Moshor. GRAPES Concords, 80 delivered. Phone 146. Autos TRUCKS AND PICKUPS for snlo lit , Locliwood Motors Inc. 1910 Dodge one ton truck, low mileage $595 1939 Ford truck, long wheclbase. all new tires $575 1937 Chevrolet truck long wheel base $345 1937 Ford pickup extra good $365 1937 Dodge pickup low mile age $375 1930 Dodge truck long wheel base, good tires and body. Mo- tor reconditioned $295 1936 Ford pickup with new tires. Condition poor but good value $125 1935 Willis sedan delivery $145 See Lock wood Motors for good Trucks and Commercial values. FOR SALE 1935 Nash sedan with cruising gear and weather eye. New car guarantee $550 1936 Hudson cotipo $275 193S Hudson coupe $175 1938 Hudson sedan, radio and heater. A real bargain ... $575 1937 Chevrolet sedan deluxe, looks and runs like new ..$150 193S Dodge (lump truck, a real bargain. Also a Job for it 1939 Chevrolet logging truck, Just like new. ntui trailer. For I he best bargains In Used Cars and Trucks, see L. It. Chambers at Trucks Sales and Service Co., 659 N. Jackson street. WILL PAY CASH for equity In late model Chevrolet or Plymouth. Either write or see Phil Craft aflcr I p. ni. at Glide. I F COM VS OgWAS MAM OF HIS KILL Akire vVlTHOUT A COULr uaw REASOM..,HE,S ?SSUCHA bAUGSnOLW , V7" his i 1 REG. u7sTAT. OFF. r But we omly .UAOAc A riAi l a e. FOR. THESE RECORDS . C0P 1M BY NCA f j'AUEU'T SLEPT R3R THREE WSHTS! UERUOOS AS A WITCH " I WARM YOU! IF YDU START THVIUfi TO PIN A MURDER C'rIARCsE OKI ME LIKE THOSE CONFOUNDED POLCE,ILL KM . , ' V Help Wanted WANTED Woman for general housework in country. For de tails w rite loii Ferguson, Star Itoulo, Oakland. Lost and Found STRAYED One Lincoln ruin lamb. Right car marked upper bit, low er bit and Bwallow fork. Red paint on bark. Reward. Kinuielt Hall, phono 27F42. Oakland. Days Creek DAYS CREEK. Nov. 18. Mrs. .Maggio Snyder reccnlly returned from nn extended visit to Grants Pass where she was the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice Morrl- 6011. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Uliim and Mi's Ivan Welch were Roseburg visitors Tuesday. While there Mrs. Ulam and Mrs. Welch called on the Intter's sister. Mrs. Cecil Con nor, who was a patient at Mercy hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David' Fato and daughters, Ruth and Marianne, and Henry Fato wore among those attending the golden wedding celo hratlon of Mr. and Mrs. Rem Fnte at Myrtle Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fato. who are pioneer resi dents of this section have a host of friends here who join In offer ing them congratulations mid best wishes. Lieut. James Campbell, who was recently traust'ered to South limp qua Falls CCC camp from Camp Redding as subaltern, has return ed from a trip to California points. His mother accompanied him and is making her home in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Matthews were business visitors In Roseburg Wednesday. In the evening they had as their guests Mr. Matthew's brother. Bob Matthews and Mr. and Mil. Wilson, all of whom are making their homes lu Ciinyou- ville during the present construe- By V. T. Hamlin leOT O.S? lke Aeoor JOW.. t-eVEP- ,LVKuM .SETTLE W'-V ;j -n-Tc.1 iF- 1 li-lo By Merrill Blosser So WHAT '4 "Here's no HARM IN MAKlMrt uro THIN X'M A SPORT By Edgar Martin T. M. REO. tftftffiSf?, StBVICE. INC. By Roy Crane WE INTEMD NOTHIN& OF THE SORT, SUH . WE M!:RELY WISH TO HEAvi VOUR WD5 O' THE STORy 7 rr 1 1 zspiz r - GENERAL SAW PILING Howard Casebeer. 443 R. Stephens Also furniture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Sbop. 106 8. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Knight Porter, corner Douglas & Main. Bo-ly, fender work. Painting LOCK8MITH Pacific Key Ser. Phone S48. WASHING MACHINES IRONERS Ilergh's. 630 Winchester. Ph. 805. REFRIGERATION 8ERVICE E. C. Jones, mono t39T, tton work bcitiR done by Copco. Don WrlKht, who is with the na tional Kinnd at Camp Murray HpiMU the week-end nt his home hnro. On Sunday lu-nomputiied by his father. W. T. Wright, and alo hy Don Ha pier he visited at the home of li in brother-in-law and sta ter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank House, at Plnehurst. They also called nt the J. A. Khoades home in Ashland he fore returning here. Other mem bers of the Kim id spending the week-end at their homes here were Calvin Ulatn, Harold May, Cecil Smith and Harry WrlKht. John MotitKOinary. Kelly Kelor hysen, (iuy Jacobs and Kdar Cralf; nttendcil to business mat ters in ItosebuiK election day. They wore, accompanied as far as Kiddle hy Khtto. Ash and Jale HellHtny. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mather and their son. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mather and sous, Harold, HiiHiie and Wally. Mrs. Frank Wooster and sonrt. Irvin and Clif ford and Mrs. Kmma Mather went to Kan-burg Sunday to meet Mr. and Mrs. II. U Maclntyre. their son, Koland Maclntyre and his son, Harold, of KuKcne. Mrs. Henry Mather who is employed at I HI la id also Joined the party. Mrs. ;mma Mather, who is the mother nf Irvin and Clayton Mai her, Mrs. ttooMtur and Mrs. Maclntyre and has been upending the summer months hen returned to Kuseue with i ho Macintyres. Mr. and Mm. Uromley of Marsh- field and the former's brother Cliff Hromley of Ashland, were Sunday visitors nt the homo of Mrs. Hrom- ley's parents, Mr. and Mis. Walter Hutchinson. They had been to Ku Keno where they attended the foot ball cam p. Sunday afternoon, ue coiitpanicd by John Hutchinson und Miss Wiletha Hutchinson, u sluih'iit at AhIiIuihI, who had been sp(Midiiig Din week-end at her home here, they wont to Ashland. Monday after attending the Ash-land-Medl'ord muno Mr. and Mrs. Uromley and Mrs. Hulchinson re tn ined here. ( n t hei r re t urn t their home in Mur.shrhdd that eve- niiig Mr. and Mrs. Uromley were accompanied hy "the hitter's moth er, who will spend soitiu Lima ut the roast city. . Dan (Join visited Saturday with Mrs. (loin, who is receiving medi cal attention at Mercy hospital in Hosehurg. Although Mis. (Joins condition Is still extremely serious late X-rays show that the broken sections of her hip bone are now Hntlidactorlly aligned and are be ginning to knit. Clayton Mather and Harry Van Norman returned Sunday evening to their work at the lied. Cloud mine on upper Cow creek. Dr. ami Mrs. Kobert Kinoshlta ;ind snn, Hobby, left the iHtter part of the week for Portland where they attended to business matters and visited friends for several lays. YICK SO HERB CO. OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Herb remedies alleviate disorders of aoitre. stomach. T V 'lvcr' heart, Kidney, vV J catarrn, cougns, asthma, high blood pressure, dropsy, - I tumor, rheumatism, 'ever and female complaints, without operation. Monday, Tuesday, Wecthesday Jackson County Bank Bldg., Mtdford, Oregon Thursday, Friday, Saturday . 132 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon J. H. Leong 34 Years' Experience Herbalist mm ' 1 I RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING Bill Cullhouu's Radio Music Store Ph. 93. . Hargls Radio Service. Phone Lund Radio Service. Phone 84. FLUE CLEANING FURNACES vacuum cleaned flltp cleaning. Call 841. J. C. Bewley. i A GARBAGE SERVICE MILL'S Garbage Service. Efficient service. Reasonable rateB. Ph. 33S. PIIKI.IK JIATKIIIAI. . .n Kit'riMKMK.vr roH Bins SealiMl hlil will hn rwclvffl by Hie City of Yiiii'hM. Orcffmi, ami piibllrly ii)cin-l TiifHtluy. I)m oki- -Imt :i. l!to. at Hie City Hull. m fallu, Oriwin. at 8:00 I. M.. tnr tlra tint fm-nUhhiK of HoproxlimitttW .r IliilPN nf ft Hlid 8 lili-ll )li'l)tt with ri'itnhi nptMirtonrnu'eH. ' - AW httlH will lie plfiinly tnarkH "llll'S FOH IIKIJNK MATKK IAJ mi Hie niitnhle of thii nveU H" iml ntlrfHto(l tn Mr. ft. O, .inhiiKni,, (;uy UoL'nrdor, Vunrallit, Ort'Kon. ) No mils recelvpil aflr 7:S0 p. M. nf Hiiht dale will he t(nUIToU. A. list nf tutitorlats and tho pe ciricatlnnM may l nlttfiineil without cliMi'Ke fi'nin I(. .lohiismi, Cltv Itfu'onhT, Yoncalla, Orcnon. per at'i lll lie charged for Hit) Pimm which ('hni'Kf? will he refund ed In each actual bidder ilium Ihv '. M ui ii nf llw plans tn (CimmI cotnlfc (Inn and wilhln firtccu days of tlio openliiif nf the bids. , All bid will he for ni'iterfHln f. o. h. Voncalla, OreKon. If delivery is to he !imd by truck, nmterialN will "lie delivered aa clnttn tn tint site of the work an practical by huavy I ruck. A certified chock fur f. nf th Htnouiil hid. puyitblo tu the City of Voncalla will accompany eacli bid. The city of YmieaUa reserves tho right to re.loet any andtrr nil hlrtft, whIvi- infui-nialitics. or accept the hid deemed In Hie bent ItilcivslH of the City. V'.n.iMMi has hei-n allowed for tho completed project. H. C. JOHNSON', Itecmdcr nt the City of Yoncalln, Oregon. ' Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Works Sheet Metal Work Tailored to tie Job 627 IM. Jaokton St. Phon 820 Floor Sanding and Refinishing CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651-J Phont 121) Temporiry addreM R. P. D, Oakland, Oregon COMPLETE BUS TRAVEL INFORMATION Call 586 HOTEL VALLEY James Ralston, Manager For newspaper deliveries after 5:30 Pitas Call . 467-J bladder, prostate gland, piles, eczema, stomach ulcer, yellow T.M.Bl.r..u ; -r f ! . ,