FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1940. U4 Dallr Ktcrpl undr kr tk HtHbH of Tk Associate Press The Associate.! Pr II eseluslve. tion of all now dispatches I,r,"l'lV2 "to It or not otherwlM credited In 4ki nnnr and to all local niwi tubllshed heroin. All rlljls Subnotion of special dlspatones 4rlB ara also raaarvea. "BARRIB ELLSWORTH Editor Entered as second class matter Kar 17. mo, at tha poet office) at JJeburr. (Won. under aot of March t, 7I. Represented by K.w York S71 Madison Ave. kl-"w-a0 N. MI.-hlB Ave. a rSartwo 2'.'0 Bush Street le--ffit MTw. Orand HoulfVrd & AmI-3S B. Sprlnn ftrat Mltle 03 Stewart Street rort uie fl. w. sixth Ave Vale 411 N. Tenth Street OM Ml Vims IATIII fabatrlptloa Ilatee BallT.fer year hy mall... ally, a montha by mat... Dally. 8 montha by mall. . . Dally, by carrier per niontll Pally. by carrier per year.. ...18.00 ... 160 ... 126 ... .'6 ... 7.80 Every atate, count ,n0S!i? official or board that handle; pub lc money should pub eh at rcauiar Intervale an accounting It It. showing where and liow each dollar la pint. Till; lea fundamental principle of demo crdllc gotrnrnont. T seems as It ail unseen bill all-powerful hand has lukcn a deadly and dnslmctivu part In the relatively feeble efforts human beings iiro making lo destroy the civilisation of Ktirope. Karlh quako has laid wasto considerable of rtutnania. Thousands of lives have boen taken. Millions of dol lars In properly values have been destroyed. Valuable oil wells have cither been burned out, or the pools which red them Knitted doeo er Into tho earth. '. Tho destruction or the oil and ;tho oil-producing wells have, ac cording to reports from the strick en country, been it serious blow to lite axis poworB-1 ho war-makers of the continent. They can de stroy buildings, kill people, sub jugate enllro populations; liny can sink ships endenvorlng lo stop tho line of supply lo their enemy but they can do nothing nguinat tho power that strikes ut them from beneath the Mirth. . . - The llumatilaii cartlupiake again spotlights the necessity of oil and gasoline to modern war. Without theso supplies a military mac hine, " however splendid, Is Just so much "clever but useless mechanism. We ate now engaged in a glgao- " lie effort lo provide ndeiintile tie- "fenso for America. Our military might will be mechanized loo. We. as they do over there, must tie- ' pend upon an adequate supply oT petroleum products with which lo operate Hie defense devices wo crcalo. Have we these necessary supplies? The 1'nclflc f'oast I'ctrolc inn In dustry lately reported lo the' pub- I lie on that subject. It told its "story in large display advert Isc . .incuts which appeared In this and ', numerous other newspapers. Here are some pertinent quotations ' from thai statement: ; "in America we make aviation gasoline that Is miu-li heller than thai used In any other country." " "America's oil companies can ex pand their refineries to provide ulallon fuel for rm.iiun planes, oi even more, taster than tin- planed can be built." "The I'nited Stale has over ' half of the proved oil reserves In I I ho world." "Can America pioWde cuouiih 1 crude oil? Yes. there's no dungcr ! of running out of oil lo make uvlu ' (ion gasoline or any other pelro . leum product." ' "1 hunks to the Imloiitiy's olun 1 lary conservation program, veils on Ihn I'acirie coast are opcrailue ' far below potential CHprtelty. Pro ! (luctlon could he doubled on short J notice." . Those wells tap procd oil re j aervos of Si billion battels a lis.- otill gallon Uinktul (or every family ! on tile Pacific coasl. And lo date ' new fields hum been discovert I ! faster tbnfi the old are ex hausted." "No Imaginable suui'iii of bomb era could wlpo out Ihopc oil re Hotirces. In 68 Pacific coast fields. I hero arc. 19.730 scpatalo w ells. Kvcn If an onenty could destroy three out or four wells, the re maining oiicm could then be oper-: ated at full capacity lo supply tint j uced." ' "lu fdct, aLoulU llie nwessity arise, oil could be stored back down In the wells. Pott-oleum en glneors nre already slorlns nulurul guts ill tills manner." "A bomb aa big as the Vanning ton Monument could never get to these natural storage tanks, com pletely protected by, a mile or more of earth. " . ' i ' EditoriaU on Newt KJogOnued from pais 1.) speech front being broadens!) said: "Tim relch ((lenuany) is ready ANY THE aa never before lo KAt.'K C O M 1) I N A T I i) N IN WOULD." Ilu means, of course, the liilllsh- American combination, and while he Is doubt less ready lo l ace it I because he can't help himself as to that) it's a safe guess that he doesn't relish the prospect. Hitler isn't dumb, and lie knows that America, while slow in get ting Ktnrted, has never lost a war. 11118 interesting dispatch comes from Tacoutu, where people are acutely curious as lo why tho great bridge over the Puget sound narrows collapsed: Clark II. Kldredge, chief en gineer of the bridge, is quoted as saying that federal lending agen cies had insisted on uso of eastern designs. Stale engineers, Kldredge as serted, protested the design, lie added Hint the stale (Washing Ion) had been told it could not have federal grants of JL' by tho I'WA and the It PC loan of $3,520,11110 unless custom designs were used. "Tho part of the eastern design protested, Kldrodgc Indicated, was the solid, wind-resisting plate glid ers now blamed by some engineers for lite exlreme sway that wreck ed the structure." pitlODKItll'K r New York, Ij;iMI;Mll, Ol' u.sKociuli! ol the biidf(!,H (IcHiKiicr, said In S'-i-i- tin liKif irl,lr...l(.'U ..-..I nut tnio. Wo llio Htatc or WaHhhiK l on IntH a conhovorHy on ll hivt.if r. Tho controversy, llko ko many ol' Hh hind, will Rft Into pollilcn he rn n? t 1h ondi-d.) MetooroloKlHlH hlanin licat, cold. I ruin and droulh on hmvy lionihlnt; In hiiroitcim war. WcathiT hy re mol( control Ih okay with ns so long an Uo causes remain remote. Insurance statistics slmu women live longer than men, attain proving paint Is a good prosi'i viM-. Mnssnlini'H aper threalens ns w llh war, ir we inedille. May hi that's his Idea of booming (Inula Hon. l-'ayelte, W, Vh., man tainted in a liixl. -M i K hi he a Knod idea to keep meters out or skill. If oii're not s.-ittslh'd with your lot. hi'ie's a tip: It's mum plant ink season. Lots or persons old car th a new one. i' drMim an don't owe lor Aviation of I ieial claims army's new Hell Alrcolua phine Is lasler than a hullet. My rosIi. a gunner mlfihl Kliont hlmseir. Willi all tin- ships sunk duiiim the war. the boltnin of the sea Is in a hull of a mess. When told she u mi In a orn buskini mother n a si wei Couldn't believe her e, eronl routes! Ksold pll.e Ihe bab) Inflation Already Here, Research Director Says PMRTI.ANh. Nn. 1. -( p( The uiitioii.-il defense prut: ra in al ready has piodtued jntlniion. Dr. illliim Ti ul;. nl Foster, toi iiht president of It I ollei:.'. said. Dr. Foster told inten lew ns thai "I think the rost ol i ousuiliel V commodities v et yw h.-re uill u.j up over the next 2 months. "I estimate tiie imonie lu iiue in deletise expetidliuies alone will mean an tuerease in consumer in tome of more than JliiM.mio.uoo ; day. This will be on avenue ler the nct 12 mouths. "Kilt the waives piediue-l Tor Ho IllfikiliK of Ihesr kooiIh w ill hi iieut lor consumption, ami Hm cannot Increase the production ul i onsuuiers' Kfiinls as in picM as they Increase Ihe flow of moiie.v to consumers. "The fact that inflation Is nl ready here is shown l the iim s in Dm pt ices ut haste oniniodiiies last mouth, a lise of :i per cent in one month. Cut the volume ut linsiness utid employment will in crease steailllj over the next year " Dr. Foster is director ,,f Hn Pol tak Inundation lor economic i neart:.., of New Ion, Mass. WEATHER STATISTICS By the U. (j. Weather Bureau. IhintiiliiY I', til. fMrlil.!y Mt".' Highest t'liiH.alllio i'stiM(ljiv M l.uui'sl liitiii'i'iiui 1' last flight Pl'tM'iitltittlcMi lor L'l horns ll'l'l'l'lp. trv Hi st nl 111. ill! h ... . J.ll,". I'twip from Si-it I. lulu sv: Kxceaf Mum !!. 1, i:no 2.H BARBS i : OUT OUR WAY CSOME WITH Big Tom Turkey Seen as Best Buy For Any Family Ily MILS. (iAYN'OH .M A I l)( X NKA Srivicp Stnll Urflfi For (he past 10 yearn mir AiiK-r-han niri,cs liavo iiii'ii.Ufttiiii; hv. hit and hiniicr. Slah acririiltnral collcm-H. tho ncpaitiin-nt or Az- .!.,.,. I ...I inniliiri. u liii!cr. I !,i(at)'il, Hinallor liniiofl amt richer- m c?t rl bird. 1 y,nl INIKI'.VH. lailKMlK This : from 12 lo lit iioiinds, hi v. the hetHl Imv. Tin- Milliliter nlvi'u h Ut 1 'A i pounds, will he liHnler lo and will cost nioje. Invest In a lame lotu tnikey, even thonuli your lamily Is not hii Kc. Well relrh;eiatei, eooked I turkey keeps well and you can j tine II all in delicious speeiall ies. 1 The I lavor and tenderness of a I lari;e yoiinu; turkey is equal to thai ot a entail hen luikey and (ho tlil- lei-euie in niv. per ptiiiud will sut-i pi ie your tood Jitnlm't.y l.arue ' lorn tut keys ui otv taster ami art-1 eash'r to raisn than lien luikeys. therefore they eiiu he sold on the I market ut lower prices, one or the most Important tur-l key buyers In the country gives I this nth ice to the housewife: "look I at tin- turkey eurctully. lienieniler yen aie IniyiiiK turkey meat. (let a hint with a largo propoi I ion ol ineiit in eoinparisou with Its bones. Small hones and big breast" .that's jwhal ou wane." he r-ays. "There l lilllsi oi some iai, ioo, tor nn aey tat improves the I la or of the meat. "(lei a youim hint. You can tell youth in a turkey by the soilness I id its nieiit, liol hy Its si.e. The breast bone ol a young turkey is I soil." '. "liul the bi'st way to gel a pci I feet lurke." our expert sas, "is (lo h.ive i;tith in your hnlcher. I in onl- I rem a i idiable hut che r. one ulio wauls to keep our tr;ide ami good will. Tell him exactly what you waul utid lie will seleel the licht Idld Id ou. He knows mote a li ut I t in keys I ban you can ever lea i a That's his business." Allow fnnn I i lo 2 prill lit s of dtessed tin key per person. Thai means a tin le without leathers, hut with head, leet and "hmenls." Perkins' Bid For Conference Fails PtiRTI.AND. Dm St il elat ol lopo-ed cotileieiiee ireu si rikt i s ami .. Nov. II. latior Perkins' ot Puui-i sminl sawmill opeia tors was r.iieti a t old shoulder here Sa'UHlav lt i Hie noi Ihw lepieselllativeS of I 'a est AFI. and ( Hi )nin her unions. I he Cio and AFI. leaders in ,itinii lor tlo lirst ilm meet ' since the I'lH was formed in l!.'.7 flit I In' seeretar t his telegram : "Itoili major t'h and A I'M. iiioups uuileti on uai:es and vacaiioti de inainis. win ione same uenerany in i m lu st i . November 1 :t confer rin r ol present strikers and rcspec lie employers is tiitle and lint eon-diiijtt- et' peace in lumber industry, Same in Ues spread of l Uht for ie ma mis. I "rye problem be ilea It wn!i seiinusly and properly by rati ini; i tinien in e in northwest con sisiiui; til emploeis ctnicernetl ami h-tili , Fl, (1ii. tit i unions " se. ictatv PelklltH leijuested AFI, I'.elcis and emiloeis in the slun k PiK:et stuiitd area to inert with her in a.--linmtoii, D. V., mu later than Wednesday. I he leleuraili was simit'd hv . F. llaMina. ttresidriit it the t'tdumbia l,'i cr tlisi rift t oum 11. Fit t. ami K i'ii net h Davis, seel etary of t lie t iieiion-WashinuMou distt ict t outu ik A I 'D. New Garbage Service Started Here Today IliM s tiatltasr Sim Ire. lo he nnti ,i;jnil 111 V. C. Ilolmsti'ill. H-retll ;i lit til lirH' troin Kiuomv Mm-h-tl iM'iatiotis in liost'hurE toil:i' Mi. Ilnlntsiom H'c.'iitly n'etlred 1 Ily up. ptovitl ol a ilillnp Kioumls in tho Stunt-. I'cnnt (llslru-l. anil lias so luti'il iiiimUmii o(iiiuuMit lor tha lui ;il Ki-i viro. Mo nlll Im rncacoil lit U.ul'UKn atlii iubht--b tiJUllUU III itsjilt'titial HiTii!, will solicit reu- GIR.LS DOKJ'T SEEM TO FALL FEHTHAT OLE? STUFF OF SHOWIM' OFF VOUR STREUTH LIKE THEV DID YEARS AGO THE OXEN) DAILY DEVOTIONS Dlt. A. EUWAUDS ISusy days are apt to be care less days. In tho stresH ami strain of things to bo done we all too often overlook tho mo ments of devotion and Ilihlo Hible study. Hut when we do engage in the practice of the presence ol' Cod, how rewarding are those moments. Those who take the time to look unto the hills Mom whence cometh their help in tin; early morning hours Mini that He is with them all tho day. The burden may not be any lighter, hut they are more ensily borne. We are not prom ised less oi' trouble, but we know that troubles tiro less trouble some w hen the unseen presence nf Cod Is with iik. The road may not he any smoother but wo can go the rough road, the better and with greater case when wo huve learned the art of waiting upon (iod. Mow true it is "that they that wait upon the Lord shall re new their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not taint." We miss very much In lll'e'R Journey, when we ne glect and forget to wait upon the Uud lor strength. Amen. hmiaiil and hotel hauling and will also collect a ml remove carcasses ol dead animals In conjunction with the by-products company, he re ports. Paper scrip was issued ttllrinu Ihe ISTiO's at Tuhae, Ariz., now a ghost town, because the many Mexicans could not reml. I enominat Ions wi re Indicated by pictures. A bill hr-arinu a picture of a piK was worth lUj cents, a calf 2 cents, a tooster )() cents, a horse $1 and a bull Cfe-r MAP PUZZLE HORIZONTAL . Map of African colony 7 It borders on . 13 To listen. 14 Palm thatch. 16 Audibly. 17 Roof flnial. 18 Russian emperor. 19 Faint color. 20 To cook in fat. 21 Public walk. 22 To repurchase 42 Giant king of 24 Decorative Bashan. mesh 25 Sesame. 26 Meal. 29 To assign anew. 31 Rubbish. 32 Mongrel. 33 Whirlwind. 34 1 12 foot. 35 African farmer 36 Measure of area. 37 Ptomiso. 38 Storehouses. 43 Morindin dye. 44 Seaweed. 45 Melody. 46 Stringed instruments. 47 To bang. 49 Canoe. 52 Its capital. 53 Its natives are . . VERTICAL 1 Sound of pleasure. 5H Om'A SLJtLJE D. 1 .5.0 NJ -!Ft. ir cTOTlCrTTA.NI i 40 i W liaal' 50 51 ly Williams OH, GIRLS IS G.ETTIKJ' FOXIEP..TOO.' THEV VE LEARJvlEC? THAT TO BE A HORSE VOU GOT TO 1EAT EMOU&H TO CARRV A RIDER-, SO WHILE TH HOBSE IS BUSY EATIM'. TH' CIDER. ISTAKINJ' TH' GALS OUT-A BULL NECK. AIKJ'T COMFORT ABLE IM A WHITE COLLAR. JW.VMIl. Vacant Dwellings In Oregon Shown WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. (AP) The eensuft bureau reported to day that Oregon had Itt.lfH vacant duelling units on April 1 last, or V6 per cent of all the 307,135 dwell ing units in the state. The report was made on the ba sis of reports by local supervisors. Th bureau clnsHiried ns "vacant" dwellings which were forfcHle or rent, seasonal dwellings, and those held by or for persons who re ported their ''homes" were else where. States with largo resort areas therefore showed a high per centage of vacancy. The percentage of vacancies in tho individual states ranged from 3.2 per cent in West Virginia to l.i.9 In New Hampshire. It was low est lu the east south central di vision of states (Kentucky, Ten nessee, Alabama and Mississippi) ami highest in New Knglaml. States which had shown popula tion loHsr-a between HiHU and HUO did not. have high vacancy ratios, with the oKreption of Vermont, where the ratio was 13.1 per cent. The report said the number of private households had increased 16.3 per cent, throughout tho conn- try. as against a seven per cent in - crease In the nation's population between 19:) ami HMO. Tho number of persons per occti - pled dwelling In Ihe 'united States as a whole Mas 3. in 19 lb, com pared with 4.1 in 1930. Hot Seat TREMONTON. I tab-Johu Irftub found two sticks of dynamite roll ing loose among Iron tools under the seat of his truck. He decided they must have slip ped under Ihe seat white be was hauling a load of explosives 30 days ago. pn.ii 20 On its coast Is s or productive region. 21 To crush. 22 Inlet. 23 It is rich in , as iron and zinc. 24 Whip stroke. 25 Word of four letters. 27 Sea ekigle. 28 Moccasin. 29 To regret. 30 Gazelle. 2 To oele. 32 To cut grass. 3 Affected with 35 Genus of gapes. 4 Silkworm., 5 Whole. 6 Theat'aj pathway. 7 Blemish. 8 Badgerlike animals. 9 Smelling . badly. 10 Pine fruit. cattle. 37 Rime. 39 Kite end. 40 Astir. 41 Sanskrit . dialect. 42 Lubricant ,43 Particle. 45 Onager.. 46 Go on. 48 Month (abbr.) 49 Plural (abbr.) 1 1 Shrewd. 12 Natural power 50 Musical note. 15 Chum. 51 Like. LaGrande Still Unbeaten in High School Football Ily FRKO HAMPSON Associated Press Stuff Writer in l.n (irande, a high school fouthull team that stampeded the teams on the first half of its sche dule but barely got over those on tne last nan, finished its regular season yesterday by sweating out a 7-8 victory over Hakor. It was I.a Grande's third onn- nolnt victory in four weeks an.l the fifth consecutive game tho Tigers won by six points or less, l.n Grande lost nary a gumu this year. The state's once-defeated teamB produced more impressive Armis tice day showings, however, (lend, stopped by The Dalles, declsloned the strong Klamath Falls eleven, 7-0; Newport came back after last week's loss to Marshflcld by swamping Toledo. 37-0. Hood Riv er rolled over Hlllsboro. 3211. Mud Tord swamped Ashland. 41-0. and Astoria whipped Tillamook. 31-tl. Salem, however, had a job of it to defeat Kugene, 7-li. Ileaverton. only once beaten, blanked Forest Grove, 2H-0. The Dalles had punch enough to take a 7 decision from the Pacific university frosli. West Linn, another team with a smart record this year, fell before a neighborhood opponent, Oregon City. 21-t). Mllton-Freewater turned on Pendleton, 210. in something of an upset. Albany, one of the most potent of the no-name leaguers, had little difficulty with Corvallis, ISO. Other scores: Myrtle Point lil, Cooullle 0; Philomath fi. Junction City (t; Iteeclsport 7. Ilandon 0; Cottage drove 2. University high it; North Hend 13, Marshlleld 0; Springfield fi. Sweet Home U. Roseburg Eleven Defeated 34 to 0 By Grants Pass Hy HOWARD APPDKGATK A powerful Grants PaHs high school football team handed the Roseburg Indians a 34-to-u shell acking in the annual Armistice day football game at Grants Pass, from ltoseburg won the Lion's share Taking the opening klckoff back 1 of prizes at the Eugene homeeom to a touchdown In nine plays, tho 'lug tournament In Kugene Sunday. Cavemen powered their way over, The ltoseburg team won Hist place , the ltoseburg goal line lour more times and added four out of flvejS(i7. Other high teams were Coca conversion attempts to complete the rout. Ded by Davis and .Jerke, the Cavemen pounded to their first louehdown In less than four min- - nlca with a fjR-yaid sustained drive, l.ute in the first quartr Young's ass -was Intercepted att the Indians had. driven to the Grants Pass 2!eyard stripe, and from there tho Cavemen drove 71 yards to their second score, the .march including a 4 R -yard jaunt by Jerke, fleet Grants Pass half Ibaek. 1 Midway In the second quarter the Cavemen added their third I. .r.n.. I,, ilm l()lli:ilUU 11. iioi ui n iiis one arore, only to have, it railed liaek because of an offside nennlty. thoy took Yoiiiir's pimt and drove back to the Jlosobure II. where Cookson toooveind Allison's, fum ble. However, on Ihe next play, Ymitm fumbled and lliiddleston re covered for the I'avemen on the Hoselinrg 11 and (Iral)le sooted on the cfTcottve qtiaiterbuck sneak P'ay whiih had the liiiseDillK tie- tense tiatiioii tnno unu hkuui. The third perind was a stand-off piinline duel hotwoen Yuiiiik and liavls with ni'ltlior team threaten Iiik until late in the period, when Crants i'ass started a drive from their own 32 and moved down to the IloselmrB 9-yard stripe as the period ended. Davis. Ihe (Hauls Pass rullbaek. carried the ball over for ft score on fourth down as the last quarter bcRan. After roeelvinc the kick-off, Hie Indians Avere unable to gain and Youhc Rot off a r.'.'-yard kick lo the Crania Pasg 3".. ARain Ihe ( avemen started a m-nrlnc drive. A phss put the bull on Kosebui k's 21-yard Hue from which spot Ma lotii'V, a sillislitllte hack raced IX vards IliroiiRh Ihe whole Indian loam to seme standing up. The Indians frantically look In Hie air with Younc eonipletiin; passes In Cnoksnn and Wimborly In (ho (irants l'nss :i(i-yard lino, but here the attack bocKcd down and Ihe Cavemen look Ihe ball on downs and marched bark inln HnsebuiK territory as Ihe game elided. Victors Display Power (li-Ktits I'ass, considered one or Hie best of the stale's hiRh school trams, demonstrated exceptional power in running plays, led by three outstanding barkHeld men. Davis. Jerke and (Irable. The two (Irants Pass ends. Martin and Alli son were stars 011 (license. Fnr Unseburg, Marcus Wells. Herald Denuv and Tom Shnim played a particularly good defen sive came, licit Ymme. the sop. sallniiHl sophomnre punter main tained Ills kicking record, gelling all average or 34 yalds per try. He played the entire game. Larry guard and fullback, played his usual bang-up game. Herald Cook Anderson, nltei-natlng between son. sillistilutitig for Kloood .Me Laughllii. left behind wllh a sev ere colli, played his Hint varsity game and made a good showing. Lineups: tioscburg t'n- Hranls Pass T Anderson ...LK Martin Vincent I'arr Harrison iShrtim tVell.T Denny Cookson Wiintierly Young L. Anderson ,T ( lark ,(; Ionian V llormutll .'lit! Iladley UT l-amphcnr UK Allison Q tlraltle 1111. lerk" Lil Prtiett F . Davis Hoselinrg substitutes were Wearer. Cox. P. Cacy. Khlou Mae LdUKbllu. llolmqulct. Grants Via used nearly all uf ilu resenea. mm City League Standings Team : W 1.. Pi-t. .000 .507 .567 .533 .500 .407 .400 .3U7 Umpqua Cleaners 18 Rosehurc Alleys 17 Ounhanrs Transfer 17 10 15 14 . 12 Klks Club Copco Texaco Sandy's Place Utne Hros 11 The I'mpqua Cleaners crowded the Itoscburg Alloys out nf first place In the City Howling league last night through the help of the Texaco keglers, who took three straight from tho ltoseburg Alleys. The Cleaners, meanwhile, were tak ing two out of three from Dunham's ransfer. Sandy's Place won two from Ihe Klks club, t.'tne Iirothers continued their climb from the cel lar spot after a poor start by beat- lug Copco two out of three games. High score, 215, was rolled by Hen ry .Miller, and high series score, 1, was rolled by Floyd Uaughinatt. Tonight ut 8 o'clock picked teams from the I-.agles and lodges will roll a match for a tur key dinner and the games. Texaco, Dunhams, Kilts Club and Vtne Hros. have entered the state tuornainetit to be held at Marsh field Nov. 22 to Dee. S, it was an nounced today. In the women s tournament, the girls representing handy place will be entered In th booster class and the Deer Creek dfilry will be entered in the (' class. The Texaco learn will roll Nov. 21 and the other Uosebing teams will roil their games on Dec. 1. The Pacific Greyhound team from I'.oseburg in the open division will roll team event on Dec. 7 and dou bies and singles on Dec. 8. Industrial League Schedule Wed., Nov. 13 G:5h p. m. Douglas Mills vs. Val ley Hotel: iMontgoiuery ard vh. Hansen Motors. !t:U0 p. m. Safeway stores vs. 1'nion Oil; Standard Oil vs. Shell on. The Pacific Greyhound team -in team events witn a score oi Cola 2S2I. IJilgene Sand and Gravel t!7fl. Jones Super-Service 270!) and New Deal Alleys 2til7. Scores of ! the . Roseburg keglers were: Reng- torff M3, Prultt Bill, Slillwell 5(11, lloss TtiA, Day 571. Pruitl ami lloss won the doubles with D!10 and Itengslortf, teamed with Myrcer of Kugene. won third place with lln. Itoss of the Grey hounds won the singles with i)22. lu a special doubles mulch Still well and Day repealed their per formance of Oct. 27 with a score tif l.'ll'K. This tied their previous Kugene record, while Day set a sea- "'V"'1'0"1. wltl-1 a "'"f" Kllxm . sco''e of 27If. Ho was liigli man in the day's bowliiiR with a series score of 7iS. Tiie C.reylionnd teiini is n co-fa-voiite with Matlin Razor lllades, two-year state i-hamplnus. or Port land, to take the slate champion ship a I'orllalld. The two teams were tied for fourth placu at the, Northwest championship tourna ment at Tacnina in May of this ea r. Dodgers Purchase Higbe From Phils Ni:V VOKK", 12. (AP) If llroolilyii's liiisclmll fans ihni't. set to sot: tho IHkIkcm'k In tho world'H serifs nnxt year, there's one stand ard tnmnlaint they won't be able to use. That Is that the elnb won't mil it. the money to buy the Mini of baii players It needs to win. With Ihe pnrchaMe nf IMtcher Kit hy I Helm from the Phillies yes terday the Itrooklyn boss. Larry Mat Phail, heeamo the siieeessor to Tom Vavvki-y of the Itoston Cold Sox mk ha ball's freest spender. Me has been the buyer in tho two big Cost deals of Ihe imsl yenr. .Insl how much innney the Dodd ers paid for tho 'Jfi-year-old richt hamler wasn't nniiotineed. but the lrfst estimales put It at JIWUmVi. Itrooklyn also sent Vlto Tamtilis and I till Crouch, ldtehers. and Thompson Uvinsston. a catrher dralted from SpriiiKlleld of the eust- ern leuEtie. to the i'hils. Thp uom bination of cash ami players comes close to fittint; tho ?lin.0n0 price tan that Owner tierry Nugent had piaced on his star hnrler. Hrooklyn's other bitr venhiro into tiie ivory market . whs last June, when the Podpera sent cash and four players to Ihe SI. Louts Card!-nriK- for Mfdwiik :tnd 'urt Ia- DANCE Sam Crawford's Band of 16 Pieces from New York City Thursday, Nov. 14th ROSEBURG ARMORY Admission $1.00, Plus 10c Tax vis hi what was figured as a $200, 000 deal. KRNR Mutual Broideaatlng Sytttm 1600 Kllooyolea HEMA1NINO HOURS TODAY 4:00 Daiiro Time. 4:15 Ma Parkin, Oxydol, MBS. 4:0 Sanda ot Time, MBS. 5:00 Symphony. 5:1G Cata N'Jamraors, MBS. 5:30 Variotles. 5:45 Cap' t Midnight, Ovaltlne, MBS. 6:00 Pulton Lewis, Jr., MBS. 6:15 Dinner Dance. 6:30 John B. Hughea. MBS. 6:45 Melodies Modern. 6:55 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties. 7:00 Raymond aram Swing, MBS. 7:15 Mutual Maestros. 7:30 Wythe Williami, Star Blades, MBS. 7:45 Sensational Quizzes, Sensa tion Cigarettes, MBS. 8:i0 Laugh N'SwIng Club, MI1S. 8:30 leo. Olson's Orch., MBS. 8:15 Lawrence Wclkcs' Orcli., M IIS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 9:15 Uav Pearl's Orch., MRS. :30 Hal Kemp's Orch., MI1S. 10:00 Haven of Rest, MBS. 10:30 Sign Ofr. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 7:00 Stuff and Nonsense 7:60 News-Review of the Air. 7:40 News, Denn-Gerretsen Co. 7:45 J, M. Judd Says "Good Morning." 7:50 llhapsody In Wax. 8:00 Ilreakfaat .,lub. .M US. 8:30 This and That in Melody. 8:45 line News, MI1S. 9 .'00 Dorothy Humphreys, So prano. MHS. 9:15 Man About Town. (1:30 Let's I'lay Bridge. M US. 9:15 Keep Fit to Music, MHS. 10:00 Can You Imagine That, Copco. 10:15 Winger and Alexundcr, MHS. 10:45 Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. 11 :00 Friendly Neighbors, Alka Seltzer, MBS. 11:15 Wheel of Fortune. 11:15 School of the Air, MBS. 1 2 : 00 Luncheon Concert. 12:15 Sports News, Dunham Transfer. 12:25 Tlhylhm ot llandnin. 12:35 Parkinson's Information Ex change. 12:40 Interlude. 12:45 Stale and Local News. 12:60 News-Review of the Air. 1:00 Henninger's Man on the Street. 1:15 Don Lee School ot tile Air, MHS. 1:110 Eddy and Fanny Cuca- naugli, MHS. 1:15 Melody Matinee. 2:00 At Your Conitnan l. 2 M0 Know Your America, MllS. :l:00-A. P. News, MHS. :i:fl5 Don Mcdrane's Ore!).. Mi:S. 3:30 The Quiet Hour. 1:00 Dance Tlmo. 4:15 Ma Perkins, Oxydol, MBS. 4:30 Tune .lanihoree. 5:00 Who Are Yon? MllS. 5:15 Kay Nohle's Orch., MBS. 5:30 Lest We Forget. 5:45 Cap't Midnight, Ovaltine, MBS. 6:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr., MIJS. 6:15 Dinner Dance. 6:30 John 1). Hughes, M IIS. 6:45 DM I Time. 6:55 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:00 Raymond Cram Swing, .MHS. 7:15 Mutual Maestros. 7:30 Ixine Hanger, MHS. 8:00 Answer Man, Van Dyke Cigars, MBS. S:15 -Adventures in H h y t h "i , MllS. S: 15- l'lanlationalres, MllS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 9:15 Hal Kemps Orch., .MBS. 9:30 Dance Orch. 9:15 Hal Kemp's Orch.. MBS. 10:00 Haven of Itest, MBS 10:30 Sign Off. IN BANKRUPTCY B-25341 In Ihe district court nf Ihe Lulled Slates for Hie district uf Oregon. In the matter of Eldied Kenneth lloodeniiylo, liankrupt. To Ihe credllnrs of Eldrcd Ken neth Hondi'iitivle. of Drain, In Ihe county of Dnimias. anil district aforesaid, a liaukrupl: Notice is hereby given that said Eldied Kenneth lloodenpvle has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on the day of October. 1010, and Ihat tho first meeting of bis creditors will be held at the office of the under- icued In Hoseburg. Oregon, on tho 27th day of November, 1910, al 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, appoint a creditors committee, examine tiie bankrupt, and transact such oilier business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated the 12th day of November. 1910. T. L. HAMILTON. Referee p Hankrupt'-y. with