I I 1 KPSEBURS WEWS-REVIEW, KOSEBUffS, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1940.'' Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER . MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET THURSDAY The) Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church lias an nounced n very Interesting and injoynble meeting for 2:30 o'clock TliuiHdny afternoon to b held nt Ihe lionin or Mlsa Margaret lluld- win Willi Miss Miirairot-C hum ami Mrs. W. (i. nbkp, assisting hos tesses. Mrs. W. M. Campbell, president, win conduct tee business hpssIoii. Mis. Morris II. Tioach. program cnnirman. lias announced that Mrs C. E. Huberts will conduct tho de votions; Mrs. C. D. Flos will pre sent the year book of prayer and reports of the synodleal meeting will bn presented. The beginning of the study of a very interesting -i book on China will be enjoyed. Re freshments will bs served follow ing the social hour. Members and friends are cordially Invitpd to be prpspnt. REBEKAH PRESIDENT VISITS RIDDLE LODGE HIDDT.TC. N'ov. 12. The nresl dent of the Ttebelmh Assembly of Oregon. Verntflbln N'owbv. of Amitv. paid Pollof nebekah lodlje No. 1ST, an official visit Wednesday eve ning. Pally f.nwrcnre. N. G.. con ducted the business meeting and was prnt--ed by the president ns a verv efficient officer. Under the food of the order the nrpslcVnt !?nve a very Interesting talk. The lodtre- presented her a nice gift. The contest roll call was resnonded to with parts of the ritualistic work. After the business session the mem bers worn Invited lo the dlnins room where the committee had nre nared refreshments. The tablou were heantifilllv decorated with flowers am! pink anil green tancrs. nirthdnvs honored for to tnonih were Ella Hamlin. Josio PfnTf. Pnl lv Lawrence nnd Ann V01lhln.7-ton. MR. AND MRS. HILL ENTERTAIN AT DINNER DAYS CREEK. Nov. 12. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hill were hosts nt a charming dinner Sunday. Cov ers were placed for Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilenrgo Cnsebcer and Mrs. V. R. Illakely of elide. Mrs. O. C. Drown of nixonvllte. Mrs. Ttndv Ingram of Crnnls Pass. Mrs. V. C,. Hill and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. . C. Hill. "SADIF. HAWKINS" PARTY ENJOYED TitrHVl.rc. Nov. 12. The students of the rtlddle high school enjoyed a Sadie Hawkins nartv I'ridav eve ning nt the school gym. Friday.af ternoon the Kills raptured their escorts In a chaso about the school (.-rounds. Aftor an- evening of panics and a social pood time, re freshments of doughnuts nnd elder were served. In addition to tho students. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cordon Frn- PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIALS In the heart of the selling season, Lowell's brings you values which you can't afford to miss. HOUSE All new dresses in the season's popular colors. Materials are chueker spun and rayon. Sizes are 12 to 44. You can't afford to miss these values . . . Seldom equalled. BRING A FRIEND AND A Rare Value STREET Lowell's bring to you the market's most lovely street frocks. Sizes 12 to 20. New colors, new pat terns, new materials. 2 for JOHANSEN SHOES PRICED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS EVENT All sizes, but not in any one number. (Ventylite All brown dress shoes especial- AO AO ly priced at 9Ai70 & 9970 Sizes broken Materials are all suede, suede with alligator trim, and calf. High and low heels. Save One-Third on Millinery Now LOWELL': 1 14 N. JACKSON ST. zer, Edna Davis and l.ora Kiddle, teachers, were present. W. S. OF C. S. TO MEET ON THURSDAY Tho Woman's Society of Christ- Ian Service will meet at a ono o clock luncheon Thursday nt the .Methodist, church with Mrs. J. K. bent uk hostess chairman, assist ed by .Mrs. M. K. Wee. Mrs. J. 11. lialley, Mrs. Paul decides, Mrs. A. C. Marsters. Mrs. Stuart Van (lor der. Mrs. (ilenn Wilson and Mrs. Ella Moore. Mrs. A. J. fioddcs, president, will conduct tho meeting, which will be the first to be held under the new membership offering plan. An Impressive ceremony has been Planned on stewardship to be pre sented at the time of the member ship offering. The November executive meet ing will precede the luncheon and will be held at 11:3'! at the church parlors. Mrs. Hoscoe Marsters Is program leader and .Mrs. Ned Dix on is in charge of devotions. Mem bers and friends nre cordially in vited lo be present. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES TO COMPLETE PLANS FOR TROPHY DINNER AT MEETING Tho ladies of the Roseburg Country club will meet at 9::w a. m. Thursday at the clubhouse for the weekly contract bridge tour nament play, to be followed by a business meeting to complete plaiiH for the annual Trophy din ner, which will bo a large event of Friday evening, November 15, at the clubhouse. Every club mem ber Is urged to attend this trophy dinner, which will be one of tho most outstanding social events of the club fall calendar. Following the business mooting, which will be in chnrge of the cap tain. Mrs. F. H. ( oen. pntluck luncheon will he held and tolling will begin at 1:30 o'clock. a W. B. A. TO HOLD MEETING THURSDAY The Woman's Penefit associa tion will meet Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at the Muccabeo hall. This will be the same meet ing date of the stale rally to be held in Portland, at which time delegates from the local order will attend. Plans will be made at the Portland rally for the gold een jubilee of the organization, which will be held in July, 111-12, In San Francisco. CIRCLE NO 3 TO MEET ON THURSDAY Circle No. 3 of the Roseburg (lap! 1st Women's society will meet Thursday afternoon at two o'clock ... .1... r ll,-o A F.jlllfm-d on Ihe. Calkins road.' Those; desir ing transportation are requesteu to telephone either Mrs. N. M. Nelson or Mrs. C. P. Suoddy. FROCKS $59 2 FOR $3.00 DIVIDE THE COST Opportunity FROCKS $5.00 1 $279 $4.98 . $3.98 Excepted) SIDE GLANCES tor, iwotvuu rnct, me. t. m. rig u. s. mt. "You children bettor rim outside nnd piny a while Fplher is having another light with the ice tubes I" U4S. Flag Flies in Occupied Indo-China 1 " lillifi 'nfT '' J '. ISISB!fB,,? I .! i j .boeiiNiwf";" J ' J lie bturs find Stripes fly over a huge American oil refinery at Hanoi, capital of French Indo-Chlna, where Japanese troops recently landed to establish military bases, carrying out a Toklo-Vichy agreement. Signs like the one below warn Japanese "This is American property." The Champ Rita Johnson, Ayres nnd nose meaire in "The Golden Fleecing." The companion picture Is Old Chicago" with Tyrone Power and Alice Faye. MUSIC TEACHERS TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Douglas Countv Music Teachers association will meet Thursday at a 11:45 o'clock no hostess luncheon nt the Hotel Umpqiia, to be followed by a busi ness session and program hour In the studio of Miss Gladys II. Strong. All members are rootiesl ed to be present. NORTHSIDE SUNSHINE CLUB WILL MEET The Norlhslde Sunshine' club w'lll meet Thursday afternoon at tlm home of Mrs. Clara Stelwlg. All members nre most cordially In vited lo be present. e PYTHIAN SISTERS TO MEET WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Pythian Sisters will meet Wednesday night al & o'clock, at ByGalbraith ' V. it 11-11. orr. of Chumps Virginia Grey, now tilnvlng nt the In the K. of P. hall Tor thn regular business session, after which the Knights nnd their wives are Invit ed to join the Sisters for a social hour of cards. ' S. D. C. C. TO HONOR MRS. MELTON AT PARTY Members of the South fleer Creek irrnnpp Ilitmo tVnm.,n ,. club will meet Thursday afternoon to honor Mrs. Harlan Melton at a delightful shower party. All members nre cordially Invited to be present. CHEST COLDS To relieve distress easily, quickly, 3S Va5; USED 1Y 1 OUT Or f MQTHFM GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S . CLUB HAS FIRST FALL MEETING ON THURSDAY m Mm -ftifft v - JLJ' 1 The (tardpn Valley Womon's flub hold Kh rii'st fall nitM'tln Thurctlay at tho clubhouse with Mrs. Harvpy Kwhiis Kmolously net ing ns hoatoRs. Beautiful bnu quets of rlirysanllionnims wro us ed about tin rooms. At tin tea hour Mrs. Kwens, as sisted by her sister. Mrs. 1). Love. served duHHous rel'resh ments to Mrs. H. A. f'ulhouu. Mrs. Donna PerL'ttson, Mrs. lliml Kit chif, Jr., Mrs. I'eter Sinclair nnd Mrs John Sinclair, members, and M rs. It nice Parrot t, M Iss Pat ricl i Douglas nnd MM RoscUm Jen nlntis. uestR. Plans were outlined for n rook ed fund ato to be liebl Siiturduv. November Ifi, nt Powell's haM ware Htore on North Jackson street. The next meeting or tho clu. will be held November 20 nt the clnbhouso with Mrs. Cleorpp Unlley netiiiK as hostess. ANNUAL PAST COMMANDERS AND PAST PRESIDENTS BANQUET IS ANNOUNCED The annual bannuet or the past commanders and past presidents of rnipuua post and unit of the American l-enlon nnd auxiliary h is been announced Tor next Tuesday njitht, November 19. to be held at seven o'clock nt. the Hiversrlale grange hall. All members of tho post nnd unit are invited to attend and re servations for the banquet mint be made by one o'clock Thursday. November 11. bv telephoning eith er Mrs. James Yountf at 6:!1-Ij or the unit nresltlent, Mrs. Claude Raker at 37. CHRISTMAS CHEER COMMITTEE TO MEET A meeting of all representa tives of the riirislmas rheer com miMee and all persons interested In iMimrinir Christmas cheer to tb V. A. V. duriuK the holidays, will be held Wednesday ninht. Novem ber KI. at 7:4:1 o'clock at the V. A. K. recreational buildinp. New of ficers will be elected and hukkc. tlonn relative t(t the Christ nns rsi'vlties will be discussed. All Hoseburs oranizalions are urcted to have, a representatlvo attend litis meeting. UMPOUA POST TO ; SPONSOR DANCE Cmpqua post of the Americnn .esion has Invited the public to attend a dance Thursday nlsht, November 1. nt the armory fo.v luiii.K Sam (Crawford and bis fa mous sixteen piece orchestra. The nii-liest ra is making a tour of the P;u Ifie coast nnd formerly plav- el over the networks of radio (VO'ii Chicago and New York City. Committees In charge of the l(!ance nnnnuneo that the affair will b' one of the largest to be spon sored by the pnat this year. GEORGE STARMER AUXILIARY TO MEET THURSDAY EVENING Ceorge Stunner auxiliary to 1,'nited Spanish War Velorans will meet Thursday evening nt 7:30 o'clock al the armory. Members are urged to be present. Tho Past. Presidents (dub of the auxiliary has announced Its next meeting for Friday, November 1 ft h. to be held nt a one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at the homo of Mrs. Paul Uempsey. LADY ELKS TO MEET THURSDAY EVENING The T.ady Elks will meet Thurs day evening at eight, o'clock nt the temple with the president. Mrs. .1. Karl Pickens, In charge of n short business meeting and Mrs. Charles Hovd acting as hostess for ihe so cial hour of cards. Prizes will be awarded for I ho card plays. All Lady Klks are urged to be pres ent. H. E. C. TO MEET AT PICKENS HOME The Kvergreen Home Economics club will hold nn nil-day meeting with a noon pntluck luncheon Thursday at. the homo of Mrs. .1. Karl Pickens in Itosebuig. All members are ureed to be present. TODAY And Wednesday Pal Niqht Returned to Our Screen by Great Demand it IN OLD With a Grand Cast TYRONE POWER ALICE FAYE DON AMECHE and ANDY DEVINE PLUS IAUGH AND 10 VC WITH MARY'S LITTLI IAMBI AM V 1 I wm "-H.''lii""h. UW AInt ' KIIA junmuni Shows 1:45-7-9 P. M. (-! Local News Return Here Mr. unit Mm. Da vid ICIIIb anil family lulve returned horn I'ulluwliiK Mia wwli-eiul vlslt Ihh In 1'ortluml. Attend GameMr. and Mrs. J. S. Mel loniild. of thin city, utumd pil llio V. of O.-U. C, I,. A. foot ball Kiimn In KuKenp paturduyj J i Visits Parents Mlwy I Jlnrjorle Ott, Bliulent at OreRiyif ptutq col lone. Bpent the wopk'untl 'u'nil holi day here, visiting lie (purentH, Mr. anil Mrs. V. E. Ott. J ( j j j Visit In Portand ilr! and Mrs. Robi'il BIsHell have returned to their Inline In this city, followlnc tlu weekend ill Portland vlHlting tlio former'a parents. Visits Here Miss Dolores racy, who Is nil line hcIidiiI In Port land, spent the week-mid hero vls- illni! her pnienta, Mr. anil' Mrs. A. II. Caey. Attend Game Mr. anil Mrs. Will II. Cerrotsen and sons. Don nnd Cordon, of this city, attended the r. or O.-U. C. I,. A. football Kiune at Kutjene Saturday. Announce Food Sale Tho Har den Valley Women's club lias an- nouneed n coojted food sale for Suturday. November ltl. tit Pow ell's hardware on North Jackson street. Choir Meeting Changed Tho ehiilr of St. Paul's Lutheran church has chaiiKcd Its practlt-p niee.tlnK tills week from Wednes day to Thursday night, at thn church at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Here Mrs. W. F. GcorK. of Portland, arrived hero last Thursday to visit until to morrow at the home of her son-in- !lnw and daughter, Dev. and Mrs. W. A. Sylwestor, nt 1170 Military street. , ; Visit Over Week-End narton flrnwn nnd David Collier, of Port land, spent the week-end nnd holi day In this city visiting the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Ilrown, in Ijiurclwond. Visits Parents Miss Pnttsy Smllli lias rclurned to her studies at St. Helens hall In Portland, fol lowing the week-end hPre visiting her parents, Kev. and Mrs. Perry Smith. State Regent to Visit Mrs. How ard Arnest, slato regent, of the 11. A. Tt;, Portland, will arrive here (nrhorrow and will bo honored by Uluptpia chapter of the I). A. Ft. nt. a no-hostess ono o clock luncheon at Ihe llotol I'nipqun. Returns to School Miss Patri cia Miller has returned to Port land, where she Is n student of the Portland school of nursing, follow ing the week-end at I Ml lu ill visit ing her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lor cn L. Miller, I Spend Day In Grants Pass Mr. and .Mrs. Marshall Peiigra, of this city, spent Armistice day In C rants Pass, where, Mr. Pengra broad cast the H. If. S.-(!rants Pass high school fool hall game. Back From Portland Mrs. H. T. Hansen. Mrs. William Pember lon and Mrs. 11. fl. linker have re turned lo their homes here, fol lowing a trip In Portland with the hitler's husband, who left, for Flint, Mich., lo drive back a new cur. Return Home Mrs. Frpd A. Knight and her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. "Mud" Wnlsnn. returned here last night, following several days In Port land attending to business and vis iting relatives. They were nccoin piinled lo Portland Thursday by Mr. Knight, who returned Hero Saturdav. CHICAGO l-i I Ij-Jisr Mat. and Eve. 20c, two 35c mm lb' . w ' m mi Watty's lack pirr l"-i . i! Wniltioe Deery nnd Hubs Watson coming .Wednesday In "Wyoming" to Hunt's Indian theatre, and sup porting members of an outstanding cast Includes1 I.co Carlllo, Mnrjorlo Main,- Ann jlimhcrt'ord and I.ee flownuin. , Visiting From Portland Mrs. Ma bel Moore, of Portland, is spending n few days In this city visiting Mrs. 0.;J. Iljicher. Spends Week-End Her Cletls Magurii, Ueitlennnt nt the OCO camp near Powers, spent thn week end visiting friends hero. Vacationing J. K. Masters, em ployee nt thn Veterans Administra tion facility, In now taking the sec ond week of his vacation. Visits Here Jack Bathrlcfc. of ramp Murray. Wash., spent the week-end here visiting his per mits, nr. and .Mrs. K. L. nnthrlck, on Moore street. . . Returns to Eugene Trullt Owens has returned to his itudloa nt University of Oregon, following the weok-nnd visiting relatives nt Hap py vnlley. W. C. T. U. to Met The W. C. T. II. will meet Wednesdny at 2:30 o'clock at tho home of Mrs. I Kohlhagon, Sr., at 901 Military street. . Visit at Johnson Home Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Van Horn and .Mm. Ed Jenkins, of Springfield, nient vesterday lu this city as guests of Mr. Van Horn's sister. Mrs. C. E. Johnson. Townsend Club to Meet Town send club No. 1 will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the Douglas ho- tel. A. rc. Ilnttor, president, has announced that the public is In- vuea 10 intend. To Speak at Meeting Mrs. C. K. rtoborls will ho guest speaker nn "Hooks" nt the fine arts depart ment meeting of the Junior Wom en's club, to be held Wednesdny night nt 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. E. Henbest nt 134 Flint street. Leave for Pnrtlnni1laa Vlt. glnla- and Miss Faltlr Yoims"Wive i oi in ueu io. nioir .studios in port land, following the week-end and holiday in this rHv.'viatiiti. ihii. parents, Mr. and IMra.' Itoy. O. loiing, on south Kane street. Here V.tl.ril.wlMpg ' nnni'itt of Myrtle Point, and her, daughter! .iih jiiicou. oi i oquilie. spent yes terday here 'visiting' their. son jind brother, .. Russell , Dement, nt tercv linsntlnl 'Thn' llllln,. la pn. cclvlng medical 'aUflntlnli ,for ; In juries suffered In a 'nititiiicycln ac cident last week-end. In Hosnitalf r- . n . Q '. . TTii't Inn' of Calilen vnlley, was repnrled to be some what Improved in health yesterday at Mercy hospital, where she is receiving . medical . treat ment. Her son, Mlirton Hulton, of the Corvallls radio station, and Ills wife spent the week-end and yesterday here. . Coming Wednesday -- 4 Days He can lick his weight in "Bad Man" learv's hnrk again knee deep In bullets rarin' te got TODAY Deanna Durbin "Spring Parade" IT ' Xal Rebekahs to Meet Jloseljiirg Itebekah lodge No. 41, will 'meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock ut tlia I, O. i), r, nail,' v . i Circle No. 1 to Meet Circle No. 1 of thn Roseburg Maptlst Wo men's society will meet Thursday ut two o'clock at the homo of Mrs. Charles Polrot. Returns to Portland M I s a Doris Aheel tins rnlnrnnl In Man studies in Portland, following' the weex-enii nnre vlBltlng her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alioel. Spend Day In Sutherlln Rev. nnd Mrs. W. A. Sylwester and sons Paul, Ted, Jim, David. Herbert and John, of this elty. and Mrs. Syl wester'n mother, Mrs. W. J1. fienrg of Portland, spent Armistice day ill Sutherlln ns guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Anton (.'oenenberg. Returns to Work Mrs. George Wilson Ilacher, who recently un derwent nn appedectomy at Mercy hospital, returned to her work aj head stenographer in the Douglas county conservation office this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ilacher spent a part of last week In Salem attending to business and visited In (Hants Pass over tho week-end. Here Today John Daly lian been appointed ns salesman to this territory for the Zollerbach Pnper company, taking the place of Kil Montiolli, who has been transferred to the Portland territory. Mr. Daly with mnke his headquarters In Eu gene. Hotb Mr. Daly and Mr. Mon tleth are here todny attending to business. Return Here Mrs. Rachel Ra mey , and granddaughter, Rachel Dora, returned here Monday night, following a short stay in Kugene visiting tho former's daughter, Mrs. (leorge Dora, who Is recover ing at Sacred Heart hospital from a recent major operation. Renfro liainey. grandson, of Mrs, Itamey, brought them hack to Roseburg nnd Is staying here for a short visit. Visit at Camp Murray Mrs. Wal lace Robertson and daughter, Lor raine, Eleanor Moral, Mra. James Harding. Miss Phyllis Ollbreath and Ruth Gadway, all of this city, spent the weekend ill Tacoma vlBltlng relatives at Camp Murray. Mrs. H. O. Peterson and two daugh ters, Patricia and Betty, and Sirs. Peterson's fnthcr-ln-lnw, Ous Pe terson, of tills city, also visited at Camp Murray with her husband, II. O. Peterson. 1 Short Subjects On Today's Program Hunt's Indian Theatre "March of Tlm" Presenting the youth of 1940 . . . What it happening to them and why . . . Plus . Latest Fox Nws Rose Theatre Our Gang Comedy "Good Bad Beys'' Plus Latest Metre News wildcats! ii'ii-.i.iu'iim MtlimHlnm,.!!,! ATTRACTION "LONDON CAN TAKE IT"