TWO- ROSEBURG MEVS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER. J 2, 1940. State School At Woodburn Scored B(lMMitf Juvnlls Faultily TroliwJ, jjoelafldit of Invent ga tort Otelart. NKW YOKK. Nov. 13.- (Al'l Five Pailfli- ciiant Irixl Hut Ioiih for (hp training of ili-llnqntiit Jiitii tilk'K. Iiirluillim III (IrcHon Slate TnilnltiK Hiliool Tor lmyn lit Wooil Inn n. Or., ware coiidi'iiini'il In 11 report yeatwilay by ( lie Oalmriio iiaancintion. Thn asaniliillmi, nulhorlty on Ju vnnllp ilellmiiiPiicv. rhHi'KPil dm In ntltutloim hml "fiiilfil to fulfill tlinlr rrqitlriinut an oiiiIIiihI liy law mill to ai'hlpve ac-i-enwIilH pro-fa-RKloiial mill hmnuiip ntn mlaiild." Tho only two Pacific maul xchnolK cci'iti'il from whtiiI con dnnination worn tho PrcMon School of Industry, near lnn. Calif., ami the Slate Siltoo! for (llrl at On tralla. Wash. OreBon'a acliool illnpliiva "nilmin deratanilliiK or the fiinilainentiil purtioae of n training athool." I lie report siilil. adding that the limn Hteinenl wna "well Intent loned liut patemallHtlc." It also i hariteil the proKrum cniiRlRted of "uncnordlnat. tid routlnea." Alleged Faulta Listed Tho report charged the Wood . burn school a mtllty of "flnaer printing young boyn. lack of dormi tory anpervlalon. allpnood adinlnia tratlon and vague policies, atereo tvped ediu allomil iiigrain. the ahalihlent hoapllal fiicllltlea of any l nil In r InHtliiitlon on the miml, an thliiated tirucllcea and piinixhinentx and ealtne of the parole de partment." Iteferrlng to Oregon's Iinhmlrliil School for (llrla at Salem, the re port aahl It had an uoileratiiiidlim and aynipaihetlc administration and atalf hut needed enpunalon of It x faellltlea. alnff and aervlcea. "I'nhlle aimlliy anil public hiillf feienee to the lute condlllon of their elillilcnrlnis liiMltiilloiiH are tnalnlv reaiionxlhle for Hie piemMil alluatlon exlatlnic In the achoola of thin area." tho report concluded. CRITICS NOT QUALIFIED FOR SURVEY, ASSERTION woomirnv. Nov. 12 .i'- Saiuiiel Laiighlln. aiiperinieudent of the Oregon Stiilo Training School for lloya. aliKWered the (lahorne naaoclailon'a crlllilam of I he achonl today by "declaring "(he iiaxuilutlon la not qunlllled to ainvey a Juvenile Illsllt ill Inn" Lauglilln Hiifd the iimhocIh ( Inn ' avrvli'ua wore offered In I he na tional aBBoelatlon of training school Buperlntendeuta and Hint the offer was 'iiiinniinoinly rejected." He ihargeil the aaatirliilloira InveBtlga tma want "deceptive" In their ap proach to officials. The Oregon training school has 11 veil organized program of ac tivities alnied ill rehabilitation or dcllminuht hoys and Its success speaks for Itself. Uiiiulilln slated He added thai the (Ingnrpi'liillns was ordered by the state hoard nf control. Days Creek Kny llnfdtihl ftpniit iMcrdiin lny at AxhIcii HHniHlhiK Imr muti'r. Mrs. Ora romlniy. Hei Himtll mi. Mymn Uiiv. Minyci with IiIh Kiiiinliiti'iils, Mr. miil Mm. .1. A. WnilliinKlon. ilurtnie Iht hIikciuo. KollfMvhiK t h lem hi'irt InMtttutc III KUWOIH', CIlHllcP MlirKi'Mic ( wont t hiH Ikiiiio tit M .Mlmiville ' Tor Ihn week cntl. Anion tliotif iittinlhiK In llt'HH lllHttCIH til Kom-lMIIK Wl'tlllt'H- tiny were Mr. utid MtH. .Inn A II in. Mih. JiilhiK INmli'. Mim. hull Wflfli iintl tho IhUci'h mm. Noel. Mr. mill Mix. KiimI Villlnll mul duiiliti'r. Klnt'fln. were .Myrtle (.'riH'k vUltorH WeiliH'Hilny. (. U. Hank ttt Mimcm wan a re cent visitor nl the hoim- nf liin niece, Mrs. A. K. Moure. lie also ritlted hI the ittmler ttiirni'M home )i(!e here. .Mr. hiii Mim. Wnlti-r INioh' uml iliumhler. Artene, Al i x. Klvt-tlii Wolf mill Miss Mil nit Miie Tooli ueiit to (ilemliili' Siimlity to iltft .Mr. l'oole's mot Iter. .Mr. Klsle I'oole. The In Iter rrtnrneil hfte with tln'in. rennilnhm until Timm tiny evening wImmi ht'i son iin-l iliiiiuhti'i-lii hiw . Mr. nnl Mi h. I. X. J'oolc, took hi'i honii'. Jack UiuKiiiK ttitil Urine Itllter weru ItosehtiiK visitoiM Weiliicsdiiy. They took joinr of tin Inlloi's turkey fn to nnnkcl. They were iH-coinnrHtleil hh ftii- ns ('unyoiivfllr liy tlucky l.oltfr. who i vim neil I homo lifter sn niliiin several days vlth hts Kianilpareiit'. .Mr. anl ' Mrs. IliKu'lns. ! Mr. and Mrs. John Cinlke and) diniKhter. .lestoe. who have hecn ' Itvlne lieif rhnfiiK (he Kinuuii r rc-j coiitly returned tt (heir tonnef home, at Aberdeen. Wnshinulmt. . Mr. mid Mrs. Carl .M. Mill and ilaiiKhlers. raioln and l'als. lHlte at the home or Mm. Hill's l.rother In-law and Mister, Mr. ami Mra. I'eill Conmn-, at Koiliuiel jlriiiich Saturday eveninc. Mr. and Mrs. !uiikmh1 Sioie and tliiUKhtom. Miss Mildred and Miss (ierahlfnc. iitlended to business mat lei s. and visited fi h mis ,jit tlranls and Kirhy the, tatfer part of Inst week. t . Mr. M. K. I'eau and ha- sun.; Clayhourne. ueeoinpHiiU'd by AIih. J Hoy Mutthevfl wcip shopplnu iu Jttisvliuri; Tuesday mornina. j Miss MubU Mome and Hhh1, SloliC of Ciinyoin llle were viifnvV i Krblaj evening ill the home or the fonuer'K iiarents, Mr. and -Mrs. A. ' K. .Maort. I .Mr. and Mih. Norman l-'lslier audi fHtnlly Htifl Mih. K. V. lielfeu nl J Kolley'n Korner were Sunday visit-j or ut tho home of Mr. uml Mis.; Ifelhert I'oole. j Jli'H. KlvtHla Wolf, who hai been j H(H'iHllng the past roiiile ol week.s t hero Hi the home of her eousin. I tVuItei- Poole, left Thursday for her home ut Sumner. W ashiiintoii. llUr HOII, liUUUi " im'i ihtii in- tomlilig to huilnesft niaUern in l.oft Angeles vhilf hts mother vIbHcJ lif e returned burnt wltli her. ' U W. Dmlijor Uu6 returueJ tu OUR BOARDING HOUSE AU M ABTU A T WAMT VOl J MR. PENDfcRVIS R06 MR.RU&-ER TRAVELS. AMD HE IS KEENLV ESTED IM MV AUTDfAATlC BRAMD6R.' - IM FACT. HE Vf DECIDE TO PROVIDE THE FlrJAMCIAC BACKING. POetTvowHAK-KAFF.--f4EANJlLfjt HAMfe PERSUADED. HlrATO STAWi eJ3 TbWM? IMSTAD OFPUTTINCs UP AT HIS MOTEL: Where Hitler May Strike if Postponing Invasion jgjj mokocco J (Ft. I '.' mm Algeria (Fr.i . From Srnpn Flow to Suez, tho old world Is wondering where Adolf Hitler will strike his next sensa tional blow. Map shows poyjtblc moves the Nazi fmhrer may tiiuose it he decides ;iuinst an immediate troop invasion of Groat Britain. 1 1 l.s work In Tillamook county aitpr Kpcudiim flfVernl duy it t Ills liniiic hfri. The many local lib-mis nl .Mr. iind .M i s. A. (.'. I iiiiK-iin will Iim hnpi'V lo It'urn I hul I hey ni - nn liviiiir in Cauyoii ilh. havlnu n rciillv roiiH' ihiMf l ruiti iln'tr tor-iiM-i ImniM m ilt liojiitnzu. Mix. I'uii- an. Ihf in mi'i' Mitnohi illumri. uah horn in IhiH vU-intiy jtud had uiad IhiH her li'imt- lor many (ais hrlnri' rtomn in (lti castcin uhi ol llio Klatt. Riddle KiiMd.i:. Nov. v: .iis u hi ami-tin London, who h-jicii'' In li'c .tunrlioii 1 1 M'lionts vi. iifil ht'tt n fi- the u pfk t'lid with 't; i, i. iind Mi. i'. I .'H!- ii-:t Mm. fr.-d Hall ;tm1 daumii--, l; ilria let! lor Portland l-'rida.- t m--nl tut when- ihey itMnnh'd lo ni'f.' miiltors lor a hw d.iv-t. Mih. H. t iow ot li'i-o'lm.!: Mils II jilH'M lit lili' II, A t'l.iu hnnic here Saturday tind Sund-iy. Mis. Art Smith Is ioiiImh'.I in h"i Innui- nil ;m i mitrrti I i l Mi.-ir N.'Ilii Moitir ul I i;t -4 ( .(li is tt-slsliiiK Ht tin- h(tint. Hilly jVihou. wni wild Mm iiiillnitaj i:iiflrd unit jt ;i -.1 jn iai. tlftied hrrij vih hi nn- I'lll.s Mr. n M : Mm. Alltl in llisl ui'K.1 : II" n un ii( 1 W. N :ill MrUm MniMltiy. ' , , .ir. NN i'ilillv llilil(:yi I'trti-! Invh fnoii fm ' fiftvnlt..' 5fif'li Wt 'in' ilmilit'r, )Hio, Is Tho Jl.iullns AUl jiiji-litljf f 1 "', ORDER I ; WiflterVrSiel.J' NOW! ! 16 In. Dry Slab Wood, ' ' ' 'oid 4-ft. Dry Slab Wood, per cord $3.00 Green wood la available In 4-ft. and 16-ln. lengtln. Mill wood Sawdust fMV SOODMESS, MRS. HOOPLE INTER I CERTAIMLV CATTLE MAV OiDM'T EXPECT TO SEE SUCH A VOL) MS LOOKING WOMAM-lF WOU ASk me: VTHE MAJOR 16 6OME PICKER w COPW tW BY Htk JCBVlCe. INC. T. M RK. (Tr. if ; thf lioinc of Mrs. Auuiiia 'A'il. :(i 'I'liuiMlay alti'inniin willi nin ia-dit-s ini'MMit. Mi'h, Wilson v i-, j--. 1st I'll in rrviutc hy M i s. re: ry fortiutl. Amoim I.M-itl Iti'hckah who ai ti'iidi'd the it flit inn ai Kiwtlmm Satin day i t ,o--i IMalf. Anna Mill. Clady Williams. It. i' 1 a lie is K 11 in 1111 1 . Josic IM iiimt. Ifi'hma K:il. 11.-. i:tli-l llouiiid. l.oi.i liiddh. Oma Kclla--. I.iif Clow. Iteitha Hluuili-ll. Sallv l.av rciirc W'fdilin MrhlKi-. .h-iniii-Ki'i;-r. MhkkIi and Willaniftta l,nsioil. (I. .1. A-. list w twiil ! his uaiai' lor i!iii; i al 1 . y wns 1 mi Hi k ami tinahli' ii k I dutl.s al tli-' Whit" .' das 1;. II o i.-pomd ill havin: rukf of paialsis. Hi: sutli'ifd a Moll i. imp) o iit I'rnt '. Illf lloiari lilt, a taihiatr ai t h -i lit'if and as pt im ipal ol 111 inilil sin h tiitw I .uiulhi'i u w ill lie n-lurn to his dill ics. I'm) . 1 ,11 nd- I lntu K tmp'oviim luil will not In alilc to ti'iith tor soair lime. Vllf-ii Aniii'Mf Uml ami Mi--Lillian Lous.Pm alli'iul.'d tin tom hall uatiif at laut-in' Satuiday. TO MEET mf&mm I Tunisia tltiSXSXfifl&T & . . 'Jyhia : 'sw G' ' LlyfrlK ' Mediterranean Sea j-O : iw . u l. i nl i. s. Mil Mill- I RAINBOW RINK ; NVui'la has wily liN.- low ll nl1 I WINCHESTER i lili. "i- I'l.ill .'.'Hi' pnput 1 1 i"tl. ' OM mik li W iMdtl a kgu . . . mu 4p liu nut IXlUStxJ1'. lU ... INK h lit mUM rl 'iS -tfj Tn'DliiiaAIII'tlltitumtliild.MIuhiK4 I ';';') T tyl Uilnr m'n ttH inl... at lit Im liili Iu I Sl''rjr i' JMtifrHlTiTil! I . Major Hoople I KM0JTHETSPE,ANJDX1 KNOW HOW (VMJCH PERSUAO IMS IT TOOK TO BlM& HIM THE MAJOR IS SON PlCKER-HE PICKS UP THE STRAMSEST THIN6S.' VME'RS PR&TTV PULL , SO I KNOW A 1 ,rriKtsl AiiMPs CiiMlnil .the major's ROOMHE'LL ! TELL VOU A800T0UR VTERMS lOMTHE l(WAN UP) . TOUCW OP FROST J U. . PT. OTf. SOVIET RUSSIA Needs an Aspirin l! ) A 'K K. Va. I'l-rsons ror risiondinu with .iost Noidru j haiti;. a I tu t pastor of Vinloii. a . tiavi- a totmu t unit with it is iiaino. Ili (olh'i tifill nl CU V'loM-S shows I In1; i' : Win dim k a nl ., .Not dmhuiiK. Nnidt'iiho, .Nurd en ham. Nu dfii uau'. Ilasiicuhaim, Naiihuihur. Ilor ilcntiotii, V'andi'iiliaut;. uml Ni-tuta-tui. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No. J.ickson lliclill.' ' i. I'rnl. i 1 ! SKATING ! ; Wed., Sat. and Sunday I at the ! Molotoff-Hitler Meeting Presages III For England liy F1IEI) VA!)KIIS(TI.MII)T Ity the irony of coincidence. Neville ( hambe: lain died on a duy when (iermuny. which he tiled to appease, and soviet Husbi. which h disliked and miKcaleulated. hose to make It known that they aie coutlnuiiiK to collaborate to the detriment of Hritaln besieged. Today Soviet Premier Molotofr I traveling to Berlin. There he will see Adolf Hirler and. while It is possible that the two men will meet ami talk with a certain wart- ness. not hiii j; very fcood for flri laln can be expected to tome out of the conference. Hitler may try to m.iko an ar ranneinent. iiecrtt or mhci wise, whereby llnssia will use her in fluence in sway Turkey away from the Mrlilsb alliance and Into the axis camp. In return. Hitter may allot to the l S. S. It. her sphere of Interest In (he so-called new order setup, on paper, by the "one lor all and all for one" alliance tt (lermany. Italy and Japan. This "sphere" mleht embrace Iran, which Is rely on the no viet southwestern frontier and uhi.-li l u i i.t.-t- ..ttl. ....... ...a..t 111 wealth. This n wealth has been under Creat Hiitaiu's thumb. of course li is by no means cer tain that Ihissla will to K' that far; the (ierimms. Indeed, are careful to say that nothinc sensa tional must be looked for and there has been nothiiiK In Russian piiiiiounceinents or activities to -how that I he k rem tin con tem plates a uy extension of her fir eiun policy of silent watchfulness. However, ii is hard to conceive of any ihinu like a Soviet -( ierman break at thl.t time, in cir cumstances. Soviet Underestimated Many Knylishnieu believed riht al'Miu that ('haiiil)erluin's mistake hi try in it (o appease 1 1 it lcr was ctpialled by bis inaltflfty to under stand or estimate Russia. He di-itru.sted the soviet union hut, unlike his predecessor. Stan ley I Said win. he did not seem to fear the Russians; actually, he de i ided them. I heard him say. at l-idy -As tor's luncheon table, thai he thought the red army would be no uood for a loan Him because all its bieh-r i.nicers bad b eii shot. That Almost forly years ago, a doctor who was very ill invented a compound cereal food with which he hoped to bring himself back to heartiness and health. This food, which was chiefly composed of whole grain rye and wheat, he called Roman Meal, be cause in olden days the ration of a Roman soldier was a pound of wheat and a pound of rye every day. When this doctor had recovered he placed this amazing food on the market and for more than three decades Roman Meal has been famous as a cereal and as an ingre dient in other foods. Now this delicious cereal has been baked into a new, delight ful, utterly dilferent kind of dark bread . . . ROMAN MEAL BREAD . . . which is de lighting thousands of people every day. Roman Meal Bread is unique. It gives you EXTRA minorals. EXTRA vitamins, rough age that is mild but efficient, and yet this "'"'Kidnaped' From French Jail Lion Fcuchtwanger, above, famed anti-Nazi German author who was reported beheaded when Germans entered Paris, is pictured on recent arrival in Jersey City, N. J. He escaped when an American friend "kid naped" him from Frenc-i con centration camp before advanc ing Germans arrived. statement, somewhat lncrediable now. was made in the sprint; ol lies, on the occasion of Chamber Iain's first and last attempt tj "appease" the American press. It is true that when be scuttled appeasement u year later. Cham berlain did see the wisdom of bav in p Russia on his side. Hut he bundled the attempt to reach u military alliance with Russia, alien ated ihe kremlin even more com pletely than before by dispatching an unknown lteuotialor to Moscow, and confirmed iu the Russian mind the belief that he was tryiiiK to I war witli (iermuny, by- )iiihblin, over Hiicli matters as a detinitioii of "indirect aKpressiou." Cbainherlaiii. it has been argued, felt the Russians were asking him to compromise tiie independence of the Baltic states and afterward he felt that bis distrust was com pletely Justified but it must also be released that the Russians were Htven litile reason to feel thut Chamberlain had undergone any ,-hagl! of h,rt toward then. ud Arizona I c.l ! Ibo buby tte' the manner of the pre-nar negotia-,0. lb. union, but within i.e i bo nle lion, convinced thon, that tl..:yre petrinrf Tor,, la Mima te. J be were being asked to "pull ehe-nu. 00.000.000 years old I :racks of d uo- nut of the fire" without any return at all nave burned fiugeix. Then they turned to (iennany. Hut Ibis Is arniiatke day, and the atr raid fli f us are noiiiiiliiii; in I Wblteball, where tho buclca two yeara af;o HUiuiuoned the llrltish to remembrance of a millloll dead and to thanksBlviiiK tor a lew more uii mouths of peace. The homliH beat out a requiem In Chamberlalu'fl own hearl-broken epltatih, spoke on the day ho de clared war: "KverythliiE I bail Worked for, hoped for ami believed In during my public lifo lias crash ed into ruiiia. I'd rather remember Chamber lain aa he was the day 1 aw hliu , In Munii h. w hen be rode through the warm rain from Hitler's apart-' mem, grasping the tilde piece of pnper which said the lli ilish and ; (fei-iuun people were determined never the fight each olber again. I am Kin o that for a little while, as the old imfh tilted ills lung tier-! man cigur and Ills old eyes gleamed ' with triumph, he believed he had saved "peace iu our lillle." ' More comfort for your operator means more dollars for your pocket Whether you or some one else drives your tractor, you can be sure that tho comfortable, easy seat of a "Caterpillar" Die sel will make it easier to keep going at top speed day in, day out. amazing loaf is low in caloric content. This makes it ideal for Diet, Reducing and Roughage; however. Roman Meal Bread is also a splendid bread for general table use ... so tasty, so tempting, so genuinely good to eat that your very first golden brown slice will make you cry: "This is tho dark bread for me!" And you'll be right! Roman Meal Bread IS the dark broad for you and everyone elsel However, when you buy Roman Meal Bread, be sure you get the genuine. Others, seeking to cash in on the sensa tional public demand for this loaf, are now wrapping their breads so they look like Roman Meal Bread. Roman Meal Bread cannot be imitated because only one baker In a community is licensed to produce it. so when you buy. look for the Roman sol dier on the band and make sure you get GENUINE ROMAN MEAL BREAD! , saur and oiner ,i.uo.u..t . aicrs, and ruma oi ancient intuitu tilled. RENT a a ander vmJl L. W. Metxger Co. Moshtr and Mill Phone 362 FROM Douglas County FARM BUREAU Co-Operativt Exchange Roseburg, Oregon Your "CaterprJiir" Dealer y