FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1940. Issued IMHr Kirrpt undr lT Ncwi-lUvlew Co., Inc. Member of The Associated fnmm The AMOClmlrJ PrM Is exclusive. Ijr cntltlffl to tlio ue for republ ra tion of all newn Hnptche ;r.'d.uV to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and to all local news published herein. Al rlghn of rj EublloatloD of apodal dupatohef ; herein are alio reserved. HARHIS ELLSWORTH Editor Entered aa aecond claae matter Mav 17. 190. ' " "O"1 ; "J ftoneburf, Oregon, under act of March 2, 1878. Represented by .., York 271 Madison Ave. b I iaao .16U N. Ml.liiKiin ;- Kr.neUi-ii 2 Hush Street llr- , B lW. "rand Boulevard Aaarlea 433 S. Bprlnu Street Jlile--8U3 Stewart Street I'ori Uid 620 S. W. Sixth Ave. t. ' Laola 111 N. Tenth Street. W3BR Poms I AT I 0 (ubatrlvlloa Hale Dully, per year by mall bally nionlho by mu bally, 8 niotitha by mall.. bally by ciirrlor per nionth.... .j Sally Uy carrier ter your 7 u Bvery etato, county and Hty ofte-lal or board that hindlej public money should puUI M I, t regular li.tervnlH an aecouiillnj St It. showing where and how each dollar is spent. This Is a fundamental principle of deino criitlu government. IN the heat of the election, few iicoplc noticed that eouiiiesK mi Oct. 21 panned n act atlt IhhI.Iiik Iho soIIIiik up of homo suanl" tinlta 111 the slates. Tho Idea, of course. Is to provide mime mnt of a force which could be used as a substitute for the na tional guard as the guard's nulls go Into the federal service unit. In many eases, leave the state. It has been congress' thought, evi dently, that It would be unwise o leave stales without some force which could ho called out In case of fire, flood or natural disaster, of riot or Inlernul disturbance, or of eoncerled sabotage or manual--luring or producing facilities. The basic Ideu Is probuhly all light. Hut any activities or Mils kind ought to be curried out only In a completely responsible man ner. Tho country wanls no ama teur vigilantes trooping up anil down the land, acting on whatever or wild hunch seems to lln-in n good Ideu al the time. We me liol nt war, and there la so much the less excuse lor any of the acts of terrorism that wero pel petral cd In 11H7-IS In the name or home guunllns." l'rlvale organizations, no mat ter how patriotic, should i"t be ullowed to organize or suppoll any such forces. They should b" pub lic forces, completely organized, trained, and controlled by the army, subject us the army Is. to proper civilian authoriiy. In fact. It would not be a bail Idea to raise any such tolce by the draft, just as Hie ivgular army 1 raised. That would insure that home delense. as well as national defense, he entrusted to cross section of the nation's people ami not over-weighted by any single economic or polilical group. It would Insure Unit Hie burden ol Mich service would lie evenly dis tributed. only completely responsible and properly trained ollicers should he placed In charge, and all activities should be siibjerl to control and review by public civilian aullioulv. Only thus will any home guard uc llvity bo properly geared to ac complish what II is meanl to in compllsh. and nothing else. Editorials on Newt (Continued from page 1.) HUfety valve tor Americans. IP, on llils morning aller eiec lioii, Ihere me any who have In Ilshlng II out and now teel they cun t take it, it h. well t te lillnd I lulu that the diliosaui couldn't adapl lt i. lt to changes and so perished liom the earth bill Hie AHAI'TAIII.K salamander, after u million years. Is still doing business ul about the same old atund. The three-toed horse, small and light, with sort pads lilted lor run-j nlng over marshy ground, was j .chased out into, the rocky dcse.isj mid liiHlcuul or Riving tii and d l lug ori' developed hard hoofs and I nioio ie. The home is mill going Blrotig. , lon't be- u dinosaur. , IK this 1111 tiun l to t-tutt in in- . riilong U10 (jreal mad II lias l''ilv" I L'leil HllH'O lis lu'lilllllill(J (lis II i WtlST). loleiuiuc of llio rlchls and opinions of, ,. inor and wllliiigiicHH to work to- getber toward a common mil ou Hie part of ALL Its people will be what will do the trick. AH for Wendell Wllliile. ho has demouxtruted that ho posses ses the couraKf, I he resourceful ness mid the Hineerlty that Ku to make a (treat leader. Ho will ho heard from in the years to eoiue. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1500 Kllocyoles REMAINING IIOUK3 TODAY l:oii Dance Time. 4:15 Ma Perkins, Oxydol, MBS, 4::i0 The Tune Jamboree. 5:00 Ned Jordan, Secret Agent, MHS. fi::tn American Family Jtohiusou. 6:45 Cap't Midnight, Ovaltine, MBS. 11:110 Fill i u Lewis, Jr., .MILS. Ii:l5 -lhlmer liance. Ii::tn-.lnhn II. Hughes, MilS. u:tr. If All Time. 6:55 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:00 Raymond Gram Swing, White Owl Cigars, MBS. 7 : 1.1 Mutual Maeslros. 7::iH l-one Itnngeis, M IIS. k:no Kd .Mayholl I'rograin. MILS. 8:301 Want a Divorce, Teanar den Products, MBS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. U:J5 Jimmy tiller's Orclicslrii, .MI1S. 9:30 Hal Kemp's Orchestra, MHS. 111:00- Haven of Itcsl. 111:30 Sign oil'. SATUHDAV, NOV. !) 7:00 Slinr and Nonsense. 7:30 News-Review of tee Air. 7:40 News, Denn-Gerretsen Co. ' 7: la Ithapsody in Wax. K:ll!i--Johu Agnew. OigaulM. M I IS. X: 15-II1IC Nev.s. MIIS. k::to i. s. Artny Hand. AIMS. oberllu on Iho Air. .MIIS. II.IKl Let's Hay llridge, MIIS. !I:I5 Sympliony. 10:00 Can You Imagine That. Con- co. HI: IT.-Music lor Mllailv. Mils. u::in Kroger Kailels, Si IIS. Hi : -I - Varieties. 11 :ou Navy-Nnire liaiue roolbull Cames, M US. IL'Mli Slate and Local News. 12:50 News-Review of the Air. J :00 l-'oolhall (laino Continued. MIIS. 1 :30 Interlude. 1:45-Oregon vs. UCLA Football Game, Associated Oil. MBS. 4 Ma Sum Koki'H Hawaiian .MIIS. .ri:(lll Tropical Serenade. Mils, n : 1 .r. It, IV Nellie's Onh., MHS. .1:30 I lance Oreh. n : 45 1 lul Kemp's Onh., M IIS. 11:00 Dinner ii:30 John II. Hughes, MIIS. 7:00 Mutual .Maesims. 7:30 l-w Loyal, liramatic Series. MHS. S:0ll Hawaii falls, MHS. S:::o -Calif. .Melodies, M IIS. !l:oo News. MIIS. II: I !i - -Jimmy lim-i's Oieli.. MHS. !i:3o -Hence Orcli. !IM.r.- Hal Kemtis On h.. MIIS. I il Mill Haven of liesl. .MIIS. o:;iu-Sgn oil. SI'Mi.W. NOV. In SMill-.. I'. Hillletilis. MIIS. SMi."i- Seven Minnie Men. MIIS. S: 1.1 - Itev 'lowing Mill nil. MIIS :.'!()- Voice ol I'ropheev ('hull', AIMS. S: 1.1 Cnuarv Cloirns. MliS. ! : mi IIHC Xews. AIMS. 9:15 The Chaplain Speaks, Rev. Perry Smith. !i:.".o -Sine a Song ol' Salelv C'luli. AIMS. !i: II -Alice Mine. 1'iauisl. AIMS, Iiimiii-strings in Swlnglline. MHS. 10:15 Romance or tho Hi-W.iys, Greyhound Lines, MBS. Io:3o lie.l Cioss ,, c.ill I'm- Clam. MIIS. 11:00 Baptist Church Services. 1-Mni Haven nl II, .i, AIMS. l'.':::o t,.'s Town. I no l'eler ((mil. MliS. 1:30 Lutheran Laymen's League. MBS. L'Mhi Soinlav Vanclies. ::lll Tile siiaduw, MIIS. :t : tin lijioce oiih. :i::tu Show ,.l Hie Week. Al MS. I'll. I Kenilezwill. Mi!S. 1:30 The Angclos Hour. Dr. C. A. (idwards. .1:110 -Vinerlcaii ll.iuni ol Hie An, MIIS .1 : 1.1 i ..Mill h 'I Ii.iiii .sen, 'em lllelHilti.l . MIIS. 6:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour. MBS. 7:00 Favorite Sonrjs of Yours and Mine. Hansen Motor Co. 7: t! The Quiet Hour. 7 I.'. I lam e I li eli 8:00 The Answer Man. Van Dyke Cigars, MBS. k: 1.1 l.'abbl M.igniu. MHS. s .::o S Niilu.u . AIMS. !i no News. M lis :i i". I i.i 111 - iii.ii. !i.3o -Sii-u l Ml. "I Want A Divorce" Plav "U'lieu a in. in makes a l.nhne t.i his tost mat ria.'.e. lie h...e l.. nuike a suecess nl his s.-teml." Tills is the ehallencio iiue-llnn laiseil Nov. S in l'ihlii :i ' I Wanl i'lvorie" ilrania. haed Us.o llie lealllreil Mill ) . ' Ci.ul.l 'I Ins I',. ,M v Hiisliauil''" III He' to w Nov. -ml. .-1 Is; Hi' ..I True Stut y M main. I ll, Morv has lieeil e.-iie.iallv ail.i'ii li.l .lo.l n Ml.Oiilell. St. ii nt llii- i.ello ellls.'lile aaillsl li.eille--s hv William J..:::-l.i!i Kitii.. 'line Slut v'h famous editor . Keved i.i the strong eiiiutioiial li.l. li ul Ihe radio !:r , will ii. Hie s.e. ial music an.l an am:. meet ..I the large "t Want A lUviuee' i.i chest la lle.-ides .loan Hli.ielell. III.- last will include a iioimIi.i- nl uilllar lliillv wood ra Il.i a. lies. Ilii.a.lcasl lit. Ill ll.iliv w.i. 1.1 mi l K KM! an.l Ihe .Mill cast to . east "I Waul A'' is heard on the west c'la.'l al s :; .. in. I'sr. In. lavs WEATHtR STATISTICS By the U. ii. Weather Bureau, llnnii'lily 1 :in p. in. i'I.m ln r.!'7 HislU'.il I.Miii..alllrii yi'slcnlay ,".!l l.ocsl 1 .111 !. i a ui i . I.isi iiikIh IT IZk : . (.,.,,,. j,, ( , , , , , , spi 1, im.. ;:n i;m Hh kiii. c Hvit. I, !Sn OUT OUR WAY ( THANKS, (bOOO &OSH, NO SIR, PAVE-- l THAT GUV IT CAN'T DO TH' I CAN'T LIVA &E PONE" ,. - SAME II IN A HOME I KNOW mill fiH V Foa- vc,u LIKE THAT, (I I CAN'T AsV SOME TIME y AN' IN SUCH 0O IT y WNw A RICH NEIGHBOR-! S'ZtSi ----T HOOD, ON HIS f I CAN'T BEAT Is- l2SiZr--. I J -'Liwa. DONiE . y e:,ruNvnrj,'u- the champiow .- Rose Bowl Entry At Stake Saturday Odds Favor Stanford to Down Washington; Both Oregon Squads Also on Day's Bill. SAX l'!:A.W;4('0. Nnv. V I Al') Tint tuo uinlflc;iliM tnoi (;itl i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ( ' 1 1 --1 1 i 1 1 iiniti-iiil'-i s ot Ihe I;ir wi'sl sitiiiti- nil tuiiioi i ik in I hi' ic;t huh's niiiiii f I 1 1 h I In pl uKMTls a l(n.i' bn 1 liclcM nm h" v.ritli'ii uii lint uiit i oitif nl the pigskin clas.sii. II is sliiiij l mi . Sluitlunl In tin- ImIH" nl' l';in Aim. o.l.l liinhnlily will t.ivor Sianlniil ul tin' kit I. (ill. A niori iM-tirah' s )-n p wniilil i''.s( t ibi' I lie a i-x ai'tly cv n. Sfiisnn rcrniils ami rumpiiriM'iis nt millH'S Willi UlUlll.ll nlioili'lils, huth highly iiiiitcuiaii aai;inn liit'Uiilltis a I I inn's, phiei.' Stalilnt (I In I he iiKiri' la vol a III'- lilit. It hasa'l lint a innti-si. In ii nut nt tin- ci.nt''t'i'tM-i' Washington Hr:)p-n-tl a i lnsi- I'M I derision to Mm lunula, an iin pH'sl 't showing in i'v n ihe hitler's .Ititiiitiii; livixv iIimhihIi tin' Mi;; 'J'cn coiiliTf.'iitii llnis lar. Siatilnnl flrffiih'il tin iiy nl oii'u'oii i:!-n anl I 'ni . t-i j. WasluiiK llie saiiiC ton rainc alniu; to liili !-am. I'11. Thr W'asliiMuton It ain ina-i. has II ik-i' in biiui ayinu I'm lii'iU'iiic. Ii ha- al lack ;umI a snlhl tellilii; a ;ial the unit ntti'llS.' nil umiitid. Il wit) Held a hier heavier yiptad Ihan Slaiiturd which may Mitp!ie those who t hunt: In the latter was almiii as Ihk as :h rni''. Stanford Can V.iry T.ictics AaiTi-l I his St a rilm d will pit a team t hat has risen to I he urea sioit in eer aino in semail loiiat lash inn, a team so ready In nam- hie il cnnld M-nre two I nilclldnw lis iii 1 he taM I hi j minutes ul play tn liieak up an inipeiMlmi: lie ami d-l at a 1 i al as loi iuidalde as Solllhei a ( aliini 111a. Il h !d in i he U uii Ihe m ouml. Stanlotd ha.- M a eied lln air lane-. 1 1 V, III. It put tn.U'l hei ;.nine Mo anl-- hy p;isses tn win 1 1 nm Suuile i 11 ( alllni ma and then, un.thle i rain in this ta-huiu ai'.anwl the I ni orjiit y o Caliln! Ilia al AllJJi-les. tolled n- I 1 he p"w ei t ni 1 ii iittis lor ;;"2 vacl:- Iinin Vhaleer 1 1 em playm n iMimaue. iiih .inlaL'.e i- 1 mi Us ll'Miie tn Sllllltoi.l. idle, ami a wc niiin e I his ;e i tli-ld K'lin, uill 1,1 in: w hich is p i; i;, nuiii-1 uv'i the .tdinm v mill h 1 ;(::.UH.-t t he 1(H al-. .ihhtliiia meet Soulln'tn C;iM lit! n 1.1 at 1." Alleles in iil-u h.ipe up as a slamltaiii; ..unt i 1 he I ni.ian rale as ttie Iiiun ;il iaiitc,-i Imf a number ul 1.1,-i'i ve!.- w hn haw w.tfehed Cali Mi ln,r- - 1 a d uiipinwmr!:! v.i t.ill nwr in a taint i! the P.. at - lip-et the ib'I"' Oregon Scpuds Billed (in-ii.'ii Sia'e i-Mlleite. M ill rim-u'w-.Z vMihii' MtikMii: distance nl tile t Ii.iinpiou- hip p ti c despite d ;u h aMiuntimi ami a tie wiih Southern Calilornui. takes on Wa dnn(;i"!i State, an old. hnu;h and iepet lt d rival. The tmetal (.(Wis 11 S. C . h.nwwr (. u n e 1 l! - Im'iie i! al ( " .tlh- ll.ill. le I I eiij" .i a ph U up it ti a M " ni uwi M.'iitaiia I.i -0 ueek in.i lt.i e a . Ul pt i 1' hn 1.. m i.iHv il III Ciuene inuiiM 1 e weather Is ihe a swell t'l us hum the Miiiih. their games ihis I I IteniM i e mild -l" Mill) llrM I Ill.-.l lllll'k I'll" ll UII .l.lcalt.l 111 .ill M ';t . 'M . "Ill UII'' In uin T.. lani.'i, '. Imiinlil 1" j.iiim ...lll.U l"t I.MII.I I ll .1111. ma I Ir .1 ini.i.ii ul '!.' u.miI , ; aill-' i'l :' "li'i.U illi'."l im-i- Aiiii.s 1.. Sl.uu. 'I .:ir-. a n.a.ll. M-llil. Ili r.ill..;;i I lh- I'a. Hi.- I.-. 1111 :i;ii;it San ...... I.ilf'i:.'. . In !- lil.'lili i.. U.iii:.., I1.1.I1111; , M'i i". in :m ail Ills IHl l-'.t . r, 1 1 . p ll II III l..' 'l:i S.m .!. Willi 11m- lall.'l i Ii. uill Spend D.iy Here Mi Mi' ll.-nnan K. t.iiM-n. ul o.tklan.i Pl' l-M.-lli. IL-ll"TS 111 till- tlt -l'tll,l. . WOMEN'S A LEAGUE Games Last Night Co pro Sandy's IMatu; .(). (iiainl IJmtity Shop h.i Crock haiiy ti. Hiu'h individual uamc, Atiila Vniin, Inn ; hinli Ntii ics bcun. I Anita Voinm. 47. Scores Last Night Dei-r ('reck Hairy: Handicap ! till it;. II. Kllintl 11!) VMt 111 WfC K. Keilharn i:iit laf. U'.i 'Ms K. UnnsiT US UK 1 12 ::7s It. I.f'hrlmrh H2 !t2 12 Wi C. l avis V22 111 M'A :M Total t-ti'i i2 t;;:i 2"' Crand lleautv Shop: llandicai 1 Hi I Hi 1 Mi :" A. YouiiK 1 IK Hit lK'l H7 P. .ludd HIS (Hi 77 , 'Jxl F. UuKin-r HM f 121 H3o M. Conn sr, lot !: 27S II. Illdeiionr 1.J! 117 :i7! Tital 7m: ti.s7 77 2lo:i Copt o (Hi Is: llatidicap . K. Taylor . ... (i. Ness . M. Olinscheid I). Chaptnati .. 1., honnK Total . .. .... i;s r 2111 .. ht w.i i2v lis nr. 122 ::7a ...127 i:::i 1 1;: -nu Hill I7!( I ati -Ilia .... lid I'i7 1 1 1 112 Clio 727 72S 211." ic : ni m si . . i2t; 1 is :17s ... :m; 12.". 121 :m2 .. Iu2 112 ns '.122 . in; i:;h k;; mi 12:1 inn i:t:i Hfia tin t;:n 72ii yixii Sanuy'K I'lac Handicap K. Worle.lni M. Clark . M. Sandnrs .1. I'eiKUsnn II. Iav Total Si KosehniK Icjiius, four of men and two ol women, have antumnced TENNIS HORIZONTAL 1 New tenni champion. 12 Part of pedestal bnsc. 13 Abode o the dead. 14 Drefis. Ifi Pitcher. IV Peeled. Instead. 19 Clandestine Answer lo Previous Puzzle S.p;a 1 ;n mm 3c KSfoP. 'x DP H.h. L.O.I II watcher. 20Oppiscd (o i dry. 22 Fortune. 2G Rim;;. 30 Winced. 31 To quit. 32 Typist. 33 To come in. 34 K.lectric term. 36 To forbear. 40 Imperial order H Varnish ingredient. 45 Screams 40 Tennis fence. 50 Networks. I MAh I nr ii mi U jrain i a 1 NAN'UUNOiDUA: 1 1UBU r2 Blue Rniss. Ml K.xcollcncc. 55 Oovernnipnti sources of vevenuo. Sf. Kimono girdle 57 To place in line. 08 He won the 1040 National tennis title. 59 He is a alumnus. I r3" ( 5" 7 8 9 10 il j - U JM S J ".b I 7 8 1 I II .1 LJ I P"l iSM " 1 .'o -) Jo ii " 1 A- C ' " 1)2 By Williams THAT'S WHAT SOU SHOULD OF SAID IN TH' FIRST PUACE" VOU CAN'T PO IT.' X CAN'T LICK PEMPSEY I CAN'T BEAT SEABISCUT" I CAN'T Bet Paid in Pennies Set in Plaster Paris It uill ho u long time be f 010 Loo Mf'Curn, Hiipc'rintendont of thf ntat( Kalmoii hatehory tit Hock Ci'iMtk, avta full udvunttiKU of tin1 $1 witKt'i' lie tnate with .Mrs. William Farnuiu 011 tho outcome of tho presidential con test. I'mlor the terms of tho hot, the loser was to walk the iiuaiter mile between tho Me Cai n and Kariium homes nt J I o'clock at nlht, (lressed only In pajamas, and deliver the SI to tho winner. Mrs. Karnum mada the hike us agreed upon and do livorod the money one dollar in pennies thinly encased in pias ter puiis. intentions of competing in the Oregon State Championship tour nament at Marshth'id. The men's teams art: Texaco Chiefs, Klks club, iHinham's Transfer and Hose burg Alleys. Women's teains are: Sandy's Place and Deer Crook 1 airy. Kn trios close Nov. In. Ilowiing starts Nov. 22 and con tinues through Dec. S, The Rose burg teams 1-ave requested as signments on tho date of DfiC. 1 to roll their games in stale conipe lion. A match that has aroused boated rivalry between members of tho Klks and Kagles lodges will be rolled at S p. 111. Tuesday. The two five-man teams will be composed i of the members of the two Iodines. The Klks lodge will he represented 1 by Harry Henry, Woodloy Stephen-, son. Pete Sherman, Kloyd liuugh man and Cecil Hlack. Representa tives of tho Kagles lodge an' Dr. 1 C. (i. Van Valzah. Win. Mills.! Ceorgc Iiarr, Paul Lund and Deb. Day. Minnesota Visitor Here Mrs., l in:ioli'i Milmn. ! Ii,.. .1, I t.i li.,..,,! tlx. winter visiting nor uaugiiter, .Mrs. Frank Kent. ACE 12 Ho last year's champion. 1 5 To promote. 19 Cubic meters. 21 Mountain badger. 23 Sneaky. 24 Spicot. 25 Gnawed. 27 Man's readme room. 28 Gun. 2D Adam's mat a. 35 Eye tumor. 37 Oleoresin. 38 Devil. 39 Frosting. 41 Death sicjlal. 42 Kacle's nest 43 Bee bite. 46 Series of . epical events. 47 Tennis stroke. 48 Secular. 50 Short-napped. 51 To be sick. 63 A Hindustan. 54 Golf device. aIav nor I flAPED AbEa T til 1 KtAU VERTICAL 1 Simpleton, 2 Tocm. 3 Neither., 4 Licked up. 5 Slronc cart. 6 To deface. 7 Mystery hint. 8 Naked. BSick. 10 Coins. 11 Sheltered place. Sunday rUiMvsUsc at the XsllUiUlW DAILY DEVOTIONS Da CHAS. A. EDWARDS One day an Je. im was talking to hit disvi;dHd Ho told I hem: "Vo are the Halt of the tuitli." Rut He ftlH j teMs them hat it 1h pOBHlhle for Lin? salt to Ioho its navor, and therefore it 13 valueless. la the paruhlo of the talentB, be a peak a 01' the Rood-foi-nothiu.s Kervnnt for whom Is reserved the judgment of utter failure and outer darkness. It is evident that only a unique qual ity of goodness that finds issue in redemptive livitiK can ever bring in the kingdom on earth. The peril of goodness lies in our failure to realize that it consists of two eternal principles, which Jesus joined together in His own Life and teachings, being and doing. Tbe beauty and blessedness of goodness stands out only as we practice con stantly these two principles of a complete Christian life. To be a true follower of Christ is not a matter of just being good or do ing good, it Is both. "Where our duty's task is wrought, in uni son with Cod's great thought, the near, and future blend in one mid whatsoe'er is willed is done." Amen. SUTHERLIN WILBUR Sermon: "Anns or Armistice'.'" - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Myrtle Creek, holds services each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Tho lesson-sermon lor Sunday, Nov. 10 is:' "Adam and Fallen Man." The public is cordially in vited to attend these services. YONCALLA METHODIST CHURCH Worship at 1" a. m. Sunday school at IX a. m. Did you know that the Yonculla Sunday school won the banner for the third quar ter? We are pleased with the grow ing interest In the Sunday school. We are also pleased with the in crease in church attendance. An In vitation Is extended to the Amer ican Legion, and the ladies' auxil iary and their families, to be pres ent next Sunday and enjoy the Ar mistice services which are beini; planned. Come. C. I J. Ilrittain, pas tor. THE METHODIST CHURCH Molvllto T. Wire, pastor. Church school at U;i't a. m., Mrs. C. A. Chamburlin, superintendent. Morn ing worship tit 11 a. m. Sermon topic,: "He Went His Way." An them. "Illessed Is ihe Nation," Adams. Solo by Mr. Leroy Jlialt. Organ music by Mrs. Gordon Ste wart. Intermediate and Senior Kp worth leagues at 6:15 p. 111. K ve iling worship at p. in. Piano numbers by .Miss Petty Marsters. S01 iimn tuple: 'Christ and Tin.' Sin ner." Solo by Mrs. Karl Wiley. PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH At 177 South Jackson, '2 doors north nf Ihe Hose .school." Sun day school al lo 11. 111. Morning uoishiji til 11 a. in. Youiik ik'O ph's meeting at 7 p. in. Prayer nicMinu: Thursday at 7:.J0 p. in. "Si-nnons that si ir. soiik.s thai in- uiiln. iii.niUhi ii I). ni nil ii I our elm not " ! Tlic lUv. Oi val ('. Kcik-r, pastor FREE METHODIST CHURCH Itev. It. ii. Thompson, who is cnnillirliiig a revival ill the local chiin h. will preach three times on Sunday. 11 a. m 2 p. m. and 7:3a p. m. Ilusket lunch at noon. All are invitorl to bring their basket and eat lunch together. The evan gelist will discuss the following subjects in the three Sunday serv ices: "The U'alch .Man." -Living Waters." "The l uspeakahle dill." l-'or Friday night the evangelist is speaking on "Who (Iocs lo Heav en " Saturday evening, "Tho l.'nlt eil Slates in Hie Light of It.-poaliug History." Sunilav school :i:li, in charge of Paul Itaiiil. siiperiiitony dent. IViin.s A., pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 3 U K. I Hindus wired. Kcgiilur services Sunday at 11 a. m. Sub jcet of lesson "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school convenes at 11: l.'i a. in. Wednesday evening meet ings which iuclu.le.s testimonies of healing and remarks on Christian Science are held at S o'clock. The reading room at : 1 T Perkins build ing is open daily except Sundays und holidays from In u. m. to 4:110 p. in. Here the llllile and all lilt tliorized Christian Science litera ture may be read, borrowed or sub scribed for.. The public Is cordially invited to attend Ihe church ser. lives and to visit the reading room. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN I CHURCH Missouri Synod. Corey ami Mili tary streets. West Itosehurg. The service of Sunday. November lu. begins at 7::M p. in. The Sun. lay school meets at t:l5 a. in. We most cordially invite all to attend our service uu.l Sunday school. The choir meets alter the service Sun day evening lor a short rehearsal. The Lutheran Hour will be hroa.l cast Sunday over KliNIt at l:::n p. ni. Tune in. write in. W. A. Syl- OLD r&SHIOFUD fitVIVAL ChjMtt t- Fuller, Director r'Tprful tfl'l I'rrjfliln Uill Ihrnn. t-f Tlif K,u EVEHV SUN0AY Ii (tn p. M KH( K.nn ktWri.-, ; wester, 1170 Military street, pastor. SEVENTHLY AQVENTIST CHURCH Military street. Sabbath school (Saturday) 9:30 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m. Young people's meeting (Saturday) :i p. m. Pray er meeting, Wednesday evening 7:30, You are welcome. EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. George's, Roscburg. Holy com tn 1111 ion 8 p. m.-, church school ! : 45 a. 111. ; morning prayer. 11 a. in.; evening prayer and confir mation Tuesday evening at 7:3u p. m. Ilishop 11. D. Dagwoll, I). U Riddle Hisliop Dagwell will be in Riddle Monday evening for an uruiistice service at 7:30 p. m. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school will be held at 10 a. in. Sunday morning in the Wom en's club ball, 130 S. Jackson. Kveryone welcome. No collection laken. Tirr BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday night is "Mary und Mar tha" night at the Paptisi church. The four circles of the Baptist Women's society will be present and their leaders will assist in the service. Continuing the series. "Christ and tho Individual," the Uapllst pastor. Rev. II. I. Sconce, will speak on tho theme "Christ Deals with Mary and Martha." What constitutes a perfect hos tess? Why was Jesus always wel come in the llothany home? Was Mary lazy? These and other ques tions will bo answered. A beauti ful ordinance of baptism will pre cede the evening services. "Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Ixird thy Cod in Vain" is the ser mon text Sunday morning. Is there a difference between swearing and cursing? Is a man guilty of swear ing oven if he does it unconscious ly? How serious is profanity? What is the only sure cure for Iho man who uses profanity? Sunday school at 9115 a. in., four young people's groups uieet at 6:30 p. m. FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Located al ond of CuniniPrcial avcntii'. A. Harold Porsitii;. paHtor. Scn'iccs for this Sunday: Sunday school n( !.". .John Klllott in chiu'Kt. Wtt havt! u cluss J'or nil aKcs. Morning1 worsjiip bnninniiifr at 11 a. nt. Message Iiy thn pas tor. Khhjcct. "TilhiiiK in Three Dis pensations." Children's church at Younc people's service at (!:::. Mrs. Dirks in charge. Kvan lielistic service at 7:30. Hervices tor thr week. Tuusduy at 7:'M. Dc voUonul and prcHchtim. W'ednos-. day morning at JO o'clock, prayer meeting at cliurch. Kridny niht at 7::w, Ihe pastor will be assisted by iho young people of the. church. Welcome to all services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jackson and Lane streets. Armis tice Sunday will be observed at Ihe morning service. An appropriate sermon. "The Saboteurs of Peace," will be preached on this occasion. The evening message will be, "The Siege of Jericho." w hich is the sec ond sermon in the group on science and the Ilible. The senior Chris tiuit Kndcavor society will meet at ii::S0 with Valmcr Klampc as lead er. The Women'.s .Missionary so ciely will meet Thursday after noon al 2::i0 o'clock ui the home of Miss Margaret flalduiu. :JJ7 North Kane street. The Calendar for the week: Sun day: Sunday school. 9: -15 u. in.: morning worship. 11 a. in.: evening service, 7:)(0 p. m.: senior C. so ciety li::iu p. ni.; Tuesday: Session meeting, 7::ia p. m.: choir practice. 7::to p. m. Wednesday: prayer meeting. 7:3" p. in. Thursday: Missionary society. 2:.'lo p. in. OILLARD METHODIST CHURCH ii. A. Carlio.lcn. pastor. Sunday school in a. in. Morning worship 11 a. 111. W. (1. Illake will he Hi... speaker. Prayer nioeling Wednes day 7:"0 p. in. LOOKINGGLASS CHURCH il. A. Carboden, pasinr. Sunday school lu a. ni. l-.'pworlll League i!::ia p. m. Kveninu services con dueled by Ilrolhcr l.arscn at 7:'M p. in. TEN M I LE CHURCH (!. A. tiarhodcu, pastor. Sunday school In: l.j a. ill. CAMAS VALLEY CHURCH A. G;irbo(k'n, piiatur. Sunday schuol 10 a. m. Here on Business E. SrlnnMsK'. of ( t.-ikhiii'l. was a business visitor in thtrs ri'y iHlt'V(;iv. Wat The rrlfhratrrl C'lemni Rlutnr. thai formfd th t utrd (nr thmujhmif ili ihfre u prohahly thf rhurrh i 1 V 0UGLH5 FUHERPI tinm PIHt Qmd LANC Mrs. F.R. Denies Getting Richer WASHINf-.TON, Nov. 7.- (Al') Mrs. Franklin . Hooseveil. lec turer, broadcaster, autbor and col umnist, cheerfully told her press conference today that uhile oliu bail "made a great amount of money" she now had less principal than eight years ago. The president's wife was asked whether, now that the election was over, she would discusa her in come and outgo. Hhe replied: "Thero seems to be an Impres sion in the minds of ccitnin people that 1 have nuiile a E'eal amount of money and laid It up. I have made a great amount of money but 1 have not ono cent of principal nor have i put one cent In Invest ment since 1032." Much of the monev that she had earned, she said, ha-j gouo into charities some of It Into wages an.l Into business to he'p people start small enterprises. Asked whether she churged Interest she laughingly suld no. -t Mrs. Itoosnvelt suld she the feeling that if she dh' make money while lu the white house that il should be spent for constiuctkc purposes. Sho added cmphaiieally, "none of my fninlly has proliied by any thing I've made." She said her charity donations exceeded the 13 per cent ullowed by the federal Income tax. and, further, that she paid income tax on all her earnings. Drain Names New Mayor, Other City Officials DltAIN. Nov. S. Only two mem bers of the present city uduilliis Iratlon were returned to office in the municipal election hold Tins day. C. il. Ford beini; retained an councilman, and L. (.'. Applegnio being reelected recorder. II. A. Cool, who was not a candi date lor reelection, will be sue- T eeeded as mayor by CV A. (.'nich ing. Oilier city officers chosen in the election, which tinned out 221 votes, the greatest numoer ever cast lu a city election. Include C. It. llelk. C. II. Ford. A. K. (lar.lner and It. F. nandall. cnuncilnieii, and Lucille ilogen, treasure-. E. A. Cameron, Former Roseburg Resident, Dies Word bus been received here r Ihe death at Ilarrisburg, Oct. 27. of K. A. Cameron, 71, for many years a resident of HoKe'.iurg. Ills .la l h occurred at the homu ol his daughter. .Mrs. Merrill; Hush, fol lowing a long illness. :' Surviving are his wdf:i and tlv sons and daughters. CilluUiii Came- j roil, i.ewislown, lilahii; llcntric Clrk. Junction City: jleulah Hush ilarrisburg: Lavelu .Iteenon. Ku gene, and Virgil M. cl.uneion, Ku i- PORTLAND'S Most Distinctive: Hotel INVITES YOu. . . Friendly ServliM Home-Like RoVimi Wonderful Focd &eniblo Rates Broadway at Oak Portland It Is True Guests from Roseburg have Free Garage at Danmoore Hotel 1 2 and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oregon Also Family rates from $3.50 Room with 2 Double Beds and Bath. Also Single Rates from $1.50 with lavatory (free shower privi leges), from $1.75 with toilet; from $2.00 with bath. 50c for sec ond person. Also OUR GUARANTEE to you is If appointments and rates are NOT what you expected YOUR TAXI fare to another hotel will be cheerfully paid. .- RAY W. CLARK, Mgr. h?mn, "VmiI Crutfir." rcflin li S J.. ttuid Imhyi thr crttr f pen pal rhoolCharlemftti'. Th hinn per and Tif nn Whit 5nnrJ MnA octiu. OiilM ( th T Dtum' nn othrr hymn ritniit tittd in "Wni Creimt HOTEL I BE NSON "VF.HI CRFATOR 0S' ll (Coma Crfimn vy Lnif Spirit, nil divine i- A i'. 1 "v Cvmc, vi! tstry au! ( Tlitnc, J Av AnJ 1,11 lh Til, ..1..II.I II.. ' lTf IK U.rl. 4.i.l, Th-a TU..II J.J.I" L eL ' MON( 112