ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1940. OUT OUR WAY By Williams ' tssusal Dnllr Kinpt undr kr Ik MiHktr of Tk Associated lrrss The Associated Prom Is exclusive iv AniKiorf in tint iiKB for reoublleS' tlon of oil newn dispatchos credited lo It or not otherwise credited In this paper end to all local newa Dubllehed herein. All rights of re. publication of special dispatches bereln are also reserved. FALL CELEBRATION WEEK SIX DAYS OF BARGAINS! All Prices Effective Fri., Nov. 8th Through Thurs., Nov. 14 FREE DELIVERY TELEPHONE 118 HELP YOURSELF TO LOWER PRICES Without Quality Sacrifice BARRIS ELLSWORTH Editor STORE CLOSED MONDAY ARMISTICE DAY Entered as second class matter May 17, 1620, at the post oiric ai Roseburs, Oregon, unaer ess tUron 1. 1878, of FOUR I &OT LOST- V WHAT'S V OH , HE WOULDN'T PARE ' $gp$'g I FOUND WATER, f WRONG SPOIL THAT.' HE'LL WANT 'i'';M'- PUT X HAVEN'T WITH TO DRIVE AROUND TH f'W-trT- EATEN FOR EATING I CITV WITH IT TIED ON yjmmg pivE DAys DEES HIS CAR SO PEOPLE Wi Nw. V MEAT? A KIM SEE HOW&OODA. 4 Vft " 7- WOODSMAN HE IS.'-s mi in iiiiissisissssiCsf''iiiift?fiisisssini m Represented by Ren York--271 Madison Ave. rhl ea.eaeu N. MUhiKan Ave rruclece !0 Bush Street n. tilt 30S4 W. Orand Boulevard I. A .,! I SI S. Hprfna BtrW feaXle 03 Stewart Street t-ort-Uad620 8. W. Slsih Ave. HI. Ials 111 N. Tenth Street. Oiltl rims faUTS Ml uriii lubsclptlua Hates) Dsllr. ptr year by mall.... Dally, I months by mall,... Pally. 8 months by mall..-.. Dslly. by carrier per month.. Dally, by carrier per year... .15.00 . 2.10 . 1.25 Every stato, county and city official or board that handles public money should publish t feauJar Intervals an accmuilliiK of It. showing where and how each dollar Is spent. Tills Is a fundamental principle of oeino crdtlc gowrnmeiiU MOW Ihiit 11 lll(! pIClblClllH HI tho election li'JVo Ueun Bcttluil. sunpnso wo HKln turn our otton tlon to Iho Important thing" Hunt hero at home. We Btlll hnvo Iho Intercslinir problem of piovlillim u park uml wlinmliiR pool for tiio city. It seemed when the clly council undertook thn sponsorship of this ;-T,T"",!M- THE FEATHER IM HIS CAP economic royalists." (Tlint term liuiln't lii'iin colncil then, but they hud others Juki its kooiI uml niean- Ink' (lie siiiuu thing.) There were boiieKt people u lm actually believed Unit if lltyun won silver vould be free and all they would have to do was K lo the banks and tisii for II. TVI!K basic liliKlilncuts of hi Klnlcy llo'un cainiulnn haves and luive-iiolH. There Mr were were project, and after funds were pro-, ,,, .., ,. ,hal iB ........... vldcd In the clly budget for the (f -(,,, t.aRS wu( onstiliiK year, that tho remainder . ,1UV1! imMl. u disastrous to or tho problem waa but detail. ! suits -especially If the haves las Now It appear there are noma ,.1.,lx,aolll(,( by ,ie gold standard obstacles in the multer of republicans) lvn stnicllon. It neeins also from the j .,.,10y ,,,,, ., Thu ,,, ,,,. newspaper report of the plans n,-,i prevailed. There wus mi '"free" silver for thu liopeluls. The preilicled dlsaslers fnili'il lo materialize. This was AMKKICA, and after eleclion the freuy dleil and peoplo sellled down (o liie every day loulllii of UI:ik- nosed by t he cimlneom Ihat con- Hlderably mine of a project Is con templated now than was discussed in tho beKliinlni;. ObvlouHly eurryinn on I Iho plans as now proposed would result In ii Kplcudid Inslallatlon splendid In every way. Htalo sanltiillon n HUlinineiils must, of course, be met. These caused sonic of thu reported Increase In cosl. Ilul Borne of Iho oilier refliieinenls we aio Inclined to wonder aboul. i'or example, will It bo necessary, al first, to have concrete wulks around the pool? Will II bo neces sary to nrovldu a wood wire fence? Will It bo necessary lo conslrucl a concrelo bulldliiK in which In houso the flltrallon uml oilier ciiulpmenl? Wo merely raise these queslliina und do not Intend lo im ply thai these thinus me NOT necessary In Iho first plan. Per haps they are. The cily execu tives know beat Tor they have Ihc bonerit of Iho advice of their on Itlnecrs. However, let II lie blliil ill de fense or the orlHimil proposal Uml , II was made as the result of knowl edKO of I he experience of other communities, moid or tlieiii In full fornla. A niiinber of swiminiiK! j pools I lie silo proposed were run iitiiictcd within the liKiircs of cost oilbiually dlsi'tissed. IT Is still AmeiDjll. ami while Hie 'future Is more meiiuciiii; than In IK!Mi, II Is Iho heller of this will, er thai after toduy Mliese wurds are wrjii-ii on eleclion dny) the frellies or the camiialKM will die Idouu ami we will be abh'-lo move Howard as a uniled nulloil liiwind whatever (he lutilre holds lor us. Thai Is what wo Ml'.ST do. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1500 Kilocycles 12:15 Sport News, Dunham Trans fer. !'::'."-Hliyihiii lit Kiiiidoin. 12:35 Parkinson's Information Ex change. 12: 1", - Stale anil l.oen News. 12:5C Ncwa-Peview of the Air. 1 :00 Henninger's Man on the Street. 1 :1J Hon I Si hnol nr the Air, MIIS. 1 ::iu - .Mnlnily Malinee. 2:oii At Vuur (Idiiiiiuiiid. 2::io Hick Khiiu's (Jrilicsini, MIIS. 2:1.1 Jlnsli.ile Mini MIIS. :l: on --'I'hi. MniihiilleiK. mils. :i-l."- I'lol. I.indsley. JIMS. 3:30 The Quiet Hour. 1:110- liiince Time. 4:15 Ma Perkins. Oxydol, MBS. I ::to -The Time .laiiilmi ee. Ii: no-- Ned Jiirduii, Secret AkciiI, MIIS. .1:::o Ainerleiiu Kuliilly Itiililnmin. 5:45 Capt Midnight, Ovaltinc, MBS. liMiii l-'ulliiu Lewis. Jr., Mils. Ii: Ifi - lliiini-r huiiee. il::iu .lolni IV HiiKlies. MIIS. i : t liMI Time. 6:55 News. Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:0--Rjymond Cram Swihg, White Owl Cigars, MBE. . 7- I,". Allllunl Maeslros. 7::in Lone Hinders. .MIIS. S:llli-Ki Mliyholl I'liiuiiiin. MIIS.! 8:301 Want a Divorce, Teagar-1 den Products, MBS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. Jiiiiiuv Curr's Oii'hestni MIIS Ilul Kemp's (Mrlieslra MIIS. llMM'il n llesl. Slttll off. State Senators Named in Oregon -IAP) senators I'OIITI.AM), Nov. 7 Hero's a list of state elected: 11 h district Iflouclasl V. W. Chirk, Itosebiiiit, Incumbent (It. I 7lh IJiisephiiie) - W. Wlpiier num. drains I'uss, luciniibenl ((.) xih (Coos. Ciirryl -William E. U'alsli. M.-ii'slilield Hi ) 1 1 111 I U'ashliiKliiu) - ): a r 1 J.-. risher. Ileuvel Inn (I!. I i:iih I Multnomah) lioroihy .Mi:. CulloiiKh Inciimlient. (It.); ( oe A. McKcuna (It ). Thoinns It. Mahoney. Inciimbeni. (D.i: Walter K. I'earsim ID), Lew Wallace, in ctiuilieiit il.) Iiilll iIIikhI Hlver. Wasco) I1. J. Siailelmaii, Thu Dalles, Incumbent, (II.) 17th (Crook. Iiesrhules. Kla inatli. Jeliersoli. Lake) -Marshall Is. C. .in. mi. Klamalh Kails lit.) lsih Kiilliam. Sherman. Wheel en W. II. steiwer, rossil, liicum lieiit (It.) 21st (I'nioii, Wullowa) Frank WriKliI, Lit (Itanile ID.) (uncor tallll. 22li. I (llianl, lliiiiiey. Jlallieur) - J. N. Jones. Vale (II.) 21th (Lincoln. Tillamook) II. H. Kaufliuan. Toledo. IK.) : I,', IU:oo o::iu 1 1 State Press Comment ttKMAININO IKllJItS TODAY I :on - I'ani e Time. 4:15 Ma Perkins, Oxydol, MBS. i :i l.lle ot llyion. MIIS. .1:00- Vni ii'lles. liny Noble's (In Inwlia, MIIS DaiH e i In lii'sl i n. Capt. MlUnight, Ovatline, MBS. l-'ulli.!l Lewis, Jr., MIIS. Dinner Dame. .:nhn II. Mimhes. MIIS. Melmlies M. Kir. n Calif. Pacific Utile :l,1 1.1- I : I.'. Ilul be these thiiiits as lliey may. be the olisliicles ureal er than we thoucht. ami If Ihc cosl Is lo be 'is ninth more us stated the cily of lloscblinr still needs ll sw ililllliliK pool and park. We may even say Unit Ihe people here are id a ilis piedllnli lo Insist thai litis project he undertaken. Thai inilM I"' true for lliey have alreudy donated more Hum one thousand dollars Inward .the laclllly anil me dally increasitiR Ibis sum. Our conclusions are these: Pos sibly the estimated cosl can be re duced Tor tills year: possibly Ihe project can he deterred for a lime, with riinds accumulated In tho In torlin: possibly wi can construct a porl.iot) uinl liold oer Ihc re mainder until more money is available. Jlut wbaleter Ihe meth od or ' procedure, the su luntilir; jiool und purk should be Editorial on Newt (OmUbusxI from pate L) sliow inanslilp Monday iHBln. but this writer doubts II. They were merely or u DII'r'Elt KNT KIND. 6:55 News, ties. 7:00 Mutual Maestros. 7:30 Wythe Williams, Star Blades MBS. 7 : -15 Son&ational Quizzes, Sensa tion Cigarettes, MBS. 9:00 Alka SelUer News, MBS. 9:15 The Squared Circle, Wil dcr's Store. II ::.! Hal Kemp's I i hc-lr.i. MIIS 10:00 Haven of Rest, MBS. lu:;!o Siicu oil. Fine Music Billed III iiri or.laui-e with Die nr. -Ill slut. 'in. 'Ill by Doll Lee network ol tlitals. the Stall. lard Svitiplinnv hour in'osrulllij; Hie winld s meat llHIsir is now hi'iird ovit KliN'li an. I the Don Lee ll. 'twin U ever) Thursday i-M-niim Irom s to '.i p. in. I'ST. The stanihir.l s. lion! biiiad cast also is beard over Kit N' It and Ihe network ti'oni n U.4.. T'hui'sd.'iy imii nines. Slartint; the I Ith cnnsei-ut e ear of Syniiiioi.v Hour in i.nia lions, unit tiio i::th .;.i- ol He1 school liroailcaslK. Hi.' Sfiinilai.l (Ml eolupiiuv of Calitornia moved o UI'llllls to Mutual Doll Lee MHlitlll-- everywheie aloni: Iho 1'ariflr coast A lielwoik ol .",') Ktaliolls ieielc Ihe s.iuiphonc und :':i stations ie rcDe Hie si liool liloa.lra Is. WEATHER STATISTICS By the U. h. Weather Bureau. Iluini.liiy l:::o p in. yesterday -Ii. Iliulle.'-t leniieiiittii e yestel'day Lowesl t, iiiperatiire lasl niKht .In I'ri'.-ipilalioii lor 21 hours -Hi I'lei-ip. since first of month .. .. 121 I'rorip. fnitn Sept. I. I tun i.HI l.'M i'ss slni e Sept. I. I'.HO ... 2 o'l 62 Feed Them Turkey, t I'oi'Unuil Journal ) The lurkey Kiowors of the I'll cific northwest need a lift. And I in Ie Sam can nlvn ll In thorn, and in ilolnu so (jive thousands of I'uclc Sam's hoys a lift, loo.' Turkey is stiperhilive Rood rood, cither al holiday time or nuy other lime. And rlalil now, lurkey ia i-lieaper than beef or pork or lamb, belle) e It or not! l-'lll't hot-more, ainiy ramps of Ihe land are rapidlyf heinR lilled wllli hungry soldiers, wlio woiildn't object at all il camp MAP. PUZZLE Country j formerly torn p by civil war. 1'ltlDAV, NOVKMMLl! 7:un .StuH and Noii.'ii?- I'.HO IIOIIIZOM'.VL 1C C Us capilal city 12 ruliy. Yo Instrument. M Congers. 15 Motinmmcdun noble. 1(1 Assault. 17 Surrender.;. lDSuund of surprise. SO K.lliKie;.. 2ti (a)okery formula. 30 ('limbmi! jManl. 31 Moliammcilan ? vinph. 31 Mocked. liii Goddess of discord. 31) Tapestry. 37 To rebel. 3fc casonir.g. oil Most unimportant. Answer to Trcvious Puizlc it n t lit I apiOE a ac ah j aC.A" I T.A.t. Ito'pBhowl If. q aA,C,t HHAitl Z I U'Tfl A V1 'Dl ma U,L I A NUB.YNGI A.TI sc Ai-'rHcAn i ; r f)uP uawiT'APji N l;P.P.eU8 TClLIFOBi no'NJ'F'bllc5Q'AL 40 Slcijh. 11 (lender. 42 nmhi of precedence. 1 1 Slave. 47 Frncn water. 43 Step. !i God of sky. E I To bow. 55 To ventilate. 56 The Mountains icp. irate it front France. j7 is its premier. VERTICAL 1 Street (abbr.) 2 Hammer head. 43 Principal 1(3 Tins land grows quantities of 18 Planted. 19 Awn. 21 Desert effect. 22 Source of indigo. 23 ExpleX. 24 Laminated rock. 2i Koran chapter 27 Vehicles. 28 Timber tree, 29 Its unit of currency. 32 Drug 33 Grated. 41 To stupefy. 3 Clod of war. 4 Island. D To snuggle. 7 Warlike Indian. 8 Ten cents. G Foray. 10 In reality 1 1 To suffice. actor. 44 Side bone. 45 Gibbon. 46 Unit. 48 Kind ot lettuce. 50 Inlet. 51 Sea bird. 52 Duet. Ti I Ii Me K In ley Hry u u .1 , cautpai.mi nun waucd around Ihe Issue of lnonuy McKlnloy supporting Ihe gold Hluiidaid and llrynii advocat ing practically "free and unlimit ed" colnugo of silver. Duslltess. understanding money. qullc generally supported JlcWu ley, ulid bUBluess inou were bruud td by Bryan ami bis followers as ijjm 7:30 News Review of the Air. 7:40 News. Denn-Gerretsen Co. 7:45 J. M. Judd says "Good Morn Ing." ":." .- lihapsoily In Wax. N : on -To lie Announced M.'ln This uml That in Melody. 8:45 BBC News. MBS. l:oii Muslisle Prolnuls. MIIS. 9:15 Man About Town. !i :::--'H Clay lirldge. MIIS. f): t."i - Keep Kll (o Music. MIIS. 10:00 Lady of Millions, Copco. lo: I.'. IIIIC News. MIIS. In:. 'Mi Johnson Family. MIIS. 10:45 Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. '11:00 Friendly Neighbors, Alka Settler, MBS. 111:16 Wheel of Fortune. 11:1," -S. hnol et the Air, MliS. Luncheon, Cuuceil. SNOW FLAKE CRACKERS 2b-&25c RITZ CRACKERS Large box . 19c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 ?oT 17c DIAMOND A FANCY PACK.. PUMPKIN SUNBRITE CLEANSER HEINZ KETCHUP No. 2'7 Cans 17c Cans g j. 7 for LARGE BOTTLE 15C JEWELJHOHENING GEM NUT MARGARINE Pound . 2 23C lie 5-Lb. Pail . KARO BLUE LABEL 35c fl CRISCO fl R0YAL Vlllssf VV Gelatin Desstrt or Pudding Can .... 1 f Pkg 5 COFFEt H Golden ve.. CAN ifiXt or JAR 1V 2-Ub. Can 49c uC nxift.r'r. vl TOLD MEO Gu mO. lb. Tad.o bb.nd, .b. X2t SEEDLESS RAISINS, 4 lbs. 25(i CURRANTS, 11 -ounce package 9( IMPORTED CITRON, pound 35 LEMON and ORANGE PEEL, lb 3SC CANDIED CHERRIES, pound. 450 PINEAPPLE SLICES 2 for 15j PERSIAN DATES, 2 pounds 250 SWIFT'S TOMATO JUICE, 2 15-oi. cans IStf HEINZ TOMATO SAUCE BEANS, 18-oi. can 12ji HEINZ SOUPS, many kinds, 2 cans 27t SWIFT' S SILVERLEAF LARD, 2 lbs 1QC PEARL SHORTENING, 4-lb. carton . 49 lbs. . $1.29 WINDMILL FLOUR UMPQUA CHIEF FLOUR 49lb.$1.33 OREGON MILK 4 ZT7c LESLIE'S SAl 2 ,X 5c M. J. B. RICE, white or brown, 2 lb. carton 17(S FISITeRANCAKE FLOUR. 98 lbs 49C WHITE SATIN SUGAR. 10 lbs 510 MIRACLE WHIP, quart jar ......270 CLAYTON NEGLEY PHONE 118 lm SUGAR CURED BACON By the Piece, LB. Kerr's Mince Meat . . 2 lbs. for 19c SwissSteak CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF Pound . . . LB. SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD CHEESE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF ROAST lb PACIFIC OYSTERS Pin, 19c 14c 22c KLAMATH POTATOES u. s. , No. I B J lbs.. 25 35 KLAMATH POTATOES u. s. No. 2 JrW lbs. 50.39 Utl-IUItS U. INU. I jssa POTATOES :10p1S 17 69c BOX.... LOCALLY GROWN APPLES Ortley Spifzenburg 10c Lbs. for YELLOW ONIONS 4 . 10c SWEET POTATOES .3. 3 Lbs 10c GRAPEFRUIT Fancy Quality 10 for 25C LOCALLY GROWN CARROTS BEETS TURNIPS ONIONS BCHS. -issMssssMs.i.-i-1- I fTMT-ff f '.I iTlfirTTsf 10c PEAS GREEN BEANS BANTAM tORN PEAKS PEACHES APRI COTS FRUIT COCKTAIL 8-os. cans . GR APEFRUIT JUICE, 2 no72 ceTnTZ FANCY PUMPKIN; No. 2canT:: FANCY GREEN ASPARAGUS, No. 1 can 10 EXTRA LARGE RIPE OLIVES79 HtiZZZ.lQt: 19C 12tf rooks foi Rol nrniy Iiohiih uml sliuv-j oil rimM lurkoy at Ihi'iii oiuu or j t ici' u ni-ck. 'I'hi- romlilnalioti of rlii'iin turKy uinl lurliry liiinuiy polillors Is u nut- uml. Ami by liringinK flii'in lo-Ki'llii-r. 1'iirlo Sain i'H isivi- u lii'iv li,asi i sr lifo to sn imiuMry thnt ! forms an Important subili i.-sion of Allicritaii uei-ictilturo. wiint a major oporatiuu at an Asli-j lam! hospital. i Mr. uml Mrs. I'.oli lleiiil visiti:i OVIT till! WI'i'li-IMlll at Coiiiilln. , iiilii (iaulkt' from lnys t'rr.'k was a busini'is l alli-il in Mils vi-1 rinlty Saturday. Oru Catiilniy ami ilail.uhti'r. Cnl- jli'i'll. wi'ii' in Mynli- Crook on ibllsini'ss Kiiiiay. j .Mr. ami Mrs. Aivhii' Sharp jflom Moilforil were ilinnt'r uuests j Sunday at thi' homo of Mr. and A..l,i:.. Nov. 7. .Mr. nml Mm. I Mr- Hi'lbi-rt lloolh. Iioiiald lliaily shoppi'd In ftoso- Mr. and Mrs. lioilnoy Smith and bore l-'riday. son. Don. attondi-il to business in I. K. Nii'iinls Vrrelllly lindi'r- Itiisolnirp Satill'Iliy. Azalea Bring On the Steak I'tiltTI.AM) I'lopamliH.'ss is tile motto of S-wi'i'l.olil Gary Kiik slrmn iiltliniiKli milk still Is ills diet, he's all ready for beef steak. (Jury startled dentists three i ei'ks ' airo by euttlni? a molar. sometliiin; lliu ordinary ehilil e. eomplishoH only at II inonilia. Hut that whs just the tioKinnhiK-in tiio past :l days. Cury lias cllL six more, all molars. He still hasn't his IroiiMririsiois, usually the first teoth to apiiear. I PICK BORDEN'S TO WIN YOUR FAMILY'S APPETITES IT MAKES CREAM SOUPS AND SAUCES SMOOTHER J . T) U-J ' BOURBON' T"' i Kir ! 1 Ml "'MVTS tHvi II ' )m: I ONt iK TION imsi iiai ll. ISWA.-.JI I iVmui t ffffff It has a most winning way with it this milk evaporated by Borden's. Grand flavor, smooth texture and of course it's irradiated with the sunshine Vitamin D. Look for Ihc familiar blue and while Borden can at your sroccc's today I Buy plenty for all cooking needs. TJcTttcflS? IT'S COT TO BE CQ0D t