TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, R0SEBURG,-0RE60N, WEDNESDAYS OCTOBER 23, 1940. U.S. Army Will be At Peak in 1942 Nfltip i "ring, Achitv In 2 Ycrs What Mails Did in 7, War Lef. Aide Announces. NEW VOUK. Oft. I'll. - (AIM - Do jSeribliiK Americu's armament pro gram uh "ploneeriuR for our na tional security." Assistant Secre larv of W'iir Kobert IV Patterson tmluv euvlslnned "hy March or ur n urmy lit to mod any rhailetiKe." In mi address preiuit i il tor I in annual N . w Vork Herald l'i ihunc American Ioiuiii, Pullorton do wrllu'il nuliuiml defennu u. "te paramount itfuu In Aineinnti I i 1' todnv. "Kverylhini; else must lie ubor dinuled to It." he said. "There can be no except Inn. We mtiHt put aside Individual and Kinup objec tives ami think and act in leium of national wifely." "I am not rattling the mi lire." he continued. "It is not a iiiesiion of KuhiK to war war may come to uts," Unprepared Now. Although lie conceded that "we are not in shape today to defend ourwelven tin land, by next Sep tember vu, tdiull be ready to maintain In the Held u luisic. force eM nipped with the rliicrit iirmnmeiit I lie w qi Id ran produce, a loiee traine(l to the limit." He explained, "wt are hying lo do n two yraiH what Ceniianv did hi tteveii." (hen iuti(( that "Ihree liflha of our amiy contract have: been let, the war department ! ban been Insula letler.t of Intent i to manufacturers, KiiarunleeK of protection huuIiihI losses incurred ! in the tooling up process. Hujie contracts Involving Increased facili ties have In most iiiHlaitceH been preceded by these lei ten of inleul ho that nncu the contractu were, awarded the plantH have beep aide to move, toward production with a minimum of cleluy." "The war depurlmeiil knows what time meuns." he concluded, "we know that time Ih the one Immedi ate enemy and the conquest of it is the one immediate ohjeetive. Kor the struggle with that foe, the war ilepartment wlli put forth uureiiiit titig effort." OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoopla ME HOW TMe AAiCHiNE COULD J AS ViLL g OP ZfretL a calp thmt hadvj't beem 3neup WX - uvah BRAMDED FROM, ACCW TMAT HAD BiEMJ BEFORE VQUKlD Vv'AtsKEfcN$ )? ri SOCM UNIMPORTANT TRIFLES TMEV COME ( IN IS&iefr & DAUiNjT rAE NOT I TELL VOL), Yp MV GET TO POLICE HE y Jj'Wi3GS, I Will iNiOT GE UP 'J L V?Liy jS MAPOLEOM j yClCCOPW umiYNMSfftttCI INC. T M BIG U S XT.OFr.V incompetence In Surgery Scored UOU CAAE T ro THE VVR.OM6 PLACE, MAJOR Here's the Real "Miss America' U. S. SAFETY RESTING ON ARMS SPEEP, BULLIT SAYS CHICAGO. Oct. Ti. (AP)-Tlm natlnu's Hecuilly, Hays Ambassador Wllliaiu C. J tn 1 1 II t. depends nn lis rearming at u war-tline pace and ty the abillly of Itillain and China to hold oil tlndr foen untiUho l.'nil ed States in prepared. The ambasKtulor lo Krance, speak Iiik last il 1 1: III to the lili ao coun cil on. foie.lun relallons in a broad cast uddres, termed the (ieriuaii-Jiipuneae-llallan pact u "clear wain Inn" of a contemplated "future an fault" ou the Culled Slates. "Cured by Mils threat our ni out urgent (ask Is the obvious one of increusiiiK our own armed forces, PlQi&we iUa Maw littucU Qiuel Hi PURER MILK AT l'2 LESS PER QT. Hy IKJVVAItl' W. M.AK Kfil, 10 K (AssueliitrMl J'ltmn ScliMH'ti Ivditor) CIIK.'ACO, (Jet. 21!. A cliuiRe llutl Inilldl'i'ilK of unntH-ONBury HUl'' it-;il uperuliuiiH ui-o HM'ioniif(l ihiily in (his country wuh imiiiIh to llio Alnurituli Collt-Kc of Suigeolis from Toledo iioitul Mtuudarilization couriii Kddyville. ttrriveil lioro tliis v. e'k lor u three montlm- visit. Mr. llowari.1. who has charge of the section at Edily villa has takon a (hit. (i mollis' leiivo on account of ill hiialth. Mia. Allen left Thursday fjr Lallan, Urn., wlmin sho will vlBil hiT Hon and family. .Mr. and .Mrs. CeorKti X'ertz spent Hie wMk-end visitiiiK at the Ware Mattery home. Mrs. Werti Is from Head, Ore., and .Mr. Wertz PU ft I l....A... l,.f O I.... i. I.i' II.- II.. ...I. I I ' ' for iiiki iiii-iii i ini'i. oi ine iieisiniter nover had been signed hy the mayor. An up-to-date fire ordinance has been started oil Its way to passage. Visit at Shields Home Mr. and Mrs. E. C. titnrmir have relumed lo lOuEcne following a lew iia In this eily visit Inn nl the "nine Mr. iir Mrs. II. I-. Shields. of Floor Sanding and Ref inishing CHAS. KEEVER Phone 661-J Phone 128 Temporary addrese R. P. D, Oakland, Oregon staff a I &l&iimftilBMBeKllim. f AWi-i8 - " 1 . 'L AVm-rHI ... "V I a. Ami wa; i. li"-"' 1 i U , m -s f ) Kts 5.11 . I i ... e,,. oiuiiuci mm fm.-: ,- f, .... I i 'i i eeeMeeeie- : ' eWietTw a win ,mi iirfT-Tvaa i Siilein. where she will visit her fl:mi.htM. .i I l.T.i-n ..m m,.., iu. no.hhui, .mil, inc. i-enil. S(Jlm, a).mal wulk rtlim. He said that the nubile is hecom-j ,UIH Klntiery. Klhert Kinse.iy i nig aware of the condition und that (1( (;iei, (;,,x , enj,,)!,,.; few stale or federal uovei nuieniK may ,ays mule deer hunting In Kla have to step in. The trouble, he math coiiuly .aid aiipliea niostly to small, tin- Ah(,,.t (:uokera,u, K'enneih Mul reaulal e.d hospllals. lluhlh ,.n ,, .,.. , lie ehnraed that tor every well t m-k t-! u,a left ' Sunday for eastern rained surgeon there are probably ,-,.. mule deer hunlliiK. Jo who do Ihe ineniiipelent work. ... . ,,, , , ,, ,,, 'In many hospitals." he said In1 M1bs. '-"''' '-" ; '" uvvalli a prepared a.ldrejis. ',,, ess ma- """'" "ek-end here with her ior operations are heiui; attempted "'- Lll' by men thorouKhly unequipped by, tiaiultiK and experinme to assume' s,r- '"' Imluli nd son. Hilly, ihe rwsponslliility of h.indliliK any "r .MeMlnnvllle. and .Mr. and Mrs. but the simplest bUiKhal problems. u '8' Huberts "f ciilp creek We all know this hut have been ""'"' wt-'k-end vifitiiif at the loath to laik uhout it. i u- ""beria home. "The sitiiatioll is a delicate one Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coscarart and in ninny ol Us phases anil the prob- daughter of Seattle. Wash., visit leui Is most diflicull. yot so grave ed at the Humid Turpiu home in and so seriously ini Iportalit is it Si oils valley last week. Mr. Cos thai It is coming with Increasing carart and .Mr. Turpln both play lone tu the attention of the piib-j1"1 " Seattle basebull club, lie. j Miss Itulh (lorinan, who has run "If it is nol, in ilue course, solv- a beauty parlor in Youcalia all ed by those in whose hands the summer left Saturday for I'ort matter should chiefly rest, the stir- laud where she v. ill make her molis themselves, then il may be- home. come the problem of the public or Kighty eijtht young men. reitis possibly of the slate or federal gov- tered Wednesday, conscription (lay. at tne lout-ana pens. Mrs. Martin Shields will enter tain the members of the Vollcalla Towusend club at her home, at their next meeting, Tuesday, Nov. lOlkhead grange will hold a "hobo" parly at their hall, Thurs day. Oct. SI. Mr. and .Mrs. William Castor spent the week-end visiting rela tives in Portland. I.uther Daugherly. .John (leider. Cassias Itychard. (lairie I'pshuw aml his brother returned home Kriday from n sllcccsslul duck hunting trip to Klamath county. I hompson Plymouth 'ni luelils. Around the County Glendale Mrs, KrunciH Nelson and Mrs. C, .. Nornioyle were visitors In Ittisu- I bui n Monday. J Mr. and Mrs Itayiuoud MerusKiy nf drain and former Mleitdale resi 'dents visiied here Sunday wiMi Mrs. ! r.niina Wilson. Mr. and Mm. Miner Tins meetin held in KosebuiK to driving a new instrui-l the registrars lur Mie reis j t ra t inn on October lilth was atteud- d hy Mrs. K. J. McMulleii. Mrs. 't'lias. Austin, Mrs. (Jertrude I.vstnl (and Mrs. .i'ess How man. Mr. and .Mrs. Ivan Hurtle left Tuesday for Poiiland where Mr, Itarlle may undergo another opera tion mi his leu. Air. and Mrs. C. I. Wimlrip are spending a few days here viMiinir trieiids and Mrs. Waidrln's mother. I Mrs. Maxell. The Wardrips. lormer .(tleiidnie reu litciils miv intilti. iln.ii- home ... f,.,,,.lli I li:S MOINKS. la. All hr and .M c. C Knoll. Mr. and coupe. Cars of Stewart Matllis and Victor Hooper collided Sunday morning, badly wrecking the Ma this cur. breaking the windshield, bumper unit spring and axle oi Ihe Hooper car. Jim Toner, who was riding Willi .Mr. Hooper, was badly cut on Ills fare, his head going through the windshield. Dancer Mary Parker, piclttted above, is the real "Miss America. " declared Max Factor, Jr., Hollywood beauty expert who compiled measurements from h undreris of photos taken over a len-yeor period. Ac (.Viuiing lo Faciei', Miss l'aiker's complexion, facial structure and Measurements most closely rcpic scnt Hie beauty jvertigo of llic American girl, whether she be shopgirl, co-ed or debutante. Only o Sample Real Thing Is Coming Bf FORE ft 14 ywn firw totfitM-iiltt ' tfttPrxk'tr ftCCit rionty 406 ( 2.Uf) (01 A ONE OUART MILK. 0&, ,' ""-ffiier 1 eWiSu. I li ftlllIWI 1 I ! llMIMMWIIMiWMBtUtMMi war as their allies, flu otl'ered a paiaraph from hitherlo mipuhli.h ed correspomteiice which, he said, I showed that l-'rance knew (he I nit; d States was determined tu slay ut ut the conflict. t.XF. I T.-h-nhtnt Sam pie capMiIes with numbered card to be ued in National ('on.v:i ipuon Lottery wlit'ii lUu-le e.ili -100 .'HO o'ne: men m lb' olei n-i " ti. ncie U.r lUiuUdiioi; )U1)oms w.ib the lirbt to be drawn in the 1917 AFTER V4U MM J- tnt lonumtr Ati mi J At &r-it of BU'fler CiU-t (It) Aoj rt. rnfd 4S4X A ONE OUART MILK 'spccialh "H you lui do Hill need III ;il Munich and ou di ter the bnmbin: td' laery " All plia-es of Hie defeUHC Ki illtl should In- pnli.-d ill air force." he said. muii:li airplanes iui lake mi all plum to iml have to mit oin people into pro " ar I int; "Only hy Milt adieu can we ,make osnsidxes so sirens that ih.tteer ma happen, no nation w ill dare to attack us," The ainbiisador ilei laie.l t thi' I Tilled St;ites hail tziveu France and Kuuland no plcdu - to enter the .peed." 'lie am Ita'idm said, add- fK HEALTH Authorities urye n quart of milk a day tor every child, And a pint a day for adults. Milk is one of our most im pottant foods, and the foun dation for an adequate diet for young and old alike. The scrupulous care with which our milk is handled makes it a rich and delicious addition to your diet. One taste will convince you of the SLpertor wholesome goodness in every drop from first to last. TELEPHONE 186 U. of O. Board Again to Sponsor Artists Scries cdll- The I'niveivity m oremm :it ional activities hoard ha u on m ed sponsorship iiain year of t he ( irealer Ail isu ser ies. I'oiilaud fs the only other (in ;un city, it 1 staled, in which the ai lists will aniM'ar. Kealures In be presenled this season include 1'aul Iddieson. bari tone. Nov. 7 : Cornelia Skinner, monolonist, Nov. 1 I Jon t os sacks, .!au. II; liladys Swartlumt. opera, radio ami screen star, l-'eb. 1 1 : Al- e Tcmplctim. blind pianiat, April IT.. I Airs. nine is Kreiu ol ludepeii- ience. (He., and Mr. and Mrs. It. .Harvey are fishiun and enjoyiui; a Mr. urn! .Mrs. Ivan l.arlle visited Mrs. IJartle's parents for a few days in .Mcdlord. Mrs. Kdwip Johnson, Mrs. A. J. j Raess. ami Mrs. Margaret Steven-j sou .'pent Tuesday afternoon in Crants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1.. Nornioyle have returned from a business nip to. Portland. Mrs. Kslher Miller, Mrs. CHn'ordj Miller and Uwaiu; visited in (Irantsf Pass .Monilay. I Hoy ('iiiiiiuiLlii.iii and l.uella ('uu-j niuyliaiu m ei e (Irauls Puss viaitorsi Tuesday. I Mrs. Harry (Hders and Mrs. fieo Ktidolih were (irants Pass iallei .aiuiiiay. Mr. and Mrs. John Itutcliff of Ta coma. Wash., were over niKht visi tors at the Hud lleh-her home They Inive been inakiin: an exten siVe ll it :tlhl Uli ' here hy Mrs. ('oca llreadshiiw of i San Iheuo. Mr. Ifatcliff and Mrs.; Hreadshaw are cousins of Hud I Helcher. 1 Mrs. I'ranU Unodley and her j mother. Mrs. John Itmk were busi-1 ness visitors in Crants Pass Monday. Illegal Smoke Eater these years lies Moines iirenien have iieen speeding to under false pretenses. ThumbiiiK through rome old or dinanccs. a unMiiher of the cily legal -stuff discovered that, an lKvl ordi nance creating the lire department REBUILT! 22 Cat ... $1 150.00 22 Cat, Al shape, as Is . . .$1000.00 T-20 McCormick Deering . .$900.00 AND YOU OWN THE PROFITS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG. OREGON This winter. . . keep your family warm ... healthy ! 5 A GASCO BRIQUETS In Furnace, Stove, Circulating Heater, Fireplace and Water Heater All heat no ash. Hold fire to 10 hours. Maintain steady, even warmth! Price Reduced to $14.50 a ton Order Now and Save! DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Lumber, Fuel, Building Materials 402 W. Oak Sh Phcne 128 Melrose Hilly .toe II, men. accompanied hy Miss Virginia laho ;did his luoth cr, Ihirry HaKt'ii. and small Mm. Harry, Jr.. nil ol Lo.-i Angeles, visil e.l last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. f. V. Ilium. 'I hoy leil Thii!.-.da for San KraniiM-o where tite tot titer sailed tor Mid way island ami where he will lie (tnilierted with the 1'. eU.Ullieel'K and to tie there for two years while lite naval air base is under cuii- 1 1 ni' ( uu, M Us May ha and Unify t lai:en and son cunt in tied on 10 llieir home at Los Alleles. Mr. and Mrs. IV N. Huseitbark sp"'nt last weekend and Monday isittiij; at Cortland.) Mr. ;iu 1 Mrs. t'ltfltu'd I.ottK of I Caliuu tii.t are isitiim lite lattet's I mm lu-i . Mt s. -I. Sjogren. ; Mr. and Mrs. Krie Trtielte re- cenih returned home from Tatiuim. I Washington, where lhe isiied ihe ; l.tttet's brother and viMlcd at l amp Yoncalla VOM'AJ.I.A. Oct. 2J. The crew tu iht. Miuelow mill all went to Oakland Saturday attoruoon w here a pi i ate tuueral service waii held tor Dick Welding, who was instantly killed ;u (he Him low mill Thursday. nii:lu. The Innly was idlipped lo ,ehruska Saturday nielli, accompanied hy a bi oilier. Ijiwrence Weldiu. h works in Creswell. Dr. McKaiu reports the arrival of a nine pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Vari: Walker Thursday. Oct, IT. Mrs. Walker will be remem bered as Miss Kvelyn McCoy. Members of the Yoncalla V. U. A., accompanied by Julie W ilson, attended a meeting at Melrose lhadd recently, at which time Miss Norma HiUhcorU was elected sec retary and Cb'uu Phillips. Stewart. Those attend In i; from here were Krina Ctenti. Wayne rhillips. Nor ma Hitchcock, ijnentin Kychard. Tea rhe Johe. I.a ou .Mot in. Jim Rob in son. Shir lev and Tw ilia Muj'ia with their son, John. uhoiSihossu and Paul Wising. is staii. )tied there w ith the national i Mr. nd Mis. I'arl How ard ami miaul. two childieii. K.t.ltne and l.'arl. of like your cigarette A perfect blend of the finest ingredients controlled hy a nci t nt i he tor tnu U explains Ubbs Creek MlLDNtSS. 70 0.l!lrf Ctoin Ntutrol &pirl h.lm.l f vll of Chi.t Ii.l4 mSmmjhm Mr lolh.AII-AmericanColleg. jSffirt J m fWP ' Sp Will VvJ mf VZirSJTf Si-ID m Mr I Ha m i iyty" VOUR GOAL FOR MORE SMOKING PLEASURE IS MILDER COOLER, BETTER TASTE Ihere arc tlirce touchdow ns in every pack of Chesterfields for smokers like your self. The first is a COOLER smoke . . . tl,e second score for Chesterfield is BETTER TASTE . . . and the' third and winning score for any smoker is Chesterfield's REAL MILDNESS. Tlir reason Chesterfields satisfy is in their right cumhi nation of the finest tobaccos grown ...the perfect blend that you 'II find in no other cigarette. They really Satisfy. MAKE YOUR NEXT PACK 21 ft tffljl $23, R0SE6URG DAIRY J f Pi. Mi.C w. J,.m,.S., .. 0,i" Milt Pre4,r. Jif 0ip 6', , Pe CONIINSKlAl VCIillUINO COSPORAtlONPHUA0ltPHIA,- PA. ' Cp 144 ht. 190, Uuin A Miut Ihuccd C. y