Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 19, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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Social Calendar
Mnmfiu nMfihK 91
Ir. It. L. iiiimi'H non-dcnnniinn-tlotinl
llible Mudy flHB m meel
at 7 : o'clock in evening at llnug
lus hoiel Mining hall. Public in
vited. Officers of .lunliir Woman's
club to meet hi I wo o'clock in aft
ernoon nt clubhouse to practice
for initiation.
Junior Woman' clnii regular
meeting at K o'cln-k hi evening at
clubhouse. Initiation.
it. P. W. (lice club inacllee
meeting at 7 o'clock In evening at
mil. Ilo of the director, Mm.
t'luirlcs A. Hriind.
itlvcrsdalc grnilf:e Invite pub
lic to first of a serlen of benelit
five hundred card partlo at
giauge hall at 8 o'clock In ove
nln. and rofreahiuenta.
I'lupqua cliapler of the l. A. li.
members Invited to meet at hnnni
of Mr. Kdn-ln llooth at ltHO
o'clock with Mrs. Clenii N. lllildle
assistant hostess. Mr. William
Itell, program chulrmun, will give
n talk on "Why llelonK to the l.
A. ft." All member urged to be
Hc'iKon P.-T. A. meeting ut three
o'clock In ulloinoon at schnul
hoile. Talk on "An lileal V'nnr
unity" by H"v. M. T. Wire.
Numbcin by aoliool. .Members
and friend urged to be piesenl.
Kl. (ieoi'R' Kiilscopal guild In
meet at H o'clock in evening at
pin lull hall with Mr. A. H. ( acy
presiding and Mr. Perry Smith
hurt eat).
Tuesday, October 22
Lady l.iuns to meet al 7::'."
dcfsel't-allpiier nl home of Mr. 11.
II. Frank, wllh .Mr. I). W. Ilolli
well a Joint huteH.
lr,wehnri' Iti hekull lodge No. 11
regular business nieellng nt I. .
O. V. hall nl 7:!ln In evening.
Inter-So Study club one o'clock
mi hid luncheon ul homo of Mr.
Civile Ileal d on Kast Washington
wl'ili Mr. l-'red Asnni. program
chiilnnnu. Hull call topic by Mr.
,lav Young. Mr. Kail I'lll'lcti.
Mr. fleorgo Churclilll and .Mr.
H It. llninil.
I.adle iiiixIIIii i" to the 1'. O. I..
regular ineellni: null Inlllalloii ul.
in evening in iMigie nun.
1..IC liuiiL'lilet-M Itelllel No. S.
to meel al ":M In evening al
tempi' f"1' Inllbillon.
Wednesday, October 23
ICIi.tiotfin Hewlnii club lo meet
home of Mr. I'lyite i iirsieus
I .iinrelwooil.
Fplecnpul guild Invites public
lo. enjoy , cafetei-la supper n 111
Herveil at )in lh ball on r.tim w
Bind rrom 6:SHi to 7 o'clock. Mrs.
j. ('. llunic mid Mil. Petty Siulib. chairmen.
SI. .losepir Allur socloly will
iiponHoi- n benefit curd puny nl
k o'clock In evening at Catholic
liurlsh hall on North Kune street.
I'rb.e anil refreshment. I'"er re-
sorvullnns call the cbali man. Mr.
lleorge Hummer, or Mr. It. I..
M. (1. A. club llllernoon meet-
liu ul homo ol Mr. I.. I.. Willi-
horly at I'lue ItldM'.
New Idea club I" meet lit one
i....i.. inii. lii.riii ill home of .Mrs.
I'. K. Heal or. j
l.eglon auxiliary to sponsor
curd pall al Iwo o'clock in after
noon ut facility.
itelelioi- meeting of I lunulas
of Pro-Ainerlea In oliurue in
II. c. Wadilell. president.
T. C- first regular meeting
..I. .... 11. I i.m-eselltat Ive Ite-
glna A.nedo, a guest speaker.
Mce,in place and time l I"' uu-
nouiiccd early lleM week.
Thursday. October 24
W. II. A. nieellng at two In nil
enioi'U ill Maee'jl hull to make
i inn ol delegate lor rally lit
J'nitlaiul on Nov. II. Cumui-iila
licld illreclor. Mis. .unci
to attend rally to make plans
f ir
Hidden Jubilee celebration lo
place In Sun I rallcisi-o 111
l!H'.'. Julia V. Ward. Ore-
II, -hi il rector lo lie ill
charge of rally In Portland.!li. ol Itoselmrg Country
li to meel al '.I ' in morning
clubhouse lor conlriu I bridge:
Mi notlllck luncheon and goll
1 1 1 1, i i l - :ui o'clock
Friday. October 25 ;
i.'l..i-en,-i. ML-nlingiili' Tent No. :
IV 1'
1 'unghlei ol 1 iilon eleniu
l lvil War IMil-ISIir,. v. Ill '
meet al 7 -;ln in evening ut nlinoiv j
l.ovr.l l.i .idols class, of first j
Cli' isliau church, to open two day 1 sale and ba.aiir In Tor- j
met Itoseburg IMcctiic store build-
Itoscliurg Counliy club mem
lllld llinled glle-ils lisheu in
o'clock bin-vest dunce at
I lub'.louse. (lend orchestra. I.a-
ol club ii-ked lo bring "anil-
l idle
W. W. CoodHin unit Ivn- i
nelh (iulne. joint vliuituicn j
Saturday. October 26 j
It rscbnig Woman's club linn i
sale uit-iiiiy upsuiits in ciuic
oopoiie lliini's linllaii !
tliealre. '
Anicricati l.egiiei auxiliary all !
d ly rllininage sale ill back of ltoy ;
Jle'.loi'.s' stoic al Main street en-;
llatico. J
October 29 j
Sj-ecilli mcetillB ol Laurel ledge!
No. 13. A. I'" and A M al ii ::u 1
dinner c.l ball with Karl Snell.
giiinil lli-sler. present. Lodges In,
district lo attend. j
October 30
I mil
.Ik lo sponsor annual
fall guest-day bridge tea In all
Klkit I Pie. Ciiblic bi
November 2 i
hersi'ule grange to sponsoi
l-anuur and rooked loud
f..K'.uii Kiifl Hald-U'lns.
of J. V. uiembers lo upoutor
eazaai hi rn'ini, hhhi-
vare siure.
-- , 1
I Marry at Impressive Ceremony
v t 1
i - ...
News-lipvlcw l-lngrnving. I'hol
Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Dee McKay
Mis Klleell Marie Klelst. lovely
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Itoberl
llanlcl Klelsl, of Coos Junction, be
came Ibe biiile of Marlowe lee Mc
Kay, son of Mr. Klhol .McKay, of
itoseburg. al all Impressive cere
mony Sunday al'leriinon, (ictober
1:1th, nt the Klist Christian church
in till city. Iir. Walter Klscii. of
the Norlhwestern Christian college
of l-Iugeiie facility, performed the
ring ceretnoliy In the presence of
Iwo hundred relulive and frlemlK
nl two-thlrly o'clock in the all
;iioon. 1 "
Tall W Iwurilia ferns, pinlv
glailloll lllld while peluulu bio.
tonus formal! n beautiful back
ground lor the ultuiv which was
flunked by many lighted while ta
pers held by while and gold stan
dards. llasUel of roses, gladioli,
inula and fern completed Un
church decoration.
Mrs. l'raiices Liiitott. organist,
plnyod softly on Itie organ pieced
lug the ceremony and accoiiiianieil
It. M. church, who sang. "Ile
ciiuse" and "Into Hie lliiwn Willi
You." Mr. Llliloll played Lohen
grin's Wedding liecesslonal for the
bridal party to advance to the altar
and al tile close of the service
played Mendelssohn's Wedding He
cessloual. The bride, who was giien ill mar
riage by her lather, was beaut ilul
in a I loor length wedding gown of
white, heavy brocaded satin, fash
loncd wllh a train. A lilted Juckel
formed Ibe bodice of the gown,
which had long sleeves with polnls
over the wrist, while tiny bullous
were used limn the neckline to tile
wulslline. Her lull-leiigili lulle wed
drug veil was held In place liy a
coiouci of llllteil tulle and f.'islelled
at Hie back of her hulr h a spray
ol oran-ie blossoms and white clny
aiitliemums. Her wedding liouiniel
was of deep, ivory rosebuds and
gardenia, tied wllh while satin
Miss Vuginia Winston, maid of
honor, una chuniiiiig in a blue
ehiflon Hour length frock Willi
mulching head veil. She carried a
sheaf ol pink deep pink chrvsuulhc
nilllu. Martin llollmau, of Kugeno.
acted as best mail The bridegroom
and best niun wore dink suits with
while n.seliilds In the lapel, Csb
rrs ivimc Lynn I lamillon. of Ku
gene, ami Kobeit llanliiu lllld
.iatnes Hew ley. of Kosebllt a.
The bridn's mother wine a black
silk il-epe' dis- s and a corsage of
gardenias uuil the bridegroom's
llioliow wole a green silk crepe
dre.s and a l or.sago of gardenias.
1'ollowing Hie wedding cere
ninny, a receplion was held al the
home nl Hie bride' ptirelil at Coos
Junction, al which lime oiie-tiuu
died and UMMiiv iiie relatiic and
tllcnils called.
Thc-servlug talde. covered by a
veiy lovclv I. ice clnlli, was centered
by a three tiered wedding M ake
topped bv a tiiiniaturi' nlbor of
whil Willi a lirlde and bridegroom
standing in Hie liny achwuy. l'ink
lo-ebuds and tail lighted tapers
completed I he table decoiations
and beautiiul linmiuetsof bt lghl ail
tumu blossnnis were attrucllvcli
arranged about the rooms.
The wedding cake was cut by the
bride' and was served by Mrs !!nh
ert Hai-illitg. a sisler of the bride
gieom Mm. Clarence dalll"iin
and Miss IVggy A-ee pouted and
assisting in serving and about Ibe
rooms were Mrs. l.aV'erne Spaugh.
Mi-s. Kennclh Laurence, Mr. Ken
neth LlMsnn. Miss Marl Joan Par
kinson and Miss Peggy Agee.
The marriage of Miss Kleist n ml
Mr. McKay, milled two or I Mucins
county oldest families Mr. Mi
Kay's grandparents. Rob
ert snd Sarah Kent. :ci'!i-J r. the
1'Uiard community In the early
i I'.v I 1 1 in Simp, j
en John ml M,y Jane llartlu, ,,, HumMn, MrH. (1. w. Mar-
so lied here about the same time. , ,.,.,,,
II bride malernal grandiiarenls, , , M w.
W III ! in and Nora lliixion, came to w-alker
liougla county In lSx:l rrom An-, , ,
I l-il I i 11 . t onlrnct bridge wu the diver-
,, .! , ,, ,, 'hIoii of the iileuiiut afternoon
follow iik Ibe reception the bride h , ,z , , M,,.
and brldegrooin lelt lor poinl (j y McCllntock. for high score;
uorlll on their honey, noon. ! or M M-i..n Hell, average score.
Iiaveliiig he bride chose ,t black ,, Ml. Hamilton, consola-
crepe frock w llh black uccesHorie ( 1( .. .,,.z0
and a fur Jacket. She wore a atrand
of pearls and an orchid corsage.
llolh the bride mid bridegroom ATHALIE TAYLOR IS J
were grailiiated froiu Roselmrg HONORED AT SURPRISE
senior high hcIiooI 111 11137. The PARTY ON BIRTHDAY
bride intended llehnke Walker! ,,, .. ,
Musluess college in I'orltiiiul
hud one vear al Suerii men lo iniiliir
college. Al the llnii' of her mar
riage, she was employed us a
stenographer in Kugelie. The,
in Idei'.roolll altended I'lllverslly of'
tiregon one year and I employed ;
by Standard Sllltlons, Inc., where'
In has been employed In L'ugciic
and Is now temporarily stationed
al Newport.
Itolntivos attending the wedding'
included:', Mr. and Mr. Itobert Dan
iel Klelst. Mrs. Klliel MoKav, Dean
.McKay, J. II. McKav. Mrs. Jennie
.icKa . Mrs. Mable P. Taylor,;
Charles and Miss Sadie lliixtou,
.Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Harding. Mr.
and .Mrs, Fred Agee. Miss Peggy'
A gee, Mr. and Mr. Sam Molsinger, I
Mr. and Mrs. James llewlev, Mrs
Annie Kent, II. s. f'rlillund and Mr. I
and Mr. Ceorge Ollivunt. I
Ont o! town guests included: Mr.!
and Mis. Koy I'elerson. of Lo An-1
geles: Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ty-;
nun. of Klamath Kails; Mr. and'
Mrs. John C. King and Mr. ami
Mrs. Il.e Kent, of l.akeview, (ire.; '
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peterson and
Mr. and Mr. Clnreueo Adanisou.
ot Couiiille: Messer. Martin lloff-'
mini. Carl Prodilinger. lion l-.ilge,
"lllld" Wlnslead. Hob llravtou.
Lxnii 1 1 n in 1 1 toti. .lame l.eshack.
.Mis N'lrglnla Winston, Miss Marl
Joan Parkinson and Miss Janet
Smith, all of Kugene: Ails Klvlra
Woll'ord. of Siulierlili; Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Dyer, of Mville
Creek: Miss Kali' lluchallau. of
Pol 1 Inuil : Mrs. I. M. Johnson and
Dl and Mrs. (1. M. Fll zgcrald. of
Sai'iaulelilo. Cull! : Mr. and Mr
I...I.. n..i.. ..r l i .. i
ami Mrs
Charles (
liny l-Miniiiiilsou
llclty, and Air. and
Astita ml.
.Mr. and Mrs. Victor lladley. ol Sll
. I
ci ton.
Hosebilig guests included: All".
and Mrs. ( l. M. Hopple. Mr. ami
Mrs. George Peppier, Air. and Alts. n, Hess was a most grnc-
Harold Kildy. Mr. and Airs. I. H.'i0,is bosless Wednesday allernonu.
Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred when she entertained her bridge
Itiirks. Mr. and Airs. Hoy Iturks. ltili and an extra table of guests
Mr. and Airs. Irvln H. Kiegel. Mr.
and Mrs. Kil Tliielo. Mr. and Air,
II. II. Chinch. Mr. and Airs. S. A. pink, orchid and white dahlia and
ttoscr. Mr. and All s. H. A. AA'inston, : roses were used about the looms.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. H. Green, Mr, and! Covers were placed for All. Mar
Ahs. Ralph Russell. Air. and Alrs.lshall Pengra. Mrs. Kdward G. Kohl
Civile Adair and son. Hilly, Air. and I hageii. Mr. H. It. Aladdox and Airs.
Mrs ( lay Smith. Miss Tbelnia 1 1.. K. Flos, guests, and Mrs. Fred
Smith. Mr ami Mrs. Karl Smith, oriel, chapman. Jr.. Airs. Frank
Mr. and Airs. Arthur Alhcrtus. Mr Coi n. Mrs. A. IV Parr. Airs. Roger
ami Airs. Ruditlnh Solllickll. Air. and,
Mrs. Wttliani Pel sou, Air. and Airs
Fred Holliueisler. Mr. and Airs.
George Robert. Air.
Chal los V. Stanton. Mr
Kenneth litircuce. Air.
Kenneth Klltsoil. Air.
George Rachel'. Air.
. and
Thomas Parkinson. Mr. and .Mrs. J.
Harold Nichols, Air. and Mr. Cvnl
Nit hols. Air. mid Ml . I. II. Nichols.
Mr. and All. W. 11. Carter. Mr.
and Airs. J. R. Wilson. Air. and All-.
Archie llstiu. Air. and Air. Ray
Laurence, Air. ami .Mrs. Lawrence
Hrrelier. .Mr. Cud Mrs. - Herman
Schultz. Air. and Air. Wlllurd Um -
rence. Mr. un-J Airs Larl A-ee. Air.
ami Mrs. George Johnson and
daughter, (leotgine, Mr. and Mr
Custer I.auranre, .Mls Deny Rus
sell, Mr. and Mr. I.oren Miller,
Miss Palrlcln Miller, Loren Miller.
Jr., vlrdeo Iioucock, Mr. and Mr.
Karl Oakley, Arthur Boyer and
daughter, Ann. Misa illady John
aon. Miaa Vivian Hartley, . Mlas
Dorothy tierinoiid, Mr. and Mr.
Union Yeaner, Mr. and Mm. I a
Verne .Spaugh, It. M. Church, Mm.
Franco Llntott, Mr. and Mr.
Krnest lllgglnliotbam. Mr. and Mr
Klmer Wimherly and Mr. and Mr.
Frederick J. Porter.
A large number of member
mid friends attended the f'resliy
lerlnn chiit-eh harvest home pot
luck dinner at the church parlors
rrinay evening.
Tin- dinner wan In charge of
Mia. Ida llalley, chairman. Mis
Sheik. Mr. Mellow. .Miaa Caroih
or. Mr. W. M. Chalmers mid Mrs.
Jaine Plnkerton.
The program committee Includ
ed: Mr. Homer Crow. Mr. Mef
ris H. lioach and .Miss Ruth
The u il t il in n ipiillf was carried
out in the decoration, whli-b were
In eharce of the membera of the
.Senior Christian Kndeavor society.
Attorney B. U hMdy acted a
foatmater and? Introdueed the
fnllowina; 'program: Music 1y
I stringed orcheslra. "Largo." by
i Handel, and "Andante Cantahllf."
by Tchaikov,'ky, under the direc
tion of W. D. Strange and accom
panied by C. Arundel; welcome
"by Attorney F.ddy: duet, Ruth
lllake and Ruth Snoddy; violin
trio. "Sacred Medley." by J. J.
! Kastllng. I xiu Helen Strange and
I "Mr. Morris II. Roach, with Mr.
Mux Pennle, accompanist: "No
Talk." by Dr. Morris II. Roarh;!
music by stringed orchestra. "Ser
enade." by .Mozart. "ICIno Klelne
Naeht Mualk. I. Allegro. 3. Min
uet." A pleasant oclal hour followed
the enjoyable program.
Mi-h. I,. K. Cm-wood entertained
at a very charming 1:311 o'clock
dessert-bridge luncheon at her at
tractive home at 221 Watson street
Monday ariernonu.
The serving table, rovered hy a
very beautiful liuiiil-tnade clutiy
lace cloth, was decorated In the
autumn motif.
Cover were placed for Mrs. S.
.1. Shoeuiakil', Airs, Clair K. Al
len, Mr. L. K. McCllntock, Mr.
1. I I M.... tt II
KUMi), in iiieiei ,u inniiun
(lay evening In aurprlso Miss Alha
lie Taylor nil her Hoveuteentll
birthday anniversary.
! A beautiful gift was presented
lo Miss Taylor from: Alls Flor
ence llainlllou, Miss Untie Owen.
.Miss Carolyn Cordon. Miss Ro
berta Kdward. Ml , Patricia
Qlllne. Alls Charlolle Dlllnrd.
Alls Cariuen Abeel. Miss Marfan
Church. Mis Hurbani Cat-wood.
.Mm Flnlay. Paul Caey. Roger
iilnischeid. Dick Dellernnrdl. Hob
Sullivan. Larry Anderson, Hrilce
Yeagcr. Hob Norton. Hill (ioodlow,
Mien Knudtson and livell linker.
A lovely hli'ihdiiy cake and lee
cream were served and Hie eve
ning hours were enjoyubly spent
In dancing.
Mrs. Joseph Feat was a charm
ing hostess Monday evening 'nt a
salad supper birthday party In
honor of Alls. Deorge Reed and
surprising Mr. Hert (illbert. Fol
lowing the delightful supper, a
lovnlv gill from the group was
given to Mrs. Cilberl and a game,
doubt It was tolloweil ny pre
senting birthday gilt to Alt'.
Heed, Curds and visiting were en
Joyed during the social hours.
Those enjoying the evening with
Airs. Fest In honor of Airs, (ill
bert and Mrs. Iteed included: Mr
Waller Miilholhiud. Airs. Klmer
Mrs. Clifford Hiinnlclltt.
Hoy Smith. Mr. Joseph Hold-
, Al l
w ill, Mrs
William Miller. Mrs.
n't'1"1' iiuouituisi. .'M.-s .ne,- ..i.
Klblien. Alls Mary Kayo Glenn
and Alls Lisle Reese.
at bcr altraetlve home In
wood. Gorgeous bollouets of pale
Pulley. Mrs. Scott William, Airs
Kdwln llooth. All Frederick J.
Porter and the hostess. Airs. lies.
Contract bridge was enjoyed dur
ing Ibe pleasant afternoon hours
with Airs. Fie winning the guest
prize and Air, llooth. the club
The l.ovul Leaders class of the
First Christian church met Friday
for tl delightful nntltlck binclie,,ii nt
the home of Mrs. K". J. Schrtmpf. at
U - hich time the members spent the'rrnoe - u bours In Tverkfru vn ur.
files for the chun b b(sr.
i ir-m ii,---iniii''iii ifii'iiiiM-i i 1 1 -Mi---iii-iaiii niri'-'
w-ltevlew Photo and Knffravlng
Front row: Klizabeth Ann Compton, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Coniplou and Ronnie Conipton. Hack row: Mr.
Clenn Compton and (Menu Conipton. of Sun Antonio', Texas, Mrs. J. R. Leonard, of Washington. D. C, Miss
Harriet Conipion. of Portland, and Attorney Ray 11. Compton, of Roseburg.
One of the largest golden wed
ding celebrations ever enjoyed In
this city was held Sunday, October
Li. at an informal reception hon
oring Mr. and Mr. F. M. Compton
at their lieaiiliful home on Spruce
Klreet, at which lime the entire
family enjoyed a reunion, the first
of which has taken plnce In twen
ty. three years.
.Mr. and Mr. Compton' two
son, Ray li., uu attorney of till
city, and his son. Ronnie, and
Clenn. employee of the Uuick com
pany at San Antonio, Texas, and
hi wife and daughter.
Ann. and the Complon's two daugh
ters. Miss Harriet. nure at the vet
erans' facility hospital In f'orlland.
and Mrs. J. R. Leonard, of Wnsli
lngton, 1. C, were present.
Mr. and Air. Compton were mar
ried on the hitter's birthday anul
verary, October la, l9n, at the
home of her sister, Mr, (luorge
Itleder, in Crund Island, Ncliiiiska.
Mrs. Rleder. who passed away lust
pring, lived to celebrate her filth
wedding; anniversary. Airs. Cninp
ton. nee .Mini Hrlggs, was born Oc
tober IS, lstis. In Columbus, nv.
Iiraskn.. where her parents were
early day settlers In that com
munity. She was one of five chil
dren In the family; her slater he
lug the second while child horn in
Hint comiuiiully. She has two broth
er living. Harry Hrlggs, of llainll
lou, .Montana, mid Clifford Hrlggs,
of Hremerton, Wash.
Mr. Compton wit bniiir.Sprlng
field. 111., January l.'l, 1SBS. and was
one or eight children In thn family.
Hu lias Iwo alaiers living. Mr. M.
II. Sear, of Council lllufi's, Iowa,
who with her husband has cele
brated her r.Slh wedding anniver
sary, and Air. .1. II. Wuscotl, of
Ames, Iowa, who with her hus
band, celebrated their . -17th wed
ding unniversary last January. HI
parent celebrated their Tilth wed
ding anniversary before his father
passed away. The Compton family
ami the Abraham Lincoln families
were neighbor In Springfield, and
Mr. Lincoln wa the attorney for
thu Conipton family. Air. Compton
was a member of the Dodge Light
(iiiarils, formed by (ieneral Dodge
ill the Civil war. and received his
instruction In the guards under
Hen. J. Ituah Lincoln. He was a
battalion adjutant In the Rial regi
ment of Iowa volunteer and serv
ed In Hie Philippine Islands and re
mained there until (he Philippine
Insurrection. He Is a .Mason and be
long to the Scotllsh rile. He Is a
past commander of George Starmer
camp to C. S. W. V. Although an
ardent republican, he I a close
friend of Vice President earner.
.Most of his life hu been spent be
ing engaged a a salesman, but Tor
ten years he wn a doorkeeper In
the i tilted States senate In Wash
ington. 1). C. Airs. Common Is also
greatly Interested In politics and Is
The membera of the Christian
church choir met at the home of
Mr. and .Mrs. D. K. Foltr. on Win
chester street Wednesday evening
for the regular practice, afler which
Air. and Airs. Folu entertained al
a most enjoyable social hour.
Games were enjoyed and the fol
lowing officers for Ihe choir were
elected: president. Lena C. Porter;
secretary-lreasitrer. Air. J. L.
Satindei: librarian. Kldon Oglu.
and Ihe music committee Includes:
Mrs. J. I Saunders. .Mrs. Frances
Llntott. Dale tiullev and 1). E.
Fol ii.
Guests enjoying the evening with
Air. and .Mrs. Fold included: Mrs.
Dale Giilley and Dona ltadaliatigh.
and members person! were: Mrs.
Frances Llnlntt Mrs iw.,,,. iimiu.
haUKh. Mr. J. I.. Saunders. Mr.
H. C. PaiKlnw. Mr. Keller. Mr.
Mable P. Taylor. Airs. W. A. Wain
pole. Aliss taMin C. Porter. Dale
Gullcy. Paul AlcCowail and W. D.
Following ihe social hour. Airs.
Folu served lovely refreshments.
Circle No. I of the Rosebutg
Baptist Women's socletv met
Thursdav at the home of Mra.
George Flnley on W. Alosher street.
Twelve members were present. A
short business meeting was tollow
ed by ihe devotions In charge of
Mrs. .Myrtle Jennings, utter whtrh
the Indies quilted a quill for the
children Farm Home al Corvallis.
At the lea hour Airs. Flnley served
lovely lejicshmcuis. can. vine out
Ihe llallowe'eu motif.
The next meeting date, which
will be announced later, will be
bcld at the bo-re ot Airs, t hai-lej
Poirci at !1"3 Mill street.
Family Reunion Held at Golden Wedding
an active member of Douglas unit
of Pro-America and is past presi
dent of (ieurge S(armer auxiliary to
U. 8. W. V.
During the afternoon of the re
ception hours. Airs. Conipton wore
a lovely afternoon gown of black
Katln and a corsage of gold-colored
rosehuda. Her daughter, Miss Har
riet, wore burgundy chiffon velvet
with a garnet necklace; her daugh
ter. Mra. J. R. Leonard, wore white
chiffon, with a bolero jacket stud
ded with crystal and her daughter-in-law.
Mrs. (llenn Compton. wore a
black and white afternoon gown.
During the afternoon Ieioy Hlalti
sang "The Love Neat" by Cowan
"Thn Illueblid" by Kutnner; "Old
Fashioned Garden." by Poller, mid
"When You and I Were Young.
Maggie,' by lliitterfleld. and Mrs,
Litla C. Gorrell sang. "Relieve Mo
If All Those Kndeurlng Young
Charms" and "Put On Your Old
Gray llonnel." Airs. Homer Grow
accompanied the numbers.
Although Air. and Airs. Conipton
hus requested that no gifts lie sent,
numerous beautiful gift were pre
ented to them In honor of their
golden wedding anniversary. Gor
geous bouquet of gold and yellow
colored dahlia, rose and other au
tumn flower lent a colorful note to
the spacious room of the home,
The tea table, covered by an ex liand-crocheteil cloth made
hy Air. Compton, was centered
w ith a low howl of marigolds and
white .Michaelmas daisic. flanked
by six- tall lighted gold tapers in
crystal holder. Dishes of gold; a
beautifully decorated wedding cake
and individual cake topped by the
numeral "fin," completed a pretty
decorative scheme carrying out Ihe
"Golden Wedding" motif. Mr.
Washington Hughes. Alls .Teannle
Ilulck and Airs. George Sewell pour
ed and .Mrs. W, C. Prints, Air.
Charles Talbot, Airs. Leroy Hlatt
nnd Air. Leonard Riley assisted In
serving. .Air. and Air. Compton,
their two daughters, two son and
their daughter-in-law. received Ihe
guest in the living room. During
Ihe reception hour the guest en
joyed visiting In the large uitrac
live rooms of the home ami in Ihe
beautiful garileii surrounding the
Resides the members of Hie im
mediate family, those culling to
honor Air. and Mrs. Conipton upon
tho happy occasion Included: Fath
er II. Clery, Miss Annie L. Slugel,
of Portland: Ruth Squier and Corah
V. J.und, of Oakland: Air. and Airs.
Orvllle French, Mrs. Al. W. French,
Airs. Lulu C. Gorrell, Airs. C. W.
Hartley and Airs. J. C. Campbell, of
Suthei'lln; L.J. Harne. Air. and
Airs. George Sewell. Mr. and Airs.
Washington Hughes, Aliss Jeannle
Ilulck. .Mr. and Airs. Leonard Riley.
Air. nnd Airs. Loroy Hlatt. Air. ami
Airs. Story lies. Airs. Talcott, Ails
Downing, Mr. and Airs. J. II. Undo.
Air. and Airs. Sum Starmer, Nctu
Rose Flnley. Air. Xanna Keller.
Mrs. I'nrath, Alls Klsie
Wettsteln. Air. and Airs. I). H. Alor
gan. Air. and Airs. Charles II. Craig,
.Margaret N. Johnson, Hulda C.
Gjevre, Air. and Air. William A.
Long, Airs. D. O. Clark. Air. and
Airs. D. It. Shambronk. Air, and Airs.
Homer Grow, Air. and Mrs. W. G.
Shugart. Airs. T. O. Kent, Air. and
Alt. II. C. Wadilell, Mr. and Air.
Levi White. Air. and Mrs. H. A.
Taylor. Air. and Mra. C. K. Hanulng.
Air. and .Mr. A. J. Townsend, Air.
and Airs. A. C. Alurstcrs. Air.
George Al. Mi-own. Aliss Adeline
Stewart. Colonel and Airs. K. F.
Tandy. Mis. Douglas Walte. Judge
and Airs. IL W. Alarstcrs. ,Alr. anil
Airs. Roy Hollows. Air. and Airs.
William It. Vinson, Aliss Coletta R.
Uingenlicrg. Mr. Wayne Chap
man. Alra. Loui Albert Hanks. Air.
Rule out the Clothesline
llatiish clothesline drudgery
troiu your backyard! We're
here to hi,tho laundry for
you most economJcally.
and Mrs. K. R. Kentiv. Mr. and
Airs. M. K. Rltter, Sr.. Mr. and Airs.
C. P. Cuyler, Mr. and Airs. J. B.
McCllntock, Mr. and Mr. H. C.
Darby. Catherine Faucher. Airs.
.Melba Powell, Rev. and Mrs. Perry
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ft. J. (lllhert.
.Mrs. tlene .Mills. Mrs. Myrtle Nor
wood. Airs. (). M. DeWilt. Frank
H. Heels, Mrs. Edgar S. Lewi. Rev.
H. P. Sconce, Roa Halbardler,
Odye Wallace. Margaret F. Rod
ger. F.Ilo Wright. Airs. J. A. Fill-:
cher and .Mr. and Airs. Frederick J.
Porter. j
Air. and Air. Compton resided at
council llliiffs. Iowa, until lim'J,
later moving to Aledford and then
to Portland, after which they mov
ed to S'ulherlln. Following Air.
Compton's ten years In Washing
ton, I). C. they came to Roseburg
and purchased their home on
Spruce street, sln-e coining here,
they have made many friends, who
wisti them continued years ot liap-i
piness and good heulth. j
Air. mid Mrs. Conipton' sou and i
(laughter-iti-lavv, .Mr. and Airs.
Glenn Cumptoti and daughter, Kliz
abeth Ann, left Thursday for their
home In San Antonio, Texas. Their
daughter. Alls Harriet, of Port
land, uml daughter. Air. J, R.
Leonard, of Washington, D. C. left
today for their respective homes,
following two weeks in this city.
9x12 Size
TiECK 39 choices in smart patterns and
VJ colors; designs for every typo of decora,
tion; the. thick soft pile and sturdy hack. You
e.ct them all in Bcauvais. And tve have an un
limited ransc 'of sizes, lo
SLE-Our 59 Choices In Patterns and
Colors in These end .Many More Sizes
Fervak, 9x12
Lewis, 9x12 44.95
Other Qualities
9x12, as lew as 39,50
Committees from the Odd Fel
lows and Rebekab lodges of nose
burg are busy with plans for the
benefit "Hallowe'en carnival" to be
held October 2Bth at Iho I.O.O.F.
Howard Caseheer, chairman of
the Odd Fellows committee, and
Airs. Alice Golf, chairman of the Hu
hekilh committee, announce the fob
lowing committee heads in charge
of the various booths:
Ileano games. Harry Taylor: fish
pond, Mayme Pickens; home made
candy. Hazel Altliaus; fortune tell
ing. Alarjorie Caseheer; pumpkin
pie and cider. 1-oulae Young and T.
II. Ilusenbiirk; wieners and coffee.
Dale Adaina and Lorn Darby; gro
cery wheel, George Looiuls; won
derland, F.thcl ISuscnhark; Hallow
e'en gadgets. Ina Furnsworth; de
corations. Oliver Pluiuer. Dale
Adams. Klhel Hiiiley and .Maggie
Dent; adv. mgr., Fred A. (Jorf.
The Itoseburg Art and Kmbroid
cry club enjoyed Wedensduy af
ternoon at the home of .Mrs. A. Al.
Neal on I'leser street. Beautiful
bouuuet of zinnias were attractive
ly arranged about the rooms.
Following the business session an
enjoyable potluck luncheon wa
served to Airs. L. Lehrbach. a
guest, and Airs. J. G. Stephenson,
Mrs. I.lston Darby. Mrs. R. I..'
Honnshell, Mrs. K. RhoadR. Mr. L.
v . nigeis. .ins. r. i.ui iit-ii. .irn,
Ipiilin Mrs. Cluck. Alls. H. F. Sliv.
iler. Airs. Minnie Cox and the bos
te, Airs. Neai.
The next meeting will he held
November Uth lit the home of Airs.
Just Received
New Costume Jewelry
Congress Playing Cards
3 Bars Roger &
Galler Soap with
1 bottle Cologne
337 N. Jackson St.
fit any room.
$ 20.95