Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 17, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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S.wrting Goods
2-: A tl. Jackson St.
"Mrt Srrl Torm LW'
, J d'.sJKiieil to prevent ovframbl
P J L Itious lui'ti and their pulitk-ul mu
rlXPu DV Tf IIIKIP ieti,l'-H fg i"j'pi't'i"t iii'-unfivr-H hi
Rice & Meyers
Sheet-Metai Work
Sheet Metal Work
Tailored to the Job
927 N. Jackson St , Phon. 320
W'eiliicnilay, ortolicr lill, lists
jlipr-n ilralKiiiiK'il liy UVididl Will
kin. r.'iubllrun : I rl M I st I I II' t in
iPiflilcury, an ".'n Tbird Term
I "lay."
j l(''iiil)liraii o r k a n I a it I limn
t lllniiiirliniit the Htt'li. art pl.-uiiiliiK
iratlii'H, Immd.-fiKU anil liic'liitK
on Unit d;ilt
j KiM'ii rriindnll. rliairinan nf tin
rcpiililhaii Htaic (.r-nti'al rniniuli.-
' t.. in UTillill? In roilllty li':nlr,
ouHini-J some uf lb Kall.-nt mints I and Mis. Glenn Coinutoii. of San YONCALLA STUDENT JOINS In a aiudent at the Chrisllaii col
ivxhri'sscd iti alaui run iilliilions Anlonlu. Texas, and Kay B. L'omp-f COLLEGE LA DANZA GROUP i IfKe there.
ton. of Hoseliui'K. were grueling jsa Scrallton of Fuitpne la rl.
f, here last Friday. Mm. Leon-' f-RKOON COI.L.ROE OF EnrCA- Mug ,,f day, afih, hora.
aru in a luiiiif-r niiuieriiu niKn i'" '- ' wj-miu enei!i( o ,r. an(j jr8 fed i.ndje3 Ije-
Bchoul student. .dmiRliier of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cel- fore ifulng on to Camus Valley to
Mr. and Mm. A I.. Mat niv .if ". "-mi m-
To let that new tractor or combine
stand out in the weather.
See us for corrugated or roll
roofing, nails, paint, hinges, or
whatever you need to build a shed.
Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch.
"No lllitll fl HUh'H of the
union lmv written Into their i-on-Mtftiil
iuiiM. in on form or another
prohibition iiKfJimr Ko.(inurn unit
oiiitr olTUials tinldiiiK oft ice in
(leiinliely." Iio wrote.
In citiiu; uxiinipU-H, f'rainlall
tliew ill tiMti J in to the fact I hat ua
it general rule the cii.intilutii)iin
ilo not ufosoluLuly prohibit a man
from riiiiniiiK tor a hi-chimI or ttiinl
1 im in. inn ho ciin ritu iinuhi only
jitter he Iiiih heen out of oil Ire
IVom Uvo to lone yeaiH. Tlius
ehrwlil he run hkiiiii he runs us
nil Individual and doo:i not hav
I ho pi est ie. po wer a ml pi n nder
ot an
Incumbent, to re-leet him-
Around the County
Oakland were iraiisaiMlii'n hnal'nesa """'' '"''i11"''1 lhB LaUuiua
anil vlsltlim frlen.ln here Satllrilav. K'"""- .rhl" ji-khii l:itt Ion Hikes up
arrott has purchased
study of the natural daiu-e in
field of creative expression.
Ilie house oi'cupii.'d hy the. Hubert
Hetty Harge. who has been very ,m'.' K'"v- sellers la very
ill in Meruy hospital with blond
lioisnuliiK. returned to her homo
last Salui-day
Mr. anil Mrs. Claude Selleck liavo
unproved their home with another Mi
com. 01 pitim.
Ixiiien Maston or LnPlne. Ore.,
visited fin- a few days last week at
ihe lOdKiir Keith home. Mr. Maxtou ! '
is a brother of Mrs. Keith. I OUKINfHil.ASH. Oct 17.
Mr. and Mrs. lliiv Hoyt and vli"s Alien Unstick of Rosi'buin
ilailKhter. Hetty Jo, visited relatives a,l(l M.'lltie Hhielria of Port-
an.l rrlends In P-'nuene anil llarrlH- ,u"'' vi!iled the latter part or the
burn over the week-end. i week at the homes ol' their nieces,
Mr. ami Mrs, V. J. l.ailil went '''tley .Meredith anil Mrs.
Friday to Silver Lake. Ore., to visit N''ls Anilrus. HeliirnlnK on Mon
their dauiiliter ami son in law, Mr (iiiy "' HosebuiK. Mrs. Shields will
I 1rU ti;.i..n..i r 'r.,.. 'i-i..: visit lor a few davs lonaei- nt the
aurnemn renirueu Mun.lay eveniue. 1" ; "w -mihb mm-
Mr. and .Mrs. Lawrence Robert
. I son. s.iii tlniilil niwl li.u n.h..t.
.-,1 ,,v ri. i, - - parents Mr and Mrs J F (li,y ""' ho",e 1,1 "'"' Alaa-
n. y VVeKe, and Mrs. lalre Whel-: P'" B-R r ka. after a two weeks' visit at Ihe
. hell were business visitors in Oak- "o itecns- . f . , . .. . . ..
ioii. i.aiie I iiiiKifiiii. il nil. niiir.i -
.oust points Snmlay.
Dr. tlllilersleeve and wile, of I.os
AiiKeles. Calif., were visit Iiik rela
tives her elast week. Mr. Ililder
sleeve is a sou of W. (I, Gilder
sleeve. W. A. Thmnaa Is renmdeline the
smith side nf hiu linil.lin r..l...
noma street an. I
visit her sister, Mrs. (luy Law-
Mr. and Mis. t'orvln Heard and
son, Alvln. entertained with u
chicken dinner on Sunday. The
Ktlests included Mr. and Mrs. Krn-
eSl PhIMPUIII Ull.l ,l.iuh(i Ulu.
active in (-ampus utlairs and spe-oiivH. Mr. A. M. Kobinson and
t-ially hi the Pnn and Farehinent 1 on I'tml tr iu(iUr.. ..n.i
elut. which di'iulH
with rroative
i Vahla Williams left on Wed n en-
land Krlday.
Mr. and AI is. i-Mar Keith and
Mr. and Min. MiikIi Wahl enjoyed
a ininlliiK trip to tend over the
Th high Kchiioi had a program
Kriday. October II. in roiiiiiieniora
lion fit CnlninhitH day. .oe t'ot'iien-
beiK uave a talk mi "Why I
(Had I Am an American." and Au-ium., n)nm
m ey ii,:iiH HpoKH on;-wny t jkh in Thp Kratton hunting parly re
' ",l inrued hiinday Irotii a verv
rtonus were nnnii hy Ihe wliident rnl ti-itt in hiki.,,,,,
hotly and frh-e Hub,
fail (llistrnp arrived from Port
land I-'i iday niKlit lor a lew weeks
visit wild relatives and friends.
Mi. .1. It. Leonard, nee Kathryn
roiuptnti. nl' WahiliL'IfHi. I . S.. Mr
nod nllinr ,in I""-'""
ulesse tllianiK.
Mr. ami Mrs. Spencer Mtiekle
(Kern lialne) returned to tho val
ley on Tuesday after Hpendhiir the
summer in St. Helens where Mr..
Ittukle was einphiyed in (he
vi-neer plant. On Wednesday eve
nlns a group of friends tendered
I hem a charivari. Mr. and .Mrs.
Hmkle were married in June Ht
Si. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuile Wilson of
Heston and li. H. AlontKoinery en-
!joyel several tlays In Portlaml
installing a
i a very success-
MAKE f HE P' W' 'ft
" i 'li i
Mr. au. I Mrs. tlllbert Wandell. last week atlemlini: the 1'iililie In
who were recently married are teniutional Livestock exposition,
niaklux iheir home In apartments at ! Mrs. Alma l.el'lerc returned to
the l C. Trowlle home on Central .-Ihe valley last week and reports
avenue. ih,. birth or a dauKllter. Yvonne
Mrs. Kay Dnilhcnsperk or Eugene Jean, on October I. to her son
is visiting her two sons. Harold and anil ilauuhlcr-in-law, Mr. and Airs.
Ooral. and their families litis week. Month l,et'erc in Portland. The
Harold Hand, who is attending a, bnliy is Mrs.'lerc's second
preparatory school in KuKeno. : gi'iiudchilil.
sneiit the week-end al the home of j The carnival held on Friday
his parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Tom eveniii!; by the grade and hih
Hand. Another son. Wallace, of schools was attended by a larse
ItosfhurK, also spent Sunday at the 1,nd enthusiastic jjrnup and the
Hand Iioiiik. j varied tonus of entertainment
Mr and Mrs. j. K. Harvey visit- were very niilrh enjoyed. Those
ed friends in Myrtle Point Monday charge of the affair report it a
and Tuesday. jsuccess in every way and they ex-
Mrs. Clyde Holimin spent Monday l""ssed appreciation of the pat
in K.isehuri; where she is receiving nillilKe.
sinus treatments. j M''s. Helen Saar drove to Ft.
The clly is ha'dini; Rravel lioin ia "v,'r "IR week-end lo visit
the Clyde Henderson place and Mr s""1- sl,p was "''oni-
Ironi Mrs. lilla Wcmiers lo fix the l':llliMl "s r,,r 1114 Monmouth by
ritv streets Miss Clara Mae llaller.
IIiikIi Wahl Is movinir his saw! a'"' ytr- T"'i ""dues and
mill from the Noah Itose ram li east '"'Idren. lonu. lerrance and
of town to Heady, south of town. "" ",""'n Sunday in l-.usiene
wnere iney alien. leu ciiurctl serv
""" I Ices at Ilie l.ialithouse temple and
vNited with their son. I.vnn. who
second Dome
Your first bottle of any qnod :i beer
tastes great when you're thirsty. But
how does the second bottle taste?
That's the test of a truly great beer.
That's why we say try two bottles
of this famous brew. You'll find the
second bottle just as refreshing, just
as satisfying as the first. You get
"complete'satisfaction in every bottle
of Blitz-Weinhard beer because one
hottle doesn't take the edge off your
enjoyment of the next one! Next
time try two and Satisfy Yourself!
MAKE A FAIR TEST! 3i.-ri.i.'to:V u one o!
many itisl'qiuiUty -e.-s n.nv on tfic mjrkt!
We suggest you ntoi yoi.r compart; on w;th
one ol then finer 6re,s, l-vx.-e if w.ri.'a'
nof he latr to yoursell cr t d; ItV n.'Mfi !o
make the test wifi a iP.vnii' nnulity beer.
Camas Valley
CAMAS VAU.KV. Oct. Hi. Mr.
and Mrs. Oran Slan.lley and chil
dren spent last week visiliuK Mrs.
Standi. .y's imienls. .Mr. ami Mrs.
;ilaerl at San .lose. Calif. They
report a very pleasant trip anil
most enjoyable visit.
John Thrasher has returned to
their former home in l.os Angeles
w here he expects I o work for
some lime. Mrs. Thrasher has
been away unrkiir,' for a while.
Aha Thomas and .Miss Olimta
llollman of Portland spent the
week-end ami .Monday al the home
of Alva's mother. Mrs. Pal
mer. Story Marlltnlale with the heln
of some of lite intermediate liovs
put a new rope on the IhiK polo
a short time ai:o.
.Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Kroe.i'1 anil
Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd Itoiierts went
to eastern Oregon 0.1 a hunting
trip last week. They had a line
tiil and brought home one deer.
Neu I Brown and Krnost Wheel,
er went to Cuniitle on business
Sunday morning.
A. W. tieiler alien, led to busi
ness matters in Itoseburg Monday
of last week and attended orches
tra practice there ihr.t evening
before returning home.
Philip Packard wnik.-d in Ilie
logging woods lor hee Coon last
week during the absence of one
of his regular employes.
Mrs. A. I-:. MarUiaiu spent
Thursday and Friday in llosehurg
vtsiting her daughter. Cora Kllen.
Airs. Ahirkhaiu also attended the
Kpis.opal guild meeting Thurs
day and the Ked Clos.; meeting
Friday morning.
Italph Heamer. who has been
worliing for the past two weeks
trucking logs at Klamath Falls
came home Saturday night to
spend a week IrurMng logs from
the camp up Hock creek where he
iiad worked before. Several hard
rains stopped Ihe trucking before .
they were quite done and in
luigeaients were made that the
mnkers come back and linish
up the ,io!i as soon as tile weather
pel luit ted.
It takes a year of intensive train
ing to euahie an avialor to he iiuati
fted iti a pursuit pilot. At least
7Ai hours of flight Irailliui: are
necessarv before a man is .p'.nil
lied to begin on bombers.
MIsh Vluxine Buell. Ill the eve
ning Mr. and Mrs. Heard and son.
Alvln. accompanied hy Mrs. La
cier.' intended the harvest home
service at the Etaptist church in
Koaebui'K where Alvln was given
special honor due lo his awards
won on his three entries of corn
at the International Livestock ex
position in Portland last week. Al
vln pluced second on each of hiu
Mrs. George Parka of Crescent
City, California, is visiting lor u
short time at the home of her half
sister. Mrs. Jesse Williams. Mrs.
Parks la in her eightieth year and
enjoying life to the fullest.
Coorge Marsh returned home on
Friday from Portland where he
attended the Livestock exposition
as a member of the 4-11 stock
judging team 'and as u guest of the
Oouglas National and First Na
tional banks. He reports having
had a fine lime and thoroughly
enjoying the many courtesies ex
tended to the 4-H club group and
that they were able to gain much
information which vill be of value
to them.
Prof, and Mrs. Jamas Burton
entertained the teaching force on
Monday evening, plans were dis
cunsed regarding a play to be giv
en by the faculty some time alter
(the first of the year. A delicious
.demiert luncheon was served to
the Mlases Helen Wooden. Alta
Muy Alveraon. ( lata Mae Haller.
Mrs. Helen Suar and Mr. and .Mrs.
Cordon Uussell.
Wesley Meredith went to Al
bany otj Monday lo utteu.l the
school given there for the dress
ing and marketing of turkeys.
Mrs. I. 11. Howard was aurprls
ed on Sunday, Oct. 13, when Mr.
anil Mrs. John Halter entertained
with u birthday dinner in her
honor. Additional guesta at the ;
dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Cory of Callahan. .Mr. and .Mrs.
Henry Jones and children, Dor
othy Anne and Carol Jean. Km-,
est ' Emerson, Lloyd Ingledue. ',
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jacoby and j
children, liavld, Mildred, Uirralne, j
Karl and James, and Hen Jacoby. J
Lloyd Ingledue of Almsville. ;
Calif., was a guest over the week
end at the home of his cousin,
'Mrs. Andrew Jacoby. !
Ernest Emerson, who is em- 1
ployed at Lebanon, arrived the
latter part ot tho week Tor a short
visit at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Jones. j
Called Into Service William A.
White, retired guutier fi)in the
United States Navy, who has been
residing in Myrtle Creek nnd Suth
erlin for the last 15 years, has been
recalled to active duty ill the navy.
He plans to leave the latter part of
this week lor San Francisco. Mrs.
While will continue to make hor
home In .Suthorlin.
Queen bees cannot digest pollen
in Its natural state. They are fed
partially digested food by the
worker bees.
f SEE A BLUE AND rjfrf (
IN YOUR LIFE . ciy )
(predicts Elsie, J vJ-' ITi
the Borden Cow SSSSi
TiTllfl" fl
'Madam is fortunate!
"I can sec her pouring
evaporated milk from a
Uorden-label can
' I see hubby smile at
its flavor in coffee and
baby coo with delight
over his bottle of it
"I see tt'iy because
Borden-label milk is rich.
uniform, digestible and
irradiated with sunshine
Vitamin D.
Cross your grocer's
palm with pennies in fctir
exchange for several cans
of Borden's Evaporated
Milk with the familiar
blue and white label."
Specials for Friday
and Saturday
Fresh Spanish, f F
2 lbs JtV
APPLES Fancy fBft
local Spitzenbergs.T U
Box f
Er- 23c
Large size. I Uf'
2 for
5-lb. pails of fresh
pack. Pail JLH.!z
Baker's Premium,
2 packages PP
MEAT- lQjl
3 cans w
ted S. & W. Extra AZ
large. 2 cans tiM
Gems. Tall 14-oz. a a
re 29c
We now have Renner's cider
Distributed by Douglas Datributinj Co., Rcjeburg, Ore.
Winters Fuel
Slab Wood Prices
16-in. Dry Slab Wood,
1 load $4.50
4 It. Dry Slab Wood,
per cord $3.00
Green wood Is available In 4-ft.
and 16-in. lengths.
Mill wood Sawdust
v " iM i ii iihi ill ii imh "ii iif nimr in
Turn to Red & White hot Wheat Cereal and Zer Flake
Oats for breakfast these cool mornings. Serve jams or
jellies with toast or hot muffins. Remember, labels saved
from Red & White Glass Packed Foods and the correct
solution of the Rebus Puzzles will make someone happy.
$1,000 in merchandise prizes will be awarded to the lucky
contestants. Enter today!
Special Features for Friday and Saturday
October 18th and 19th
Wheat Cereal
Red &
Pkg. .
Salad Dressing --18c o-.rt.29c
Oxydol pt;9e 19c
Red & White Q.
Large Pkg 9v
Red AWhitc Qis
.. lb. Pkg 19C
Red & White "Xlt
Quart jugs j C
Mart. Ground to order
MB. bag 4V
t,n, 47c
Standard Bulk, Am
3 lbs. for 1VG
Royal. JJr
12-os. on 3 jfc
Drip or Regular grind.
Red & White tm )6
Sunshine Assorted.
1-lb. Cello, bags jv
Red & White
2'i cans, 2 for 7V
Homestyle or Sliced
Red & White f n
No. 2' j cans I7C
Red A White Homestyle
No. 2r'. cans A 7C
Whole Kernel or Cream
Red A White m
No. 2 cans. 2 for
Dr. Ross 0
No. 1 cans, 3 for A.. A9C
Lady Godiva
6 Sars for
nea & White m
Pints 19C
100'o BRAN -
National Biscuit's.
(with sample Pkg. attached) IOC
Sunshine Assorted
Handy cello, bags
1l-o. tins, 3 for
. - r
II e idMqili msi "