3 FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER II. 1940. ' J m .:f 4i iMuett Dllr Bct Rundar lr Ike Nw-ncvlrw Co lac tw I'TIm Awst-tat Prru Th Aoclt-d Ptm It exclusive ly ntltlnd to Hie UM for republ ca tion of all mm, dlptche creditad to It or not otherwise credited In Ihlr paper and to all tonal newt pubtlahx. herein. All right, of re- Eubl cation of epeclal dlfpatclMf rein are alio reaerved. HARRIS ELLSWORTH' Hdltor Rntered at second' data matter' at lha nmt nfflca at oaeburr, Oregon. under aui ok Mann. 2, i7. mprenUd by New Vorfc 271 Mndlnon Ave. Cal tmm 3"0 N. Michigan Ave Han rwiin-lil II""1! J?,r""' J'" trait 30M W.' Orand Boulevard YZm Aavriee " 8prlnf "? tuttli Ififl Stewart Street Port- N. Tentn street. ubsrrintloa Itatra Pally, per yar by mall Dally. mom ha by mall Bally. 3 monlln by mall..... Bally, by currier per month., ally, by carrier per yoar.... .15.00 . 2.60 . 1.25 . .: . 7.80 Every etate. county and city official or board that handle's public money should publish nt regular Intervals an accounting of It, showing where and how each dollar Is spent. This Is a fundamental principle of demo cratic government. TUB tc8 lowiinl "fedcrullzii lion" of Iho I'nltnd (Hilton (which tnrm may como to bo tlio term Uricitl to describe our lirnnil of authoritarian government) como slowly but, tinclor tho iiroHcnl ml ministration they nrs coining Huroly, For oxomplo tlio adinlniHtrutlon of relief wna u Btato function nl fli-Ht. Doubtless it will not be re moniboieil, but somehow the relief program bocamo n worn progi'iun mill hecamo a federal works pro gram. Thin week cinno another step. II la not ao very Important now for we havo other and vitally moru ex citing news. Hut burled In the news rouort of the passage of tho home guard bill by the United BUttes senate was thin puiagiaph: "Tho chief senulo change In Hie homo guards lneusuro previously passed by tho house was a provis ion giving the secretary of war con trol over the proposed new military units. Senators said thin would meet a complaint by organised la bor Hint Iho house bill would have made possible foriiiiillon of MkI lantu' groups to suppress unions." This Is a thin excuse, to bp sure, for taking away from slate govern ments tbo handling of protection units In tho absence of the state national guard troops. Are wo supposed to iiuilerslanil from this that tlio several slates are now no longer competent wllh Ihelr own stutc governments In deal v. Ilh such a simple problem as homo guard mills? Has any Htstc government wllh the possible ex ception of New Jersey, proven It self incompetent to such an extent that this drastic action hy the son uto is warranted? Wo think not. Hut the drift has set In. Wu puss almost unnoticed thin action which further reduces tho value and au thority of alalo government. Them have been so many before as to make Ihlu insignificant. Already in eight years we have mere federal bureau, department and "adminis tration" offices In our own slulo than uo have departments and of fices of our stale government. Tills condition Is NHW In eight yearn. Whflt will we have newer if Ihe same administration is continued Tour years mote? There Is the "fed oral roemploj'ment agency" not a state employment office with fed eral cooperation. There Is the Fed eral Housing Administration not. again, a stale housing program sup ported anil aided by federal funds. Tills list could go on and on down through the new deal agencies. ' a How can this Irend Inward ron rentrating all power anil authority at the top be called natural, acci dental or for Iho reason that an emergency exists? The president j has declared some 10 emergencies j In the last seven cni'S---nnd Ihe declaration of earh one has seen seine further power, large or small, vested In Ihe federal government. This Is not tho American way. This Ib net the sort of government that bas been successful In tills land of ours for l.'.n years. This Is not the form of government Hint the frame of the constitution de vised. Tho constitution expressly provides a system of Ingenuous checks and balances to prevent ex cess power ever being held by any one, or any group. In fuel the pow ers of the federal gnvm niiicut are expressly set out and lislcd in tho constitution. But the current ad ministration has stretched the in terpretation of these powers to a point where already tho relation' ship between the state govern ments and the federal government Is badly out of balunco. This trend Is a trend toward dic tatorship of some form or another Hut whatever tho form it will take tho net result will ho the curtail ment of human freedom and the abridgement of humun happiness. There Is only one way to stop tho trend. Deny a third term to the administration In power. And in tlio futuro wo should deny more than two terms as president to any anil all who hold that office. The lime to write this policy Into Iho Ameri can system of government is right now. There is no oilier issue In Ihla presidential campaign. Editorials on News (Continued from page 1.) her hand is necessarily weak? To answer that question with any nnsurunco, one would huve to know what commitments have been made by tin I' N IT K I) HTATKS. This wilier doesn't know. Con gress doesn't know. Only a small Inner circle in our government knows. JAI'AN Is believed In he weak t t i si ri i liuu nv hit nut iil liV lnr war In (,'hlna, which Iium proved much more KcriouK than wan ex pected when it derail as nearly all warn prove lu be. Kneed hy tho eerlnfn pninpei-l of war with the United Stales, It Ih believed In Vanh.nr,lnn thai nhe will hark off finin il show down. There in also the pionpeet (not entertained in WaHhiiiKton, appar ently) thai Japan, cornered, see ing her whole far-fluiiK Oriental entorprlHO In danger f crashiiiK down, will flK'ht- a cornered eoyoto flghlH, TIIKUK 1h talk of HiiHHia acting ' n-llh IIl-lt,fil mirl Mm I'lliti.ll Stales in the showdown. Don't take too inueli Htock in that talk.1 Crafty .Stalin would probably like nothing better lhau to kim! the United State.s and Japim at war. : That would Klve him another j ehance to pick the hones of wimu- j body elsp'H kill. i Tho Oriental polier Maine In fully jih exeilhiK " Iho Kiiropean kiuuo that preceded the (ierimiii inarch inln Pnliiiiil -iiikI Itivnlvf.M -it nm, I. directly. Guard Welcomes Payday; New Type Of Gun Received lly MAliSIIAI.L MI N I' ('AMI' MUUtAY. (Id. 7. I'ay for lime served in I lie rcmihn- army i -chi heiuee.'i September li and Iter I was received Uy liiiardsmen of tln Hosehui unit hi si l-'riday l'ay dtiy oci ur.s near the first o every month lu Die army and Is ,( an eiiuer ly looked torward to as ( i niiMiiiii. wmii iiie meinei tin- vantage. o ocetirrhiK twelve limes a year. I IMirinu tht! test days oi Saturday and Sunday many men of the com pmiy en.io ed the rccn-atiomit la cilitie.H of American Lalie. olympia, Tacoma and Scull le. .Miss ( lata Mae Duller, of I.ookinuulass. Miss Hetty .lane IHxou and Mrs. iletnard Sua r. of Kosehnri;, visited the camp Saturday and accompanied hy Cor pora I I'm nk Norton. I'rivate Worth )a l ami Corporal 1 tenia i d Saur. all of Company U. visited in Se- utile Saturday and Sunday. Ameri can like. situated about u mile mid 11 half from camp, is I In favorite pleasure spot lor uuardsineii on drill dins alter rclrcal and lo spend the leisure hours Saturday and Sun- dav. The hike is an ideal recrea tion spot wllli facilities for rowiim, tfshini;. hathiui; and various other entertainment. New Type Gun Received Motulav. Ciiptaiu Kohert I,. Irv Inn, assisted hy 1st l,t. Wallace Itohertsnu. l!nd l.t. I'rauk Kino and Jml l.t. l.oim. bet'iui inslniri- inu his men in tnore advanced mill- inry tactics. 1 i a m In it in p! acini: l:il weapons in act ion was mu phasi.e with intensive fiistmrtiou ilso in the mechanics ol the mius ind close order drill. An S mm nun tar. the newest weapon of lliis type in use in the 1'. S. aimy, was received Monday by Co. I . pre vious t ruin I ui: ol i he mortar pla toon had been with t lie old world war mIihIi trench mortar. Keutu- ally this unit will lime iwo (.i ilee new mortars Interest in inoi tai tiainiui; ineveaseil ureut! as a ie- stilt d this aiiulsilion. This unit drew the nimrd detad lor lu tober 7 and s. This detail rot a led bci ween iiuiis in the hnent so t hat all l ei ei e their detail lu turn. The men aie on duty for l' hours and each man is as:di;ued a posl to una i d tor bonis ami is relieved t o- tour hours. Second Lieutenant Kai 1 t I .out; was attpoiuted as olficer ol , tin day, Si;t. I.aui a nee II ill w as j sergeant of (he i:uard and I "or porals of the (hiaid John Trozelle, J James Todd and Samuel Tindall Thirty-I'he privates weie assigned to u u it rd the camps posts. I Colds of Intnor coiieijueiice are j prevalent in ttie cotupanv but with tin M'rinns lllnr.is im lar. 'I'lif I.-ihI Innoi-tilitllnn auallist llnlrl if a srip (it llirch was chrn i.iim-i.i wild a MiiHllpnx wtt-rinitiiiiii limits Uhl'tl iiImi In llli'll who wt'l-i' tillat'li t(i luki.' II ht'l-in. Ira liu: lio.si Inn i; I Leave for Portland Mr ami Mrs 1 HiirIi Rltrlilc. Jr . nf i ;.u .1,-n V.ilh ll'It tu'JdV fur Pnrllall'l to -l!H i'ie stun k shim . OUT OUR WAY 4- WHY, AH- THAT'S TOUGH ON Y HE SHOULD BE UH - THAT A NEW FOREMAW, ) URGIKj' DICVC To "7 MACH1ME 1 TaVlM' TO BOSS SlOW DOWM MORE- -J WOULD ( oi AM OLD HEAD IF X1CIC vVASM'T I STAK1D A V - WHO kNOWS SO POKE THEy'D "A LITTLE V TWICE AS MUCH OF MADE HIM TH' -- MORE FEED, AS HE DOES.' TH' J FOR EM AW! THIS I VJOULDM'T j I BULL COULPM'T GUV OWES DICK A IT, V SPEED OL' PICK DEBT OF GRATITUDE. rrrrrV I I UP--WHY SHOULD k AM' LOOkC AT HIM.' ; nlmTrri -xr: H&"TRVT? Merchant Marine Is Opened to CCC vppmximafe!y l.onn i-iili.in eon Hi'l'vatUMi irii -pM euiollfi'S will lit Heleel eel aoimally lor nn ji)iyimnl hy the mai I line comiiiissloii. at enrdliiK to advice n-ci-ived tn-re ))f . (m;irt rmin,v nnhlle w.-I- ,rre -om mission. To he eiiKihli I lor Heleel hui, Ikiv.s must have completed one year's enrollment with the cotpM. must In' in nood health and must have salisliietory liehavjor and work records. Alter selection hy I he ei villi) u eonserv a lion eorpH authorities, the hoys are ottered employ merit hy I he mari time commission m receive I :;tin lUK for service with the merchant murine. In order to natality lur such hainhm. hoys must he hetuceu the lines ol' IS and year. J m r- li.ir II... Inniili.i. .,,.,-(..,( t I -.,. ;kn(lWI, ;ifl .,,.,.,.,. ail(, aie paid S21 a month, teceiviti.i; in jaddltiou. cImIImiik. suhsistem e ;hm1 Hiaiter.;. Cpou coin pl-t i 1 ion ol 1 1 he training pel hid. u s . h iiualllo'd are iih-ie ti' il in the iriei J chant ma i inc. Their Mains It-if h idiiiint; tiie ti;niiin' p"iod ntel i-m-; ploy in en t p-i in) is Unit oi im imous in priMite ein;il(ymeiii. ;i:id tiny ur not reiiuired t u r oi ilieir earning: tot' lund to make any allotments lor the .support ol their hnnilies. I low ev many instances contribute to tlie pan ins or other cordiiu; to repre. the CCC and th r. ill a m -al hoys otiintai ily suppoit oi iheir dependent.-. Ac inlates ol' holh maritime coin- uiission. Im a wiin coimiIi Mlc! 1 1 ;iin in sr s.-i 1 1st -ictoiilv u il I lie ul l,l(i ,.u-,.i(.nt opp'ot innii i- s tor out inuoiis ouiplov metit . Applicai ions lor CCC enrollment ire now heinn taken at tin otlice l he I loimlas county puidic w c- tail' coiuuiissioii, accordini: hi ;lr, .1 oh ii son. iv it h a number o va cancies still available. KRNR r4Mstlni (jralaas HM Kllo.yalaa KK.MAINI.NG IIOL'KS TOIiAV IMHI M.'llilK'l- I ;i lli'i'. 1:15 M.i Perkins, Oxyclol. MBS. I : 'I lic TiitH- .huiilict -r.:nn - Ni il .tin i h 11 , Si-citi .Ut nl. MI1S. rr.'t'i AlllPl ir.lM l';itMil 1 1-.l.in.-' ill. !i:lr C.tp't Muinicjht, Ov.lltinc. MBS. i: ii ' Kiill.m Jr. .l I'.S. ii r. i 'inn" r 1 1.. hi i- i; ::ii .liihn II IIiii Ih .. uns. ; I.", I ! M l I im.- 5:55 News. Calif. M.kiIic Utili ties Co. :00 R.lymoiul Gi.im Swing. White Owl Ciu.iis, MBS. 7: I.", M in ii:i I M.n-l ii.i. 7 ''" l.iini' l!:iimi'r, IIIS. I 'am t I: rli. Mia. 9:00-9:15- Alka Seltzer News, Republican Nat"! tee. MBS. Commit- I". Ilav.-ll ..I Ui-.l. Mils. .Ill S u; 1 1 oil. h. n icp.w . . r. i i; Mull ami Nnir JO News-Review of the An. IONews, Denn-Gerretson Co. i"' l;h:ii.-mn .ii u,i "il Nai l Au'n I'. C. S. Anin I.'. - Ill's II,-: Ml!: I! I link 1 1: - 111..., I.. I I'l -. 1-' :- lili'iiMiij . 10:00 Can Vou Coiico. I" I.', -ill!!' Nrw, I -:: V;,it.-!t,v liii.igmc 7h.it. ill '':'!' Ill i I ' livisl.an l-.,vil,:il lm- .'.IMS. "" T'ns a nil T'wt la l, I ..v -SI.it .111.1 I...I- Il .-A 53 News-Rev lew of the An . "" l-'--'ti;.:i i::,n,,. I'uainni. MI1S. ill' Frank Ha-i n';. i iirh . Ml I.'- fill ! !n-!it :i I ll:,n,li.-.ii. .Mi "" ' nill I'l'Mlluill'l. :;n All Ainri it an r.mal (m ini:. MH-v S:u:m.l: MIIS I'.iH'v , I M .una: -r-i:.a-r MHS. i'r 1' ' in III r It t : , la UIU is. Mr,: MBS i in:- -. : 3TEPPIMG OM THE STEPPISJG STOME I: IS- Cliaiiiili i-rs. Mils. 1 : :!ll- - Sain Koki'u llaw.'liians, MILS. ."i.nil -I'allni'i' llnlliii! Cnnci'il, MIIS. a: ir,-- Malini.i. I)anri. .".::: ciyih. (.urns' dri ll., M IIS. 6:00 Speech by President Roose velt, MBS. i;:.:ii--.Iiihn 11. Ilnclics. MISS. II: la MrlDilil'H MimIim ii. 6:55 News. Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:in- Mutual Mai'strns. 7::in- K : nn -X::in -t:nii-II : I r,- lam l,.)al, llrainatic Show, MIIS. Ciillf. Mi'lnilii's. MIIS. Hull Cl'ishv'a Ori:h., MIIS. Ni-WB, MIIS. Miti-lmll Avi-cs' Unll.. MIIS. Il ::in -Chili. I.ii-as' (licli.. MIIS. lii:im llavi-n nl Iti-sl, .MIIS. u::i'i--Sl'-n on. si'.Mi.w. (T. i:i -S:'ili A. IV Hull, I ina, MIIS. S:nr, 7 Mlliuli! Mini. MIIS. S : I'll IIIIC- Ni.wn. AIMS. S : :Hr 'ii - t T I'rnplii'i'V (.'Iniir, MIIS. S:l.'i Canary Choi lis. MilS. !i:(in -Tin- VMCA in I In: I'ii-m-iiI Crisis, MIIS. 9:15 The Chaplain Speaks, Rev. Perry Smith. :i:;:n Sim; a Suns nf Sali'ly Club, MIIS. Ii IT, Aliri' litis-. I'lanisl. MIIS. In nn Slrinirs in Swinutim'-. MIIS. 10:15 Romance of the Hi-Ways. Greyhound Lines, MBS. ; ln::in- laiilmmn Nal'l (.'nnvi'iiiiuii, MIIS. ' 11:00 Baptist Church Services. I L': mi- Xiihnili'x Chililri-ii, MIIS. j:::a Sinnlay Varipiirs. 1 :ii' H.-ivi li nf Hi-si. M IIS. J.nil Sunday .Mat inri-. :'.'i 'I'll- Shallow, MIIS. :: a" I i.-ini n i nvli. :t.:in siiinv ui" Ji- UVrk, Mi;s. I:"" lli-inlt..vinis. MIIS. 4:30 The Angelus Hour, Dr. C. A. Edwards. ri:un Aimniian I'nnnn nl' tin- Air. .MIIS. ." : l" - 1 Ini nl ll 'l'lliuiiisnn, Ctnil-luniilaln:-, Mils. A FORMER KING HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured former Euro pean ruler. 7 He is the former king. 12 Measure of cloth. 13 Visionary. 15 Frozen moisture. 1G Authentic. 17 Pinkish. Answer lo J0.i3.AA.AJlS rut-r Y F A (7 tST.B.El K J Hi .k-l A.RAEAL CAN A E L a Nl Ill Sand hill. M Hugo wind instrument. Custom. 23 He was king from to 1931. 24 Distinctive theory. 37 Not suitable. 3!) Wrangled. 41 Auto house. 45 Undresses. 50 Hall. 51 Vaini.-h ingredient. 53 He is now an from his land. 26 Health spring. M Masculine. 2BTO kidnap. 55 Before. 32 Pound (abbr.) 56 Hardens. M Plunderers. 57 Foremost. 35 To remark. 58 Father. 36 In reality. 59 Gibe. B.5!MilQAiS;riSH3te'Etf I..CKfnNlnt,DV'A LiV',1 INF AIMR.PDI m Mm l-ij2 S p 6 1 6 9 iQ ii '" & 27jQ22 Tl2i & 23 so 51 tr "i 32 ' SEZlttFlJ p Jggffl 1 Hl&h. 131 r25.1 i J e?" j46 p p ft P ' 'I'l 5SI 1 59j Tl y WESobb 6:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour, MBS. 7:00 Favorite Songs of Yours and Mine, Hansen Motor Co. 7:15 The Quiet Hour. 7:15 Symphony. 8:00 The Answer Man, Van Dyke Cigars, MBS. S:1.- -U'yiho William.. MIIS. S::in Ii) Chiiimn Tonight, MIIS. 11:00 .News, MIIS. !l: la llano; (Hi ll. !l: HI! Sign Off. lli-lon Casoy. well known Inrul I'lltnrlalni't- wilt ho hoaril on u spc i:ial rnpuhlinti rally radio program on KliNIt Friday nlKht from 11:15 in ill. Thr- prnttram will originate In I urllanit over a special Oregon lielv.ork of Klations. and will lea-iii.-o entertainers from all over ( n'egon. J. P. Motschenbacher Loses Father by Death Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1'. Mnlscheit liarh'T and daughter, Susan, and son. Kllinit, left Thursday for Kla math Falls where they were called by Ihe death of Mr. Motschen haclier's father, Michael Moischen bacliiir. at. tin- age of 711 years. The elder Mr. .Me'schenliacher a native of Arcadia, Wis., had been a resi lient of Klamath Kails lor the past 111 years.,- He recently suffered a paralytic- stroke. The .1. P. Mot srdienliacher family vlsiti-d with him last week-end. lie leaves a widow, seven sons, three broth ers. I'nur sisters and II grand children. WEATHER STATISTICS By the U. 3. Weather Bureau. Iliiiuidily 4:3o p. in. yesterday ll'e Hlgbesl temperature yesterday 79 l.nwesi temperature last night -IS Precipitation lor IM hours o I'reclp. since first of ituinth "2 I'recip. from Sept. 1, IIUIJ 3.(l"i Kxccss since Sepl. 1, 19n 9u Previous Puzile 13 Sound of H.E:A O.E.QI inquiry. Jl fastidious. 23 Infant. 25 Lash marl:. 27 Flat plate o metal. 2D Buddhist festival. 30 Male bee. 31 Indian. 34 Entangled. 35 Dressed smartly. 38 Measure of area. 3D Frozen rain. 40 Cown. 42 Ramifications, 43 Pertaining to wings. 44 SickncssC3. 46 Beasts of burden. 47 Mosquito sting. 48 Otherwise. 40 Southeast (abbr.). 52 Constellation. AjvV ST!AR ClL'IfD ilAHNBELQEj riRE r i ArTf-HV-Tl VERTICAL 2 To ogle. 3 Banner. 4 Clay pol. 5 To drink slowly. 6 Antipathy. 7 Final causes. 8 To handle. 9 Spiders' ncsls. 10 Cake froster. 11 Transmitted. 14 Being. 16 His followers are called Sunday HUitwUno at the sl DAILY DEVOTIONS In. CHAS. A. EDWARDS Immortality Is not an inher ent right. Eternal life Is h re ward. "The gift of God." V.'e roup what we sow. Praetlcd lihyKical rules timl you t-eap u Ilenllhy hotly, l'raetieo mental rules and you roup a prime tniiiil. Practice spiritual rules pruypr, worship, meditation mid you reap a personality fitted for eternal life. ' Therefore, to lie gleet curing for the soul is to dwarf our best Helves here and enter the next world a pauper. Kgotisis boastfully announce, I im not afraid to die. Jesus 'iverled It until Ho could sity. 'it is finished." Then Ho and wo graduate lulu life evei'lust lug. In Franco, deer holly phased rest securely and ser enely In vast fields of lilies where the sweet scent defeats (he trailing hounds. The shep herds pasture provide nourish ment, hut also offer surcease for unrest and feverish freiiiiig. A man who was healed without charge, lit a Christian hospital, I'ound that one thousand dollars would endow a lied. Ho deter mined to deprive himself of minor pleasures and later rais ed that amount. Later seeing a boy in the bed, he said, that is better than pleasures. Amen. FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY I .oca led at the end of West Commercial Ave. A. Harold Pers Ing. pastor. Service tonight with Kvangellst Hubert (I. Uunnells speaking. Services for Ibis com ing Sunday. Our Sunday school convenes at 9: 45 wllh John Klllot, our superintendent, in charge, classes for all ages. A class for ine lly Is taught hy Hev. A. Harold PersliiK. the pastor. The class Invites you. Morning serv ice ut 11 a. in. Willi Uev. Uunnells speaking. Children's church at fi::io. Young people's service at (l:3ii. Mrs. Dirks lu charge. Kvan gellslic service at 7:11". Ilov. Han nells speaking. This will ho Ilia final service nf these special meet ings which have been going lor live weeks. Services lor the week: Tuesday night at 7:!lo. devotional with a gospel message by Ihe pas tor. Friday night nl 7:3". pastor will be assisted hy the young peo ple in this service. CHRISTION SCIENCE Chrlsiian Science servires In Mvrile Creek are held each Sun day in the grange hall. Third and division streets, at 11 a. m. The subject of Ihe lesson sermon for Sunday. October 13. is "Are Sin. Disease and lleallt Itenl?" The iiublic is cordially Invited to at tend these services. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN HURCH (Missouri Synod). ' Corey ami Military si reel, West Koseburg. Tim service of Sunday, October I", begins at 7::in p. in. The topic ol Ihe sermon Is. "Why Does Cod Plato liillicullies in the Pathway or the Christian's Life?" The Sun day school meets at !l: la a. lu. The New Testament study class meets jFridav (toniglill at 7: lid p. in., at ihe hnine of IT. (!. McQueen. 41 'South Pine street. The Mid-Week Bible class meets next Thursday ! afternoon at the homo of Mrs. It. iKaine on South Mill street. The iiusrlerly report, will lie given Sun- !dav evening after Hie service. We most cordially Invlled all those having no church home of their own lo attend our service ami Sunday school. W. A. Sylwestt-r. 1170 .Military street, pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ::I2 l.'ast liouglas si reel. lingular; services Sunday at 11 a. in. hun-j ject of lesson: "Are Sin, Iilsease ami Heath Real?" Sunday school convenes at 0:4a a. m. Wednes-j day evening meetings which in clude testimonies of healing and remarks on Christian Science are held lit S o'clock. The reading room at "17 Perkins building is open daily except Sundays ami hull-' ilnvs from In a. m. In 4::!H p. in.; Here the Ilible and all authorim d Chrlsiian Science literature may: lie read, bnrrnv, nil or sllliscrliied lor. Tin public is cordially invileil lo attend Ihe church services and to visit ihe reading room. FREE METHODIST CHURCH The pastor. Die liov. I.nuls skil- I zie. will nccupj ihe pulpit both , morning and evening on Sunday. I "The Standard Kipiipment." in a j Christian lite in the present uio.. ; ern streamlined wnrld. is the sub-1 ,iect. for the mnnilng theme. "The Man Who Saw Seven Hundred Ahead" will be discussed in Ihe; evening. Portraying Ihe adv.mt- iges nf the limn who contacts Cod j also the short sii.htcdness nf the . jnisn in Ihe street, and tho man in (the olTiie. The church is looking rorwarrl to the rail revival meet ing which will he held ill Ihe near tillure. Look lor announcement s through the press and hand hills which will he distributed. Sunday srllnnl !l:l',. mnrning wnlsllip I": 1.1. Kveiilns. VI'.'.IS Ii 1.1. wor ship 7::io. Midweek player and praise services Wednesday 7::in. DILLARD METHODIST CHURCH ;. a M 111 H) I II a. lU-lilM. ( ;ai Iwtdcii. pastor, hi ii. in. Mornine in ttu I'luirch.' Smnl;i W(i!llip Why IVityiT . in. moot nit; Wediiostiay. LOOKKINGGLASS CHURCH Sunday ttt.. KpW'orth r ti:.:(t p. .o" p. in. TENMILE Ii A l.r'-todll' CHURCH nas'.or. SunJay IH I L-f (CO ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHUCH Confessions will he heard on Saturday from 4 to 6 and after tho evening services. Masses on Sun day will be celebrated at 8 and 10 o'clock. liciiedlcllon of Ihe most blessed sacrament will be given ut 7:30 Sunday evening. Masses during (he week will he celeliraled at 8:'Ju. The October I devotions will bn held each eve jning at 7:30 with benediction on jTuisday and Friday. Them will jbe a Holy Xame society meeting on Sunday. Ft'. William Cnughlan, : iiastor. CAMAS VALLEY CHURCH Ci. A. Clitrboden, pastor. Sunday school 10 u. in. (CLEVELAND CHURCH OF GOD j Cleveland school district, church , school lu a. in. We havo graded ' lessons and classes for ail uges. ,Tho school welcomes you and 'your neighbors. They have friend .ly teachers who will help you en joy tbo lesson. Mrs. John Parry I Is superintendent. .Morning church 'at 11 a. m. A sermon you will en joy. I-.'vening - service at 7: ir, p. im. Sermon subject, "Hoes llapl- ism Save You?" A hearty welcome to all. Come and bring your III hie. .Mrs. John Parry, assistant pastor, John F.dgur lCvans. pastor. THE METHODIST CHURCH Church school at 9:45. -Morning worship at 11 a. ill. Organ prelude "Pleyel's Hymn." Anthem. "The Ird of Kvery Hitman Soul." orfei--tnry, "Song to Iho Kvellilig Slur," Wiiltner. Sacrament of The Lord's Supper. Communion address by the pastor, "Kdon and (ieihse niHiie." Organ instlude. Chorale, Livingston. Intermediate and se nior Kpworlli Leagues at (:1"t p. n. Fvenlitg worshln at 7:30 n. m. 'Special music. Serluun topic, "Son- ship With (lot!. BAPTIST CHURCH A "harvest hnine" service is the order Sunday night a! the llapl ist church. The building will bo decorated with displays dcpectlllg Ihe lall season. Alvln Heard of lokilu-glass. outstanding 4-H club member, will display some of his corn and olher crops. Other club members will he present. ".My Father Workelb llilherlo and I Work" Is the scripture text Sun day night. "The Ideal Cher." is the sermon topic Sunday morning. The Sunday school convenes at (1:15 a. m. Four young people's groups l .4 at (!:1!i) p. m. The annual venison supper will be held at li:an Tuesday evening, lly spe cial request a series of prayer meeting studies on "What Bapt ists Believe." will be started Wed nesday evening at 7:30. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jackson and Iine streets. The Business and Professional club of Koseburg will be guests of tlio church n( Ihe Sunday innrnlng ser vice. The sermon title will be "A Seller of Purple." The Sunday school will hold Its Itally day pro gram at !i:1.1 Sunday morning. The Ladles' Aid will hold a lea in the church on October 17th at 2:30 p. in. Mrs. Marie Flint Mi-Call will talk on her trip through Nova Scotia and other purls of eastern Canada and the t'liiled States. On Friday. Oct. 1Mb. the church w ill hold lis annual harvest hnme put luck dinner ut 11:1-1. Bring sand wiches and a covered dish and plan to enjoy the evening. Tlio sermon Sunday evening will he on "The Man Horn Blind." Tho calendar for thetweek: Sunday: Sunday school. 0:1.1 a. in.: niorninir worship. SPECIAL! Model D Tractor $500 T-20 Internationa! $975 New Model G $150 off 2-Plow Crawler, new . . . .$12$0 Buy Where You Own the Profits DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG. OREGON -IIOI O Tltt FORT" e p. uiu 'Ho, N (omrrtj.-i! . lli, Rcinlor.cmenti .... .,... iioia in loft, W.. il,. mem ft ....rj ,n,u , Sunday School In J .Iftiul. "Hold the lrx ho r... Implied P. -V. tow ti'.:ea' Mn. -en 11:100 a. m.; C. E. socloly. 6:30 i. m.; evening service, 7:30 p. in, Tuesday: Choir practice, 7:30 p. in. Wednesday: Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Thursday: . Ladles Aid, 2:30 p. in. Friday: Potluck dinner, 6:45 p. in. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 312 K. Douglas street. Regular services Sunday at 11:00 a. in. Sub- . Ject of lesson: "Are Sin. Disease, and Death Heal?" Sunday school convenes nt 8:45 u. m. Wednesday evening meetings which include testimonies or healing and re marks on Christian Science uiu held at 8 Mm o'clock. The reading room at 317 Perkins building lb open dally except Sundays anil holidays from ltl.uo a. in. lo 4:110 p. in. llerc the Bible and all au thorized Christian Science litera ture may he read, borrowed or subscribed lor. The public Is cor dially invited lo attend the church services and to visit tlio reading room. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST , OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school will lie held Hun day innrnlng at 10 o'clock in tliu Woman's club hall. 130 S. Jackson. A short speaking sei-vire will bo held directly after. Kveryone wel come. No collections taken. Returns From Portland Carl Richmond, of the Sans Solid tur key ranch at Melrose, returned here last nignl from Portland. $235 QUART BOTTLED IN BONE :im oi ooviuhiiiiit ivmvii: i vavt rti to ; I Straight Bourbon a I WMsliiy "A CENTURY DIBTIU.INO CO. 3 1 OLD FASHIOIi'EO REVIVAL Charles E. fuller. Director r'tirreful (in-jwl I'rvarJttiiij (i!il II mii it. .,r Hi.- Fnti.ll EVERY SUNDAY t; nn iv m k i:ri 1 ".""i Kilnrwli-s now ...(..in. . ir8E-zgm lor I tn coming -.u,of u. . niiii a, yAr. ls;o. in a Rockford. 111., ot Ccnrf jl S!irrmn'i tort For I Am Comlna." lo Gmctil (jlUmlr ,1-l.odinJ lort Agioonj P. Bit.1 lorllp lhl hymn. L'ltMTtft ll.'V Artlt.jtw- Bill VMM III PI20 111 r.17 IX I i school 10:13 111. PHONE Mi