ROSEBURG NEWS-REYlEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1940. FIVE ini.Svrf !Vr 1,14 u i i Livestock COR SALE or trade 9 pitts. weight ; 40 to 70 pounds, for $4.00 each 01 will trade, for heifer or used ' ti actor disc. Kmll Harris, llox 33, tilendale, Oregon, at Rcubena.' FOII BALK 75 weaner and feeder pigs. Also fresli and sprliiKcr milk cows. J. E. Cooper. Oakland. WANTi:i Docf and dairy cattle. W A. Mlackert, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. ruono 2S02. COC'KER SPAN1ULS Thorough: . j lneila. Jacobs' Kennels, 312 V. .; Second North. WA-NTKH 50 head of Kood aged j ewes. I'hone 36F2. ltoy Hoiid. ) (illde. Oregon. vVIUK-HAIItKl terrier puppies for . sale. Call evenings, 1020 Military street. WANl'KI) 25 young ewes, (ilve .a age- breed, price. 112 Hrockway V street. Hoielmrg. FOH SALB--2 months old pigs, '.' $2 75; 4 os. W. G. Paul, 14-F-21. AIIOI'T v'-pound pig for sale. C. M. Stu,h, Melrose. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALfi Oroy outs and red c liari' wheal, (leorge Demi, ' as Vall"y, Oregon. FOR SAI.K No. 1 oat and vetch hav. baled. T. li. Duncan, phone H-F-3. I. J4.F-2. 1 -tr.:.-..- ,.. , , ...,.... ..,. I nr.,-v.o,..v,r. n.,i-mn.- I)f. O. W. Marshall, Med. A. Illdg ,111.1 (111 1 H 1UI ICCU. , luiui iA-n,r, rr,r, ii;, v ,,. I , j -Tiivilie. -i.lie negins ai on imu .mini Pulfnf Fuel f "fcUonor Overboard" -Moose hall. Wed- TOUIfry r 2-rooni, furnished upurtment, 112 ! Al.winxt.i-Walter Leake. Dixonville. nesilay. October 16. 7:30 p. m. - T Hrockway. :" iLlfhV It. F. SiiiRler. Mcdlord. Oregon. 250 WHITE LEGHORN pullets PHONE 283 i i f Trade ready to lay. E. H. Holm, sunt- uroen ann Dry siao woou rooms for rent. Phono 803. 133 . ' " 4 'iv. j-r Lost and found j onin. roseburo lumber co. n. fihu. Chiropractor Wm'-n'ir, o,.:cnL nr'Au-es "'llox w ST-Sniall case keys. Return to j N. II. RED pullets, fryers, li. R. STOVE OIL For bettor heating. I FOR RENT Garage. 218 S. Roso. " ''&fTnXn2v. rmpna Hotel I Holm. Sutherlin. Call Associated. Phone 537. CaH3l-R. DH. I. B. SCOFIELD. Phone 273 jQ Jp ' m2ESAmmtnTmmm3BK " " e-t-saa--MTp n ''""ALLEY OOP The Re"Union By V. T. Hamlin uifllvmcll' UvHttT OEUHyeO-KE? Mi SOSt-0 fM$ MOW, AFtU ALL THAT f HOW COMe OU GOT CftPTUREO) IT GOT ) (SBM, I ToLWUH THEM N&W-FAN6LEP i '1 7 W ( M BWWTWirPl.WE WORKit PINO YOU PIOM'T ANVWAV? DIDJUH FORGET jf CLOSGEO GADGETS WERE MO GOOO ! BUT F ( PlhlLLV GoATOPlf CES WHI16 OOm WEED RE5CUIM' HOW TO (SHOOT y-- WITH N0 C'MON , IT'S TIME WE WERE GITTlrV V "wtrle.') AT ALL jyOH.BUT WE VOUR lX-GUKiJ NO, IT ( PURIM6 THE OUTA HERE. ' if F I i i f ,...s a vifj mxlfe MMHltu PIlIC Dif ft JA !! I DIrAa I W IRREGULAR. FRECKLES' HOMEST ABOUT ir, TO SEAR HAT MCIDS SAIU ihink TOU should " ' f p - -Ji I w irregulak. freckles. wilsow, X wt.'whvdonT Tmev'o assume a wore- m" EJc REALLY DONT WANT I htoOWTODRAW DRAFT M6 DlQM.PlEO tffff'i lfT.. rPlftBfl V I I S TO BE ELECTED J JHf . JtT ! W1 6 U ' H lSM f , . ' i i Li -i li ' ' " rrr-r n KiiiiS Itiiyliin prices :i Kxlras Pltase Call BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES His Conscience Bothers Him ; ' ' By Edgar Martin 467-J OH-CM..' VNtR COVAtb Vv-t I ( tOVl WTCVt OV, VA'fi, NOVi " f -fi W WNl, I Q-KO fCl 7l) j TT 'T:nuMry'' live poultry, un- 1 - " , (ir OOT U? , TrS TO G&A Vi V-OOK .' " X COViO TVC TO "' A WW 3 TJt VpSC' -Y- f--f '''11 NSO -W,V VJRX TLX-WiUtO VOvi Xfr AlVSR5i W t . . jj . WASH TUBBS Not So Fast, Girlie By Roy Crane fvAf3 CJX I ' ' fVAWEBES, NOW LI6TEV1, VICKI... ) : IT) f USTEN, EVE .' I THOUGHT V0U WtB6 Al ( OKAY, OM TH6 CONTRARY, IU 8tT YtOOVE f WHIHT THE N . AH, HAl NOD EVAPE TM6 T3tj SfOi1kXJM V ' YOUB V ' BH0-8.0OBED HE-MAM WITH EW0U6H TMENl' J BEEN TRYlNfa TO &ET INFORMATION BLAZES GAME aOESTlON IT'S TWJE jr MTi S'C ! COURAGE? ' ( I UERUE AUt PATRIOTISM TO HELP BBIN6 K MOUSE A.60UT THEM ALL ALONG, WHY, T YOU A. SILLV OH, H0N W0NPERFUL! I'M I XI f JcT . A - ARE VOL) A I VS P0REWN SPIES AWB AS0TA6EBS v XOOLPNT BE SURPRISED IF XOU'CE NOTION LIKE GOlNii TO HELP YOU vwSl Wi ' ' MOUSE OS M i, TO JUSTICE.' j .. ," r'" , plT t7 G'MAM' THM"? 7 WHETHER OU UWE IT WlXVl U I ' f ' AMANfrr f i r -czLJ ki' wja s? o,hot. trust m, X (1 !-: l ' tTp-' ,- , , .JLTrTifN ' tf ) Lg v. lu -IrV-? . u sWV jA JLS'-'''l jaMfoJ "J feel li kf? ruijitiy Cam lonighl!" " i . .-.", -4 'V .r y'rRw-r. ty:il".K?JJ Red Estate WILL sell for fSOO.OO 2-room house, modern, natural wood veneer Inside finish, completely furnished, new furniture, 1 acre ground, free soil, electric lighta. city water, adjoining Veterans' Facility, Eden bow er. J. N. Door. Route 2. nox 139. FOR SALE OH THAUE I acre, near tow n. 4-room house, city wuter, electricity, garage and woodshed. Price 1276.00 cash. Will take good car In exchange, fi. V. Young ft Son, 205 W. Cass. Phone 417. FEDERAL, land tianK farms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available at the National Farm Loan Office, Perkins Build lug, Roseburg. FOR SALE 6 acres adjoining vet erans' facility on west. Modem 5-iooin house. Will Rell whole or in part. Terras. See G. W. Young & Son. FOR SALE 6-room boose, large lot. Sacrifice for cash or terms. Close In. Box 866 c-o News-Review Autos FOR SALE 1930 model A Ford coupo. Al condition, rumble seal, $70.00. Phono 4uFi, Oak laud, FOR HALE Ford model T truck body. See Fosback Dillard store. . man m msi mm For Sole MisceDaneout FOR SALE 8000 pounds Austrian winter peas, purity 9S, germina tion SOI. Ten. tons clean Sanllam winter seed barley. 400 pounds mixed vetch. Epplnger-Hllp Ranch. Myrtle Creek. SMALL oil healer, 15.0; large Coleman oil heater with tanks, $40.00; Frlgldalre refrigerator, $75.00. Phone 235. A NEW modern storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor Ago Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. MONARCH wood range. Wostlng house electric range, small heater. Walter Leake, lixonvllle. FOR HALE Grapes Concords lc IHiund. 2c delivered, Saturdays. Art Ilalrd, Cmpqua. FORDSON tractor and 16-Inch plow, fine shape. Walter Leake, lllxonvllle. FOR SALE t'sed tires. Some good 600x16. Farm Ilurcau Exchange. FOR KALE Canned chicken. Ltest in tho west. Phone 0F12. GRAPES Concord a, 3c delivered. Phone 146. Dentistry SPECIAL Extraction and Plates Tyorrhea Treatment Gas w hen desired. Dr. Norbas Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Help Wonted HOUSEKEEPER for elderly lady, good Christian homo. Don't reply if grouch, smoker or drinker, in first letter give full information, when and where interview, llox 914, c-o News-Review. REGISTERED nurse to tako over general hospital at once. Dr. E. F. Lucas, llanrion, Oregon. WANTED Somoono to farm 25 acres on shares. Phono 25F12. WANTED logger. Winter show, llox 913, c-o News-Review, Wonted WANTED To lease stock ranch prefer abcep on share basis. Iteferences. 11. Hurley, Routo 2, Roseburg. Oregon. WANTED Walnuts and filberts. Also Italian prunes, llox 912, c-o News-Review. HIDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market. Work Wanted HYDRAULIC wheel tightener. Work guaranteed. Mufflers, guar anteed life of car. Parts for al most all makes of cars. Rnrff's Auto Wrecking House, 623 N. Main street. Phone D53. CAMINET WOHK made to order. C42 N. Jackson, Roseburg. WANTED Washings, ironings. Re ferences. 421 N. Roso. Rentals CLOSE IN. One and two-room apartments, lights and water fur nished, $5 and IK per month. 302 West Washington. DESIRABLE apartment. Your terms for all winter renter. Adults. Page Lumber & Fuel Co. FOR RENT Two S-room apart ments, one heated, close in. 124 W. Douglas. Phono 722-R. Fl'RNISllED room, steam heat, bath, llell Building. 122 S. Jack sou, opposite Indian Theatre. FURNISHED apartments. lights and hot water included. $6.00 month. 646 S. Pine. STEAM heated, well furnished apartments. Nnrtlislde Apart ments. Phono 369-J. G-ROOM, modern house, ono acre ground with fruit. 1395 I'nipquu avenue. FOH RENT S-rooin house, partly furnished. Inquire 864 Military street. FOR RENT 5-room modern house. 730 E. Italic, $30.00. Coon Lumber Co. FOR RENT Apartment on Rast avenuo. Inquire 454 N. Stephens. KOHLIIA11EN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. SMALL apartment, close In. Call at The Strange Shop. Fl'RNISllED 5-room house. Cull at 603 Humllton. FOR RENT I .urge tj-room, mod ern house, partly furnished or unfurnished. Iluacnient and gar age. I). F. Chllson, 875 Hoover strcot. Phono 225-Y. FOR RENT Nicely furnished three-room apartment, available , October 1. Phono 555-lt or 408. C. W. Parker, Hosebui'g tin nine. FOH RENT 5-room liouso, elec tricity, 1 mile from high school. 40 acres (15 acres tillable). In quire at 310 N. Jackson. FOR UENT 6-room liouso, elec tricity, plumbing, 14 acres ground, chicken house, S miles out. Walter Leake, Dixonville. 5-ROOM heated apartment, desirable. 630 E. noughts. Very Impounded THE following described dogs have boon impounded and if not claimed within 48 hours from ditto of notice will ho disposed of as provided by law; Largo, femnle, brlndle bull, picked up near Glendnle. White and tan, male Collie, about 1 year old, long tall, picked up neur Dixonville. Ilrown and white, young, malo Shepherd, picked up at Roberts creek. Tom Fletcher, Enforcement Offi cer, October 7, 6:00 p. m. THE following described dog has been impounded and If not claimed within 48 hours from date of notice will be deposed of as provided by law: Shepherd pup. about 4 months, brown and white, hob tail. Picked up at upper Huberts creek. Tom Fletcher. Enforcement Officer, October 8, 5:00 p. in. EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Don SEE AN EXPERT Ths firm ano Individuals listed below spsolallz In their werk. Sot them for expert service. You should profit by their help. GENERAL 8AW FILING Howrd Ca8ebeei', 443 8. Stephen Also furniture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 8. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Knlghl Porter, corner Douglas A Main. Body, fender work. Painting. FLUE CLEANING FURNACES vacuum cleaned flue cleaning. Call 841. J. C. Bewiey. ODDITIES By tho Associated Press Poor-Box too Poor YARMOUTH, N. S. The Rev. William Penny at St. Ambrosu Ro man Catholic church is "tired of fooling mound" with poor-box thieves. So bo is Installing three small safes In Hie church. They will be imbedded in concrete. Your Hat, Mister LEXINGTON, Neb. Dr. A. R. TrniiHiio sold "goodbye" when Ills tint blew iulo u deep canal as lie watched n six-ton steain shovel tuko huge bites of earth. But he didn't reckon with the steam shovel operator. Hi'. Transue wutclieil amazed as the scoop carefully picked, up his hat from the canal bnlloin anil dropped it gently near his feet. MARKET REPORTS LIVESTOCK ORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. t. (AIM IV. S. Dept. AwO HOtSS: Ac tive, steady to strong; good-choice 170-215 lb. diivelns mostly 6.40; snvcnil lots $6.50; carloads ?6.6u; 225-270 lb. weights $5,115-6.10;. light lights $5.50.oo; packing sows $1.50-75; lightweights to $5.00; goorl-i'hiilcn I coiler pigs nulublo $5.50-75. CATTLE: Calves, markut opened fully steady, later very slow; cows dosing weak In 25c lower; some bids slcera noil hellers lower; bulls and venters sleady; few mcdlum gonil fed sleers $9.50-10.411; no strictly good liulil kinds offered; gruss-lnt steers mostly -a. on; oininou glades down to .vl.ifi; few sloi koi s :7 Oii-S. no; medium grass hellers S7.5o-K.25: short-led hellers o SS.i5.-i wllh mid head $9.00; cut-er-coinmoii lielfers 85.25-6.50; can- ner-coiuiuon cows $.l.;iO-;.no; low fnl dairy type cows $5.25-50; good hravy beef cows $6.50-7 00; ytung cov.-s currying few hellers $7.5o; nieiliiiin-gooil hulls $; Cill ers down to $5.oo; good-choice venlera 12.00; common grades down lo 87.50. SHEEP: Aiilve. fully stonily; good-choice trlliiied-lu Inmlis $K.25 50: niciiium-Kooil iambs $7.5o-x.o; feeder lambs $7.oor,0; cood-cholce shorn In lulis .S7.ii.i-7u: medium grade iown to ?7.25; medium yearlings $5.'io-25: go'nl slaughter ewes S.t.oii. "o; common giadcs down to 31.50. PLUMBING Peto Crumett, Plumbing. Ph. W7, RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING ".oseburg Electric Phone lit. RADIO SERVICING Hargls Radio Service, phone 1M, Lund Radio Service. Phone It. REFRIGERATION SERVICE S. C. Jones. Phone 13S-U LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ser. Phone S4. WIFE OF CANDIDATE NOT JEHOVAH WITNESS MEMBER It has come to my attention that rumors have been circulat ed to the effect that my wife is a member of the sect known as Jehovah's Witnesses. This ru mor undoubtedly originated be ctiUBo of the fact that another Mrs. Thornton Is an active mem ber or this sect. This Mrs, Thornton is not related to me anil I am not responsible for her activities. My wire is not now and never has been a mouther of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Wo are both loyal in every sense to our country. CLIFF THORNTON, Republican Caudldato for Shorirr. (Paid Adv.) changed. DRESSED TURKEYS Buying prices: Hens 18c: toma 16c lb. IHESSED TURKEYS Nominal selling prices: new crop hens 20 toms 18c lb. Onions unchanged. POTATOES Eastern Oregon Washington $1.20-1.30 cwt.; Klam ath $1.35-1.40 cental. Hay, wool, mohair, cascurn, hops unchanged. WHEAT PORTLAND. Oct. 7. (AIM Open High Low Clost Dec 76 76 76 76 IN BANKRUPTCY B-25205 In I he district court of the Unit ed Slides for the district of Ore gon. In the mutter of Burton Kenneth Walker, bankrupt. To the t editors of Burtun Ken keth Walker, of .Winchester Bay, In the county of Douglas, 'and dis trict aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that said Burton Kenneth Whlker, haa boeu duly adjudged a bankrupt on a po tmen filed by him on tho 31st day of August, 11140, and that tho first meeting of bis creditors will be held at the office of tho undersign, oil In Roseburg, Oregon, on tho 21st day of October, 1910. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, appoint a creditors commit tee, examine tho bankrupt, aiid Iriinsnet such other business as may properly eomo beforo Said Hireling. Dnlod tho 7th, duy of October, 1010. C. L. HAMILTON, Reforoo in Bankruptcy. For newspaper deliveries after 5:30