ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER '8, 140. FOUR 'rf, t " ! - laa Daily !? Hnadnr by Ue IVewe-IUvlen Co., las. Meaaber ol Ta Aaaorlatt Preaa The Aaaoelated Prima l exclusive ly entitled to the una for republ ca tion of all nawa dlapntchea cpaillii-d to It or not olherwlae credited In thla paper and to all Incal newa published herein. All rlghla of r publlcation of apodal dlipatcliea Serein ar alio raiarved. Harris Ellsworth Editor Entered aa aorond elasa mattar May 17. 1020, at tho poat office at Roarburf. Or(on. under act of March 2, 1171. Represented by Kan York 271 Madlnon Ave. C hl raao :i0 N. MUlilBim Ave Nun Kr.i.el.,.1 220 Buall fit reel llr trolt :I084 W. Clrund Boulevard I. A.arlra m S. Hprlnit Klrcet HeatHr 603 Stewart Htroot l'rl-N.J--520 S. W. Sixth Ave Ml. Lanla 411 N. Tenth Htroot. ism Oit PlIUS Ml IATIM ukarrlptlos llntra Dolly, par year by mall M rally. 6 inonlha by mall J.;" Dally, J montlia by mull.. f Dally, by currier per month... . .- Dally, by carrier par year 70 Every state, county and city official or board that liundlea public money ahould piihllnh at regular Intervala an accounting ot It, allowing where anil how each dollar la apent. Thla la a fundamental principle of demo cratic government. BKPUKK III" fli'Ht "NtiwnlKipT work' 'In finally Inywl nwity In tho hlatnry of the yr-nr I'JIO, lei there bo aim moro tiilin nppiiiiBiil of tho Kioiit viiluo to ilciniHiitry known it tho freedom of Hie preHH. Thu pri'HH of Ainuilcu In five cnimlltiitlnniilly free. It l iluilur ed so hy tho bill of I'lRhta. Ilul the word fromloin, llko other i?eu oral tonus mien hs luxes, wiikom, or looieHtlon, Is a word of cIiihhI fleatlon rather than of accuiulu description. In other words when wo say "freedom of the press" Just what li meant? Do wo mean tho phrns'i as tho president noes It or us It is Interpreted hy a small town nil tor? a a Inasmuch as the view ot tho phi-UNO by tho president Is Infin itely moro Important In Implica tion than tho view or I ho hiuiiII town editor, Ilia opinion or a Wash ington t'orrnsponileiit, a man who Is In u position In Interpret this view. Is wiirl li havliiK. Arthur Kinrk, Washhmlon re porter for the New Vork Times ono of tho ureal newspapers of Ihe world yesterday addressed n ineellni! of Ihe New York Slalo .Society of Newspaper ICilitms. Ill Ills prepared address he accused the national ailinliilslnilUiii ol holding "Ihe viewpoint that the press Is tiiilrulhliil und iniliili," mid ndded: "I.Ike any slaliile. the hill or rights can he made In conform to ll new prcvalllliK philosophy and pollllcal purposes, r'lom my per sonal observations and exper iences dlli'lna .these last seven years I do not trust Ihe current philosophy when applied lo I ho ancient freedom of I In- press." Krock said that while "many American anverninoiils have Mono to war with at least a section ol the press." these weie "amateur by ciiinpai isou." "The now deal." lie asserted, "has pi-rlcclcd a lot inula. "lis basis Is the president's press i-onl'ei em-e. The first layer imposed on the basis nl Ihe press coiil'erence consists el otllclal favors surreptitiously extended to syndicated CHliiiunists who are 'sympathetic.' "The next layer in Ihe stincluie Is composed of Hie battalion ol government press agents. They work night and day. at public ex pense, to clrcula!" every'liil act In ruvoiahlc terms, to c,loss oor errors and to conceal what lor utiy reason Is not desiicil in be known. "The capstone was set In place by the president himself. II Is composed of technical denials of substanlliilly trim news stories, und steady liuplh aliens Hint Hie press Is unreliable imp! often venal." .lust fuur weeks from loilny tho people of Ihe I'nlted Slates are go ing; lo the polls. They will either affirm this procedure. approve ilils formula --which constitutes an at tack on press freedom, as Kmek sees it, or Ihey will deny lis right to pnriietuallou. We repeal Ibis Is tho most Imporlanl presidential election In u Kcnciallon. Intend to pay their ilohts. NATIONS Ihut go too deeply U . debt pay. of course but not 'y th hrd but lumpM method of EdKtoriala on Newt (CaottMMi trim 94 U taxation. They pay by JUGOI.ING THE CURRENCY. History Is plain on Unit point. A THOUGHT about your news- paper this being newnpupor week: If you had been lout on (tin ili?n rt, your first question AKTKIt wati'r, porhaps even before loud would be: "What has happened?" TUKW.S of tho world, of tho na- ' tlon, of your family, of your friends, of the state of buslntws Ih one of the essentials of huimin existence, taking Its place along with food, clothliiK and shelter. llest, ri'Hi-r map of Kurope is onn would have all evidrmvH nl illtleiisiu removed. First words heard on the WW phone wei-H spoken In IST'i and il si'eniH aH though that woman mi the parly line hasn't oil' it Rlliee. A seven-ton stoneri usher hIoIimi from a M it-himm Kinvcl pil Is onoiiKh to make thu deed welh heavily on anybody's conscience. Japanese and French forces went hultliui; at a dace called Iiong I niiK, which sfiundH as though they came out Muliting at the bell. Councilman In a Cleveland sub urb was selected from a hat. which ho probably will start talking through in usual eoum-iliuauic fashfou. Adolf Is hollering thai llrilain's door of doom is ready lo open, but none of his lialiau beuchinen has come close enough it, help knock on It. The office hliiml regrets the de cision tr, close the llurnoi road. She kind of enjoyed reeling those shav ing ereiini lyrics. KRNR I BrMaaMIng yd KOt Kllaayala REMAINING IIOUKS TODAY l:oo Mallnee llancc. 4:15 Ma Perkins. Oxydol.MBS. 4:110 Sands of Time. .Mils. Bum Ned Jordan, Secret Agenl, MIIS. r.rlln-- Varieties. 0:45 Cip't. Midnight, Ov.iltinc, MBS. 0 : (ill l-'iillon Lewis, Jr., MIIS. li: la 1 llnner llance. i;::il-.liilm II. Hughes. MIIS. : tr. Melodies .Modern. 6:55 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties. 7:00-Itayiuoiiil tiraiu Swing. MIIS. 7 : 1 .r. - Muluiil Maeslros. 7:30 Wythe Williams, American Safety Razor Co., MBS. 7:45 Sensational Quizzes, Sensa tional Cigarettes, MBS. S : On - l.ailgh n' Swing Club, MIIS. S::iu Hick Jill-gen's Kreh.. MIIS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. !l: 1'. - Kdily liiichln's inch.. MIIS. 11:110 - Civile I, inns' (llch.. MIIS. 0:00 Haven of Rest, MBS. n:;io Sign on. w i:iNi:snv. ocT. it 7 ;ini Sllltl' and Nnnseli-ie. 7:30 Ncwa Review of the Air. 7:40 News, Denn Gerretsen Co. 7:45 J. M. Judd Sflya "Good Morning." 7:.".o Hhapstidy In Wax. S:hi Ilreakfast Club. MltS. S ;:!- Interhide. 8:40 Bess Bye, R.incho Soups, MBS. s :."- Mutual I s. .MltS. j. nit linioihy Siewiis 1 1 11 111 pH- reys' Supi aim. M MS. 9:15 Man About Town. !::; Let s I'hn Ibidi:.'. M1!S. t IT. Keep Kll tu Music. .MIIS. ' 10:00 Can You Imagine That, Copco. 10:15 I'll Never Forget. True Story Magazine. MBS. in tM .lobiisuu Family. MIIS. 0:45 Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser. MBS. 11:00 Our Friendly Neighbors, Al- ka Seltzer. MBS. :15 Wheel of Fortune. tr. School ol the Air. .M US. nil Luncheon Concert. :15 Sport News, Dunham Trans fer and Powell's Hardware. .'2"' - It h vi hin at Katidom. :35 Parkinson's Information Ex change. In Inlet -hide. : I.". Stale and laical New s. :50 News-Review of the Air. :00 Henninaer's Man on the Street. 1 : l.'i I on School of the Ait . MltS 1 Win Id's Fair S 111 plum h Hand, MIIS. J : mi -A t Your Command l!.;in Know Your Ametlc:i, MliS. :i;im- A IV hulletins. MI?S. .h-ny l.lains Oi. J,.. MI5S. 3:30 The Quiet Hour. 1 : Mil Matinee I mure. 4:15 Ma Perkins, Oxydol, MBS. I HO -The Tune Jamboree. ri:no-To lie Announced. ,S::tn I .est We For set. 5:45 Cap't Midnight, Ovaltine, MBS, fi-oit Fiilion I .ev. i-.. Jr., MIIS. il1 1.". IMnner hance. , II tin Jnlin II. IImcIh-:.. MIIS. t; t"-- i,tl Time 6:55 News. Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:t'u Hnymonil Cram Swim;. MIIS. 7 I --Mutual Maestro.. 7::io - auv KanEcr. MliS 8:00 The Answer Man, Van Dyke Cigars. MBS. V I. .".- Foot ha II KoHum. M MS. S: IMantalleuanes. MliS 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. !l .l.'i Mlti hell Ayres" lrch MltS !-3'-C'lydo Lucas' On h . MUH. 10;00 Hjveo ot Re&t MBS. Ui.30 Sipn ciff. BARBS OUT OUR WAY Navy Reservists Told to "Stand By WASHINGTON, (let. 7.- (AIM Navy 11 nd marine reservists, 01 d im I'd to "shunt hy" In a inohili;t I ion 01 Mcr .'iHeciiim is,iino men, wen expected to he not it led of I heir assignments und report Ink dales in (he next few fliiVS. The mobilization order, calling up eiHnmh men to swell tne strength of the nnlion's sea person nel to l was issued late Sai itrdny hut orticiiits tsaid its mean purpose was to put reservists on Mil ice I hat del in ite orders would he furl hcomlni; t-lioilty. The onler appiiei mily to Ihoso in the navy and marine corps re I serve- all men who have served he I lore in the naval Imces. li did not jaflect Home WW.VXl nieinheis of tho navy's volunteer reserves, the vul jiinleer inaiine curps reserve or the i im reliant marine reserve. Polar Bear Slays Mate At San Francisco Zoo SAX FHANCISCO, Oct. T.--(AI') The bliss which city off icials hop- cd would perviidf Flebdiluickflr (zoo's resfdenls in tlndr new "1111 1 1 lira I habilal" surroiimiiuus failed jlo lll Hill, a cunlatikeroiis i t'olar bear. i Wliile hmiilreds id' persuns were (natheilhu yesterday lo watch dedl j cation cereinntiies of Ihe Sl'.imii,uimi uuiinal home. Hit; Itlll suddenly al j tacked his mate.- M In. fatally juimnded hrr. and then heid her un- ' tier ualel- w htle she died. j mi aiiendanis and one police j man mouuM in vain to part I lie bears, whose roars drew a thront: i to (be bear pits. Oi'licials, seeking I lo b arn why Hie hi male touuht uiih ihe smaller female, a rarily. I said Ibu Hill ini.lit have been upset i hv 1 he new t in roundinys and 'cn.wd. no nlticiiil- said Ihev hadn't de ided w hal lo do u ith ti( Kill. Patriotic Program Held j In Drain Grade School I I. If l. Oct. s On last Fi tda ui-Mlim:: a new l;iur was raised a j t be I it a in im ade school, with appi o jpiiate cm enmities. In Ihe alldllnr ni 111 a H i'-: salute w as im'mmi and ;lbe ptcdi'e ul allegiance . lolloweil 1 ii .1 sniu: "Ametit-a (tie I tealll i t ill." ! Three Mb ::iude lie-mbeis of the js-nial IjAnm ilas-i. i:,ie a hisiury ot the I in it new v.-1 nl recto ds. ;"C. S lle-tniv itt Stum." was 1daed. Usili;; ihe to w i.tdio letord j pta ver. w ii li .speaki uc mb i ephone. The whole m h.ii.l ! .t b l'. i I Stunts maiched lo the tnmi nf the bin hi in;: w he 1 1. t he new 1 la was iiMUilnl and iaied lo ihe lop ol Ihe bilihiiui: bv Wn Scollts. Hucle calls uere uni'ii and ihe chtml .siiiii, "Siar Spaiu.b d Hanuer." W. R. Godfrey, Resident of Douglas SO Years, Dies Milium If ichnnlson Codiiey. 7!, a resident d Ijosidniic and vicin ity tor the last seetal yea is. died Mo ml a v cumiiiil: at t lie h'line ot Mrs, Pel 1 ha I a lor 01 Kosehurs Jiller a shoii Illness, lie was born in Princeton Y. Ya., Atmnst If'.t lie had been a resident ol litis loimlv lor the pa-1 .o ears and at "tie time was in the liver bulnes m t 11 1- i lai . lie also vas encased 111 taimiiii: nai l-ooi.iuuuiass. the ;:nii, lo: s mm , ears. Mis w ile pas.-ed :iui seveial je.ii.s aco He is sinied by a ou. T. I.. Codlfev. of Teton lb. The body was re !ined lo Ihe Stearn-s inorluatv. 1 .ikl.iiul, and tuheial services will In- annoiim ed laler Godoy Hands Doraiio His j First Defeat; Bout Slow I p till. 1 i: 1. p 11 1 A. tvi. s. : 1 APi Aiiurn iioiioy is sattdy past l the 1 1 1 t tMistat U on tie omeback Iiiail that be hopes will lead to a 1 hud meet inn with Ilea. w einht I'buuipien Joe launs. The '"J pound senor troin Chile iii.tUiut: his I'd st t in.; appcarauc -llji e I u'lti- stopced bin in .lunt looU a uiiauiinous 10-rouml densiou VHAT LITTLE. . THIS BALAMCE. 1 (SOINC FOR V ( KETCH CM TH IS PERFECT TO A TOP THERE, THERE'S NOBOPY SRAM- HEAD THAT'S TW IM THAT NEKT MAW'S ? ACH5 6AFETV--HOW ROOM, IS THERE ? WHAT -- ' DO OU LV, BY TK' WAV, I FOR ' I THAT HAIR- COME OVER TO V ? I TRIGGER PULL ? SE. IF WE COULD V f Vl 1 A TAKE A LOOK V 6ET UP A J 'I V ' VS'3&&&J&!$A : BORN TMIRTY VEAR too eoost mmmit J DAILY DEVOTIONS IHt. CHAS. A. KDWARDS "In tho heuinniiiK (!od." don. 1:1. These lour words arc the explanation ol nil tho majesty, all the lory, und nil tho har mony nf the heavens and the earth, Thr-y explain nil tho sciences havrt made possible, and they tell the story of human progress and achievement. Tho chemist In his lah'Matnry, tho in ventor in his workshop, the scientist in his experiment sta tion, the mechanic at his bench, and the farmer in his fields seek to obey natural law; which means they want to know how Cod has planned lor things to be done, and Ihey do them that way. I imtlie a plea for the same obedience in morals as in mechanics; in relluion as in science. When yoinm David fito God first place he was moro than a iimtch for a lion, and a hear, and a uiant: and later wrote the twenty-third Psalm. When he pavo himself first place he went down to de-ii-at. and liisLMace and shame; and he then wrote the rifty-first Psalm. The man who tnkon care oT God's fields will find Clod behiK his kemper, .-Seedtime and harvest, day and'liinht. summer and wlnler. are among Cod's promises. Amen, ; last nielit Iroin Philadelphia's (jus Monuio in a slow linht. H was tho first hout has lost in his last 2 stalls. He weighed I HI, heaviest of his ca reer. Aumessivciiess and harder punch in the clinches won tho nod lor Godoy. I tot h elected to fifilit at (dose (piarters and the crowtl ol ."..-Hin who paid 11 cross of SS.Snl) spent most ol the evening shoutliiR: lor action. Arturo landed the host blow of Ihe tiiht in Ihe third round, a smashing rlpht to the jaw that sta:;:'.ered the stocky Italian. FAMED INVENTOR HORIZONTAL 1, 4 Inventor of cotton gin. fl Great lake. 1 1 Portuguese coin. 12 In Ihe midst of 13 DoRina. 1 5 Volumes. 16 Tiny sandwiches. 18 Half an cm, 19 Secant of nn arc. 20 Chef. 21 Founlnin. 25 Pressing tool. 26 Fern seed. 29 Wheel hub. 30 Woger. 32 To woo. 33 Kvcrgreen tree. .14 Preposition. 36 Membranous bag. ,!9 Child. 39 Advertisement 40 Pen point. 42 School of whales. 44 Mine shaft hut 45 Force. 46 Every. 48 Aviator. 50 Secreted.. 51 Region 52 To make a speech. 53 Toward sea. 55 His machine was called the 36 His gin Is the prototype of gins. Answer to Previous runic IM I M l SnwIlTNiTTrEl I' 2 3 j j5 6 7 6 I V 2 I fT iaLj Bil L pp5 q i lj" Ruth L. Harvey Passes in Eugene MlHB Ituth h. Harvey. 2h, a for mer rosldent of Ito.ebuig, dieil Sunday morning at Sacrod Heart hospital In Kimono, death coming suddenly following a short illness. She was horn December I, 1919, In Thorpe, Wash., nnd moved to RosehurR with her parents when a small child. She attended the Itose- huri? schools and was graduated from IlosnbuiK high school prior to 19Hi, when she moved to KiiRone. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George li. Harvey, reside on thu John Hu nch bark farm at Melrose. She also loaves a sister, Mrs. .Hurt Uruliner, of Kosehurg, and a brother, Klmcr Harvey, of Campbell, California. Mr. ami Mih. Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. iM'iillner left here Sunday In response to a message announc ing Miss Harvey's sudden illness. Funeral services are to he held at 2 p. in. Wednesday from the Veatch chapel in Kugene, with in terment in Host Haven Memorial park. Boole Bombardment SALT I.AKH 0ITY Ociirgo C. MutlilKon claims he and homloncrs in a wiiy, aro brotlierH-uiiilcr-tlie' boinliK. Kvery night hetwcon mid nlullt and 1 a. in.. Mmhisoll told po lice, sninoone riiihrIick an cmply milk bottle agalust his front door. WEATHER STATISTICS By the U. S. Weather Bureau. lllllniiilly 1:30 p. in. yesterday 50 Highest temperature yesterday 72 Lowest temperature last night 51 Precipitation for 21 hours 0 Preclp. since first of month 22 Preiip. from Sept. 1, 1910'. 3.03 Kxi ess since Kept. 1, 1910 1.17 16 Dove's call. 17 Eye tumor. 19 Pine fruits. 20 Sea gull.' 22 fo grow together. 23 Spike of corn. 24 The-cotton gin separates from cotton. 27 Postscript (abbr.). 28 Musical note. 31 Catchword. 3.1 Enemy. 35 Coronet. 37 Fowl. 38 Clan symbol. 39 Helper. 41 Puffed. 43 Russian village. 44 Folding bed. 45 Passport indorsement. 47 To saunter. . 49 To lick up. 50 Owned. 51 While. 54 Form of "." VERTICAL 2 Citrus fruit. 3 Part of eye. 4 Plural pronoun. 5 Goddess of peace. 6 Cohesive. 7 Tree bark. 8 You. lOIdant. 12 He was an by birth. 13 Stints. 14 Rigid. . . urnr - ' - ' City League Standings Tenm W L Pet. RosRburg Allnya 11 4 .7:1:1 limpqiiR Clonnoi-8 10 5 .877 Klka Cluh 9 II .600 Dinihnm'a Traneter 7 8 . .4(17 Sandy's Pluco 7 8 .4D7 Copco 6 9 .400 Utno Bioa t 10 .an Texaco C'hlofn B 10 .3.13 Bin Ten AveraxoHr I.unil 1S2, naUKhinun 179. Henry 17S, Uoucock 174, Dlivla 17.1, Ci'cll Illai k Hi7, Diiit 1117, Slock 165, H. Miller 1G3, Iliull- h'an lilt. Games Last mgnt RnsoburK Alluya a; Sandy's Place 1. Imnhuin's Tiiiiiafcr 2: Copco 1. Utno Bios. 2; Umpquft Clean- ora 1. Texaco ChlefH 2; Klks Chili 1. IliRh Indlvliliial scorn and hiKli net-lea acore, Bnucock, 234 and 021. Scorei : Rika Club: Sherman ... Kllloit Hl-owu ilodKCTH Stcplicnsnn Ilandlcup ... ...198 ...148 ...146 ...138 ...186 ...1S4 1!W 140 ir,9 12S 144 ir,4 918 203 1119 158 170 l.-.o 13.1 134 133 169 f2a 421 474 3S7 4SS 462 158 154 970 .214 .. 99 .123 .130 .179 ...135 8S0 869 2757 Texaco Cliiefa: I. und Morgan Flogel Patchelt II. .Miller Handicap 184 165 17S 143 198 135 601 433 456 443 527 405 985 1000 2865 i:ino Bros.: 1). Stevenson 170 0. McQueen 130 G. l.oomiH 135 V. Uoucock 224 11. II y 193 Handicap 136 9S8 riiipqiia Cleaners: Carr 203 Roser 131 Tannluiid 14u Worledgo 1IM 152 133 165 203 156 136 945 1 15 111! 189 112 182 133 114 159 194 144 455 407 459 621 493 408 136 910 2S43 202 1 SO 137 112 207 550 457 466 364 515 453 Day 15ii I Handicap 151 921 K.t 925 9S9 283! i Roseliurg Alleys: RadiEiin .163 2o2 17S 172 IS 6 178 157 161 16S 203 200 87 976 162 129 162 1 39 96 177 I Slock Schaerer iMerritt llaughiiiaii i Handicap ..195 .133 ..151 .1611 .. S7 534 473 540 53S 261 2S68 473 438 450 386 3118 531 87 889 1003 Sandy's Place: Weiss Toels 1!. Miller It. Hose tionilniim Handicap 152 .179 117 .121 131 177 913 159 13(1 1 II 123 138 177 8 IIS 158 184 155 141 123 185 916 170 135 132 168 211 8115 2616 CopCo: 1 Spencer ... O. Htuce It. Hlmiliargcr II. Black .130 .135 .Hill .1X9 .101 1S5 119 139 1 50 130 98 437 158 411 160 325 SnoilgriisH . Ha ml leap . IS5 555 851 21116 849 Transfer: 1 19 Pllllllllllis' llarr Mills Wiley Stevenson 172 191 173 171 161 111 9S5 ..129 .126 ..169 . 16S HI S.-.2 Blink Handicap Tenmile TKNMII.K. f)t. S Klilred Italh- koy lui.t Kno to Sitlotn to Hltend Willamette univorHit y. His bio iher, Arlliur lliithkey, litis Hltomled the university for the jmst two yenrs. Otlo Htibnor hiis c loanoil out n KIrhiK In his I'Hsturo hihI ri'inenlrd tho mhII hiouiiiI the spriuir and fn stallcfl an elerlrir pump and piped the vatei into his house. Mrs. Audrey .Malone and danirh lor. Joy Ann. were transarlinir husinesH in Kosebnrff SHtiirday. Mihs Joy Ann is taking music les sons in Iloseburp:. Mrs. AllH Howard. Mrs. Irene I loutolka and small daughter. Lil lian Joan, mid Mrs. L. M. MrCaf Troy and small Kranddauchler. Mary Ann Cabot, visllod tho school last Kriday attornoon. Jamos llomollia was busy Friday plowiim nn tho (,nne Howell farm. Mr. Howell purchased the Ilert Wood an! faun just recently. Mrs. Julia Crowley spent the week visiting her dauchter in Mvr lle INdnt. Mrs. Mary Waliramuth spent Fri day visiilnti her sister anil brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. YV, H. Mere dith, or Dllbird. .Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cabot liave as their house iicHt. l,eo Kile of Seattle, Wash. Mrs. (Jladys Hathkoy anr Mrs. Minnio Hathkoy aro. busy harvest ini? their walnut crop. Thoy aro harvosiltiK tho nut crop early this year us the (tray squirrels aro car rying the nuts away. Miss Willamao Muetzol nf upper Olalla was a Kuest at the home of Mrs. Alicu Mi-Caffrcy Thursday ovoniiirT. Chiudo WaleHinuth is imttins in crop fur Albert Williams this week. I'ui'loy Halm is employed at Camas Valley diuclnp: polo holes for tho West Hotmlas U.K.A. eloc trie powur line to the Mrs. Ada Heuti farm homo. Mrs. Ksthor Cabot and son. Jack, were shopping and tranactinir business In Koseburi: Saturday. Those from Tenmile to attend tho l-H proetam held nt Kiveradaio uranst hnll IhsI Momlaf nmht were Mrs. lassie Smith. Miss Kloronro Vllis. MihS JohHnna Krbe. Miss (Hive Kreltrer, Joe Lewollu and Jack Cabot. John Hyatt, who is omployod by SKATING Wtd., Sat. and Sunday at the RAINBOW RINK WINCHESTER the H.E.A., wa a business caller at the Purley Hahn home last Friday. Leo Elle and J. L. Cabot were transacting business In Roseburg Thursday. Jim Henry sent ten ton of grain to Roseburg to have cleaned last week. Those from Tenmlle to enjoy booster night at the Evergreen grange hall last Monday night were. Mr. and Mrs. J. SI. canoi ami daughter, Mary Ann, and Mr. and .Mrs. U M. McCaffrey. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Williams were picking walnuts at Dillard the last few days. Herman Hubner la staying nt the home of Mrs. Martha Paul in Co qullle, a former resident of Ten mile. Mr. Hubner is emploved at a logging camp near Coqullle. Mrs. Christina Chrlslopherson has purchased an electric pump She plans to install an irrigation system In the Bprlng. MiKH If 1 1 1 lo Rprague Is homo with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. James Sprague. Miss Rprague was em nloyeil for the past two months In Roseburg at the homo of .Miss 11a IjlUlllll'tl. STATEMENT Slatoment of tho ownership, man nRomont, circulation, etc., roqulrort by the acta of congress of An east 24, 1912. and March 3, 1033 of llosobui'jr News-Review, published daily, except Sunday at Hoseburg, OreRon. for October 1. 1910. Stato of Oregon. County of Pong- las, ss: 1 to fore mo, a notary public In and for the state and county aforesaid. I personally appeared Harris Ells worth, who. having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that lie is tho editor of the Roseburg News-Review, and that the following is, to the best of this knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, man agement (and If a daily paper, the (circulation), etc.. of tho nforcsahl ; publication for the date shown in tho above caption, required by the act of August 2i. 1912. as amended by the act of March 3, l!K!:i. em bodied in section 5:17. Postal laws and Remilatlous. printed on tho re- I verse nf this form, to-wit: I I. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, mumming editor, and business managers aro: Publisher. News-Review Com pany. Roseburg. Oregon: editor. .Harris Ellsworth. Roseburg, Ore igon; unmaking editor, none; bust jness manaeer, Harris Ellsworth, j Roseburg, OreKon. i 2. That the owner Is: (If owned hy a corporation. Us name and ad dress must bo stated and also lm j mediately thereunder the names j and addresses of stockholders own j irnr or holding one per cent or moro of tntali amount of stock. If not own ed by a corporation, the names and jaddresses of tho Individual owners jmust be given. If owned by n firm, j com puny, or other unincorporated .concern. Its name and address, as well hs those of oncYt hrdividua! member, must be given.) I News-Review Companv, Rose burg. Oregon: Harris r-Mlsworth, Kosehurg, Oregon; Southern Oro 'tron Publishing Company, Engeno, Oregon. I II. That the known bondholders. mortRagees. and other security holders owning or holding 1 per 'front or more, of total amount nf bonds, mortgages, or other socurl I ties are: none. j t. Thai, the two paragraphs next ; above, Riving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold lors. If any. contain not only the list jof stockholders and security hold ers as they appear upon the books or the company but also, in cases where the stoi-kholder or security bolder appears upon the books of I the company as trustee or in any jOthor fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for I whom such trustf c Is acting, is civcn: also that the said two para jCraphs contain statements embrac ting affiants full knowledge and be lief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockhold ers and security holders who do not appear upon the books of I ho company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a rapacity other than that of a bona fido owner: and this afliant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest di- I reel or -indirect in tun said stock, Miniiili. in- il so stated by him. .". That the averag.' number of copies of each issue of this publica tion sold or distributed, throtich the mails or otherwise, to paid sub scribers during the twelve mouths preceding the date shown above is 3IH. HARRIS EIXSWORTJI. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 8th dav of October. l!U'i, (Seall CHAIti.ES V. STANTON. (My commission expires Oct. IS. HM 1 ) STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY jfj alumcm. malanp Return Here Tom Scanlon, of .1.- i,laa EYirAftt PmtActive as Isoclation. has returned here, fol lowing several days at Crater, Dia mond and Odell lakes. ORDER Winters Fuel NOW! Slab Wood Prices 16-ln. Dry Slab Wood, 1 load $4.50 4-ft, Dry Slab Wood, per cord $3.00 Gresn wood It available In 4-ft and 16-ln. lengths. Mill wood Sawdust In Portland Roseburg Headquarters Danmoore Hotel 12th at West Mori FREE GARAC Family Rates Room with 2 double with bath $3.50 for a ft of 4. . . Single rates $1.50. Double rates $2.00. Guarantee ... If rates appointments aro not hods mill! il "1 ah vJ. T I R E L Y SATISFACTORY, your taxi fare fo another ho) k tel cheerfully paid. VI RAY W. CLARK, Manager. What's On the AirM Oh, I feel terrible this morning I just had a terrible dream about missing GOOD MORNING NEIGHBORS Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 A. M. We can't pay off the mortgage, Mr. Legree, so take the home stead, but please don't take our radio. I just couldn't stand to miss LAUGH N' SWING CLUB Tuesday, 8:00 P. M. Sergeant. I want you to arrtst anyono who isn't listening to SENSATIONAL QUIZZES. It's a crime to miss that program. SENSATIONAL QUIZZES Tuesday and Thursday, 7:45 P. M. HI-LIGHTS ON WEDNES DAY'S PROGRAM 10:00 Can You Imagine That? 10:15 I'll Never Forget. 10:45 Bachelor's Children. 11:00 Friendly Neighbors. 11:15 Wheel of Fortune. 12:15 Sport News. 12:35 Information Exchange, KRNR DIAL 1500 j