R0SE6URS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, ORESOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1940. THREE oociety and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER B. P. W. C. HAS NUMEROUS ACTIVITIES DURING CLUB YEAR The nimlnosa unci Professional Women's club, which Is celebrat ing National Business Women's Veek from October 013, hus en joyed a very successful club year during 1939-194U, awarding to an nual reports made by committee chairmen. The club sponsored the nnmml fThanksglvlnR ball In November, 1939 and celebrated Christmas at a party nt the Veteran Admini stration facility. A cash donation of $50 wan given the Rnseburi; swimming pool fund nnd the club also donated for the plaque at the Koseburg Public library honoring President Hayes visit to this city, l.audncalng of the tennis court was completed and a fashion show and dance was sponsored March 32, 1940, which was one of the tnost outstanding social events of Ihe year. The club sponsored the girls' tennis tournament In May award ing three medals, which went to J.oIh Kurtz for singles champion nnd to Vera (loetz anil Alice Xlc Kibbln, doubles champions. The eluh had tho distinction of Winning tlie first prize for Its Scrapbook . presented at the state rpnvemloq t Grants Pass. The flub donated a medal for the an nual clti(ZPng military training ramp. wlki..h . llv if,i,ri it'll was won by Hubert Roy DelC' son or Mr. and Mrs. nva of this city. In aritH- iion to umerous uonntions, tho v!l.',SuJF'hased glasses for a num . w t,j .Iran NARY SOCIETY ET ON THURSDAY Missionary society of the Presbyterian church . will thr-' Thursday afternoon at two rt Jfty o'clock nt the home of Mrs. R-jilU Eddy on South Main street r 111 Mrs. E. K. Metzger nnd Mrs. 7-t -1 1 1 Mi-a. no nlnv lin.lui.aa mil"' ';' ' "..-.i. . ... voms. Ij. Connelly will lead the ile- itons. Mrs. W. M. Campbell, president. II conduct the business session Ith Mrs. Margaret Clnnn in harge of the stewardship program md Mrs. A. A. Bellows in charge if the year-book of prayer. Mem bers nnd friends are cordially in vited, to be present. W. S. C C. S. POSTPONES MEETING UNTIL OCT. 17 The Woman's Society of Clirlst- ! Ian Service Iish postponed Its meet ing from Thursday or tuts week 41 ii t i 1 Thursday, October 17, on nc- rount of the Methodist church linv- Ing a new furnace Installed at this lime. The group will meet October 17 at the church parlors at a one o'clock luncheon with Mrs. P. II. Churchill acting as hostess chair man. Mrs. A. .1. C.eddes, president, will he in charge and Mrs. M. T. Wire will conduct the program. All members and friends are invited to attend, COUNTRY CLUB LADIES TO BEGIN WINTER CARD TOURNAMENT THURSDAY Onenlng of the winter contract bridge tournament of tho ladles of the Hoseburg Country club will be lield Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the clubhouse to be fol lowed by a 12:30 o'clock potluck luncheon and golfing at 1:30 o'clock. All ladles of the cluli are rordlally invited to he present. TEACHERS ARE HONORED AT RECEPTION DRAIX, Oct. 8 A reception was held at the close or the church ser vices at the Christian church Sun tiny evening for the teachers of Un . ion high and grade schools. The re ception was sponsored by the Friendship class of the church. A jirogrnm as follows was given: Piano solo Helva Lakey; song, ladies' quartet, Huby Thomas, Edna Kenney, Ova Patchen and Bessie 3Tkey, with Helen Davis at the piano; reading. Ruby Hollowny: taik, A. K. Gardner, teacher of the class; accordion solo, Betty Veley; pong, quartet. The teachers were then Introduced nnd a social hour was enjoyed. Light refreshments vere served. HAYHURST COMMUNITY CLUB HAS MEETING YON'CALLA, Oct. 8. The regular meeting of the Hnyhurst Commu nity club was held in their hall Thursday afternoon. Business of the community was discussed, after vhlch several of the ladies served a delicious lunch to the following: Mrs. Henry Mideke, Mrs. George Hamilton. Mrs. Henry Hubbell. Mrs. diet. Miller, Mrs. Eugenia Kronv mingo. Mrs. Tom McKlrdy, Mrs. El mer Kruse. Mrs. Art Mychard. Mrs. Oscar Gorrell. candidate for county superintendent of schools, was pres ent and gave a short talk. LOYAL WOMEN HOLD MEETING YOVCAI.LA. Oct. 9. An all day meeting of the tayal Women of the Church of Christ was held Tues day. A potluck dinner was served at noon. The ladles finished quilt ing a quilt. A meeting of the mem bers of the church will he held Thursday, Oct. loth, with a potluck supper beins served. New officers for the coming yenr will he elected at that time. Rally day will be held Oct. 1.1th. Those present at the quilting bee Were Mrs. Arley Marsh. Mrs. Kettle Hanan, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. Clifford Hanan, Mrs. Ray Potter, Mrs. Mary Goodell and Mrs. Wal lace Lyons. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 N. Jaekaon Tnnt Vlrat M n..f MRS. HAHN HOSTESS . TO LADIES CLUB TEN'MILR, Oct. 8. Mrs. Rllln Hahn was n charming hostess to the indies of the Tenmlle Commun ity club at her home In Tenmlle. on Wednesday. After a short busi ness meeting, called to order by the president, Mrs. Rllla Hahn, dainty refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Joslo Smith, Mrs. Eva Simpson, Mrs. Simpson. Sr., Mrs. Grace Barnes, Mrs. Lottie Selgel. Mrs. Nettle Cabot. Mrs. nclln Howard, Mrs. Victor Howard, a visitor from Sllverton, Mrs. AHa Howard, Mrs. Irene Ilomolkn nnd daughter. Lillian. Mrs. Mnry Walga- muth, ami the following visitors rrom Olnlla: Mrs. Addie OUIvant. Mrs. Ralph Heater. Mrs. Bertha Di vine, nnd Mrs. Crete Carnal!. The next meeting will be held nt the home of Mrs. Crete Carnal! on Wednesday, Oct. It!. MOTHERS CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING YOXCAT.LA. Oct. R.The first meeting nt the Mothers club of oncalla grade school was held Wednesday afternoon. Plans were made to start serving hot lunches to grade school pupils Nov. 4th, with Mrs. Otto W.orman as cook. Those present included: Mrs. Wor man, president; Mrs. Earl Brant, secretary; Mrs. Fred Lee. treasur er; Mrs. Averv Laswell. Mrs. Rus sell Lloyd. Mrs. Sumner Brawn. Mrs. Elmer Weston. Mrs. Jay Hunt ington. Mrs. Maurice Highley. Mrs. T. Shepherd, Mrs. Ernest Thiele. Mrs. Luther Martin. Mrs. Alton Vest, Mrs. Cecil Hartford. PARTY ENJOYED AT BRADFORD HOME YONCALLA. Oct. 8 A grnun of friends of the Frank Bradford fam ily motored out to their new home near Cottage Grove recently for a party. The Bradford family lived in the Shoestring district for a number of yenrs. and this fall moved to Mosby creek. Those at tending the party were Mr. and .Mis. waiter Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Rust, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Al len. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pinkstnn. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Tlelmar Record. Pcnrlle Johe. George Langdon, Carl and Jerry Rust. POTLUCK DINNER GIVEN FOR TEACHERS OAKLAND. Oct. 8. A potluck dinner sponsored by tho churches of Oakland was given in honor of the teachers and the pastors nt thelthe home of Mr. and Mis. Vernon parish house Friday evening. 'I hrniiRhout the dinner the follow ing prom-am wns presented: Wel come, nddress, Harbara Young; re sponse nnd presentation of the tenenprs, Mr. milium: roio. Joyce Thornton; rending, Helen Sehow; solo, Heverend Paul Cnllahnn. The delightful evenincr wns brought to a close with community singing. LOVAL WORKERS HOLD INTERESTING MEETING OAKLAND. Oct. 8. A meeting .of the Loyal Workers of the Church of Christ wns held nt the home of Mrs. Tnpp Thursday afternoon. A devotional service was led by Mrs. W. TC. fiodsey. the subject being Luko and his Gospels. The group mnde plans for the bazaar which is to be given October 26, after which refreshments were served to Mrs. Godsey. Mrs. Morris, Mrs. naird. Mrs. McLaren. Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Spencer by the hostess, Mrs. Tnpp. YONCALLA UNIT OF RED CROSS MEETS YOXCALLA, Oct. 8. The regu- lar meeting of the Yoncalla unit ofilde. Lakey. Griswold. (Inodmniison. tho Red Cross was held Friday af ternoon. Flans were made to sew for the refugees of Great Britain. Material will be furnished by the Douglas county unit. Any one wishing to help in this great cause, get in touch with Mrs. Cody Txing. president, Mrs. Clifford Hanan, or Mrs. Tom Allace. Mrs. Minor Ap plegate, Mrs. B. F. Roberts and Mrs. A. R. Marsh. CHRISTIAN LADIES AID TO MEET ON THURSDAY MYRTLE CREEK, Oct. 8. The Christian Ladies Aid met Thursday in the women's room at the church. Much business was transacted look ing formward to their annual elec tion which will lie held Thursday, October 10th. Thirteen members were present. A full attendance is urged for the next meeting. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO MEET AT POTLUCK LUNCHEON THURSDAY All of the ladies of the Episcopal church are invited to attend the twelve o'clock noon potluck lunch eon nt the parish hall Thursday to bo followed by tho regular meeting of the guild. The luncheon will follow the eleven o'clock cornmnn lon Bervlce at the church. S. 8. TEACHERS AND FRIENDS INVITED TO STUDY MEETING Tho Sunday school teachers and friends Interested In the study of the New Testament are invited to attend the study class meeting sponsored by St. Paul's Lutheran church to be held Thursday- eve ning at 7:30 o'clock at the home i of Mr. and Mrs. George McQueen ! at 41C South Pine street. j FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer painful, Irrrpu lr periods with nervou. moody pells due to functional cause should find Lydift E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound ttmply mar veloui to relieve sucb distress. Pink ham's Compound is made espe cially to help sucb weak, tired wom en to go BmlUng thru difficult days. Over 1.000.000 women have reported remarkable benefits. WELL WORTH TRYING I Any drugstore. SIDE GLANCES COfft. 140 BY WE gtftVICr, INC T M. fttO. U. 8. T. OFF. O-P "This customer puts a nickel tip on the table and I ive him my usual sneer. Instead of raising the lip lie picks up the nickel and walks ollT MR. AND MRS. SMITH ENTERTAIN AT PARTY AZALEA. Oct. 8. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnnry Smith woro hosts VcInH- dny ninlit wlion Uuy entertained with a bridge party. (iuests present included Mr. nnd Mr. John Junter. Walter Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Caedeeke, Kreddio fiaedecke, Mr. and Mrs. llalbert Dooth. Art (iaedetke. Inn Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Smith, UUk Derrip, Mrtt. Kstlier Thorp, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. At eleven-thirty a lovely lunch eon was served. Hij:h score prize for tho ladies was won by Mrs. Jfiiiter. Vernon (Jaedecke received hinh score for ihe men. Mrs. Itodnoy Smith won second prize for the ladies and Walter Kemp for the thpii. Consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Vernon tJaedecke and Dick Derritt. The next bridge party will he nt Gaedecke on October ISth. SEW AND SO CLUB HAS ALL-DAY MEETING DRAIN, Oct. 8. The Sew and So club held an till-dny meeting Thurs day nt the homo of Mrs, Leo Bar ker. A potluck dinner was en joyed at. noon. The. afternoon was spent, with sewing nnd visiting1, Uirthdnys coming in September were observed. Members present were Mesdnmes A 1 ford. Coons, Kes t erson, La k ey, Itessio Ta key. Cowles, llruton, Davis, Uarker. Misses Edna Harhin and Elsie Wisegarver. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Alfoni OH. 17th. STUDY CLUB HAS FIRST FALL MEETING DRAIN, Oct. S. Tho Study club met recently at the club rooms for the first meeting of the year. Mrs. Ruby Hollowny was hostesR and served a dessert luncheon. A short business session w;is held followed by tho program. Mrs. C. V. Trim ble read a paper on Mexico. TIiobp. present were Mesdames Austen. Lakey. M. Whipple, Light. W. Whip- Trimble, Hollowny nnd Betty Vea- lfy. a guest. FIRST P.-T.A. MEETING HELD YONCALLA, Oct. 8 A good crowd attended the first meeting of the P.-T.A. held in the high school gymn Thursday evening. E. A. Britlon, county 4-1 f club leader, was present nnd entertained Ihe crowd for 4H minutes with moving pictures of Douglas county. Group singing followed, led by Hailey Stonaker. Tho grade school teach ers served cookies and punch at the close of the evening during the social hour. " IOTA SIGMA CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY Tho Iota Sigma club will hold its first fnll meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. A. Chamberlin on Court street. Election of officers will he held and all members are urgiil to be present. Relieve misery as 3 out i -J I i.l.j I throat, chest, back with VICKS VAPORUB RENT L. W. Metzger Co. Mother and Mill Phone 362 4 a Bander ST and do SK1 your own XTMrtV ByGalbraith COMFORT CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING MELROSE, Oct. 8. Mrs. F. T. Reece nnd Mrs. J. W. Bass were very charming hostesses to the El garose Comtorl club nt the home of the former Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Reece had as room decora tions two lovely bouquets of fall flowers brought to her from Che halis, Wash., by Mrs. lxiuis Miller. The meeting was called to order by the club president. Thelma Pundberp:, at which time the club decided to purchase new spoons lor the playshed kitchen. Mrs. Anita Stark had charge of Ihe program and upon roil call asked each lady present, to tell of some trip she had taken and en joyed during the past summer. Mrs. Sinrk giive u very interesting talk on her trip to tho Homo Mak ers camp, which was held at n CCC camp near Gullca, Oregon, also gave !nu outline on their programs and what they did during her three days slay there. She was accom panied on the trip by Mrs. Cath erine Pelrequln and Mrs. Ethel Bu senbarU. The club prize was won by Mrs, Alberta. Recce. , Following tho meeting a shower was given in honor ot Mrs. ( lura Siiihhs. At. tho tea hour delicious froshments were served by Mrs. Ileece and Mrs. Bass and at which time visiting was enjoyed. The next club meeting will bo held nt the home of Mrs. Don Pnnkey with Mrs. Thelma Sundberg as joint hostess. Mrs. Hazel B. Lytle. county health nurse from Roseburg. visit ed the club and gave ti talk on Christmas seal stamps. Those enjoying tho afternoon with Mrs. Reeco and Mrs. Bass were: Mrs. Mahlo Raeklund, Mrs. Ella Johnson, Mrs. Sara Hotmrpiist, Mrs.. Thelma Sundberg and Donna, Mrs. Euln Pankey, Mrs. Emma Cooper, Mrs. Clara Slubbs, Mrs. Not I le Wood ru f f . M rs. M arga rot Reece. Mrs. Anila Stark. Mrs. Cal berlne 1 lorn and small son, Shirley Pankey and Roger Recce. MELROSE GRANGE HAS FINE MEETING MELROSE. Oct. 8. Melrose grange met in regular form Tues day evening with Past Master Ma hlo Busenbark presiding in the mas ter's chair. The booster night, which was to have been held Friday evening, was postponed indefinitely. The Homo Economics club com mittee reported that the October meeting would ho held at. the home of Mrs. Mable Busenbark and would meet for u one o'clock lunch eon. AH members are invited to attend this luncheon and meeting and help outline the fall and winter work and activities. SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF BIRDCAGES $1.50 end $1.75 BIRD CAGE STANDS $1.50 High Quality Bulk BIRD SEED 2 ibs 25C Decorated BIRD CAGE AND STAND $7.50 SEE OUR LINE OF Justrite and Hartz Mountain Bird Needs Churchill Hardware Co. IRONMONGERS ALEC McMAHAN AND MARY BELLE MORRISON MARRY MONDAY EVENING At the close of Dr. R. U Dunn's non-deuoniinatlonal Bible sludy class nieeUng Inst night, October 7th, Mnry Helle Morrison mid Alec McMahan, both residents of this city, woro married by Dr. Dunn. There were seventy-eight at the class meeting nnd wedding cere mony. A social hour followed. Mr. and Mrs. McMahan will make their home In thk; city. LADY ELKS TO MEET AT POTLUCK SUPPER The Lfidv Elks will hotd n de lightful potluck supper Thursday evening at six-thirty o'clock nt the temple, to which nil members and their husbands are cordially invited to enjoy. The Lady Elks are re quested to bring a covered dish. ibid or dessert. Following the potluck supper enrds will be in play and prizes will be awarded. LADIES AID TO MEET WEDNESDAY CAMAS VALLEY. Oct. S Ladles Aid society will meet jit (lie church Wednesday afternoon. October !, for the purpose of changing the orgunizul ion to (be "Woman's So lely of Christian Service." and other important business. A full nitcmluucH is asked. Y.T.C. TO BE ORGANIZED TONIGHT There will he a very Important meeting- for all young people. IS and over, interested in temperanco work and tho organization of a Y.T.C. tonight. October S, nt tho home of Mrs. C. A. Chamboiliu at, 2fi Court street. All young people! ire cordially iulfcd to attend (he, meeting. U.S.W.V. AUXILIARY TO MEET ON THURSDAY George Starmer auxilinry to Ciiited Snanlsh War Veterans will meet Thursday night, nt ?::!' o'clock at tho armory with the president. Mrs. Orlena Slattery. in charge. All memburs nr urged to bo present. AUXILIARY SEWING CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY The sewing club to George Starmer auxiliary will hold lis first tall meeting Friday alleruonti at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. S. W. Starmer on Winchester slreet. AH members arn cordially Invited lo be present. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY A special meeting of the Garden Valley Women's club has been an nounced for Thursday afternoon at two o'clock to be held at the club house. All members are urged to be present. CAMAS VALLEY GRANGE TO MEET THIS EVENING CAMAS VALLEY, Ore., Oct. 8. Grange will meet, promptly nt 8 o'clock Innlght, Tuesday, October S. Several now members will bo ad mitted so ho sure to n (Intnl. PYTHIAN SISTERS WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY Pylhiau Sislers will meet Wed nesrlay night at 8 o'clock al (he K. of P. hall. All members are urged (o be present. POETS CORNER THE NATIONAL GUARD Now ttiat we're in Irainlng, Away from jobs and homo; Don't sit back and lake it easy Anil leave it. up lo us alone. Dig down in your stocking, open up your till. For while we'ri- up here soldiering You've got to pay the bill. We need guns anil nmuuition, Tanks and lighter planes. Hoots and shoes and clothing, And shelter when il rains. And don't forget your promise As we left upon the train When we gel through with Uncle Sam We want our jobs ngaln. Keep Ihe home fires burning; Help with ail your might. If we're prepared and ready. We may not have to fight. H. A. Hedell Mi So. Pine St. Itnselinri'. Ore. Local News Home From Hospital Mrs. Hoy Ih'lmnl wan riisrhiirgiMl from Mt'rcy hoHpitul Monday itnd wux ImUcii to the home of hot pnrentH, Mr. nnd Mrs. VV. ('. linen, on Flint street, lo convnlesce. Return Home Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Winston and the lntter' sister, lloiio Wynter, nil of Kin mnlli Falls, spent the week-end in Myrtle I'reek vlsltinu their moth er, Mrs. Unth Wynter. Melrose H. E. C. to Meet The Melrose Home Kconomicft club will meet Wednesday at. t he home of .Mrs. Mahle llusenhnrk for a one o'clock luncheon. Itidl call topics will include household hints. Buy Residence Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan I'lckciiH have purchased from Mr. and Mrs. (truce HridKes the resilience property at '4-11 Fowler street, which the buyers have oc cupied for Ihe last three years. Mr. Caskey Doing Nicely A. I. Cnskey. 7". who underwent an em ergency appendectomy Sept. 2S at Mercy hospital, is now reported to I lie doliiK nicely. Me is tho father ;nf ficorgc and I'aul f'nskey of this city. Returns to Eugene Miss Hetty .lean t'hlldcrs, student at Univers ity of Oregon, has returned to F.u gene, following the week-end in tills city visiting her mother, Mrs. W. li. Dnvis. Executive Board to Meet The executive board of (tie W. S. of I'. S. will meet Wednesday at a 12 o'clock luncheon at the home of tho president, Mrs. A. J. lioddes on North Jackson street, lo be fol lowed by n business session. Lady Lions to Meet The I.ndy l.ions will meet tonight at a seven o'clock no-hostess dinner at the Hotel I'uipiiua. at which time state officers will be guests of honor. A social hour will follow the busi ness session. I! Young People's League to Meet The Young People's League of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet Wednesday evening at 7:110 o'clock ut the home of Itev. nnd .Mrs. W. A. Sylwesler at 1170 Mili tary street. Members and friends are invited. ' Evergreen H. E. C. to Meet Ev ergreen Home Economies club will hold an nil-day meeting Thursday witli noon potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. II. D. Umdors. Mem bers having completed garments for tho lied Cross are reiiuesled lo bring them lo this mooting. L. A. to B. of R. T. to Meet The billion auxiliary to the Brother hood of Hallway Trainmen will meet. Wednesday night nl. 7:30 o'clock at the Hoseburg Woinnn's clubhouse wllh Mrs. l I'. Snodily. president, in charge. A social hour will follow the mooting nnd re freshments will be served, Attend Conference Hoseburg members of I lie Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Metho iMkI church attending tiie organiza tion conference meeting in Salem Thursday and returning hero Fri day Included: Mrs. A. J. (iediles, Mru I.' II Clnti-ohlll Mrs It. I W hipple. Mrs. A .1 Slarmer. Mm. It. I.. Ilounsholl and .Mrs. i-ioyit Wilson. Spend Two Days Away Ilr. nnd Mrs. lioorgo E. llouck. of this city. and tho hitler's sou and daugbter-in-luw. Mr. and, .Mrs. Howard Zur oher. id Oakland, Cnlif.. spent Mon day and today In Portland visiting .Mrs. Iloui k's son and dnugliterin law. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zurcher, and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. II. Fields Jr. The Howard urcbers are spending a week of their vacation here nt tho llouck home. Don't Make Excuses TAKE your WIFE 3 She'll LOVE it! The wife will get a kick out of bowling with her man! When she gets Into the swing of It, she'll understand why you find it difficult to come home early bowling nightsl Roseburg Bowling Alley FLOYD BAUGHMAN, Owner-Manager M. O. A. Club to Meat The M. O. A. club will meet Wednesday afternoon nt. two o'clock nt the home of MIsr Penrl Jnnos. Sunshine Club to Meet The Nnrthsiilo Runshino eluh will meet Thursday afternoon nt the- home of MIsh nernnnlino J'rlnron nl 231 t'hndwlck Btreet. Return From Portland Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydo Kester nnd .Mr. nnd Mrs. Cirant Phillips returned to their homes hero yesterdny, fol lowing n few days In I'ortlund en joying the stock show. Returns to Eunene Hoy Wolford has returned to liin studies in the school of journalism nt University of Orenou. following the. week-end here visiting his pn rerun, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Wolford. Suffers Axe Cut William Oreen of 9.11 E. 2nd St., south, suffered nn nxe out on his left band thin morn ing while engaged in cutting wood. The cut, fortunately, severed no tendons. Leave For Seattle Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Ilutt nnd their son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph He veil, and small son. have left for their homos In Seattle, following n few days in tills city visiting Mrs. Halt's sister, Mrs. William Itlack. who is quite ill nt her home on North Jackson street. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Russell Knine have returned to their hnilln In thlu nitv frnni o week's vacation in San Francisco, where they attended the llolden (inte fair, and in Iis Angeles. Mr. hnlne returned to bis work nt the Hel Hey yesterdny nnd Mrs. Knine resumed her work at the local tele phone office today. Will Return Home Todav Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Hatfield and the former's fnther, Roy Hatfield, are ('Apected to return lo their homes on South Deer creek today, follow ing scvernl dnya In Portland at tending the stock show nnd visit ing Mrs. Hatfield's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce II. Slrnchan. Mrs. Strnchan wns for merly Miss I.ucy Pinkorton of this citv. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES TIIOHp.flAMII.TON Earl Ed ward Thorn, Hoseburg, and Anna belle Hamilton, Ynncnlia. Betty Lou Wesemcm Wins Honor on 4-H Record Miss Hetty Lou Wescmnn of filendnlo has been selected ns a Douglas county representative nt tile Pacific Inleruulionnl Livestock exposition In Poiilund, It was an nounced today. Miss Wesenian was selected for her achievement and leadership In 4-1 1 club work and will ho the guest of the- First National bank of Porlliind at-the exposition October 9. 10 and 11. Prevention of Disease To Be Meeting Subject Tho subject of nrevnntlon nnd control of syphilis will be discuss ed nt a public meeting to be hold nt p. in. Wednesday at the Jun ior high auditorium under soon sorshlp of the Douglas County Health association. Mrs. lloorge Moorhend, executive secretary of the Million County Health associa tion, will give a short talk and show a million picture film entitl ed, "With Those Weapons." A dis cussion period will bo directed by Dr. J. E. ( Campbell of Hoseburg following the pictures. A large at tendance Is urged by Tom llurtflel, president of tho Dongas county lie'itli croup. STARTS WEDNESDAY Lords of the Lawless! 77ie West's Most Daring Desperadoes! LAST TIMES TODAY Joan Crawford "Susan and God" Costly Fire Pim.ADEI,PmA.--Cnlleti to a minor fire ut a chemical plant, Bat talion Chief John O, Cost, GR, win cut nnd bruised in an aulo collision. Ills ear, Just :i7 miles old, was wrecked, The pumper from nn englno com pany broke down when it reached the scone of the blaze. Meanwbllo employoa of the plant extinguished the fire. SHORT SUBJECTS On Today's Program Hunt's Indian Theatre Novelty "What's Your I. Q.V Cartoon "Hardships of Milts Standlsh" Plus Latost Fox News The Rose Theatre Cartoon "Granita Hotol" Plus Lattst Sound Nows Today and Wednesday Pal Night RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF "Kentucky" - with LOR ETTA YOUNG and RICHARD GREENE Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Mat. and Eve. 20c, Two for 35c )jiiiiTAmr acSpeiiy?. njaaff'i "PPj il I