TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1940. News of Douglas County Sutherlin Sl'TIIK U..V. "HullilciR It. Hi NpiicHritnri dny In tlm hnin I. 7. The iih" nififlu its 1 hi K IllWl U'CtlllPH- iil a KiiiKlf Imlli. tin. The cdtlmiul slaiT coiihIsI.s nf MlrtK Dorothy Clarkn, in(vif'r; Mm Ion ('ImmtM'i -In in. ellnr; J(filtli tiMlfi on. iipiva editor; Marilyn jiyi'i-K, imIHoiIhI editor; Tllditli JI'ilTmclftltT. txHniiiR? hci rt'In y; OHW irubbe, riH'chnnlcul i-ililoi; X.nla Webber, mUst, Hml Josephine Wnlfe. copy editor. lUi Money of Cimifs I'uns Is iv ,t!ritf nt the homo of Mr. and Mi'H, Allan Hunter. V.i: I. A. lUinlap left edni-idi.y loi J'orllfind when- hi' wfll viwit li-l.uive.t aiid friends and attend 10- buHlnpsB for Pevernl diiyn. Mi. Hint Mitt. leonnrd Haniy moved In lo tlit apartmcutM :itnv ;Ky'n cah Wednesday. Mr. I'.n Ir. ( mployed nt ihn Honaiia Ii'ihf. Mm. Kunnfe (llixinip left on dny morning for her home In I . -lard alter upending the jiant Hitv iur;s with her (latii-'hu-r and yii-i"-ia, Mr. and Mra. Claude Sell-h-k. A'imit fifty pfMipjf endured i, ntl eji y d a haxket dinner nl the Mtr'im'lsl rhureh lat Sunday In lienor of Mr. and Mix, I.. . W'eiv ir. Mih. O. Trench and ;, W. ill tain f poke words of welcome lo v.-iilrh Mr. and Mr. Weaver veiy J-iarlcllslV leKpiilidi'U. The dill' league or the hifji pehool held their first meeting lust A'ed: nlny tit the Art nulldlnn. nt which time oflli'M-H were eleele;! for lh? mailing year aa folio .vk: Xol i Wbhnr. president ; Audrey Ochfl, vlee-presldent ; Irene- Itoad ntati. sect ntai y ; Marlon Chamber Iain, tiensurer, and Marilyn I Iyer, nereant nt arms. The hoineniaU U.K fi'ls served dainty refresh tuwit. Mi. nuil Mrs. ,1. It. DiiumleU. v!n Is vp hoen residing in t he t'o'tii'lrick house on Third menne. moved lo North Hend. (ire, Th'.'K li.iv. iii. Jerry Kahler of I-:h;-ii: and Mik. Hohert Wultora in ( i'atw were nil led here W'edne da by tho Herloiis Hlnona of tredr jnoilii:!', Mr, Will Ihier. Mrs. 1 nmr punned away Thursday eve ni'iK at fj ; ;t0 at her home cast of town. M irtH I )nrot liy ( 'liiiinhcrlaln. a former Siitheiliu Uh xrhnol stu dent. It ft Ttiexday tor Seattle, W'hsIi., where shr w ill taKe a loursp In a lieHiily scIkio, Cnlvei'K niarhel lias cnmpleleil w Installation of 7:( -idd storaKe lockers wllh a prohahle mlilitiou tif nioiP In the near future making ft total of Ihm or ird. Mr. and Mix. I.. .1. Ilaynex or .j-cew liter airiv-fl Thursday to fipend a lew weeks wllh their ilinipliler. Mt's. Lawrence llnhert fmi, nnii family. Mr. and Mr Allan Hiuitrr have as their holise puest Ihi week, I'aul Hutler, of Portland. Misx I lei ty llaiue. irt slowly im proving at .Mercy hospital where, she haw hern seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ice! Clarke are er ecting a new house on tliefr prop erty wcxl of town. Mr. and .Mis. ftalph Faulkner up movliiK from (he (illdet eve ranch cast of tow n lo the house at the Adventisl acaileniy west of town. Mix. C. A. Itntckeit. who has been siei)dln Hi'- past tnonih uilh ; her slider, Mrs. Anna Ifaiikenson. left Thursday (or her home In Mil waukee. Wis., by way of lis An t'eles. Calif., wh"'le she will visit lor a short time. A hahy l;oy weiKhinK S pounds was horn lo Mr. and Mrs. ,11 in Si ut man at their home east of town last week. Mr. and Mrs ,h' William of Oakland h a v e piirchimed the heailty equipment owneil ly Man rlee VoKt-lpohl. and are insialliuK a bc'iuly shop In the n'een huild inu on Central avenue. Kcv. I., c. Weaver attended a two-day district conference at Ash land. Ore., last week. Ml. and .Mrs. Kdward l.amorcatix Iia vp purchased the Tom Harvey propei ty on I'll -t avenue and ex pect lo maki their home there. Mr. Lamorcauv in employed at Hie 1'iiion Service station. Mr. and Mrs. John White ha ve purchased Hie C. II. Madsen place on Third avenue. Mr. While Is employed at Hie Itonana mine. Mrs. l-'dward .hdiusoii of (iuntei stoppeil Tor a short Isil at Hie John Muskiovo home l-'riday, The Kair Oaks Industrial Huh held i heir regular inonl lily ineet iuu In the cluh rooms Thursday, October :i. with Mrs. Clifford Flory and Mrs. Clarence Krasor an hos- tPSSPH. Freil A. (ioff. Insurance anent of ItofehuiK. was a business called In Sutherlin Friday. James Ma honey was a business visitor In HnsehurR Fi iday. The Ford I. urn her company Is huHdfiiK bunk houses and cook shack a I their ofii)K operations on Hlnlde creek. A large number of local men and boys Interested In Hie Hoy Seoul movement held an oru.ini.iil ion ineetitiK In the Arts building Tues day even Inc. October I. Those present voted unanimoiisly lo eon tiutip Hie movement in Sulhoi I In usiiiK I In boys now niernbrs of Hie Oakland troop, as a nucleus for the Sutherlin organization. Har old I Mi; hi Iims been leninl ively ! Siil Iimi IIm vtiliiiileei- l it e ilen:i i l- nient as a sponsor lor Hie scouls. Kenneih Miller. Oakland Hoy Scoiit lender, was In chatpe of the lueeliiiK. . Happy Hour Club to Meet Hi ersdale Happy Hour cluh will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Joseph Marsferw. Lookingglass iJJOKINfMJLASS, OH. 4. - John rtutlier of Athboy, South Dakota, was a vtsil.or over the week-pud at the home or Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hreen. Mr. Iluiher is an old ac (iiaintance or Hie (ireeiis and Iims been In Oregon this fall harvesting I he rop from his nut orchanl near luueue. As soon as he is able to dispose fif property Interest a in South Hakota, Mr. Unther pkms to make his lunue on Ills orchard trad at Kutene, Walter l!oiniisou reluund to WeMlii on Sunday to resume work fti the mill I hero following it week's rest at home recuperating from a back injt:ry unstained at tlx' mill. Valda WilliiiniH of Jniieitu. Alun kii, cm prised 1 he home folks on Wednesday by an unexpected visit Valda Ik co-partner In operating a laipe barber sb'p in Juneau And itl-o serves as L'liide lor hunting taries. lb bad just completed a hunting trlii with a group of New York men, leaving the partv at Ketchikan, and decided to take a I iwn weeks' vacation with his par ents. Mr. and .M is. Jesse Wlllnrns. and brother, ( alvin. bet ore return ing to his work tit Juneau. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wi I iia ins ret ci tied lo Juneau la it week to lowing :u extended visit with home folk litis tall. Airs. Melba I. o well, who is em ployed as a nurse at the Veteran's hospital in lioseburg. Irm leased her cue h In the valley lo Mr. and Mi s. M roii Harris ol ( tntarlo. Calil.. who with their small :ou. Jack, arrived recently to take up Ibj'ir residence here. They were accompanied by Mr. Harris' uncle, I ir. A. It. Chapln. who served in the medlea! corpt doing the world war and now retired from nervice ami will make bis home here also. .Mrs. Annie Iiurant, molhcr .of Mrs. Lowell, has gone to Lor An geles foi the winter. Miss Margaret Haiuy and niece of Seattle worn visitors last week ai the home ol her nephews, (ieorgp and Jeny Wagner. Visitors over Hie weekend at the home of Mr. ,-iiid Mrs. Thos. Hue kle Included thefr son and daugh ter Ui la w. M r. a ml Mrs. t ieorge llui kle and children, Joel. Velden and I orla I lean, ami M i s. I lelberl Ashfold 'it Swei-l Home; Mrs. Buc kle's brothers. Oil lord and John Jones ol lioseburg and their son-in-law, Alvin Martin, also o Kose burg. Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Itussel and Mr. and Mrs. John Itodiey and miiimII daughter, Hut Intra, camped over the week end in the mountains west of the alley on a hunting trip. The brought back a fine boil i point liin k. Mr. and Mrs. Kveivtt Hodges and children, have leased the (Jeorge Ha con place reient ly vacated b Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jacoby and latnlly, and moved into the house on Wednesday. Uev. ij. A. (iarbndch was a 'caller in the valley on Tuesday. Mrs. Helen Saar leii Friday eve ning lor Foil Lewis were she will spend llio week-end with her par ents. Myrtle Creek MVIITLI-: C'KKKK. Oct. R. Mr. and Mi . David Kate anfl two daughters, have moved from Cot tage (irovu lo the (. Fate ranch ahovo Canyonville. They weje .Myrtle t reek visitor Sunday. K. II. Coultm. who has Iippii pas tor of Hih Heaverton church has idosed his pastorate there. He was tormerly pastor of the local Christian church. Mrs. T. H. Diinnavln has been onsiderably afflicted with rheu matism lately. Mrs. in. A. IHackPrt of Hole Is vlHlling in Marshfleld at pres ent. Mrs. I (at He Wood I vishins in Salem and Hot Hand this week, having attended the state meeting of the Woman's Society of Christ ian Service, as a delegate from the loclil church. The mcpthiK was held In Salem. At a recent meeting or thp city council Hip Indies Invaded the sanctum and promised to serve pie and coflee to the city fathers if they would get busy and do a little street paving. At the last j council - meeting they made good! (heir promise hk a block halt been i opened on Hip east end of WaltP street niid Is ready for the surfac-' ing. A meeting nf the council will he held next Friday at the city hall for Hip nomination of city of ficers for the next term. .Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Skinner and daughter. Miss Wanda, enjoyed a week-end visit with their son and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Skinner, nt their home in I'orl- laud week before last. I Horn to Mr. and Mrs. (has Leach. September 27, an e;th' pound daughter, Judith Ann. Tho Pino Mountain Lumber company, ownf-d mid operated by I. A. laly 'and Hons, are sawing again. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Whitney visiied with Mn John una Mack in Salem, last week. Yoncalla VONCALLA. Oct. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Cody Long apent Sunday in Salem with their daughter, Lu cille. Miss Ung is moving to Cor vallis. where she bus be;n pro moted and has a much better po sition with the name firm she worked with In Sabon. Hporg'p Taylor has hPPti hired lo work In the Howard Applegn to ut ore. Fldon and Ksthr-r Leei nppnt last week-end with their sister and family at Ftnpirc. Mr. and Mrs. File Slenseth. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Vest, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sehosso and Mi. and Mrs. KrPd Merk and family spent Sun day on the FmpfUH near Scotts bur. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Wilson and Miss Lavina Wilson of Tillamook. Miss Alberta Wilson of Salem. Mrs. Ilernfce Wilson. Hoi Hp Me Dole, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDole and Ralph McDole of Cottage (irove vi-aitofl at the Karl Brant homo last week. Mrs. hll Herman of Grants I'ftps spent spventl days here last tt'wk with ber sister. Mrs. Harley Stonaker. Mr. Herman came up Saturday night to spend the week end. They returned to their home Monday. John Ceider of Comiillp visited at the Ifaugherty home recently. i.eorte Kdos has been appoint ed as clerk for union high school spend H. 1 week-end with Mr. SaarJ w ho is siiiiioned w ith Hie national j guild at that dace. Airs. Saar was) aicoinpanied as far as Monmouth I bv Mis Clara Mm.. Driller, who w ill SMALL IN SIZE . . . Great in Power! The "Caterpillar" Diesel D2 Tractor is small. It can easily bo moved on a light truck or trailer BUT it's powerful when sure-footed, dependable traction is needed. It handles easily and is amazingly thrifty. It will work hard for 8 hours on approximately 10 gallons of low-cost Diesel fuel. Where else can you find qualifications like that? See us today for further facts. DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG, OREGON announce our appointment as wholesale distributors to n o ior IiM(QiWIlSIr Our business has taught us a lot about people and what they like. We have learned that they like to devote a part of each day to the good things of life and that fine beer is one of these good things. Our retail dealers confirm what we long have suspected that the one fine beer which people everywhere consider outstanding is Anheuser-Busch Budweiser. Since we are in business to make a success of it, we want to supply dealers with the beer that most people want and we are, therefore, happy to announce that we have obtained the wholesale distributorship for Budweiser beer in bottles, in cans and on draught. CY SLOCUM DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 383 Lawrence Street Eugene, Oregon Tel. 16 til--"-" rif mtC s ' "'' ii at . Ml ARE HERE AGAIN SUBSCRIBE FOR ANOTHER YEAR AT THESE LOW PRICES LET'S GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE NEWS-REVIEW By PAUL JENKINS Most people who visit the News-Roview seem to get their biggest kick out of watching the news paper press and the mailing crew at work. The linotypes attract their wonder, but tho action of these machines is so intricate and marvellous it s just not much use for a fellow to try to see into 'em much; but tho big press and tho little labelling device and tho work being done by the busy crew there is more understandable. Briefly, after the forms of type are in place in tho bed of the press and the latter starts rolling its endless sheet of whifo paper over them to deposit the printed pages, folded neatly in a closely packed upstanding row, they are taken to the mailing table. There they are labelled with tho little familiar yellow stickers bearing the subscribers' names, addresses and the expiration dates; bundled and dumped nLm j" Sac'?s anc' ,l,'en to tno postoffice. Those p apers intended for carrier delivery in Roseburg aren't labelled, but are stacked separately to be counted o ut to the carriers who deliver them to their customer's door. In the photograph appearing above showing this operation, Walter Fredrickson, pressman, is stand ing by the press; beyond him at tho "stuffing" table is Thelma Peterson, inserting second sections;; beyond her to the left is hor husband, Olaf Peterson, mailer, operating tho hand labelling machine; to his right Roy Smith, bundler and deliveryman and to his right Bill Chalmers, who at tho moment is assist ing him but who now is out collecting Bargain Rate subscription money from News-Review city carrier subscribers. This crew works at top speed every second of timo tho press is running. It has to, to make tho north- and south-bound afternoon stages. If anything "busts," it sometimes misses them for there arc only minutes to spare at best. It's a gruelling job while it lasts. ME WCHIOILE FOR ONLY oo By mail anywhere in the United SUtcs. 1 f 1 By carricr I" r 1 I 111 Roseburg. YOU SAVE 20 SUBSCRIBE NOW! The Boseburg Mews-Eteview