Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 07, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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News ' of farm life
Northwestern Turkey Show Program Shaping
Annual Eveffi-S& ;
For Dec. 10 to 14
Exhibit Will Consist of Three
Departments; County Aids
In Priie Money Phase.
l'liin.i Pn' the iinmiiil Northwest
ern 'I'mhfv show to he held lice,
into 14 nl Oakland, nre bclim
under direction or lis miiinc-
its, K. V ik "ml " '"''
mm. Tlii" show will huvc lliieo
ihiwninpnlH uh year: first. the
li-tular miinil.iiil hii'oiilnii Hum
under Itio A.I'.A. rules: second. Ihe
utility broodine riant. I" which I lif
blnl hip jiiiIk'I by iiiiifovniallon
li lid ihcii value an i-nil iimt:1:1
breedem: Mild. Ililnl. the famous
Iii-impiI show In which sui h hlnl"
arc entered.
Of Hi" llrst two classes M. I'.
Cil'llfln ill Sonoma. Culil.. anil J. II
Mi hols, ill Tacnnia, will lie the
indues. In tin' dressed show M.
II. Sho'lli of Honolulu.' Hlnl r.
Vox of Cnrvnllta will servo. Thorn
la a immlhillty thai Stanley Mm-i-ilon.
famous doiiartincnt of iikiIi ul
luri' estieil. will Indue a class or
so In lln dri'si-ed ilciarlnicnt ami
In the utility portion.
County Priie Money
Wpi'flal IKiiibImh rouiily nuino.v Is
olfon'il til oxhlhllois from liouis
las ronnty who culcr fmir .or more
birds In any one or all depart nirnls.
The liuiisla cnuhly roll" iitfi'm
S2.M1 In Uoniilas I'omity turkey
ralsors on the following lerin:
Kul). I. This prize money l
oim'Ii to every turkey raiser In
Jjouulns county who culem four
lilrda or in-ill'. In any or all of the
Hill ileimitiiieniH of tin' 'I'urKiy
Itulo 2. Kxhlhllois who win
firsts. si'ioadH or thirils In any of
tlm llniM' ili'i:i it nn'iilH an' barred
I nun tin- compel tt Ion for llu Iuuik
lait cuunly money.
Hull' II. 'Ilii' sum of
be . divided an K the qiuiltlylni;
Uule 4. Any. imnihi'r of hints
lliuy hi' olilcrcd In tin" standard
breeders rlass and 111" iliesscil
show, hut llio llllllty hiv.-il.TH uri'
lllnlli'il In two cullies In each of
tlm lour utility classes, namely.
yomiK loin, yutniB lii'ii. old loin and
old hi'ii.
Fniir-ll Lender K. A. Ililtlon
heads till' club iloiml tllii'nt. and In
orainlrini! this lart of the slunf.
k -:-i :' .
uV Ditl.i
llttlf lir:uls
I do a hit of
ih iiik down
Itv tlio lriiy
deep, and onn
vi I no tmulilfs
"Tr'-- -1 II what happens
lo your wind
$liii'M. It K"ts all covered ner
'.vjili a & pre ml kind nf jnk that
liovrrs oir tin I'iU ifie and plas
ters U.M'lf on passim; wiiul
fchii'lds. Ever hAkc it?
Well up till recently I had ac
cvpted II tjracfuMyhk I
would d traffic tiefctt, and flg
tired that It was ana of thosa
thing you had lo put op with.
.. i i i
r ii u i n e u
X' n ion Oil Ct
owpan- puu .
ill new Min
n tr M n m
Srtvicc -
oiviation and
oh Imh! (inne is tin
(lie UuhV film, the
ot w-.xU-r that lhnl mi at in Jit,
toiri'tlwr with assnrtcil lint, fu7z
and .sticaVsV. llow?
There are 3 parti to It. First
tlioro's the now Minute Man
Towel made of a tocret-procei
paper, chemically treated and
all fixed up so It leaves not a
tingle trace on the glais. They
use a new one en every car.
And second -Union Windshield
Cleaner. Used together, these
things will give you not only
clean, sparMIng gtaii but sofa
nloti to drive behind In dirty
1 hev li a
. fa) Ihrsi' Minntf
II L I !iim,i lonn-
r7jr? XT ,, m p s i n
1'iiion t)il t.i
lious all iimt tliir Wi-sl. And if
rou will laU- a lip from C'Jinton.
itnp in al your mrieliliorliooil
I'nion Oil vl.ition and let tln'iu
tlir gl.i,s a Minute Man
sujwr tli-aniiig, and po U I'm
not rigid. It's all for ln v
7 1 rf is A place op souitude rXrZ
WC, ( WHERE X CAM TURN MY f 'Jfri 't r V
BRlM '
State Corn Show
Prizes Increased
died at the count)' hospital Sunday.
Ilu was lioru In Jaiuaica, N. V
Njv. In, lSiiJ. and wua nt'ver mar
ried, lie him no known relatlrrB
oxit'ptlni! a nli'i mimrwhere In
the nit, Knnoral si-rvlces will be
linld In the county cemetery at 4
p. in. today. Father Sheehan of
llrlatlnit. Arrangements are In
care of Stearns mortuary, Oakland.
The I lunulas county ciurl also
tilvi'H Sinn In 1'i'ir.i' innuey lor I In
l-II cluli pri'iuliiin money. llcideH
HiiK. .Mr. liritlon Is iilanuiiiK Hpecial
eirni', and will prohatdy have new
nrrjiimeineiils lor this yeai'a ex
exlillut show.
News of4-H
The hews wrilini; contest lor
Honcl.'is county I II club meinlu'is
closed Oclolier 1. so all I hose coin
peliiiK should scud their scrap
nooks in lo the county club aisi'lil
at onre. The county winner's
sciapliook will he sent on to l hi
slate dull olllce lor collipetillou
wllh hi i upliooks of oilier county
winners In Mic stale
Accoidiim lo t'oiinty fluli Acenl
I-:. A. Itriltou. club nieiuhers have
shown S!Hi ehiblls al the sliriiiK
fairs and five nunniunily falls. Ill
I Ilia linniber. Mil were class A. IMS
class II. and :l class (' In addl
tion to these. Hi exhibits were
uiadi' at the slat" lair. (Juiie 11
tew will lie siinuu at the I'acllic
Ellis' club Is lloilll! CUOkiim.
Ihe other one Is doiiiK sew-
Edenbower 4-H Club News
lly Patricia Calkins.
' homcmakiiiK club under the
adersliln of Mrs. II. I. lless was
Oregon Pea Seed
Enthuses Georgia
in L'lini.ed l-'l iday ot last week, at
which lime olliceis were elecle.l
iis follows: Thelma (Irahani. presi
dent ; llouna Well, vice presiileul :
I let iv ivunr. secrelary. and Pa
llida Calkins, sour and yell lead
er, oilier members included .loyce
Mask, llelte lless and Marceli-ne
Moon-. A iiiiine Mr Ihe club has
mil yet been decided Upon, but
ea.h member was asked to think
ol a name and make suii:est inns
at the net ineelinll.
Mrs. funis Calkins Is leadlnii a
dub in bachelor sew inn which was
also organized on l-'riday. Hon Jones was elected presldenl :
Arthur llartlett vlce-iiiesidenl and
liuaiie I'ope. secrelary. other
llienibirs of the club ale -lilulllie
llavuer. I nil llarllell. Ulllie Har
ris' u-ilin Welt. Karl Haciud.
Sieve lless and William nari"ii.
Tie name ot Kdenbovver Mwnm
dub' was decided upon.
siiow and tlic
key show.
Ihe Stale
show inc.
lie hi!
Kile hh
club members are
maniples al llle Pari-
inalional lllls week. Labile
ol Curden ,alley has elltel-
col II
corn i
I corn In hull! tie
while c lasses and In belli tin
dub ami open classes. He
tour leu-ear samples and one
1 in
liaies have been set lor Ihe
fourth annual Oremui suite corn
sh'iw and advance iirrannenieiits
cnninlet"il to make this year's show
hinder and more widely intended
Mian last year's and with more pre
miums ollcred, says C. W. Smith,
county ncent lender at Orcein
Slate college and chairman of Ihe
i-noperalive c'llliinlllee In charge of
the show.
This vein's dates are November
22 mid 28, Ihe two days immediate
ly lollowine Thanksuivlnij, and the
location will be the same as last
vear. in the Museum buildiiiK at
Oieson Slate .oiliKe. I he slate
corn lmskiiiK conlesl will be held
aiialn in the armory nearby.
The Hate corn show committee
met lecintlv anil decided on a
number of cbanes in this year's
premium list which will bo issued
soon. Most iinpnilant of these
chaiiKes is Ihe creali'in of a new
class lor hybrid corn. This will
provide a separate class for the Id
car samples of hybrid corn and
eliminate conipetillon Willi tne open
pollinated varieties.
I he exnilili lor uie njinei "--"
this vear will Include eipbt pounds
of slielied corn 111 addition lo the
In ears, as jiuluinti will be based
more on the corn as feed rather
than on a seed corn basis. This
hvlirld corn class will be in addi
tion lo the hybrid corn growing
contest reiiuirillK complete records
ol iiroduclion on a minimum area.
total or f-'U" in cash prize
is HL.ain belnii supplied for
Hie show bv I lie first National
bank of Poitlaiid. which was one
of ihe miuinal boosters lor in
creaseil corn production in this
slale. Knell of Ihe general stale
farm organizations. C.rani'e. Farm
ers. I'nion and Farm llureau. is sup
plying 'ine or more class trophies
and Is represented on the corn
show committee.
Hew Grass Type i
Not Up to Claims
Michels' grass, which has recenl
Iv been highly advertised as all out
standing pasture grass resulting
from a cross between M.isida wheal
and tllnnl wild ryegrass.; lias re
eeutlv been pronounced a variety
,.f ice hv Ihe lilireall of plalll in-
duslrv. necordlng lo information re
ceived bv .1. lioland Parker, county
agent. Two years of tests at sev
ral .".perlme'iit stations show that
MiiiieK mass has no resemblance
ho either id the supposed parents
tiiant wild ryegrass.
(by the Associated Press)'
ANI1KRSON, S. C DurliiB the
excitement ot n downtown fire u
small coupo skipped h curb and
rammed Into the front of u depart
ment store.
Disentangling herself, an elderly
lady emerged from the cur mid
said she was in a liiirry'lo set to
the department store.
"lauly." said Ihe store manager,
"you're in It. What can we do for
you ?"
No Offense!
CM.INTON, Okia. The charge
was aiding to escape, but Arthur
DeWalt, accused by jailers of carry
ing several hacksaws into the Cus
ter county jail, got off scot free.
Dismissing the charge, District
Judge W. 1'. Keen ruled there was
no law violation because, he said the
jail is so strong hacksaws could
made no impression on it.
Turkey Crop to Be
Slightly Larger
Oregon, However, Not to Shore
In Increase; Marketing to
Be Earlier This Scascn.
Legal Logic
KKKSNO. Caiif. Asked If the
city commission had authority lo
order a halrack for Us chamber In
the new city hull, City Attorney
Ozlas sat down to think it over.
I'p he bounced with an affirma
tive opinion.
lie had dropped his own hut In
the chair.
llow Oregon's big pen and vetch i
seed indusllv looks from "ihe oilier
end'' Is partially revealed in a i"-c-.'iu
news release issued by Hie
t.;oorgia Kxleiision sen ire which
reads in pari as follows:
"f lenn.'ia's farmers, now In llle
swing ol fall's biggest pluming,
have nidered upprolxninloly M.nnii.
ihhi pounds of Anslriau winter peas
thlyiigli llle AAA granl-.'ii am piun.
in mil I i 1 in n to sizable amounts ol
i-oer crop seed pun hasei; oul right
or produced on ihe farm for local
sale and llinne Use. arc (ll'd illg lo I-:.
li. Alexander, agronomist for die
lieoriiia Kvlensicin service. . .
"Mr. Alexander predicted thai
more winter legumes would be
..c ...i c c ...... ...... il in wheat
ever in the stale's liisl'orv. provided and that tests on Hie longevity of
piesent interest contini County Michels1 grass show Ibat iincler fa-
ageiiis A conmiltleenien. voca-! vol able conclil ions probably -'" pel
1 , I, oil .-otisci-vutioll cent or less ol no- I'inciir. ....... i-
technicians, t.irm security super
isors and oilier agencies workiir.
Of Mouse and Man
UOCIIKSTKR. Inil.-While drlv
lug along. I.eo Mow wondered
whv his automobile was so slug
gish. He slopped for a new buttery,
but slill Ihe engine did not run
properly. Next day he took the gen
erator apart.
In one end lay a mouse, pressed
out flat and its tail cut off.
Nothing Serious
T 1-11(1(1'! IIAI TK, Intl. Mrs. I.ela
.lel'lei-s tolcl her husband, the Hev.
A. If. .leflers, she believed she had
rheuinal Ism In her right leg.
The mlnislor examined her leg
and pnlied mil a noodle.
Mrs. .lefl'ers said she must have
swallowed It when a girl but didn't
remember 'doing .so.
Market prospects for 1910 crops
sill to he sold. Including apples,
potatoes, turkeys and walnuts,
will be covered in the October nut
look report prepared by the agri
cultural extension service, and will
be available to runners ol Douglas
county upon written request or by
culling at the county agent's of
fice, states J. lioland I'arkcr. rotm-
IV neent. Of sneclul Interest lo
the farmers of Douglas county will
be the information on the 1940
lurkey market. Figures just re
leased by the agricultural market
ing service of the I'nited States
department of agriculture indicate
(he IS10 turkey crop will be larg
er than last year by about one
per cent. Hatchery production of
poults decreased this year, but
home hatching was materially in
creased. Reports indicate the
number of flocks increased in the
west, north, central and In most
or ihe southern stales, with no
change shown In Texas. The only
slates showing a decrease are Ore
gon, California. Pennsylvania. Il
linois. Michigan and Virginia-
Earlier Marketing Likely
(Irowers apparently expect to
market the turkeys much earlier
(his year than last. It Is estimat
ed that 12 per cent of the season's
birds will be marketed in ocioner
or earlier, compared wllh ten per
cent reported during the same per
iod last year. Marketing In No
vember Is expected to be l." per
cent of the total compared with
:',!i. per rent marketed last year;
December marketing is Indicated al
T! iier cent coinnaied with M per
cent last yar; while .lanuary and
later marketings will be annul II
per rent as against V per cent last
Weight of turkeys is expected
lo be slightly heavier than last sea
son over ihe country as a whole.
Cold storage holdings of till keys
on September 1 of this year were
reported to he 21.1 !!. pounds
compared w It'll !i.!l91.'i"ii pounds in
September. 1MI. and r,.711.""i'
pounds In 1I1SH. The holdings re
ported are almost entirely heavy
Tur'ty growers anil larniers no
siring summaries of market Re
ports on turkeys and olhe- hill
harvested crops should make wl it
ten recpiesls for the reports or call
at the; county agent's 'olllce for a
vallis to enter Oregon State col
lege. Mr. and Mrs. Den M.organti spent
the week-end at Vaughn.
Friday visitors lo Koseburg were
Mr. and' Mrs. B. II.- Wells, .Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Haines. Mr. and Mrs.
Dill Hunch. Walter Haines and Wil
bur Ilulcomb.
Mr. and Mrs. Kldon Holmes left
Thursday for Berkeley where they
will spend Ihelr vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Solomon,
Joy Solomon and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Townsend, of R'jsoburg, spent Sun
dav with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
1 allies.
(leorge Minder. Carl Hinder and
Karl (Jrillllh made a business trliL
lo lllllard Monday.
Mrs. Mary Hart. Hoscoe Hart,
Joyce Hart and Janet Hurt spent
the weekend at llle inline oi ..u.
and Mrs. chailes Hinder.
Mr. a"d Mrs. Raymond Jcines,
Bottv Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
itmiier were Hallelon visitors Fri
day. .
11. Ij. Hossen and Miss I aye llos
sen were attending (o business mat
ters in Drain Thursday.
Miss -Mary Belle llcllderer ami
Miss Normabelle Wealherly have
Kone to I'orllaud to go lo business
Trade Your Old Washer
Now on a New
203 N. Main Phone 825
Elgarose 4-H Club News
Hv Carolyn Tanner.
The meeling ol the Klgarose
Health club was called lo order
by Ihe president. I'slty I lolinciulst
F' Williams resigned n
nlig leader, and Lorraine Tanner
Miluiileered In lead us in "Amer
ica." Al l lull- nacWIlinel led 11 s III
a yell, aller which follow ed the
pledge. I'll uy llcdlllcillisl ccinclllel
c i a conlesl between the "Hi. '"'''I
Tib and Sill glades by asking epics
lions on safely. The sixth grade
was winner of the e einlest. I lie
seci clai y's repen t followed ihe con-
ample. Alviu 1 1 i'il nl ol l .001. iiesl. I'Tceniau """"" "" '
1 1 1 i... v.. ,,iv I ..... ...I ...111 ,,11111 u II ji I'll en ill'- e"
corn 'samples ol leu cars each and j lowing week, and Haul Hiicklnnel
.. lo,i..,.v :.,l.. It in w II I e I ,.:. elecled health Inspector leu
Hrown of Smli k has entered lent ill,, sane'
yellow corn luear samples. Ill ail- J leader I
dlltoil to these exhibits. Lain le 1 president
Kllcble is showing a pen of tour);,,,,! Rny
fill bugs ami one single lat bog. I 1 , j- lb
- - - 1 1
1 mauilesling great
Hie soil building
w ilb larniers ;
e'til husi-isiu in
.-ampaiiiu. he- asserts. "
All ol ihe Austrian winti-r
seed supplie'el tlitotiuli the
came I rum Oli'ioin.
Walnut Marketing Quota
Up to Growers' Vote
week. Our new song
Helta Johnson. The
asked Arthur Hai-k'.und
John I" plan a short play
,,-xt 11 ling, which will
held 1 tctober :lei.
Today Ihe liveslo, k judging
leam I nou l.eeokingglass is inking
'pint ill the livestock Jllelclng ion
iiesl ill the I'acllic
I'I'lle te.llll is ce'inposed ol lle-olge
!lai -h AH in Heard and I hue
file eeaintx winners of ihe 111
dllli ae-lll.-l einent and leadership
celiel. '-penmen o.l by the Douglas
I National luilik'Of Reselling, are
I Hetty Lou Wesematt ot Ch'inlalc
I ;ili'l I leiergi larsli of,ilii;i:lass.
I These w Hiners will - lo I'm Hand
ill lini" he begin wllh ihe hankers'
m:int i i-ilnesitay inoi iiine; tine
iliiii through I'llelay. All ex
es ot llle Mil' will he- mel 111
Ihe Nsllo'.ial balll,. I HIS
group will I"- kept busy I rom Hie
Illlie- tll'-y .HllVi' IO I III" nine no?
leave lot' heme ' aga 111' ' Tliey will
be given nips through various In
illisti ies. will lie lak-'ll to, llle horse
show, will he given a ptily. will
.illclnl a 1U1I10' ;isl. and n't
laillll Will be well' feel.
I II Health
I ship of Is
,-eii oicauieel
lub 1 on;
t v hu h
I eel eel P
I hu vice
lub under Ihe
Itarnebiirg has
1 Wilbur. This
r seven uiemli'-i s.
June McMlckle el
sldenl: Klialiel.l Hem
president, and Hoaney
WASIIlNtlTi IN. Oe t. 7. 1 AIM--A
I ei', millle ml a li oil ol' llle iiiutrol
board tor the vialnill lueluslry mar-
lieling auice'ine'iil li.xinu the- salami'
and silrplils pere-eulage-s oi the
l!iei-tl e-iiip in Caiiloruia.
lugloii anil tln-gon. has been tip
proved nntalivi-lv bv
Wicka nl.
Tlie cout nil heard li
as an aini'lidiiieitt 10 I In
that the' salable pel I loll
he T.'i per i i'1'.t ami llle
dedal"il at L'.'i per colli.
lillialeel llie'se piopoillolu
sllpl't. the deilueslic 1 1 II
sist for more than line yeai. i-.m-ii
lliese plants in III.' Iiele! are prac
licallv all gone by ihe end of ihe
seentiel vear. Norliially most ol
the plains die aller seed Is firmed,
showing a winter annual habit of
AAA growth.
Seeding trials or Michels grass
made In connection wllh grass
nurseries In Douglas county, states
Mr. I'arkcr. bear mil Ihe limlings
of the experiment stations. Nursery
Hints of Michels' grass did not
make ihe growth evpecied limn Ihe
iiier.ilure adiertising llie' weuuh'r
111I forage qualities nl the plant.
The plants appeared like ordinary
rve from the linn' I hey appeareel
lhrou':h the eroiili'l until seed was
YONCAI.I.A. Oct. I. Mr. and
Mrs. Ji'ss Lasswell spent several
days last week visiting relatives
in Portland.
Mrs. Albert Cockeraiu and daugh
ter. Doreen. transacted business in
Ilosebui g Thursday.
ami Mrs. Tommy
Enjoy more tire miles Have
your car BEAR Safety Tested
323 No. Main St.
1 , loi uieel. ami did 1101 make an aluind
""""' unco of forage lor pasture as
il Hie crop
sill plus be
It w as es-
laiincl. runners in Douglas ciilin-
iy. states Mr. Parker, should not
p'ur.hase iiuantilies of Michels'
grass seeei tor pasture pelrnoses.
as there is no Indication that this
grass is udapteel to Douglas oenin
tv conditions 01 will produce forage
in lie- ipiuutity or unaliiy claimed
in advertising circulars. If anvone
desires lo Irv out Michels' grass it
1I1..UI 'lls i.ein beigs eel Inn poimels , ,-oniiiieneb-il that only a pound
ch and place lln- surplus at about nu) (l( S.(,,, ,, s(.,-,m1 ami
l.neen bags ! planted in small test plots.
I le pro ni ism vvoui'l iiei'Wio- '-1.
ceive insui approval ol two-
motored to Kugeue Wedneselay.
J'orri'st Jones of Kdenbower all'l
Mrs. Mctluire of Helview. Wash.,
visilcel at the Albert Cockeram
Inline on Keel Hill Tuesday.
Mrs. Ollle Merlin of Hoise. lelaln.
ami Mrs. May Hurry of Portland
visilcel al Ihe Herman Thiel home
ove-r Ihe week-end.
Mrs. Rebecca Campbell is vlsll
ing relative's In Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt
and daughter of Ashland are visit- ,
ing at the Klmer Daugherly home j
for a week.
Mrs. Win. Cook fell elnvvn In her
home Menilav- and ulthouch no
hones weo-e broken, she was hinlly ,
biulsc'l and is e'ont'ined to her bed. j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Labour i
lefl Mondny for Toledo, called ihere ;
due 10 a lie.-iih In Ihe family. !
Mrs. I-:. M. Hriner. who has run
the service slalinn at Ihe fool of
Hlce hill for a number of vears. lei I '
last week wllh her daughter, Mrs
Krnest Cray of Fairfield, ill. Mrs.
llliner w ill siienil Ihe winter with i
anoiber daughter in Terre Haute. I
KLKTON. Oct. T. Mrs. Mary
Ileckley has none to Salem lo vlsil
her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Hosl
1.011. frank Oriffith mid Hill C.nltllh
hnve rctllrneil from l'oiilanel where
Hill C.rllfilh has been receiving
treatment for an lulerled hand.
Mrs. Verona Daniel is spending
Palmer I this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Rolph. who live near l-.lkloll.
A. V. Heneilicl. of Koresl tliove.
visited the II. I.. Hossen home over
the weeU-end.
.Mrs. Mary (irilbhe has returned
home from Trail where she has
been visiting her daughter. Mrs.
ltela Heart.
.Minn Andrews has gone In Cor-
1 1 11
Ocfofaer 5 to 12
19 Shows in Qra
Eleven cfi under
out tool. Exhibits oi
puis-brad Liveitock,
Doijt, Poultry, Pal
Slock, Wild Lif, M.n
ufictured and Land
Produeti. 4-H Club
and Smith -Hug ht
Vocational Eductioa
Work; also Combicnd
Hon Show and t hull
ing Indoor Rodeo.
Largo Prtmium Lists
lllilels el
nuinlier o
, ml ban.lf
Ihe growers, olitig by
volume "f preieluclion.
rs nl peo 1 cut of the'
illterslale ami lorelgn
Tvventv tine" members ol the
Kiddle school have been olgani.
iulu a health club under Ihe
leadership of Lelaiul llarter. The
members 1 Ibis , lub eled, .1 SI u
Mil Dielli'l'UI. Hilda t'llb's
pie vice prcslib'ilt and lle'l'lllee'
lllgsliy se-cie'lai v.
Oregon Leghorn Wins 2d
At National Exhibition
Geo. Cooney, at County
Hospital 16 Years, Dies
eol ge
f,..- t lie-
l yen
A recently develnpeel aid (or In
valiels is a niolorized chair, whie-h
is rcp-irtcil lo be easy to operate. ;
The chair is iKiwereel with a two-i
horsepower engine, runs loo miles 1
on a gallon of gas and travels '.'el j
miles an hour. i
! New Fumigant Tried for
Treating Nursery Stock
Met In 1 In omul
nuisi't eo
1 !ior
I 1,1
I lidd
Scissor Snippers Meet
I'.iniia H'-iiibinill K lioil.
Meeting or Ihe I II dub was
Ciielay. Scpiemher '.'T. It
-Illicit 10 111 dei by I'le'-ldi-lll
l-'altll Cue hanaur. I :isl year we
wove ill 0111 I'lincil. I'm' II. line
was Tivenly l.lltle Weave-s Tills
vein ive are making clothing, so
'lie 1 lull name had 10 b.' cllaliueil
The organuation N now called
S, l-sor Snippers. Tin- Hist thing
Ihe 1 lllii makes is a tea towel, our
llet II ting Mill be he'd oil I'll-
ilav. October 11.
There are three I II clubs In Hie
i.l.nol. I " a o! 1(""1' ire fit's'
ielub.. alnl mie i:- s boy,' club. I be
bnva me tleiiu,; woodworking, unl
fumigation o(
o . -inn-iil willow
1 mil salin ninth Is iieing i"i
il,.. ,-mioiiioIoi' delwl I llli-n I al
liicgi'll Slale college 111 an atleilil't
IO as-isl Ihe liniserv iinlllslrv to
inarke: 'Is sleek m uveas n.-iiiin; ,1
ni;n amine a:';i:nst these pe'sis.
Methvl br.mlle is a ceiiuaia new luiiiicanl wbidi is 1 nnl
11. v into vviele r use for valinll lllllll
--.llloll pill I'OSi s. s.iv s Or D"ll C I
Mole, head nl Hie entomology do- .
pailmeiit H has 'he aiivanlage -it
being nnn lliils'iialil.- and lion e
plnsiie and although It is Indelv
poisonous, lesis aie ni lillili'
wliu-h show even slinlil leakage
Iiiiiii f.iiini'atii'li dianibii-s. H i
hioicd to iletelilitue the results "I
ilo-i.e lests with nursi-r slock b I
ill-nut t!e 'uiipJle el cie 'eber. or 11
1 inn- lor 1 in icjmiI! s i-hil'1'liig
W aliiul Market mi; y-tota I tauti...
I I ' I ' M iss I ll egoll.
Le heru owned by .1.
,1! Cenvallis. can stml
1 s Ileum-.
She was named the
hen 111 Ihe I nilcd Slali
dilation bv 1:! .lnelges
nei ilieasiei n ponlt 1 y
"Miss Orcm'U
M weeks, liner
la-sai lillsetts. '
hallipioli file
w .1- di-clllisl bet
Third pi:'..'
al c'rnii'.'inlis
.1.. Oct. V I
' u White
A Hansen
vv In n she
ecell.l best
s alter cal-
11 ihe filth
1 elivelltion
laid 31" C!.-gs in
mine than "Miss
who was crow tied
New Kiiglaliil lieu
-tier leokilii:
unioiig the I- re'gion
vvelll lo 'Miss Kan-
Call 586
Jjiiicb Rtitatcn, Manager
Great in Power!
The "Caterpillar" Diesel D2 Tracfor is small. It can easily
be moved on a light truck or trailer BUT it's powerful
when sure-footed, dependable traction Is needed.
It handles easily and is amaiingly thrifty. It will work hard
for 8 hours on approximately 10 gallons of low-cost Diesel
fuel. Where else can you find qualifications like that?
See us today for further facts.
Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch.
Famous Favorites
Hot Dog.
ite from
.famous favor-
coast to coast
. . . the food everybody
knows and calls for.
Barclay's Private Stock
is a famous favorite of
many. Thousands call
for this light-bodied,
right-priced whiskey.
Try it you'll like its
taste and quality.
95cs' mkff
$1.85 FULL QUART I M' 7