FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW,. ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1940. ( Dally Kct Buudmr Mj te Ncw-lltiiv Co., lac Member of Ta Asaoclated Trraa Tho Associated Frsi In oxcIubIvo ty entitled to the UHe for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and to all local news published herein. All rights of re publication or apcclai dispatches herein are also reserved. HARRIS ELLSWORTH .....Editor 'Kntnred ai second class matter May 17, 1020. at tho post office at Soseburff, Oregon, under act ot arch 1). 1878, Represented by Itfrw York 371 Miidlnon Ave. 'hl raao 300 N. tlulilaan v,-m PrniM'laro 220 Hush Htrpnl 1- :uiR4 w. rirund Tloult'Vard Inn AnaelM 438 8. Spring Htrsot Bpafllr bus Dicwun irmn -,.- 520 S. W. Sixth Ave. SI. Lvula 411 N. Tenth Btreot. PsiLisJe5a4iojiTi os KubMcrlpllen Uafcs Duty, nor year by mall tjj.OO Dally. 6 months by mall 2.60 Dally, 3 montlia by mall 1.26 Dally, tiy currier per month.... . Dally, by carrier rer year . 7.80 Every state, county and city official or board that handles public money should pulillnh at ri'gulur Intervals an accounting ct It. shewing where slid how eaih dollar Is spent. This Is a fundamental principle of demo cratic government. A FEW years ago tho Stuto of Oregon cniburked upon a pro gram of udvnrtiHlng. Tho plan, und It has been quite successful, was to attract more tourists to the state and to point out tho bounties and mention spots with the pur pose of selling travelers upon stay ing longer In Oregon. The adver tising fund in handled by the slate highway commission. At iibout the sumcj time that the advertising plan was adopted I lie state highway commission also do lormlned to construct a second pass over the Cascades from Eu gene made their plea to the chip Ject was only lately completed. No word of protest came from tho re mnliidvr of the state. Tho com munities of Klumuth Fall'i and Ku geno made their pleas to the com mission and it wus grunted. Tho stale has great confidence In tho judgment und lutegrily of tho high- way commission which that body bus richly deserved. Hut now thorn a l ines, at least In tho minds of numerous southern Oregon residents, a doubt us to the sagacity of the commission. Traf fic Ib being routed enthusiastically, by Eugene und the cities north, over tho new highway. Ill Cullfnr-' Ilia they are sending tho tourists north over the new route. It in so much faster that the tnurlHls ran , bo shot through Hie statu quickly. The advertising plan Is succcsk-; fill no Is the Wllluuiclte psss rnulo hut tho two do not go well together. The one alms to bring the lourlsts In, the oilier hurries I hem oul. Another thuughl too Is that I ho rebuilding of the I'liciflc highway would serve iriO.OIHI peo ple wheroas the vast sums spent to construct the Willamette mule .beueiit tho relatively small popu lation of south centrul Oregon. 'And yet there appears to he very 111 t lu hope of gelling tho Pacific highway modernized short of 27 years, us Commissioner dough has It figured out. Wiiy was the Willamette puss road built when there already was a pass highway up the MeKenzle? The correct answer seems lo be that lOugeue und Klultiatll Fulls kept tiller the hlghwuy commis sion until It yielded. Thus I ho J old "greatesl good for Iho great test number" plan gives way to tlio !"siuouky wheel gels tho grease'' 'policy of allocating highway lunds. ' llul stop! Are we iliitult? Whal squeaky wheel Squeaked to get the 'commission to build that myster Mous section of super highway on .the south side of the Kogue-I.'uip-quu divide on the Tiller to Truil route? Itoseburg did not request Jit. Grants I'ass ulihors the very thought of It. How uboul Medfuril? ; All.. Could It be that this very .expensive mountain construction ? has been made so that Douglas county i logs may be hauled to 'Jdcdl'ord sawmills? At tiny rate, -that. is .liie way It will work out. Editorials on Newt (Coattaoa4 treat Hja L) liouso would be Just about the right spot. CHURCHILL. addressing the Jfrltlsh people in the midst of the bailie's din. says: "The German air nttneks so far have failed conspicuously. The royal air force Is stronger than at the Btart, while the iiazl force Is .... :j?nm'. being worn down by Hitler's at tempts." . What be is attempting to do I to BRACE BRITISH MORALES, for If Brituln'B will to fight U broken the battle will be lost. What he says In 111 la hour of Britain's supremo trial Is inoro convincing and therefore more heartening because in tho past he has not hcsltutud to tell tho Hi It Ibh people the stark truth. REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 The Friday Night Show, MUS. 4:30 Interlude. 4 M0 Sinfonlutla, MIIS. 6:0011. 8. Nuvy Hand. 6:35 Sports (iuide, MILS. 5:30 Shutter i'urkur, MILS. 6:46 Cheer I'p (lung, MUS. 6:00 Raymond Gram Swing, White Owl Cigars, MB8. 6: 15 Dinner Dance. 6:80 John B. Hughes, Avalon Cigarettes, MBS. ' 0:45 HM1 Time. 6:55 News, Calif. Pacific Utilities to. 7:00 Curl Riivassn's Orch., MIIS 7:15 Mutual Mucxtrox. 7:M-I.ono Hunger. MIIS. K:00 McFnrland Twins, MIIS. 8:80 I1I1C News. MILS. 8:35 ltuy Noble's Orch., MIIS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 0:15 Garwood Van's Orch., .MILS. 11:30 ltep. Joe Martin, MUS. a.'45-Dunce Orch. 10:00 Sign Off. SATURDAY. SKI'T. 14 7:00 Slurf and Nonsense. 7:30 News-Review of the Air. 7:40 Slain and l.orul News. 7:15 Ithapsody In Wax. 8:00 Music bv Wlllard. Mns. 8:30 This ami That In Molodv. 8:46 II11C News. MIIS. 11:00 Possible Berlin News or Don Arres. Tenor, MIIS. 0:30 Music For Milady, MIIS. 0:45 Symphony. 10:00 This Might lie You, MIIS. 10:15 World's Fair Symphonic Hand, MIIS. 10:30 Can You Imagine That, Copco. IO:45--(Jene llnacker's Orch.. MIIS. 11:00 Frank (iugen's Orch., MIIS. 11:30 l.nuls Prlma's Orch., MIIS. 12:00-.Snngs Sweethearts Sing, MUS. 12:15 Luncheon Dunce. 12:45 Stuto anil I , oral News. 12:50 News-Review of the Air. 1 :00- Interlude. 1:05 The McFarlund Twins. MIIS. 1:30 l'uoillo S. W. Tennis Tour nament, MIIS. 2:30 Dramas of Youlh. MIIS. 3:00 At Your Cnniinund. 3:30 -Buddy Malevllle's Orch., MIIS. 4:00 - Eddy Duc.hln's Orch., MIIS. 4:30 Interlude. 1:10 Ceo. Hamilton's Orel.. MUS. I 5:00- SlrlliKS In Swlnglliii", MUS. American Choral he.iliinl. . MIIS. OMui - Dinner Dunco. 0:30 - John It. Hughes. MUS. 11:45 Melodies Modern. 6:65 Newa. Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:00 Possible Home News. MIIS. 7:15 Mtitutil Maestros. 7:45 Arthur Warren's Orch., MIIS. 8:00 Buddy Melevllle's Orch.. MIIS. 8:30 - tlarwood Van's Orch.. MUS il:oii News. MIIS. 0-15 - Ituv Noble's Oreh.. MIIS. 0:110 --.luck Cnlleu's Orch., MIIS. 10:00 Sign Oil'. SUNDAY. KEPT. 15 S:U0 Thi' Temple Emanuul l lion, Ms' ... , Voice if Prophecy ( hoir. Mils; 8:30 S-4!; Canary Chorus. MUS. O lio -March ot Health. MUS. 9:15The Chaplain Speaks, Rev. Perry Smith. '.CM - American Wildlife. MBS. 11:45--Symphony. Iicoo -Strings In Swlimllme. Mils. 10:15 Romance of the Hl-Ways Cruhniind Lines. MBS. i ii -in-- I'ahiici- House Concert Orch., M US. 11:00 Baptist Church Services. 12 U0- tloldmull Band Concert. MIIS. I2 :i0- Nobody's Children. Mils. l:un- Pacific S. W. Tenuis Tour nament. MIIS. 2-IIO-Troplcal Serenade, MIIS. 2'30-Thln Week in Defense. M 1)S. 2:35 --(ileti tlrti.v's Orch., Mils. 3;lltl--lteiule'iviius. MUS. 3:30 Talk by Slgtld Schull., M IIS. :c tr, - Sonus For Sunday. Mil. 4 00 - American Fortlin 01 me MIIS. . , 6:00 Old Fashioned Revival, MBS. 6:110 - A. P. News. MUS. ti:0u-W(lN Symphonic Hour. MIIS. 6:30 The Anqelu. Hour, Dr. C. A. Edwara. 7:00 The Answer Man, Van Dyke Cigars, MB 7:15 The Quiet Hour. 7-45 - Wwho Williams. MUS. ,von S: in 8:30 Horace lleldt a Orcli.. .Miif. Hal. hi Ednar Miignln. MUS. (' o in m a n d Peilormani e. MBS. News. MUS. !C0" 9:15 Favorite Songs of Yours and Mine, Hansen Motor Co. 0:30 Slcii Oil. Food Will Win the War, Turkey Growers Told COItVALI.IS. Sepl. 13. - (AIM The old calch phrase. "food will win til" Is as true now as It was 22 years ago. Dean W. A Schocnfeld ol Oregon Stale college said yesterday. Deau Schoenfeld. adilressltli; the sixtn annual Oreuon Turkey tiiow ers convention, said Europe will he l.'ireed to cull on American feed ic sources regardless ol Hie war's out come, j The luikey men weie told that the Oregon Poultry luiproiemeut KRNR IMwd rMMslnf tystaaa MW KllaayeJae PUT OUR WAY IC.Me'toYEES j THAT'S ErVSV W THAT GUV A OH, I WATCH THKTN L N,V ' OMA&OSS, M MLVT HWOE: PRETTY CLOSE 2 TH VJA lOU EXPECTED IT, I HtWOD MY WIFE , , GET FIRED ER W WOULOKi'T 1 rAY PAY EMVELOPE Ml 1 1 III I M THESE DAYS....HfWE LOOKED rSr4D SHE Cr&H& m Ma w Just uttle at m oheck IT AT TH' STORE,... m W W WOTE IM YOUR TILL HE WENT AMD I DON'T ' W T$t' W PftV ENVELOPE TO 6PEMD IT... WANT TH' BUTCHER m lif " AW NO ME f I'D BETTER h TELLIKl' HER THAiT xW3 L ' ER. ftRSUMENT LOOK I'M f'fA FIREP j , PCPFR ' CTiR.WlU - I tie en irs r-s'v cop. imp at wc smviet. inc. t. M.Btcru.irwT.'oyr. y assoclathm Is now In a position to give Ihein the suinu breed improve- menl und dit:euse coulrol service . us has bet'ii uvullalile to chicken breeders for the last six years. 1 Poultry breeders opened their 10th unnuul convention today. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE PORTLAND. Sept. 13.--(AP) 'world-record" 31- Iti-ports of year-old grandluotlHU , ilo tlot im press Mrs. Murgarelliu Smith of Portland. Mrs. Smith, who ruefully became a ureal Krandmollier at 67. nays she euddied her first grandchild wnen sue wan on. "My first child wan born when I was 14 and my duughtcr Myrlle, wlu.'ii I wus jti," she suid. "Myrtle murried Lester (Irunt of Cruuls Pass wiien sho wus 13 und ut 14 presented her husband w-ilh u daughter." PORTLAND, Sepl. 13. (AIM CCC joli training will open shortly for mure than looo Oregon men be tween the Uges of 17 and 23. The sUilo public wcliurc coiumis nlon said men may enroll from Oc tober 1 to 31 lit county well.ire or stale employment nurvieo oil ices. SAI.EM. Sept. I3.-(A1M TTIc city council will vole Monday night on wllether to let Suicllfs vole decide In November whether to! adopt a city inauuger form of gov eminent. SAI.EM, Sepl. 13. (AP) The slate tax commission estimated to day t lilt t 1!M0 income lax recoipi.H would total SI). 1100,000, conipurcd Willi ft. 5114. 000 lust year. Second luilf payments are due October 1. OPERA HEROINE HORIZONTAL Aniw?r to PrcvM3 funic 1 Heroine Bizet's opera name. C She was as a ctg.irc..' girl. 13 Instrument, 14 Proprietor. 16 Tiny skill opening. 17 Boy. 18 Mental view. 19 Related by blood. 20 To treat with medicine. 22 To incommode 24 Preposition of place. 25 Street boy. 27 Actual. 30 Taciturn. 32 Wrath. 33 To piece out. 34 Genus of rodents. 35 Contempt. 38 Electric unit. 30 To make lnce. of lAON T OA,c t?YLT hnnrrrr I famous ZJCDPa:GA:SIf AMI M 01 f5;L Al'UMfc'06IC: I ;N F M A 41 Obliterates. VERTICAL 45 Beveling 1 Company machines. (abbr.). 51 Liable 2 Talc,,lted at Liaoic. 3 strcct 52 Work. 4 Middle. 54 Egg-shaped. 5 New star. 55 Seed covering". UToscalup. 56 To bring into 7 Encountered. lino. A7Aphids. 58 She ed her sweet- heart, Jose. 59 Jose or slew her. 12 5 4 IS I 6 . 7 8 I 9 10 H 12 "jP? jig" 19 27 28 129 n 50 51 'Ni 41 42 44 Q 4T"7flfr' 47 IB'WX) &5 j 56 57 1 I 1 n H hH 1 1 h GUIDANCE TO RECREATION Fishing prospects, highway and forest condi-1 i: I ! 1. I L..II-1!- of the Umpqua National Fishing In the Norlh Umptiuu river the sleelluud fishing is still reported to be fair. Expert anglers aro able lo take fish fairly consistently, but umuteurs are forttluutc to strike u fish nt uil. Very lew fishermen are (in the river. Trout fishing is good with limit cliches of small fish the rule for those who understand fishing the river. The Idleyld-Honey creek section reports Indicate Ifiat this week-end should see vory good fishing for large fresh run cutthroiit. I.ltlle river und other tributaries helowr Copciuud creek are too low for satisfactory finn ing. However, the creeks flowing into the upper reaches of tho river si ill offer excellent fly fishing, especially in places remote from rouds und trails. Coacliluan, blue upright, quill, professor und Iho vu- rlous types of grey hackle files are reported to be bringing tho most fish to net. At Dlntnond lake, this will be the last week-end for lake fishing as ilie season closes ttie twentieth. Fishing is reported to be much Im proved, with hut a few callipers at the lake. In the South Unipquil dis- l,.i,. uti',i,t I'Ulihif. la reiint'lofl poor, und nt Fish lake it is full. Roads The time of year has arrived when II is wise to curry cliaius I when traveling the moHt remote forest rouds. It takes only a mod erately heavy rain to ntuko Home of I the dirt roads dungerously slip- 71 15 Cleverest. 20 Prosper wrote her romara-e. 21 Court (abbr.). 23 Inharmonious relationship. 26 Opposed to promotion. 28 Silkworm. 29 Copper. I 30 Kind of snow shoe. 31 Religious, worker. 33 Gaelic. 36 Mortar implement. 87 Kind of verse. 40 Pronoun. 42 Not common. 43 Genus of bees. 44 Bed lath. 46 Migration. 8 Baby carriage. 47 Biscuit. 9 Jewel. 48 Bad. 10 Shoulder band 49 Contest ol 1 1 Goddess of speed, discord. 50 Sleigh. 12 Slight 53 Morindin dye. depression. 55 Publicity. Forest. pcry; puiliculurly Is this true in (ho South L'mpquu dititrlct. 'i ho North I'mprjua roud 1h clos ed at Co pel and cieeklioin 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. on work days, it is open ovei NiKM and on Saturday and Sunday. In tune of rain, it will be advisable to Btuy off tliia road above Copoland creek, as some RpotH uru still without gravel. It itf anticipated that all bad spots will bo graveled by September 20. Another bottleneck on the North Unipfiua road Is between the pave ment end near UlxoiivIHe and Hock creek. To put it mildly, this stretch of road is very, very bad. Game As the opening day of deer sea Hon drawH near, there is increased inlcrHt in prospects for good hunt big. IjiHiiicHliontibly, deer are. more plentiful in . the Umpqua forest than they have been for limny yen i s. Winter losses have been very slight during tho past two years due to mild winters, and ob servations by local forest employes indicate that the trend In the duer populutiou is on the increase. Weather With thunder storms forecast for the week-end. the forest fire pre vention and suppression guards are all on duly ready to keep the fires small and the forest green. Humidity is fairly high and there Is no acute fire danger; neverthe less, tho fire seusou is not yet over and sportsmen and forest visitors arc urged lo remember and observe the forest rules of safety: No smoking while traveling; no careless flickering away of mat dies or burning tobacco; obtain camp fire permlis and never build a fire near logs, duff, roots, or in any places except on safe mineral ground; when leaving camp, be sure the last spark is out; make slop of Ihe ashes and stir with a slid;; feel dead cmbiTS with the fingers; bo sure the last spark is oul. - L'.MPtjL'A NATIONAL FOREST. Maybe all we need to wake this country up to an emergency is something ulong the lines of the old seventh Inning stretch, when you either start hitting, or else. Men are hesitant about drink lug from the community cup at the (own pump, but they'll stand In line all atleruoon to kiss the bride. Nazis continue to shower bombs on Lniidnu, but King George is still holding gu to his rclgu check. Hog license costs more than marriage license In some Penn sylvania counties. The bridegroom probably finds the dog house is mere expensive, too. Freedom of choice is not dead In Italy. One may , wear the national "sluudurdized" shoe or go barefoot. That New York hair stylist who was lo fly lou to take care of tho duchess might be referred to as tlie Yunkee Clipper who joins the Roy al Air Force. Our new battleships will have modern soda fountains, opening the way for new naval rankings of soda jei-k, first, second, and third classes. All the nazls have to do to dis pel this talk about a famine lu Ccrmauy Ik to shove ilenu Goeriug in front of the lens aguiu. Spends Oay Here Clarence P. I'orler. majiager of the Fidelity and Deposit company at Portland, bpeut Thursday )u Ros-ebnrg at tending to" business. BARBS Sunday at the DAILY DEVOTIONS Da CHAS. A. EDWARDS How thankful we ought to bo every day to feel the picscuce of God with us, and thus to hope for the eventual establish nient everywhere of God's do minion of righteousness and peace and love.' With sluceie gratitude we may thank God for giving to us whatever Is best for our development even the tri bulations. As evidence of our appreciation of God's forgiven ness, the least we can do U to keep oursolves In readiness to forgive anyone who seeks our forglvenness. We ought to be thankful, also that in the neces sary temptations that come to us, and In our unceasing war against Injustice. We are per mitted to overcome evil with good. Also, we need to appre ciate daily our deliverance from all that can harm personality and, while conserving the su premacy of the spiritual. We cun be grateful for the opportunity to help as many people as pos sible to enjoy with us an endless growth In power and wisdom, and love. The worst moment for the atheist Is when he Is really thankful, he has nobody to thank. It is pos sible for us to transform any sort of tribulation into an op portunity to help some one else In a similar strait. Amen. METHODIST CHURCH Yoncalla Methodist church. Worship at 10 a. m. Sunday school ut 11 a. in. The theme fur this Sunday worship service will be "The Unseen Foundation." The pastor, is well plcuscd with the growing Interest lu the work of the church. Another good atten dance lust Sunduy. Begin now to make your plans to attend the Rally duy services Sunday, Sopt. 29. There will be tho regular services in tlie morning und a basket dinner ut 12:30. Tho after noon service will begin ut 2:30. C. E. Urflluln, pastor. FIRST CURCH OF GOD Edenbower district. Rev. J. D. Kernutt, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. in., Mrs. Chus. Hughes, su perintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Pastor In charge. Young Peo ple's service, 7:U0 p. in. Evening service, 7:30 p. in. Evangelistic prayer and praise service Wednes day evening, 7:30 p. m. Wo wel come all to attend these services, i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE In Myrtle. Creek Is held each Sunday at 1 1 :00 a. m. In tiro Grange hall, Third and Division Sts. The lesson-sermon for Sunduy, Sopt. 15, Is "Substance."' Tho public is cordially Invited to attend these services. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 312 E. Douglas street. Regular services Sunduy ut 11:00 a. in. Subject of' lesson: "Substance." Sunduy school convenes at 9:45 a. in. Wednesday evening meetings which Include testimonies of heal ing and remarks on Christian Sci ence ure held at :00 o'clock. The reading room ut 317 Perkins build ing Is open daily except Sttnduvs and holidays from 10:30 a. in. to 4:30 p. in. Here the Bible and all authorized Christian Science liter ature may bo read, borrowed or subscribed for Tho public Is cor dially Invited to uttend the church services and to visit the rcuditig room. TENMILE CHURCH G. A. Garlioden. nasloe. Miu'iiIiil- worahin 0:45 u. 111. Sel-mnn tnnle. "The Minister Who Needed u Ser mon." Sunday school 10:45 n. in. Sunday school convention Sept. 24, at Tciimilc church. CAMAS VALLEY CHURCH G. A. Garboden. pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in. Morning worship 11:15 ll. m. Sermon l.'iplc. "The Minister Who Needed a .Sermon." DILLARD METHODIST CHURCH G. A. Garboileu, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday S p. 111. Evening ser vices S p. ui. LOOK INGGL ASS CHURCH Sunday school 10 a. uj- Epwurth League t: 15 p, in. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri symd), Corey and Mili tary street. West Itiisehuie. 1 he service of Sunday, September 15, begins , ol -II a. m. The sermon topic Is. "A Prisoner's Plea with a Christian Congregation." The Suu day school niecls at 9:45 a. m. Af ter tlie service a short meeting ol the Youiik Lutheruu's League will OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL Clurlii C. Fuller, Detctor r.'rrrftll ImiwI rrr.rlilr. Old fhmnj nf llr ram Every Sunday O ne P. M KILNB lili'l Kiknlei t'niseira A Natlunvide Uotpel See us today (or complete Home and Car RADIO SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES RADIO POCTORS 306 No. Stephens St. Churches bo held. The' Mid-Week Bible class meets Thursday, September 10, at the home of Mrs. W.. Syl woster. for a potluck dinner. All the members and friends of tbe class are most cordially Invited to attend. In connection with the dinner a short business mecllhg will be held. W. A. Sylwcster, 1170 Military street, pastor. THE METHODIST CHURCH Church school at 9:45 a. iu. Morning worship at 11:00. Special music. Sermon by Rev. Melville T. Wlro. Topic. "Our Talents." Epworih Leagues at 6:30 p. m Evenlng w.irshlp at 7:30. Kennon topic, "Divine Government in Hu man Lives." You will find a cordiul welcome ut all Iheso services. THE PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH 477 South Jackson street. Two doors north of the Rose school. The ! Rev. Orvul C. Keller, pastor. Sun day school convenes at 10 a. in. Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock a. in. ! Young People's meeting ut f p. in. Evening service at 7:30 p. in. Young People's Prayer bund will meet Tuesday, Sept. 17th. at 7:30 1 at the home of S. S. Llnnell at 645 Fullertou St. Prayer meeting every I Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Sunday I mnriilncr. Kfv Kpllpr will snmiv from the subject: "Prayer Meet- meat of said estate, and tlim tin limn That Muk HIhImi-v " 3nmliiv i'love-eii! tiled l.'ourl duly made find nigs inai MaKe iiisioiy. bunuay ,.nl,rL.d un order rtxiiiB Saturday, evening be will bring a message the 12th day r Oeti-r. m from the scripture text: "Let hlni'ihe huur of I0:"i ovt..ek In the that thlnketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall." FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Located at end of W- Commercial Ave. A. Harold Perslng, pastor. Evangelistic service for tonight nt 7:30 p. m. with Evangelist C. O. Wood bringing the message. Serv ices for this coming Sunday: Our Sunday school will commence it 9:45 with John Elliot in charge. Morning worship beginning ut 1 o'clock. Message by Evangelist Wood from tho subject: "Mind Sal vation." Young people will meet ut 6:30 under the leadership of El roy Klfler. Children's church ut 6:30 with Samuel Aldridge in charge. Evangelistic servico at 7:30. Evangelist Wood speaking. There will be revival services next week beginning on Tuesday night at 7:30. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day SulnLs will hold Sun day school at 10:00 a. m. Sunday iu the Women's club. 130 S. Jack son. In connection will he u spoak Ing sei vice. Eldon Gaylo Vorgason and Eay lteber from Medlord will bo Ihe speakers. Everyone wel come. No collection lukeu. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "The L'tiiqueness .of tho Kirs! Disciples of Jesus" Is the sermon topic Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Four Young People's groups will meet ut 6:30 p. mr FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lang and Jackson streets. Mrs. Lucy Martin will slug nt I '.Till the morning und evening service. Her morning song will be "The Strang er of Galilee." The sermon topics for Sunday will lie "The Custom of Jesus" for t lie morning service, and "Tho lnip.otont Man" for the evening servico. The Senior Chris tian Endeavor, which inoets at 6:30 p. m. will he led by Louise Blake. The Ladies Aid will hold its first meeting of the fall at 1:30 p. lit. Thursduy. A dessert luncheon will lie servLd, and Dr. Roach will be gin his series of talks on varloUH religions. The h.olll for Christian Endeavor and evening church ser vice has been changed to 6:30 und 7:3fi p. m. respectively. The calendar tor the week: Sunday: Sunday school 8:45 a. iu.; morning worship 11:00 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. in.; evening service 7:30 p. in. Wednesday: Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Thursday: Ladles Aitl 1:30 p. in. ODDITIES Ity the Associated Press Thorny Problem iJALIJNGKU, Tex. Postmaster Tom Caudle is having his worries. Charged with alien registration in Ibis district, Caudle found it dif ficult I,') fingerprint many of the MevicililH bfc;iisf liifi' fiiiei.t-K hnvn linfm tnin liv luii i-u u'hiln tm.b. ' ing cotton, lie appealed to the justice department for advice. Gadabout Teeth HOUJIJAVSBL'UO. Pa. Claude finally have Skinner's false teeth caught up with him. He lost them while swimmlne in I "H tendril. "., -V w-ortft wtlh .suii 'ii, c,j', "H lcJcllt mr, Dj Hi ?n hnJ He UtdttU sn! Hi. f.ilMul loll w.r I wculJ Jbc, Fwr by Hit Tllf R. Jevph A. CUImoT,. of .' Xait. In I ll UOUGl 0UGLA5 funFRfil Hnmp WEATHER STATISTICS By the U. 8, Weather Bureau. Humidity 4:30 p, m. yesterday 1 Highest temperature yesterday 77 Lowest temperature last night 59 Precipitation for (14 hours M Preclp. since first of month 27 Preclp. from Sept. 1. 1940 27 .Deficiency since Sept. .1. 1940 .22 the surf at Ocean City, N. J., lust month. He figured tbey were gon ers, but waves washed thorn ashore, and a hotel clerk mailed tliein buck. Today Is Friday the 13th, but Skinner just laughed. That's be cause be was aide to tacklo a big steak for the first time In four weeks. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Roseburg St. George's. Holy com. munion 8:00 and 11:00 a. ui. Church school begins this Sunday for the winter term 9:46 a. in. R. R. Brand, supt. Riddle, Ascension. Evening pruy cr 8:00 p. m. , PERRY SMITH, Vicar. Go to Grants Pass Mr. and Mrs. George Dora, of this city, left this morning for Grants Pass to spend tho day attending to busi ness. Minn: uk ?:rri.)ojii:yr la the County foiirl of the Hlnte of Oregon for uilus i entity. .. In Ihc .Mallei- of the Estate of V. W. JIayes. Ueetiised. Nolle,. Is heiehy Kiven tluit the undersigned administrator ' of lite estate of W. W. Hayes, deecased. bus filed with tlie t'lcrk'of this , i.. ...... i fnrfiinnii ut Hit id iluv. und tJiu nfTi ef the County Judtfo nf I ioiikI.-ih T'ouiity. Drown. In the HouclttM Omiiity Coiirthoufr' at lUm biii'tf. f)rt'K'H, iix ihe time und plan for hi-Jiriiig iIjJcioiiK to bald final Hr count, if ntiy, und tlie UL'tllfiie-nt nf na liJ fSliile. Da toil uiu flr.xt ptili lulled tliia i::ih day f HopU'inlH-r. l'-H0. .1. V. Long. Adiulnlftriitur of tUo cAlutu wf W. W. MityiiH. drt'iim-d. IvONYl a lid I .UNO, Att4.rr.eyn for the csLuU', ltoyehiinf. Oregon, A MSTH ATOM'S rWrl('K OK kali-; or iti-:w. i,hoi'i;htv In the County Court of the State of On-Kon for Douglas County. In Dw Matter of tlio KMulo of Lovl I. antl Is Si event, Derea-st-d. Notice Ih li-ri'liy given (hat Iho lltHll-rrllKtll'd Jullll .SltlVl'DS. 11 J- minlKtnttor of t lie nlut of whM Levi IlihIIh Slevi-iis. dec caned, purniitint In tin order of I he a liove Court made and entered, author!' Intr liiin uh hiicIi ii(Jinhittritor to well the real property lierohin ftor deHcilhed heloHKlllg to til" eHltlte of the Hliove-liunicd deedenl ; therefore I will, on end from tin day of Oeloher. I'.H. off-T for sale iniif io'II at private t(ilo for chxIi, Ten Per Cent t Ut'A ) 1 Hint; of a1e. Imlance at Lime of con firmation of Rale, the following de scribed real property, and jircm Ises. to-wit: The Southeast juart ;r of th VorlheaMt Munrter of Section '2:', 1 Towfl.sJlip : South of Jt;ince 1 UYM of the Willamette Meridian In JoilKla County, Oregon, eon tulninw 41) aci-en niuru nr le,; That on and aTler said date tdd, will lu received for saJd pr.opei'lv' at. Ihe law office oT l.onjr ami I.ouk in the riouiflas I'ounly Court house at rtosciiuri;, Oreiron. Da led ami first puMiiid tills tho lilli day of H-M-mho- -?fn JOHN STKVKN. Atlmlnlutmtor of the Kslate of Levi LamliiJ St e vena, Deceased. Motorists! Enjoy more tire miles Have your car BEAR Safety Tested today. FREE CHECK-UP STEPHENS AUTO CO. 323 No. Main 6L PORTLAND'S Most Disiincriva Hottl INVITES YOU ... Friendly Servlc Home-Like Rooms Wonderful Food Sensible Rate BENSON Broadway at Oak Portland O (!( tlio'l! THC tfCAvt nlv emert Irauqhtl , Iff ui A,! eyt-f-ij. J Hr ldttt m! hfnA H Jcadf lit .". If. Cillmwt. $on of Go.-rnpr JMph lUmwW n,tl o( mou. pun HOTEL Kl in ih Hr BaptUt urcti. PhlUdflphU, en thr ihrmt f Psalm and a rer the aerxit. In home ptmrby. rnnilnutHl ih iubjct n cofivrrMtlpn utd rlflht rhn rvi.. . . " ration id wnir wit Hymn,