FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 19, 1940. Iss.rd Issllr Kxtri tmntmr r Member of The Assoclsl.d I'rrs. The Associated Prssl l exclusive ly entitled to the use for republlra tlon of all news dispatches credited In It or not otherwise credited In this paper and to all local news . published herrln. All rights of re- Eubllcatlon of special dispatcher ereln are also reserved. HA1WIB ELMWORTH Editor Kntered us second class matter May 17. 1020. at the post office at Itom'burir, Oregon, under aot of March 2, 1878. Represented by Jtw York 271 MitdlBon Ave. Chl- 1HK Hti N. JkllOUKun Ave, una Fntn el . 2-0 BuhIi Ptrnt truK ,toM W. Grand lloulevard 1-oM AnsMcs 188 S. Spring Htreot (riitllr C03 Btewart Strowt lor- Unit BUD 8. W. Slxtn AVO . " luU ( 1 1 N. Twnlh Street OR! Poms iatioi Mausrrlprlna Itatea Dally, per year by mall $5.00 Dally, 6 montlta by mail 2.U0 "Llally.8 months by mall 1.2r Dally, by carrier per month 6r Dally, by carrier per year 7.80 ICvery state, county and city official or board that handles public money should publish at regular Intervals an accounting cf It, showing where and how each dollar Is spent. This Is a f umlamentnl principle of demo cratic guvurmnuiiL 11113 Wlllkie acceptance speech whs a sHtlxrnctory opening of what Is going to prove to lie a good " fighting campaign. He left no " donlils us to his sland on various specific questions and gave an ex ,i collcnt outline of his general phil osophy. One of the outstanding things ,' ahout the text of tho Willklu ml ... iliesa was that It was the statement of a luminous man, an intelligent ' administrative typo of man, and '," was not the type of talk that might ho expected of H politician. No doubt Homo of tho old tlmo politicians gritted their teeth when Willklu frankly Blatud his ap proval of aeverul of tho general policies of Ule new deal. Tho poli- Ileal way of doing tilings Is to de clare all words, acts and principles of the opposition to ho very wrong. Wlllkie does not go for that, lie Is , going to speak straight from the .1.1.... 1J I. 41. ..1 ...... ple have been kidded by uulltlciiuiH long enough. tunning through the Wlllkie n,i-...ii nun, in i-iiii nan the spring-steel like philosophy of ' the slrcnglh and ability of the peo- r i-..un,i ,.... r....,.n ' and clarity with which tills was expressed gave one the feeling of stepping from a dripping fog Into " bright clear Bunllght. Tho fog of defeatism has no place In Mr. Win kle's Hie. Ho knows this country Is great In rosourco and says so. He knows the peoplo of this country ' sort, mid unable to cope collccllvo- v Ivllh llw, iii'i'Heiit iliiMtieriilf, uiti'ld Hituutioii and he huvh ho. Thut Is the spirit we need now. Paternalism and dlctalorKhip have yielded nothing but suTlcrlng and destruction to those people who have unfortunately permitted them selves to have Unit kind of a gov ernment. We need u greater faith in our own selves. We neod a greater tletenniuHllou to do tilings as a great body of people working together for a common end. We need n president who believes that the people can and will work him rather than a president who lie , lleves only in himself. e . The News-Ilevleiv is for Wlllkie. " There are numerous reasons why wo are lor untie far loo many , lo ho fully enumerated here. How- ever there arc some broad funds- illCIMMI llllllKn PlipiHII INK UUI Ul- clsion. Wo believe: 1. That two terms as president Is enough for nny man. More than two terms will tend to build a po litical dynast ry that would ill time become Intolerable. 2. That there are many lueii III I bo United .States Willi ability ut least equal to If not ttclually hu- iwn-liir In Dtut ,r tlir. t,ui,lt,l It appcurs that Wlllkie is one of tllOHC. H. That the nomination of Wen dell Wlllkie was non-pollitcal and that It truly reprosonled Ihe desire of tho people rather than the de sign of politicians. 4. That Hit! nomination of Frank lin Itonsevelt by the democratic convention was exactly (lie reverse that it was a cut and dried affair framed from the start and com pletely and entirely dominated even to nauiing the vlce-preslden-tlul nominee. B. That dcurocnicy works only when there 1s a free choice open to all such as may be expressed In the November president lal election, and that Wendoll Wlllklo improve of and will endeavor to fight for that principle whereas (lie Prtwl- ,fsse dent has with his own words and deeds created an Impression that he mlstrusta such freedom. Editorial on Newt (0oBHam4 frwa L) shells which, when they explode, drop a small parachute that holds the wires temporarily In the cir where they will foul the motors and wings of attacking planes. Brief notice of such a device was glvon In American newspa pers several . mouths ugo. It sounds as If the British may be trying It out. iS to It GItMAN reports today refer snoerlnply r.s nothing more than a silly plaything. The Germans, of course, fear the effect of reports of such a weapon on the morale of their flyers.) "HKflli'S n hen on again In tho ' Balkans. Two Greek dostroyern are bomb' cd by "unknown" airplanes. (Of ficers of the Greek ships watched the planes through glasses and are said to havo reported flatly to the Greek admiralty that they were Italian.) The Turkish press says an Ital ian attack on Greece will bring Turkey Into the war. WinciNlO CAYDA, tho Italian editor who Is supposed te speak for Mussolini, says the sink ing of the Greek cruiser Hello on Thursday 1b a "British maneuver aimed at rupturing relations be tween Italy and Greece." If you have been able to believe a lot of the propaganda toiiimyrnt peddled slnco the war begun, there Is no mi son why you shouldn't try to believe this. IIKMA1NINO HOUltS TOI1AY 4:00 Goldman Hand Concert, MHS. 4:311 Tea Time Ilance. G:00 Mystery Hall, MHS. 0:30 Shatter Parker, MHS. fi:4fi Cheer lip Gang, MHS. 6:00 Raymond Oram Swing, White Owl Cigars, MBS. 11:15 Dinner Uance. 6:30 John B. Hughes, Avalon Cigarettes, MBS. GMTi Mnlodlcs Modern. 7:00 Tonlghl's Tuiin. 7:05 News Calif. Pacific Utilities Co. 7:10 News-Review News Flashes. 7:15 Mutual Maeslros. 7:110-Lone Hanger, MILS. S:U0 Dorothy and Gwen Knter laln. 8:10 II. ft. Avmy Hecrulllng Pro Kt Mill. S:,10 Melodv Isle. 0:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. .. :15 Kverett Hongland's Orches tra. MHS. . 9:30 1,'ullnn Lewis, Jr., 51 IIS. 0:40 I.aiiK Thompson's Orches tra, MHS. 10:00 Sign Off. ri'KShAV, AUGUST 1(1, 1540 7:U0-stuff and Nonsense. 7:15-lll-l.lKlits on Farm and I II Club News, 7:30 News-Review of the Air. 7:40 State and Local News. 7:45 Rhapsody In Wax. 8:00 "Good Morning Neighbors," Neighbors of Woodcraft, MBS. X::in This and Thai In Melody. 8:45-11. H. C. News. MHS. 9:iio Hero's Prank Luther Again, M IIS. 9:15 Man About Town. 9:30 Johnson Family, MHS. !I:4S Kei'P Pit to Music. MILS. 10:00 News, MHS. 10:15 Ms Perkins, Oxydol, MBS, 10:30 Pinto Pete, Copco. iu:t Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. 11:00 Our Friendly Neighbors, Al ka Seltzer, MBS. II : IS-l.ou Hrecsc'H Orchestra, MILS. , 1l:nn Land of Dreams, jhis. 11 :4r Forest Service Program. .12:00 Luncheon Concert. 12:15 Sport News, Dunham Trans. lor ana Powoll Hardware. 12:2r,--Ithyhiii at Knmlmn 12:45 State and Local News. 12:50 News-Review ef the Air. i:uu nenninger's Man on the Street. I : lo Melody Matinee. l::io Ixniis Prlnia'M Orchestra MILS. 1:4.', -Let's Play llrldgo. MILS. S:oo -At Your Command. Plaiulm-I, Organist MHS. 2:4." We, the Women. MILS. .1:110 Pillion Lewis, Jr., MHS 8:15 Joe Venutt's Orchestra, MILS. 3:30 The Quiet Hour. 4:00-Sands of Time. Mils. 1:30 American Family Robinson. 4:4.1- Ciinversiillon Piece. MILS 5:tm-fiem Willliims' Orchestra. MHS. .ri:30 - Shatler Parker. MILS. fi:4ii Tim Hlue llwul,. min KRNR teat Braaimatlm lytswl tlOt Kllaayotac fj:i Raymond (iram Swing, Mnsi''""s across in ihe etdnii ,, -,.4 6: 15 Dinner Dsme'ohn I). Hughes, MHS. (1: 15 - .Melodies Modern, 7:05 News, Calif. Pacific Utilities! i .,in-- 1 ouigni s 1 one. Company. 7:10 News-Review News Flashes. :I5 .MUNIS! AlHOHtrns. : 3o - INCH Jordan. Secret Agent. MHS. S:00 Ijuich and Swing Club MHS. s.-l Treasure Island Tours. MHS 8:45 Twilight Trails, Avalon Cig arettes, MBS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. !l:15 Ha' Pearls Orchestra. MHS. D.-.'lo Fiilion Lewis, Jr.. Mils. 0:40 Sterling Young's Orchestra. MBS. 0;llu Sign off. OUT OUR WAY toWStaM M Mf itTT ENP-- them -rr u1 csSf" rCiW ."T1 WE'LL VELL n.Wlr.; c4 i Seattle Downed Twice by Sactos Los Angeles, Boating Portland In Twin Bill, Displaces Oakland in Second Place. Hy the Associated Press) Che Sscramenln Senalors shat tered the Invlnclbillly myth of the hamplon healtle Klilllici-s yesler- day by downing the Pacific Coast league leaders twice, 5 to 1 and i to 2. for four straight wins and a 4-out-of-7 series. It was pitcher trouble, of all things, that beat the lialnlcis. Gregory itutl Wulker were the vfc- tlniH, the bitter lusting less than one Inning In the second giiinn. In thut first frame all four of the Solon runs rambled in. Schmidt n nd Fieltas were tho winners. Angelenos Move Up. All Ibis was good news In the An-;eiH of los Angeles, who look their mill mill sixth straight vic tories from thn woebegone Porv li.nii iiouvors ft lo 4 'inl 5 to :i. n-id no v must tackle the Scatlle Triln: in the split wee,t (ipeiiing ton. or low. I.oo Angeles landed In hochihI place by a hall-game margin over Ihe Oaklaml Acorns, while Sacra mento moved into a tie for fourth siait by its triumph over the liain iers who sill! lead the league, in cidentally, by Wit games. Two early game Angel assaults gave Ihe 1'orl lunili a their HOlh and 100ih setbacks oi the year. In the fourth Inning of Ihe opener the ciouiers loucneu Jlarrell lor n,.i,. . . . ti, ,,V,, i r . . .V " usks, iaares split. ihe Oaks' week-end lumble from the runner-up position resulted from n spill bill ul San Diego. Tho Padres came from behind In :i llllill session to Kl'lili the, 3 to 2, bill lost the nichlcao. 2 to I. The Padres look the oil.l game oi' the ;;-'es. Wildest Kume of the day, though II signified practically nnlhing to ihe standings, was San Francisco's X lo 3, IS-hlt nightcap virion- over Hollywood. Tho s(,nK ns( tR. opener. 4 to I. Tomorrow San Diego looks for easy pickings off Portland on the Padres lot; Hollywood moves to Oakland. Seal lie to Los Angeles and San Francisco lo Sacramento Cincinnati Drops Two to St. Louis Hv Sill FKHKK (Associate,! Press Sports Writer) Tile Cincinnati (,,rts ost ( , uanies of a double bender vestenlay to Ihe St. Louis Cardinals. 3-1 anil : 4. At the same lime Leo Pinochet look over the llioiiklyn shortstop chores and helped his Dodgers chill Ihe warmed-up Hostou Hees twire 7-2 and 3 1. Ill the opener al SI. Louis. IturUy Walters, as usual, just about pitch ed his arm off, but his mates commit hit Cooper effeetlvelv-. ' I Ins marked the tilth straight linie Hu-ky has gone ihe route and Ihe I lourlli time he lost. In ,(1S(, ,l5 ' Innings he has given up v s runs, hut Ihe lieils I,,.,.. i....'.i,...i ! him up with unly Vesleclav's ulghtcnp. which Inaisled Ihe Cauls Ion. Hi.. ll IMOll Ml" fM. I.OIIIS SilllV,. I .Mill tossed III IISIUll neuf game In ihe rui-tain-raiser at llrook- l.vil. 11 seven-hitter. Ilainllii I,,,, i.. 1"""' '"" l,'lM " ' bwkcr and served 11 l I lie same dish In ihe lllglll-c.ip. l.elty L ill-rv Freu, I, tl... , ,,,..,,, Ki, i i,,,s , si,.,.,, Mh a six bin,.,- ,, ,, 1 ci,,,..,,.,, victory. hi.- 11 ,. Hu, - 11IU the Cubs lied tor iifth place. The Phillies cmnpiriod the NH tional league picture by whlpp,,,. the New York (Hunts twice, (i-3 and Ml. Detroit St till Slipping. Cleveland's American league leaders and the si. Louis lliowus were deadlocked at 2-ull going (m,, the leuth Inulug 01 their lux game when rum vwishrd mil ihe rest of their scheduled double header. However, the Tribe pick ed up a half game on the second place Detroit Tigers, for the Chi cago White Sox scored three times In the ninth inning to knock oil the Hernials, 7-5. Tod Lyons' aging but oftoctlvo arm whipped Detroit lor the third straight time. Tile New York Yankees blew hot and cold, walloping Ihe Athletics 0-1 behind Sundrn's six-hit elbowing in the lienor, then going down 7-3 before Hablch. Karl Johnson. Ihe Huston Keel Sox recent importation of pitch ing hope, stopped the Senators with five hits lor a 4-2 decision. Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pel. 0!) 45 .605 6(i 411 .574 (12 52 ,S4I 58 52 .527 - 57 53 .niN 4!l 61 .431 47 6 .405 43 87 .301 3NAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. I .fill 411 ,33 05 45 .5111 - 05 51 .511) 54 53 .505 51 54 .500 57 57 .500 , 43 fifi .304 37 OS .352 COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. .". 51 ,51 SO 65 .S52 so r.i; .54 73 72 .503 71 73 .503 71 74 .41)0 o 61 SI .411 45 100 .310 Cleveland .. Detroit ... Hostou Chicago New York ... Washington SI. IjOllis .. Philadelphia Cincinnall .. Hronklyn .. .Now York ... SI. Louis ...... Pittsburgh .. Chicago Morton Philadelphia Sea I lie Los Angeles Oakland .. . San Diego .. Sacramento Holiywootl .. Goes to Convention Thomas Parkinson, of Ibis cily. has left lor Spokane. Wash., to attend the Klwauls convention. FLYING HORIZONTAL 1,7 Polar ex plorer of todny. 1 0 Female deer. 1 1 Whirlwind. 1 2 Card game. 13 Astronomer's calendar. 14 Uttered by mouth. ,16 Want. 17 Senior (abbr.) 18 To yield. 19 Husband or wife. 21 Reluctant. 24 Side by side. 28 Becomes dilapidated. Answer to 43 He made an nir flight over the North Pole. 29 C.oodby. 45 Acidity. 48 Caverns. 50 Unit. 5 1 Land rights. 52 Female horse. 30 Mine shaft hut 31 English coin. 34 Automobile. 36 To damage greatly. 37 Shrub yielding 53 To card wool. indigo. 54 To employ. 38 dike 55 Grovels. decorator. 56 His naval title, 40 Effigy. rear . KP.u.snNASALn GALLf- l Tire.!. 21 3 121 125 26 127 ' ' 2j 35 bv 33 Sap" ba Ibi si 1 1 1 M 1 hn 1 1 m Bowling Tourney Plans to be Laid Plans for starting tho official bowling season will bo made at a meeting called for 8:30 p. m. Wed nesday. August 21, ut the nose burg Howling alleys. All officers or the City Howling association and captains and sponsors of teams already organised as well representatives from teams proposed for the coming scison are urged to be present. It is planned to start the season early in September, somewhat earlier than bad been ordinarily contemplated, In order that tho re quired 21 mutches muy bo played prior to the state tournament which also has been advanced In dato. Tho state meet is to lie held at Marshl'leld and It Is expected that the Roseburg association will be well represented. Following the meeting to be held Wednesday night there will he a challenge mutch game to be played between two picked teams. A team captained by Charles Patchett will Include Cecil Hlack. Hill Davis. Paul Lund. Henry Mill er and Patchett. A team cap tained by Deli Day will include Harry Henry, Verdun lloucock, Floyd Haughman, George Burr, Ed Kudlgnn and Day. ON HEALTH COMMITTEE Dr. J. E. Campbell of Roseburg has been named a member on the committee of public health Tor the'jan's promise to attend Lenore's Oregon State Junior Chamber of tea tomorrow aflernoon. Friday. Commerce, it was announced today. Ho hated teas. but. he decided The appointment was mnde by Ed grimly, he would certainly put in Uggcn of Portland, stale president. Return Home Mr. ant Mrs. non Hid AnaoiHon havo left for their liome iu Aberdeen. Wash., follow in t? x ffw iliiVA In this rllv- v.titfiii' the foimer'H" uncle anrl aunt. Mr. and Mr. Hammond I'arslow. on Last Italic street. EXPLORER Previous Puzzle 15 He is a well known 07 speaker (pi.). 20 Malicious burning. 22 Duet. SI 23 To emulate. 25 Uncommon. 26 Intention. 27 Ocean. 32 To lacerate. 33 Assigns. 34 Moving picture. iOTSWtlLi'P VERTICAL 2 Indolent. 3 To arrive. 4 Executioners. 5 Bakes meat. 6 Edict. 7 Blockaded. 8 Long since. 9 Street. 35 Expert war flyer. 37 Nimbla 39 Semi diameters. 41 Elderly matron. 42 Egg-shaped. 44 God oi sky. 46 Pool. 47 Olive shrub, 13 He also led an 49 To observe, expedition in 51 Unit ot the -r-i electrical region. resistance. Chapter JT ' Lenore'e Tea Derek, strode Into the house. shut himself In the library, and rane up Jan's hotel. To all of his Insistent pleading to be put through to her, the clerk reiterated that she bad retired and left word she was not to be disturbed. Derek's soaring spirits glided to earth. He desired, with sudden urgency, to do something grand and glorious and magnificent for her. Dut what? He culled his memory for her wishes and words, could think of no greater service than to once and for all dispose of Rose Cornwall, Rose Benton nov;, and remove by a clever coup he must figure out this duplicate of Lenore who threatened t h e happiness of Lunce and Jan and Norma. Money? Maybe. It wouldn't do to bo bold about it, since she was married, at least for the time being, to Johnny. He thought about Johnny ana Lis ambition to have a band of his own In a swanky night club. Night club. What about the Club Tunis in Manhattan? Harry vvinsiow. its owner was a close tcnualntance of his. He could talk to Harry about it. And not to morrow ; now. I-.ludlng his importunate gucscs he slipped out u rear door to the garage, backed h I a powerful coupe Into the drlvewuy and sped toward tho city. It was only bit after midnight. Things should he in full swing at the club. He frowned, foreseeing dif ficulty, because Johnny was un tried and unknown. He could give him a big build-up. still Barry was a shrewd business man. Money might do the trick. What was the use of money if it couldn't work out a thing like this? And so, at two o'clock in the morning, feeling like a boy scout who could not sleep until ho had done his good deed for the dsy, Derek Knowies bought a half- i Interest In the Club Tunis for s iquito fabulous sum, and dls patched a night letter to one John Hellion at the Santa Monica Surf club requesting that he come as soon as possible to New York, as semble n band and take over the enterlnlnincnt problem ut the Club Tunis. "If I know Rose, and I think I do, she won't be able to resist New York, or being the ever- j loving wife of nn important band leader At one o'clock Ihe following day he telephoned Jan. She had Ihe clerk Informed him cheerily, checked out and left no forward ing address. Witli increasing vexation called Doctor Itiirlinghuin. Doctor Murray, the hospital, several ho tells. but they either could not o would not . admit to having Jan in their mean clutches. He called a Park avonuo florist and ordered an assortment of everything in the shop sent to Ihe hospital where I. ance was, to be held for, and de livered to, Jan Merrlner, wllh his card. Worried, fretting with unoor- talntv lie suddenly remembered an appearance at this particular tea! Goblin Jan, on Friday afternoon, was In a mood. A bad mood: not elfish, but definitely gobllnlsh, - "" reKtlnfi beautifully, his operation over, imrior Aiurruy h opuniiHiir proxiHrNi ifjn iuu u n i u iiiR him in happiness. UcavinK the Knowlcs caHtle after seeing I.enore in Derek's arms, she had Jeen positive that his life was now complete. Nut since Derek's deluge of flowers yesterday and today she was not so positive. Actually, she consid ered, Derek had .een in Lenore's anna, not she In his. if that was any consolation! She had. she Hrtruert with her self as an idea was born, noth ing to lose so far as Derefc was foPcerned. "And I hate her." she thought. 'I think he's very stupid. Maybe if I had him back at Sea Tide I could get some sense into his copper-covered skull, but I haven't got the right kind of fire to Tight New York!" Yet. Derek would surely bo at T-enore's tea for his mother. If she could ro- mind him oi" Sea Tide, of his life there with her, she might still have a chance against Lenore! Derek had once assured her: "f lot lies don't make the woman." Perhaps this was a good time to find out. I.nnore had asked for an entertainer in costume "And that's just what she'll get! I"ni going to gr.mble my world against his and if I lose " At five o'clock, wheu a tnxicab stopped before Lenore's Sutton Place apartment, the worthy driver, who for five years had schooled himself never to be sur prised at anyone of anything, looked definitely astonished as his small fare sallied across the side walk and into lite ornate modern islic lobby. "I." stated Jan lo the. mind uho surveyed her. apparently reluct ant to adimt her. "am the enter- miner. Miss Pace expects me." Mfss Page, however, evinced much more thaw ex-pcctaiioii when, instead of an awod and uncertain girt iu artist's Hinock, she greeted a touslo-head- d, female urchin dressed in bare foot kh minis, bine f nim jraus and loud checked shirt. "Will tho cosmme do?" Jnn In piired innmwently. "These are my wtrking clothes." "ho picturesque." purred e- i nope. "Do come in and meet my guests." Jan shoved small, trembling hands into trouser pockets and swaggered, ever bo little. The long, narrow drawtug room, done in gray and stlvfr. was filled by groups of voinwi hi eilks. laces. tv.-eeds. furs and eelft. A f men ere scattered among them. They all stopped chattering to stare at Lenore's latest arrival, wondering who on earth she could be. Jan felt guilty only the moment she met Derek's mother, a brittle, nervously pretty woman .with dyed red hair, wbose face looked as If all human expres sion had been lifted out of it by plastic surgery, But she, or her name, meant nothing to the Countess' van t, and Lea would have been only annoyed If she were aware that this incredi ble young person in pants pitied her and pitied her son more. Lenore trilled for silence, an nounced Jan as a Clever young artist from Olvera street, Los Angeles, who would sketch a few portraits to amuse them. Jan, Inwardly praying for Derek's arrival, took a few pen cils from the pocket of her Jeans and sat down to the table and pa per Lenore provided. However, as she sketched, her imagination got to operating and ber small, pink tongue, literally and figur atively, lodged against her left cheek, and when Lenore sat for her. the peucil simply refused to behave. The finished sketch resembled "Lenore. but not in the way that young women wished to be re sembled. One of her friends spoke tho consensus of opinion. "Darling!" she tittered. "You look like a Siamese cat!" Gone Lenore grasped Jan's arm firmly and piloted her Into an Ivory and lavender bedroom. She closed the door. "I'll never forgive yon for this abuse of my generosity!" she grated. "I only asked you here because or Ricky! He's absurdly determined to repay you for something or other. Ho feels sorry for you because you're so young and so poor and so ob viously and idiotically in love with him. Or is it his money?" Jan gasped. Never in her life had she so wanted to commit grave bodily harm. Her hand ached to slap that furious, miper clltous look off Lenore's race. "I don't love him!" she snapped, tears of rage fast clos ing her throat. "And I don't need anybody to be sorry for me! Re sides, he's more mine than yours. He's salvage my salvage and I could claim him If I wanted to!" Derek stepped into the room. "Tliev told me I'd find you here. Lcnnie " His mouth dropped open. "Jan, ne etucuiaieii in what she imagined to be horror stricken tone. "Jan. what in heaven's name are you doing in that outfit ?" I "I've been slumming!" she hClshnuleil Lenore ran to Derek. "She's quite mad, Ricky. She says she could claim you ns salvage! She says you belong to her. He scowled . terriiyingly. "Oh, she does, eh? Well. I've a few things to tell her!" He started for .lan, who, -thoroughly frightened hy her own behavior, sprang past him and ran out of the apart ment to the elevator. "Take me down quickly." she ordered the grinning colored op erator. Derek tried to catch her before the door closed, hut could not. He whirled and tore madly down eight flights of steps to the lobby. She was gone. Suddenly he threw back his head and roared with laughter. The clerk and the door man stared at him in trepidation as he went out mumbling: "Sal vage, eh? I'm hers, all right!" Nevertheless, it soon became evident sho had no Intention of claiming him. He could not find her. He took to hanging about the hospital, . hoping for sitht of her. unaware that she saw him and deliberately avoided him, slipping out another entrance, dodging around corners and through corridors when his pur suit grew too hot. lie argued and threatened and stormed at doctors and nurses to no avail. Thev would not permit Lance any visi tors and they would not calch Jan and lock her up for him. And then one day when he in quired if Lance was well enough yet to see him he was told that .Mr. Merrlmer and his sister had returned to the coast. Derek stared blankly nt the head nurse. "It's quite true," the nurse in sisted in the firm, reasonable tone one employs ou children and lu natics. "Doctor Murray wrnt wit them, having finished his work here. Mr. Merriner was unhappy, and eager to return home, so Doc tor had him moved by stretcher. Their train left early this morn ing. I lielteve." (To be continued) .OTI( K IIF .1.K OF I1TV OF M)MAI I. U A1F.K nilMIS, skiomi ;it 1 1 ;s I It K A I ) V I : II 1 I SK M K N T 1 Notice is hereby itriven thai nei,l e bids will be received bv tlw en ih rs lulled He' irder of tbe 'H of Voeeallii. tlremTl. up to and tpcluii itiiie T::tti o'clock P. M. oi; y Die -Mb day of, It'iO. :ind im mediately Oieienf lor .ub See us today for complete Home and Car RADIO SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES RADIO DOCTORS 124 W. Cms St. PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 lltly opened by the Common Coun cil of saiil city, for utl ms'Ju ul i'v. aoe.eo par value of Water Honda, tficund Series, proposed to bo is sued lor thu i-iilai gtmieiit of ti:e water system of ssid city, suid bonus to .issued in doiioniina ttons ut I500.UU each, cacn to be dated July I, 1 tl 10. to hear inter est semi-annually on Janum-v aati July Jsl ut each year at nut to exceed' C per cent per milium, principal and Interest payable at tho office of the Treasurer of the said City of Yuncalla. ul Yuni-allu, Urcgon, uad to mature serially In numerical uruer us lunuws: Prin Nos. 1 : s 4 and 5 6 and 1 and 10 and 1 1 ilalurlty July 1, IBM July 1, liUS July 1, llHli July 1, 1U17 July 1. 1S48 July 1. IS4D July 1, iu;,o cipal . .. r.nil 6110 . . . f"s . .. l.OIMJ . .. 1,1100 . . . !." . .. l.aiui . .. Lieu , .. LiiVU . . . I'.eoo . . . 2,0(10 . .. s.svo , . . 2.SO0 . .. 3,0110 . .. 3,000 . .. 3,000 , . . s.r.oo 12, i:l a ml 11 July 1 16, IS and 17 Juiy 1 -.o,l Ik to 21. both Inclusive July 1, 1U53 22 tu 2.',. both Inclusive July 1, 1 tI4 26 to :HI. both inclusive July 1. 193 31 tu 36, bath inclusive July , 3956 86 to 41, both Inclusive July 1, 1!5? 42 to 47, both Inclusive July 1. 1 OSS 48 tu bulb Inclusive July I, USD tl to 61.1, both Inclusive July 1, 1SC0 The right will tip renewed to re-' doe in any of kuIiI IkhhIh, mi any part, lu the huiii uf $.'.(uU0 or imil UplfM thereof, at any January fh'M Intei'L-Mt-puyiiiK diitu on ur niter Jiinuttry I. I'Jti, ut the pur v.ilutt thureuf and accrued interuxt. from siirpltiH funds available in the alnkliiK' fund provided for tliu pay ment uf said imntiM. Su Id Itondtt will not Pe Hold for lean than pur and accrued iiiirrerft, and nil bidders will be required 14 Htalu the rute uf in tore! ut wttleh Ihey prnpoHe to pureliiiKO Hiid bonds, not exceeding per e.-nt per itnnuni. ICueh bid Rhull bo ur eornpHiiied by u certified eherk oil u bunk doiim buwincHfci iu the Stfilo of oreKon, drawn In fnvor of ilia City of Voneullu, Oregon. fur im( less than two 12',. per eeiit of tti pur value of the bonds hid for. tu be fnrefeited t the city In chmo the BuieoKMf ul hldder shall ft 1 1 to complete his pint hane iu ueeot-d-uiH-e witli the terms of his bid. The Common Coum-il reMervoa the right lo reject any or all hlda. All ohtderfl Khali satisfy them sclveH a it tho legality of mild bonds, for whbh purpose it 1 1 hii nerlpi ut proe.eedinKM of Hie ('Hy of Yoni-ullii in eniuiei-li'iii wild Wild bond hh ue will be furnished by tho Heenrder of he (Hy lo fill prim pertlve boim-fide bidder), uiui ap plication therefor. Th In rt'Hdvcit iHcment published by order of the Common Council uf Ihe City of Voneullu. (Motion, iiuido Autftlfl C, UMt), i eject m k all lor tiler bids. Dated and flint published Ibis 21U day of AiiKitst, II. C. .MiMNrtciN, lloeorder of the Cilv of Yuncalla. OTII H (IK II l: A It I M. OX MC II Kill NCIMMII. IMSTItHT m ih.i-;t Not ley hereby In Kiven. t hat a ttiidKi'l Committee of the Nan-1 1 It; if School iJiHirici of Iiiunriu8 County. State uf OreunM, at a liiei-l n K. o Ha hi Committee held on tin- l.'.th day of Aiitfust, HMD. prepared tin estlmute hi detail of the amount of nnntcy proposed to In- expended be llid Noil-II 1Kb School Illsl I jel for nil purpoMeK diirliiK t;ie fiMal school your bcyinninif .Itine ;.Ot b, II lo, uad eiidiii June oth. 1 1 1, and an estimate In detail of the pcolmble I'fccipts of Ha Id Non lliuh S-hi,o idslriet from nil soiircfs fr the school v.'iir lttHt-tt. Tho lloanl of said N'nn-1 ! iurh S-hool Dlslib-i has fivc-d the luth ilav of September. !i HI, at the 'lour of Hi:0li A. M.. at the Court Hoiiml' Iu ItoHebui'K. I.HiukIiih ( 'ouiily. Oregon, us the lime u ml place til which ald eNtinintes may Ik; diseusved with the Hoard of said Noli-1 IikIi School Di.ttiiei. ul whi h lime and place any and all persons intercut ed wilt be heiiril for or aualusl said tax levy, or niiv purl thereof. Thut sabl estimates Htid attached oriufu al estimate sheets ar- on file in iilt office of ihe County School Super intendent anil a re t lu-n- open to the Inspection of nil persons iu(er is ted therein, and the same mi: hy reference made n piirt hereof. I ITS Cash ou band at hegfn- ninwr of the year for which this budget is inaile, u n n p jn opriated and unexpended $1 1, .':,, fj l.uss outstanding War- runts,:,!i Total anticipated re- CelptS i IJXlMO.VDlTt'RIiS Toll ion TrniiKportiitfon I'osluuc n ml st a tops I'linllnjf utid Adv. .. Audit and Aect Pravel e.viM'iiseH .... i in:,, an 1 IKl U TilMI III! fiiiii.iai Cer(enl and leut , . i-.tuerKeiii'v Tax rebates Interest Total iinticlpiited t:xpen- ditiirs Sfu.tifl.VOO HIOCA I'lTI'I.ATinv Total expenditures $.T.f'iir aO Total ant ieijia ted receipts x.HTii.M Differene (a mount to he raised hv tux on the County Xon-lliifh S-hool Dbtrie I Jl!l.lli:..l!t Mated this day of August, -1. I . lii'Ti;i!. Chairman llrmrd of Kdiirutioti STKU.A giiyi. Clerk liiiard or KiHiculhiit DKIiUN HKMiv. hiiiitoHii Hurl tret Cominltlee , DOKOTIIY II. HONK. ' ( lrk of ittirlKcl Commitle.- iaHY BUY A TitfCA NOW VYHSN THE HVN 1941 HUDSOH is HtM? r)s. 55 ... wiA a big saw llyl. itleo Sym. 8 ph.nie Slyling! FOI ,, fi, ,ini, , Jf; wwpriudcari.awidschoic.elin. f Urwr color com.inoliooi that har. 8 s aisnii. with ulsriar colon ... AT li NO EXTRA COSTI S.. a ,,,, d- 4 prialii . . . e4 th. (. , ,w fcu and 1941 's VDU, v,tK hj I rssnl. Prim Karl cmosf Amtrico's I j rsw.n. Prc-ans..ncm.nt cUli.ari.s S j now bting arrangl. j I set vow NiAmr I I HUDSON DEALER r l r m m