5TK NEWS-REVIEW, RPSEBURS, PKESOR MONDAY, JULY 22, 1940". I Si ism v. J, i Softball League Dates Announced Tlin Hfhc.lulr- of uiinxon In tlift City Son hall Iciikuo for thn balanco or 11)6 Hciison wiih iiiinouncHd In-re loriiiy. Thn Kcli-Mjuln iirnvll8 for elKhl gamoH cwh wnuk hy tlin hIx iMaitiH coinjioNiiiK mo icaKiio, thn TwkmiI ror(fftiiiyji(f,'in of Iihinih hh- wiring good kiuiiph for tmch rontHHt, Joiitfue officr8 bi'llovo, Tlio Ht-hi'il ul fur tlm nMiialiiihti' of sea' mm h hh follows: M.'Hiduy. July 22: Klkn vh. Tlou cock r; Tixnro vb. iMiuhanrs. Tuesday, July 2'i: V'AUh vh. IIuIj'h; OitKland vs. Boil crick h. Thiiiwlay, July 2f: Klks vh. Dun- Jiam'H; HuIi'h vh. lioucockH. Friday, July 20: Hoiic-wlt's vh Imnliam'H; Oakland vs. TVxaro. Monday, July 2!l: Klkfl VH. Toxn co: Hub's vh. Oakland. Tnmulay, July .'to: Toxaro vb IijIi'r ; Oakland vh. KlkH. ' 'Jinirmlny, Aiiff. 1: Tuxnco vb, llouiock'H; Oakland vh. Ounhain'H. Krlilay, Auk. 2: Klkfl vh. Hon (tnck'H; Oakland vh. iMinbatn'H. Mimday, Auk. fi: Toxaco vh. Imiii ham's; Niks vh. MuIi'h. Tuomlay, Auk. C: KlkH vh. Dun hum's; Oakland vb. Hoiirorlt's. ThurHday, Aug. K: IIuIj'h vh. Ilou Cock'B; Oakland vh, Tuxarf). Friday, Auk. 0: Uoucock'H vh. rjuuham'H; IIuIj'h vh. Oakland. Monday, Auk. 12: KlkH vh. Toxa co; Dunham's vh. Hub's. Tuesday, Auk. Hi: Tfxaro vh. Uoucock'H; Oakland vh. KlkH. Tliuimlay, Auk. lsi: Hub'fl vs. Toxaco; Oakland vb. Imiilium'ft. Friday. Auk. 10: KlkH vh. Hon oork'H; Tt'xac.i vh. Dunhatn'M. Monday, Auk. 1!t: KlkH vh. Hub's; Oakland vb. IJoiicoi-k'H. TuoHday, Auk. 20: KlkH vn. Dun Jiam'H; Ilula vh. Uoucock'H. ThurHday, Aug. 22: Hub'fl vh. Texaco. . Fi Kay. Auk. 23 to Friday Au. 3U: Open dalHH. Mrs. Alvin M. Martin of Umpqua Passes Away Tlnlva Tlnnlln Mtirlln, 27, wife of Alvfn M. .Mm lilt of Unnifjua, dhd Hunday mnrnliiK al Morcy huHpltnl In Ko.n'Imi'K. rullowliiK a Bliort. III- IH'HH. Kbo was born Don. IS. 111 2, at I'owfTH, or!Kon. HurvlvlriK uro her hiifdmml; lour children, Donna, Marvel, liaibiua nnd Alvin, Jr.; hi-r fuirentii, Mr. and Mrs. ThountH ('. Uuckle, Look luKKhiHH, and the followltiK brolhi-i-H and hIhIith: IOv. T. Charles Huc ltli, Kdwln It. Itucklo. nod Ivan O. Uncklp, Moscow, Idaho; Sni'iicnr Itticklp, St. llcb'iiH: (ii'iirrn M"ck!o. Fouler, Ore.; Harvey and SONGWRITER HORIZONTAL 1,9 Man who ) wrote the song, "The Rosary." 14 Dry. 15 Sheafs. EH. MOiTiTiL IE 17 Minute object. 0510605, la r inaie. 19 Cloud. 20 Frozen water, 21 To nullify. 22 Circular ornament. 25 Spar. 27 Afternoon meal. Answer to Prevloui Puzzle iron 3 ViiOiTiTiL JP DDHAOGAiLI I pi im 52 Odor. 56 Before. 3D Paid publicity. 57 Liver 31 Thicket or bushes. 35 Coffee pot. 3G One who dallies. 37 Beam. 38 Morindin dye. 39 Oleoresin. 40 Ham. 42 Failings in duly. 47 Classes. 51 Gun. secretion. 53 Chamber of law. Fif) Spiiupfrt (il He was rhleflv 7 Rebel. n of songs. 62 He studied music in , VERTICAL 1 Babylonian deity. talent for music. 23 Sportsman. 24 He was a ' native of . 25 Mother. 28 To muddle. 28 Age. 20 Some. 32 Measure of length. 33 To expire, 34 Ruby. 38 Form of "be." 41 Glass marble. 2 Elm. 43 MTOy 3Asafc,ida. v 4 Norse 45 Gait, mythology. 46 Membranous 5 Ulna. bags. 6 Mooley apple. 48 Close. 49 Hence. 8 Three. 50 To harvest. 10 To eject. 53 Eggs of fishes. 11 Iniquity. 54 Plural 12 Passage. pronoun. 13 Compass point 55 Mister (abbr.) (abbv.). 67 Before Christ 1C Undermines. (abbr.). 21 He had n 60 Musical note. Swimming Chute, Surf Claim 2 Oregon Lives POnTI.ANIi, July 22. (API A plniiK down a clinie ttt a Tuala tin river KWlmmlnK resort ended In thn death of Robert llerxert, 2:', ai.d the narrow escape of liiK com li:inlon, lien Miller, 21, early to day. Neither knew how lo swim. Cilenn MiKlvaln. 17, Portland, IMMed Miller nut. of Ihe river art er he had been in rive or hIx min utes. An hour or arltllelal respira tion wax required to re.sloro him to ronncloiiHtieHH. Tiie youths, both of Portland, slid iloun the elinte after tiie re-.-.oil's closing hour. is 35 37 42 2? :57 13 IS 44 45 25 30 38 lb 40 SI0 II 12 13 17 13 24 31 32 35 J4 39 36 np7 m 52 58 5J 51 55 (a Ai 56 59 50 Sutherlin srTHKItl JN, July 22. Mr. nnd Mir. Mark Jordan and dnuKtiler, fatty and Mr. and Mih. John t'ook I'l'iunifd to llo'lr huint'H W'cdiM'H- Nelson ''"v PvcninK from a v'H(h trip to ( Jdlioruiu wmrif inry ifliicu n- Iliiflf li 1 mill i it y t'ln M rn i.Oiilia AHhford, Swi'i't tl-iinc, Or.( and 11 y'" - , . U-Mty Alu-Itucklo, l-oidiiuKKlaHH. I I,HB ,.KS'hry" "f I ho Church of (lod. .' .,u I''mi"rnl snrvlcnH will bo bcbl at (l a. in. 'i'uendny al. lint Itimdmri? TnrlMit.iltmK coinimny clian'l, l(cv .1. I). KtM-nutt official hm. Inter incut will follow in tin? Juiich renin ti-ry. tlnio, Ir nnjoylnp n nioiilh's trip to Milwaukee, W'Ih., by way of I ho fair at San Francisco. I'liie llioihcrH of Uo.si'hui-f; woro In tnwn Krlday on InisincsK. ARSONISTS TAKEN TO PEN. KKASIDK. July 22. (AP) Paul Mclford. Portland, wan swept to flea Sunday afler bo Htepped inio a crabhole on tho beach near bore. Ills body wns not recovered. Hull Offers Plan for Pan-American Safety (Continued from paRo 1) bo restored to Hh original Hover oIkii or bo declared tndnpondent when able to OHtabllKb nnd niaiu tain Htable Holf-Kovitrnnn'fiit." His ondorHornent of a propoHal originally made by Cuba constitut ed n further warning lo (iermany and Italy ut ready mado in n for mal note that any atlempt to ac juire French, Dutch or Mrltifih col onies In this liemlspbnro would be resisted flrt by tho United Stales ami, if supported by tlm other nations, would lead Immediately to the establishment of a collective trusteeship over threatened territory. Honing today as uuthorltloH lnvcB tlgated what they described uh a Japanese narcotics a in u g K ling ring, which was uncovered by uu American woman. Federal offi cial confiscated a largo quantity of narcotics found Reunited aboard the ship. Paul K. Madden, chief of the California narcotics enforcement division, snld the seizure was tho fourth made- since last March, when tho woman Informant, whoso identity he shielded "lor obvious reasons," gave his orflco Informa tion about Ihe smugglers. Other consignments of Illicit narcotics were found, Madden said, in New York, .Seattle and Ta-coma. Germany Loses 30 Planes In New Raids on Britain (Continued from page 1) IK.OoO feet to tackle tho high-flying Hornier off the southeast coast. The big bomber rpilckly shot Into a three nnd oue-half milo dlvo to sea level, tho ahackers pouring buIletH Into Its tail. Tho flanie-enveloped fJerman ship splashed to the water's sur face. One of tho Gorman crew es caped. Six Planes Rout Eighty. Proudest. Uritish announcement dealt with the asserted rout of Ml (lermnn planes 40 bombers and 40 fighters by six Ilrilisb hurricane planes in an hour-nnd-lii-minute batllo over tho Knglish channel Sunday qfiornnon. The Mritlsh said Death Rides on Heat Wave in Many States (Continued from pngo 1) stales today. Forestry officials reported "sen- sntional progress" by between 4.000 nnd fi.uno trained workers disposed hv automobile and truck alotiK a Uno-mile lire front ex tending from eastern Washington through parts t( Idaho ami Into western Montana. Eugene Man Dies When Automobile Overturns Jack Kidder Assigned to - Company at West Point and Sally Lite of San Olego, CaHf., lett ror Ihe south I uesuay alter visit but -over the week-end with , Mr. anil Mrs. (i. W. M Hum. They are relatives of Mrs. Milam. , Mr., and . Mrs, Claude Selllck. Miss Irene Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Heecrofl ami chil dren. Gloria. Norma and l.yle, en Joyed n wletier roast in the park , ill the Heecrofl home Tuesday eve- 1 1111111. According In word received here; a clinic for preschool av chil ' today from West Polnl military dren will be given at the school lien demy. James I). l.lactO Kidder, house August 2. The clinic is j lot (tier resident nf Hoseburg, has ri (e to all children. Shots will also i been assigned lo First company, of be utvcu for a small charge. I the cadet class of lilt:!, Me was onej Mi-, and Mrs. Harold Fra.ier j of a group of r.i!2 cadets enrolled iim . Charles, ami l. Canliebl : Jn the clasp formed July 1. ,.t Friday nioriilnn fur ilri-mer- For the nexl four weeks, Kidder ton. Wash., where Ihe men ate to find his classmates will receive an H, employed. IntensUo course of Instruction In, Mrs. Jack Culver ami sons, Jack military subjects designed to fit and tiene, nro spending n week them for formal entrance Into Ihe vv it ti Mrs. Culver's parents, Mr. Corps or Cadets. On July Hit Ihe ,j clarence Thompson, at clasH wilt be absorbed into the Cinpcpia. corps and will participate wllh thnl vern lhdKate, Frank Holgalo uplier classes In routine, activities, ,ni, jm Musgrnvo lefl Thursday Including Ihe Imiu'essivn parados tnr i1Uuond lake on a fishing for which the academy is famous, trip. They will return Sunday. Kidder Is it sou of Mr. ami Mrs. Word has been received here of Stanley I,. Kidder, rormer residents Ul Wrddlng of M i hh Anils Gor of llnsehurg. now locnled In Ma- ,.) Il( poHbuul, June 1!K She is a mm. P. I., and Is a nephew ol .Mrs. i .inn.-hi,..- of Mrs. Lulu tiorrel. Hewey Kenneth liood ami Airs, l.averne or Ml. Vernon. Wash were In Sutherlin Thursday at tendinc to business connected Wlth the C. F. Rood propiuty on I Calanoola si reel. M r. Hood ami M F.DFOltD, Julv 22.-(API l-verne are children of . Crescent tMly defeated the Metlford , li"l- . , , . Itogues. 9 to I. here Sunday in u Mrs. Kenneth laley nnd Ml. Southern OreKon league game. The and Mrs. S. A. Schleman were Ungues led until the ninth, wl a business visitors In Koseburg on rally put over six runs for the Thursday. .... vtHlliim The silver lea given by the 1a- S,.,ue: U II K llon of the Sutherlin Community Crescent City !t H 4 grange at the Methodist church Mi.thm-.i lini-m.H i 1 narUtrs Wednesday afternoon for the iienein oi ine iteu i miw fairly well attended and the pro gram and refreshmenls were much enfoyed bv all those present. Claire Whclelietl leH the first of (lie week for California where the will loin his wile who has ibeen vacalloiilng I here. Mr. and Mrs. Itctd C. nchran. i(.(iiinr. Paige h vUiting rela Modesto, Calif., are lo appear at ,v,ll( n,i tittemlinu: to business the Flint Presbyterian church injon ,t Ct)Ils, ,!,( VV(M.k. JlnsebuiK at S p. m. Tuesday, in n A y slack returned to bis niucerl ()f sacred music, il whs an mm here Wedneidav from vis mmnced today by Pastor Mori Is II. lr (n Sn prnm.sro with his son, Itoueh. The roncett will patllcu- ... ,.. Mrs. Martaiet Campbell is visit- John Itoot. seiilenced to two years In (ho state penitentiary, and Ills housekeeper. Hose Octillion, sentenced to a term of IN months, were taken to Sab in today by Sher iff Percy Webb to be delivered to penitentiary authorities. Tho two pleaded guilty to charges ol burn ing n dwelling for the purpose of cnllcdiim Insurance. Visits In Olalia Mrs. 1 Mil h Gil uioiir. of this city, spent Ihe week end at Olalla visithm al tho home of her brother, W. II. Northcraft, and family. Stock and Bond Averages KUC.FN'F, Ore.. July 22. (AP) I An automobile overturned in soft ' gravel north of here Saturday . nlL'bt. killing Its driver. Charles K. 1 Kimball, 2'., Kugene. : MKOFHIIH. July 22. (AIM i Giorge K. Ctdbeib, It 5. was fatally j injured yesierday in the plunge of a borrowed automobile from the I M dl'ord-JardiHonvlll.' hiehway. Brother Kills Brother in V i ' Target Pistol Accident, M'FSTON. Ore., July ( API I Knymond Vandorpool, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs Matthew Vanderpnol, ' was fatally Injured Saturday when' he was accidentally sho wit h ;i ri'volver by his brother, Zane. a Ihe boys were target shouting in :i canyon near their Weston inouu ilaiu home. Jiiuies F. Sawyers 'if thin city. Crescents Beat Medford In Ninth Inning Rally BONDS Compiled by The Assoclaled Press. July ;'2: '20 10 lo lo Kit's Ind'ls PCs Fsn. Monday r.C.S Iu2.7 !Mi t IlX. I Prev. ilav .f7.0 lULVS UI.t IIS.-I Month ari .. .iin.4 lni.i; hi. a IIT.fl Year OL-o fiS.7 inn. 4 07.1 (11.2 pun iiiuii r.'i o ion.fi 7, 5 r:i.r, 1!M0 low ts,:t HS.9 ItO.II It(i.l STOCKS :tu ir, in no IihI'Is lilt's Hl'R S!'?' Monday r7.li 1R.3 :tr.r H. 1 Prev. dcy 57. 1 ir.4 3S.ll 41.11 Mouth aco ... fis.r ir..i ti t; Year aim 71.2 10. S HO. 2 IiO.2 1!M0 high 74.2 20 5 4O0 f.2.2 piloifMv r.2 :t pt o :m o 47,0 On Camping Trip K. II. I.oui:h of Poriland. accompanieil by bis daughters, Kdna Umgh (f Seattle and Nova Hales of Salem, and by Lee Wilson or Seattle, arrived here Sunday nnd left today for Itradley flats lo enjoy a week of camping on (he North Cm pa mi river. Mr. Lough and his family resided In Itoschurg for many vears. Mrs. Mates now Is em ployed In the motor vehicle de part iiient lit the office of the sec retary of state. Koll and Johnson; Tungate, Ko ran ami (i. (iiie Sacred Music Concert Set At Presbyterian Church larlv feature a number of the fa vorite old hymns and the stories of I heir composition. Tin pi oyt uni. it Is staled. Is open to the public free of charpe. VITAL STATISTICS lng i brother In Idaho tor sev eral "ks. Miss Junnlta Allen made a pleasure trip to Portland last Sun da v. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morrow or Alberta. Canada, arrived here UYdneidity evening for a visit with Mr. ami Mrs. 1.. I. Kobert son. Mrs. Morrow Is the mother of Mr. Itohertson and she and Mr. Morrow have been unending the New York world's fair, The latter left Friday for home via Vancouv er nnd Victoria, U. C while Mrs. Morrow will continue here for a stav of three or four weeks. , Mrs. Doris Mallev and three BORN VVINMFOltD .'o Mr. and Mrs. Cail W-'iuilotd. nt Wilbur. ,t Mercy 1'ot-pltal, Sundny. July 21. a son Kobert (lull; weight eight J'Ultlol.S. OWKV-To Mr. and Mih. Dale Owen. MHO S. Mill street, HosolnirK. lit Mercy hospital tobi v, Julv 22. n daughter. Nancy Dale; welKbl chU.hen left for her homo In six pounds, eight nnd one-fourth Walla Walla, Wash., Friday after ounces. U month's visit hern at the Ho bert Hratton home. Mls Nora Leave For Home Mr. nnd Mr. I Hratton accompanied her stsler to Clenn lindabnui'h teft today lor, Wa-dtinctnn for n visit, their home at Vlsnlla. Cnllf., fob Jim Holland of Yoncnlla was a lowing a vacation In Oregon and visitor In Sutherlin Thursday. Mr. visiting In this city with the for- Hellnnd b tales his wife, the for mer's brother. Doihi Itadabnugh. jmer Mae Palmershelm. who was Ii ml family in Laurolwood. 'a beauty operator here at one Large Narcotics Haul Jails Japanese Seaman SAN FliANCISCO. July 22 (AP)' A Japanese seaman, arrest ed Saturday aboard the freighter Manman Varu. was held toy pues- Don't Waste A Summer WAITING FOR OK'STN You can get money for home building or buying qukkly ... by dealing with this specialized local thrift and home-financing institution! Without wait ing for out-of-town OK's or bothering with "red tape procedure, your loan application is promptly consid ered. X.oca men and money uru ready to serve your needsl See us now for a "Quick Action Home Loan." UMPmiA Savings and Loan Association 147 N. Jackson St. one German plane was shot down and the others raced for home, their attack on a merchant shipping convoy thwarted. , Gorman bombers .killed at least 1 fj persons In widely scattered dis tricts of lirllain Sunday, howover. The, British acknowledged loss of 11 planes lo raids Saturday night on the German naval base at WHhelmshuven 11ml other objec tives. The Germans admitted loss of five p)am Saturday but said the British lost 22. Noted Submarine Lost. Also on the debit side, Hrltnln reported tho submarine Salmon was long overdue nnd given up for lost and that tho inlnrvreeping trawler Crestf lower was sunk by enemy aircraft. The Salmon Inst December 12 re ported destruction of a German submarine, damaging of tho Ger man cruisers liluchcr and Leipzig nnd letting tho German liner lire men pass because she was too dis tant for adequate warning. Britain Spurns Hitler Proposal for Peace (Continued from page 1) nations which view his works with growing .detestation, "The people of tho United States did not. build their new home In order to surrender It to this fanatic ... wo take heart from the certain knowledge that that great people prays for our victory." Hitler himself has said that If the Mritlsh reject a nazl-prescrlb-ed peace, "my answer will be tor-1 rible for millions." The German high command re ported that waves of iiazl bomb ers sot big fires at airdromes, ports, factories and oil tanks In the Island kingdom. Dive-bombing planes assaulted a convoy In the Knglish channel, the high command said, and sank a tanker and four merchant ships totalling 40,000 tons. The high command acknowledg ed that llrltlsh royal air force planes, raiding In tho darkness over northern and western Ger many, caused "some damage." It two destroyers worn damaged In two destroyors were damage in air raids Saturday and the import ant port of Newcastle and south central Knglish Industrial centers were heavily bombed. Rumania GetB Soviet Hint Human ia was reported to have received a Russian "suggestion" that she form n "popular front" government such as thoso estab lished in the Italtfc countries after the red army moved In. Ru mania's King Carol, who al ready has yielded to Russia the great area of Hessarabia and northern Ilucovlna to uvoid a fight, was reported to have ask ed Germany and Italy desperately to advise him In this latest dil emma. . Italy Reports Raids Italy reported week-end -raids on Malta, Kenya colony, Uritish Somuliland and the Anglo-Kgyp-tian Sudan. The Italian - high command, harking back once morp to the Italian-British naval battles In the Mediterranean, July ft-13, In. sisted it now has "positive Infor nuiiinn" thM three Ib-ftlsh war ships In addition to tho 42.100- I011 battle cruiser Hood anu tiie aircraft carrier Ark Hoyal wero 'damaged severely ami suncreu 'heavy crew losses." nha 111-It I ah iiflmlrtillv hnu nfli. dally denied any such casualties, either to ships or met). As a token of "axis friendship," Hitler presented Premier Musso lini an armored train to protect him from air attuckH In his trav- , els. HOP PICKERS ATTENTION Registration Books Are Now Open Big Stason In Prospect Extra Fin Hops Good Accommodations Season Will Probably Starr Between Aug. 8 and 14 ThoM who register now will be notified when to report and will bo given preference in employ ment. Address: Hilton Hop Yards ' Rt. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. Crepe Silk Hosiery liUlJy ' ai:t -.:.?l.U0 Fine Guago Sheer 3-Thread Genuine Crepe Twist Reinforced for Wear You'll know when you see these lovely hose that they usually sc for much more. All-silk from top to toe, clear and ringlcss. Brightly Colored Indian Blankets Large S inside While th iie for ' $ . or outing. v,. ey lasr : , lath Mat Sets 77c This Is a can't last value. 24 of these beautiful sets that look twice their price. Don't wait , REDUCED WOMEN'S COATS Prices slashed to clear. Our loss your gain. Your choice 6.60 Bargain Washed and Hemmed FLOUR SACKS All new materials. You'll find doiens of Sc LADIES SUITS REPRICED Tailored and Dressmaker styles 6.00 Extra Sixe! Marquisette Priscillas Imagine! 7" ruffles billow gracefully on these breezy dotted marquisette curtains. 98"x2'j yd. to MQ pair. Three styles trr 25 WOOL BLANKETS Deep nap single blankets reduced to clear. 66x80 98c CV 100 GOOSE DOWN PILLOWS Penaseptic sanitized $ Prevo moth-proofed, -F germ repellant Jmfm GIRLS' DRESSES 25C 49C 980 Exceptional values for back to school wear. Bright, popular prints. Reduced to clear. Sizes 3 to 15. Bai j$.l&f :f 1 Of TOPI i CYNTHIA. y MEN S y z CMPC SPORT A : S JLirj J : OXFORD' Repriced for 5 ' Odd lots and sixes. !j this event. M Q reduced to clear m 9 69c I 1 $2.00 I Fluff SANITARY NAPKINS 1UC Women's RAYON 4 mA PANTIES X V Boy's RAYON POLO mm SHIRTS 49 Ladies' SUMMER JA, HATS 49C 50" MEXICAN Ha CRASH Ladies' SHEER 4 it DRESSES 9XtDD RAYON ha CREPE 37 CRASH TOWELING, 5 yards JJC $2.00 25C 25C 15C 43c 37C 98C 43C 79C Men's WHITE CAPS Men's Leather Faced WORK - GLOVES Canvas WORK GLOVES, 2 pair COTTAGE c SETS JJ and Women's RAYON , SLIPS Men's Repriced STRAW HATS .. RAYON CREPE Printed LUNCH CLOTHS BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS :. . 77c LADIES' SUMMER SHOES Repriced to clear SleSO LADIES' ; ! . SHOES Repriced to clear i 8200 SHOES Repriced to clear v $250 GIRLS' ', ' T SCHOOL MIDDIES 2SC REMNANTS REDUCED TO CLEAR y. C. PENNEY CO. ROSEBURG mm PHONE 804-J